1 // Copyright 2008 Christophe Henry
2 // henry UNDERSCORE christophe AT hotmail DOT com
3 // This is an extended version of the state machine available in the boost::mpl library
4 // Distributed under the same license as the original.
5 // Copyright for the original version:
6 // Copyright 2005 David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy. Distributed
7 // under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
8 // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
9 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
14 #include <utility>
16 #include <boost/mpl/reverse_fold.hpp>
17 #include <boost/mpl/greater.hpp>
18 #include <boost/mpl/filter_view.hpp>
19 #include <boost/mpl/pop_front.hpp>
20 #include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
21 #include <boost/mpl/advance.hpp>
23 #include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
24 #include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
26 #include <boost/msm/event_traits.hpp>
27 #include <boost/msm/back/metafunctions.hpp>
28 #include <boost/msm/back/common_types.hpp>
32 namespace boost { namespace msm { namespace back
33 {
35 // Generates a singleton runtime lookup table that maps current state
36 // to a function that makes the SM take its transition on the given
37 // Event type.
38 template <class Fsm,class Stt, class Event,class CompilePolicy>
39 struct dispatch_table
40 {
41  private:
42     // This is a table of these function pointers.
43     typedef HandledEnum (*cell)(Fsm&, int,int,Event const&);
44     typedef bool (*guard)(Fsm&, Event const&);
46     // class used to build a chain (or sequence) of transitions for a given event and start state
47     // (like an UML diamond). Allows transition conflicts.
48     template< typename Seq,typename AnEvent,typename State >
49     struct chain_row
50     {
51         typedef State   current_state_type;
52         typedef AnEvent transition_event;
54         // helper for building a disable/enable_if-controlled execute function
55         struct execute_helper
56         {
57             template <class Sequence>
58             static
59             HandledEnum
executeboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::chain_row::execute_helper60             execute(Fsm& , int, int, Event const& , ::boost::mpl::true_ const & )
61             {
62                 // if at least one guard rejected, this will be ignored, otherwise will generate an error
63                 return HANDLED_FALSE;
64             }
66             template <class Sequence>
67             static
68             HandledEnum
executeboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::chain_row::execute_helper69             execute(Fsm& fsm, int region_index , int state, Event const& evt,
70                     ::boost::mpl::false_ const & )
71             {
72                  // try the first guard
73                  typedef typename ::boost::mpl::front<Sequence>::type first_row;
74                  HandledEnum res = first_row::execute(fsm,region_index,state,evt);
75                  if (HANDLED_TRUE!=res && HANDLED_DEFERRED!=res)
76                  {
77                     // if the first rejected, move on to the next one
78                     HandledEnum sub_res =
79                          execute<typename ::boost::mpl::pop_front<Sequence>::type>(fsm,region_index,state,evt,
80                             ::boost::mpl::bool_<
81                                 ::boost::mpl::empty<typename ::boost::mpl::pop_front<Sequence>::type>::type::value>());
82                     // if at least one guards rejects, the event will not generate a call to no_transition
83                     if ((HANDLED_FALSE==sub_res) && (HANDLED_GUARD_REJECT==res) )
84                         return HANDLED_GUARD_REJECT;
85                     else
86                         return sub_res;
87                  }
88                  return res;
89             }
90         };
91         // Take the transition action and return the next state.
executeboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::chain_row92         static HandledEnum execute(Fsm& fsm, int region_index, int state, Event const& evt)
93         {
94             // forward to helper
95             return execute_helper::template execute<Seq>(fsm,region_index,state,evt,
96                 ::boost::mpl::bool_< ::boost::mpl::empty<Seq>::type::value>());
97         }
98     };
99     // nullary metafunction whose only job is to prevent early evaluation of _1
100     template< typename Entry >
101     struct make_chain_row_from_map_entry
102     {
103         // if we have more than one frow with the same state as source, remove the ones extra
104         // note: we know the frow's are located at the beginning so we remove at the beginning (number of frows - 1) elements
105         enum {number_frows = ::boost::mpl::count_if< typename Entry::second,has_is_frow< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1> >::value};
107         //erases the first NumberToDelete rows
108         template<class Sequence, int NumberToDelete>
109         struct erase_first_rows
110         {
111             typedef typename ::boost::mpl::erase<
112                 typename Entry::second,
113                 typename ::boost::mpl::begin<Sequence>::type,
114                 typename ::boost::mpl::advance<
115                         typename ::boost::mpl::begin<Sequence>::type,
116                         ::boost::mpl::int_<NumberToDelete> >::type
117             >::type type;
118         };
119         // if we have more than 1 frow with this event (not allowed), delete the spare
120         typedef typename ::boost::mpl::eval_if<
121             typename ::boost::mpl::bool_< number_frows >= 2 >::type,
122             erase_first_rows<typename Entry::second,number_frows-1>,
123             ::boost::mpl::identity<typename Entry::second>
124         >::type filtered_stt;
126         typedef chain_row<filtered_stt,Event,
127             typename Entry::first > type;
128     };
129     // helper for lazy evaluation in eval_if of change_frow_event
130     template <class Transition,class NewEvent>
131     struct replace_event
132     {
133         typedef typename Transition::template replace_event<NewEvent>::type type;
134     };
135     // changes the event type for a frow to the event we are dispatching
136     // this helps ensure that an event does not get processed more than once because of frows and base events.
137     template <class FrowTransition>
138     struct change_frow_event
139     {
140         typedef typename ::boost::mpl::eval_if<
141             typename has_is_frow<FrowTransition>::type,
142             replace_event<FrowTransition,Event>,
143             boost::mpl::identity<FrowTransition>
144         >::type type;
145     };
146     // Compute the maximum state value in the sm so we know how big
147     // to make the table
148     typedef typename generate_state_set<Stt>::type state_list;
149     BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, max_state = ( ::boost::mpl::size<state_list>::value));
151     template <class Transition>
152     struct convert_event_and_forward
153     {
executeboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::convert_event_and_forward154         static HandledEnum execute(Fsm& fsm, int region_index, int state, Event const& evt)
155         {
156             typename Transition::transition_event forwarded(evt);
157             return Transition::execute(fsm,region_index,state,forwarded);
158         }
159     };
161     // A function object for use with mpl::for_each that stuffs
162     // transitions into cells.
163     struct init_cell
164     {
init_cellboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell165         init_cell(dispatch_table* self_)
166           : self(self_)
167         {}
168         // version for transition event not base of our event
169         // first for all transitions, then for internal ones of a fsm
170         template <class Transition>
171         typename ::boost::disable_if<
172             typename ::boost::is_same<typename Transition::current_state_type,Fsm>::type
173         ,void>::type
init_event_base_caseboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell174         init_event_base_case(Transition const&, ::boost::mpl::true_ const &, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &) const
175         {
176             typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
177             BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id =
178                 (get_state_id<stt,typename Transition::current_state_type>::value));
179             self->entries[state_id+1] = reinterpret_cast<cell>(&Transition::execute);
180         }
181         template <class Transition>
182         typename ::boost::enable_if<
183             typename ::boost::is_same<typename Transition::current_state_type,Fsm>::type
184         ,void>::type
init_event_base_caseboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell185         init_event_base_case(Transition const&, ::boost::mpl::true_ const &, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &) const
186         {
187             self->entries[0] = reinterpret_cast<cell>(&Transition::execute);
188         }
190         // version for transition event is boost::any
191         // first for all transitions, then for internal ones of a fsm
192         template <class Transition>
193         typename ::boost::disable_if<
194             typename ::boost::is_same<typename Transition::current_state_type,Fsm>::type
195         ,void>::type
init_event_base_caseboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell196         init_event_base_case(Transition const&, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &, ::boost::mpl::true_ const &) const
197         {
198             typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
199             BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id =
200                 (get_state_id<stt,typename Transition::current_state_type>::value));
201             self->entries[state_id+1] = &convert_event_and_forward<Transition>::execute;
202         }
203         template <class Transition>
204         typename ::boost::enable_if<
205             typename ::boost::is_same<typename Transition::current_state_type,Fsm>::type
206         ,void>::type
