1 /* Copyright 2003-2015 Joaquin M Lopez Munoz.
2  * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
3  * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4  * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
5  *
6  * See http://www.boost.org/libs/multi_index for library home page.
7  */
12 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
13 #pragma once
14 #endif
16 #include <boost/config.hpp> /* keep it first to prevent nasty warns in MSVC */
17 #include <boost/detail/allocator_utilities.hpp>
18 #include <boost/multi_index/detail/raw_ptr.hpp>
19 #include <utility>
21 namespace boost{
23 namespace multi_index{
25 namespace detail{
27 /* Certain C++ requirements on unordered associative containers (see LWG issue
28  * #579) imply a data structure where nodes are linked in a single list, which
29  * in its turn forces implementors to add additional overhed per node to
30  * associate each with its corresponding bucket. Others resort to storing hash
31  * values, we use an alternative structure providing unconditional O(1)
32  * manipulation, even in situations of unfair hash distribution, plus some
33  * lookup speedups. For unique indices we maintain a doubly linked list of
34  * nodes except that if N is the first node of a bucket its associated
35  * bucket node is embedded between N and the preceding node in the following
36  * manner:
37  *
38  *        +---+   +---+       +---+   +---+
39  *     <--+   |<--+   |    <--+   |<--+   |
40  *   ...  | B0|   | B1|  ...  | B1|   | B2|  ...
41  *        |   |-+ |   +-->    |   |-+ |   +-->
42  *        +-+-+ | +---+       +-+-+ | +---+
43  *              |   ^               |   ^
44  *              |   |               |   |
45  *              | +-+               | +-+
46  *              | |                 | |
47  *              v |                 v |
48  *       --+---+---+---+--   --+---+---+---+--
49  *     ... |   | B1|   |  ...  |   | B2|   | ...
50  *       --+---+---+---+--   --+---+---+---+--
51  *
52  *
53  * The fist and last nodes of buckets can be checked with
54  *
55  *   first node of a bucket: Npn != N
56  *   last node of a bucket:  Nnp != N
57  *
58  * (n and p short for ->next(), ->prior(), bucket nodes have prior pointers
59  * only). Pure insert and erase (without lookup) can be unconditionally done
60  * in O(1).
61  * For non-unique indices we add the following additional complexity: when
62  * there is a group of 3 or more equivalent elements, they are linked as
63  * follows:
64  *
65  *         +-----------------------+
66  *         |                       v
67  *   +---+ | +---+       +---+   +---+
68  *   |   | +-+   |       |   |<--+   |
69  *   | F |   | S |  ...  | P |   | L |
70  *   |   +-->|   |       |   +-+ |   |
71  *   +---+   +---+       +---+ | +---+
72  *     ^                       |
73  *     +-----------------------+
74  *
75  * F, S, P and L are the first, second, penultimate and last node in the
76  * group, respectively (S and P can coincide if the group has size 3.) This
77  * arrangement is used to skip equivalent elements in O(1) when doing lookup,
78  * while preserving O(1) insert/erase. The following invariants identify
79  * special positions (some of the operations have to be carefully implemented
80  * as Xnn is not valid if Xn points to a bucket):
81  *
82  *   first node of a bucket: Npnp  == N
83  *   last node of a bucket:  Nnpp  == N
84  *   first node of a group:  Nnp != N && Nnppn == N
85  *   second node of a group: Npn != N && Nppnn == N
86  *   n-1 node of a group:    Nnp != N && Nnnpp == N
87  *   last node of a group:   Npn != N && Npnnp == N
88  *
89  * The memory overhead is one pointer per bucket plus two pointers per node,
90  * probably unbeatable. The resulting structure is bidirectonally traversable,
91  * though currently we are just providing forward iteration.
