1<!-- doc/src/sgml/replication-origins.sgml -->
2<chapter id="replication-origins">
3 <title>Replication Progress Tracking</title>
5 <indexterm zone="replication-origins">
6  <primary>Replication Progress Tracking</primary>
7 </indexterm>
8 <indexterm zone="replication-origins">
9  <primary>Replication Origins</primary>
10 </indexterm>
12 <para>
13  Replication origins are intended to make it easier to implement
14  logical replication solutions on top
15  of <link linkend="logicaldecoding">logical decoding</link>.
16  They provide a solution to two common problems:
17  <itemizedlist>
18   <listitem>
19    <para>How to safely keep track of replication progress</para>
20   </listitem>
21   <listitem>
22    <para>How to change replication behavior based on the
23     origin of a row; for example, to prevent loops in bi-directional
24     replication setups</para>
25   </listitem>
26  </itemizedlist>
27 </para>
29 <para>
30  Replication origins have just two properties, a name and an OID. The name,
31  which is what should be used to refer to the origin across systems, is
32  free-form <type>text</type>. It should be used in a way that makes conflicts
33  between replication origins created by different replication solutions
34  unlikely; e.g., by prefixing the replication solution's name to it.
35  The OID is used only to avoid having to store the long version
36  in situations where space efficiency is important. It should never be shared
37  across systems.
38 </para>
40 <para>
41  Replication origins can be created using the function
42  <link linkend="pg-replication-origin-create"><function>pg_replication_origin_create()</function></link>;
43  dropped using
44  <link linkend="pg-replication-origin-drop"><function>pg_replication_origin_drop()</function></link>;
45  and seen in the
46  <link linkend="catalog-pg-replication-origin"><structname>pg_replication_origin</structname></link>
47  system catalog.
48 </para>
50 <para>
51  One nontrivial part of building a replication solution is to keep track of
52  replay progress in a safe manner. When the applying process, or the whole
53  cluster, dies, it needs to be possible to find out up to where data has
54  successfully been replicated. Naive solutions to this, such as updating a
55  row in a table for every replayed transaction, have problems like run-time
56  overhead and database bloat.
57 </para>
59 <para>
60  Using the replication origin infrastructure a session can be
61  marked as replaying from a remote node (using the
62  <link linkend="pg-replication-origin-session-setup"><function>pg_replication_origin_session_setup()</function></link>
63  function). Additionally the <acronym>LSN</acronym> and commit
64  time stamp of every source transaction can be configured on a per
65  transaction basis using
66  <link linkend="pg-replication-origin-xact-setup"><function>pg_replication_origin_xact_setup()</function></link>.
67  If that's done replication progress will persist in a crash safe
68  manner. Replay progress for all replication origins can be seen in the
69  <link linkend="view-pg-replication-origin-status">
70   <structname>pg_replication_origin_status</structname>
71  </link> view. An individual origin's progress, e.g., when resuming
72  replication, can be acquired using
73  <link linkend="pg-replication-origin-progress"><function>pg_replication_origin_progress()</function></link>
74  for any origin or
75  <link linkend="pg-replication-origin-session-progress"><function>pg_replication_origin_session_progress()</function></link>
76  for the origin configured in the current session.
77 </para>
79 <para>
80  In replication topologies more complex than replication from exactly one
81  system to one other system, another problem can be that it is hard to avoid
82  replicating replayed rows again. That can lead both to cycles in the
83  replication and inefficiencies. Replication origins provide an optional
84  mechanism to recognize and prevent that. When configured using the functions
85  referenced in the previous paragraph, every change and transaction passed to
86  output plugin callbacks (see <xref linkend="logicaldecoding-output-plugin"/>)
87  generated by the session is tagged with the replication origin of the
88  generating session.  This allows treating them differently in the output
89  plugin, e.g., ignoring all but locally-originating rows.  Additionally
90  the <link linkend="logicaldecoding-output-plugin-filter-origin">
91  <function>filter_by_origin_cb</function></link> callback can be used
92  to filter the logical decoding change stream based on the
93  source. While less flexible, filtering via that callback is
94  considerably more efficient than doing it in the output plugin.
95 </para>