1# CalenTool V2.2 - nflag=1 range=9,10 - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
2# $Header: events5,v 1.1 91/03/07 16:19:09 billr Exp $
3# Notable events in history (Sept-Oct)
4# Today in History dates provided by Robert Heckendorn at
5# Hewlett-Packard in Fort Collins, Colorado.
6# Any corrections or additions may be sent to robert@fc.hp.com
8# Additional dates provided from ProLine's today file
10# Converted to calentool format by Larry Virden (lwv27%cas.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu)
11# and further edited and merged by Bill Randle (billr@saab.cna.tek.com).
12# All dates in this file are New Style unless otherwise noted.
13# Some duplicates may exist where I haven't been able to verify which
14# one is correct.
16** 09 01 99 99 00 A coup in Libya brought Moammar Gadhafi to power. (1969)
17** 09 01 99 99 00 Aaron Burr aquitted of charges of plotting to set up an empire. (1807)
18** 09 01 99 99 00 California Constitutional Convention held in Monterey. (1849)
19** 09 01 99 99 00 Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II (1939)
20** 09 01 99 99 00 Joshua A. Norton proclaims himself Emperor Norton I (1859)
21** 09 01 99 99 00 Miss Emma Nutt becomes the first women telephone operator in America. Until now, all operators were men. (1878)
22** 09 01 99 99 00 Montrose defeats the Covenanters at Tippermuir in Scotland (1644)
23** 09 01 99 99 00 Peace treaty signed with the Zulus by Britain (1879)
24** 09 02 99 99 00 Alabama Gov. George Wallace prevented the integration of Tuskegee High School by surrounding it with state troopers (1963)
25** 09 02 99 99 00 Great Britain adopts the Gregorian Calendar (1752)
26** 09 02 99 99 00 Japan signs unconditional surrender aboard US battleship "Missouri" (1945)
27** 09 02 99 99 00 The great London fire destroyed around two thirds of London (1666)
28** 09 02 99 99 00 US Treasury Department established by Congress. (1789)
29** 09 02 99 99 00 V.P. Theodore Roosevelt offered the advice, "Speak softly and carry a big stick," in a speech at the Minnesota State Fair (1901)
30** 09 03 99 99 00 Allied forces invade Italy in World War II (1943)
31** 09 03 99 99 00 England and the United States sign the treaty of Paris declaring US independence and ending the Revolutionary War (1783)
32** 09 03 99 99 00 England declares war on Germany. (1939)
33** 09 03 99 99 00 Motorists in Sweden began driving on the right rather than the left (1967)
34** 09 03 99 99 00 Pope John Paul I was officially installed as the 264th supreme pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church (1978)
35** 09 03 99 99 00 Richard the Lionhearted was crowned king of England (1189)
36** 09 04 99 99 00 Apache leader Geronomino surrenders (1896)
37** 09 04 99 99 00 Ford Motor Co. began selling its ill-fated Edsel. (1957)
38** 09 04 99 99 00 George Eastman patents 1st rollfilm camera & registers "Kodak". (1888)
39** 09 04 99 99 00 Los Angeles founded in the Valley of Smokes (Indian Name) (1781)
40** 09 04 99 99 00 Nine blacks denied entry into Central High School in Arkansas. (1957)
41** 09 05 99 99 00 11 Israeli athletes and 5 Arab guerrillas who had taken them hostage were killed in a shoot-out at the summer Olympics in Munich (1972)
42** 09 05 99 99 00 1st gasoline pump is delivered to a gasoline dealer. (1885)
43** 09 05 99 99 00 Battle of Virginia Capes, where the French Fleet defeats the British rescue fleet, trapping Cornwallis at Yorktown (1781)
44** 09 05 99 99 00 First Continental Congress convened (Philadelphia, 1774)
45** 09 05 99 99 00 Iva Toguri D'Aquino, Japanese-American suspected of being Tokyo Rose, was arrested in Yokohama (1945)
46** 09 05 99 99 00 Kennedy orders resumption of underground nuclear tests (1961)
47** 09 05 99 99 00 President Gerald Ford escaped an attempt on his life by Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme in Sacramento, California (1975)
48** 09 05 99 99 00 Russia's Peter the Great imposed a tax on beards. (1698)
49** 09 05 99 99 00 Sam Houston was elected president of the Republic of Texas (1836)
50** 09 05 99 99 00 The first battle of the Marne began in World War I (1914)
51** 09 05 99 99 00 The nation's first Labor day parade was held in New York (1882)
52** 09 06 99 99 00 Word is received that Perry has reached the North Pole and died (1909)
53** 09 07 99 99 00 Desmond Tutu was installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in South Africa (1986)
54** 09 07 99 99 00 Fire storms surround the Old Faithful Lodge complex in Yellowstone National Park as massive fires continue to burn out of control in Western forest lands. The Lodge survives. (1988)
55** 09 07 99 99 00 German begins its blitz on London and will continue bombing every night for two more months (1940)