92  */
94 template<typename Allocator>
95 struct hashed_index_node_impl;
97 /* half-header (only prior() pointer) to use for the bucket array */
99 template<typename Allocator>
100 struct hashed_index_base_node_impl
101 {
102   typedef typename
103   boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
104       Allocator,hashed_index_base_node_impl
105   >::type::pointer                          base_pointer;
106   typedef typename
107   boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
108     Allocator,hashed_index_base_node_impl
109   >::type::const_pointer                    const_base_pointer;
110   typedef typename
111   boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
112     Allocator,
113     hashed_index_node_impl<Allocator>
114   >::type::pointer                          pointer;
115   typedef typename
116   boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
117     Allocator,
118     hashed_index_node_impl<Allocator>
119   >::type::const_pointer                    const_pointer;
priorboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_base_node_impl121   pointer& prior(){return prior_;}
priorboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_base_node_impl122   pointer  prior()const{return prior_;}
124 private:
125   pointer prior_;
126 };
128 /* full header (prior() and next()) for the nodes */
130 template<typename Allocator>
131 struct hashed_index_node_impl:hashed_index_base_node_impl<Allocator>
132 {
133 private:
134   typedef hashed_index_base_node_impl<Allocator> super;
136 public:
137   typedef typename super::base_pointer           base_pointer;
138   typedef typename super::const_base_pointer     const_base_pointer;
139   typedef typename super::pointer                pointer;
140   typedef typename super::const_pointer          const_pointer;
nextboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_impl142   base_pointer& next(){return next_;}
nextboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_impl143   base_pointer  next()const{return next_;}
pointer_fromboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_impl145   static pointer pointer_from(base_pointer x)
146   {
147     return static_cast<pointer>(
148       static_cast<hashed_index_node_impl*>(
149         raw_ptr<super*>(x)));
150   }
base_pointer_fromboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_impl152   static base_pointer base_pointer_from(pointer x)
153   {
154     return static_cast<base_pointer>(
155       raw_ptr<hashed_index_node_impl*>(x));
156   }
158 private:
159   base_pointer next_;
160 };
162 /* Boost.MultiIndex requires machinery to reverse unlink operations. A simple
163  * way to make a pointer-manipulation function undoable is to templatize
164  * its internal pointer assignments with a functor that, besides doing the
165  * assignment, keeps track of the original pointer values and can later undo
166  * the operations in reverse order.
167  */
169 struct default_assigner
170 {
operator ()boost::multi_index::detail::default_assigner171   template<typename T> void operator()(T& x,const T& val){x=val;}
172 };
174 template<typename Node>
175 struct unlink_undo_assigner
176 {
177   typedef typename Node::base_pointer base_pointer;
178   typedef typename Node::pointer      pointer;
unlink_undo_assignerboost::multi_index::detail::unlink_undo_assigner180   unlink_undo_assigner():pointer_track_count(0),base_pointer_track_count(0){}
operator ()boost::multi_index::detail::unlink_undo_assigner182   void operator()(pointer& x,pointer val)
183   {
184     pointer_tracks[pointer_track_count].x=&x;
185     pointer_tracks[pointer_track_count++].val=x;
186     x=val;
187   }
operator ()boost::multi_index::detail::unlink_undo_assigner189   void operator()(base_pointer& x,base_pointer val)
190   {
191     base_pointer_tracks[base_pointer_track_count].x=&x;
192     base_pointer_tracks[base_pointer_track_count++].val=x;
193     x=val;
194   }
operator ()boost::multi_index::detail::unlink_undo_assigner196   void operator()() /* undo op */
197   {
198     /* in the absence of aliasing, restitution order is immaterial */
200     while(pointer_track_count--){
201       *(pointer_tracks[pointer_track_count].x)=
202         pointer_tracks[pointer_track_count].val;
203     }
204     while(base_pointer_track_count--){
205       *(base_pointer_tracks[base_pointer_track_count].x)=
206         base_pointer_tracks[base_pointer_track_count].val;
207     }
208   }
210   struct pointer_track     {pointer*      x; pointer      val;};
211   struct base_pointer_track{base_pointer* x; base_pointer val;};
213   /* We know the maximum number of pointer and base pointer assignments that
214    * the two unlink versions do, so we can statically reserve the needed
215    * storage.
