1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * parse_node.h
4  *		Internal definitions for parser
5  *
6  *
7  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
8  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
9  *
10  * src/include/parser/parse_node.h
11  *
12  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
13  */
14 #ifndef PARSE_NODE_H
15 #define PARSE_NODE_H
17 #include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
18 #include "utils/queryenvironment.h"
19 #include "utils/relcache.h"
22 /* Forward references for some structs declared below */
23 typedef struct ParseState ParseState;
24 typedef struct ParseNamespaceItem ParseNamespaceItem;
25 typedef struct ParseNamespaceColumn ParseNamespaceColumn;
27 /*
28  * Expression kinds distinguished by transformExpr().  Many of these are not
29  * semantically distinct so far as expression transformation goes; rather,
30  * we distinguish them so that context-specific error messages can be printed.
31  *
32  * Note: EXPR_KIND_OTHER is not used in the core code, but is left for use
33  * by extension code that might need to call transformExpr().  The core code
34  * will not enforce any context-driven restrictions on EXPR_KIND_OTHER
35  * expressions, so the caller would have to check for sub-selects, aggregates,
36  * window functions, SRFs, etc if those need to be disallowed.
37  */
38 typedef enum ParseExprKind
39 {
40 	EXPR_KIND_NONE = 0,			/* "not in an expression" */
41 	EXPR_KIND_OTHER,			/* reserved for extensions */
45 	EXPR_KIND_FROM_FUNCTION,	/* function in FROM clause */
49 	EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_PARTITION, /* window definition PARTITION BY */
50 	EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_ORDER,		/* window definition ORDER BY */
51 	EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_FRAME_RANGE,	/* window frame clause with RANGE */
52 	EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_FRAME_ROWS,	/* window frame clause with ROWS */
53 	EXPR_KIND_WINDOW_FRAME_GROUPS,	/* window frame clause with GROUPS */
54 	EXPR_KIND_SELECT_TARGET,	/* SELECT target list item */
55 	EXPR_KIND_INSERT_TARGET,	/* INSERT target list item */
56 	EXPR_KIND_UPDATE_SOURCE,	/* UPDATE assignment source item */
57 	EXPR_KIND_UPDATE_TARGET,	/* UPDATE assignment target item */
65 	EXPR_KIND_VALUES_SINGLE,	/* single-row VALUES (in INSERT only) */
66 	EXPR_KIND_CHECK_CONSTRAINT, /* CHECK constraint for a table */
67 	EXPR_KIND_DOMAIN_CHECK,		/* CHECK constraint for a domain */
68 	EXPR_KIND_COLUMN_DEFAULT,	/* default value for a table column */
69 	EXPR_KIND_FUNCTION_DEFAULT, /* default parameter value for function */
70 	EXPR_KIND_INDEX_EXPRESSION, /* index expression */
71 	EXPR_KIND_INDEX_PREDICATE,	/* index predicate */
73 	EXPR_KIND_EXECUTE_PARAMETER,	/* parameter value in EXECUTE */
75 	EXPR_KIND_POLICY,			/* USING or WITH CHECK expr in policy */
76 	EXPR_KIND_PARTITION_BOUND,	/* partition bound expression */
78 	EXPR_KIND_CALL_ARGUMENT,	/* procedure argument in CALL */
79 	EXPR_KIND_COPY_WHERE,		/* WHERE condition in COPY FROM */
80 	EXPR_KIND_GENERATED_COLUMN, /* generation expression for a column */
81 } ParseExprKind;
84 /*
85  * Function signatures for parser hooks
86  */
87 typedef Node *(*PreParseColumnRefHook) (ParseState *pstate, ColumnRef *cref);
88 typedef Node *(*PostParseColumnRefHook) (ParseState *pstate, ColumnRef *cref, Node *var);
89 typedef Node *(*ParseParamRefHook) (ParseState *pstate, ParamRef *pref);
90 typedef Node *(*CoerceParamHook) (ParseState *pstate, Param *param,
91 								  Oid targetTypeId, int32 targetTypeMod,
92 								  int location);
95 /*
96  * State information used during parse analysis
97  *
98  * parentParseState: NULL in a top-level ParseState.  When parsing a subquery,
99  * links to current parse state of outer query.
