1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * parse_oper.c
4  *		handle operator things for parser
5  *
6  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
7  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
8  *
9  *
11  *	  src/backend/parser/parse_oper.c
12  *
13  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  */
16 #include "postgres.h"
18 #include "access/htup_details.h"
19 #include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
20 #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
21 #include "lib/stringinfo.h"
22 #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
23 #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
24 #include "parser/parse_func.h"
25 #include "parser/parse_oper.h"
26 #include "parser/parse_type.h"
27 #include "utils/builtins.h"
28 #include "utils/inval.h"
29 #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
30 #include "utils/syscache.h"
31 #include "utils/typcache.h"
34 /*
35  * The lookup key for the operator lookaside hash table.  Unused bits must be
36  * zeroes to ensure hashing works consistently --- in particular, oprname
37  * must be zero-padded and any unused entries in search_path must be zero.
38  *
39  * search_path contains the actual search_path with which the entry was
40  * derived (minus temp namespace if any), or else the single specified
41  * schema OID if we are looking up an explicitly-qualified operator name.
42  *
43  * search_path has to be fixed-length since the hashtable code insists on
44  * fixed-size keys.  If your search path is longer than that, we just punt
45  * and don't cache anything.
46  */
48 /* If your search_path is longer than this, sucks to be you ... */
49 #define MAX_CACHED_PATH_LEN		16
51 typedef struct OprCacheKey
52 {
53 	char		oprname[NAMEDATALEN];
54 	Oid			left_arg;		/* Left input OID, or 0 if prefix op */
55 	Oid			right_arg;		/* Right input OID, or 0 if postfix op */
56 	Oid			search_path[MAX_CACHED_PATH_LEN];
57 } OprCacheKey;
59 typedef struct OprCacheEntry
60 {
61 	/* the hash lookup key MUST BE FIRST */
62 	OprCacheKey key;
64 	Oid			opr_oid;		/* OID of the resolved operator */
65 } OprCacheEntry;
68 static Oid	binary_oper_exact(List *opname, Oid arg1, Oid arg2);
69 static FuncDetailCode oper_select_candidate(int nargs,
70 					  Oid *input_typeids,
71 					  FuncCandidateList candidates,
72 					  Oid *operOid);
73 static const char *op_signature_string(List *op, char oprkind,
74 					Oid arg1, Oid arg2);
75 static void op_error(ParseState *pstate, List *op, char oprkind,
76 		 Oid arg1, Oid arg2,
77 		 FuncDetailCode fdresult, int location);
78 static bool make_oper_cache_key(ParseState *pstate, OprCacheKey *key,
79 					List *opname, Oid ltypeId, Oid rtypeId,
80 					int location);
81 static Oid	find_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey *key);
82 static void make_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey *key, Oid opr_oid);
83 static void InvalidateOprCacheCallBack(Datum arg, int cacheid, uint32 hashvalue);
86 /*
87  * LookupOperName
88  *		Given a possibly-qualified operator name and exact input datatypes,
89  *		look up the operator.
90  *
91  * Pass oprleft = InvalidOid for a prefix op, oprright = InvalidOid for
92  * a postfix op.
93  *
94  * If the operator name is not schema-qualified, it is sought in the current
95  * namespace search path.
96  *
97  * If the operator is not found, we return InvalidOid if noError is true,
98  * else raise an error.  pstate and location are used only to report the
99  * error position; pass NULL/-1 if not available.
100  */
101 Oid
LookupOperName(ParseState * pstate,List * opername,Oid oprleft,Oid oprright,bool noError,int location)102 LookupOperName(ParseState *pstate, List *opername, Oid oprleft, Oid oprright,
103 			   bool noError, int location)
104 {
105 	Oid			result;
107 	result = OpernameGetOprid(opername, oprleft, oprright);
108 	if (OidIsValid(result))
109 		return result;
111 	/* we don't use op_error here because only an exact match is wanted */
112 	if (!noError)
113 	{
114 		char		oprkind;
116 		if (!OidIsValid(oprleft))
117 			oprkind = 'l';
118 		else if (!OidIsValid(oprright))
119 			oprkind = 'r';
120 		else
121 			oprkind = 'b';
123 		ereport(ERROR,
125 				 errmsg("operator does not exist: %s",
126 						op_signature_string(opername, oprkind,
127 											oprleft, oprright)),
128 				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
129 	}
131 	return InvalidOid;
132 }
134 /*
135  * LookupOperNameTypeNames
136  *		Like LookupOperName, but the argument types are specified by
137  *		TypeName nodes.
138  *
139  * Pass oprleft = NULL for a prefix op, oprright = NULL for a postfix op.
