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40 #include "qwindowsfontdatabase_ft_p.h"
41 #include "qwindowsfontdatabase_p.h"
43 #include <QtFontDatabaseSupport/private/qfontengine_ft_p.h>
45 #include <ft2build.h>
48 #include <QtCore/QDir>
49 #include <QtCore/QDirIterator>
50 #include <QtCore/QSettings>
51 #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
52 #include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>
53 #else
54 #include <QtCore/QRegExp>
55 #endif
56 #include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
57 #include <QtGui/QFontDatabase>
59 #include <wchar.h>
writingSystemFromCharSet(uchar charSet)63 static inline QFontDatabase::WritingSystem writingSystemFromCharSet(uchar charSet)
64 {
65     switch (charSet) {
66     case ANSI_CHARSET:
68     case BALTIC_CHARSET:
69     case TURKISH_CHARSET:
70         return QFontDatabase::Latin;
71     case GREEK_CHARSET:
72         return QFontDatabase::Greek;
73     case RUSSIAN_CHARSET:
74         return QFontDatabase::Cyrillic;
75     case HEBREW_CHARSET:
76         return QFontDatabase::Hebrew;
77     case ARABIC_CHARSET:
78         return QFontDatabase::Arabic;
79     case THAI_CHARSET:
80         return QFontDatabase::Thai;
81     case GB2312_CHARSET:
82         return QFontDatabase::SimplifiedChinese;
84         return QFontDatabase::TraditionalChinese;
86         return QFontDatabase::Japanese;
87     case HANGUL_CHARSET:
88     case JOHAB_CHARSET:
89         return QFontDatabase::Korean;
91         return QFontDatabase::Vietnamese;
92     case SYMBOL_CHARSET:
93         return QFontDatabase::Symbol;
94     default:
95         break;
96     }
97     return QFontDatabase::Any;
98 }
createFontFile(const QString & fileName,int index)100 static FontFile * createFontFile(const QString &fileName, int index)
101 {
102     FontFile *fontFile = new FontFile;
103     fontFile->fileName = fileName;
104     fontFile->indexValue = index;
105     return fontFile;
106 }
108 namespace {
109 struct FontKey
110 {
111     QString fileName;
112     QStringList fontNames;
113 };
114 } // namespace
116 typedef QVector<FontKey> FontKeys;
fontKeys()118 static FontKeys &fontKeys()
119 {
120     static FontKeys result;
121     if (result.isEmpty()) {
122         const QStringList keys = { QStringLiteral("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts"),
123                                    QStringLiteral("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts") };
124         for (const auto key : keys) {
125             const QSettings fontRegistry(key, QSettings::NativeFormat);
126             const QStringList allKeys = fontRegistry.allKeys();
127             const QString trueType = QStringLiteral("(TrueType)");
128 #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
129             const QRegularExpression sizeListMatch(QStringLiteral("\\s(\\d+,)+\\d+"));
130 #else
131             const QRegExp sizeListMatch(QLatin1String("\\s(\\d+,)+\\d+"));
132 #endif
133             Q_ASSERT(sizeListMatch.isValid());
134             const int size = allKeys.size();
135             result.reserve(result.size() + size);
136             for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
137                 FontKey fontKey;
138                 const QString &registryFontKey = allKeys.at(i);
139                 fontKey.fileName = fontRegistry.value(registryFontKey).toString();
140                 QString realKey = registryFontKey;
141                 realKey.remove(trueType);
142                 realKey.remove(sizeListMatch);
143                 const auto fontNames = QStringRef(&realKey).trimmed().split(QLatin1Char('&'));
144                 fontKey.fontNames.reserve(fontNames.size());
145                 for (const QStringRef &fontName : fontNames)
146                     fontKey.fontNames.append(fontName.trimmed().toString());
147                 result.append(fontKey);
148             }
149         }
150     }
151     return result;
152 }
findFontKey(const QString & name,int * indexIn=nullptr)154 static const FontKey *findFontKey(const QString &name, int *indexIn = nullptr)
155 {
156      const FontKeys &keys = fontKeys();
157      for (auto it = keys.constBegin(), cend = keys.constEnd(); it != cend; ++it) {
158          const int index = it->fontNames.indexOf(name);
159          if (index >= 0) {
160              if (indexIn)
161                  *indexIn = index;
162              return &(*it);
163          }
164      }
165      if (indexIn)
166          *indexIn = -1;
167      return nullptr;
168 }
addFontToDatabase(QString familyName,QString styleName,const QString & fullName,const LOGFONT & logFont,const TEXTMETRIC * textmetric,const FONTSIGNATURE * signature,int type)170 static bool addFontToDatabase(QString familyName,
171                               QString styleName,
172                               const QString &fullName,
173                               const LOGFONT &logFont,
174                               const TEXTMETRIC *textmetric,
175                               const FONTSIGNATURE *signature,
176                               int type)
177 {
178     // the "@family" fonts are just the same as "family". Ignore them.