216    */
218   pointer_track      pointer_tracks[3];
219   int                pointer_track_count;
220   base_pointer_track base_pointer_tracks[2];
221   int                base_pointer_track_count;
222 };
224 /* algorithmic stuff for unique and non-unique variants */
226 struct hashed_unique_tag{};
227 struct hashed_non_unique_tag{};
229 template<typename Node,typename Category>
230 struct hashed_index_node_alg;
232 template<typename Node>
233 struct hashed_index_node_alg<Node,hashed_unique_tag>
234 {
235   typedef typename Node::base_pointer       base_pointer;
236   typedef typename Node::const_base_pointer const_base_pointer;
237   typedef typename Node::pointer            pointer;
238   typedef typename Node::const_pointer      const_pointer;
is_first_of_bucketboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg240   static bool is_first_of_bucket(pointer x)
241   {
242     return x->prior()->next()!=base_pointer_from(x);
243   }
afterboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg245   static pointer after(pointer x)
246   {
247     return is_last_of_bucket(x)?x->next()->prior():pointer_from(x->next());
248   }
after_localboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg250   static pointer after_local(pointer x)
251   {
252     return is_last_of_bucket(x)?pointer(0):pointer_from(x->next());
253   }
next_to_inspectboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg255   static pointer next_to_inspect(pointer x)
256   {
257     return is_last_of_bucket(x)?pointer(0):pointer_from(x->next());
258   }
linkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg260   static void link(pointer x,base_pointer buc,pointer end)
261   {
262     if(buc->prior()==pointer(0)){ /* empty bucket */
263       x->prior()=end->prior();
264       x->next()=end->prior()->next();
265       x->prior()->next()=buc;
266       buc->prior()=x;
267       end->prior()=x;
268     }
269     else{
270       x->prior()=buc->prior()->prior();
271       x->next()=base_pointer_from(buc->prior());
272       buc->prior()=x;
273       x->next()->prior()=x;
274     }
275   }
unlinkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg277   static void unlink(pointer x)
278   {
279     default_assigner assign;
280     unlink(x,assign);
281   }
283   typedef unlink_undo_assigner<Node> unlink_undo;
285   template<typename Assigner>
unlinkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg286   static void unlink(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
287   {
288     if(is_first_of_bucket(x)){
289       if(is_last_of_bucket(x)){
290         assign(x->prior()->next()->prior(),pointer(0));
291         assign(x->prior()->next(),x->next());
292         assign(x->next()->prior()->prior(),x->prior());
293       }
294       else{
295         assign(x->prior()->next()->prior(),pointer_from(x->next()));
296         assign(x->next()->prior(),x->prior());
297       }
298     }
299     else if(is_last_of_bucket(x)){
300       assign(x->prior()->next(),x->next());
301       assign(x->next()->prior()->prior(),x->prior());
302     }
303     else{
304       assign(x->prior()->next(),x->next());
305       assign(x->next()->prior(),x->prior());
306     }
307   }
309   /* used only at rehashing */
appendboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg311   static void append(pointer x,pointer end)
312   {
313     x->prior()=end->prior();
314     x->next()=end->prior()->next();
315     x->prior()->next()=base_pointer_from(x);
316     end->prior()=x;
317   }
unlink_lastboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg319   static bool unlink_last(pointer end)
320   {
321     /* returns true iff bucket is emptied */
323     pointer x=end->prior();
324     if(x->prior()->next()==base_pointer_from(x)){
325       x->prior()->next()=x->next();
326       end->prior()=x->prior();
327       return false;
328     }
329     else{
330       x->prior()->next()->prior()=pointer(0);
331       x->prior()->next()=x->next();
332       end->prior()=x->prior();
333       return true;
334     }
335   }
337 private:
pointer_fromboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg338   static pointer pointer_from(base_pointer x)
339   {
340     return Node::pointer_from(x);
341   }
base_pointer_fromboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg343   static base_pointer base_pointer_from(pointer x)
344   {
345     return Node::base_pointer_from(x);
346   }
is_last_of_bucketboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg348   static bool is_last_of_bucket(pointer x)
349   {
350     return x->next()->prior()!=x;
351   }
352 };
354 template<typename Node>
355 struct hashed_index_node_alg<Node,hashed_non_unique_tag>
356 {
357   typedef typename Node::base_pointer       base_pointer;
358   typedef typename Node::const_base_pointer const_base_pointer;
359   typedef typename Node::pointer            pointer;
360   typedef typename Node::const_pointer      const_pointer;
is_first_of_bucketboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg362   static bool is_first_of_bucket(pointer x)
363   {
364     return x->prior()->next()->prior()==x;
365   }
is_first_of_groupboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg367   static bool is_first_of_group(pointer x)