140  */
141 Oid
LookupOperNameTypeNames(ParseState * pstate,List * opername,TypeName * oprleft,TypeName * oprright,bool noError,int location)142 LookupOperNameTypeNames(ParseState *pstate, List *opername,
143 						TypeName *oprleft, TypeName *oprright,
144 						bool noError, int location)
145 {
146 	Oid			leftoid,
147 				rightoid;
149 	if (oprleft == NULL)
150 		leftoid = InvalidOid;
151 	else
152 		leftoid = LookupTypeNameOid(pstate, oprleft, noError);
154 	if (oprright == NULL)
155 		rightoid = InvalidOid;
156 	else
157 		rightoid = LookupTypeNameOid(pstate, oprright, noError);
159 	return LookupOperName(pstate, opername, leftoid, rightoid,
160 						  noError, location);
161 }
163 /*
164  * get_sort_group_operators - get default sorting/grouping operators for type
165  *
166  * We fetch the "<", "=", and ">" operators all at once to reduce lookup
167  * overhead (knowing that most callers will be interested in at least two).
168  * However, a given datatype might have only an "=" operator, if it is
169  * hashable but not sortable.  (Other combinations of present and missing
170  * operators shouldn't happen, unless the system catalogs are messed up.)
171  *
172  * If an operator is missing and the corresponding needXX flag is true,
173  * throw a standard error message, else return InvalidOid.
174  *
175  * In addition to the operator OIDs themselves, this function can identify
176  * whether the "=" operator is hashable.
177  *
178  * Callers can pass NULL pointers for any results they don't care to get.
179  *
180  * Note: the results are guaranteed to be exact or binary-compatible matches,
181  * since most callers are not prepared to cope with adding any run-time type
182  * coercion steps.
183  */
184 void
get_sort_group_operators(Oid argtype,bool needLT,bool needEQ,bool needGT,Oid * ltOpr,Oid * eqOpr,Oid * gtOpr,bool * isHashable)185 get_sort_group_operators(Oid argtype,
186 						 bool needLT, bool needEQ, bool needGT,
187 						 Oid *ltOpr, Oid *eqOpr, Oid *gtOpr,
188 						 bool *isHashable)
189 {
190 	TypeCacheEntry *typentry;
191 	int			cache_flags;
192 	Oid			lt_opr;
193 	Oid			eq_opr;
194 	Oid			gt_opr;
195 	bool		hashable;
197 	/*
198 	 * Look up the operators using the type cache.
199 	 *
200 	 * Note: the search algorithm used by typcache.c ensures that the results
201 	 * are consistent, ie all from matching opclasses.
202 	 */
203 	if (isHashable != NULL)
206 	else
209 	typentry = lookup_type_cache(argtype, cache_flags);
210 	lt_opr = typentry->lt_opr;
211 	eq_opr = typentry->eq_opr;
212 	gt_opr = typentry->gt_opr;
213 	hashable = OidIsValid(typentry->hash_proc);
215 	/* Report errors if needed */
216 	if ((needLT && !OidIsValid(lt_opr)) ||
217 		(needGT && !OidIsValid(gt_opr)))
218 		ereport(ERROR,
220 				 errmsg("could not identify an ordering operator for type %s",
221 						format_type_be(argtype)),
222 		 errhint("Use an explicit ordering operator or modify the query.")));
223 	if (needEQ && !OidIsValid(eq_opr))
224 		ereport(ERROR,
226 				 errmsg("could not identify an equality operator for type %s",
227 						format_type_be(argtype))));
229 	/* Return results as needed */
230 	if (ltOpr)
231 		*ltOpr = lt_opr;
232 	if (eqOpr)
233 		*eqOpr = eq_opr;
234 	if (gtOpr)
235 		*gtOpr = gt_opr;
236 	if (isHashable)
237 		*isHashable = hashable;
238 }
241 /* given operator tuple, return the operator OID */
242 Oid
oprid(Operator op)243 oprid(Operator op)
244 {
245 	return HeapTupleGetOid(op);
246 }
248 /* given operator tuple, return the underlying function's OID */
249 Oid
oprfuncid(Operator op)250 oprfuncid(Operator op)
251 {
252 	Form_pg_operator pgopform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(op);
254 	return pgopform->oprcode;
255 }
258 /* binary_oper_exact()
259  * Check for an "exact" match to the specified operand types.
260  *
261  * If one operand is an unknown literal, assume it should be taken to be
262  * the same type as the other operand for this purpose.  Also, consider
263  * the possibility that the other operand is a domain type that needs to
264  * be reduced to its base type to find an "exact" match.
