1# Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2#  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3#  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4#  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6import copy
7from advisor.db_log_parser import DataSource, NO_COL_FAMILY
8from advisor.ini_parser import IniParser
9import os
12class OptionsSpecParser(IniParser):
13    @staticmethod
14    def is_new_option(line):
15        return '=' in line
17    @staticmethod
18    def get_section_type(line):
19        '''
20        Example section header: [TableOptions/BlockBasedTable "default"]
21        Here ConfigurationOptimizer returned would be
22        'TableOptions.BlockBasedTable'
23        '''
24        section_path = line.strip()[1:-1].split()[0]
25        section_type = '.'.join(section_path.split('/'))
26        return section_type
28    @staticmethod
29    def get_section_name(line):
30        # example: get_section_name('[CFOptions "default"]')
31        token_list = line.strip()[1:-1].split('"')
32        # token_list = ['CFOptions', 'default', '']
33        if len(token_list) < 3:
34            return None
35        return token_list[1]  # return 'default'
37    @staticmethod
38    def get_section_str(section_type, section_name):
39        # Example:
40        # Case 1: get_section_str('DBOptions', NO_COL_FAMILY)
41        # Case 2: get_section_str('TableOptions.BlockBasedTable', 'default')
42        section_type = '/'.join(section_type.strip().split('.'))
43        # Case 1: section_type = 'DBOptions'
44        # Case 2: section_type = 'TableOptions/BlockBasedTable'
45        section_str = '[' + section_type
46        if section_name == NO_COL_FAMILY:
47            # Case 1: '[DBOptions]'
48            return (section_str + ']')
49        else:
50            # Case 2: '[TableOptions/BlockBasedTable "default"]'
51            return section_str + ' "' + section_name + '"]'
53    @staticmethod
54    def get_option_str(key, values):
55        option_str = key + '='
56        # get_option_str('db_log_dir', None), returns 'db_log_dir='
57        if values:
58            # example:
59            # get_option_str('max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_additional',
60            # [1,1,1,1,1,1,1]), returned string:
61            # 'max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_additional=1:1:1:1:1:1:1'
62            if isinstance(values, list):
63                for value in values:
64                    option_str += (str(value) + ':')
65                option_str = option_str[:-1]
66            else:
67                # example: get_option_str('write_buffer_size', 1048576)
68                # returned string: 'write_buffer_size=1048576'
69                option_str += str(values)
70        return option_str
73class DatabaseOptions(DataSource):
75    @staticmethod
76    def is_misc_option(option_name):
77        # these are miscellaneous options that are not yet supported by the
78        # Rocksdb options file, hence they are not prefixed with any section
79        # name
80        return '.' not in option_name
82    @staticmethod
83    def get_options_diff(opt_old, opt_new):
84        # type: Dict[option, Dict[col_fam, value]] X 2 ->
85        # Dict[option, Dict[col_fam, Tuple(old_value, new_value)]]
86        # note: diff should contain a tuple of values only if they are
87        # different from each other
88        options_union = set(opt_old.keys()).union(set(opt_new.keys()))
89        diff = {}
90        for opt in options_union:
91            diff[opt] = {}
92            # if option in options_union, then it must be in one of the configs
93            if opt not in opt_old:
94                for col_fam in opt_new[opt]:
95                    diff[opt][col_fam] = (None, opt_new[opt][col_fam])
96            elif opt not in opt_new:
97                for col_fam in opt_old[opt]:
98                    diff[opt][col_fam] = (opt_old[opt][col_fam], None)
99            else:
100                for col_fam in opt_old[opt]:
101                    if col_fam in opt_new[opt]:
102                        if opt_old[opt][col_fam] != opt_new[opt][col_fam]:
103                            diff[opt][col_fam] = (
104                                opt_old[opt][col_fam],
105                                opt_new[opt][col_fam]
106                            )
107                    else:
108                        diff[opt][col_fam] = (opt_old[opt][col_fam], None)
109                for col_fam in opt_new[opt]:
110                    if col_fam in opt_old[opt]:
111                        if opt_old[opt][col_fam] != opt_new[opt][col_fam]:
112                            diff[opt][col_fam] = (
113                                opt_old[opt][col_fam],
114                                opt_new[opt][col_fam]
115                            )
116                    else:
117                        diff[opt][col_fam] = (None, opt_new[opt][col_fam])
118            if not diff[opt]:
119                diff.pop(opt)
120        return diff
122    def __init__(self, rocksdb_options, misc_options=None):
123        super().__init__(DataSource.Type.DB_OPTIONS)
124        # The options are stored in the following data structure:
125        # Dict[section_type, Dict[section_name, Dict[option_name, value]]]
126        self.options_dict = None
127        self.column_families = None
128        # Load the options from the given file to a dictionary.