56** 09 07 99 99 00 The Boxer Rebellion in China ends (1901)
57** 09 08 99 99 00 1st US Air Mail service begins. (1920)
58** 09 08 99 99 00 1st permanent settlement in US founded at St Augustine, Florida (1565)
59** 09 08 99 99 00 Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, instituted (695)
60** 09 08 99 99 00 Gerald R. Ford pardons former President Richard M. Nixon (1974)
61** 09 08 99 99 00 Harvard College is established with the help of 800 pounds from Rev. John Harvard (1636)
62** 09 08 99 99 00 Lincoln makes a speech about when you can fool people. (1858)
63** 09 08 99 99 00 a small English fleet takes New Amsterdam and names it New York (1664)
64** 09 09 99 99 00 27 year old Abe Lincoln received license to practice law (1836)
65** 09 09 99 99 00 Alfred Dreyfus went on trial a second time for disclosing French secrets (1899)
66** 09 09 99 99 00 California becomes the 31st state (1850)
67** 09 09 99 99 00 Continental Congress decrees that United Colonies be called United States (1776)
68** 09 09 99 99 00 Ed Greer, a Hughes Aircraft electronics engineer, goes to lunch and never returns. A party is held in his honor every year celebrating his escape from the corporate world. (1981)
69** 09 10 99 99 00 Elias Howe receives patent for his sewing machine. (1846)
70** 09 10 99 99 00 Ellis Island opens as a park honoring the immigrants (1990)
71** 09 10 99 99 00 John Smith elected president of the Jamestown colony council. (1608)
72** 09 10 99 99 00 Lincoln Highway opens as 1st paved coast-to-coast highway. (1913)
73** 09 10 99 99 00 Mormons, embittered by religious persecution, attack and kill Gentile wagon train in what was to become known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre. (1857)
74** 09 10 99 99 00 Swanson sells it's first "TV Dinner". (1953)
75** 09 11 99 99 00 1st commercially successful electric bus line opens, in Hollywood. (1910)
76** 09 11 99 99 00 Alexander Hamilton was appointed the 1st U.S. sec. of the Treasury. (1789)
77** 09 11 99 99 00 Aloha Tower dedicated (in Honolulu). (1926)
78** 09 11 99 99 00 Americans defeated at Brandywine, Pennsylvania by General Howe (1777)
79** 09 11 99 99 00 Chinese and Indian forces engage in heavy fighting on the border of Sikkim in the Himalayas (1967)
80** 09 11 99 99 00 Hungary, under pressure from refugees, suspends treaty with East Germany and lets thousands of "vacationing" East Germans across the border into West Germany (1989)
81** 09 11 99 99 00 Sebastopol is taken by Allies after capitulation of the Russian forces. (1855)
82** 09 11 99 99 00 U.S. captures British flotilla on Lake Champlain (1814)
83** 09 12 99 99 00 Canyonlands National Park is established (1964)
84** 09 12 99 99 00 Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is deposed by military coup (1974)
85** 09 12 99 99 00 English explorer Henry Hudson sailed into the river that now bears his name (1609)
86** 09 12 99 99 00 German paratroopers rescue Mussolini from captivity in Rome (1943)
87** 09 12 99 99 00 Germany annexes Sudentenland (1938)
88** 09 12 99 99 00 Joseph Cicippio, acting comptroller at the American University in Beirut, is kidnapped in Lebanon (1986)
89** 09 12 99 99 00 Steven Biko, black student leader, dies whilst in the custody of the South African security services (1977)
90** 09 13 99 99 00 136.4 degrees F (el Azizia, Libya, 1922)
91** 09 13 99 99 00 British defeat the French at Abraham near Quebec City (1788)
92** 09 13 99 99 00 Building of Hadrian's Wall began (122)
93** 09 13 99 99 00 Chiang Kai-Shek becomes president of China (1943)
94** 09 13 99 99 00 In the Caribbean hurricane Gilbert grows to a category 5 hurricane with 175 mph sustained winds and the lowest recorded barometric pressure ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere, 26.22 inches of mercury. (1988)
95** 09 13 99 99 00 New York City becomes the capitol of the United States. (1788)
96** 09 13 99 99 00 first lobotomy performed (1848)
97** 09 14 99 99 00 1st lighthouse in US is lit (in Boston Harbor). (1716)
98** 09 14 99 99 00 Benjamin Franklin sent to France as American minister (1778)
99** 09 14 99 99 00 Francis Scott Key writes words to "Star Spangled Banner" (1814)
100** 09 14 99 99 00 General Winfield Scott and his U.S. forces take control of Mexico City (1847)
101** 09 14 99 99 00 Salem, Massachusetts, founded (1629)
102** 09 14 99 99 00 Selective Service Act establishes first peacetime draft (1940)
103** 09 14 99 99 00 While in New York, Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality (1899)
104** 09 14 99 99 00 the typewriter ribbon is patented. (1886)
105** 09 15 99 99 00 1789, The U.S. Government adopts the "Great Seal of the United States", taking it from Congress and placing it in the custody of the Secretary of State
