1 //  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2 //  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 //  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 //  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
10 #pragma once
11 #include <stdint.h>
12 #include <string>
13 #include "file/file_prefetch_buffer.h"
14 #include "file/random_access_file_reader.h"
16 #include "rocksdb/options.h"
17 #include "rocksdb/slice.h"
18 #include "rocksdb/status.h"
19 #include "rocksdb/table.h"
21 #include "memory/memory_allocator.h"
22 #include "options/cf_options.h"
23 #include "port/malloc.h"
24 #include "port/port.h"  // noexcept
25 #include "table/persistent_cache_options.h"
27 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
29 class RandomAccessFile;
30 struct ReadOptions;
32 extern bool ShouldReportDetailedTime(Env* env, Statistics* stats);
34 // the length of the magic number in bytes.
35 const int kMagicNumberLengthByte = 8;
37 // BlockHandle is a pointer to the extent of a file that stores a data
38 // block or a meta block.
39 class BlockHandle {
40  public:
41   // Creates a block handle with special values indicating "uninitialized,"
42   // distinct from the "null" block handle.
43   BlockHandle();
44   BlockHandle(uint64_t offset, uint64_t size);
46   // The offset of the block in the file.
offset()47   uint64_t offset() const { return offset_; }
set_offset(uint64_t _offset)48   void set_offset(uint64_t _offset) { offset_ = _offset; }
50   // The size of the stored block
size()51   uint64_t size() const { return size_; }
set_size(uint64_t _size)52   void set_size(uint64_t _size) { size_ = _size; }
54   void EncodeTo(std::string* dst) const;
55   Status DecodeFrom(Slice* input);
56   Status DecodeSizeFrom(uint64_t offset, Slice* input);
58   // Return a string that contains the copy of handle.
59   std::string ToString(bool hex = true) const;
61   // if the block handle's offset and size are both "0", we will view it
62   // as a null block handle that points to no where.
IsNull()63   bool IsNull() const { return offset_ == 0 && size_ == 0; }
NullBlockHandle()65   static const BlockHandle& NullBlockHandle() { return kNullBlockHandle; }
67   // Maximum encoding length of a BlockHandle
68   enum { kMaxEncodedLength = 10 + 10 };
70   inline bool operator==(const BlockHandle& rhs) const {
71     return offset_ == rhs.offset_ && size_ == rhs.size_;
72   }
73   inline bool operator!=(const BlockHandle& rhs) const {
74     return !(*this == rhs);
75   }
77  private:
78   uint64_t offset_;
79   uint64_t size_;
81   static const BlockHandle kNullBlockHandle;
82 };
84 // Value in block-based table file index.
85 //
86 // The index entry for block n is: y -> h, [x],
87 // where: y is some key between the last key of block n (inclusive) and the
88 // first key of block n+1 (exclusive); h is BlockHandle pointing to block n;
89 // x, if present, is the first key of block n (unshortened).
90 // This struct represents the "h, [x]" part.
91 struct IndexValue {
92   BlockHandle handle;
93   // Empty means unknown.
94   Slice first_internal_key;
96   IndexValue() = default;
IndexValueIndexValue97   IndexValue(BlockHandle _handle, Slice _first_internal_key)
98       : handle(_handle), first_internal_key(_first_internal_key) {}
100   // have_first_key indicates whether the `first_internal_key` is used.
101   // If previous_handle is not null, delta encoding is used;
102   // in this case, the two handles must point to consecutive blocks:
103   // handle.offset() ==
104   //     previous_handle->offset() + previous_handle->size() + kBlockTrailerSize
105   void EncodeTo(std::string* dst, bool have_first_key,
106                 const BlockHandle* previous_handle) const;
107   Status DecodeFrom(Slice* input, bool have_first_key,
108                     const BlockHandle* previous_handle);
110   std::string ToString(bool hex, bool have_first_key) const;
111 };
GetCompressFormatForVersion(uint32_t format_version)113 inline uint32_t GetCompressFormatForVersion(uint32_t format_version) {
114   // As of format_version 2, we encode compressed block with
115   // compress_format_version == 2. Before that, the version is 1.
116   // DO NOT CHANGE THIS FUNCTION, it affects disk format
117   return format_version >= 2 ? 2 : 1;
118 }
BlockBasedTableSupportedVersion(uint32_t version)120 inline bool BlockBasedTableSupportedVersion(uint32_t version) {
121   return version <= 5;
122 }
124 // Footer encapsulates the fixed information stored at the tail
125 // end of every table file.
126 class Footer {
127  public:
128   // Constructs a footer without specifying its table magic number.
129   // In such case, the table magic number of such footer should be
130   // initialized via @ReadFooterFromFile().
