1 /*
2 # PostgreSQL Database Modeler (pgModeler)
3 #
4 # Copyright 2006-2020 - Raphael Araújo e Silva <raphael@pgmodeler.io>
5 #
6 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation version 3.
9 #
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful),
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 #
15 # The complete text of GPLv3 is at LICENSE file on source code root directory.
16 # Also), you can get the complete GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
17 */
19 /**
20 \ingroup libparsers
21 \namespace Attributes
22 \brief Definition of parsers attributes namespace which stores a series of static strings constants used
23  to reference the attributes of objects in SQL/XML generation methods.
24  Each string stores the name of the attribute used in the schema file "sch" of the respective objects.
25 \note <strong>Creation date:</strong> 23/09/2008
26 */
28 #ifndef ATTRIBUTES_H
29 #define ATTRIBUTES_H
31 /* Including QByteArray due to 'QByteArray has no toStdString()'
32    error on Qt 5.4 (Windows only) */
33 #include <QByteArray>
34 #include <QString>
36 namespace Attributes {
37 	extern const QString
38 	Action,
39 	ActiveLayers,
40 	AdminOption,
41 	AdminRoles,
42 	Alias,
43 	Alignment,
44 	AlignObjsToGrid,
45 	AllowConns,
46 	AlterCmds,
47 	AnalyzeFunc,
48 	AncestorTable,
49 	AppendAtEod,
50 	AppendedSql,
51 	Application,
52 	ApplyOnServer,
53 	ArgCount,
54 	ArgDefaults,
55 	ArgDefCount,
56 	ArgModes,
57 	ArgNames,
58 	ArgTypes,
59 	Arguments,
60 	AscOrder,
61 	Assignment,
62 	AttribsPage,
63 	AttribsPerPage,
64 	Attribute,
65 	AutoBrowseDb,
66 	AutoSaveInterval,
67 	BackgroundColor,
68 	BaseType,
69 	Before,
70 	BehaviorType,
71 	Bold,
72 	BorderColor,
73 	Bottom,
74 	Buffering,
75 	BypassRls,
76 	ByValue,
77 	Cache,
78 	CanonicalFunc,
79 	CanvasCornerMove,
80 	Cascade,
81 	CaseSensitive,
82 	CastType,
83 	Category,
84 	Change,
85 	Changelog,
86 	CheckExp,
87 	CheckUpdate,
88 	CkConstr,
89 	ClientEncoding,
90 	CodeCompletion,
91 	CodeFont,
92 	CodeFontSize,
93 	CodeTabWidth,
94 	ColIndexes,
95 	ColIsIdentity,
96 	CollapseMode,
97 	Collatable,
98 	Collation,
99 	Collations,
100 	Color,
101 	Colors,
102 	ColsComment,
103 	Column,
104 	ColumnAlias,
105 	Columns,
106 	Command,
107 	Commands,
108 	Comment,
109 	CommutatorOp,
110 	CompactView,
111 	CompareToDatabase,
112 	ComparisonType,
113 	CompletionTrigger,
114 	CompositeType,
115 	Concurrent,
116 	Condition,
117 	ConfigFile,
118 	Configuration,
119 	ConfirmValidation,
120 	ConnectCenterPnts,
121 	ConnectFkToPk,
122 	Connection,
123 	Connections,
124 	ConnectionTimeout,
125 	ConnectPriv,
126 	ConnectTableEdges,
127 	ConnLimit,
128 	Constraint,
129 	Constraints,
130 	ConstrDefs,
131 	ConstrIndexes,
132 	ConstrSqlDisabled,
133 	Contents,
134 	CopyMode,
135 	CopyOptions,
136 	CopyTable,
137 	Create,
138 	CreateCmds,
139 	CreateDb,
140 	CreatePriv,
141 	CreateRole,
142 	CrowsFoot,
143 	CteExpression,
144 	CurIdentityType,
145 	CurrentModel,
