1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * pg_class.h
4  *	  definition of the system "relation" relation (pg_class)
5  *	  along with the relation's initial contents.
6  *
7  *
8  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
9  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
10  *
11  * src/include/catalog/pg_class.h
12  *
13  * NOTES
14  *	  the genbki.pl script reads this file and generates .bki
15  *	  information from the DATA() statements.
16  *
17  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
18  */
19 #ifndef PG_CLASS_H
20 #define PG_CLASS_H
22 #include "catalog/genbki.h"
24 /* ----------------
25  *		pg_class definition.  cpp turns this into
26  *		typedef struct FormData_pg_class
27  * ----------------
28  */
29 #define RelationRelationId	1259
30 #define RelationRelation_Rowtype_Id  83
33 {
34 	NameData	relname;		/* class name */
35 	Oid			relnamespace;	/* OID of namespace containing this class */
36 	Oid			reltype;		/* OID of entry in pg_type for table's
37 								 * implicit row type */
38 	Oid			reloftype;		/* OID of entry in pg_type for underlying
39 								 * composite type */
40 	Oid			relowner;		/* class owner */
41 	Oid			relam;			/* index access method; 0 if not an index */
42 	Oid			relfilenode;	/* identifier of physical storage file */
44 	/* relfilenode == 0 means it is a "mapped" relation, see relmapper.c */
45 	Oid			reltablespace;	/* identifier of table space for relation */
46 	int32		relpages;		/* # of blocks (not always up-to-date) */
47 	float4		reltuples;		/* # of tuples (not always up-to-date) */
48 	int32		relallvisible;	/* # of all-visible blocks (not always
49 								 * up-to-date) */
50 	Oid			reltoastrelid;	/* OID of toast table; 0 if none */
51 	bool		relhasindex;	/* T if has (or has had) any indexes */
52 	bool		relisshared;	/* T if shared across databases */
53 	char		relpersistence; /* see RELPERSISTENCE_xxx constants below */
54 	char		relkind;		/* see RELKIND_xxx constants below */
55 	int16		relnatts;		/* number of user attributes */
57 	/*
58 	 * Class pg_attribute must contain exactly "relnatts" user attributes
59 	 * (with attnums ranging from 1 to relnatts) for this class.  It may also
60 	 * contain entries with negative attnums for system attributes.
61 	 */
62 	int16		relchecks;		/* # of CHECK constraints for class */
63 	bool		relhasoids;		/* T if we generate OIDs for rows of rel */
64 	bool		relhaspkey;		/* has (or has had) PRIMARY KEY index */
65 	bool		relhasrules;	/* has (or has had) any rules */
66 	bool		relhastriggers; /* has (or has had) any TRIGGERs */
67 	bool		relhassubclass; /* has (or has had) derived classes */
68 	bool		relrowsecurity; /* row security is enabled or not */
69 	bool		relforcerowsecurity;	/* row security forced for owners or
70 										 * not */
71 	bool		relispopulated; /* matview currently holds query results */
72 	char		relreplident;	/* see REPLICA_IDENTITY_xxx constants  */
73 	TransactionId relfrozenxid; /* all Xids < this are frozen in this rel */
74 	TransactionId relminmxid;	/* all multixacts in this rel are >= this.
75 								 * this is really a MultiXactId */
77 #ifdef CATALOG_VARLEN			/* variable-length fields start here */
78 	/* NOTE: These fields are not present in a relcache entry's rd_rel field. */
79 	aclitem		relacl[1];		/* access permissions */
80 	text		reloptions[1];	/* access-method-specific options */
81 #endif
82 } FormData_pg_class;
84 /* Size of fixed part of pg_class tuples, not counting var-length fields */
85 #define CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE \
86 	 (offsetof(FormData_pg_class,relminmxid) + sizeof(TransactionId))
88 /* ----------------
89  *		Form_pg_class corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
90  *		the format of pg_class relation.