131   // Use this when you plan to load Footer with DecodeFrom(). Never use this
132   // when you plan to EncodeTo.
Footer()133   Footer() : Footer(kInvalidTableMagicNumber, 0) {}
135   // Use this constructor when you plan to write out the footer using
136   // EncodeTo(). Never use this constructor with DecodeFrom().
137   Footer(uint64_t table_magic_number, uint32_t version);
139   // The version of the footer in this file
version()140   uint32_t version() const { return version_; }
142   // The checksum type used in this file
checksum()143   ChecksumType checksum() const { return checksum_; }
set_checksum(const ChecksumType c)144   void set_checksum(const ChecksumType c) { checksum_ = c; }
146   // The block handle for the metaindex block of the table
metaindex_handle()147   const BlockHandle& metaindex_handle() const { return metaindex_handle_; }
set_metaindex_handle(const BlockHandle & h)148   void set_metaindex_handle(const BlockHandle& h) { metaindex_handle_ = h; }
150   // The block handle for the index block of the table
index_handle()151   const BlockHandle& index_handle() const { return index_handle_; }
set_index_handle(const BlockHandle & h)153   void set_index_handle(const BlockHandle& h) { index_handle_ = h; }
table_magic_number()155   uint64_t table_magic_number() const { return table_magic_number_; }
157   void EncodeTo(std::string* dst) const;
159   // Set the current footer based on the input slice.
160   //
161   // REQUIRES: table_magic_number_ is not set (i.e.,
162   // HasInitializedTableMagicNumber() is true). The function will initialize the
163   // magic number
164   Status DecodeFrom(Slice* input);
166   // Encoded length of a Footer.  Note that the serialization of a Footer will
167   // always occupy at least kMinEncodedLength bytes.  If fields are changed
168   // the version number should be incremented and kMaxEncodedLength should be
169   // increased accordingly.
170   enum {
171     // Footer version 0 (legacy) will always occupy exactly this many bytes.
172     // It consists of two block handles, padding, and a magic number.
173     kVersion0EncodedLength = 2 * BlockHandle::kMaxEncodedLength + 8,
174     // Footer of versions 1 and higher will always occupy exactly this many
175     // bytes. It consists of the checksum type, two block handles, padding,
176     // a version number (bigger than 1), and a magic number
177     kNewVersionsEncodedLength = 1 + 2 * BlockHandle::kMaxEncodedLength + 4 + 8,
178     kMinEncodedLength = kVersion0EncodedLength,
179     kMaxEncodedLength = kNewVersionsEncodedLength,
180   };
182   static const uint64_t kInvalidTableMagicNumber = 0;
184   // convert this object to a human readable form
185   std::string ToString() const;
187  private:
188   // REQUIRES: magic number wasn't initialized.
set_table_magic_number(uint64_t magic_number)189   void set_table_magic_number(uint64_t magic_number) {
190     assert(!HasInitializedTableMagicNumber());
191     table_magic_number_ = magic_number;
192   }
194   // return true if @table_magic_number_ is set to a value different
195   // from @kInvalidTableMagicNumber.
HasInitializedTableMagicNumber()196   bool HasInitializedTableMagicNumber() const {
197     return (table_magic_number_ != kInvalidTableMagicNumber);
198   }
200   uint32_t version_;
201   ChecksumType checksum_;
202   BlockHandle metaindex_handle_;
203   BlockHandle index_handle_;
204   uint64_t table_magic_number_ = 0;
205 };
207 // Read the footer from file
208 // If enforce_table_magic_number != 0, ReadFooterFromFile() will return
209 // corruption if table_magic number is not equal to enforce_table_magic_number
210 Status ReadFooterFromFile(const IOOptions& opts, RandomAccessFileReader* file,
211                           FilePrefetchBuffer* prefetch_buffer,
212                           uint64_t file_size, Footer* footer,
213                           uint64_t enforce_table_magic_number = 0);
215 // 1-byte compression type + 32-bit checksum
216 static const size_t kBlockTrailerSize = 5;
218 // Make block size calculation for IO less error prone
block_size(const BlockHandle & handle)219 inline uint64_t block_size(const BlockHandle& handle) {
220   return handle.size() + kBlockTrailerSize;
221 }
get_block_compression_type(const char * block_data,size_t block_size)223 inline CompressionType get_block_compression_type(const char* block_data,
224                                                   size_t block_size) {
225   return static_cast<CompressionType>(block_data[block_size]);
226 }
228 // Represents the contents of a block read from an SST file. Depending on how
229 // it's created, it may or may not own the actual block bytes. As an example,
230 // BlockContents objects representing data read from mmapped files only point
231 // into the mmapped region.
232 struct BlockContents {
233   Slice data;  // Actual contents of data
234   CacheAllocationPtr allocation;
236 #ifndef NDEBUG
237   // Whether the block is a raw block, which contains compression type
238   // byte. It is only used for assertion.