106** 09 15 99 99 00 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatamala, Honduras & Nicaragua all gain their independence (1821)
107** 09 15 99 99 00 Four children were killed when a bomb went off during services at a black Baptist church in Alabama (1963)
108** 09 15 99 99 00 New York is taken by General Howe (1776)
109** 09 15 99 99 00 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev begins 13 day tour of U.S. (1959)
110** 09 15 99 99 00 The Nuremberg Laws deprived German Jews of their citizenship and made the swastika the official symbol of Nazi Germany (1935)
111** 09 15 99 99 00 The U.S. Foreign Affairs Department becomes the U.S. State Department (1789)
112** 09 15 99 99 00 The bank rate in Germany exceeds 90% (1923)
113** 09 15 99 99 00 tanks were used in battle for the first time, at Flers in the Somme Offensive, by the British Machine Gun Corps (1916)
114** 09 16 99 99 00 After two false starts, 149 Pilgrims set forth from England aboard the Mayflower (1620)
115** 09 16 99 99 00 Great Seal of the United States is used for 1st time. (1782)
116** 09 16 99 99 00 Patent is issued for the typesetting machine. (1857)
117** 09 16 99 99 00 The Massachusetts village of Shawmut changed its name to Boston. (1630)
118** 09 16 99 99 00 the American Legion is incorporated. (1919)
119** 09 17 99 99 00 Battle of Antietam (1862)
120** 09 17 99 99 00 Jay Cooke & Co. fails, causing a securities panic (1873)
121** 09 17 99 99 00 The American Kennel club was founded (1884)
122** 09 17 99 99 00 US Constitution is adopted. (1787)
123** 09 17 99 99 00 Vanessa Williams became the first black to be crowned Miss America. (1983)
124** 09 18 99 99 00 "The New York Times" goes on sale, at 2 cents a copy. (1851)
125** 09 18 99 99 00 Chile gains it's independence. (1810)
126** 09 18 99 99 00 Newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst was captured in San Francisco by the FBI, nineteen months after she was kidnapped (1975)
127** 09 18 99 99 00 Nikita Khrushchev says, "Those who wait for that (Russia rejecting communism) must wait until a shrimp learns to whistle." (1955)
128** 09 18 99 99 00 Pres. George Washington laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol. (1793)
129** 09 18 99 99 00 The French formally surrendered Quebec to the British. (1759)
130** 09 19 99 99 00 1st commercial laundry established, in Oakland, California. (1849)
131** 09 19 99 99 00 A 7.8 magnitude earthquake off the west coast of Mexico does extensive damage to Mexico City (1985)
132** 09 19 99 99 00 Bruno Hauptmann was arrested in New York and charged with the kidnap-murder of the Lindbergh infant (1934)
133** 09 19 99 99 00 President Lincoln's body was removed to go to its permanent resting place in Springfield, Illinois (1871)
134** 09 20 99 99 00 Black student, James Meredith, was blocked from enrolling at the University of Mississippi; he was later admitted (1962)
135** 09 20 99 99 00 Equal Rights Party nominates Belva Lockwood for President (1884)
136** 09 20 99 99 00 First meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Science (1848)
137** 09 20 99 99 00 First meeting of National Research Council (1916)
138** 09 20 99 99 00 Magellan leaves Spain on first circumnavigation (1519)
139** 09 20 99 99 00 Patent granted on the electric range. (1859)
140** 09 20 99 99 00 US frigate "Constitution" (Old Ironsides) launched in Boston. (1797)
141** 09 21 99 99 00 1st auto manufacturer opens -- Duryea Motor Wagon Company. (1895)
142** 09 21 99 99 00 Johann Ostermeyer patents his invention, the flashbulb. (1930)
143** 09 21 99 99 00 Stonehenge was auctioned off to C. H. E. Chubb, of Salisbury for 6,600 pounds. (1915)
144** 09 21 99 99 00 US Helicopters attack Iranian ship laying mines in the Persian Gulf (1987)
145** 09 21 99 99 00 the nuclear submarine "Nautilus" is commissioned. (1954)
146** 09 22 99 99 00 Allied Forces form independent nation West Germany (1953)
147** 09 22 99 99 00 First Soviet atomic bomb explodes (1949)
148** 09 22 99 99 00 General Idi Amin gives Uganda's 8000 Asians 48 hours to leave the country (1972)
149** 09 22 99 99 00 Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons), receives the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated (1827)
150** 09 22 99 99 00 Patent is granted for the Ice Cream Cone. (1903)
151** 09 22 99 99 00 President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
152** 09 22 99 99 00 Special prosecutor Leon Jeworski subpoenas President Nixon (1974)
153** 09 22 99 99 00 The Mustang Ranch, a famous Nevada brothel, is shutdown by the IRS for past due taxes. A motion to have the government run the lucrative business fails for some reason. :-) (1990)
