1 /*
2  * twemproxy - A fast and lightweight proxy for memcached protocol.
3  * Copyright (C) 2011 Twitter, Inc.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 #ifndef _NC_CONNECTION_H_
19 #define _NC_CONNECTION_H_
21 #include <nc_core.h>
23 typedef rstatus_t (*conn_recv_t)(struct context *, struct conn*);
24 typedef struct msg* (*conn_recv_next_t)(struct context *, struct conn *, bool);
25 typedef void (*conn_recv_done_t)(struct context *, struct conn *, struct msg *, struct msg *);
27 typedef rstatus_t (*conn_send_t)(struct context *, struct conn*);
28 typedef struct msg* (*conn_send_next_t)(struct context *, struct conn *);
29 typedef void (*conn_send_done_t)(struct context *, struct conn *, struct msg *);
31 typedef void (*conn_close_t)(struct context *, struct conn *);
32 typedef bool (*conn_active_t)(const struct conn *);
34 typedef void (*conn_ref_t)(struct conn *, void *);
35 typedef void (*conn_unref_t)(struct conn *);
37 typedef void (*conn_msgq_t)(struct context *, struct conn *, struct msg *);
38 typedef void (*conn_post_connect_t)(struct context *ctx, struct conn *, struct server *server);
39 typedef void (*conn_swallow_msg_t)(struct conn *, struct msg *, struct msg *);
41 struct conn {
42     TAILQ_ENTRY(conn)   conn_tqe;        /* link in server_pool / server / free q */
43     void                *owner;          /* connection owner - server_pool / server */
45     int                 sd;              /* socket descriptor */
46     int                 family;          /* socket address family */
47     socklen_t           addrlen;         /* socket length */
48     struct sockaddr     *addr;           /* socket address (ref in server or server_pool) */
50     struct msg_tqh      imsg_q;          /* incoming request Q */
51     struct msg_tqh      omsg_q;          /* outstanding request Q */
52     struct msg          *rmsg;           /* current message being rcvd */
53     struct msg          *smsg;           /* current message being sent */
55     conn_recv_t         recv;            /* recv (read) handler */
56     conn_recv_next_t    recv_next;       /* recv next message handler */
57     conn_recv_done_t    recv_done;       /* read done handler */
58     conn_send_t         send;            /* send (write) handler */
59     conn_send_next_t    send_next;       /* write next message handler */
60     conn_send_done_t    send_done;       /* write done handler */
61     conn_close_t        close;           /* close handler */
62     conn_active_t       active;          /* active? handler */
63     conn_post_connect_t post_connect;    /* post connect handler */
64     conn_swallow_msg_t  swallow_msg;     /* react on messages to be swallowed */
66     conn_ref_t          ref;             /* connection reference handler */
67     conn_unref_t        unref;           /* connection unreference handler */
69     conn_msgq_t         enqueue_inq;     /* connection inq msg enqueue handler */
70     conn_msgq_t         dequeue_inq;     /* connection inq msg dequeue handler */
71     conn_msgq_t         enqueue_outq;    /* connection outq msg enqueue handler */
72     conn_msgq_t         dequeue_outq;    /* connection outq msg dequeue handler */
74     size_t              recv_bytes;      /* received (read) bytes */
75     size_t              send_bytes;      /* sent (written) bytes */
77     uint32_t            events;          /* connection io events */
78     err_t               err;             /* connection errno */
79     unsigned            recv_active:1;   /* recv active? */
80     unsigned            recv_ready:1;    /* recv ready? */
81     unsigned            send_active:1;   /* send active? */
82     unsigned            send_ready:1;    /* send ready? */
84     unsigned            client:1;        /* client? or server? */
85     unsigned            proxy:1;         /* proxy? */
86     unsigned            connecting:1;    /* connecting? */
87     unsigned            connected:1;     /* connected? */
88     unsigned            eof:1;           /* eof? aka passive close? */
89     unsigned            done:1;          /* done? aka close? */
90     unsigned            redis:1;         /* redis? */
91     unsigned            authenticated:1; /* authenticated? */
92 };
94 TAILQ_HEAD(conn_tqh, conn);
96 struct context *conn_to_ctx(const struct conn *conn);
97 struct conn *conn_get(void *owner, bool client, bool redis);
98 struct conn *conn_get_proxy(struct server_pool *pool);
99 void conn_put(struct conn *conn);
100 ssize_t conn_recv(struct conn *conn, void *buf, size_t size);
101 ssize_t conn_sendv(struct conn *conn, const struct array *sendv, size_t nsend);
102 void conn_init(void);
103 void conn_deinit(void);
104 uint32_t conn_ncurr_conn(void);
105 uint64_t conn_ntotal_conn(void);
106 uint32_t conn_ncurr_cconn(void);
107 bool conn_authenticated(const struct conn *conn);
109 #endif