368   {
369     return
370       x->next()->prior()!=x&&
371       x->next()->prior()->prior()->next()==base_pointer_from(x);
372   }
afterboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg374   static pointer after(pointer x)
375   {
376     if(x->next()->prior()==x)return pointer_from(x->next());
377     if(x->next()->prior()->prior()==x)return x->next()->prior();
378     if(x->next()->prior()->prior()->next()==base_pointer_from(x))
379       return pointer_from(x->next());
380     return pointer_from(x->next())->next()->prior();
381   }
after_localboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg383   static pointer after_local(pointer x)
384   {
385     if(x->next()->prior()==x)return pointer_from(x->next());
386     if(x->next()->prior()->prior()==x)return pointer(0);
387     if(x->next()->prior()->prior()->next()==base_pointer_from(x))
388       return pointer_from(x->next());
389     return pointer_from(x->next())->next()->prior();
390   }
next_to_inspectboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg392   static pointer next_to_inspect(pointer x)
393   {
394     if(x->next()->prior()==x)return pointer_from(x->next());
395     if(x->next()->prior()->prior()==x)return pointer(0);
396     if(x->next()->prior()->next()->prior()!=x->next()->prior())
397       return pointer(0);
398     return pointer_from(x->next()->prior()->next());
399   }
linkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg401   static void link(pointer x,base_pointer buc,pointer end)
402   {
403     if(buc->prior()==pointer(0)){ /* empty bucket */
404       x->prior()=end->prior();
405       x->next()=end->prior()->next();
406       x->prior()->next()=buc;
407       buc->prior()=x;
408       end->prior()=x;
409     }
410     else{
411       x->prior()=buc->prior()->prior();
412       x->next()=base_pointer_from(buc->prior());
413       buc->prior()=x;
414       x->next()->prior()=x;
415     }
416   };
linkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg418   static void link(pointer x,pointer first,pointer last)
419   {
420     x->prior()=first->prior();
421     x->next()=base_pointer_from(first);
422     if(is_first_of_bucket(first)){
423       x->prior()->next()->prior()=x;
424     }
425     else{
426       x->prior()->next()=base_pointer_from(x);
427     }
429     if(first==last){
430       last->prior()=x;
431     }
432     else if(first->next()==base_pointer_from(last)){
433       first->prior()=last;
434       first->next()=base_pointer_from(x);
435     }
436     else{
437       pointer second=pointer_from(first->next()),
438               lastbutone=last->prior();
439       second->prior()=first;
440       first->prior()=last;
441       lastbutone->next()=base_pointer_from(x);
442     }
443   }
unlinkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg445   static void unlink(pointer x)
446   {
447     default_assigner assign;
448     unlink(x,assign);
449   }
451   typedef unlink_undo_assigner<Node> unlink_undo;
453   template<typename Assigner>
unlinkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg454   static void unlink(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
455   {
456     if(x->prior()->next()==base_pointer_from(x)){
457       if(x->next()->prior()==x){
458         left_unlink(x,assign);
459         right_unlink(x,assign);
460       }
461       else if(x->next()->prior()->prior()==x){           /* last of bucket */
462         left_unlink(x,assign);
463         right_unlink_last_of_bucket(x,assign);
464       }
465       else if(x->next()->prior()->prior()->next()==
466               base_pointer_from(x)){                /* first of group size */
467         left_unlink(x,assign);
468         right_unlink_first_of_group(x,assign);
469       }
470       else{                                                /* n-1 of group */
471         unlink_last_but_one_of_group(x,assign);
472       }
473     }
474     else if(x->prior()->next()->prior()==x){            /* first of bucket */
475       if(x->next()->prior()==x){
476         left_unlink_first_of_bucket(x,assign);
477         right_unlink(x,assign);
478       }
479       else if(x->next()->prior()->prior()==x){           /* last of bucket */
480         assign(x->prior()->next()->prior(),pointer(0));
481         assign(x->prior()->next(),x->next());
482         assign(x->next()->prior()->prior(),x->prior());
483       }
484       else{                                              /* first of group */
485         left_unlink_first_of_bucket(x,assign);
486         right_unlink_first_of_group(x,assign);
487       }
488     }
489     else if(x->next()->prior()->prior()==x){   /* last of group and bucket */
490       left_unlink_last_of_group(x,assign);
491       right_unlink_last_of_bucket(x,assign);
492     }
493     else if(pointer_from(x->prior()->prior()->next())
494             ->next()==base_pointer_from(x)){            /* second of group */
495       unlink_second_of_group(x,assign);
496     }
497     else{                              /* last of group, ~(last of bucket) */
498       left_unlink_last_of_group(x,assign);
499       right_unlink(x,assign);
500     }
501   }
503   /* used only at rehashing */