154** 09 22 99 99 00 Two men and seven women were executed for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. One was pressed to death for standing mute while the others were hung. (1692)
155** 09 23 99 99 00 Harvard College held its first commencement. (1642)
156** 09 23 99 99 00 John Andre reveals Benedict Arnold's plot to betray West Point. (1780)
157** 09 23 99 99 00 Naval engagement between 'Bonhomme Richard' and 'HMS Serepis'. (1779)
158** 09 23 99 99 00 Phillippine President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial law (1972)
159** 09 23 99 99 00 Truman announces that the Soviets have set off their first atomic bomb within the last few weeks (1949)
160** 09 23 99 99 00 V.P. Nixon denies campaign fund fraud with his "Checkers" speech. (1952)
161** 09 24 99 99 00 1st atomic powered aircraft carrier, the "Enterprise", is launched. (1960)
162** 09 24 99 99 00 1st round-the-world trip by a woman on a bicycle (took 15 months). (1895)
163** 09 24 99 99 00 1st round-the-world trip by yacht (Cornelius Vanderbilt). (1853)
164** 09 24 99 99 00 Barbara Harris, is elected the first woman bishop in the Episcopal Church (1988)
165** 09 24 99 99 00 Black Friday: Thousands of business are ruined after Jay Gould and James Fisk try to corner the Gold market (1869)
166** 09 24 99 99 00 Congress creates the Post Office. (1789)
167** 09 24 99 99 00 Congress passes the First Judiciary Act which provides for an Attorney General and a Supreme Court (1789)
168** 09 24 99 99 00 Patricia Hearst is sentenced to seven years in prison (she will serve only 22 months before being released under presidential order from President Carter) (1976)
169** 09 24 99 99 00 President Eisenhower suffers a heart attack after during a vacation in Denver (1955)
170** 09 24 99 99 00 The USS Enterprise, the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier, is launched in Newport News, Va. (1960)
171** 09 24 99 99 00 The trail of the Chicago Eight (later seven) begins (1969)
172** 09 24 99 99 00 Wilford Woodruff, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issues a declaration affirming that the Church no longer teaches nor performs plural marriage. (1890)
173** 09 25 99 99 00 Columbus sailed on his second voyage to America. (1493)
174** 09 25 99 99 00 King Harold defeats Tostig at Stamford Bridge (1066)
175** 09 25 99 99 00 Pres. Harrison signed a measure establishing Sequoia National Park. (1890)
176** 09 25 99 99 00 Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on U.S. Supreme Court (1981)
177** 09 25 99 99 00 The first session of the first Congress of the United States met in New York and voted 10 amendments to the constitution (the Bill of Rights) (1789)
178** 09 25 99 99 00 Transatlantic telephone service begins (1956)
179** 09 25 99 99 00 Twelfth amendment (Presidential elections) is passed (1804)
180** 09 25 99 99 00 Vasco Nunez de Balboa is the 1st European to sail the Pacific Ocean. (1513)
181** 09 26 99 99 00 Sir Francis Drake arrives with ships full of plunder from Spain (1580)
182** 09 26 99 99 00 Thomas Jefferson was appointed America's first secretary of State. (1789)
183** 09 26 99 99 00 United Nations troops in the Korean War recaptured the South Korean capitol of Seoul from the North Koreans (1950)
184** 09 26 99 99 00 two dragons are said to have fought at "Sharpfight Meadow" at Little Conrad in Suffolk (1449)
185** 09 27 99 99 00 Democratic National Committee voted to admit women. (1919)
186** 09 27 99 99 00 First passenger conveyed by locomotive (England, 1825)
187** 09 27 99 99 00 King Constantine I of Greece abdicates (1922)
188** 09 27 99 99 00 Royal Albert Docks lighted by twenty-six electric lamps (1880)
189** 09 27 99 99 00 The Royal navy sinks the Bismarck off the Brest Coast (1941)
190** 09 27 99 99 00 The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth was launched at Glasgow. (1938)
191** 09 27 99 99 00 William Howe occupies Philadelphia (1777)
192** 09 28 99 99 00 "God save the King" sung for the first time following the defeat of English forces by Jacobites (1745)
193** 09 28 99 99 00 American forces backed by a French fleet begin their siege of Yorktown Heights, Virgina (1781)
194** 09 28 99 99 00 Betty Ford, First Lady, undergoes a mastectomy at Bethesda Naval Hospital (1974)
195** 09 28 99 99 00 Germany and the Soviet Union agree on how to partition Poland (1939)
196** 09 28 99 99 00 Greek soldier runs over 26 miles to report Persian defeat at Marathon, then dies (490 BC)
197** 09 28 99 99 00 Portuguese navigator Juan Rodriguez Cabrilo sails into the bay on which San diego is now located (1542)
198** 09 28 99 99 00 The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopts a resolution the Iraq and Iran should cease hostilities (1980)
