1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * gin_private.h
3  *	  header file for postgres inverted index access method implementation.
4  *
5  *	Copyright (c) 2006-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
6  *
7  *	src/include/access/gin_private.h
8  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
9  */
10 #ifndef GIN_PRIVATE_H
11 #define GIN_PRIVATE_H
13 #include "access/amapi.h"
14 #include "access/gin.h"
15 #include "access/ginblock.h"
16 #include "access/itup.h"
17 #include "catalog/pg_am_d.h"
18 #include "fmgr.h"
19 #include "lib/rbtree.h"
20 #include "storage/bufmgr.h"
22 /*
23  * Storage type for GIN's reloptions
24  */
25 typedef struct GinOptions
26 {
27 	int32		vl_len_;		/* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
28 	bool		useFastUpdate;	/* use fast updates? */
29 	int			pendingListCleanupSize; /* maximum size of pending list */
30 } GinOptions;
33 #define GinGetUseFastUpdate(relation) \
34 	(AssertMacro(relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX && \
35 				 relation->rd_rel->relam == GIN_AM_OID), \
36 	 (relation)->rd_options ? \
37 	 ((GinOptions *) (relation)->rd_options)->useFastUpdate : GIN_DEFAULT_USE_FASTUPDATE)
38 #define GinGetPendingListCleanupSize(relation) \
39 	(AssertMacro(relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX && \
40 				 relation->rd_rel->relam == GIN_AM_OID), \
41 	 (relation)->rd_options && \
42 	 ((GinOptions *) (relation)->rd_options)->pendingListCleanupSize != -1 ? \
43 	 ((GinOptions *) (relation)->rd_options)->pendingListCleanupSize : \
44 	 gin_pending_list_limit)
47 /* Macros for buffer lock/unlock operations */
53 /*
54  * GinState: working data structure describing the index being worked on
55  */
56 typedef struct GinState
57 {
58 	Relation	index;
59 	bool		oneCol;			/* true if single-column index */
61 	/*
62 	 * origTupdesc is the nominal tuple descriptor of the index, ie, the i'th
63 	 * attribute shows the key type (not the input data type!) of the i'th
64 	 * index column.  In a single-column index this describes the actual leaf
65 	 * index tuples.  In a multi-column index, the actual leaf tuples contain
66 	 * a smallint column number followed by a key datum of the appropriate
67 	 * type for that column.  We set up tupdesc[i] to describe the actual
68 	 * rowtype of the index tuples for the i'th column, ie, (int2, keytype).
69 	 * Note that in any case, leaf tuples contain more data than is known to
70 	 * the TupleDesc; see access/gin/README for details.
71 	 */
72 	TupleDesc	origTupdesc;
73 	TupleDesc	tupdesc[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
75 	/*
76 	 * Per-index-column opclass support functions
77 	 */
78 	FmgrInfo	compareFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
79 	FmgrInfo	extractValueFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
80 	FmgrInfo	extractQueryFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
81 	FmgrInfo	consistentFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
82 	FmgrInfo	triConsistentFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
83 	FmgrInfo	comparePartialFn[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];	/* optional method */
84 	/* canPartialMatch[i] is true if comparePartialFn[i] is valid */
85 	bool		canPartialMatch[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
86 	/* Collations to pass to the support functions */
87 	Oid			supportCollation[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
88 } GinState;
91 /* ginutil.c */
92 extern bytea *ginoptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate);
93 extern void initGinState(GinState *state, Relation index);
94 extern Buffer GinNewBuffer(Relation index);
95 extern void GinInitBuffer(Buffer b, uint32 f);
96 extern void GinInitPage(Page page, uint32 f, Size pageSize);
97 extern void GinInitMetabuffer(Buffer b);