146 	CurrentModel,
147 	CurVersion,
148 	CustomColor,
149 	CustomFilter,
150 	CustomIdxs,
151 	Cycle,
152 	Database,
153 	DataDirectory,
154 	Date,
155 	DbModel,
156 	DdlEndToken,
157 	DeadRowsAmount,
158 	Declaration,
159 	DeclInTable,
160 	Default,
161 	DefaultCollation,
162 	DefaultForOps,
163 	DefaultOwner,
164 	DefaultSchema,
165 	DefaultTablespace,
166 	DefaultValue,
167 	Deferrable,
168 	DeferType,
169 	Definition,
170 	DelAction,
171 	DeletePriv,
172 	DelEvent,
173 	Delimiter,
174 	DestType,
175 	Diff,
176 	Dimension,
177 	Directory,
178 	DisableSmoothness,
179 	DisplayLineNumbers,
180 	DockWidgets,
181 	DomConstraint,
182 	DontDropMissingObjs,
183 	Drop,
184 	DropCmds,
185 	DropMissingColsConstrs,
186 	DropTruncCascade,
187 	DstColPattern,
188 	DstColumns,
189 	DstEncoding,
190 	DstFkPattern,
191 	DstLabel,
192 	DstRequired,
193 	DstTable,
194 	DstType,
195 	DynamicLibraryPath,
196 	DynamicSharedMemory,
197 	Element,
198 	Elements,
199 	EmptyPassword,
200 	Encoding,
201 	Encrypted,
202 	EndExp,
203 	Enumerations,
204 	EnumType,
205 	Entry,
206 	EscapeComment,
207 	Event,
208 	Events,
209 	EventType,
210 	ExactMatch,
211 	ExcBuiltinArrays,
212 	ExcludeElement,
213 	ExConstr,
214 	ExecType,
215 	ExecutionCost,
216 	ExecutPriv,
217 	ExistingValue,
218 	Explicit,
219 	Export,
220 	ExportToFile,
221 	Expression,
222 	Expressions,
223 	ExtAttribsPage,
224 	ExtAttribsPerPage,
225 	ExtObjOids,
226 	ExtraCondition,
227 	Factor,
228 	FadedOut,
229 	FadeInObjects,
230 	False,
231 	Family,
232 	FastUpdate,
233 	Fdw,
234 	File,
235 	FileAssociated,
236 	FillColor,
237 	Filter,
238 	FilterOids,
239 	FilterTableTypes,
240 	FinalFunc,
241 	FiringType,
242 	FkColumn,
243 	FkConstr,
244 	FkDefs,
245 	Font,
246 	FontSize,
247 	ForceObjsRecreation,
248 	ForegroundColor,
249 	ForeignKeys,
250 	ForeignTableBody,
251 	ForeignTableExtBody,
252 	ForeignTableName,
253 	ForeignTableSchemaName,
254 	ForeignTableTitle,
255 	FormatName,
256 	FromExp,
257 	Function,
258 	FunctionType,
259 	GenAlterCmds,
260 	General,
261 	Generated,
262 	Global,
263 	GrantOp,
264 	GridSize,
265 	Group,
266 	HandlerFunc,
267 	HandlesType,
268 	HasChanges,
269 	Hashes,
270 	HbaFile,
271 	Height,
272 	HideExtAttribs,
273 	HideRelName,
274 	HideTableTags,
275 	HighlightLines,
276 	HighlightOrder,
277 	HistoryMaxLength,
278 	Icon,
279 	Id,
280 	IdentFile,
281 	Identifier,
282 	IdentityType,
283 	IgnoredChars,
284 	IgnoreDuplicErrors,
285 	IgnoreErrorCodes,
286 	IgnoreImportErrors,
287 	Implicit,
288 	Import,
289 	ImportExtObjs,
290 	ImportSysObjs,
291 	Increment,
292 	Index,
293 	IndexElement,
294 	Indexes,
295 	IndexType,
296 	Info,
297 	InhColumn,
298 	InhColumns,
299 	Inherit,
300 	Inherited,
301 	InitialCond,
302 	InitialData,
303 	InitialExp,
304 	InlineFunc,
305 	InputDatabase,
306 	InputDatabase,
307 	InputFunc,
308 	InsertPriv,
309 	InsEvent,
310 	InternalLength,
311 	IntervalType,
312 	InvertRangeSelTrigger,
313 	IoCast,
314 	IsPartitioned,
315 	IsTemplate,
316 	Italic,