265  */
266 static Oid
binary_oper_exact(List * opname,Oid arg1,Oid arg2)267 binary_oper_exact(List *opname, Oid arg1, Oid arg2)
268 {
269 	Oid			result;
270 	bool		was_unknown = false;
272 	/* Unspecified type for one of the arguments? then use the other */
273 	if ((arg1 == UNKNOWNOID) && (arg2 != InvalidOid))
274 	{
275 		arg1 = arg2;
276 		was_unknown = true;
277 	}
278 	else if ((arg2 == UNKNOWNOID) && (arg1 != InvalidOid))
279 	{
280 		arg2 = arg1;
281 		was_unknown = true;
282 	}
284 	result = OpernameGetOprid(opname, arg1, arg2);
285 	if (OidIsValid(result))
286 		return result;
288 	if (was_unknown)
289 	{
290 		/* arg1 and arg2 are the same here, need only look at arg1 */
291 		Oid			basetype = getBaseType(arg1);
293 		if (basetype != arg1)
294 		{
295 			result = OpernameGetOprid(opname, basetype, basetype);
296 			if (OidIsValid(result))
297 				return result;
298 		}
299 	}
301 	return InvalidOid;
302 }
305 /* oper_select_candidate()
306  *		Given the input argtype array and one or more candidates
307  *		for the operator, attempt to resolve the conflict.
308  *
310  * In the success case the Oid of the best candidate is stored in *operOid.
311  *
312  * Note that the caller has already determined that there is no candidate
313  * exactly matching the input argtype(s).  Incompatible candidates are not yet
314  * pruned away, however.
315  */
316 static FuncDetailCode
oper_select_candidate(int nargs,Oid * input_typeids,FuncCandidateList candidates,Oid * operOid)317 oper_select_candidate(int nargs,
318 					  Oid *input_typeids,
319 					  FuncCandidateList candidates,
320 					  Oid *operOid)		/* output argument */
321 {
322 	int			ncandidates;
324 	/*
325 	 * Delete any candidates that cannot actually accept the given input
326 	 * types, whether directly or by coercion.
327 	 */
328 	ncandidates = func_match_argtypes(nargs, input_typeids,
329 									  candidates, &candidates);
331 	/* Done if no candidate or only one candidate survives */
332 	if (ncandidates == 0)
333 	{
334 		*operOid = InvalidOid;
336 	}
337 	if (ncandidates == 1)
338 	{
339 		*operOid = candidates->oid;
341 	}
343 	/*
344 	 * Use the same heuristics as for ambiguous functions to resolve the
345 	 * conflict.
346 	 */
347 	candidates = func_select_candidate(nargs, input_typeids, candidates);
349 	if (candidates)
350 	{
351 		*operOid = candidates->oid;
353 	}
355 	*operOid = InvalidOid;
356 	return FUNCDETAIL_MULTIPLE; /* failed to select a best candidate */
357 }
360 /* oper() -- search for a binary operator
361  * Given operator name, types of arg1 and arg2, return oper struct.
362  *
363  * IMPORTANT: the returned operator (if any) is only promised to be
364  * coercion-compatible with the input datatypes.  Do not use this if
365  * you need an exact- or binary-compatible match; see compatible_oper.
366  *
367  * If no matching operator found, return NULL if noError is true,
368  * raise an error if it is false.  pstate and location are used only to report
369  * the error position; pass NULL/-1 if not available.
370  *
371  * NOTE: on success, the returned object is a syscache entry.  The caller
372  * must ReleaseSysCache() the entry when done with it.
373  */
374 Operator
oper(ParseState * pstate,List * opname,Oid ltypeId,Oid rtypeId,bool noError,int location)375 oper(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, Oid ltypeId, Oid rtypeId,
376 	 bool noError, int location)
377 {
378 	Oid			operOid;
379 	OprCacheKey key;
380 	bool		key_ok;
381 	FuncDetailCode fdresult = FUNCDETAIL_NOTFOUND;
382 	HeapTuple	tup = NULL;
384 	/*
385 	 * Try to find the mapping in the lookaside cache.
386 	 */
387 	key_ok = make_oper_cache_key(pstate, &key, opname, ltypeId, rtypeId, location);
389 	if (key_ok)
390 	{
391 		operOid = find_oper_cache_entry(&key);
392 		if (OidIsValid(operOid))
393 		{
394 			tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
395 			if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
396 				return (Operator) tup;
397 		}
398 	}
400 	/*
401 	 * First try for an "exact" match.
402 	 */
403 	operOid = binary_oper_exact(opname, ltypeId, rtypeId);
404 	if (!OidIsValid(operOid))
405 	{
406 		/*
407 		 * Otherwise, search for the most suitable candidate.
408 		 */
409 		FuncCandidateList clist;
411 		/* Get binary operators of given name */
412 		clist = OpernameGetCandidates(opname, 'b', false);
414 		/* No operators found? Then fail... */
415 		if (clist != NULL)
416 		{
417 			/*
418 			 * Unspecified type for one of the arguments? then use the other
419 			 * (XXX this is probably dead code?)
