1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * fsm_internals.h
4  *	  internal functions for free space map
5  *
6  *
7  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
8  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
9  *
10  * src/include/storage/fsm_internals.h
11  *
12  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
13  */
14 #ifndef FSM_INTERNALS_H
15 #define FSM_INTERNALS_H
17 #include "storage/buf.h"
18 #include "storage/bufpage.h"
20 /*
21  * Structure of a FSM page. See src/backend/storage/freespace/README for
22  * details.
23  */
24 typedef struct
25 {
26 	/*
27 	 * fsm_search_avail() tries to spread the load of multiple backends by
28 	 * returning different pages to different backends in a round-robin
29 	 * fashion. fp_next_slot points to the next slot to be returned (assuming
30 	 * there's enough space on it for the request). It's defined as an int,
31 	 * because it's updated without an exclusive lock. uint16 would be more
32 	 * appropriate, but int is more likely to be atomically
33 	 * fetchable/storable.
34 	 */
35 	int			fp_next_slot;
37 	/*
38 	 * fp_nodes contains the binary tree, stored in array. The first
39 	 * NonLeafNodesPerPage elements are upper nodes, and the following
40 	 * LeafNodesPerPage elements are leaf nodes. Unused nodes are zero.
41 	 */
42 	uint8		fp_nodes[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
43 } FSMPageData;
45 typedef FSMPageData *FSMPage;
47 /*
48  * Number of non-leaf and leaf nodes, and nodes in total, on an FSM page.
49  * These definitions are internal to fsmpage.c.
50  */
51 #define NodesPerPage (BLCKSZ - MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData) - \
52 					  offsetof(FSMPageData, fp_nodes))
54 #define NonLeafNodesPerPage (BLCKSZ / 2 - 1)
55 #define LeafNodesPerPage (NodesPerPage - NonLeafNodesPerPage)
57 /*
58  * Number of FSM "slots" on a FSM page. This is what should be used
59  * outside fsmpage.c.
60  */
61 #define SlotsPerFSMPage LeafNodesPerPage
63 /* Prototypes for functions in fsmpage.c */
64 extern int	fsm_search_avail(Buffer buf, uint8 min_cat, bool advancenext,
65 							 bool exclusive_lock_held);
66 extern uint8 fsm_get_avail(Page page, int slot);
67 extern uint8 fsm_get_max_avail(Page page);
68 extern bool fsm_set_avail(Page page, int slot, uint8 value);
69 extern bool fsm_truncate_avail(Page page, int nslots);
70 extern bool fsm_rebuild_page(Page page);
72 #endif							/* FSM_INTERNALS_H */