1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3    pyrseas.dbobject.view
4    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6    This module defines two classes: View derived from DbClass and
7    MaterializedView derived from View.
9from pyrseas.lib.pycompat import PY2
10from pyrseas.yamlutil import MultiLineStr
11from . import commentable, ownable, grantable
12from .table import DbClass
13from .column import Column
16class View(DbClass):
17    """A database view definition
19    A view is identified by its schema name and view name.
20    """
21    def __init__(self, name, schema, description, owner, privileges,
22                 definition,
23                 oid=None):
24        """Initialize the view
26        :param name-privileges: see DbClass.__init__ params
27        :param definition: prettified definition (from pg_getviewdef)
28        """
29        super(View, self).__init__(name, schema, description, owner,
30                                   privileges)
31        if PY2:
32            self.definition = definition
33        else:
34            self.definition = MultiLineStr(definition)
35        self.triggers = {}
36        self.columns = []
37        self.oid = oid
39    @staticmethod
40    def query(dbversion=None):
41        return """
42            SELECT nspname AS schema, relname AS name, rolname AS owner,
43                   array_to_string(relacl, ',') AS privileges,
44                   pg_get_viewdef(c.oid, TRUE) AS definition,
45                   obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS description, c.oid
46            FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_roles r ON (r.oid = relowner)
47                 JOIN pg_namespace ON (relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid)
48            WHERE relkind = 'v'
49              AND nspname != 'pg_catalog' AND nspname != 'information_schema'
50            ORDER BY nspname, relname"""
52    @staticmethod
53    def from_map(name, schema, inobj):
54        """Initialize a view instance from a YAML map
56        :param name: view name
57        :param name: schema map
58        :param inobj: YAML map of the view
59        :return: view instance
60        """
61        obj = View(
62            name, schema.name, inobj.pop('description', None),
63            inobj.pop('owner', None), inobj.pop('privileges', []),
64            inobj.pop('definition', None))
65        if "columns" in inobj:
66            obj.columns = [Column(list(col.keys())[0], schema.name, name,
67                                  i + 1,
68                                  list(col.values())[0].get("type", None))
69                           for i, col in enumerate(inobj.get("columns"))]
70        if 'depends_on' in inobj:
71            obj.depends_on.extend(inobj['depends_on'])
72        obj.fix_privileges()
73        obj.set_oldname(inobj)
74        return obj
76    privobjtype = "TABLE"
78    @property
79    def allprivs(self):
80        return 'arwdDxt'
82    def to_map(self, db, opts):
83        """Convert a view to a YAML-suitable format
85        :param opts: options to include/exclude tables, etc.
86        :return: dictionary
87        """
88        if hasattr(opts, 'excl_tables') and opts.excl_tables \
89                and self.name in opts.excl_tables:
90            return None
91        dct = super(View, self).to_map(db, opts.no_owner, opts.no_privs)
92        dct['columns'] = [col.to_map(db, opts.no_privs)
93                          for col in self.columns]
94        if 'dependent_funcs' in dct:
95             dct.pop('dependent_funcs')
96        if len(self.triggers) > 0:
97            for key in list(self.triggers.values()):
98                dct['triggers'].update(self.triggers[key.name].to_map(db))
99        else:
100            dct.pop('triggers')
101        return dct
103    @commentable
104    @grantable
105    @ownable
106    def create(self, dbversion=None, newdefn=None):
107        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the view
109        :return: SQL statements
110        """
111        defn = newdefn or self.definition
112        if defn[-1:] == ';':
113            defn = defn[:-1]
114        return ["CREATE%s VIEW %s AS\n   %s" % (
115                newdefn and " OR REPLACE" or '', self.qualname(), defn)]
117    def alter(self, inview, dbversion=None):
118        """Generate SQL to transform an existing view
120        :param inview: a YAML map defining the new view
121        :return: list of SQL statements
123        Compares the view to an input view and generates SQL
124        statements to transform it into the one represented by the
125        input.
126        """
127        stmts = []
128        for col in self.columns:
129            if col.name != inview.columns[col.number - 1].name:
130                raise KeyError("Cannot change name of view column '%s'"
131                                % col.name)
132            if col.type != inview.columns[col.number - 1].type:
133                raise TypeError("Cannot change datatype of view column '%s'"
134                                % col.name)
135        if self.definition != inview.definition:
136            stmts.append(self.create(dbversion, inview.definition))
137        stmts.append(super(View, self).alter(inview))
138        return stmts
141class MaterializedView(View):
142    """A materialized view definition
144    A materialized view is identified by its schema name and view name.
145    """
146    def __init__(self, name, schema, description, owner, privileges,
147                 definition, with_data=False,
148                 oid=None):
149        """Initialize the materialized view
151        :param name-privileges: see DbClass.__init__ params
152        :param definition: prettified definition (from pg_getviewdef)
153        :param with_data: is view populated (from relispopulated)
154        """
155        super(MaterializedView, self).__init__(
156            name, schema, description, owner, privileges, definition)
157        self.with_data = with_data
158        self.indexes = {}
159        self.oid = oid
161    @staticmethod
162    def query(dbversion=None):
163        return """
164            SELECT nspname AS schema, relname AS name, rolname AS owner,
165                   array_to_string(relacl, ',') AS privileges,
166                   pg_get_viewdef(c.oid, TRUE) AS definition,
167                   relispopulated AS with_data,
168                   obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS description, c.oid
169            FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_roles r ON (r.oid = relowner)
170                 JOIN pg_namespace ON (relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid)
171            WHERE relkind = 'm'
172              AND nspname != 'pg_catalog' AND nspname != 'information_schema'
173            ORDER BY nspname, relname"""
175    @staticmethod
176    def from_map(name, schema, inobj):
177        """Initialize a materialized view instance from a YAML map
179        :param name: view name
180        :param name: schema map
181        :param inobj: YAML map of the view
182        :return: materialized view instance
183        """
184        obj = MaterializedView(
185            name, schema.name, inobj.pop('description', None),
186            inobj.pop('owner', None), inobj.pop('privileges', []),
187            inobj.pop('definition', None))
188        if "columns" in inobj:
189            obj.columns = [Column(list(col.keys())[0], schema.name, name,
190                                  i + 1,
191                                  list(col.values())[0].get("type", None))
192                           for i, col in enumerate(inobj.get("columns"))]
193        obj.fix_privileges()
194        obj.set_oldname(inobj)
195        return obj
197    @property
198    def objtype(self):
199        return "MATERIALIZED VIEW"
201    def to_map(self, db, opts):
202        """Convert a materialized view to a YAML-suitable format
204        :param opts: options to include/exclude tables, etc.
205        :return: dictionary
206        """
207        if hasattr(opts, 'excl_tables') and opts.excl_tables \
208                and self.name in opts.excl_tables:
209            return None
210        mvw = super(MaterializedView, self).to_map(db, opts)
211        if len(self.indexes) > 0:
212            for k in list(self.indexes.values()):
213                mvw['indexes'].update(self.indexes[k.name].to_map(db))
214        else:
215            mvw.pop('indexes')
216        return mvw
218    @commentable
219    @grantable
220    @ownable
221    def create(self, dbversion=None, newdefn=None):
222        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the materialized view
224        :return: SQL statements
225        """
226        defn = newdefn or self.definition
227        if defn[-1:] == ';':
228            defn = defn[:-1]
229        return ["CREATE %s %s AS\n   %s" % (
230                self.objtype, self.qualname(), defn)]