100  *
101  * p_sourcetext: source string that generated the raw parsetree being
102  * analyzed, or NULL if not available.  (The string is used only to
103  * generate cursor positions in error messages: we need it to convert
104  * byte-wise locations in parse structures to character-wise cursor
105  * positions.)
106  *
107  * p_rtable: list of RTEs that will become the rangetable of the query.
108  * Note that neither relname nor refname of these entries are necessarily
109  * unique; searching the rtable by name is a bad idea.
110  *
111  * p_joinexprs: list of JoinExpr nodes associated with p_rtable entries.
112  * This is one-for-one with p_rtable, but contains NULLs for non-join
113  * RTEs, and may be shorter than p_rtable if the last RTE(s) aren't joins.
114  *
115  * p_joinlist: list of join items (RangeTblRef and JoinExpr nodes) that
116  * will become the fromlist of the query's top-level FromExpr node.
117  *
118  * p_namespace: list of ParseNamespaceItems that represents the current
119  * namespace for table and column lookup.  (The RTEs listed here may be just
120  * a subset of the whole rtable.  See ParseNamespaceItem comments below.)
121  *
122  * p_lateral_active: true if we are currently parsing a LATERAL subexpression
123  * of this parse level.  This makes p_lateral_only namespace items visible,
124  * whereas they are not visible when p_lateral_active is FALSE.
125  *
126  * p_ctenamespace: list of CommonTableExprs (WITH items) that are visible
127  * at the moment.  This is entirely different from p_namespace because a CTE
128  * is not an RTE, rather "visibility" means you could make an RTE from it.
129  *
130  * p_future_ctes: list of CommonTableExprs (WITH items) that are not yet
131  * visible due to scope rules.  This is used to help improve error messages.
132  *
133  * p_parent_cte: CommonTableExpr that immediately contains the current query,
134  * if any.
135  *
136  * p_target_relation: target relation, if query is INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
137  *
138  * p_target_nsitem: target relation's ParseNamespaceItem.
139  *
140  * p_is_insert: true to process assignment expressions like INSERT, false
141  * to process them like UPDATE.  (Note this can change intra-statement, for
142  * cases like INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE.)
143  *
144  * p_windowdefs: list of WindowDefs representing WINDOW and OVER clauses.
145  * We collect these while transforming expressions and then transform them
146  * afterwards (so that any resjunk tlist items needed for the sort/group
147  * clauses end up at the end of the query tlist).  A WindowDef's location in
148  * this list, counting from 1, is the winref number to use to reference it.
149  *
150  * p_expr_kind: kind of expression we're currently parsing, as per enum above;
151  * EXPR_KIND_NONE when not in an expression.
152  *
153  * p_next_resno: next TargetEntry.resno to assign, starting from 1.
154  *
155  * p_multiassign_exprs: partially-processed MultiAssignRef source expressions.
156  *
157  * p_locking_clause: query's FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE clause, if any.
158  *
159  * p_locked_from_parent: true if parent query level applies FOR UPDATE/SHARE
160  * to this subquery as a whole.
161  *
162  * p_resolve_unknowns: resolve unknown-type SELECT output columns as type TEXT
163  * (this is true by default).
164  *
165  * p_hasAggs, p_hasWindowFuncs, etc: true if we've found any of the indicated
166  * constructs in the query.
167  *
168  * p_last_srf: the set-returning FuncExpr or OpExpr most recently found in
169  * the query, or NULL if none.
170  *
171  * p_pre_columnref_hook, etc: optional parser hook functions for modifying the
172  * interpretation of ColumnRefs and ParamRefs.