179     if (familyName.isEmpty() || familyName.at(0) == QLatin1Char('@') || familyName.startsWith(QLatin1String("WST_")))
180         return false;
182     uchar charSet = logFont.lfCharSet;
184     static const int SMOOTH_SCALABLE = 0xffff;
185     const QString foundryName; // No such concept.
186     const bool fixed = !(textmetric->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH);
187     const bool ttf = (textmetric->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE);
188     const bool scalable = textmetric->tmPitchAndFamily & (TMPF_VECTOR|TMPF_TRUETYPE);
189     const int size = scalable ? SMOOTH_SCALABLE : textmetric->tmHeight;
190     const QFont::Style style = textmetric->tmItalic ? QFont::StyleItalic : QFont::StyleNormal;
191     const bool antialias = false;
192     const QFont::Weight weight = QPlatformFontDatabase::weightFromInteger(textmetric->tmWeight);
193     const QFont::Stretch stretch = QFont::Unstretched;
195 #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM
196     if (lcQpaFonts().isDebugEnabled()) {
197         QString message;
198         QTextStream str(&message);
199         str << __FUNCTION__ << ' ' << familyName << "::" << fullName << ' ' << charSet << " TTF=" << ttf;
200         if (type & DEVICE_FONTTYPE)
201             str << " DEVICE";
202         if (type & RASTER_FONTTYPE)
203             str << " RASTER";
204         if (type & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE)
205             str << " TRUETYPE";
206         str << " scalable=" << scalable << " Size=" << size
207                 << " Style=" << style << " Weight=" << weight
208                 << " stretch=" << stretch;
209         qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << message;
210     }
211 #endif
213     QString englishName;
214     QString faceName = familyName;
216     QString subFamilyName;
217     QString subFamilyStyle;
218     // Look-up names registered in the font
219     QFontNames canonicalNames = qt_getCanonicalFontNames(logFont);
220     if (qt_localizedName(familyName) && !canonicalNames.name.isEmpty())
221         englishName = canonicalNames.name;
222     if (!canonicalNames.preferredName.isEmpty()) {
223         subFamilyName = familyName;
224         subFamilyStyle = styleName;
225         familyName = canonicalNames.preferredName;
226         styleName = canonicalNames.preferredStyle;
227     }
229     QSupportedWritingSystems writingSystems;
230     if (type & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) {
231         Q_ASSERT(signature);
232         quint32 unicodeRange[4] = {
233             signature->fsUsb[0], signature->fsUsb[1],
234             signature->fsUsb[2], signature->fsUsb[3]
235         };
236         quint32 codePageRange[2] = {
237             signature->fsCsb[0], signature->fsCsb[1]
238         };
239         writingSystems = QPlatformFontDatabase::writingSystemsFromTrueTypeBits(unicodeRange, codePageRange);
240         // ### Hack to work around problem with Thai text on Windows 7. Segoe UI contains
241         // the symbol for Baht, and Windows thus reports that it supports the Thai script.
242         // Since it's the default UI font on this platform, most widgets will be unable to
243         // display Thai text by default. As a temporary work around, we special case Segoe UI
244         // and remove the Thai script from its list of supported writing systems.
245         if (writingSystems.supported(QFontDatabase::Thai) &&
246                 faceName == QLatin1String("Segoe UI"))
247             writingSystems.setSupported(QFontDatabase::Thai, false);
248     } else {
249         const QFontDatabase::WritingSystem ws = writingSystemFromCharSet(charSet);
250         if (ws != QFontDatabase::Any)
251             writingSystems.setSupported(ws);
252     }
254     int index = 0;
255     const FontKey *key = findFontKey(fullName, &index);
256     if (!key) {
257         // On non-English locales, the styles of the font may be localized in enumeration, but
258         // not in the registry.