420 			 */
421 			Oid			inputOids[2];
423 			if (rtypeId == InvalidOid)
424 				rtypeId = ltypeId;
425 			else if (ltypeId == InvalidOid)
426 				ltypeId = rtypeId;
427 			inputOids[0] = ltypeId;
428 			inputOids[1] = rtypeId;
429 			fdresult = oper_select_candidate(2, inputOids, clist, &operOid);
430 		}
431 	}
433 	if (OidIsValid(operOid))
434 		tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
436 	if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
437 	{
438 		if (key_ok)
439 			make_oper_cache_entry(&key, operOid);
440 	}
441 	else if (!noError)
442 		op_error(pstate, opname, 'b', ltypeId, rtypeId, fdresult, location);
444 	return (Operator) tup;
445 }
447 /* compatible_oper()
448  *	given an opname and input datatypes, find a compatible binary operator
449  *
450  *	This is tighter than oper() because it will not return an operator that
451  *	requires coercion of the input datatypes (but binary-compatible operators
452  *	are accepted).  Otherwise, the semantics are the same.
453  */
454 Operator
compatible_oper(ParseState * pstate,List * op,Oid arg1,Oid arg2,bool noError,int location)455 compatible_oper(ParseState *pstate, List *op, Oid arg1, Oid arg2,
456 				bool noError, int location)
457 {
458 	Operator	optup;
459 	Form_pg_operator opform;
461 	/* oper() will find the best available match */
462 	optup = oper(pstate, op, arg1, arg2, noError, location);
463 	if (optup == (Operator) NULL)
464 		return (Operator) NULL; /* must be noError case */
466 	/* but is it good enough? */
467 	opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(optup);
468 	if (IsBinaryCoercible(arg1, opform->oprleft) &&
469 		IsBinaryCoercible(arg2, opform->oprright))
470 		return optup;
472 	/* nope... */
473 	ReleaseSysCache(optup);
475 	if (!noError)
476 		ereport(ERROR,
478 				 errmsg("operator requires run-time type coercion: %s",
479 						op_signature_string(op, 'b', arg1, arg2)),
480 				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
482 	return (Operator) NULL;
483 }
485 /* compatible_oper_opid() -- get OID of a binary operator
486  *
487  * This is a convenience routine that extracts only the operator OID
488  * from the result of compatible_oper().  InvalidOid is returned if the
489  * lookup fails and noError is true.
490  */
491 Oid
compatible_oper_opid(List * op,Oid arg1,Oid arg2,bool noError)492 compatible_oper_opid(List *op, Oid arg1, Oid arg2, bool noError)
493 {
494 	Operator	optup;
495 	Oid			result;
497 	optup = compatible_oper(NULL, op, arg1, arg2, noError, -1);
498 	if (optup != NULL)
499 	{
500 		result = oprid(optup);
501 		ReleaseSysCache(optup);
502 		return result;
503 	}
504 	return InvalidOid;
505 }
508 /* right_oper() -- search for a unary right operator (postfix operator)
509  * Given operator name and type of arg, return oper struct.
510  *
511  * IMPORTANT: the returned operator (if any) is only promised to be
512  * coercion-compatible with the input datatype.  Do not use this if
513  * you need an exact- or binary-compatible match.
514  *
515  * If no matching operator found, return NULL if noError is true,
516  * raise an error if it is false.  pstate and location are used only to report
517  * the error position; pass NULL/-1 if not available.
518  *
519  * NOTE: on success, the returned object is a syscache entry.  The caller
520  * must ReleaseSysCache() the entry when done with it.
521  */
522 Operator
right_oper(ParseState * pstate,List * op,Oid arg,bool noError,int location)523 right_oper(ParseState *pstate, List *op, Oid arg, bool noError, int location)
524 {
525 	Oid			operOid;
526 	OprCacheKey key;
527 	bool		key_ok;
528 	FuncDetailCode fdresult = FUNCDETAIL_NOTFOUND;
529 	HeapTuple	tup = NULL;
531 	/*
532 	 * Try to find the mapping in the lookaside cache.
533 	 */
534 	key_ok = make_oper_cache_key(pstate, &key, op, arg, InvalidOid, location);
536 	if (key_ok)
537 	{
538 		operOid = find_oper_cache_entry(&key);
539 		if (OidIsValid(operOid))
540 		{
541 			tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
542 			if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
543 				return (Operator) tup;
544 		}
545 	}
547 	/*
548 	 * First try for an "exact" match.
549 	 */
550 	operOid = OpernameGetOprid(op, arg, InvalidOid);
551 	if (!OidIsValid(operOid))
552 	{
553 		/*
554 		 * Otherwise, search for the most suitable candidate.
555 		 */
556 		FuncCandidateList clist;
558 		/* Get postfix operators of given name */
559 		clist = OpernameGetCandidates(op, 'r', false);
561 		/* No operators found? Then fail... */
562 		if (clist != NULL)
563 		{
564 			/*
565 			 * We must run oper_select_candidate even if only one candidate,
566 			 * otherwise we may falsely return a non-type-compatible operator.