173  *
174  * p_ref_hook_state: passthrough state for the parser hook functions.
175  */
176 struct ParseState
177 {
178 	ParseState *parentParseState;	/* stack link */
179 	const char *p_sourcetext;	/* source text, or NULL if not available */
180 	List	   *p_rtable;		/* range table so far */
181 	List	   *p_joinexprs;	/* JoinExprs for RTE_JOIN p_rtable entries */
182 	List	   *p_joinlist;		/* join items so far (will become FromExpr
183 								 * node's fromlist) */
184 	List	   *p_namespace;	/* currently-referenceable RTEs (List of
185 								 * ParseNamespaceItem) */
186 	bool		p_lateral_active;	/* p_lateral_only items visible? */
187 	List	   *p_ctenamespace; /* current namespace for common table exprs */
188 	List	   *p_future_ctes;	/* common table exprs not yet in namespace */
189 	CommonTableExpr *p_parent_cte;	/* this query's containing CTE */
190 	Relation	p_target_relation;	/* INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE target rel */
191 	ParseNamespaceItem *p_target_nsitem;	/* target rel's NSItem, or NULL */
192 	bool		p_is_insert;	/* process assignment like INSERT not UPDATE */
193 	List	   *p_windowdefs;	/* raw representations of window clauses */
194 	ParseExprKind p_expr_kind;	/* what kind of expression we're parsing */
195 	int			p_next_resno;	/* next targetlist resno to assign */
196 	List	   *p_multiassign_exprs;	/* junk tlist entries for multiassign */
197 	List	   *p_locking_clause;	/* raw FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE info */
198 	bool		p_locked_from_parent;	/* parent has marked this subquery
199 										 * with FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE */
200 	bool		p_resolve_unknowns; /* resolve unknown-type SELECT outputs as
201 									 * type text */
203 	QueryEnvironment *p_queryEnv;	/* curr env, incl refs to enclosing env */
205 	/* Flags telling about things found in the query: */
206 	bool		p_hasAggs;
207 	bool		p_hasWindowFuncs;
208 	bool		p_hasTargetSRFs;
209 	bool		p_hasSubLinks;
210 	bool		p_hasModifyingCTE;
212 	Node	   *p_last_srf;		/* most recent set-returning func/op found */
214 	/*
215 	 * Optional hook functions for parser callbacks.  These are null unless
216 	 * set up by the caller of make_parsestate.
217 	 */
218 	PreParseColumnRefHook p_pre_columnref_hook;
219 	PostParseColumnRefHook p_post_columnref_hook;
220 	ParseParamRefHook p_paramref_hook;
221 	CoerceParamHook p_coerce_param_hook;
222 	void	   *p_ref_hook_state;	/* common passthrough link for above */
223 };
225 /*
226  * An element of a namespace list.
227  *
228  * The p_nscolumns array contains info showing how to construct Vars
229  * referencing corresponding elements of the RTE's colnames list.
230  *
231  * Namespace items with p_rel_visible set define which RTEs are accessible by
232  * qualified names, while those with p_cols_visible set define which RTEs are
233  * accessible by unqualified names.  These sets are different because a JOIN
234  * without an alias does not hide the contained tables (so they must be
235  * visible for qualified references) but it does hide their columns
236  * (unqualified references to the columns refer to the JOIN, not the member
237  * tables, so we must not complain that such a reference is ambiguous).
238  * Various special RTEs such as NEW/OLD for rules may also appear with only
239  * one flag set.
240  *
241  * While processing the FROM clause, namespace items may appear with
242  * p_lateral_only set, meaning they are visible only to LATERAL
243  * subexpressions.  (The pstate's p_lateral_active flag tells whether we are
244  * inside such a subexpression at the moment.)	If p_lateral_ok is not set,
245  * it's an error to actually use such a namespace item.  One might think it
246  * would be better to just exclude such items from visibility, but the wording
247  * of SQL:2008 requires us to do it this way.  We also use p_lateral_ok to
248  * forbid LATERAL references to an UPDATE/DELETE target table.