98 extern int	ginCompareEntries(GinState *ginstate, OffsetNumber attnum,
99 							  Datum a, GinNullCategory categorya,
100 							  Datum b, GinNullCategory categoryb);
101 extern int	ginCompareAttEntries(GinState *ginstate,
102 								 OffsetNumber attnuma, Datum a, GinNullCategory categorya,
103 								 OffsetNumber attnumb, Datum b, GinNullCategory categoryb);
104 extern Datum *ginExtractEntries(GinState *ginstate, OffsetNumber attnum,
105 								Datum value, bool isNull,
106 								int32 *nentries, GinNullCategory **categories);
108 extern OffsetNumber gintuple_get_attrnum(GinState *ginstate, IndexTuple tuple);
109 extern Datum gintuple_get_key(GinState *ginstate, IndexTuple tuple,
110 							  GinNullCategory *category);
112 /* gininsert.c */
113 extern IndexBuildResult *ginbuild(Relation heap, Relation index,
114 								  struct IndexInfo *indexInfo);
115 extern void ginbuildempty(Relation index);
116 extern bool gininsert(Relation index, Datum *values, bool *isnull,
117 					  ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel,
118 					  IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique,
119 					  bool indexUnchanged,
120 					  struct IndexInfo *indexInfo);
121 extern void ginEntryInsert(GinState *ginstate,
122 						   OffsetNumber attnum, Datum key, GinNullCategory category,
123 						   ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitem,
124 						   GinStatsData *buildStats);
126 /* ginbtree.c */
128 typedef struct GinBtreeStack
129 {
130 	BlockNumber blkno;
131 	Buffer		buffer;
132 	OffsetNumber off;
133 	ItemPointerData iptr;
134 	/* predictNumber contains predicted number of pages on current level */
135 	uint32		predictNumber;
136 	struct GinBtreeStack *parent;
137 } GinBtreeStack;
139 typedef struct GinBtreeData *GinBtree;
141 /* Return codes for GinBtreeData.beginPlaceToPage method */
142 typedef enum
143 {
147 } GinPlaceToPageRC;
149 typedef struct GinBtreeData
150 {
151 	/* search methods */
152 	BlockNumber (*findChildPage) (GinBtree, GinBtreeStack *);
153 	BlockNumber (*getLeftMostChild) (GinBtree, Page);
154 	bool		(*isMoveRight) (GinBtree, Page);
155 	bool		(*findItem) (GinBtree, GinBtreeStack *);
157 	/* insert methods */
158 	OffsetNumber (*findChildPtr) (GinBtree, Page, BlockNumber, OffsetNumber);
159 	GinPlaceToPageRC (*beginPlaceToPage) (GinBtree, Buffer, GinBtreeStack *, void *, BlockNumber, void **, Page *, Page *);
160 	void		(*execPlaceToPage) (GinBtree, Buffer, GinBtreeStack *, void *, BlockNumber, void *);
161 	void	   *(*prepareDownlink) (GinBtree, Buffer);
162 	void		(*fillRoot) (GinBtree, Page, BlockNumber, Page, BlockNumber, Page);
164 	bool		isData;
166 	Relation	index;
167 	BlockNumber rootBlkno;
168 	GinState   *ginstate;		/* not valid in a data scan */
169 	bool		fullScan;
170 	bool		isBuild;
172 	/* Search key for Entry tree */
173 	OffsetNumber entryAttnum;
174 	Datum		entryKey;
175 	GinNullCategory entryCategory;
177 	/* Search key for data tree (posting tree) */
178 	ItemPointerData itemptr;
179 } GinBtreeData;
181 /* This represents a tuple to be inserted to entry tree. */
182 typedef struct
183 {
184 	IndexTuple	entry;			/* tuple to insert */
185 	bool		isDelete;		/* delete old tuple at same offset? */
186 } GinBtreeEntryInsertData;
188 /*
189  * This represents an itempointer, or many itempointers, to be inserted to
190  * a data (posting tree) leaf page
191  */
192 typedef struct
193 {
194 	ItemPointerData *items;
195 	uint32		nitem;
196 	uint32		curitem;
197 } GinBtreeDataLeafInsertData;
199 /*
200  * For internal data (posting tree) pages, the insertion payload is a
201  * PostingItem
202  */
204 extern GinBtreeStack *ginFindLeafPage(GinBtree btree, bool searchMode,
205 									  bool rootConflictCheck, Snapshot snapshot);
206 extern Buffer ginStepRight(Buffer buffer, Relation index, int lockmode);