567 			 */
568 			fdresult = oper_select_candidate(1, &arg, clist, &operOid);
569 		}
570 	}
572 	if (OidIsValid(operOid))
573 		tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
575 	if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
576 	{
577 		if (key_ok)
578 			make_oper_cache_entry(&key, operOid);
579 	}
580 	else if (!noError)
581 		op_error(pstate, op, 'r', arg, InvalidOid, fdresult, location);
583 	return (Operator) tup;
584 }
587 /* left_oper() -- search for a unary left operator (prefix operator)
588  * Given operator name and type of arg, return oper struct.
589  *
590  * IMPORTANT: the returned operator (if any) is only promised to be
591  * coercion-compatible with the input datatype.  Do not use this if
592  * you need an exact- or binary-compatible match.
593  *
594  * If no matching operator found, return NULL if noError is true,
595  * raise an error if it is false.  pstate and location are used only to report
596  * the error position; pass NULL/-1 if not available.
597  *
598  * NOTE: on success, the returned object is a syscache entry.  The caller
599  * must ReleaseSysCache() the entry when done with it.
600  */
601 Operator
left_oper(ParseState * pstate,List * op,Oid arg,bool noError,int location)602 left_oper(ParseState *pstate, List *op, Oid arg, bool noError, int location)
603 {
604 	Oid			operOid;
605 	OprCacheKey key;
606 	bool		key_ok;
607 	FuncDetailCode fdresult = FUNCDETAIL_NOTFOUND;
608 	HeapTuple	tup = NULL;
610 	/*
611 	 * Try to find the mapping in the lookaside cache.
612 	 */
613 	key_ok = make_oper_cache_key(pstate, &key, op, InvalidOid, arg, location);
615 	if (key_ok)
616 	{
617 		operOid = find_oper_cache_entry(&key);
618 		if (OidIsValid(operOid))
619 		{
620 			tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
621 			if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
622 				return (Operator) tup;
623 		}
624 	}
626 	/*
627 	 * First try for an "exact" match.
628 	 */
629 	operOid = OpernameGetOprid(op, InvalidOid, arg);
630 	if (!OidIsValid(operOid))
631 	{
632 		/*
633 		 * Otherwise, search for the most suitable candidate.
634 		 */
635 		FuncCandidateList clist;
637 		/* Get prefix operators of given name */
638 		clist = OpernameGetCandidates(op, 'l', false);
640 		/* No operators found? Then fail... */
641 		if (clist != NULL)
642 		{
643 			/*
644 			 * The returned list has args in the form (0, oprright). Move the
645 			 * useful data into args[0] to keep oper_select_candidate simple.
646 			 * XXX we are assuming here that we may scribble on the list!
647 			 */
648 			FuncCandidateList clisti;
650 			for (clisti = clist; clisti != NULL; clisti = clisti->next)
651 			{
652 				clisti->args[0] = clisti->args[1];
653 			}
655 			/*
656 			 * We must run oper_select_candidate even if only one candidate,
657 			 * otherwise we may falsely return a non-type-compatible operator.
658 			 */
659 			fdresult = oper_select_candidate(1, &arg, clist, &operOid);
660 		}
661 	}
663 	if (OidIsValid(operOid))
664 		tup = SearchSysCache1(OPEROID, ObjectIdGetDatum(operOid));
666 	if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
667 	{
668 		if (key_ok)
669 			make_oper_cache_entry(&key, operOid);
670 	}
671 	else if (!noError)
672 		op_error(pstate, op, 'l', InvalidOid, arg, fdresult, location);
674 	return (Operator) tup;
675 }
677 /*
678  * op_signature_string
679  *		Build a string representing an operator name, including arg type(s).
680  *		The result is something like "integer + integer".
681  *
682  * This is typically used in the construction of operator-not-found error
683  * messages.
684  */
685 static const char *
op_signature_string(List * op,char oprkind,Oid arg1,Oid arg2)686 op_signature_string(List *op, char oprkind, Oid arg1, Oid arg2)
687 {
688 	StringInfoData argbuf;
690 	initStringInfo(&argbuf);
692 	if (oprkind != 'l')
693 		appendStringInfo(&argbuf, "%s ", format_type_be(arg1));
695 	appendStringInfoString(&argbuf, NameListToString(op));
697 	if (oprkind != 'r')
698 		appendStringInfo(&argbuf, " %s", format_type_be(arg2));
700 	return argbuf.data;			/* return palloc'd string buffer */
701 }
703 /*
704  * op_error - utility routine to complain about an unresolvable operator
705  */
706 static void
op_error(ParseState * pstate,List * op,char oprkind,Oid arg1,Oid arg2,FuncDetailCode fdresult,int location)707 op_error(ParseState *pstate, List *op, char oprkind,
708 		 Oid arg1, Oid arg2,
709 		 FuncDetailCode fdresult, int location)
710 {
711 	if (fdresult == FUNCDETAIL_MULTIPLE)
712 		ereport(ERROR,
714 				 errmsg("operator is not unique: %s",
715 						op_signature_string(op, oprkind, arg1, arg2)),
716 				 errhint("Could not choose a best candidate operator. "
717 						 "You might need to add explicit type casts."),
718 				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
719 	else
720 		ereport(ERROR,
722 				 errmsg("operator does not exist: %s",
723 						op_signature_string(op, oprkind, arg1, arg2)),
724 		  errhint("No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). "
725 				  "You might need to add explicit type casts."),
726 				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
727 }
729 /*
730  * make_op()
731  *		Operator expression construction.