129        self.load_from_source(rocksdb_options)
130        # Setup the miscellaneous options expected to be List[str], where each
131        # element in the List has the format "<option_name>=<option_value>"
132        # These options are the ones that are not yet supported by the Rocksdb
133        # OPTIONS file, so they are provided separately
134        self.setup_misc_options(misc_options)
136    def setup_misc_options(self, misc_options):
137        self.misc_options = {}
138        if misc_options:
139            for option_pair_str in misc_options:
140                option_name = option_pair_str.split('=')[0].strip()
141                option_value = option_pair_str.split('=')[1].strip()
142                self.misc_options[option_name] = option_value
144    def load_from_source(self, options_path):
145        self.options_dict = {}
146        with open(options_path, 'r') as db_options:
147            for line in db_options:
148                line = OptionsSpecParser.remove_trailing_comment(line)
149                if not line:
150                    continue
151                if OptionsSpecParser.is_section_header(line):
152                    curr_sec_type = (
153                        OptionsSpecParser.get_section_type(line)
154                    )
155                    curr_sec_name = OptionsSpecParser.get_section_name(line)
156                    if curr_sec_type not in self.options_dict:
157                        self.options_dict[curr_sec_type] = {}
158                    if not curr_sec_name:
159                        curr_sec_name = NO_COL_FAMILY
160                    self.options_dict[curr_sec_type][curr_sec_name] = {}
161                    # example: if the line read from the Rocksdb OPTIONS file
162                    # is [CFOptions "default"], then the section type is
163                    # CFOptions and 'default' is the name of a column family
164                    # that for this database, so it's added to the list of
165                    # column families stored in this object
166                    if curr_sec_type == 'CFOptions':
167                        if not self.column_families:
168                            self.column_families = []
169                        self.column_families.append(curr_sec_name)
170                elif OptionsSpecParser.is_new_option(line):
171                    key, value = OptionsSpecParser.get_key_value_pair(line)
172                    self.options_dict[curr_sec_type][curr_sec_name][key] = (
173                        value
174                    )
175                else:
176                    error = 'Not able to parse line in Options file.'
177                    OptionsSpecParser.exit_with_parse_error(line, error)
179    def get_misc_options(self):
180        # these are options that are not yet supported by the Rocksdb OPTIONS
181        # file, hence they are provided and stored separately
182        return self.misc_options
184    def get_column_families(self):
185        return self.column_families
187    def get_all_options(self):
188        # This method returns all the options that are stored in this object as
189        # a: Dict[<sec_type>.<option_name>: Dict[col_fam, option_value]]
190        all_options = []
191        # Example: in the section header '[CFOptions "default"]' read from the
192        # OPTIONS file, sec_type='CFOptions'
193        for sec_type in self.options_dict:
194            for col_fam in self.options_dict[sec_type]:
195                for opt_name in self.options_dict[sec_type][col_fam]:
196                    option = sec_type + '.' + opt_name
197                    all_options.append(option)
198        all_options.extend(list(self.misc_options.keys()))
199        return self.get_options(all_options)
201    def get_options(self, reqd_options):
202        # type: List[str] -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
203        # List[option] -> Dict[option, Dict[col_fam, value]]
204        reqd_options_dict = {}
205        for option in reqd_options:
206            if DatabaseOptions.is_misc_option(option):
207                # the option is not prefixed by '<section_type>.' because it is
208                # not yet supported by the Rocksdb OPTIONS file; so it has to
209                # be fetched from the misc_options dictionary
210                if option not in self.misc_options:
211                    continue
212                if option not in reqd_options_dict:
213                    reqd_options_dict[option] = {}
214                reqd_options_dict[option][NO_COL_FAMILY] = (
215                    self.misc_options[option]
216                )
217            else:
218                # Example: option = 'TableOptions.BlockBasedTable.block_align'
219                # then, sec_type = 'TableOptions.BlockBasedTable'
220                sec_type = '.'.join(option.split('.')[:-1])
221                # opt_name = 'block_align'
222                opt_name = option.split('.')[-1]
223                if sec_type not in self.options_dict:
224                    continue
225                for col_fam in self.options_dict[sec_type]:
226                    if opt_name in self.options_dict[sec_type][col_fam]:
227                        if option not in reqd_options_dict:
228                            reqd_options_dict[option] = {}
229                        reqd_options_dict[option][col_fam] = (
230                            self.options_dict[sec_type][col_fam][opt_name]
231                        )
232        return reqd_options_dict
234    def update_options(self, options):
235        # An example 'options' object looks like:
236        # {'DBOptions.max_background_jobs': {NO_COL_FAMILY: 2},
237        # 'CFOptions.write_buffer_size': {'default': 1048576, 'cf_A': 128000},
238        # 'bloom_bits': {NO_COL_FAMILY: 4}}
239        for option in options:
240            if DatabaseOptions.is_misc_option(option):
241                # this is a misc_option i.e. an option that is not yet
242                # supported by the Rocksdb OPTIONS file, so it is not prefixed
243                # by '<section_type>.' and must be stored in the separate
244                # misc_options dictionary
245                if NO_COL_FAMILY not in options[option]:
246                    print(
247                        'WARNING(DatabaseOptions.update_options): not ' +
248                        'updating option ' + option + ' because it is in ' +
249                        'misc_option format but its scope is not ' +
250                        NO_COL_FAMILY + '. Check format of option.'
251                    )
252                    continue
253                self.misc_options[option] = options[option][NO_COL_FAMILY]
254            else:
255                sec_name = '.'.join(option.split('.')[:-1])
256                opt_name = option.split('.')[-1]
257                if sec_name not in self.options_dict:
258                    self.options_dict[sec_name] = {}
259                for col_fam in options[option]:
260                    # if the option is not already present in the dictionary,
261                    # it will be inserted, else it will be updated to the new
262                    # value
263                    if col_fam not in self.options_dict[sec_name]:
264                        self.options_dict[sec_name][col_fam] = {}
265                    self.options_dict[sec_name][col_fam][opt_name] = (
266                        copy.deepcopy(options[option][col_fam])
267                    )
269    def generate_options_config(self, nonce):
270        # this method generates a Rocksdb OPTIONS file in the INI format from
271        # the options stored in self.options_dict
272        this_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
273        file_name = '../temp/OPTIONS_' + str(nonce) + '.tmp'
274        file_path = os.path.join(this_path, file_name)
275        with open(file_path, 'w') as fp:
276            for section in self.options_dict:
277                for col_fam in self.options_dict[section]:
278                    fp.write(
279                        OptionsSpecParser.get_section_str(section, col_fam) +
280                        '\n'
281                    )
282                    for option in self.options_dict[section][col_fam]:
283                        values = self.options_dict[section][col_fam][option]
284                        fp.write(
285                            OptionsSpecParser.get_option_str(option, values) +
286                            '\n'
287                        )
288                fp.write('\n')
289        return file_path
291    def check_and_trigger_conditions(self, conditions):
292        for cond in conditions:
293            reqd_options_dict = self.get_options(cond.options)
294            # This contains the indices of options that are specific to some
295            # column family and are not database-wide options.
296            incomplete_option_ix = []
297            options = []
298            missing_reqd_option = False
299            for ix, option in enumerate(cond.options):
300                if option not in reqd_options_dict:
301                    print(
302                        'WARNING(DatabaseOptions.check_and_trigger): ' +
303                        'skipping condition ' + cond.name + ' because it '
304                        'requires option ' + option + ' but this option is' +
305                        ' not available'
306                    )
307                    missing_reqd_option = True
308                    break  # required option is absent
309                if NO_COL_FAMILY in reqd_options_dict[option]:
310                    options.append(reqd_options_dict[option][NO_COL_FAMILY])
311                else:
312                    options.append(None)
313                    incomplete_option_ix.append(ix)
315            if missing_reqd_option:
316                continue
318            # if all the options are database-wide options
319            if not incomplete_option_ix:
320                try:
321                    if eval(cond.eval_expr):
322                        cond.set_trigger({NO_COL_FAMILY: options})
323                except Exception as e:
324                    print(
325                        'WARNING(DatabaseOptions) check_and_trigger:' + str(e)
326                    )
327                continue
329            # for all the options that are not database-wide, we look for their
330            # values specific to column families
331            col_fam_options_dict = {}
332            for col_fam in self.column_families:
333                present = True
334                for ix in incomplete_option_ix:
335                    option = cond.options[ix]
336                    if col_fam not in reqd_options_dict[option]:
337                        present = False
338                        break
339                    options[ix] = reqd_options_dict[option][col_fam]
340                if present:
341                    try:
342                        if eval(cond.eval_expr):
343                            col_fam_options_dict[col_fam] = (
344                                copy.deepcopy(options)
345                            )
346                    except Exception as e:
347                        print(
348                            'WARNING(DatabaseOptions) check_and_trigger: ' +
349                            str(e)
350                        )
351            # Trigger for an OptionCondition object is of the form:
352            # Dict[col_fam_name: List[option_value]]
353            # where col_fam_name is the name of a column family for which
354            # 'eval_expr' evaluated to True and List[option_value] is the list
355            # of values of the options specified in the condition's 'options'
356            # field
357            if col_fam_options_dict:
358                cond.set_trigger(col_fam_options_dict)