199** 09 28 99 99 00 William the Conqueror invades England (1066)
200** 09 28 99 99 00 flogging is abolished as a form of punishment in the U.S. Navy (1850)
201** 09 29 99 99 00 Cyanide laced Tylenol capsules killed seven in Chicago. (1982)
202** 09 29 99 99 00 David Belasco, impressario, opens his first theater (1902)
203** 09 29 99 99 00 Parliament of one day, King Richard II is deposed (1399)
204** 09 29 99 99 00 The London Police, remodeled by Sir Robert Peel, begin duty (1829)
205** 09 29 99 99 00 The U.S. War Department establishes a regular army of several hundred soldiers (1789)
206** 09 29 99 99 00 U.S. and Itay sign armistice treaty on a ship off the coast of Malta (1943)
207** 09 30 99 99 00 Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicates Boulder Dam (1935)
208** 09 30 99 99 00 Mikhail Gorbachev retires President Andrei Gromyko from the Politburo and fires other old guard leaders in a Kremlin shakeup (1989)
209** 09 30 99 99 00 New York City fluoridates its water to the protest of many (1965)
210** 09 30 99 99 00 The Berlin Airlift ends (1949)
211** 09 30 99 99 00 The Siege of Yorktown, Virginia, begins (1781)
212** 09 30 99 99 00 The first U. S. hydroelectric power plant was opened in Appleton Wisconson. A single dynamo of 180 lights each of ten candle power was erected. (1882)
213** 09 30 99 99 00 The first execution in the English American Colonies takes place as John Billington is hanged (1630)
214** 09 30 99 99 00 The first tooth is extracted under anesthesia in Charleston, Mass (1846)
215** 09 30 99 99 00 The verdicts of the Nuremberg trials are announced, finding 22 top Nazi leaders guilty of war crimes (1946)
216** 10 01 99 99 00 1st postcards are issued in Vienna. (1869)
217** 10 01 99 99 00 General Franco is appointed Spain's chief of state by Spanish rebels (1936)
218** 10 01 99 99 00 Henry Ford introduces the Model T car. (1908)
219** 10 01 99 99 00 Henry Huntington buys the Los Angeles Railway. (1898)
220** 10 01 99 99 00 Nigeria gains it's independence. (1960)
221** 10 01 99 99 00 Spain sells Louisiana to France in a secret treaty (1800)
222** 10 01 99 99 00 Special delivery mail service began in the United States. (1885)
223** 10 01 99 99 00 The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, signed by the U. S., Britain and U. S. S. R. comes into effect (1963)
224** 10 01 99 99 00 Troops dispatched to arrest Brigham Young for lewdly cohabitating with 16 young women (1871)
225** 10 01 99 99 00 Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens. (1971)
226** 10 01 99 99 00 Yosemite becomes a National Park. (1896)
227** 10 02 99 99 00 Darwin returns to England aboard the HMS Beagle. (1836)
228** 10 02 99 99 00 Ferdinand Foch, believed to be the leader responsible for Allies winning World War I (1851)
229** 10 02 99 99 00 German army began Operation Typhoon (all-out drive against Moscow). (1941)
230** 10 02 99 99 00 Guinea gains it's independence. (1958)
231** 10 02 99 99 00 Hans Lippershey offers the Dutch government a new invention -- the telescope (1608)
232** 10 02 99 99 00 Rome and its provinces are formally made part of Italy and Rome is declared the capital (1870)
233** 10 02 99 99 00 This is the first day for the new united Germany (reunification day) (1990)
234** 10 02 99 99 00 Thurgood Marshall sworn as first black Supreme Court Justice (1967)
235** 10 03 99 99 00 A national flag day was held for the Belgian Relief Fund in England (this was probably the world's first flag day) (1914)
236** 10 03 99 99 00 Federal Income Tax is signed into law (at 1%). (1913)
237** 10 03 99 99 00 Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day (1863)
238** 10 03 99 99 00 Serbo-Croat-Slovene Kingdom becomes the country of Yugoslavia (1929)
239** 10 03 99 99 00 The first British atomic bomb test (1952)
240** 10 03 99 99 00 Washington proclaims the 1st national Thanksgiving Day on Nov 26 (1789)
241** 10 04 99 99 00 Crimean war begins (1853)
242** 10 04 99 99 00 George Washington is defeated at Germantown, Pennsylvania (1777)
243** 10 04 99 99 00 The bill establishing Dinosaur National Monument is signed (1915)
244** 10 05 99 99 00 Former PTL evangelist Jim Bakker was convicted of using his television show to defraud followers of $3.7 million (1989)
245** 10 05 99 99 00 The ABM early warning system, Thule Greenland, detects the moonrise as a large Russian missile contingent headed for the US (1960)
246** 10 05 99 99 00 The Revolutionary Calendar is adopted in France. This day becomes 14 Vendemiaire (grape harvest) Year II. Months were named for seasonal characteristics and years from the beginning of the revolution. (1793)
247** 10 05 99 99 00 part of a fuel core of an experimental breeder reactor near Detroit melts down (1966)