207 extern void freeGinBtreeStack(GinBtreeStack *stack);
208 extern void ginInsertValue(GinBtree btree, GinBtreeStack *stack,
209 						   void *insertdata, GinStatsData *buildStats);
211 /* ginentrypage.c */
212 extern IndexTuple GinFormTuple(GinState *ginstate,
213 							   OffsetNumber attnum, Datum key, GinNullCategory category,
214 							   Pointer data, Size dataSize, int nipd, bool errorTooBig);
215 extern void ginPrepareEntryScan(GinBtree btree, OffsetNumber attnum,
216 								Datum key, GinNullCategory category,
217 								GinState *ginstate);
218 extern void ginEntryFillRoot(GinBtree btree, Page root, BlockNumber lblkno, Page lpage, BlockNumber rblkno, Page rpage);
219 extern ItemPointer ginReadTuple(GinState *ginstate, OffsetNumber attnum,
220 								IndexTuple itup, int *nitems);
222 /* gindatapage.c */
223 extern ItemPointer GinDataLeafPageGetItems(Page page, int *nitems, ItemPointerData advancePast);
224 extern int	GinDataLeafPageGetItemsToTbm(Page page, TIDBitmap *tbm);
225 extern BlockNumber createPostingTree(Relation index,
226 									 ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitems,
227 									 GinStatsData *buildStats, Buffer entrybuffer);
228 extern void GinDataPageAddPostingItem(Page page, PostingItem *data, OffsetNumber offset);
229 extern void GinPageDeletePostingItem(Page page, OffsetNumber offset);
230 extern void ginInsertItemPointers(Relation index, BlockNumber rootBlkno,
231 								  ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitem,
232 								  GinStatsData *buildStats);
233 extern GinBtreeStack *ginScanBeginPostingTree(GinBtree btree, Relation index, BlockNumber rootBlkno, Snapshot snapshot);
234 extern void ginDataFillRoot(GinBtree btree, Page root, BlockNumber lblkno, Page lpage, BlockNumber rblkno, Page rpage);
236 /*
237  * This is declared in ginvacuum.c, but is passed between ginVacuumItemPointers
238  * and ginVacuumPostingTreeLeaf and as an opaque struct, so we need a forward
239  * declaration for it.
240  */
241 typedef struct GinVacuumState GinVacuumState;
243 extern void ginVacuumPostingTreeLeaf(Relation rel, Buffer buf, GinVacuumState *gvs);
245 /* ginscan.c */
247 /*
248  * GinScanKeyData describes a single GIN index qualifier expression.
249  *
250  * From each qual expression, we extract one or more specific index search
251  * conditions, which are represented by GinScanEntryData.  It's quite
252  * possible for identical search conditions to be requested by more than
253  * one qual expression, in which case we merge such conditions to have just
254  * one unique GinScanEntry --- this is particularly important for efficiency
255  * when dealing with full-index-scan entries.  So there can be multiple
256  * GinScanKeyData.scanEntry pointers to the same GinScanEntryData.
257  *
258  * In each GinScanKeyData, nentries is the true number of entries, while
259  * nuserentries is the number that extractQueryFn returned (which is what
260  * we report to consistentFn).  The "user" entries must come first.
261  */
262 typedef struct GinScanKeyData *GinScanKey;
264 typedef struct GinScanEntryData *GinScanEntry;
266 typedef struct GinScanKeyData
267 {
268 	/* Real number of entries in scanEntry[] (always > 0) */
269 	uint32		nentries;
270 	/* Number of entries that extractQueryFn and consistentFn know about */
271 	uint32		nuserentries;
273 	/* array of GinScanEntry pointers, one per extracted search condition */
274 	GinScanEntry *scanEntry;
276 	/*
277 	 * At least one of the entries in requiredEntries must be present for a
278 	 * tuple to match the overall qual.
279 	 *
280 	 * additionalEntries contains entries that are needed by the consistent
281 	 * function to decide if an item matches, but are not sufficient to
282 	 * satisfy the qual without entries from requiredEntries.