249  *
250  * At no time should a namespace list contain two entries that conflict
251  * according to the rules in checkNameSpaceConflicts; but note that those
252  * are more complicated than "must have different alias names", so in practice
253  * code searching a namespace list has to check for ambiguous references.
254  */
255 struct ParseNamespaceItem
256 {
257 	RangeTblEntry *p_rte;		/* The relation's rangetable entry */
258 	int			p_rtindex;		/* The relation's index in the rangetable */
259 	/* array of same length as p_rte->eref->colnames: */
260 	ParseNamespaceColumn *p_nscolumns;	/* per-column data */
261 	bool		p_rel_visible;	/* Relation name is visible? */
262 	bool		p_cols_visible; /* Column names visible as unqualified refs? */
263 	bool		p_lateral_only; /* Is only visible to LATERAL expressions? */
264 	bool		p_lateral_ok;	/* If so, does join type allow use? */
265 };
267 /*
268  * Data about one column of a ParseNamespaceItem.
269  *
270  * We track the info needed to construct a Var referencing the column
271  * (but only for user-defined columns; system column references and
272  * whole-row references are handled separately).
273  *
274  * p_varno and p_varattno identify the semantic referent, which is a
275  * base-relation column unless the reference is to a join USING column that
276  * isn't semantically equivalent to either join input column (because it is a
277  * FULL join or the input column requires a type coercion).  In those cases
278  * p_varno and p_varattno refer to the JOIN RTE.
279  *
280  * p_varnosyn and p_varattnosyn are either identical to p_varno/p_varattno,
281  * or they specify the column's position in an aliased JOIN RTE that hides
282  * the semantic referent RTE's refname.  (That could be either the JOIN RTE
283  * in which this ParseNamespaceColumn entry exists, or some lower join level.)
284  *
285  * If an RTE contains a dropped column, its ParseNamespaceColumn struct
286  * is all-zeroes.  (Conventionally, test for p_varno == 0 to detect this.)
287  */
288 struct ParseNamespaceColumn
289 {
290 	Index		p_varno;		/* rangetable index */
291 	AttrNumber	p_varattno;		/* attribute number of the column */
292 	Oid			p_vartype;		/* pg_type OID */
293 	int32		p_vartypmod;	/* type modifier value */
294 	Oid			p_varcollid;	/* OID of collation, or InvalidOid */
295 	Index		p_varnosyn;		/* rangetable index of syntactic referent */
296 	AttrNumber	p_varattnosyn;	/* attribute number of syntactic referent */
297 };
299 /* Support for parser_errposition_callback function */
300 typedef struct ParseCallbackState
301 {
302 	ParseState *pstate;
303 	int			location;
304 	ErrorContextCallback errcallback;
305 } ParseCallbackState;
308 extern ParseState *make_parsestate(ParseState *parentParseState);
309 extern void free_parsestate(ParseState *pstate);
310 extern int	parser_errposition(ParseState *pstate, int location);
312 extern void setup_parser_errposition_callback(ParseCallbackState *pcbstate,
313 											  ParseState *pstate, int location);
314 extern void cancel_parser_errposition_callback(ParseCallbackState *pcbstate);
316 extern Oid	transformContainerType(Oid *containerType, int32 *containerTypmod);
318 extern SubscriptingRef *transformContainerSubscripts(ParseState *pstate,
319 													 Node *containerBase,
320 													 Oid containerType,
321 													 Oid elementType,
322 													 int32 containerTypMod,
323 													 List *indirection,
324 													 Node *assignFrom);
325 extern Const *make_const(ParseState *pstate, Value *value, int location);
327 #endif							/* PARSE_NODE_H */