1 //  (C) Copyright John Maddock 2006.
2 //  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
3 //  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
4 //  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9 #ifdef _MSC_VER
10 #pragma once
11 #endif
13 #include <boost/math/tools/config.hpp>
14 #include <boost/math/tools/stats.hpp>
15 #include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
16 #include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>
17 #include <stdexcept>
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <iomanip>
21 namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace tools{
23 template <class T>
24 struct test_result
25 {
26 private:
27    boost::math::tools::stats<T> stat;   // Statistics for the test.
28    unsigned worst_case;                 // Index of the worst case test.
29 public:
test_resultboost::math::tools::test_result30    test_result() { worst_case = 0; }
set_worstboost::math::tools::test_result31    void set_worst(int i){ worst_case = i; }
addboost::math::tools::test_result32    void add(const T& point){ stat.add(point); }
33    // accessors:
worstboost::math::tools::test_result34    unsigned worst()const{ return worst_case; }
BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTIONboost::math::tools::test_result35    T min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION()const{ return (stat.min)(); }
BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTIONboost::math::tools::test_result36    T max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION()const{ return (stat.max)(); }
totalboost::math::tools::test_result37    T total()const{ return stat.total(); }
meanboost::math::tools::test_result38    T mean()const{ return stat.mean(); }
countboost::math::tools::test_result39    boost::uintmax_t count()const{ return stat.count(); }
varianceboost::math::tools::test_result40    T variance()const{ return stat.variance(); }
variance1boost::math::tools::test_result41    T variance1()const{ return stat.variance1(); }
rmsboost::math::tools::test_result42    T rms()const{ return stat.rms(); }
operator +=boost::math::tools::test_result44    test_result& operator+=(const test_result& t)
45    {
46       if((t.stat.max)() > (stat.max)())
47          worst_case = t.worst_case;
48       stat += t.stat;
49       return *this;
50    }
51 };
53 template <class T>
54 struct calculate_result_type
55 {
56    typedef typename T::value_type row_type;
57    typedef typename row_type::value_type value_type;
58 };
60 template <class T>
relative_error(T a,T b)61 T relative_error(T a, T b)
62 {
65    //
66    // If math.h has no long double support we can't rely
67    // on the math functions generating exponents outside
68    // the range of a double:
69    //
70    T min_val = (std::max)(
71       tools::min_value<T>(),
72       static_cast<T>((std::numeric_limits<double>::min)()));
73    T max_val = (std::min)(
74       tools::max_value<T>(),
75       static_cast<T>((std::numeric_limits<double>::max)()));
76 #else
77    T min_val = tools::min_value<T>();
78    T max_val = tools::max_value<T>();
79 #endif
81    if((a != 0) && (b != 0))
82    {
83       // TODO: use isfinite:
84       if(fabs(b) >= max_val)
85       {
86          if(fabs(a) >= max_val)
87             return 0;  // one infinity is as good as another!
88       }
89       // If the result is denormalised, treat all denorms as equivalent:
90       if((a < min_val) && (a > 0))
91          a = min_val;
92       else if((a > -min_val) && (a < 0))
93          a = -min_val;
94       if((b < min_val) && (b > 0))
95          b = min_val;
96       else if((b > -min_val) && (b < 0))
97          b = -min_val;
98       return (std::max)(fabs((a-b)/a), fabs((a-b)/b));
99    }
101    // Handle special case where one or both are zero:
102    if(min_val == 0)
103       return fabs(a-b);
104    if(fabs(a) < min_val)
105       a = min_val;
106    if(fabs(b) < min_val)
107       b = min_val;
108    return (std::max)(fabs((a-b)/a), fabs((a-b)/b));
109 }
111 #if defined(macintosh) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__APPLE_CC__)
112 template <>
relative_error(double a,double b)113 inline double relative_error<double>(double a, double b)
114 {
116    //
117    // On Mac OS X we evaluate "double" functions at "long double" precision,
118    // but "long double" actually has a very slightly narrower range than "double"!
119    // Therefore use the range of "long double" as our limits since results outside
120    // that range may have been truncated to 0 or INF:
121    //
122    double min_val = (std::max)((double)tools::min_value<long double>(), tools::min_value<double>());
123    double max_val = (std::min)((double)tools::max_value<long double>(), tools::max_value<double>());
125    if((a != 0) && (b != 0))
126    {
127       // TODO: use isfinite:
128       if(b > max_val)
129       {
130          if(a > max_val)
131             return 0;  // one infinity is as good as another!