283 	 */
284 	GinScanEntry *requiredEntries;
285 	int			nrequired;
286 	GinScanEntry *additionalEntries;
287 	int			nadditional;
289 	/* array of check flags, reported to consistentFn */
290 	GinTernaryValue *entryRes;
291 	bool		(*boolConsistentFn) (GinScanKey key);
292 	GinTernaryValue (*triConsistentFn) (GinScanKey key);
293 	FmgrInfo   *consistentFmgrInfo;
294 	FmgrInfo   *triConsistentFmgrInfo;
295 	Oid			collation;
297 	/* other data needed for calling consistentFn */
298 	Datum		query;
299 	/* NB: these three arrays have only nuserentries elements! */
300 	Datum	   *queryValues;
301 	GinNullCategory *queryCategories;
302 	Pointer    *extra_data;
303 	StrategyNumber strategy;
304 	int32		searchMode;
305 	OffsetNumber attnum;
307 	/*
308 	 * An excludeOnly scan key is not able to enumerate all matching tuples.
309 	 * That is, to be semantically correct on its own, it would need to have a
310 	 * GIN_CAT_EMPTY_QUERY scanEntry, but it doesn't.  Such a key can still be
311 	 * used to filter tuples returned by other scan keys, so we will get the
312 	 * right answers as long as there's at least one non-excludeOnly scan key
313 	 * for each index attribute considered by the search.  For efficiency
314 	 * reasons we don't want to have unnecessary GIN_CAT_EMPTY_QUERY entries,
315 	 * so we will convert an excludeOnly scan key to non-excludeOnly (by
316 	 * adding a GIN_CAT_EMPTY_QUERY scanEntry) only if there are no other
317 	 * non-excludeOnly scan keys.
318 	 */
319 	bool		excludeOnly;
321 	/*
322 	 * Match status data.  curItem is the TID most recently tested (could be a
323 	 * lossy-page pointer).  curItemMatches is true if it passes the
324 	 * consistentFn test; if so, recheckCurItem is the recheck flag.
325 	 * isFinished means that all the input entry streams are finished, so this
326 	 * key cannot succeed for any later TIDs.
327 	 */
328 	ItemPointerData curItem;
329 	bool		curItemMatches;
330 	bool		recheckCurItem;
331 	bool		isFinished;
332 }			GinScanKeyData;
334 typedef struct GinScanEntryData
335 {
336 	/* query key and other information from extractQueryFn */
337 	Datum		queryKey;
338 	GinNullCategory queryCategory;
339 	bool		isPartialMatch;
340 	Pointer		extra_data;
341 	StrategyNumber strategy;
342 	int32		searchMode;
343 	OffsetNumber attnum;
345 	/* Current page in posting tree */
346 	Buffer		buffer;
348 	/* current ItemPointer to heap */
349 	ItemPointerData curItem;
351 	/* for a partial-match or full-scan query, we accumulate all TIDs here */
352 	TIDBitmap  *matchBitmap;
353 	TBMIterator *matchIterator;
354 	TBMIterateResult *matchResult;
356 	/* used for Posting list and one page in Posting tree */
357 	ItemPointerData *list;
358 	int			nlist;
359 	OffsetNumber offset;
361 	bool		isFinished;
362 	bool		reduceResult;
363 	uint32		predictNumberResult;
364 	GinBtreeData btree;
365 }			GinScanEntryData;
367 typedef struct GinScanOpaqueData
368 {
369 	MemoryContext tempCtx;
370 	GinState	ginstate;
372 	GinScanKey	keys;			/* one per scan qualifier expr */
373 	uint32		nkeys;
375 	GinScanEntry *entries;		/* one per index search condition */
376 	uint32		totalentries;
377 	uint32		allocentries;	/* allocated length of entries[] */
379 	MemoryContext keyCtx;		/* used to hold key and entry data */
381 	bool		isVoidRes;		/* true if query is unsatisfiable */
382 } GinScanOpaqueData;
384 typedef GinScanOpaqueData *GinScanOpaque;
386 extern IndexScanDesc ginbeginscan(Relation rel, int nkeys, int norderbys);
387 extern void ginendscan(IndexScanDesc scan);
388 extern void ginrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey key, int nscankeys,
389 					  ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys);
390 extern void ginNewScanKey(IndexScanDesc scan);
391 extern void ginFreeScanKeys(GinScanOpaque so);
393 /* ginget.c */
394 extern int64 gingetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm);