link_rangeboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg505   static void link_range(
506     pointer first,pointer last,base_pointer buc,pointer cend)
507   {
508     if(buc->prior()==pointer(0)){ /* empty bucket */
509       first->prior()=cend->prior();
510       last->next()=cend->prior()->next();
511       first->prior()->next()=buc;
512       buc->prior()=first;
513       cend->prior()=last;
514     }
515     else{
516       first->prior()=buc->prior()->prior();
517       last->next()=base_pointer_from(buc->prior());
518       buc->prior()=first;
519       last->next()->prior()=last;
520     }
521   }
append_rangeboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg523   static void append_range(pointer first,pointer last,pointer cend)
524   {
525     first->prior()=cend->prior();
526     last->next()=cend->prior()->next();
527     first->prior()->next()=base_pointer_from(first);
528     cend->prior()=last;
529   }
unlink_last_groupboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg531   static std::pair<pointer,bool> unlink_last_group(pointer end)
532   {
533     /* returns first of group true iff bucket is emptied */
535     pointer x=end->prior();
536     if(x->prior()->next()==base_pointer_from(x)){
537       x->prior()->next()=x->next();
538       end->prior()=x->prior();
539       return std::make_pair(x,false);
540     }
541     else if(x->prior()->next()->prior()==x){
542       x->prior()->next()->prior()=pointer(0);
543       x->prior()->next()=x->next();
544       end->prior()=x->prior();
545       return std::make_pair(x,true);
546     }
547     else{
548       pointer y=pointer_from(x->prior()->next());
550       if(y->prior()->next()==base_pointer_from(y)){
551         y->prior()->next()=x->next();
552         end->prior()=y->prior();
553         return std::make_pair(y,false);
554       }
555       else{
556         y->prior()->next()->prior()=pointer(0);
557         y->prior()->next()=x->next();
558         end->prior()=y->prior();
559         return std::make_pair(y,true);
560       }
561     }
562   }
unlink_rangeboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg564   static void unlink_range(pointer first,pointer last)
565   {
566     if(is_first_of_bucket(first)){
567       if(is_last_of_bucket(last)){
568         first->prior()->next()->prior()=pointer(0);
569         first->prior()->next()=last->next();
570         last->next()->prior()->prior()=first->prior();
571       }
572       else{
573         first->prior()->next()->prior()=pointer_from(last->next());
574         last->next()->prior()=first->prior();
575       }
576     }
577     else if(is_last_of_bucket(last)){
578       first->prior()->next()=last->next();
579       last->next()->prior()->prior()=first->prior();
580     }
581     else{
582       first->prior()->next()=last->next();
583       last->next()->prior()=first->prior();
584     }
585   }
587 private:
pointer_fromboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg588   static pointer pointer_from(base_pointer x)
589   {
590     return Node::pointer_from(x);
591   }
base_pointer_fromboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg593   static base_pointer base_pointer_from(pointer x)
594   {
595     return Node::base_pointer_from(x);
596   }
is_last_of_bucketboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg598   static bool is_last_of_bucket(pointer x)
599   {
600     return x->next()->prior()->prior()==x;
601   }
603   template<typename Assigner>
left_unlinkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg604   static void left_unlink(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
605   {
606     assign(x->prior()->next(),x->next());
607   }
609   template<typename Assigner>
right_unlinkboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg610   static void right_unlink(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
611   {
612     assign(x->next()->prior(),x->prior());
613   }
615   template<typename Assigner>
left_unlink_first_of_bucketboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg616   static void left_unlink_first_of_bucket(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
617   {
618     assign(x->prior()->next()->prior(),pointer_from(x->next()));
619   }
621   template<typename Assigner>
right_unlink_last_of_bucketboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg622   static void right_unlink_last_of_bucket(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
623   {
624     assign(x->next()->prior()->prior(),x->prior());
625   }
627   template<typename Assigner>
right_unlink_first_of_groupboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg628   static void right_unlink_first_of_group(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
629   {
630     pointer second=pointer_from(x->next()),
631             last=second->prior(),
632             lastbutone=last->prior();
633     if(second==lastbutone){
634       assign(second->next(),base_pointer_from(last));
635       assign(second->prior(),x->prior());
636     }
637     else{
638       assign(lastbutone->next(),base_pointer_from(second));
639       assign(second->next()->prior(),last);
640       assign(second->prior(),x->prior());
641     }
642   }