732  *
733  * Transform operator expression ensuring type compatibility.
734  * This is where some type conversion happens.
735  *
736  * As with coerce_type, pstate may be NULL if no special unknown-Param
737  * processing is wanted.
738  */
739 Expr *
make_op(ParseState * pstate,List * opname,Node * ltree,Node * rtree,int location)740 make_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, Node *ltree, Node *rtree,
741 		int location)
742 {
743 	Oid			ltypeId,
744 				rtypeId;
745 	Operator	tup;
746 	Form_pg_operator opform;
747 	Oid			actual_arg_types[2];
748 	Oid			declared_arg_types[2];
749 	int			nargs;
750 	List	   *args;
751 	Oid			rettype;
752 	OpExpr	   *result;
754 	/* Select the operator */
755 	if (rtree == NULL)
756 	{
757 		/* right operator */
758 		ltypeId = exprType(ltree);
759 		rtypeId = InvalidOid;
760 		tup = right_oper(pstate, opname, ltypeId, false, location);
761 	}
762 	else if (ltree == NULL)
763 	{
764 		/* left operator */
765 		rtypeId = exprType(rtree);
766 		ltypeId = InvalidOid;
767 		tup = left_oper(pstate, opname, rtypeId, false, location);
768 	}
769 	else
770 	{
771 		/* otherwise, binary operator */
772 		ltypeId = exprType(ltree);
773 		rtypeId = exprType(rtree);
774 		tup = oper(pstate, opname, ltypeId, rtypeId, false, location);
775 	}
777 	opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup);
779 	/* Check it's not a shell */
780 	if (!RegProcedureIsValid(opform->oprcode))
781 		ereport(ERROR,
783 				 errmsg("operator is only a shell: %s",
784 						op_signature_string(opname,
785 											opform->oprkind,
786 											opform->oprleft,
787 											opform->oprright)),
788 				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
790 	/* Do typecasting and build the expression tree */
791 	if (rtree == NULL)
792 	{
793 		/* right operator */
794 		args = list_make1(ltree);
795 		actual_arg_types[0] = ltypeId;
796 		declared_arg_types[0] = opform->oprleft;
797 		nargs = 1;
798 	}
799 	else if (ltree == NULL)
800 	{
801 		/* left operator */
802 		args = list_make1(rtree);
803 		actual_arg_types[0] = rtypeId;
804 		declared_arg_types[0] = opform->oprright;
805 		nargs = 1;
806 	}
807 	else
808 	{
809 		/* otherwise, binary operator */
810 		args = list_make2(ltree, rtree);
811 		actual_arg_types[0] = ltypeId;
812 		actual_arg_types[1] = rtypeId;
813 		declared_arg_types[0] = opform->oprleft;
814 		declared_arg_types[1] = opform->oprright;
815 		nargs = 2;
816 	}
818 	/*
819 	 * enforce consistency with polymorphic argument and return types,
820 	 * possibly adjusting return type or declared_arg_types (which will be
821 	 * used as the cast destination by make_fn_arguments)
822 	 */
823 	rettype = enforce_generic_type_consistency(actual_arg_types,
824 											   declared_arg_types,
825 											   nargs,
826 											   opform->oprresult,
827 											   false);
829 	/* perform the necessary typecasting of arguments */
830 	make_fn_arguments(pstate, args, actual_arg_types, declared_arg_types);
832 	/* and build the expression node */
833 	result = makeNode(OpExpr);
834 	result->opno = oprid(tup);
835 	result->opfuncid = opform->oprcode;
836 	result->opresulttype = rettype;
837 	result->opretset = get_func_retset(opform->oprcode);
838 	/* opcollid and inputcollid will be set by parse_collate.c */
839 	result->args = args;
840 	result->location = location;
842 	ReleaseSysCache(tup);
844 	return (Expr *) result;
845 }
847 /*
848  * make_scalar_array_op()
849  *		Build expression tree for "scalar op ANY/ALL (array)" construct.
850  */
851 Expr *
make_scalar_array_op(ParseState * pstate,List * opname,bool useOr,Node * ltree,Node * rtree,int location)852 make_scalar_array_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname,
853 					 bool useOr,
854 					 Node *ltree, Node *rtree,
855 					 int location)
856 {
857 	Oid			ltypeId,
858 				rtypeId,
859 				atypeId,
860 				res_atypeId;
861 	Operator	tup;
862 	Form_pg_operator opform;
863 	Oid			actual_arg_types[2];
864 	Oid			declared_arg_types[2];
865 	List	   *args;
866 	Oid			rettype;
867 	ScalarArrayOpExpr *result;
869 	ltypeId = exprType(ltree);
870 	atypeId = exprType(rtree);
872 	/*
873 	 * The right-hand input of the operator will be the element type of the
874 	 * array.  However, if we currently have just an untyped literal on the
875 	 * right, stay with that and hope we can resolve the operator.