317 	Item,
318 	Items,
319 	JoinFunc,
320 	KeepClusterObjs,
321 	KeepObjsPerms,
322 	Label,
323 	LabelsPos,
324 	Landscape,
325 	Language,
326 	LastAnalyze,
327 	LastAutovacuum,
328 	LastPosition,
329 	LastSysOid,
330 	LastVacuum,
331 	LastValue,
332 	LastZoom,
333 	Layer,
334 	Layers,
335 	LcCollate,
336 	LcCtype,
337 	LeakProof,
338 	Left,
339 	LeftType,
340 	Length,
341 	Library,
342 	LikeType,
343 	Line,
344 	LineHighlightColor,
345 	LineNumbersBgColor,
346 	LineNumbersColor,
347 	Link,
348 	ListenAddresses,
349 	Locale,
350 	LockerArc,
351 	LockerBody,
352 	Login,
353 	LookaheadChar,
354 	LowVerbosity,
355 	Materialized,
356 	MaxConnections,
357 	Maximized,
358 	MaxObjCount,
359 	MaxValue,
360 	Member,
361 	MemberRoles,
362 	Merges,
363 	Metadata,
364 	MinObjectOpacity,
365 	MinValue,
366 	Mode,
367 	ModelAuthor,
368 	Name,
369 	NameFilter,
370 	NameLabel,
371 	NamePatterns,
372 	Names,
373 	NegatorOp,
374 	NewIdentityType,
375 	NewName,
376 	NewTableName,
377 	NewVersion,
378 	Next,
379 	NnColumn,
380 	NoInherit,
381 	None,
382 	NotExtObject,
383 	NotNull,
384 	NullsFirst,
385 	Object,
386 	ObjectFinder,
387 	ObjectId,
388 	Objects,
389 	ObjectType,
390 	ObjCount,
391 	ObjSelection,
392 	Oid,
393 	OidFilterOp,
394 	Oids,
395 	OldName,
396 	OldTableName,
397 	OldVersion,
398 	OpClass,
399 	OpClasses,
400 	Operator,
401 	OperatorFunc,
402 	Operators,
403 	OpFamily,
404 	OpListSize,
405 	Options,
406 	OriginalPk,
407 	OutputFunc,
408 	Owner,
409 	OwnerColumn,
410 	Pagination,
411 	PaperCustomSize,
412 	PaperMargin,
413 	PaperOrientation,
414 	PaperType,
415 	Parameter,
416 	Parameters,
417 	ParamIn,
418 	ParamOut,
419 	ParamVariadic,
420 	Parent,
421 	ParentType,
422 	Parents,
423 	Parsable,
424 	PartialMatch,
425 	PartitionBoundExpr,
426 	PartitionedTable,
427 	PartitionTables,
428 	Partitioning,
429 	PartitionKey,
430 	PartKeyColls,
431 	PartKeyCols,
432 	PartKeyExprs,
433 	PartKeyOpCls,
434 	Password,
435 	PasswordEncryption,
436 	Path,
437 	Patterns,
438 	Permission,
439 	Permissive,
440 	PerRow,
441 	PgModelerVersion,
442 	PgSqlBaseType,
443 	PgSqlVersion,
444 	PkColPattern,
445 	PkColumn,
446 	PkConstr,
447 	PkPattern,
448 	Placeholder,
449 	Placeholders,
450 	Points,
451 	Port,
452 	Portrait,
453 	Position,
454 	PositionInfo,
455 	Precision,
456 	Predicate,
457 	Preferred,
458 	PrependAtBod,
459 	PrependedSql,
460 	PreserveDbName,
461 	PrependSchema,
462 	Preset,
463 	Preset,
464 	Previous,
465 	PrintGrid,
466 	PrintPgNum,
467 	Privileges,
468 	PrivilegesGop,
469 	ProtColumn,
470 	Protected,
471 	RangeAttribs,
472 	RangeType,
473 	Recent,
474 	RecentModels,
475 	RecreateUnmodObjs,
476 	RectVisible,
477 	Recursive,
478 	RecvFunc,
479 	ReducedForm,
480 	RefAlias,
481 	RefColumn,
482 	Refer,
483 	Reference,
484 	ReferenceFk,
485 	References,
486 	ReferencesPriv,
487 	Referrers,
488 	RefName,
489 	RefRoles,
490 	RefTable,
491 	RefTables,
492 	RefTableTag,
493 	RefType,
494 	RegularExp,
495 	Relationship,
496 	Relationship11,