259         QLocale systemLocale = QLocale::system();
260         if (systemLocale.language() != QLocale::C
261                 && systemLocale.language() != QLocale::English
262                 && styleName != QLatin1String("Italic")
263                 && styleName != QLatin1String("Bold")) {
264             key = findFontKey(qt_getEnglishName(fullName, true), &index);
265         }
266         if (!key)
267             key = findFontKey(faceName, &index);
268         if (!key && !englishName.isEmpty())
269             key = findFontKey(englishName, &index);
270         if (!key)
271             return false;
272     }
273     QString value = key->fileName;
274     if (value.isEmpty())
275         return false;
277     if (!QDir::isAbsolutePath(value))
278         value.prepend(QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("windir") + "\\Fonts\\"));
280     QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(familyName, styleName, foundryName, weight, style, stretch,
281         antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, createFontFile(value, index));
283     // add fonts windows can generate for us:
284     if (weight <= QFont::DemiBold && styleName.isEmpty())
285         QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(familyName, QString(), foundryName, QFont::Bold, style, stretch,
286                                             antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, createFontFile(value, index));
288     if (style != QFont::StyleItalic && styleName.isEmpty())
289         QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(familyName, QString(), foundryName, weight, QFont::StyleItalic, stretch,
290                                             antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, createFontFile(value, index));
292     if (weight <= QFont::DemiBold && style != QFont::StyleItalic && styleName.isEmpty())
293         QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(familyName, QString(), foundryName, QFont::Bold, QFont::StyleItalic, stretch,
294                                             antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, createFontFile(value, index));
296     if (!subFamilyName.isEmpty() && familyName != subFamilyName) {
297         QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFont(subFamilyName, subFamilyStyle, foundryName, weight,
298                                             style, stretch, antialias, scalable, size, fixed, writingSystems, createFontFile(value, index));
299     }
301     if (!englishName.isEmpty() && englishName != familyName)
302         QPlatformFontDatabase::registerAliasToFontFamily(familyName, englishName);
304     return true;
305 }
storeFont(const LOGFONT * logFont,const TEXTMETRIC * textmetric,DWORD type,LPARAM lparam)307 static int QT_WIN_CALLBACK storeFont(const LOGFONT *logFont, const TEXTMETRIC *textmetric,
308                                      DWORD type, LPARAM lparam)
309 {
310     const ENUMLOGFONTEX *f = reinterpret_cast<const ENUMLOGFONTEX *>(logFont);
311     const QString faceName = QString::fromWCharArray(f->elfLogFont.lfFaceName);
312     const QString styleName = QString::fromWCharArray(f->elfStyle);
313     const QString fullName = QString::fromWCharArray(f->elfFullName);
315     // NEWTEXTMETRICEX (passed for TT fonts) is a NEWTEXTMETRIC, which according
316     // to the documentation is identical to a TEXTMETRIC except for the last four
317     // members, which we don't use anyway
318     const FONTSIGNATURE *signature = nullptr;
319     if (type & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) {
320         signature = &reinterpret_cast<const NEWTEXTMETRICEX *>(textmetric)->ntmFontSig;
321         // We get a callback for each script-type supported, but we register them all
322         // at once using the signature, so we only need one call to addFontToDatabase().
323         QSet<QPair<QString,QString>> *foundFontAndStyles = reinterpret_cast<QSet<QPair<QString,QString>> *>(lparam);
324         QPair<QString,QString> fontAndStyle(faceName, styleName);
325         if (foundFontAndStyles->contains(fontAndStyle))
326             return 1;
327         foundFontAndStyles->insert(fontAndStyle);
328     }
329     addFontToDatabase(faceName, styleName, fullName, *logFont, textmetric, signature, type);
331     // keep on enumerating
332     return 1;
333 }
335 /*!
336     \brief Populate font database using EnumFontFamiliesEx().
338     Normally, leaving the name empty should enumerate
339     all fonts, however, system fonts like "MS Shell Dlg 2"
340     are only found when specifying the name explicitly.