644   template<typename Assigner>
left_unlink_last_of_groupboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg645   static void left_unlink_last_of_group(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
646   {
647     pointer lastbutone=x->prior(),
648             first=pointer_from(lastbutone->next()),
649             second=pointer_from(first->next());
650     if(lastbutone==second){
651       assign(lastbutone->prior(),first);
652       assign(lastbutone->next(),x->next());
653     }
654     else{
655       assign(second->prior(),lastbutone);
656       assign(lastbutone->prior()->next(),base_pointer_from(first));
657       assign(lastbutone->next(),x->next());
658     }
659   }
661   template<typename Assigner>
unlink_last_but_one_of_groupboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg662   static void unlink_last_but_one_of_group(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
663   {
664     pointer first=pointer_from(x->next()),
665             second=pointer_from(first->next()),
666             last=second->prior();
667     if(second==x){
668       assign(last->prior(),first);
669       assign(first->next(),base_pointer_from(last));
670     }
671     else{
672       assign(last->prior(),x->prior());
673       assign(x->prior()->next(),base_pointer_from(first));
674     }
675   }
677   template<typename Assigner>
unlink_second_of_groupboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node_alg678   static void unlink_second_of_group(pointer x,Assigner& assign)
679   {
680     pointer last=x->prior(),
681             lastbutone=last->prior(),
682             first=pointer_from(lastbutone->next());
683     if(lastbutone==x){
684       assign(first->next(),base_pointer_from(last));
685       assign(last->prior(),first);
686     }
687     else{
688       assign(first->next(),x->next());
689       assign(x->next()->prior(),last);
690     }
691   }
692 };
694 template<typename Super>
695 struct hashed_index_node_trampoline:
696   hashed_index_node_impl<
697     typename boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
698       typename Super::allocator_type,
699       char
700     >::type
701   >
702 {
703   typedef typename boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
704     typename Super::allocator_type,
705     char
706   >::type                                               impl_allocator_type;
707   typedef hashed_index_node_impl<impl_allocator_type>   impl_type;
708 };
710 template<typename Super,typename Category>
711 struct hashed_index_node:
712   Super,hashed_index_node_trampoline<Super>
713 {
714 private:
715   typedef hashed_index_node_trampoline<Super> trampoline;
717 public:
718   typedef typename trampoline::impl_type          impl_type;
719   typedef hashed_index_node_alg<
720     impl_type,Category>                           node_alg;
721   typedef typename trampoline::base_pointer       impl_base_pointer;
722   typedef typename trampoline::const_base_pointer const_impl_base_pointer;
723   typedef typename trampoline::pointer            impl_pointer;
724   typedef typename trampoline::const_pointer      const_impl_pointer;
priorboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node726   impl_pointer&      prior(){return trampoline::prior();}
priorboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node727   impl_pointer       prior()const{return trampoline::prior();}
nextboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node728   impl_base_pointer& next(){return trampoline::next();}
nextboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node729   impl_base_pointer  next()const{return trampoline::next();}
implboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node731   impl_pointer impl()
732   {
733     return static_cast<impl_pointer>(
734       static_cast<impl_type*>(static_cast<trampoline*>(this)));
735   }
implboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node737   const_impl_pointer impl()const
738   {
739     return static_cast<const_impl_pointer>(
740       static_cast<const impl_type*>(static_cast<const trampoline*>(this)));
741   }
from_implboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node743   static hashed_index_node* from_impl(impl_pointer x)
744   {
745     return
746       static_cast<hashed_index_node*>(
747         static_cast<trampoline*>(
748           raw_ptr<impl_type*>(x)));
749   }
from_implboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node751   static const hashed_index_node* from_impl(const_impl_pointer x)
752   {
753     return
754       static_cast<const hashed_index_node*>(
755         static_cast<const trampoline*>(
756           raw_ptr<const impl_type*>(x)));
757   }
759   /* interoperability with hashed_index_iterator */
incrementboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node761   static void increment(hashed_index_node*& x)
762   {
763     x=from_impl(node_alg::after(x->impl()));
764   }
increment_localboost::multi_index::detail::hashed_index_node766   static void increment_local(hashed_index_node*& x)
767   {
768     x=from_impl(node_alg::after_local(x->impl()));
769   }
770 };
772 } /* namespace multi_index::detail */
774 } /* namespace multi_index */
776 } /* namespace boost */
778 #endif