876 	 */
877 	if (atypeId == UNKNOWNOID)
878 		rtypeId = UNKNOWNOID;
879 	else
880 	{
881 		rtypeId = get_base_element_type(atypeId);
882 		if (!OidIsValid(rtypeId))
883 			ereport(ERROR,
884 					(errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE),
885 				   errmsg("op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side"),
886 					 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
887 	}
889 	/* Now resolve the operator */
890 	tup = oper(pstate, opname, ltypeId, rtypeId, false, location);
891 	opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup);
893 	/* Check it's not a shell */
894 	if (!RegProcedureIsValid(opform->oprcode))
895 		ereport(ERROR,
897 				 errmsg("operator is only a shell: %s",
898 						op_signature_string(opname,
899 											opform->oprkind,
900 											opform->oprleft,
901 											opform->oprright)),
902 				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
904 	args = list_make2(ltree, rtree);
905 	actual_arg_types[0] = ltypeId;
906 	actual_arg_types[1] = rtypeId;
907 	declared_arg_types[0] = opform->oprleft;
908 	declared_arg_types[1] = opform->oprright;
910 	/*
911 	 * enforce consistency with polymorphic argument and return types,
912 	 * possibly adjusting return type or declared_arg_types (which will be
913 	 * used as the cast destination by make_fn_arguments)
914 	 */
915 	rettype = enforce_generic_type_consistency(actual_arg_types,
916 											   declared_arg_types,
917 											   2,
918 											   opform->oprresult,
919 											   false);
921 	/*
922 	 * Check that operator result is boolean
923 	 */
924 	if (rettype != BOOLOID)
925 		ereport(ERROR,
926 				(errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE),
927 			 errmsg("op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator to yield boolean"),
928 				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
929 	if (get_func_retset(opform->oprcode))
930 		ereport(ERROR,
931 				(errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE),
932 		  errmsg("op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator not to return a set"),
933 				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
935 	/*
936 	 * Now switch back to the array type on the right, arranging for any
937 	 * needed cast to be applied.  Beware of polymorphic operators here;
938 	 * enforce_generic_type_consistency may or may not have replaced a
939 	 * polymorphic type with a real one.
940 	 */
941 	if (IsPolymorphicType(declared_arg_types[1]))
942 	{
943 		/* assume the actual array type is OK */
944 		res_atypeId = atypeId;
945 	}
946 	else
947 	{
948 		res_atypeId = get_array_type(declared_arg_types[1]);
949 		if (!OidIsValid(res_atypeId))
950 			ereport(ERROR,
951 					(errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT),
952 					 errmsg("could not find array type for data type %s",
953 							format_type_be(declared_arg_types[1])),
954 					 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));
955 	}
956 	actual_arg_types[1] = atypeId;
957 	declared_arg_types[1] = res_atypeId;
959 	/* perform the necessary typecasting of arguments */
960 	make_fn_arguments(pstate, args, actual_arg_types, declared_arg_types);
962 	/* and build the expression node */
963 	result = makeNode(ScalarArrayOpExpr);
964 	result->opno = oprid(tup);
965 	result->opfuncid = opform->oprcode;
966 	result->useOr = useOr;
967 	/* inputcollid will be set by parse_collate.c */
968 	result->args = args;
969 	result->location = location;
971 	ReleaseSysCache(tup);
973 	return (Expr *) result;
974 }
977 /*
978  * Lookaside cache to speed operator lookup.  Possibly this should be in
979  * a separate module under utils/cache/ ?
980  *
981  * The idea here is that the mapping from operator name and given argument
982  * types is constant for a given search path (or single specified schema OID)
983  * so long as the contents of pg_operator and pg_cast don't change.  And that
984  * mapping is pretty expensive to compute, especially for ambiguous operators;
985  * this is mainly because there are a *lot* of instances of popular operator
986  * names such as "=", and we have to check each one to see which is the
987  * best match.  So once we have identified the correct mapping, we save it
988  * in a cache that need only be flushed on pg_operator or pg_cast change.
989  * (pg_cast must be considered because changes in the set of implicit casts
990  * affect the set of applicable operators for any given input datatype.)
991  *
992  * XXX in principle, ALTER TABLE ... INHERIT could affect the mapping as
993  * well, but we disregard that since there's no convenient way to find out
994  * about it, and it seems a pretty far-fetched corner-case anyway.
995  *
996  * Note: at some point it might be worth doing a similar cache for function
997  * lookups.  However, the potential gain is a lot less since (a) function
998  * names are generally not overloaded as heavily as operator names, and
999  * (b) we'd have to flush on pg_proc updates, which are probably a good
1000  * deal more common than pg_operator updates.