248** 10 06 99 99 00 Antioch College is the first public school to admit both men and women (1853)
249** 10 06 99 99 00 Israel is attacked by the forces of Egypt and Syria, 4th Israeli war begins (1973)
250** 10 06 99 99 00 LSD is made an illegal drug (1966)
251** 10 06 99 99 00 Pope John Paul II became the 1st pontiff to visit the White House. (1979)
252** 10 06 99 99 00 the Mormons abolish polygamy by general conference declaration that the president of the church's declaration of Sep 24 is "authoritative and binding" (1890)
253** 10 07 99 99 00 Foundation of German Democratic Republic (1949)
254** 10 07 99 99 00 Granite Railway (1st chartered railway in US) begins operations (1826)
255** 10 07 99 99 00 Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel sent to prison on fraud charges (1977)
256** 10 07 99 99 00 Mother Teresa of Calcutta awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (1979)
257** 10 07 99 99 00 Police stop the car of Senator Wilbur Mills, stripper Fanne Fox jumps into fountain (1974)
258** 10 07 99 99 00 The Windscale nuclear pile north of Liverpool, England catches fire and burns for several days releasing radiation. 39 cancer deaths attributed to the leak. (1957)
259** 10 08 99 99 00 Dow Jones starts reporting an average of industrial stocks. (1896)
260** 10 08 99 99 00 First VisiCalc prototype (1978)
261** 10 08 99 99 00 Great Chicago Fire (1871)
262** 10 08 99 99 00 Mohammed, the prophet of Islam makes public entrance to Medina marking the beginning of the Moslem era (622)
263** 10 08 99 99 00 The Equal Rights Amendment ratification deadline is extended (1978)
264** 10 08 99 99 00 The Great Fire destroys over 4 square miles of Chicago. (1871)
265** 10 09 99 99 00 First two-way telephone conversation (1876)
266** 10 09 99 99 00 James Watt forced to resign as Secretary of the Interior (1983)
267** 10 09 99 99 00 Leif Ericson discovers "Vinland" (possibly New England) (1000)
268** 10 09 99 99 00 Mission Delores founded. (1776)
269** 10 09 99 99 00 The Collegiate School of Connecticut (later Yale Univ.) was chartered in New Haven (1701)
270** 10 09 99 99 00 The Washington Monument opened. (1888)
271** 10 09 99 99 00 The first generator at Boulder (later Hoover) Dam began transmitting electricity to Los Angeles (1936)
272** 10 10 99 99 00 Spiro T. Agnew resigns as Vice-President due to income tax fraud (1973)
273** 10 10 99 99 00 the Manchu Dynasty is overthrown in China. (1911)
274** 10 11 99 99 00 Daughters of the American Revolution founded. (1890)
275** 10 11 99 99 00 The Gang of Four are arrested in Peking (1976)
276** 10 11 99 99 00 The first steam-powered ferry was put into operation between New York City and Hoboken, New Jersey (1811)
277** 10 11 99 99 00 The second Vatican Eccumenical Council opens in Rome (1962)
278** 10 12 99 99 00 American naval forces defeat the Japanese at the Battle of Cape Esperance (1942)
279** 10 12 99 99 00 Columbus lands in Bahamas (1492)
280** 10 12 99 99 00 John Dillinger, bank robber, escapes Allen County, Ohio jail with the help of his gang and killed the Sheriff (1933)
281** 10 12 99 99 00 Khrushchev pounds his desk with shoe during a speech to the UN (1960)
282** 10 12 99 99 00 President Nixon nominated Gerald Ford of Michigan to succeed Spiro Agnew as vice-president (1973)
283** 10 13 99 99 00 Dolly Parton's band uniform number 39 was retired by the Sevier County High School. She played the snare drum. (1977)
284** 10 13 99 99 00 George Washington lays the cornerstone for the Executive Mansion, later to be called the White House (1792)
285** 10 13 99 99 00 Italy declares war on Germany (1943)
286** 10 13 99 99 00 The Jewish organization B'nai B'rith was founded in New York. (1843)
287** 10 13 99 99 00 The stockmarket falls 190 points in a minor crash (1989)
288** 10 14 99 99 00 1st declaration of colonial rights in America. (1774)
289** 10 14 99 99 00 Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror wins England (1066)
290** 10 14 99 99 00 British Computer Society founded (1957)
291** 10 14 99 99 00 Martin Luther King Jr. was named winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. (1964)
292** 10 14 99 99 00 President Ford escaped injury when his limousine was hit broadside by a car in Hartford, Conn (1975)
293** 10 15 99 99 00 First draft card burned (1965)
294** 10 15 99 99 00 Florence Nightingale is solicited to organize nurses in Crimea (1854)
295** 10 15 99 99 00 Grace Bedell writes to Lincoln, tells him to grow a beard. (1860)
296** 10 15 99 99 00 The first swarm of killer bees to be found in the U. S. is destroyed in Texas. (1990)
297** 10 16 99 99 00 China's first atomic bomb is exploded (1964)