91  * ----------------
92  */
93 typedef FormData_pg_class *Form_pg_class;
95 /* ----------------
96  *		compiler constants for pg_class
97  * ----------------
98  */
100 #define Natts_pg_class						31
101 #define Anum_pg_class_relname				1
102 #define Anum_pg_class_relnamespace			2
103 #define Anum_pg_class_reltype				3
104 #define Anum_pg_class_reloftype				4
105 #define Anum_pg_class_relowner				5
106 #define Anum_pg_class_relam					6
107 #define Anum_pg_class_relfilenode			7
108 #define Anum_pg_class_reltablespace			8
109 #define Anum_pg_class_relpages				9
110 #define Anum_pg_class_reltuples				10
111 #define Anum_pg_class_relallvisible			11
112 #define Anum_pg_class_reltoastrelid			12
113 #define Anum_pg_class_relhasindex			13
114 #define Anum_pg_class_relisshared			14
115 #define Anum_pg_class_relpersistence		15
116 #define Anum_pg_class_relkind				16
117 #define Anum_pg_class_relnatts				17
118 #define Anum_pg_class_relchecks				18
119 #define Anum_pg_class_relhasoids			19
120 #define Anum_pg_class_relhaspkey			20
121 #define Anum_pg_class_relhasrules			21
122 #define Anum_pg_class_relhastriggers		22
123 #define Anum_pg_class_relhassubclass		23
124 #define Anum_pg_class_relrowsecurity		24
125 #define Anum_pg_class_relforcerowsecurity	25
126 #define Anum_pg_class_relispopulated		26
127 #define Anum_pg_class_relreplident			27
128 #define Anum_pg_class_relfrozenxid			28
129 #define Anum_pg_class_relminmxid			29
130 #define Anum_pg_class_relacl				30
131 #define Anum_pg_class_reloptions			31
133 /* ----------------
134  *		initial contents of pg_class
135  *
136  * NOTE: only "bootstrapped" relations need to be declared here.  Be sure that
137  * the OIDs listed here match those given in their CATALOG macros, and that
138  * the relnatts values are correct.
139  * ----------------
140  */
142 /*
143  * Note: "3" in the relfrozenxid column stands for FirstNormalTransactionId;
144  * similarly, "1" in relminmxid stands for FirstMultiXactId
145  */
146 DATA(insert OID = 1247 (  pg_type		PGNSP 71 0 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f f p r 30 0 t f f f f f f t n 3 1 _null_ _null_ ));
147 DESCR("");
148 DATA(insert OID = 1249 (  pg_attribute	PGNSP 75 0 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f f p r 21 0 f f f f f f f t n 3 1 _null_ _null_ ));
149 DESCR("");
150 DATA(insert OID = 1255 (  pg_proc		PGNSP 81 0 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f f p r 29 0 t f f f f f f t n 3 1 _null_ _null_ ));
151 DESCR("");
152 DATA(insert OID = 1259 (  pg_class		PGNSP 83 0 PGUID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f f p r 31 0 t f f f f f f t n 3 1 _null_ _null_ ));
153 DESCR("");
156 #define		  RELKIND_RELATION		  'r'		/* ordinary table */
157 #define		  RELKIND_INDEX			  'i'		/* secondary index */
158 #define		  RELKIND_SEQUENCE		  'S'		/* sequence object */
159 #define		  RELKIND_TOASTVALUE	  't'		/* for out-of-line values */
160 #define		  RELKIND_VIEW			  'v'		/* view */
161 #define		  RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE  'c'		/* composite type */
162 #define		  RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE   'f'		/* foreign table */
163 #define		  RELKIND_MATVIEW		  'm'		/* materialized view */
165 #define		  RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT	'p'		/* regular table */
166 #define		  RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED	'u'		/* unlogged permanent table */
167 #define		  RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP		't'		/* temporary table */
169 /* default selection for replica identity (primary key or nothing) */
171 /* no replica identity is logged for this relation */
173 /* all columns are logged as replica identity */
174 #define		  REPLICA_IDENTITY_FULL		'f'
175 /*
176  * an explicitly chosen candidate key's columns are used as identity;
177  * will still be set if the index has been dropped, in that case it
178  * has the same meaning as 'd'
179  */
180 #define		  REPLICA_IDENTITY_INDEX	'i'
181 #endif   /* PG_CLASS_H */