1001  */
1003 /* The operator cache hashtable */
1004 static HTAB *OprCacheHash = NULL;
1007 /*
1008  * make_oper_cache_key
1009  *		Fill the lookup key struct given operator name and arg types.
1010  *
1011  * Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if the search_path overflowed
1012  * (hence no caching is possible).
1013  *
1014  * pstate/location are used only to report the error position; pass NULL/-1
1015  * if not available.
1016  */
1017 static bool
make_oper_cache_key(ParseState * pstate,OprCacheKey * key,List * opname,Oid ltypeId,Oid rtypeId,int location)1018 make_oper_cache_key(ParseState *pstate, OprCacheKey *key, List *opname,
1019 					Oid ltypeId, Oid rtypeId, int location)
1020 {
1021 	char	   *schemaname;
1022 	char	   *opername;
1024 	/* deconstruct the name list */
1025 	DeconstructQualifiedName(opname, &schemaname, &opername);
1027 	/* ensure zero-fill for stable hashing */
1028 	MemSet(key, 0, sizeof(OprCacheKey));
1030 	/* save operator name and input types into key */
1031 	strlcpy(key->oprname, opername, NAMEDATALEN);
1032 	key->left_arg = ltypeId;
1033 	key->right_arg = rtypeId;
1035 	if (schemaname)
1036 	{
1037 		ParseCallbackState pcbstate;
1039 		/* search only in exact schema given */
1040 		setup_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate, pstate, location);
1041 		key->search_path[0] = LookupExplicitNamespace(schemaname, false);
1042 		cancel_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate);
1043 	}
1044 	else
1045 	{
1046 		/* get the active search path */
1047 		if (fetch_search_path_array(key->search_path,
1049 			return false;		/* oops, didn't fit */
1050 	}
1052 	return true;
1053 }
1055 /*
1056  * find_oper_cache_entry
1057  *
1058  * Look for a cache entry matching the given key.  If found, return the
1059  * contained operator OID, else return InvalidOid.
1060  */
1061 static Oid
find_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey * key)1062 find_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey *key)
1063 {
1064 	OprCacheEntry *oprentry;
1066 	if (OprCacheHash == NULL)
1067 	{
1068 		/* First time through: initialize the hash table */
1069 		HASHCTL		ctl;
1071 		MemSet(&ctl, 0, sizeof(ctl));
1072 		ctl.keysize = sizeof(OprCacheKey);
1073 		ctl.entrysize = sizeof(OprCacheEntry);
1074 		OprCacheHash = hash_create("Operator lookup cache", 256,
1075 								   &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);
1077 		/* Arrange to flush cache on pg_operator and pg_cast changes */
1078 		CacheRegisterSyscacheCallback(OPERNAMENSP,
1079 									  InvalidateOprCacheCallBack,
1080 									  (Datum) 0);
1081 		CacheRegisterSyscacheCallback(CASTSOURCETARGET,
1082 									  InvalidateOprCacheCallBack,
1083 									  (Datum) 0);
1084 	}
1086 	/* Look for an existing entry */
1087 	oprentry = (OprCacheEntry *) hash_search(OprCacheHash,
1088 											 (void *) key,
1089 											 HASH_FIND, NULL);
1090 	if (oprentry == NULL)
1091 		return InvalidOid;
1093 	return oprentry->opr_oid;
1094 }
1096 /*
1097  * make_oper_cache_entry
1098  *
1099  * Insert a cache entry for the given key.
1100  */
1101 static void
make_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey * key,Oid opr_oid)1102 make_oper_cache_entry(OprCacheKey *key, Oid opr_oid)
1103 {
1104 	OprCacheEntry *oprentry;
1106 	Assert(OprCacheHash != NULL);
1108 	oprentry = (OprCacheEntry *) hash_search(OprCacheHash,
1109 											 (void *) key,
1110 											 HASH_ENTER, NULL);
1111 	oprentry->opr_oid = opr_oid;
1112 }
1114 /*
1115  * Callback for pg_operator and pg_cast inval events
1116  */
1117 static void
InvalidateOprCacheCallBack(Datum arg,int cacheid,uint32 hashvalue)1118 InvalidateOprCacheCallBack(Datum arg, int cacheid, uint32 hashvalue)
1119 {
1120 	HASH_SEQ_STATUS status;
1121 	OprCacheEntry *hentry;
1123 	Assert(OprCacheHash != NULL);
1125 	/* Currently we just flush all entries; hard to be smarter ... */
1126 	hash_seq_init(&status, OprCacheHash);
1128 	while ((hentry = (OprCacheEntry *) hash_seq_search(&status)) != NULL)
1129 	{
1130 		if (hash_search(OprCacheHash,
1131 						(void *) &hentry->key,
1132 						HASH_REMOVE, NULL) == NULL)
1133 			elog(ERROR, "hash table corrupted");
1134 	}
1135 }