298** 10 16 99 99 00 Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected Pope and takes the name John Paul II (1978)
299** 10 16 99 99 00 a hotel in Boston becomes the 1st to have indoor plumbing. (1869)
300** 10 16 99 99 00 body washed ashore in Syria is identified as Leon Klinghoffer, slain in hijacking of Achille Lauro (1985)
301** 10 17 99 99 00 A earthquake measured at 6.9-7.1 on the Richter scale hits San Francisco at 5:04 pm killing nearly 300 people and doing billions of dollars in damage. (1989)
302** 10 17 99 99 00 Al Capone, mobster, convicted of income tax evasion (1931)
303** 10 17 99 99 00 Albert Einstein, physicist, arrives in the United States as a refugee from Nazi Germany (1933)
304** 10 17 99 99 00 Columbus sights the isle of San Salvador. (1492)
305** 10 17 99 99 00 Juan Peron, dictator, stages coup and gains control of Argentina (1945)
306** 10 17 99 99 00 Knickerbocker Engine Co. Number 5 organized. (1850)
307** 10 17 99 99 00 Mother Teresa of India was awarded the Nobel peace prize (1979)
308** 10 17 99 99 00 President Carter signed a bill restoring citizenship to Confederate President Jefferson Davis (1978)
309** 10 17 99 99 00 a fuel loading error at the Saint-Laurent reactor in France leads to a partial meltdown (1969)
310** 10 17 99 99 00 first Ann Landers column is printed (1955)
311** 10 18 99 99 00 1st commercial long-distance phone line opens (Chicago - New York) (1892)
312** 10 18 99 99 00 Boston Shoemakers form first American labor organization (1648)
313** 10 18 99 99 00 British Broadcasting Corporation established. (1922)
314** 10 18 99 99 00 The American flag was raised in Puerto Rico shortly before Spain formally gave control to the U.S. (1898)
315** 10 18 99 99 00 The Burma Road is reopened by the Britsh (1940)
316** 10 18 99 99 00 The Mason-Dixon line was established. (1767)
317** 10 18 99 99 00 The last lottery is held in England (1826)
318** 10 18 99 99 00 The raid on Harper's Ferry is led by John Brown (1859)
319** 10 18 99 99 00 U.S. Olympic Committee suspended two black athletes for giving a "black power" salute during a victory ceremony in Mexico City (1968)
320** 10 18 99 99 00 the United States take possession of Alaska. (1869)
321** 10 19 99 99 00 American ships attack two off-shore platforms used by the Iranians to attack shipping in the Persian Gulf (1987)
322** 10 19 99 99 00 General Cornwallis and 7000 of his men surrender at Yorktown (1781)
323** 10 19 99 99 00 Mao Tse-tung establishes the People's Republic of China (1949)
324** 10 19 99 99 00 Napoleon's defeated army begins long retreat from Moscow (1812)
325** 10 19 99 99 00 The League of Nations imposes sanctions against Italy for its invasion of Abyssinia (1935)
326** 10 19 99 99 00 The stock market crashed as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 508 points, its worst one-day decline (1987)
327** 10 20 99 99 00 "Saturday Night Massacre", Watergate Special Prosecutor, Archibald Cox, dismissed by president Nixon. Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Assistant Attorney General Ruckelshaus resign. (1973)
328** 10 20 99 99 00 Battle of Sekigahara, which established the Tokugawa clan as rulers of Japan (SHOGUN) until 1865 (1600)
329** 10 20 99 99 00 Dr Lee DeForest gives a demonstration of his radio tube. (1906)
330** 10 20 99 99 00 OPEC oil embargo begins (1973)
331** 10 20 99 99 00 Spain gives Florida to the United States. (1820)
332** 10 20 99 99 00 The Senate voted to convict U.S. District Judge Alcee Hastings of eight articles of impeachment and remove him from office (1989)
333** 10 20 99 99 00 The reading room of the British Museum was first lighted with electricity (1879)
334** 10 21 99 99 00 Battle of Trefalgar, where Nelson established British naval supremacy for the next century (1805)
335** 10 21 99 99 00 Edison makes the first practical incandescent lamp (1879)
336** 10 21 99 99 00 Edward Austin Tracy, an American living in Beirut, was kidnapped in Lebanon (1986)
337** 10 21 99 99 00 Guggenheim Museum opens (1959)
338** 10 22 99 99 00 Chester Carlson invents xerography (1938)
339** 10 22 99 99 00 John F Kennedy announces USSR has missile bases in Cuba (1962)
340** 10 22 99 99 00 Princeton is chartered (1746)
341** 10 22 99 99 00 The Great Disappointment. The Millerites, a popular religous sect of the era, predict the second coming will happen on this day and are very disappointed (1844)
342** 10 22 99 99 00 The Surgeon General releases his first report on AIDS (1986)
343** 10 22 99 99 00 US National debt topped $1 TRILLION (nothing to celebrate). (1981)
344** 10 22 99 99 00 the Israeli destroyer Eilat is sunk by Egyptian missiles (1967)
345** 10 23 99 99 00 A suicide truck-bomber crashed into the U.S. compound in Beirut, killing 241 U.S. marines and sailors (1983)