init_event_base_caseboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell207         init_event_base_case(Transition const&, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &, ::boost::mpl::true_ const &) const
208         {
209             self->entries[0] = &convert_event_and_forward<Transition>::execute;
210         }
212         // version for transition event base of our event
213         // first for all transitions, then for internal ones of a fsm
214         template <class Transition>
215         typename ::boost::disable_if<
216             typename ::boost::is_same<typename Transition::current_state_type,Fsm>::type
217         ,void>::type
init_event_base_caseboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell218         init_event_base_case(Transition const&, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &) const
219         {
220             typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
221             BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id =
222                 (get_state_id<stt,typename Transition::current_state_type>::value));
223             self->entries[state_id+1] = &Transition::execute;
224         }
225         template <class Transition>
226         typename ::boost::enable_if<
227             typename ::boost::is_same<typename Transition::current_state_type,Fsm>::type
228         ,void>::type
init_event_base_caseboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell229         init_event_base_case(Transition const&, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &, ::boost::mpl::false_ const &) const
230         {
231             self->entries[0] = &Transition::execute;
232         }
233         // Cell initializer function object, used with mpl::for_each
234         template <class Transition>
235         typename ::boost::enable_if<typename has_not_real_row_tag<Transition>::type,void >::type
operator ()boost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell236             operator()(Transition const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<0> = 0) const
237         {
238             // version for not real rows. No problem because irrelevant for process_event
239         }
240         template <class Transition>
241         typename ::boost::disable_if<typename has_not_real_row_tag<Transition>::type,void >::type
operator ()boost::msm::back::dispatch_table::init_cell242         operator()(Transition const& tr,boost::msm::back::dummy<1> = 0) const
243         {
244             //only if the transition event is a base of our event is the reinterpret_case safe
245             init_event_base_case(tr,
246                 ::boost::mpl::bool_<
247                     ::boost::is_base_of<typename Transition::transition_event,Event>::type::value>(),
248                 ::boost::mpl::bool_<
249                     ::boost::msm::is_kleene_event<typename Transition::transition_event>::type::value>());
250         }
252         dispatch_table* self;
253     };
255     // Cell default-initializer function object, used with mpl::for_each
256     // initializes with call_no_transition, defer_transition or default_eventless_transition
257     // variant for non-anonymous transitions
258     template <class EventType,class Enable=void>
259     struct default_init_cell
260     {
default_init_cellboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::default_init_cell261         default_init_cell(dispatch_table* self_,cell* tofill_entries_)
262             : self(self_),tofill_entries(tofill_entries_)
263         {}
264         template <class State>
265         typename ::boost::enable_if<typename has_state_delayed_event<State,Event>::type,void>::type
operator ()boost::msm::back::dispatch_table::default_init_cell266         operator()(boost::msm::wrap<State> const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<0> = 0)
267         {
268             typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
269             BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id = (get_state_id<stt,State>::value));
270             cell call_no_transition = &Fsm::defer_transition;
271             tofill_entries[state_id+1] = call_no_transition;
272         }
273         template <class State>
274         typename ::boost::disable_if<
275             typename ::boost::mpl::or_<
276                 typename has_state_delayed_event<State,Event>::type,
277                 typename ::boost::is_same<State,Fsm>::type
278             >::type
279         ,void >::type
operator ()boost::msm::back::dispatch_table::default_init_cell280         operator()(boost::msm::wrap<State> const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<1> = 0)
281         {
282             typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
283             BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id = (get_state_id<stt,State>::value));
284             cell call_no_transition = &Fsm::call_no_transition;
285             tofill_entries[state_id+1] = call_no_transition;
286         }
287         // case for internal transitions of this fsm
288         template <class State>
289         typename ::boost::enable_if<
290             typename ::boost::mpl::and_<
291                 typename ::boost::mpl::not_<typename has_state_delayed_event<State,Event>::type>::type,
292                 typename ::boost::is_same<State,Fsm>::type
293             >::type
294         ,void>::type
operator ()boost::msm::back::dispatch_table::default_init_cell295         operator()(boost::msm::wrap<State> const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<2> = 0)
296         {
297             cell call_no_transition = &Fsm::call_no_transition_internal;
298             tofill_entries[0] = call_no_transition;
299         }
300         dispatch_table* self;
301         cell* tofill_entries;
302     };
304     // variant for anonymous transitions
305     template <class EventType>
306     struct default_init_cell<EventType,
307                              typename ::boost::enable_if<
308                                 typename is_completion_event<EventType>::type>::type>
309     {
default_init_cellboost::msm::back::dispatch_table::default_init_cell310         default_init_cell(dispatch_table* self_,cell* tofill_entries_)
311             : self(self_),tofill_entries(tofill_entries_)
312         {}
314         // this event is a compound one (not a real one, just one for use in event-less transitions)
315         // Note this event cannot be used as deferred!
316         // case for internal transitions of this fsm
317         template <class State>
318         typename ::boost::disable_if<
319             typename ::boost::is_same<State,Fsm>::type
320         ,void>::type
operator ()boost::msm::back::dispatch_table::default_init_cell321         operator()(boost::msm::wrap<State> const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<0> = 0)
322         {
323             typedef typename create_stt<Fsm>::type stt;
324             BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, state_id = (get_state_id<stt,State>::value));
325             cell call_no_transition = &Fsm::default_eventless_transition;
326             tofill_entries[state_id+1] = call_no_transition;
327         }
329         template <class State>
330         typename ::boost::enable_if<
331             typename ::boost::is_same<State,Fsm>::type
332         ,void>::type
operator ()boost::msm::back::dispatch_table::default_init_cell333         operator()(boost::msm::wrap<State> const&,boost::msm::back::dummy<1> = 0)
334         {
335             cell call_no_transition = &Fsm::default_eventless_transition;
336             tofill_entries[0] = call_no_transition;
337         }
338         dispatch_table* self;
339         cell* tofill_entries;
340     };
342  public:
343     // initialize the dispatch table for a given Event and Fsm
dispatch_tableboost::msm::back::dispatch_table344     dispatch_table()
345     {
346         // Initialize cells for no transition
347         ::boost::mpl::for_each<typename generate_state_set<Stt>::type,
348                                boost::msm::wrap< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1> >
349                         (default_init_cell<Event>(this,entries));
351         // build chaining rows for rows coming from the same state and the current event
352         // first we build a map of sequence for every source
353         // in reverse order so that the frow's are handled first (UML priority)
354         typedef typename ::boost::mpl::reverse_fold<
355                         // filter on event
356                         ::boost::mpl::filter_view
357                             <Stt, boost::mpl::or_<
358                                     ::boost::is_base_of<transition_event< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_>, Event>,
359                                     ::boost::msm::is_kleene_event<transition_event< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_> >
360                                     >
361                             >,
362                         // build a map
363                         ::boost::mpl::map<>,
364                         ::boost::mpl::if_<
365                             // if we already have a row on this source state
366                             ::boost::mpl::has_key< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
367                                                    transition_source_type< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >,
368                             // insert a new element in the value type
369                             ::boost::mpl::insert<
370                                 ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
371                                 ::boost::mpl::pair<transition_source_type< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2>,
372                                                    ::boost::mpl::push_back<
373                                                         ::boost::mpl::at< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
374                                                         transition_source_type< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >,
375                                                         change_frow_event< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2 > >
376                                                    > >,
377                             // first row on this source state, make a vector with 1 element
378                             ::boost::mpl::insert<
379                                         ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
380                                         ::boost::mpl::pair<transition_source_type< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2>,
381                                         make_vector< change_frow_event< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> > > >
382                                >
383                        >::type map_of_row_seq;
384         // and then build chaining rows for all source states having more than 1 row
385         typedef typename ::boost::mpl::fold<
386             map_of_row_seq,::boost::mpl::vector0<>,
387             ::boost::mpl::if_<
388                      ::boost::mpl::greater< ::boost::mpl::size<
389                                                     ::boost::mpl::second< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >,
390                                             ::boost::mpl::int_<1> >,
391                      // we need row chaining
392                      ::boost::mpl::push_back< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
393                                     make_chain_row_from_map_entry< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >,
394                      // just one row, no chaining, we rebuild the row like it was before
395                      ::boost::mpl::push_back< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1,
396                                               get_first_element_pair_second< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_2> >
397              > >::type chained_rows;
398         // Go back and fill in cells for matching transitions.
399         ::boost::mpl::for_each<chained_rows>(init_cell(this));
400     }
402     // The singleton instance.
403     static const dispatch_table instance;
405  public: // data members
406      // +1 => 0 is reserved for this fsm (internal transitions)
407     cell entries[max_state+1];
408 };
410 }}} // boost::msm::back