396 /* ginlogic.c */
397 extern void ginInitConsistentFunction(GinState *ginstate, GinScanKey key);
399 /* ginvacuum.c */
400 extern IndexBulkDeleteResult *ginbulkdelete(IndexVacuumInfo *info,
401 											IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats,
402 											IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback,
403 											void *callback_state);
404 extern IndexBulkDeleteResult *ginvacuumcleanup(IndexVacuumInfo *info,
405 											   IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats);
406 extern ItemPointer ginVacuumItemPointers(GinVacuumState *gvs,
407 										 ItemPointerData *items, int nitem, int *nremaining);
409 /* ginvalidate.c */
410 extern bool ginvalidate(Oid opclassoid);
411 extern void ginadjustmembers(Oid opfamilyoid,
412 							 Oid opclassoid,
413 							 List *operators,
414 							 List *functions);
416 /* ginbulk.c */
417 typedef struct GinEntryAccumulator
418 {
419 	RBTNode		rbtnode;
420 	Datum		key;
421 	GinNullCategory category;
422 	OffsetNumber attnum;
423 	bool		shouldSort;
424 	ItemPointerData *list;
425 	uint32		maxcount;		/* allocated size of list[] */
426 	uint32		count;			/* current number of list[] entries */
427 } GinEntryAccumulator;
429 typedef struct
430 {
431 	GinState   *ginstate;
432 	Size		allocatedMemory;
433 	GinEntryAccumulator *entryallocator;
434 	uint32		eas_used;
435 	RBTree	   *tree;
436 	RBTreeIterator tree_walk;
437 } BuildAccumulator;
439 extern void ginInitBA(BuildAccumulator *accum);
440 extern void ginInsertBAEntries(BuildAccumulator *accum,
441 							   ItemPointer heapptr, OffsetNumber attnum,
442 							   Datum *entries, GinNullCategory *categories,
443 							   int32 nentries);
444 extern void ginBeginBAScan(BuildAccumulator *accum);
445 extern ItemPointerData *ginGetBAEntry(BuildAccumulator *accum,
446 									  OffsetNumber *attnum, Datum *key, GinNullCategory *category,
447 									  uint32 *n);
449 /* ginfast.c */
451 typedef struct GinTupleCollector
452 {
453 	IndexTuple *tuples;
454 	uint32		ntuples;
455 	uint32		lentuples;
456 	uint32		sumsize;
457 } GinTupleCollector;
459 extern void ginHeapTupleFastInsert(GinState *ginstate,
460 								   GinTupleCollector *collector);
461 extern void ginHeapTupleFastCollect(GinState *ginstate,
462 									GinTupleCollector *collector,
463 									OffsetNumber attnum, Datum value, bool isNull,
464 									ItemPointer ht_ctid);
465 extern void ginInsertCleanup(GinState *ginstate, bool full_clean,
466 							 bool fill_fsm, bool forceCleanup, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats);
468 /* ginpostinglist.c */
470 extern GinPostingList *ginCompressPostingList(const ItemPointer ipd, int nipd,
471 											  int maxsize, int *nwritten);
472 extern int	ginPostingListDecodeAllSegmentsToTbm(GinPostingList *ptr, int totalsize, TIDBitmap *tbm);
474 extern ItemPointer ginPostingListDecodeAllSegments(GinPostingList *ptr, int len, int *ndecoded);
475 extern ItemPointer ginPostingListDecode(GinPostingList *ptr, int *ndecoded);
476 extern ItemPointer ginMergeItemPointers(ItemPointerData *a, uint32 na,
477 										ItemPointerData *b, uint32 nb,
478 										int *nmerged);
480 /*
481  * Merging the results of several gin scans compares item pointers a lot,
482  * so we want this to be inlined.
483  */
484 static inline int
ginCompareItemPointers(ItemPointer a,ItemPointer b)485 ginCompareItemPointers(ItemPointer a, ItemPointer b)
486 {
487 	uint64		ia = (uint64) GinItemPointerGetBlockNumber(a) << 32 | GinItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(a);
488 	uint64		ib = (uint64) GinItemPointerGetBlockNumber(b) << 32 | GinItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(b);
490 	if (ia == ib)
491 		return 0;
492 	else if (ia > ib)
493 		return 1;
494 	else
495 		return -1;
496 }
498 extern int	ginTraverseLock(Buffer buffer, bool searchMode);
500 #endif							/* GIN_PRIVATE_H */