2# Copyright John Maddock 2005. Use, modification, and distribution are
3# subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
4# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6import modules ;
7using quickbook ;
8using auto-index ;
10path-constant boost-images : ../../../doc/src/images ;
11path-constant here : . ;
13xml type_traits : type_traits.qbk ;
14boostbook standalone
15    :
16        type_traits
17    :
18        # Index generation:
19        # Path for links to Boost:
20        <xsl:param>boost.root=../../../..
22        # Some general style settings:
23        <xsl:param>table.footnote.number.format=1
24        <xsl:param>footnote.number.format=1
26        # HTML options first:
27        # Use graphics not text for navigation:
28        <xsl:param>navig.graphics=1
29        # How far down we chunk nested sections, basically all of them:
30        <xsl:param>chunk.section.depth=10
31        # Don't put the first section on the same page as the TOC:
32        <xsl:param>chunk.first.sections=1
33        # How far down sections get TOC's
34        <xsl:param>toc.section.depth=10
35        # Max depth in each TOC:
36        <xsl:param>toc.max.depth=4
37        # How far down we go with TOC's
38        <xsl:param>generate.section.toc.level=10
40        # PDF Options:
41        # TOC Generation: this is needed for FOP-0.9 and later:
42        <xsl:param>fop1.extensions=0
43        <xsl:param>xep.extensions=1
44        # TOC generation: this is needed for FOP 0.2, but must not be set to zero for FOP-0.9!
45        <xsl:param>fop.extensions=0
46        # No indent on body text:
47        <xsl:param>body.start.indent=0pt
48        # Margin size:
49        <xsl:param>page.margin.inner=0.5in
50        # Margin size:
51        <xsl:param>page.margin.outer=0.5in
52        # Paper type = A4
53        <xsl:param>paper.type=A4
54        # Yes, we want graphics for admonishments:
55        <xsl:param>admon.graphics=1
56        # Set this one for PDF generation *only*:
57        # default pnd graphics are awful in PDF form,
58        # better use SVG's instead:
59        <format>pdf:<xsl:param>admon.graphics.extension=".svg"
60        <format>pdf:<xsl:param>admon.graphics.path=$(boost-images)/
61        <format>pdf:<xsl:param>boost.url.prefix=http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/type_traits/doc/html
62        <format>pdf:<auto-index-internal>off
63        <format>html:<auto-index-internal>on
64        <auto-index-script>$(here)/index.idx
65        <auto-index-prefix>$(here)/../../..
66        <auto-index>on
67    ;
69install pdfinstall : standalone/<format>pdf : <install-type>PDF <location>. <name>type_traits.pdf ;
70explicit pdfinstall ;