341 */
populateFamily(const QString & familyName)343 void QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::populateFamily(const QString &familyName)
344 {
345     qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << familyName;
346     if (familyName.size() >= LF_FACESIZE) {
347         qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Unable to enumerate family '" << familyName << '\'';
348         return;
349     }
350     HDC dummy = GetDC(0);
351     LOGFONT lf;
352     memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
353     familyName.toWCharArray(lf.lfFaceName);
354     lf.lfFaceName[familyName.size()] = 0;
355     lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
356     lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0;
357     QSet<QPair<QString,QString>> foundFontAndStyles;
358     EnumFontFamiliesEx(dummy, &lf, storeFont, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&foundFontAndStyles), 0);
359     ReleaseDC(0, dummy);
360 }
362 // Delayed population of font families
populateFontFamilies(const LOGFONT * logFont,const TEXTMETRIC * textmetric,DWORD,LPARAM)364 static int QT_WIN_CALLBACK populateFontFamilies(const LOGFONT *logFont, const TEXTMETRIC *textmetric,
365                                                 DWORD, LPARAM)
366 {
367     const ENUMLOGFONTEX *f = reinterpret_cast<const ENUMLOGFONTEX *>(logFont);
368     // the "@family" fonts are just the same as "family". Ignore them.
369     const wchar_t *faceNameW = f->elfLogFont.lfFaceName;
370     if (faceNameW[0] && faceNameW[0] != L'@' && wcsncmp(faceNameW, L"WST_", 4)) {
371         // Register only font families for which a font file exists for delayed population
372         const bool ttf = textmetric->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE;
373         const QString faceName = QString::fromWCharArray(faceNameW);
374         const FontKey *key = findFontKey(faceName);
375         if (!key) {
376             key = findFontKey(QString::fromWCharArray(f->elfFullName));
377             if (!key && ttf && qt_localizedName(faceName))
378                 key = findFontKey(qt_getEnglishName(faceName));
379         }
380         if (key) {
381             QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFontFamily(faceName);
382             // Register current font's english name as alias
383             if (ttf && qt_localizedName(faceName)) {
384                 const QString englishName = qt_getEnglishName(faceName);
385                 if (!englishName.isEmpty())
386                     QPlatformFontDatabase::registerAliasToFontFamily(faceName, englishName);
387             }
388         }
389     }
390     return 1; // continue
391 }
populateFontDatabase()393 void QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::populateFontDatabase()
394 {
395     HDC dummy = GetDC(0);
396     LOGFONT lf;
397     lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
398     lf.lfFaceName[0] = 0;
399     lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0;
400     EnumFontFamiliesEx(dummy, &lf, populateFontFamilies, 0, 0);
401     ReleaseDC(0, dummy);
402     // Work around EnumFontFamiliesEx() not listing the system font
403     QString systemDefaultFamily = QWindowsFontDatabase::systemDefaultFont().family();
404     if (QPlatformFontDatabase::resolveFontFamilyAlias(systemDefaultFamily) == systemDefaultFamily)
405         QPlatformFontDatabase::registerFontFamily(systemDefaultFamily);
406 }
fontEngine(const QFontDef & fontDef,void * handle)408 QFontEngine * QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fontEngine(const QFontDef &fontDef, void *handle)
409 {
410     QFontEngine *fe = QFreeTypeFontDatabase::fontEngine(fontDef, handle);
411     qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << "FONTDEF" << fontDef.family << fe << handle;
412     return fe;
413 }
fontEngine(const QByteArray & fontData,qreal pixelSize,QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference)415 QFontEngine *QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fontEngine(const QByteArray &fontData, qreal pixelSize, QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference)
416 {
417     QFontEngine *fe = QFreeTypeFontDatabase::fontEngine(fontData, pixelSize, hintingPreference);
418     qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << "FONTDATA" << fontData << pixelSize << hintingPreference << fe;
419     return fe;
420 }
fallbacksForFamily(const QString & family,QFont::Style style,QFont::StyleHint styleHint,QChar::Script script) const422 QStringList QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFont::Style style, QFont::StyleHint styleHint, QChar::Script script) const
423 {
424     QStringList result;
425     result.append(QWindowsFontDatabase::familyForStyleHint(styleHint));
426     result.append(QWindowsFontDatabase::extraTryFontsForFamily(family));
427     result.append(QFreeTypeFontDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(family, style, styleHint, script));
429     qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << family << style << styleHint
430         << script << result;
432     return result;
433 }
fontDir() const434 QString QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fontDir() const
435 {
436     const QString result = QLatin1String(qgetenv("windir")) + QLatin1String("/Fonts");//QPlatformFontDatabase::fontDir();
437     qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << result;
438     return result;
439 }
defaultFont() const441 QFont QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::defaultFont() const
442 {
443     return QWindowsFontDatabase::systemDefaultFont();
444 }