239   bool is_raw_block = false;
240 #endif  // NDEBUG
BlockContentsBlockContents242   BlockContents() {}
244   // Does not take ownership of the underlying data bytes.
BlockContentsBlockContents245   BlockContents(const Slice& _data) : data(_data) {}
247   // Takes ownership of the underlying data bytes.
BlockContentsBlockContents248   BlockContents(CacheAllocationPtr&& _data, size_t _size)
249       : data(_data.get(), _size), allocation(std::move(_data)) {}
251   // Takes ownership of the underlying data bytes.
BlockContentsBlockContents252   BlockContents(std::unique_ptr<char[]>&& _data, size_t _size)
253       : data(_data.get(), _size) {
254     allocation.reset(_data.release());
255   }
257   // Returns whether the object has ownership of the underlying data bytes.
own_bytesBlockContents258   bool own_bytes() const { return allocation.get() != nullptr; }
260   // It's the caller's responsibility to make sure that this is
261   // for raw block contents, which contains the compression
262   // byte in the end.
get_compression_typeBlockContents263   CompressionType get_compression_type() const {
264     assert(is_raw_block);
265     return get_block_compression_type(data.data(), data.size());
266   }
268   // The additional memory space taken by the block data.
usable_sizeBlockContents269   size_t usable_size() const {
270     if (allocation.get() != nullptr) {
271       auto allocator = allocation.get_deleter().allocator;
272       if (allocator) {
273         return allocator->UsableSize(allocation.get(), data.size());
274       }
276       return malloc_usable_size(allocation.get());
277 #else
278       return data.size();
280     } else {
281       return 0;  // no extra memory is occupied by the data
282     }
283   }
ApproximateMemoryUsageBlockContents285   size_t ApproximateMemoryUsage() const {
286     return usable_size() + sizeof(*this);
287   }
BlockContentsBlockContents289   BlockContents(BlockContents&& other) ROCKSDB_NOEXCEPT {
290     *this = std::move(other);
291   }
293   BlockContents& operator=(BlockContents&& other) {
294     data = std::move(other.data);
295     allocation = std::move(other.allocation);
296 #ifndef NDEBUG
297     is_raw_block = other.is_raw_block;
298 #endif  // NDEBUG
299     return *this;
300   }
301 };
303 // Read the block identified by "handle" from "file".  On failure
304 // return non-OK.  On success fill *result and return OK.
305 extern Status ReadBlockContents(
306     RandomAccessFileReader* file, FilePrefetchBuffer* prefetch_buffer,
307     const Footer& footer, const ReadOptions& options, const BlockHandle& handle,
308     BlockContents* contents, const ImmutableOptions& ioptions,
309     bool do_uncompress = true, const Slice& compression_dict = Slice(),
310     const PersistentCacheOptions& cache_options = PersistentCacheOptions());
312 // The 'data' points to the raw block contents read in from file.
313 // This method allocates a new heap buffer and the raw block
314 // contents are uncompresed into this buffer. This buffer is
315 // returned via 'result' and it is upto the caller to
316 // free this buffer.
317 // For description of compress_format_version and possible values, see
318 // util/compression.h
319 extern Status UncompressBlockContents(const UncompressionInfo& info,
320                                       const char* data, size_t n,
321                                       BlockContents* contents,
322                                       uint32_t compress_format_version,
323                                       const ImmutableOptions& ioptions,
324                                       MemoryAllocator* allocator = nullptr);
326 // This is an extension to UncompressBlockContents that accepts
327 // a specific compression type. This is used by un-wrapped blocks
328 // with no compression header.
329 extern Status UncompressBlockContentsForCompressionType(
330     const UncompressionInfo& info, const char* data, size_t n,
331     BlockContents* contents, uint32_t compress_format_version,
332     const ImmutableOptions& ioptions, MemoryAllocator* allocator = nullptr);
334 // Replace db_host_id contents with the real hostname if necessary
335 extern Status ReifyDbHostIdProperty(Env* env, std::string* db_host_id);
337 // Implementation details follow.  Clients should ignore,
339 // TODO(andrewkr): we should prefer one way of representing a null/uninitialized
340 // BlockHandle. Currently we use zeros for null and use negation-of-zeros for
341 // uninitialized.
BlockHandle()342 inline BlockHandle::BlockHandle()
343     : BlockHandle(~static_cast<uint64_t>(0), ~static_cast<uint64_t>(0)) {}
BlockHandle(uint64_t _offset,uint64_t _size)345 inline BlockHandle::BlockHandle(uint64_t _offset, uint64_t _size)
346     : offset_(_offset), size_(_size) {}
348 }  // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE