1 #include "sqlitedb.h"
2 #include "sqlite.h"
3 #include "sqlitetablemodel.h"
4 #include "CipherDialog.h"
5 #include "CipherSettings.h"
6 #include "DotenvFormat.h"
7 #include "Settings.h"
9 #include <QFile>
10 #include <QMessageBox>
11 #include <QProgressDialog>
12 #include <QApplication>
13 #include <QInputDialog>
14 #include <QFileInfo>
15 #include <QDir>
16 #include <QDebug>
17 #include <QThread>
18 #include <QRegularExpression>
19 #include <json.hpp>
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include <array>
23 #include <atomic>
24 #include <cctype>
25 #include <chrono>
26 #include <functional>
28 using json = nlohmann::json;
30 QStringList DBBrowserDB::Datatypes = {"INTEGER", "TEXT", "BLOB", "REAL", "NUMERIC"};
32 // Helper template to allow turning member functions into a C-style function pointer
33 // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19808054/convert-c-function-pointer-to-c-function-pointer/19809787
34 template <typename T>
35 struct Callback;
36 template <typename Ret, typename... Params>
37 struct Callback<Ret(Params...)> {
38     template <typename... Args>
callbackCallback39     static Ret callback(Args... args) { return func(args...); }
40     static std::function<Ret(Params...)> func;
41 };
42 template <typename Ret, typename... Params>
43 std::function<Ret(Params...)> Callback<Ret(Params...)>::func;
45 namespace sqlb {
escapeIdentifier(const QString & id)46 QString escapeIdentifier(const QString& id)
47 {
48     return QString::fromStdString(escapeIdentifier(id.toStdString()));
49 }
escapeString(const QString & literal)50 QString escapeString(const QString& literal)
51 {
52     return QString::fromStdString(escapeString(literal.toStdString()));
53 }
54 }
56 // collation callbacks
collCompare(void *,int sizeA,const void * sA,int sizeB,const void * sB)57 int collCompare(void* /*pArg*/, int sizeA, const void* sA, int sizeB, const void* sB)
58 {
59     if(sizeA == sizeB)
60         return memcmp(sA, sB, static_cast<size_t>(sizeA));
61     return sizeA - sizeB;
62 }
sqlite_compare_utf16(void *,int size1,const void * str1,int size2,const void * str2)64 static int sqlite_compare_utf16( void* /*arg*/,int size1, const void *str1, int size2, const void* str2)
65 {
66     const QString string1 = QString::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const QChar*>(str1), static_cast<int>(static_cast<size_t>(size1) / sizeof(QChar)));
67     const QString string2 = QString::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const QChar*>(str2), static_cast<int>(static_cast<size_t>(size2) / sizeof(QChar)));
69     return QString::compare(string1, string2, Qt::CaseSensitive);
70 }
sqlite_compare_utf16ci(void *,int size1,const void * str1,int size2,const void * str2)72 static int sqlite_compare_utf16ci( void* /*arg*/,int size1, const void *str1, int size2, const void* str2)
73 {
74     const QString string1 = QString::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const QChar*>(str1), static_cast<int>(static_cast<size_t>(size1) / sizeof(QChar)));
75     const QString string2 = QString::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const QChar*>(str2), static_cast<int>(static_cast<size_t>(size2) / sizeof(QChar)));
77     return QString::compare(string1, string2, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
78 }
sqlite_make_single_value(sqlite3_context * ctx,int num_arguments,sqlite3_value * arguments[])80 static void sqlite_make_single_value(sqlite3_context* ctx, int num_arguments, sqlite3_value* arguments[])
81 {
82     json array;
83     for(int i=0;i<num_arguments;i++)
84         array.push_back(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_value_text(arguments[i])));
86     std::string output = array.dump();
87     char* output_str = new char[output.size()+1];
88     std::strcpy(output_str, output.c_str());
90     sqlite3_result_text(ctx, output_str, static_cast<int>(output.length()), [](void* ptr) {
91         char* cptr = static_cast<char*>(ptr);
92         delete cptr;
93     });
94 }
DBBrowserDB()96 DBBrowserDB::DBBrowserDB() :
97     _db(nullptr),
98     db_used(false),
99     isEncrypted(false),
100     isReadOnly(false),
101     dontCheckForStructureUpdates(false)
102 {
103     // Register error log callback. This needs to be done before SQLite is first used
104     Callback<void(void*, int, const char*)>::func = std::bind(&DBBrowserDB::errorLogCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3);
105     void (*log_callback)(void*, int, const char*) = static_cast<decltype(log_callback)>(Callback<void(void*, int, const char*)>::callback);
106     sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, log_callback, nullptr);
107 }
collationNeeded(void *,sqlite3 *,int eTextRep,const char * sCollationName)109 void DBBrowserDB::collationNeeded(void* /*pData*/, sqlite3* /*db*/, int eTextRep, const char* sCollationName)
110 {
111     QString name(sCollationName);
113     // Don't request built-in collations. SQLite requests these collations even though they are built into
114     // the library. Since we have no need for overriding them, we just silently ignore these requests.
115     if(name.compare("BINARY", Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
116             name.compare("NOCASE", Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
117             name.compare("RTRIM", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
118     {
119         emit requestCollation(name, eTextRep);
120     }
121 }
errorLogCallback(void *,int error_code,const char * message)123 void DBBrowserDB::errorLogCallback(void* /*user_data*/, int error_code, const char* message)
124 {
125     QString msg = QString("(%1) %2").arg(error_code).arg(message);
127     logSQL(msg, kLogMsg_ErrorLog);
128 }
regexp(sqlite3_context * ctx,int,sqlite3_value * argv[])130 static void regexp(sqlite3_context* ctx, int /*argc*/, sqlite3_value* argv[])
131 {
132     // This is a cache for the last 50 regular expressions. Compiling them takes some time, so we want to cache the compiled
133     // regular expressions for performance purposes.
134     static std::array<std::pair<QString, QRegularExpression>, 50> regex_cache;
136     // Check if pattern is in cache
137     QString pattern{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]))};
138     QRegularExpression regex;
139     const auto it = std::find_if(regex_cache.begin(), regex_cache.end(), [pattern](const std::pair<QString, QRegularExpression>& val) {
140         return val.first == pattern;
141     });
142     if(it == regex_cache.end())
143     {
144         // Pattern is not in cache. Create a new regular expressions object, compile it, and insert it into the cache
145         regex.setPattern(pattern);
146         regex.setPatternOptions(QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption);
147         if(!regex.isValid())
148             return sqlite3_result_error(ctx, "invalid operand", -1);
149         regex.optimize();
151         static size_t regex_cache_size;
152         regex_cache_size = (regex_cache_size + 1) % regex_cache.size();
153         regex_cache[regex_cache_size] = {pattern, regex};
154     } else {
155         // Pattern is in the cache. Just retrieve it
156         regex = it->second;
157     }
159     // Get arguments and check their values
160     QString arg2{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]))};
162     // Perform the actual matching and return the result.
163     // SQLite expects a 0 for not found and a 1 for found.
164     sqlite3_result_int(ctx, regex.match(arg2).hasMatch());
165 }
isOpen() const167 bool DBBrowserDB::isOpen ( ) const
168 {
169     return _db != nullptr;
170 }
getDirty() const172 bool DBBrowserDB::getDirty() const
173 {
174     return !savepointList.empty();
175 }
open(const QString & db,bool readOnly)177 bool DBBrowserDB::open(const QString& db, bool readOnly)
178 {
179     if (isOpen()) close();
181     isEncrypted = false;
182     dontCheckForStructureUpdates = false;
184     // Get encryption settings for database file
185     CipherSettings* cipherSettings = nullptr;
186     if(tryEncryptionSettings(db, &isEncrypted, cipherSettings) == false)
187         return false;
189     // Open database file
190     if(sqlite3_open_v2(db.toUtf8(), &_db, readOnly ? SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY : SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK)
191     {
192         lastErrorMessage = QString::fromUtf8(sqlite3_errmsg(_db));
193         return false;
194     }
196     // Set encryption details if database is encrypted
198     if(isEncrypted && cipherSettings)
199     {
200         executeSQL("PRAGMA key = " + cipherSettings->getPassword(), false, false);
201         executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_page_size = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getPageSize()), false, false);
202         executeSQL("PRAGMA kdf_iter = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getKdfIterations()), false, false);
203         executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_hmac_algorithm = " + cipherSettings->getHmacAlgorithm(), false, false);
204         executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_kdf_algorithm = " + cipherSettings->getKdfAlgorithm(), false, false);
205         executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_plaintext_header_size = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getPlaintextHeaderSize()), false, false);
206     }
207 #endif
208     delete cipherSettings;
210     if (_db)
211     {
212         // add UTF16 collation (comparison is performed by QString functions)
213         sqlite3_create_collation(_db, "UTF16", SQLITE_UTF16, nullptr, sqlite_compare_utf16);
214         // add UTF16CI (case insensitive) collation (comparison is performed by QString functions)
215         sqlite3_create_collation(_db, "UTF16CI", SQLITE_UTF16, nullptr, sqlite_compare_utf16ci);
217         // register collation callback
218         Callback<void(void*, sqlite3*, int, const char*)>::func = std::bind(&DBBrowserDB::collationNeeded, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4);
219         void (*c_callback)(void*, sqlite3*, int, const char*) = static_cast<decltype(c_callback)>(Callback<void(void*, sqlite3*, int, const char*)>::callback);
220         sqlite3_collation_needed(_db, nullptr, c_callback);
222         // Set foreign key settings as requested in the preferences
223         bool foreignkeys = Settings::getValue("db", "foreignkeys").toBool();
224         setPragma("foreign_keys", foreignkeys ? "1" : "0");
226         // Register REGEXP function
227         if(Settings::getValue("extensions", "disableregex").toBool() == false)
228             sqlite3_create_function(_db, "REGEXP", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, nullptr, regexp, nullptr, nullptr);
230         // Register our internal helper function for putting multiple values into a single column
231         sqlite3_create_function_v2(
232             _db,
233             "sqlb_make_single_value",
234             -1,
236             nullptr,
237             sqlite_make_single_value,
238             nullptr,
239             nullptr,
240             nullptr
241         );
243         // Check if file is read only. In-memory databases are never read only
244         if(db == ":memory:")
245         {
246             isReadOnly = false;
247         } else {
248             QFileInfo fi(db);
249             QFileInfo fid(fi.absoluteDir().absolutePath());
250             isReadOnly = readOnly || !fi.isWritable() || !fid.isWritable();
251         }
253         // Load extensions
254         loadExtensionsFromSettings();
256         // Execute default SQL
257         if(!isReadOnly)
258         {
259             QByteArray default_sql = Settings::getValue("db", "defaultsqltext").toByteArray();
260             if(!default_sql.isEmpty())
261                 executeMultiSQL(default_sql, false, true);
262         }
264         curDBFilename = db;
266         updateSchema();
268         return true;
269     } else {
270         return false;
271     }
272 }
attach(const QString & filePath,QString attach_as)274 bool DBBrowserDB::attach(const QString& filePath, QString attach_as)
275 {
276     if(!_db)
277         return false;
279     waitForDbRelease();
281     // Check if this file has already been attached and abort if this is the case
282     QFileInfo fi(filePath);
283     bool ok = executeSQL("PRAGMA database_list", false, true, [fi](int, std::vector<QByteArray> values, std::vector<QByteArray>) -> bool {
284         QFileInfo path(values.at(2));
285         if(fi == path)
286         {
287             QString schema = values.at(1);
288             QMessageBox::information(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), tr("This database has already been attached. Its schema name is '%1'.").arg(schema));
289             return true;
290         }
292         return false;
293     });
295     if(ok == false)
296         return false;
298     // Ask for name to be given to the attached database if none was provided
299     if(attach_as.isEmpty())
300         attach_as = QInputDialog::getText(nullptr,
301                                           qApp->applicationName(),
302                                           tr("Please specify the database name under which you want to access the attached database"),
303                                           QLineEdit::Normal,
304                                           QFileInfo(filePath).baseName()
305                                           ).trimmed();
306     if(attach_as.isNull())
307         return false;
310     // Try encryption settings
311     CipherSettings* cipherSettings = nullptr;
312     bool is_encrypted;
313     if(tryEncryptionSettings(filePath, &is_encrypted, cipherSettings) == false)
314         return false;
316     // Attach database
317     std::string key;
318     if(cipherSettings && is_encrypted)
319         key = "KEY " + cipherSettings->getPassword();
320     else
321         key = "KEY ''";
323     // Only apply cipher settings if the database is encrypted
324     if(cipherSettings && is_encrypted)
325     {
326         if(!executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_default_page_size = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getPageSize()), false))
327         {
328             QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), lastErrorMessage);
329             return false;
330         }
331         if(!executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_default_kdf_iter = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getKdfIterations()), false))
332         {
333             QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), lastErrorMessage);
334             return false;
335         }
336         if(!executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_hmac_algorithm = " + cipherSettings->getHmacAlgorithm(), false))
337         {
338             QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), lastErrorMessage);
339             return false;
340         }
341         if(!executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_kdf_algorithm = " + cipherSettings->getKdfAlgorithm(), false))
342         {
343             QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), lastErrorMessage);
344             return false;
345         }
346         if(!executeSQL("PRAGMA cipher_plaintext_header_size = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getPlaintextHeaderSize()), false))
347         {
348             QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), lastErrorMessage);
349             return false;
350         }
351     }
353     if(!executeSQL("ATTACH " + sqlb::escapeString(filePath.toStdString()) + " AS " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(attach_as.toStdString()) + " " + key, false))
354     {
355         QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), lastErrorMessage);
356         return false;
357     }
359     // Clean up cipher settings
360     delete cipherSettings;
361 #else
362     // Attach database
363     if(!executeSQL("ATTACH " + sqlb::escapeString(filePath.toStdString()) + " AS " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(attach_as.toStdString()), false))
364     {
365         QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), lastErrorMessage);
366         return false;
367     }
368 #endif
370     // Update schema to load database schema of the newly attached database
371     updateSchema();
373     return true;
374 }
tryEncryptionSettings(const QString & filePath,bool * encrypted,CipherSettings * & cipherSettings) const376 bool DBBrowserDB::tryEncryptionSettings(const QString& filePath, bool* encrypted, CipherSettings*& cipherSettings) const
377 {
378     lastErrorMessage = tr("Invalid file format");
380     // Open database file
381     sqlite3* dbHandle;
382     if(sqlite3_open_v2(filePath.toUtf8(), &dbHandle, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK)
383         return false;
385     // Try reading from database
388     bool isDotenvChecked = false;
390     // Determine default encryption settings depending on the SQLCipher version we use
391     QString sqlite_version, sqlcipher_version;
392     getSqliteVersion(sqlite_version, sqlcipher_version);
393     int enc_default_page_size, enc_default_kdf_iter;
394     int enc_default_plaintext_header_size = 0;
395     std::string enc_default_hmac_algorithm, enc_default_kdf_algorithm;
396     if(sqlcipher_version.startsWith('4'))
397     {
398         enc_default_page_size = 4096;
399         enc_default_kdf_iter = 256000;
400         enc_default_hmac_algorithm = "SHA512";
401         enc_default_kdf_algorithm = "SHA512";
402     } else {
403         enc_default_page_size = 1024;
404         enc_default_kdf_iter = 64000;
405         enc_default_hmac_algorithm = "SHA1";
406         enc_default_kdf_algorithm = "SHA1";
407     }
408 #endif
410     *encrypted = false;
411     cipherSettings = nullptr;
412     while(true)
413     {
414         const std::string statement = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master;";
415         sqlite3_stmt* vm;
416         const char* tail;
417         int err = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle, statement.c_str(), static_cast<int>(statement.size()), &vm, &tail);
418         if(err == SQLITE_BUSY || err == SQLITE_PERM || err == SQLITE_NOMEM || err == SQLITE_IOERR || err == SQLITE_CORRUPT || err == SQLITE_CANTOPEN)
419         {
420             lastErrorMessage = QString::fromUtf8(sqlite3_errmsg(dbHandle));
421             sqlite3_close(dbHandle);
422             return false;
423         }
425         if(sqlite3_step(vm) != SQLITE_ROW)
426         {
427             sqlite3_finalize(vm);
429             bool foundDotenvPassword = false;
431             // Being in a while loop, we don't want to check the same file multiple times
432             if (!isDotenvChecked) {
433                 QFile databaseFile(filePath);
434                 QFileInfo databaseFileInfo(databaseFile);
436                 QString databaseDirectoryPath = databaseFileInfo.dir().path();
437                 QString databaseFileName(databaseFileInfo.fileName());
439                 QString dotenvFilePath = databaseDirectoryPath + "/.env";
440                 static const QSettings::Format dotenvFormat = QSettings::registerFormat("env", &DotenvFormat::readEnvFile, nullptr);
441                 QSettings dotenv(dotenvFilePath, dotenvFormat);
443                 QVariant passwordValue = dotenv.value(databaseFileName);
445                 foundDotenvPassword = !passwordValue.isNull();
447                 isDotenvChecked = true;
449                 if (foundDotenvPassword)
450                 {
451                     std::string password = passwordValue.toString().toStdString();
453                     QVariant keyFormatValue = dotenv.value(databaseFileName + "_keyFormat", QVariant(CipherSettings::KeyFormats::Passphrase));
454                     CipherSettings::KeyFormats keyFormat = CipherSettings::getKeyFormat(keyFormatValue.toInt());
456                     int pageSize = dotenv.value(databaseFileName + "_pageSize", enc_default_page_size).toInt();
457                     int kdfIterations = dotenv.value(databaseFileName + "_kdfIter", enc_default_kdf_iter).toInt();
458                     int plaintextHeaderSize = dotenv.value(databaseFileName + "_plaintextHeaderSize", enc_default_plaintext_header_size).toInt();
459                     std::string hmacAlgorithm = dotenv.value(databaseFileName + "_hmacAlgorithm", QString::fromStdString(enc_default_hmac_algorithm)).toString().toStdString();
460                     std::string kdfAlgorithm = dotenv.value(databaseFileName + "_kdfAlgorithm", QString::fromStdString(enc_default_kdf_algorithm)).toString().toStdString();
462                     delete cipherSettings;
463                     cipherSettings = new CipherSettings();
465                     cipherSettings->setKeyFormat(keyFormat);
466                     cipherSettings->setPassword(password);
467                     cipherSettings->setPageSize(pageSize);
468                     cipherSettings->setKdfIterations(kdfIterations);
469                     cipherSettings->setHmacAlgorithm("HMAC_" + hmacAlgorithm);
470                     cipherSettings->setKdfAlgorithm("PBKDF2_HMAC_" + kdfAlgorithm);
471                     cipherSettings->setPlaintextHeaderSize(plaintextHeaderSize);
472                 }
473             }
475             if(foundDotenvPassword)
476             {
477                 // Skip the CipherDialog prompt for now to test if the dotenv settings are correct
478             } else {
479 	            CipherDialog *cipherDialog = new CipherDialog(nullptr, false);
480 	            if(cipherDialog->exec())
481 	            {
482 	                delete cipherSettings;
483 	                cipherSettings = new CipherSettings(cipherDialog->getCipherSettings());
484 	            } else {
485 	                sqlite3_close(dbHandle);
486 	                *encrypted = false;
487 	                delete cipherSettings;
488 	                cipherSettings = nullptr;
489 	                return false;
490 	            }
491 	        }
493             // Close and reopen database first to be in a clean state after the failed read attempt from above
494             sqlite3_close(dbHandle);
495             if(sqlite3_open_v2(filePath.toUtf8(), &dbHandle, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK)
496             {
497                 delete cipherSettings;
498                 cipherSettings = nullptr;
499                 return false;
500             }
502             // Set the key
503             sqlite3_exec(dbHandle, ("PRAGMA key = " + cipherSettings->getPassword()).c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
505             // Set the settings if they differ from the default values
506             if(cipherSettings->getPageSize() != enc_default_page_size)
507                 sqlite3_exec(dbHandle, ("PRAGMA cipher_page_size = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getPageSize())).c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
508             if(cipherSettings->getKdfIterations() != enc_default_kdf_iter)
509                 sqlite3_exec(dbHandle, ("PRAGMA kdf_iter = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getKdfIterations())).c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
510             if(cipherSettings->getHmacAlgorithm() != enc_default_hmac_algorithm)
511                 sqlite3_exec(dbHandle, ("PRAGMA cipher_hmac_algorithm = " + cipherSettings->getHmacAlgorithm()).c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
512             if(cipherSettings->getKdfAlgorithm() != enc_default_kdf_algorithm)
513                 sqlite3_exec(dbHandle, ("PRAGMA cipher_kdf_algorithm = " + cipherSettings->getKdfAlgorithm()).c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
514             if(cipherSettings->getPlaintextHeaderSize() != enc_default_plaintext_header_size)
515                 sqlite3_exec(dbHandle, ("PRAGMA cipher_plaintext_header_size = " + std::to_string(cipherSettings->getPlaintextHeaderSize())).c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
517             *encrypted = true;
518 #else
519             lastErrorMessage = QString::fromUtf8(sqlite3_errmsg(dbHandle));
520             sqlite3_close(dbHandle);
521             return false;
522 #endif
523         } else {
524             sqlite3_finalize(vm);
525             sqlite3_close(dbHandle);
526             return true;
527         }
528     }
529 }
getSqliteVersion(QString & sqlite,QString & sqlcipher)531 void DBBrowserDB::getSqliteVersion(QString& sqlite, QString& sqlcipher)
532 {
533     sqlite = QString(SQLITE_VERSION);
535     // The SQLCipher version must be queried via a pragma and for a pragma we need a database connection.
536     // Because we want to be able to query the SQLCipher version without opening a database file first, we
537     // open a separate connection to an in-memory database here.
538     sqlcipher = QString();
540     sqlite3* dummy;
541     if(sqlite3_open(":memory:", &dummy) == SQLITE_OK)
542     {
543         sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
544         if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(dummy, "PRAGMA cipher_version", -1, &stmt, nullptr) == SQLITE_OK)
545         {
546             if(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
547                 sqlcipher = QByteArray(static_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 0)), sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0));
549             sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
550         }
552         sqlite3_close(dummy);
553     }
554 #endif
555 }
setSavepoint(const std::string & pointname)557 bool DBBrowserDB::setSavepoint(const std::string& pointname)
558 {
559     if(!isOpen())
560         return false;
561     if(isReadOnly) {
562         qWarning() << "setSavepoint: not done. DB is read-only";
563         return false;
564     }
565     if(contains(savepointList, pointname))
566         return true;
568     executeSQL("SAVEPOINT " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pointname) + ";", false, true);
569     savepointList.push_back(pointname);
570     emit dbChanged(getDirty());
572     return true;
573 }
releaseSavepoint(const std::string & pointname)575 bool DBBrowserDB::releaseSavepoint(const std::string& pointname)
576 {
577     if(!isOpen())
578         return false;
579     if(contains(savepointList, pointname) == false)
580         // If there is no such savepoint in the list,
581         // we have already released it, so in this case
582         // the operation should be successfull
583         return true;
585     if(!executeSQL("RELEASE " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pointname) + ";", false, true))
586         return false;
587     // SQLite releases all savepoints that were created between
588     // creation of given savepoint and releasing of it,
589     // so we should too
590     auto it = std::find(savepointList.rbegin(), savepointList.rend(), pointname).base() - 1;
591     savepointList.erase(it, savepointList.end());
592     emit dbChanged(getDirty());
594     return true;
595 }
revertToSavepoint(const std::string & pointname)597 bool DBBrowserDB::revertToSavepoint(const std::string& pointname)
598 {
599     if(!isOpen() || contains(savepointList, pointname) == false)
600         return false;
602     executeSQL("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pointname) + ";", false, true);
603     executeSQL("RELEASE " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pointname) + ";", false, true);
604     // SQLite releases all savepoints that were created between
605     // creation of given savepoint and releasing of it,
606     // so we should too
607     auto it = std::find(savepointList.rbegin(), savepointList.rend(), pointname).base() - 1;
608     savepointList.erase(it, savepointList.end());
609     emit dbChanged(getDirty());
611     return true;
612 }
releaseAllSavepoints()614 bool DBBrowserDB::releaseAllSavepoints()
615 {
616     if(!_db)
617         return false;
619     waitForDbRelease();
621     while(!savepointList.empty())
622     {
623         if(!releaseSavepoint(savepointList.front()))
624             return false;
625     }
627     // When still in a transaction, commit that too
628     if(sqlite3_get_autocommit(_db) == 0)
629         executeSQL("COMMIT;", false, true);
631     return true;
632 }
revertAll()634 bool DBBrowserDB::revertAll()
635 {
636     while(!savepointList.empty())
637     {
638         if(!revertToSavepoint(savepointList.front()))
639             return false;
640     }
641     return true;
642 }
create(const QString & db)644 bool DBBrowserDB::create ( const QString & db)
645 {
646     if (isOpen())
647         close();
649     // read encoding from settings and open with sqlite3_open for utf8 and sqlite3_open16 for utf16
650     QString sEncoding = Settings::getValue("db", "defaultencoding").toString();
652     int openresult = SQLITE_OK;
654     if(sEncoding == "UTF-8" || sEncoding == "UTF8" || sEncoding == "Latin1")
655         openresult = sqlite3_open(db.toUtf8(), &_db);
656     else
657         openresult = sqlite3_open16(db.utf16(), &_db);
659     if( openresult != SQLITE_OK ){
660         lastErrorMessage = QString::fromUtf8(sqlite3_errmsg(_db));
661         sqlite3_close(_db);
662         _db = nullptr;
663         return false;
664     }
666     if (_db)
667     {
668         // force sqlite3 do write proper file header
669         // if we don't create and drop the table we might end up
670         // with a 0 byte file, if the user cancels the create table dialog
671         {
672             NoStructureUpdateChecks nup(*this);
673             executeSQL("CREATE TABLE notempty (id integer primary key);", false, false);
674             executeSQL("DROP TABLE notempty;", false, false);
675         }
677         // Close database and open it through the code for opening existing database files. This is slightly less efficient but saves us some duplicate
678         // code.
679         sqlite3_close(_db);
680         return open(db);
681     } else {
682         return false;
683     }
684 }
close()686 bool DBBrowserDB::close()
687 {
688     waitForDbRelease();
690     if(_db)
691     {
692         if (getDirty())
693         {
694             // In-memory databases can't be saved to disk. So the need another text than regular databases.
695             // Note that the QMessageBox::Yes option in the :memory: case and the QMessageBox::No option in the regular case are
696             // doing the same job: proceeding but not saving anything.
697             QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
698             if(curDBFilename == ":memory:")
699             {
700                 reply = QMessageBox::question(nullptr,
701                                               QApplication::applicationName(),
702                                               tr("Do you really want to close this temporary database? All data will be lost."),
703                                               QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel);
704             } else {
705                 reply = QMessageBox::question(nullptr,
706                                               QApplication::applicationName(),
707                                               tr("Do you want to save the changes made to the database file %1?").arg(curDBFilename),
708                                               QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel);
709             }
711             // If the user clicked the cancel button stop here and return false
712             if(reply == QMessageBox::Cancel)
713                 return false;
715             // If he didn't it was either yes or no
716             if(reply == QMessageBox::Save)
717                 releaseAllSavepoints();
718             else
719                 revertAll(); //not really necessary, I think... but will not hurt.
720         }
721         if(sqlite3_close(_db) != SQLITE_OK)
722             qWarning() << tr("Database didn't close correctly, probably still busy");
723         _db = nullptr;
724     }
726     schemata.clear();
727     savepointList.clear();
728     emit dbChanged(getDirty());
729     emit structureUpdated();
731     // Return true to tell the calling function that the closing wasn't cancelled by the user
732     return true;
733 }
get(const QString & user,bool force_wait)735 DBBrowserDB::db_pointer_type DBBrowserDB::get(const QString& user, bool force_wait)
736 {
737     if(!_db)
738         return nullptr;
740     waitForDbRelease(force_wait ? Wait : Ask);
742     db_user = user;
743     db_used = true;
744     emit databaseInUseChanged(true, user);
746     return db_pointer_type(_db, DatabaseReleaser(this));
747 }
waitForDbRelease(ChoiceOnUse choice) const749 void DBBrowserDB::waitForDbRelease(ChoiceOnUse choice) const
750 {
751     if(!_db)
752         return;
754     // We can't show a message box from another thread than the main thread. So instead of crashing we
755     // just decide that we don't interrupt any running query in this case.
756     if(choice == Ask && QThread::currentThread() != QApplication::instance()->thread())
757         choice = Wait;
759     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
760     while(db_used) {
761         // notify user, give him the opportunity to cancel that
762         auto str = db_user;
763         lk.unlock();
765         bool cancel = choice == CancelOther;
766         if(choice == Ask) {
767             QMessageBox msgBox;
768             msgBox.setText(tr("The database is currently busy: ") + str);
769             msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Do you want to abort that other operation?"));
770             msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
771             msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No);
772             int ret = msgBox.exec();
774             cancel = ret == QMessageBox::Yes;
775         }
776         if(cancel)
777             sqlite3_interrupt(_db);
779         lk.lock();
780         cv.wait(lk, [this](){ return !db_used; });
781     }
782 }
dump(const QString & filePath,const std::vector<std::string> & tablesToDump,bool insertColNames,bool insertNewSyntx,bool exportSchema,bool exportData,bool keepOldSchema) const784 bool DBBrowserDB::dump(const QString& filePath,
785     const std::vector<std::string>& tablesToDump,
786     bool insertColNames,
787     bool insertNewSyntx,
788     bool exportSchema,
789     bool exportData,
790     bool keepOldSchema) const
791 {
792     waitForDbRelease();
794     // Open file
795     QFile file(filePath);
796     if(file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text))
797     {
798         QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
800         // Count the total number of all records in all tables for the progress dialog
801         size_t numRecordsTotal = 0;
802         objectMap objMap = schemata.at("main");             // We only always export the main database, not the attached databases
803         std::vector<sqlb::ObjectPtr> tables;
804         auto all_tables = objMap.equal_range("table");
805         for(auto it=all_tables.first;it!=all_tables.second;++it)
806         {
807             // Never export the sqlite_stat1 and the sqlite_sequence tables if they exist. Also only export any tables which are selected for export.
808             if(it->second->name() != "sqlite_stat1" && it->second->name() != "sqlite_sequence" && contains(tablesToDump, it->second->name()))
809             {
810                 // Get the number of records in this table and remember to export it
811                 tables.push_back(it->second);
812                 numRecordsTotal += querySingleValueFromDb("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + sqlb::ObjectIdentifier("main", it->second->name()).toString()).toUInt();
813             }
814         }
816         QProgressDialog progress(tr("Exporting database to SQL file..."),
817                                  tr("Cancel"), 0, static_cast<int>(numRecordsTotal));
818         progress.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal);
819         progress.show();
820         qApp->processEvents();
822         // Open text stream to the file
823         QTextStream stream(&file);
825         // Put the SQL commands in a transaction block
826         stream << "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n";
828         // First export the schema of all selected tables. We need to export the schema of all tables before we export the first INSERT statement to
829         // make sure foreign keys are working properly.
830         if(exportSchema)
831         {
832             for(const auto& it : tables)
833             {
834                 // Write the SQL string used to create this table to the output file
835                 if(!keepOldSchema)
836                     stream << QString("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %1;\n").arg(QString::fromStdString(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(it->name())));
838                 if(it->fullyParsed())
839                     stream << QString::fromStdString(it->sql("main", true)) << "\n";
840                 else
841                     stream << QString::fromStdString(it->originalSql()) << ";\n";
842                 }
843         }
845         // Now export the data as well
846         if(exportData)
847         {
848             for(const auto& it : tables)
849             {
850                 // get columns
851                 sqlb::StringVector cols = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sqlb::Table>(it)->fieldNames();
853                 std::string sQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(it->name());
854                 sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
855                 QString lineSep(QString(")%1\n").arg(insertNewSyntx?',':';'));
857                 int status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, sQuery.c_str(), static_cast<int>(sQuery.size()), &stmt, nullptr);
858                 if(SQLITE_OK == status)
859                 {
860                     int columns = sqlite3_column_count(stmt);
861                     size_t counter = 0;
862                     size_t numRecordsCurrent = 0;
863                     qApp->processEvents();
864                     while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
865                     {
866                         if (counter) stream << lineSep;
868                         if (!insertNewSyntx || !counter)
869                         {
870                             stream << "INSERT INTO " << QString::fromStdString(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(it->name()));
871                             if (insertColNames)
872                                 stream << " (" << QString::fromStdString(sqlb::joinStringVector(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(cols), ",")) << ")";
873                             stream << " VALUES (";
874                         }
875                         else
876                         {
877                             stream << " (";
878                         }
880                         for (int i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
881                         {
882                             int fieldsize = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, i);
883                             int fieldtype = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, i);
884                             QByteArray bcontent(
885                                         reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, i)),
886                                         fieldsize);
888                             if(bcontent.left(2048).contains('\0')) // binary check
889                             {
890                                 stream << QString("X'%1'").arg(QString(bcontent.toHex()));
891                             }
892                             else
893                             {
894                                 switch(fieldtype)
895                                 {
896                                 case SQLITE_TEXT:
897                                 case SQLITE_BLOB:
898                                     stream << sqlb::escapeString(bcontent);
899                                 break;
900                                 case SQLITE_NULL:
901                                     stream << "NULL";
902                                 break;
903                                 case SQLITE_FLOAT:
904                                     if(bcontent.indexOf("Inf") != -1)
905                                         stream << "'" << bcontent << "'";
906                                     else
907                                         stream << bcontent;
908                                 break;
909                                 default:
910                                     stream << bcontent;
911                                 }
912                             }
913                             if(i != columns - 1)
914                                 stream << ',';
915                         }
917                         progress.setValue(static_cast<int>(++numRecordsCurrent));
918                         if(counter % 5000 == 0)
919                             qApp->processEvents();
920                         counter++;
922                         if(progress.wasCanceled())
923                         {
924                             sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
925                             file.close();
926                             file.remove();
927                             QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
928                             return false;
929                         }
930                     }
931                     if (counter > 0) stream << ");\n";
932                 }
933                 sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
934             }
935         }
937         // Finally export all objects other than tables
938         if(exportSchema)
939         {
940             for(const auto& obj : objMap)
941             {
942                 const auto& it = obj.second;
944                 // Make sure it's not a table again
945                 if(it->type() == sqlb::Object::Types::Table)
946                     continue;
948                 // If this object is based on a table (e.g. is an index for that table) it depends on the existence of this table.
949                 // So if we didn't export the base table this depends on, don't export this object either.
950                 if(!it->baseTable().empty() && !contains(tablesToDump, it->baseTable()))
951                     continue;
953                 // Write the SQL string used to create this object to the output file
954                 if(!it->originalSql().empty())
955                 {
956                     if(!keepOldSchema)
957                         stream << QString("DROP %1 IF EXISTS %2;\n").arg(
958                                   QString::fromStdString(sqlb::Object::typeToString(it->type())).toUpper(),
959                                   QString::fromStdString(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(it->name())));
961                     if(it->fullyParsed())
962                         stream << QString::fromStdString(it->sql("main", true)) << "\n";
963                     else
964                         stream << QString::fromStdString(it->originalSql()) << ";\n";
965                 }
966             }
967         }
969         // Done
970         stream << "COMMIT;\n";
971         file.close();
973         QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
974         qApp->processEvents();
975         return true;
976     }
977     return false;
978 }
980 // Callback for sqlite3_exec. It receives the user callback in the first parameter. Converts parameters
981 // to C++ classes and calls user callback.
callbackWrapper(void * callback,int numberColumns,char ** values,char ** columnNames)982 int DBBrowserDB::callbackWrapper (void* callback, int numberColumns, char** values, char** columnNames)
983 {
984     std::vector<QByteArray> valuesList;
985     std::vector<QByteArray> namesList;
987     for (int i=0; i<numberColumns; i++) {
988         valuesList.emplace_back(values[i]);
989         namesList.emplace_back(columnNames[i]);
990     }
992     execCallback userCallback = *(static_cast<execCallback*>(callback));
993     return userCallback(numberColumns, valuesList, namesList);
994 }
executeSQL(const std::string & statement,bool dirtyDB,bool logsql,execCallback callback)996 bool DBBrowserDB::executeSQL(const std::string& statement, bool dirtyDB, bool logsql, execCallback callback)
997 {
998     waitForDbRelease();
999     if(!_db)
1000     {
1001         lastErrorMessage = tr("No database file opened");
1002         return false;
1003     }
1005     if (dirtyDB) setSavepoint();
1006     if (logsql) logSQL(QString::fromStdString(statement), kLogMsg_App);
1008     char* errmsg;
1009     if (SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_exec(_db, statement.c_str(), callback ? callbackWrapper : nullptr, &callback, &errmsg))
1010     {
1011         // Update DB structure after executing an SQL statement. But try to avoid doing unnecessary updates.
1012         if(!dontCheckForStructureUpdates && (starts_with_ci(statement, "ALTER") ||
1013                 starts_with_ci(statement, "CREATE") ||
1014                 starts_with_ci(statement, "DROP") ||
1015                 starts_with_ci(statement, "ROLLBACK")))
1016             updateSchema();
1018         return true;
1019     } else {
1020         lastErrorMessage = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(QString::fromUtf8(errmsg), QString::fromStdString(statement));
1021         qWarning() << "executeSQL: " << lastErrorMessage;
1022         sqlite3_free(errmsg);
1024         return false;
1025     }
1026 }
executeMultiSQL(QByteArray query,bool dirty,bool log)1028 bool DBBrowserDB::executeMultiSQL(QByteArray query, bool dirty, bool log)
1029 {
1030     waitForDbRelease();
1031     if(!_db)
1032     {
1033         lastErrorMessage = tr("No database file opened");
1034         return false;
1035     }
1037     // Log the statement if needed
1038     if(log)
1039         logSQL(query, kLogMsg_App);
1041     // Show progress dialog
1042     QProgressDialog progress(tr("Executing SQL..."),
1043                              tr("Cancel"), 0, 100);
1044     progress.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal);
1045     progress.show();
1047     // Execute the statement by looping until SQLite stops giving back a tail string
1048     sqlite3_stmt* vm;
1049     const char *tail = query.constData();
1050     const char * const tail_start = tail;
1051     const char * const tail_end = tail + query.size() + 1;
1052     size_t total_tail_length = static_cast<size_t>(tail_end - tail_start);
1053     unsigned int line = 0;
1054     bool structure_updated = false;
1055     int last_progress_value = -1;
1056     std::string savepoint_name;
1057     while(tail && *tail != 0)
1058     {
1059         line++;
1061         // Update progress dialog, keep UI responsive. Make sure to not spend too much time updating the progress dialog in case there are many small statements.
1062         int progress_value = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(tail - tail_start) / static_cast<float>(total_tail_length) * 100.0f);
1063         if(progress_value > last_progress_value)
1064         {
1065             progress.setValue(progress_value);
1066             qApp->processEvents();
1067             if(progress.wasCanceled())
1068             {
1069                 lastErrorMessage = tr("Action cancelled.");
1070                 return false;
1071             }
1072             last_progress_value = progress_value;
1073         }
1075         // Check next statement
1076         {
1077             // Ignore all whitespace at the start of the current tail
1078             const char* tail_ptr = tail;
1079             while(std::isspace(*tail_ptr))
1080                 tail_ptr++;
1082             // Convert the first couple of bytes of the tail to a C++ string for easier handling. We only need the first 8 bytes (in cae it's a ROLLBACK
1083             // statement), so no need to convert the entire tail. If the tail is less than 8 bytes long, make sure not to read past its end.
1084             size_t length = std::min(static_cast<size_t>(tail_end - tail + 1), static_cast<size_t>(8));
1085             std::string next_statement(tail_ptr, length);
1086             std::transform(next_statement.begin(), next_statement.end(), next_statement.begin(), ::toupper);
1088             // Check for transaction statements and skip until the next semicolon
1089             if(next_statement.compare(0, 6, "COMMIT") == 0 ||
1090                     next_statement.compare(0, 4, "END ") == 0 ||
1091                     next_statement.compare(0, 6, "BEGIN ") == 0)
1092             {
1093                 while(tail != tail_end)
1094                 {
1095                     if(*tail++ == ';')
1096                         break;
1097                 }
1099                 // Set DB to dirty and create a restore point if we haven't done that yet
1100                 if(savepoint_name.empty())
1101                 {
1102                     savepoint_name = generateSavepointName("execmultisql");
1103                     setSavepoint(savepoint_name);
1104                     dirty = true;
1105                 }
1107                 // Don't just execute next statement. Start next statement with the same checks
1108                 continue;
1109             }
1111             // Check whether the DB structure is changed by this statement
1112             if(!dontCheckForStructureUpdates && !structure_updated)
1113             {
1114                 // Check if it's a modifying statement
1115                 if(next_statement.compare(0, 5, "ALTER") == 0 ||
1116                         next_statement.compare(0, 6, "CREATE") == 0 ||
1117                         next_statement.compare(0, 4, "DROP") == 0 ||
1118                         next_statement.compare(0, 8, "ROLLBACK") == 0)
1119                     structure_updated = true;
1120             }
1121         }
1123         // Execute next statement
1124         if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, tail, static_cast<int>(tail_end - tail + 1), &vm, &tail) == SQLITE_OK)
1125         {
1126             switch(sqlite3_step(vm))
1127             {
1128             case SQLITE_OK:
1129             case SQLITE_ROW:
1130             case SQLITE_DONE:
1131             case SQLITE_MISUSE:             // This is a workaround around problematic user scripts. If they lead to empty commands,
1132                                             // SQLite will return a misuse error which we hereby ignore.
1133                 sqlite3_finalize(vm);
1134                 break;
1135             default:
1136                 // In case of *any* error abort the execution and roll back the transaction
1138                 // Make sure to save the error message first before any other function can mess around with it
1139                 lastErrorMessage = tr("Error in statement #%1: %2.\nAborting execution%3.").arg(
1140                         QString::number(line),
1141                         sqlite3_errmsg(_db),
1142                         dirty ? tr(" and rolling back") : "");
1143                 qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
1145                 // Clean up
1146                 sqlite3_finalize(vm);
1147                 if(dirty)
1148                     revertToSavepoint(savepoint_name);
1149                 return false;
1150             }
1151         } else {
1152             lastErrorMessage = tr("Error in statement #%1: %2.\nAborting execution%3.").arg(
1153                     QString::number(line),
1154                     sqlite3_errmsg(_db),
1155                     dirty ? tr(" and rolling back") : "");
1156             qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
1157             if(dirty)
1158                 revertToSavepoint(savepoint_name);
1159             return false;
1160         }
1161     }
1163     // If the DB structure was changed by some command in this SQL script, update our schema representations
1164     if(structure_updated)
1165         updateSchema();
1167     // Exit
1168     return true;
1169 }
querySingleValueFromDb(const std::string & sql,bool log,ChoiceOnUse choice) const1171 QByteArray DBBrowserDB::querySingleValueFromDb(const std::string& sql, bool log, ChoiceOnUse choice) const
1172 {
1173     waitForDbRelease(choice);
1174     if(!_db)
1175         return QByteArray();
1177     if(log)
1178         logSQL(QString::fromStdString(sql), kLogMsg_App);
1180     QByteArray retval;
1182     sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
1183     if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, sql.c_str(), static_cast<int>(sql.size()), &stmt, nullptr) == SQLITE_OK)
1184     {
1185         // Execute the statement. We distinguish three types of results:
1186         // SQLITE_ROW in case some data was returned from the database. This data is then used as a return value.
1187         // SQLITE_DONE in case the statement executed successfully but did not return any data. We do nothing in this case, leaving the return value empty.
1188         // Any other case is an error, so we need to prepare an error message.
1189         int result = sqlite3_step(stmt);
1190         if(result == SQLITE_ROW)
1191         {
1192             if(sqlite3_column_count(stmt) > 0 && sqlite3_column_type(stmt, 0) != SQLITE_NULL)
1193             {
1194                 int bytes = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0);
1195                 if(bytes)
1196                     retval = QByteArray(static_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 0)), bytes);
1197                 else
1198                     retval = "";
1199             }
1200         } else if(result != SQLITE_DONE) {
1201             lastErrorMessage = tr("didn't receive any output from %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(sql));
1202             qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
1203         }
1205         sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
1206     } else {
1207         lastErrorMessage = tr("could not execute command: %1").arg(sqlite3_errmsg(_db));
1208         qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
1209     }
1211     return retval;
1212 }
getRow(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & table,const QString & rowid,std::vector<QByteArray> & rowdata) const1214 bool DBBrowserDB::getRow(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, const QString& rowid, std::vector<QByteArray>& rowdata) const
1215 {
1216     waitForDbRelease();
1217     if(!_db)
1218         return false;
1220     std::string query = "SELECT * FROM " + table.toString() + " WHERE ";
1222     // For a single rowid column we can use a simple WHERE condition, for multiple rowid columns we have to use sqlb_make_single_value to decode the composed rowid values.
1223     sqlb::StringVector pks = getObjectByName<sqlb::Table>(table)->rowidColumns();
1224     if(pks.size() == 1)
1225         query += sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pks.front()) + "='" + rowid.toStdString() + "'";
1226     else
1227         query += "sqlb_make_single_value(" + sqlb::joinStringVector(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pks), ",") + ")=" + sqlb::escapeString(rowid.toStdString());
1229     sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
1230     bool ret = false;
1231     if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, query.c_str(), static_cast<int>(query.size()), &stmt, nullptr) == SQLITE_OK)
1232     {
1233         // even this is a while loop, the statement should always only return 1 row
1234         while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
1235         {
1236             for (int i = 0; i < sqlite3_column_count(stmt); ++i)
1237             {
1238                 if(sqlite3_column_type(stmt, i) == SQLITE_NULL)
1239                 {
1240                     rowdata.emplace_back();
1241                 } else {
1242                     int bytes = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, i);
1243                     if(bytes)
1244                         rowdata.emplace_back(static_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, i)), bytes);
1245                     else
1246                         rowdata.emplace_back("");
1247                 }
1248             }
1249             ret = true;
1250         }
1251     }
1252     sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
1254     return ret;
1255 }
max(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & tableName,const std::string & field) const1257 unsigned long DBBrowserDB::max(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& tableName, const std::string& field) const
1258 {
1259     std::string query = "SELECT MAX(CAST(" + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(field) + " AS INTEGER)) FROM " + tableName.toString();
1260     return querySingleValueFromDb(query).toULong();
1261 }
emptyInsertStmt(const std::string & schemaName,const sqlb::Table & t,const QString & pk_value) const1263 std::string DBBrowserDB::emptyInsertStmt(const std::string& schemaName, const sqlb::Table& t, const QString& pk_value) const
1264 {
1265     std::string stmt = "INSERT INTO " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(schemaName) + "." + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(t.name());
1267     sqlb::StringVector vals;
1268     sqlb::StringVector fields;
1269     for(const sqlb::Field& f : t.fields)
1270     {
1271         // Never insert into a generated column
1272         if(!f.generated().empty())
1273             continue;
1275         sqlb::ConstraintPtr pk = t.constraint({f.name()}, sqlb::Constraint::PrimaryKeyConstraintType);
1276         if(pk)
1277         {
1278             fields.push_back(f.name());
1280             if(!pk_value.isNull())
1281             {
1282                 vals.push_back(f.isText()? "'" + pk_value.toStdString() + "'" : pk_value.toStdString());
1283             } else {
1284                 if(f.notnull())
1285                 {
1286                     unsigned long maxval = this->max(sqlb::ObjectIdentifier(schemaName, t.name()), f.name());
1287                     std::string newval = std::to_string(maxval + 1);
1288                     vals.push_back(f.isText()? "'" + newval + "'" : newval);
1289                 } else {
1290                     vals.push_back("NULL");
1291                 }
1292             }
1293         } else if(f.notnull() && f.defaultValue().length() == 0) {
1294             fields.push_back(f.name());
1296             if(f.isInteger())
1297                 vals.push_back("0");
1298             else
1299                 vals.push_back("''");
1300         } else {
1301             // don't insert into fields with a default value
1302             // or we will never see it.
1303             if(f.defaultValue().length() == 0)
1304             {
1305                 fields.push_back(f.name());
1306                 vals.push_back("NULL");
1307             }
1308         }
1309     }
1311     if(fields.empty())
1312     {
1313         stmt.append(" DEFAULT VALUES;");
1314     } else {
1315         stmt.append("(");
1316         stmt.append(sqlb::joinStringVector(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(fields), ","));
1317         stmt.append(") VALUES (");
1318         stmt.append(sqlb::joinStringVector(vals, ","));
1319         stmt.append(");");
1320     }
1322     return stmt;
1323 }
addRecord(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & tablename)1325 QString DBBrowserDB::addRecord(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& tablename)
1326 {
1327     waitForDbRelease();
1328     if(!_db)
1329         return QString();
1331     sqlb::TablePtr table = getObjectByName<sqlb::Table>(tablename);
1332     if(!table)
1333         return QString();
1335     // For tables without rowid we have to set the primary key by ourselves. We do so by querying for the largest value in the PK column
1336     // and adding one to it.
1337     std::string sInsertstmt;
1338     QString pk_value;
1339     if(table->withoutRowidTable())
1340     {
1341         // For multiple rowid columns we just use the value of the last one and increase that one by one. If this doesn't yield a valid combination
1342         // the insert record dialog should pop up automatically.
1343         pk_value = QString::number(max(tablename, table->rowidColumns().back()) + 1);
1344         sInsertstmt = emptyInsertStmt(tablename.schema(), *table, pk_value);
1345     } else {
1346         sInsertstmt = emptyInsertStmt(tablename.schema(), *table);
1347     }
1349     if(!executeSQL(sInsertstmt))
1350     {
1351         qWarning() << "addRecord: " << lastErrorMessage;
1352         return QString();
1353     } else {
1354         if(table->withoutRowidTable())
1355             return pk_value;
1356         else
1357             return QString::number(sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(_db));
1358     }
1359 }
deleteRecords(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & table,const std::vector<QString> & rowids,const sqlb::StringVector & pseudo_pk)1361 bool DBBrowserDB::deleteRecords(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, const std::vector<QString>& rowids, const sqlb::StringVector& pseudo_pk)
1362 {
1363     if (!isOpen()) return false;
1365     // Get primary key of the object to edit.
1366     sqlb::StringVector pks = primaryKeyForEditing(table, pseudo_pk);
1367     if(pks.empty())
1368     {
1369         lastErrorMessage = tr("Cannot delete this object");
1370         return false;
1371     }
1373     // Quote all values in advance
1374     std::vector<std::string> quoted_rowids;
1375     for(QString rowid : rowids)
1376         quoted_rowids.push_back(sqlb::escapeString(rowid.toStdString()));
1378     // For a single rowid column we can use a SELECT ... IN(...) statement which is faster.
1379     // For multiple rowid columns we have to use sqlb_make_single_value to decode the composed rowid values.
1380     std::string statement;
1381     if(pks.size() == 1)
1382     {
1383         statement = "DELETE FROM " + table.toString() + " WHERE " + pks.at(0) + " IN ("+ sqlb::joinStringVector(quoted_rowids, ", ") + ");";
1384     } else {
1385         statement = "DELETE FROM " + table.toString() + " WHERE ";
1387         statement += "sqlb_make_single_value(";
1388         for(const auto& pk : pks)
1389             statement += sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pk) + ",";
1390         statement.erase(statement.end()-1);
1391         statement += ") IN (" + sqlb::joinStringVector(quoted_rowids, ", ") + ")";
1392     }
1394     if(executeSQL(statement))
1395     {
1396         return true;
1397     } else {
1398         qWarning() << "deleteRecord: " << lastErrorMessage;
1399         return false;
1400     }
1401 }
updateRecord(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & table,const std::string & column,const QString & rowid,const QByteArray & value,int force_type,const sqlb::StringVector & pseudo_pk)1403 bool DBBrowserDB::updateRecord(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, const std::string& column,
1404                                const QString& rowid, const QByteArray& value, int force_type, const sqlb::StringVector& pseudo_pk)
1405 {
1406     waitForDbRelease();
1407     if (!isOpen()) return false;
1409     // Get primary key of the object to edit.
1410     sqlb::StringVector pks = primaryKeyForEditing(table, pseudo_pk);
1411     if(pks.empty())
1412     {
1413         lastErrorMessage = tr("Cannot set data on this object");
1414         return false;
1415     }
1417     std::string sql = "UPDATE " + table.toString() + " SET " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(column) + "=? WHERE ";
1419     // For a single rowid column we can use a simple WHERE condition, for multiple rowid columns we have to use sqlb_make_single_value to decode the composed rowid values.
1420     if(pks.size() == 1)
1421         sql += sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pks.front()) + "=" + sqlb::escapeString(rowid.toStdString());
1422     else
1423         sql += "sqlb_make_single_value(" + sqlb::joinStringVector(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(pks), ",") + ")=" + sqlb::escapeString(rowid.toStdString());
1425     setSavepoint();
1426     logSQL(QString::fromStdString(sql), kLogMsg_App);
1428     // If we get a NULL QByteArray we insert a NULL value, and for that
1429     // we can pass NULL to sqlite3_bind_text() so that it behaves like sqlite3_bind_null()
1430     const char *rawValue = value.isNull() ? nullptr : value.constData();
1432     sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
1433     int success = 1;
1434     if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, sql.c_str(), static_cast<int>(sql.size()), &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK)
1435         success = 0;
1436     if(success == 1) {
1437         if(force_type == SQLITE_BLOB)
1438         {
1439             if(sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 1, rawValue, value.length(), SQLITE_STATIC))
1440                 success = -1;
1441         } else if(force_type == SQLITE_INTEGER) {
1442             if(sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, value.toLongLong()))
1443                 success = -1;
1444         } else if(force_type == SQLITE_FLOAT) {
1445             if(sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 1, value.toDouble()))
1446                 success = -1;
1447         } else {
1448             if(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, rawValue, value.length(), SQLITE_STATIC))
1449                 success = -1;
1450         }
1451     }
1452     if(success == 1 && sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE)
1453         success = -1;
1454     if(success != 0 && sqlite3_finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK)
1455         success = -1;
1457     if(success == 1)
1458     {
1459         return true;
1460     } else {
1461         lastErrorMessage = sqlite3_errmsg(_db);
1462         qWarning() << "updateRecord: " << lastErrorMessage;
1463         return false;
1464     }
1465 }
primaryKeyForEditing(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & table,const sqlb::StringVector & pseudo_pk) const1467 sqlb::StringVector DBBrowserDB::primaryKeyForEditing(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, const sqlb::StringVector& pseudo_pk) const
1468 {
1469     // This function returns the primary key of the object to edit. For views we support 'pseudo' primary keys which must be specified manually.
1470     // If no pseudo pk is specified we'll take the rowid column of the table instead. If this neither a table nor was a pseudo-PK specified,
1471     // it is most likely a view that hasn't been configured for editing yet. In this case we return a null string to abort.
1473     if(pseudo_pk.empty())
1474     {
1475         sqlb::TablePtr tbl = getObjectByName<sqlb::Table>(table);
1476         if(tbl)
1477             return tbl->rowidColumns();
1478     } else {
1479         return pseudo_pk;
1480     }
1482     return sqlb::StringVector();
1483 }
createTable(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & name,const sqlb::FieldVector & structure)1485 bool DBBrowserDB::createTable(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& name, const sqlb::FieldVector& structure)
1486 {
1487     // Build SQL statement
1488     sqlb::Table table(name.name());
1489     for(size_t i=0;i<structure.size();i++)
1490         table.fields.push_back(structure.at(i));
1492     // Execute it and update the schema
1493     return executeSQL(table.sql(name.schema()));
1494 }
addColumn(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & tablename,const sqlb::Field & field)1496 bool DBBrowserDB::addColumn(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& tablename, const sqlb::Field& field)
1497 {
1498     return executeSQL("ALTER TABLE " + tablename.toString() + " ADD COLUMN " + field.toString());
1499 }
alterTable(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & tablename,const sqlb::Table & new_table,AlterTableTrackColumns track_columns,std::string newSchemaName)1501 bool DBBrowserDB::alterTable(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& tablename, const sqlb::Table& new_table, AlterTableTrackColumns track_columns, std::string newSchemaName)
1502 {
1503     // This function is split into three different parts:
1504     // Part 1 checks the arguments and prepares them for processing. It also prepares the transaction etc.
1505     // Part 2 uses the built-in abilities of SQLite to change as much of the table schema as possible.
1506     // Part 3 does the rest of the changes to the table schema. It also finishes the transaction etc.
1508     //
1509     // P A R T   1
1510     //
1512     // If no new schema name has been set, we just use the old schema name
1513     if(newSchemaName.empty())
1514     {
1515         newSchemaName = tablename.schema();
1517         // When renaming the table in the current schema, check if it doesn't exist already in there
1518         if(tablename.name() != new_table.name() && getObjectByName(sqlb::ObjectIdentifier(newSchemaName, new_table.name())) != nullptr)
1519         {
1520             lastErrorMessage = tr("A table with the name '%1' already exists in schema '%2'.").arg(QString::fromStdString(new_table.name()), QString::fromStdString(newSchemaName));
1521             return false;
1522         }
1523     } else {
1524         // We're moving the table to a different schema. So check first if it doesn't already exist in the new schema.
1525         if(newSchemaName != tablename.schema() && getObjectByName(sqlb::ObjectIdentifier(newSchemaName, new_table.name())) != nullptr)
1526         {
1527             lastErrorMessage = tr("A table with the name '%1' already exists in schema '%2'.").arg(QString::fromStdString(new_table.name()), QString::fromStdString(newSchemaName));
1528             return false;
1529         }
1530     }
1532     // Get old table schema
1533     sqlb::TablePtr old_table_ptr = getObjectByName<sqlb::Table>(tablename);
1534     if(old_table_ptr == nullptr)
1535     {
1536         lastErrorMessage = tr("No table with name '%1' exists in schema '%2'.").arg(QString::fromStdString(tablename.name()), QString::fromStdString(tablename.schema()));
1537         return false;
1538     }
1539     sqlb::Table old_table(*old_table_ptr);
1541     // Check if tracked fields actually exist in the old table
1542     for(const auto& old_it : track_columns)
1543     {
1544         if(!old_it.first.isNull() && sqlb::findField(old_table, old_it.first.toStdString()) == old_table.fields.end())
1545         {
1546             lastErrorMessage = tr("Cannot find column %1.").arg(old_it.first);
1547             return false;
1548         }
1549     }
1551     // Check if there are any columns in the old table which are not mentioned in the tracked columns list.
1552     // We do this before checking if all tracked fields are in the new table to make sure the following check includes them.
1553     for(const auto& field : old_table.fields)
1554     {
1555         if(track_columns.find(QString::fromStdString(field.name())) == track_columns.end())
1556         {
1557             // If a field isn't tracked, add it to the list and indicate explicitly that it has the same name in the new table
1558             track_columns[QString::fromStdString(field.name())] = QString::fromStdString(field.name());
1559         }
1560     }
1562     // Check if tracked fields actually exist in the new table
1563     for(const auto& new_name_it : track_columns)
1564     {
1565         if(!new_name_it.second.isNull() && sqlb::findField(new_table, new_name_it.second.toStdString()) == new_table.fields.end())
1566         {
1567             lastErrorMessage = tr("Cannot find column %1.").arg(new_name_it.second);
1568             return false;
1569         }
1570     }
1572     // Check if any changes were made to the table schema
1573     if(old_table == new_table)
1574         return true;
1576     // Create savepoint to be able to go back to it in case of any error
1577     std::string savepointName = generateSavepointName("renamecolumn");
1578     if(!setSavepoint(savepointName))
1579     {
1580         lastErrorMessage = tr("Creating savepoint failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage);
1581         return false;
1582     }
1584     // No automatic schema updates from now on
1585     NoStructureUpdateChecks nup(*this);
1587     //
1588     // P A R T   2
1589     //
1591     // This variable is used to track whether something was changed by this part of the function
1592     bool changed_something = false;
1594     // Rename table if necessary
1595     if(newSchemaName == tablename.schema() && tablename.name() != new_table.name())
1596     {
1597         if(!renameTable(tablename.schema(), old_table.name(), new_table.name()))
1598         {
1599             revertToSavepoint(savepointName);
1600             return false;
1601         }
1603         changed_something = true;
1604     }
1606     // Add columns if necessary
1607     for(const auto& field : new_table.fields)
1608     {
1609         // We loop through all the fields of the new table schema and check for each of them if they are new.
1610         // If so, we add that field. The reason for looping through the new table schema instead of the track_columns
1611         // map is that this way we make sure to preserve their order which increases our chances that we are done after
1612         // this step.
1613         if(std::any_of(track_columns.begin(), track_columns.end(), [&field](const std::pair<QString, QString>& p) {
1614                        return p.first.isNull() && p.second.toStdString() == field.name();
1615         }))
1616         {
1617             if(!addColumn(sqlb::ObjectIdentifier(tablename.schema(), new_table.name()), field))
1618             {
1619                 revertToSavepoint(savepointName);
1620                 return false;
1621             }
1622         }
1624         changed_something = true;
1625     }
1627     // Newer versions of SQLite add a better ALTER TABLE support which we can use
1628 #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER >= 3025000
1629     // If the name of a field should be changed do that by using SQLite's ALTER TABLE feature. We build a new
1630     // map for tracking column names here which uses the update column names as the old names too. This is to
1631     // make sure we are using the new table layout for later updates.
1632     AlterTableTrackColumns new_track_columns;
1633     for(const auto& old_name_it : track_columns)
1634     {
1635         QString old_name = old_name_it.first;
1637         QString new_name = track_columns[old_name];
1638         if(!old_name.isNull() && !new_name.isNull() && new_name != old_name)
1639         {
1640             if(!executeSQL("ALTER TABLE " + sqlb::ObjectIdentifier(tablename.schema(), new_table.name()).toString() + " RENAME COLUMN " +
1641                            sqlb::escapeIdentifier(old_name.toStdString()) + " TO " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(new_name.toStdString())))
1642             {
1643                 QString error(tr("Renaming the column failed. DB says:\n%1").arg(lastErrorMessage));
1644                 revertToSavepoint(savepointName);
1645                 lastErrorMessage = error;
1646                 return false;
1647             }
1649             changed_something = true;
1650             new_track_columns.insert({new_name, new_name});
1651         } else {
1652             new_track_columns.insert({old_name, new_name});
1653         }
1654     }
1655     track_columns.swap(new_track_columns);
1656 #endif
1658     // Update our schema representation to get the new table and all the changed triggers, views and indices
1659     if(changed_something)
1660     {
1661         updateSchema();
1662         old_table = *getObjectByName<sqlb::Table>(sqlb::ObjectIdentifier(tablename.schema(), new_table.name()));
1663     }
1665     // Check if there's still more work to be done or if we are finished now
1666     if(tablename.schema() == newSchemaName && old_table == new_table)
1667     {
1668         // Release the savepoint - everything went fine
1669         if(!releaseSavepoint(savepointName))
1670         {
1671             lastErrorMessage = tr("Releasing savepoint failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage);
1672             return false;
1673         }
1675         // Success, update the DB schema before returning
1676         updateSchema();
1677         return true;
1678     }
1680     //
1681     // P A R T   3
1682     //
1684     // Create a new table with the desired schema and a name that doesn't exist yet
1685     std::string new_table_name = new_table.name();
1686     sqlb::Table new_table_with_random_name(new_table);
1687     new_table_with_random_name.setName(generateTemporaryTableName(newSchemaName));
1688     if(!executeSQL(new_table_with_random_name.sql(newSchemaName), true, true))
1689     {
1690         QString error(tr("Creating new table failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage));
1691         revertToSavepoint(savepointName);
1692         lastErrorMessage = error;
1693         return false;
1694     }
1696     // Assemble list of column names to copy from in the old table and list of column names to into into in the new table
1697     sqlb::StringVector copy_values_from;
1698     sqlb::StringVector copy_values_to;
1699     for(const auto& from_it : track_columns)
1700     {
1701         const auto& from = from_it.first;
1703         // Ignore new fields
1704         if(from.isNull())
1705             continue;
1707         // Ignore deleted fields
1708         QString to = track_columns[from];
1709         if(to.isNull())
1710             continue;
1712         copy_values_from.push_back(from.toStdString());
1713         copy_values_to.push_back(to.toStdString());
1714     }
1716     // Copy the data from the old table to the new one
1717     if(!executeSQL("INSERT INTO " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(newSchemaName) + "." + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(new_table_with_random_name.name()) +
1718                    " (" + sqlb::joinStringVector(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(copy_values_to), ",") + ") SELECT " +
1719                    sqlb::joinStringVector(sqlb::escapeIdentifier(copy_values_from), ",") + " FROM " +
1720                    sqlb::escapeIdentifier(tablename.schema()) + "." + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(old_table.name())))
1721     {
1722         QString error(tr("Copying data to new table failed. DB says:\n%1").arg(lastErrorMessage));
1723         revertToSavepoint(savepointName);
1724         lastErrorMessage = error;
1725         return false;
1726     }
1728     // Save all indices, triggers and views associated with this table because SQLite deletes them when we drop the table in the next step
1729     std::vector<std::string> otherObjectsSql;
1730     for(const auto& schema : schemata[tablename.schema()])
1731     {
1732         const auto& it = schema.second;
1734         // If this object references the table and it's not the table itself save it's SQL string
1735         if(it->baseTable() == old_table.name() && it->type() != sqlb::Object::Types::Table)
1736         {
1737             // If this is an index, update the fields first. This highly increases the chance that the SQL statement won't throw an
1738             // error later on when we try to recreate it.
1739             if(it->type() == sqlb::Object::Types::Index)
1740             {
1741                 sqlb::IndexPtr idx = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sqlb::Index>(it);
1743                 // Loop through all changes to the table schema. For indices only the column names are relevant, so it suffices to look at the
1744                 // list of tracked columns
1745                 for(const auto& from_it : track_columns)
1746                 {
1747                     const auto& from = from_it.first;
1748                     const auto& to = from_it.second;
1750                     // Are we updating the field name or are we removing the field entirely?
1751                     if(!to.isNull())
1752                     {
1753                         // We're updating the field name. So search for it in the index and replace it whereever it is found
1754                         for(size_t i=0;i<idx->fields.size();i++)
1755                         {
1756                             if(idx->fields[i].name() == from.toStdString())
1757                                 idx->fields[i].setName(to.toStdString());
1758                         }
1759                     } else {
1760                         // We're removing a field. So remove it from any indices, too.
1761                         while(sqlb::removeField(idx, from.toStdString()))
1762                             ;
1763                     }
1764                 }
1766                 // Only try to add the index later if it has any columns remaining. Also use the new schema name here, too, to basically move
1767                 // any index that references the table to the same new schema as the table.
1768                 if(idx->fields.size())
1769                     otherObjectsSql.push_back(idx->sql(newSchemaName));
1770             } else {
1771                 // If it's a view or a trigger we don't have any chance to corrections yet. Just store the statement as is and
1772                 // hope for the best.
1773                 otherObjectsSql.push_back(it->originalSql() + ";");
1774             }
1775         }
1776     }
1778     // We need to disable foreign keys here. The reason is that in the next step the entire table will be dropped and there might be foreign keys
1779     // in other tables that reference this table. These foreign keys would then cause the drop command in the next step to fail. However, we can't
1780     // simply disable foreign keys here since that is not allowed from inside a transaction and we definitely are inside a transaction at that point.
1781     // So what we do instead is defer foreign key enforcement until the end of the transaction which effectively disables foreign keys for us here.
1782     // But because we don't really want to defer foreign keys, the former value of that pragma is saved here in order to restore the old value later.
1783     QString foreignKeysOldSettings = getPragma("defer_foreign_keys");
1784     setPragma("defer_foreign_keys", "1");
1786     // Delete the old table
1787     if(!executeSQL("DROP TABLE " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(tablename.schema()) + "." + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(old_table.name()), true, true))
1788     {
1789         QString error(tr("Deleting old table failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage));
1790         revertToSavepoint(savepointName);
1791         lastErrorMessage = error;
1792         return false;
1793     }
1795     // Rename the temporary table
1796     if(!renameTable(newSchemaName, new_table_with_random_name.name(), new_table.name()))
1797     {
1798         revertToSavepoint(savepointName);
1799         return false;
1800     }
1802     // Restore the former foreign key settings
1803     setPragma("defer_foreign_keys", foreignKeysOldSettings);
1805     // Restore the saved triggers, views and indices
1806     std::string errored_sqls;
1807     for(const std::string& sql : otherObjectsSql)
1808     {
1809         if(!executeSQL(sql, true, true))
1810             errored_sqls += sql + "\n";
1811     }
1812     if(!errored_sqls.empty())
1813     {
1814         QMessageBox::information(nullptr, qApp->applicationName(), tr("Restoring some of the objects associated with this table failed. "
1815                                                                       "This is most likely because some column names changed. "
1816                                                                       "Here's the SQL statement which you might want to fix and execute manually:\n\n")
1817                                  + QString::fromStdString(errored_sqls));
1818     }
1820     // Release the savepoint - everything went fine
1821     if(!releaseSavepoint(savepointName))
1822     {
1823         lastErrorMessage = tr("Releasing savepoint failed. DB says: %1").arg(lastErrorMessage);
1824         return false;
1825     }
1827     // Success, update the DB schema before returning
1828     updateSchema();
1829     return true;
1830 }
renameTable(const std::string & schema,const std::string & from_table,const std::string & to_table)1832 bool DBBrowserDB::renameTable(const std::string& schema, const std::string& from_table, const std::string& to_table)
1833 {
1834     // Do nothing if table names are the same
1835     if(from_table == to_table)
1836         return true;
1838     // Check if table names only differ in case. If they do, we have to rename the table twice because SQLite can't rename 'table' to 'Table'.
1839     // To solve this we rename 'table' to 'some temp name' and then 'some temp name' to 'Table'.
1840     if(compare_ci(from_table, to_table))
1841     {
1842         // Generate a temporary table name and rename the table via that by recusrively calling this function
1843         std::string temp_name = generateTemporaryTableName(schema);
1844         if(!renameTable(schema, from_table, temp_name))
1845             return false;
1846         if(!renameTable(schema, temp_name, to_table))
1847             return false;
1849         // Exit here
1850         return true;
1851     }
1853     // The old and the new table names differ (and that not only in case)
1855     // Rename the table
1856     std::string sql = "ALTER TABLE " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(schema) + "." + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(from_table) + " RENAME TO " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(to_table);
1857     if(!executeSQL(sql))
1858     {
1859         QString error = tr("Error renaming table '%1' to '%2'.\n"
1860             "Message from database engine:\n%3").arg(QString::fromStdString(from_table), QString::fromStdString(to_table), lastErrorMessage);
1861         lastErrorMessage = error;
1862         qWarning() << lastErrorMessage;
1863         return false;
1864     } else {
1865         return true;
1866     }
1867 }
logSQL(const QString & statement,LogMessageType msgtype) const1869 void DBBrowserDB::logSQL(const QString& statement, LogMessageType msgtype) const
1870 {
1871     // Remove any leading and trailing spaces, tabs, or line breaks first
1872     emit sqlExecuted(statement.trimmed(), msgtype);
1873 }
updateSchema()1875 void DBBrowserDB::updateSchema()
1876 {
1877     waitForDbRelease();
1879     schemata.clear();
1881     // Exit here is no DB is opened
1882     if(!isOpen())
1883         return;
1885     // Get a list of all databases. This list always includes the main and the temp database but can include more items if there are attached databases
1886     if(!executeSQL("PRAGMA database_list;", false, true, [this](int, std::vector<QByteArray> db_values, std::vector<QByteArray>) -> bool {
1887         // Get the schema name which is in column 1 (counting starts with 0). 0 contains an ID and 2 the file path.
1888         const std::string schema_name = db_values.at(1).toStdString();
1890         // Always add the schema to the map. This makes sure it's even then added when there are no objects in the database
1891         schemata[schema_name] = objectMap();
1893         // Get a list of all the tables for the current database schema. We need to do this differently for normal databases and the temporary schema
1894         // because SQLite doesn't understand the "temp.sqlite_master" notation.
1895         std::string statement;
1896         if(schema_name == "temp")
1897             statement = "SELECT type,name,sql,tbl_name FROM sqlite_temp_master;";
1898         else
1899             statement = "SELECT type,name,sql,tbl_name FROM " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(schema_name) + ".sqlite_master;";
1901         if(!executeSQL(statement, false, true, [this, schema_name](int, std::vector<QByteArray> values, std::vector<QByteArray>) -> bool {
1902             const std::string val_type = values.at(0).toStdString();
1903             const std::string val_name = values.at(1).toStdString();
1904             std::string val_sql = values.at(2).toStdString();
1905             const std::string val_tblname = values.at(3).toStdString();
1907             if(!val_sql.empty())
1908             {
1909                val_sql.erase(std::remove(val_sql.begin(), val_sql.end(), '\r'), val_sql.end());
1911                sqlb::ObjectPtr object;
1912                if(val_type == "table")
1913                    object = sqlb::Table::parseSQL(val_sql);
1914                else if(val_type == "index")
1915                    object = sqlb::Index::parseSQL(val_sql);
1916                else if(val_type == "trigger")
1917                    object = sqlb::Trigger::parseSQL(val_sql);
1918                else if(val_type == "view")
1919                    object = sqlb::View::parseSQL(val_sql);
1920                else
1921                    return false;
1923                // If parsing wasn't successful set the object name manually, so that at least the name is going to be correct
1924                if(!object->fullyParsed())
1925                    object->setName(val_name);
1927                // For virtual tables and views query the column list using the SQLite pragma because for both we can't yet rely on our grammar parser
1928                if((object->type() == sqlb::Object::Types::Table && std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sqlb::Table>(object)->isVirtual()) || object->type() == sqlb::Object::Types::View)
1929                {
1930                    const auto columns = queryColumnInformation(schema_name, val_name);
1932                    if(object->type() == sqlb::Object::Types::Table)
1933                    {
1934                        sqlb::TablePtr tab = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sqlb::Table>(object);
1935                        for(const auto& column : columns)
1936                            tab->fields.emplace_back(column.first, column.second);
1937                    } else {
1938                        sqlb::ViewPtr view = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sqlb::View>(object);
1939                        for(const auto& column : columns)
1940                            view->fields.emplace_back(column.first, column.second);
1941                    }
1942                } else if(object->type() == sqlb::Object::Types::Trigger) {
1943                    // For triggers set the name of the table the trigger operates on here because we don't have a parser for trigger statements yet.
1944                    sqlb::TriggerPtr trg = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sqlb::Trigger>(object);
1945                    trg->setTable(val_tblname);
1946                }
1948                 schemata[schema_name].insert({val_type, object});
1949             }
1951             return false;
1952         }))
1953         {
1954             qWarning() << tr("could not get list of db objects: %1").arg(sqlite3_errmsg(_db));
1955         }
1957         return false;
1958     }))
1959     {
1960         qWarning() << tr("could not get list of databases: %1").arg(sqlite3_errmsg(_db));
1961     }
1963     emit structureUpdated();
1964 }
getPragma(const std::string & pragma) const1966 QString DBBrowserDB::getPragma(const std::string& pragma) const
1967 {
1968     if (pragma=="case_sensitive_like")
1969         return querySingleValueFromDb("SELECT 'x' NOT LIKE 'X';");
1970     else
1971         return querySingleValueFromDb("PRAGMA " + pragma + ";");
1972 }
setPragma(const std::string & pragma,const QString & value)1974 bool DBBrowserDB::setPragma(const std::string& pragma, const QString& value)
1975 {
1976     // Set the pragma value
1977     std::string sql = "PRAGMA " + pragma + " = '" + value.toStdString() + "';";
1979     // In general, we want to commit changes before running pragmas because most of them can't be rolled back and some of them
1980     // even fail when run in a transaction. However, the defer_foreign_keys pragma has neither problem and we need it to be settable
1981     // inside transactions (see the renameColumn() function where it is set and reset at some point and where we don't want the changes
1982     // to be committed just because of this pragma).
1983     if(pragma != "defer_foreign_keys")
1984         releaseSavepoint();
1986     bool res = executeSQL(sql, false, true); // PRAGMA statements are usually not transaction bound, so we can't revert
1987     if( !res )
1988         qWarning() << tr("Error setting pragma %1 to %2: %3").arg(QString::fromStdString(pragma), value, lastErrorMessage);
1990     // If this is the page_size or the auto_vacuum pragma being set, we need to execute the vacuum command right after the pragma statement or the new
1991     // settings won't be saved.
1992     if(res && (pragma == "page_size" || pragma == "auto_vacuum"))
1993         res = executeSQL("VACUUM;", false, true);
1995     return res;
1996 }
setPragma(const std::string & pragma,const QString & value,QString & originalvalue)1998 bool DBBrowserDB::setPragma(const std::string& pragma, const QString& value, QString& originalvalue)
1999 {
2000     if( originalvalue != value )
2001     {
2002         if( setPragma(pragma, value))
2003         {
2004             originalvalue = value;
2005             return true;
2006         }
2007     }
2008     return false;
2009 }
setPragma(const std::string & pragma,int value,int & originalvalue)2011 bool DBBrowserDB::setPragma(const std::string& pragma, int value, int& originalvalue)
2012 {
2013     if( originalvalue != value )
2014     {
2015         QString val = QString::number(value);
2016         QString origval = QString::number(originalvalue);
2017         if( setPragma(pragma, val, origval))
2018         {
2019             originalvalue = value;
2020         }
2021     }
2022     return false;
2023 }
loadExtension(const QString & filePath)2025 bool DBBrowserDB::loadExtension(const QString& filePath)
2026 {
2027     waitForDbRelease();
2028     if(!_db)
2029         return false;
2031     // Check if file exists
2032     if(!QFile::exists(filePath))
2033     {
2034         lastErrorMessage = tr("File not found.");
2035         return false;
2036     }
2038     // Enable extension loading
2039     sqlite3_enable_load_extension(_db, 1);
2041     // Try to load extension
2042     char* error;
2043     int result = sqlite3_load_extension(_db, filePath.toUtf8(), nullptr, &error);
2045     // Disable extension loading if so configured
2046     // (we don't want to leave the possibility of calling load_extension() from SQL without user informed permission)
2047     if (!Settings::getValue("extensions", "enable_load_extension").toBool())
2048         sqlite3_enable_load_extension(_db, 0);
2050     if (result == SQLITE_OK)
2051     {
2052         return true;
2053     } else {
2054         lastErrorMessage = QString::fromUtf8(error);
2055         sqlite3_free(error);
2056         return false;
2057     }
2058 }
loadExtensionsFromSettings()2061 void DBBrowserDB::loadExtensionsFromSettings()
2062 {
2063     if(!_db)
2064         return;
2066     sqlite3_enable_load_extension(_db, Settings::getValue("extensions", "enable_load_extension").toBool());
2068     QStringList list = Settings::getValue("extensions", "list").toStringList();
2069     for(const QString& ext : list)
2070     {
2071         if(loadExtension(ext) == false)
2072             QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, QApplication::applicationName(), tr("Error loading extension: %1").arg(lastError()));
2073     }
2074 }
queryColumnInformation(const std::string & schema_name,const std::string & object_name) const2076 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> DBBrowserDB::queryColumnInformation(const std::string& schema_name, const std::string& object_name) const
2077 {
2078     waitForDbRelease();
2080     std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> result;
2081     std::string statement = "PRAGMA " + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(schema_name) + ".TABLE_INFO(" + sqlb::escapeIdentifier(object_name) + ");";
2082     logSQL(QString::fromStdString(statement), kLogMsg_App);
2084     sqlite3_stmt* vm;
2085     const char* tail;
2086     if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, statement.c_str(), static_cast<int>(statement.size()), &vm, &tail) == SQLITE_OK)
2087     {
2088         while(sqlite3_step(vm) == SQLITE_ROW)
2089         {
2090             std::string name = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(vm, 1));
2091             std::string type = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(vm, 2));
2093             result.push_back(std::make_pair(name, type));
2094         }
2095         sqlite3_finalize(vm);
2096     } else{
2097         lastErrorMessage = tr("could not get column information");
2098     }
2100     return result;
2101 }
generateSavepointName(const std::string & identifier) const2103 std::string DBBrowserDB::generateSavepointName(const std::string& identifier) const
2104 {
2105     // Generate some sort of unique name for a savepoint for internal use.
2106     return "db4s_" + identifier + "_" + std::to_string(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
2107 }
generateTemporaryTableName(const std::string & schema) const2109 std::string DBBrowserDB::generateTemporaryTableName(const std::string& schema) const
2110 {
2111     // We're using a static variable as a counter here instead of checking from the beginning onwards every time. This has
2112     // two reasons: 1) It makes the function thread-safe, and 2) it saves us some time because in case older temporary tables
2113     // are still in use. Both reasons don't matter too much for now, but just in case...
2114     static std::atomic_uint counter;
2116     while(true)
2117     {
2118         std::string table_name = "sqlb_temp_table_" + std::to_string(++counter);
2119         if(!getObjectByName(sqlb::ObjectIdentifier(schema, table_name)))
2120             return table_name;
2121     }
2122 }
interruptQuery()2124 void DBBrowserDB::interruptQuery()
2125 {
2126     if(!_db)
2127         return;
2129     sqlite3_interrupt(_db);
2130 }