1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * shmqueue.c
4  *	  shared memory linked lists
5  *
6  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
8  *
9  *
11  *	  src/backend/storage/ipc/shmqueue.c
12  *
13  * NOTES
14  *
15  * Package for managing doubly-linked lists in shared memory.
16  * The only tricky thing is that SHM_QUEUE will usually be a field
17  * in a larger record.  SHMQueueNext has to return a pointer
18  * to the record itself instead of a pointer to the SHMQueue field
19  * of the record.  It takes an extra parameter and does some extra
20  * pointer arithmetic to do this correctly.
21  *
22  * NOTE: These are set up so they can be turned into macros some day.
23  *
24  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
25  */
26 #include "postgres.h"
28 #include "storage/shmem.h"
31 /*
32  * ShmemQueueInit -- make the head of a new queue point
33  *		to itself
34  */
35 void
36 SHMQueueInit(SHM_QUEUE *queue)
37 {
38 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(queue));
39 	queue->prev = queue->next = queue;
40 }
42 /*
43  * SHMQueueIsDetached -- true if element is not currently
44  *		in a queue.
45  */
46 bool
47 SHMQueueIsDetached(const SHM_QUEUE *queue)
48 {
49 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(queue));
50 	return (queue->prev == NULL);
51 }
53 /*
54  * SHMQueueElemInit -- clear an element's links
55  */
56 void
57 SHMQueueElemInit(SHM_QUEUE *queue)
58 {
59 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(queue));
60 	queue->prev = queue->next = NULL;
61 }
63 /*
64  * SHMQueueDelete -- remove an element from the queue and
65  *		close the links
66  */
67 void
68 SHMQueueDelete(SHM_QUEUE *queue)
69 {
70 	SHM_QUEUE  *nextElem = queue->next;
71 	SHM_QUEUE  *prevElem = queue->prev;
73 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(queue));
74 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(nextElem));
75 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(prevElem));
77 	prevElem->next = queue->next;
78 	nextElem->prev = queue->prev;
80 	queue->prev = queue->next = NULL;
81 }
83 /*
84  * SHMQueueInsertBefore -- put elem in queue before the given queue
85  *		element.  Inserting "before" the queue head puts the elem
86  *		at the tail of the queue.
87  */
88 void
89 SHMQueueInsertBefore(SHM_QUEUE *queue, SHM_QUEUE *elem)
90 {
91 	SHM_QUEUE  *prevPtr = queue->prev;
93 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(queue));
94 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(elem));
96 	elem->next = prevPtr->next;
97 	elem->prev = queue->prev;
98 	queue->prev = elem;
99 	prevPtr->next = elem;
100 }
102 /*
103  * SHMQueueInsertAfter -- put elem in queue after the given queue
104  *		element.  Inserting "after" the queue head puts the elem
105  *		at the head of the queue.
106  */
107 void
108 SHMQueueInsertAfter(SHM_QUEUE *queue, SHM_QUEUE *elem)
109 {
110 	SHM_QUEUE  *nextPtr = queue->next;
112 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(queue));
113 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(elem));
115 	elem->prev = nextPtr->prev;
116 	elem->next = queue->next;
117 	queue->next = elem;
118 	nextPtr->prev = elem;
119 }
121 /*--------------------
122  * SHMQueueNext -- Get the next element from a queue
123  *
124  * To start the iteration, pass the queue head as both queue and curElem.
125  * Returns NULL if no more elements.
126  *
127  * Next element is at curElem->next.  If SHMQueue is part of
128  * a larger structure, we want to return a pointer to the
129  * whole structure rather than a pointer to its SHMQueue field.
130  * For example,
131  * struct {
132  *		int				stuff;
133  *		SHMQueue		elem;
134  * } ELEMType;
135  * When this element is in a queue, prevElem->next points at struct.elem.
136  * We subtract linkOffset to get the correct start address of the structure.
137  *
138  * calls to SHMQueueNext should take these parameters:
139  *	 &(queueHead), &(queueHead), offsetof(ELEMType, elem)
140  * or
141  *	 &(queueHead), &(curElem->elem), offsetof(ELEMType, elem)
142  *--------------------
143  */
144 Pointer
145 SHMQueueNext(const SHM_QUEUE *queue, const SHM_QUEUE *curElem, Size linkOffset)
146 {
147 	SHM_QUEUE  *elemPtr = curElem->next;
r_mark_regions(struct SN_env * z)149 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(curElem));
151 	if (elemPtr == queue)		/* back to the queue head? */
152 		return NULL;
154 	return (Pointer) (((char *) elemPtr) - linkOffset);
155 }
157 /*--------------------
158  * SHMQueuePrev -- Get the previous element from a queue
159  *
160  * Same as SHMQueueNext, just starting at tail and moving towards head.
161  * All other comments and usage applies.
162  */
163 Pointer
164 SHMQueuePrev(const SHM_QUEUE *queue, const SHM_QUEUE *curElem, Size linkOffset)
165 {
166 	SHM_QUEUE  *elemPtr = curElem->prev;
168 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(curElem));
170 	if (elemPtr == queue)		/* back to the queue head? */
171 		return NULL;
r_main_suffix(struct SN_env * z)173 	return (Pointer) (((char *) elemPtr) - linkOffset);
174 }
176 /*
177  * SHMQueueEmpty -- true if queue head is only element, false otherwise
178  */
179 bool
180 SHMQueueEmpty(const SHM_QUEUE *queue)
181 {
182 	Assert(ShmemAddrIsValid(queue));
184 	if (queue->prev == queue)
185 	{
186 		Assert(queue->next == queue);
187 		return true;
188 	}
189 	return false;
190 }