497 	Relationship1n,
498 	RelationshipDep,
499 	RelationshipFk,
500 	RelationshipGen,
501 	RelationshipNn,
502 	RelationshipPart,
503 	RelationshipTabView,
504 	Rename,
505 	Replication,
506 	RestartSeq,
507 	RestrictionFunc,
508 	ReturnsSetOf,
509 	ReturnTable,
510 	ReturnType,
511 	ReuseSequences,
512 	Revoke,
513 	Right,
514 	RightType,
515 	RlsEnabled,
516 	RlsForced,
517 	Role,
518 	Roles,
519 	RoleType,
520 	RowAmount,
521 	Rules,
522 	SaveLastPosition,
523 	SaveRestoreGeometry,
524 	Schema,
525 	SchemaOid,
526 	SearchPath,
527 	SecurityType,
528 	SelectExp,
529 	SelectObjects,
530 	SelectPriv,
531 	SendFunc,
532 	Sequence,
533 	Server,
534 	ServerEncoding,
535 	ServerPid,
536 	ServerProtocol,
537 	ServerVersion,
538 	SetPerms,
539 	SharedObj,
540 	ShellTypes,
541 	ShowAttributesGrid,
542 	ShowCanvasGrid,
543 	ShowMainMenu,
544 	ShowPageDelimiters,
545 	ShowSourcePane,
546 	Signature,
547 	SimpleExp,
548 	SimplifiedObjCreation,
549 	SinglePkColumn,
550 	Size,
551 	Snippet,
552 	SortOp,
553 	SourceEditorApp,
554 	SourceEditorArgs,
555 	SourceType,
556 	SpatialType,
557 	SpecialPkCols,
558 	Splitted,
559 	SqlDisabled,
560 	SqlObject,
561 	SqlTool,
562 	SqlValidation,
563 	SrcColPattern,
564 	SrcColumns,
565 	SrcEncoding,
566 	SrcFkPattern,
567 	SrcLabel,
568 	SrcRequired,
569 	SrcTable,
570 	SrcType,
571 	Srid,
572 	Ssl,
573 	SslCaFile,
574 	SslCertFile,
575 	SslCrlFile,
576 	SslKeyFile,
577 	Start,
578 	StateType,
579 	Storage,
580 	StorageParams,
581 	StoreInFile,
582 	StrategyNum,
583 	Style,
584 	Styles,
585 	Subtype,
586 	SubtypeDiffFunc,
587 	Superuser,
588 	Symbol,
589 	Table,
590 	TableBody,
591 	TableExtBody,
592 	TableName,
593 	TableObject,
594 	TableSchemaName,
595 	Tablespace,
596 	TableTitle,
597 	TableType,
598 	Tag,
599 	TemplateDb,
600 	TemporaryPriv,
601 	Top,
602 	TpmodInFunc,
603 	TpmodOutFunc,
604 	TransitionFunc,
605 	TriggerFunc,
606 	TriggerPriv,
607 	Triggers,
608 	True,
609 	Truncate,
610 	TruncateCmds,
611 	TruncatePriv,
612 	TruncColsBeforeAlter,
613 	TruncEvent,
614 	Trusted,
615 	TuplesDel,
616 	TuplesIns,
617 	Type,
618 	TypeAttribute,
619 	TypeClass,
620 	TypeOid,
621 	Types,
622 	TyplesUpd,
623 	UiLanguage,
624 	Underline,
625 	Unique,
626 	Unlogged,
627 	Unset,
628 	UnsetPerms,
629 	UpdAction,
630 	UpdatePriv,
631 	UpdEvent,
632 	UqColumn,
633 	UqConstr,
634 	UqPattern,
635 	UsagePriv,
636 	UseChangelog,
637 	UseCurvedLines,
638 	UsePlaceholders,
639 	UseSignature,
640 	UseSorting,
641 	UseUniqueNames,
642 	UsingExp,
643 	Validation,
644 	Validator,
645 	ValidatorFunc,
646 	Validity,
647 	Value,
648 	Values,
649 	Variable,
650 	Variation,
651 	Version,
652 	ViewBody,
653 	ViewExtBody,
654 	ViewName,
655 	ViewSchemaName,
656 	ViewTitle,
657 	Visible,
658 	Widget,
659 	WidgetsGeometry,
660 	Width,
661 	Wildcard,
662 	WindowFunc,
663 	WithNoData,
664 	WithoutOids,
665 	WithTimezone,
666 	WordDelimiters,
667 	WordSeparators,
668 	WorkingDir,
669 	XPos,
670 	YPos,
671 	ZValue;
672 }
674 #endif