346** 10 23 99 99 00 Battle of Leyte Gulf begins (1944)
347** 10 23 99 99 00 Confederate Sterling Price is defeated in the last Civil War action west of the Mississippi (1864)
348** 10 23 99 99 00 First Parliament of Great Britain meets (1707)
349** 10 23 99 99 00 The battle of Edgehill was fought in English Civil War (1642)
350** 10 23 99 99 00 The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (1946)
351** 10 23 99 99 00 the ill-fated revolt in Communist Hungary starts, later crushed by Soviet tanks (1956)
352** 10 24 99 99 00 Cuban blockade of Russian shipping begins (1962)
353** 10 24 99 99 00 The 40-hour workweek went into effect under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (1940)
354** 10 24 99 99 00 To repay a loan on her Texas Ranch, Mrs Anna Taylor goes over Niagara Falls in a barrel and is the first person to survive the attempt (1901)
355** 10 24 99 99 00 end of Thirty Years War (1648)
356** 10 24 99 99 00 fictitious person John Doe officially put to death to end the use of the name to hide the names of real or imagined witnesses in English courts (1852)
357** 10 25 99 99 00 Adlai Stevenson presents photographic evidence of Russian missile bases in Cuba (1962)
358** 10 25 99 99 00 Battle of Agincourt, where the Welsh longbow defeats the armored knight (1415)
359** 10 25 99 99 00 Charge of the Light Brigade took place in the Battle of Balaklava in the Crimean War (1854)
360** 10 25 99 99 00 Erie Canal opens for business in New York. (1825)
361** 10 25 99 99 00 The UN removes Taiwan and admits the People's Republic of China (1971)
362** 10 25 99 99 00 U.S. Marines and Rangers invaded Grenada. (1983)
363** 10 26 99 99 00 An investor who suffered heavy stock market losses shot and killed a Miami brokerage manager, wounded another then committed suicide (1987)
364** 10 26 99 99 00 Erie Canal opens (1825)
365** 10 26 99 99 00 International Atomic Energy Agency established. (1956)
366** 10 26 99 99 00 Shootout at the OK corral, in Tombstone, Arizona. (1881)
367** 10 26 99 99 00 Telegraph service inaugurated in US (end of Pony Express). (1861)
368** 10 26 99 99 00 The first appearance of Asiatic Cholera in England, at Sutherland (1831)
369** 10 26 99 99 00 UN's World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated (1978)
370** 10 26 99 99 00 United Nations Charter goes into effect. (1945)
371** 10 27 99 99 00 Captain James Cook, discovered the Sandwich Islands. (1728)
372** 10 27 99 99 00 Du Pont announces that it has coined the term Nylon (1938)
373** 10 27 99 99 00 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minsiter Menachem Begin were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. (1978)
374** 10 27 99 99 00 New York City's Boss Tweed arrested on fraud charges (1871)
375** 10 27 99 99 00 New York opens 1st section of it's subway system. (1904)
376** 10 27 99 99 00 RH Macy & Co. opens 1st store, on 6th Avenue, New York City. (1858)
377** 10 28 99 99 00 Columbus discovers Cuba (1492)
378** 10 28 99 99 00 Constantine's army defeats forces of Maxentius at Mulvian Bridge (312)
379** 10 28 99 99 00 Eli Whitney gets a patent for the Cotton Gin.
380** 10 28 99 99 00 German rocket engineers begin work in USSR (1946)
381** 10 28 99 99 00 Harvard University was founded in Massachusetts (1636)
382** 10 28 99 99 00 St. Louis Police try a new investigation method - fingerprints. (1904)
383** 10 28 99 99 00 Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island (1886)
384** 10 28 99 99 00 Volstead Act passed by Congress, starting Prohibition. (1919)
385** 10 28 99 99 00 the Gateway Arch (630 feet high) completed in St. Louis, Missouri. (1965)
386** 10 29 99 99 00 "Black Tuesday", the Stock Market crash. (1929)
387** 10 29 99 99 00 1st College Fraternity founded. (1833)
388** 10 29 99 99 00 International Committee of the Red Cross founded. (1863)
389** 10 29 99 99 00 Reform riots in Bristol (1831)
390** 10 29 99 99 00 Turkey is proclaimed to have a republican government. (1923)
391** 10 30 99 99 00 Helena, capital of Montana, founded. (1864)
392** 10 30 99 99 00 The U.S. government announced the end of shoe rationing. (1945)
393** 10 30 99 99 00 U.S. Navy born, authorized by the Second Continental Congress (1775)
394** 10 31 99 99 00 Brooklyn, NY ends streetcar service. (1956)
395** 10 31 99 99 00 Luther nails 95 Theses to door of Castle Church, Wittenberg (1517)
396** 10 31 99 99 00 Nevada becomes the 36th state (1864)
397** 10 31 99 99 00 President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered a halt to U.S. bombing of North Vietnam, hoping his action would lead to peace talks (1968)
398** 10 31 99 99 00 The French and English channel tunnel teams meet by using a 2 inch probe. The tunnels are off by only 20 inches. (1990)