132       }
133       // If the result is denormalised, treat all denorms as equivalent:
134       if((a < min_val) && (a > 0))
135          a = min_val;
136       else if((a > -min_val) && (a < 0))
137          a = -min_val;
138       if((b < min_val) && (b > 0))
139          b = min_val;
140       else if((b > -min_val) && (b < 0))
141          b = -min_val;
142       return (std::max)(fabs((a-b)/a), fabs((a-b)/b));
143    }
145    // Handle special case where one or both are zero:
146    if(min_val == 0)
147       return fabs(a-b);
148    if(fabs(a) < min_val)
149       a = min_val;
150    if(fabs(b) < min_val)
151       b = min_val;
152    return (std::max)(fabs((a-b)/a), fabs((a-b)/b));
153 }
154 #endif
156 template <class T>
set_output_precision(T)157 void set_output_precision(T)
158 {
159 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
160 #pragma warning(push)
161 #pragma warning(disable:4127)
162 #endif
163    if(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10)
164    {
165       std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10 + 2);
166    }
167 #ifdef BOOST_MSVC
168 #pragma warning(pop)
169 #endif
170 }
172 template <class Seq>
print_row(const Seq & row)173 void print_row(const Seq& row)
174 {
175    set_output_precision(row[0]);
176    for(unsigned i = 0; i < row.size(); ++i)
177    {
178       if(i)
179          std::cout << ", ";
180       std::cout << row[i];
181    }
182    std::cout << std::endl;
183 }
185 //
186 // Function test accepts an matrix of input values (probably a 2D boost::array)
187 // and calls two functors for each row in the array - one calculates a value
188 // to test, and one extracts the expected value from the array (or possibly
189 // calculates it at high precision).  The two functors are usually simple lambda
190 // expressions.
191 //
192 template <class A, class F1, class F2>
test(const A & a,F1 test_func,F2 expect_func)193 test_result<typename calculate_result_type<A>::value_type> test(const A& a, F1 test_func, F2 expect_func)
194 {
195    typedef typename A::value_type         row_type;
196    typedef typename row_type::value_type  value_type;
198    test_result<value_type> result;
200    for(unsigned i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
201    {
202       const row_type& row = a[i];
203       value_type point;
204       try
205       {
206          point = test_func(row);
207       }
208       catch(const std::underflow_error&)
209       {
210          point = 0;
211       }
212       catch(const std::overflow_error&)
213       {
214          point = std::numeric_limits<value_type>::has_infinity ?
215             std::numeric_limits<value_type>::infinity()
216             : tools::max_value<value_type>();
217       }
218       catch(const std::exception& e)
219       {
220          std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
221          print_row(row);
222          BOOST_ERROR("Unexpected exception.");
223          // so we don't get further errors:
224          point = expect_func(row);
225       }
226       value_type expected = expect_func(row);
227       value_type err = relative_error(point, expected);
229       if(err != 0)
230       {
231          std::cout << row[0] << " " << err;
232          if(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::is_specialized)
233          {
234             std::cout << " (" << err / std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon() << "eps)";
235          }
236          std::cout << std::endl;
237       }
238 #endif
239       if(!(boost::math::isfinite)(point) && (boost::math::isfinite)(expected))
240       {
241          std::cout << "CAUTION: Found non-finite result, when a finite value was expected at entry " << i << "\n";
242          std::cout << "Found: " << point << " Expected " << expected << " Error: " << err << std::endl;
243          print_row(row);
244          BOOST_ERROR("Unexpected non-finite result");
245       }
246       if(err > 0.5)
247       {
248          std::cout << "CAUTION: Gross error found at entry " << i << ".\n";
249          std::cout << "Found: " << point << " Expected " << expected << " Error: " << err << std::endl;
250          print_row(row);
251          BOOST_ERROR("Gross error");
252       }
253       result.add(err);
254       if((result.max)() == err)
255          result.set_worst(i);
256    }
257    return result;
258 }
260 template <class Real, class A, class F1, class F2>
test_hetero(const A & a,F1 test_func,F2 expect_func)261 test_result<Real> test_hetero(const A& a, F1 test_func, F2 expect_func)
262 {
263    typedef typename A::value_type         row_type;
264    typedef Real                          value_type;
266    test_result<value_type> result;
268    for(unsigned i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i)
269    {
270       const row_type& row = a[i];
271       value_type point;
272       try
273       {
274          point = test_func(row);
275       }
276       catch(const std::underflow_error&)
277       {
278          point = 0;
279       }
280       catch(const std::overflow_error&)
281       {
282          point = std::numeric_limits<value_type>::has_infinity ?
283             std::numeric_limits<value_type>::infinity()
284             : tools::max_value<value_type>();
285       }
286       catch(const std::exception& e)
287       {
288          std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
289          print_row(row);
290          BOOST_ERROR("Unexpected exception.");
291          // so we don't get further errors:
292          point = expect_func(row);
293       }
294       value_type expected = expect_func(row);
295       value_type err = relative_error(point, expected);
297       if(err != 0)
298       {
299          std::cout << row[0] << " " << err;
300          if(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::is_specialized)
301          {
302             std::cout << " (" << err / std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon() << "eps)";
303          }
304          std::cout << std::endl;
305       }
306 #endif
307       if(!(boost::math::isfinite)(point) && (boost::math::isfinite)(expected))
308       {
309          std::cout << "CAUTION: Found non-finite result, when a finite value was expected at entry " << i << "\n";
310          std::cout << "Found: " << point << " Expected " << expected << " Error: " << err << std::endl;
311          print_row(row);
312          BOOST_ERROR("Unexpected non-finite result");
313       }
314       if(err > 0.5)
315       {
316          std::cout << "CAUTION: Gross error found at entry " << i << ".\n";
317          std::cout << "Found: " << point << " Expected " << expected << " Error: " << err << std::endl;
318          print_row(row);
319          BOOST_ERROR("Gross error");
320       }
321       result.add(err);
322       if((result.max)() == err)
323          result.set_worst(i);
324    }
325    return result;
326 }
328 } // namespace tools
329 } // namespace math
330 } // namespace boost
332 #endif