1<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
2      xmlns:e="http://projectmallard.org/experimental/"
3      xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
4      type="guide"
5      id="mancreate">
7  <info>
8    <link type="guide" xref="index#advanced"/>
9    <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="0.1" date="2010-05-04" status="incomplete"/>
10    <revision pkgversion="3.0.1" version="0.1" date="2011-06-20" status="incomplete"/>
11    <desc>
12      Create your templates manually.
13    </desc>
14    <credit type="author">
15      <name>Jim Evins</name>
16      <email>evins@snaught.com</email>
17    </credit>
18    <credit type="author">
19      <name>Mario Blättermann</name>
20      <email>mario.blaettermann@gmail.com</email>
21    </credit>
22    <license>
23      <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
24    </license>
25  </info>
27  <title>Manually creating new templates</title>
31  <!-- ****************** -->
32  <!-- BEGIN Introduction -->
33  <!-- ****************** -->
34  <p>This page is a reference guide to manually creating <app>gLabels</app> templates.
35  <app>gLabels</app> templates are defined in simple XML files as described in the DTD:
36  <link href="http://glabels.org/xmlns/2.3/glabels-2.3.dtd.txt">glabels-2.3.dtd</link>
37  (this DTD also describes other XML files used by <app>gLabels</app>).</p>
39  <p>Manually created template files should be placed in the <file>${HOME}/.glabels</file>
40  and be named with a <file>.template</file> extension.</p>
42  <note style="advanced">
43    <p><app>gLabels</app> searches for templates in several other locations as defined here:</p>
44    <table frame="all" rules="rows">
45      <tr>
46        <td><p>Location</p></td>
47        <td><p>Description</p></td>
48      </tr>
49      <tr>
50        <td><p></p></td>
51        <td><p></p></td>
52      </tr>
53      <tr>
54        <td its:translate="no"><p><file>${prefix}/share/libglabels-3.0/templates</file></p></td>
55        <td><p>Predefined templates distributed with <app>gLabels</app>.</p>
56            <p><file>${prefix}</file> is usually <file>/usr</file> or <file>/usr/local</file>,
57            depending on where <app>gLabels</app> was installed.</p></td>
58      </tr>
59      <tr>
60        <td its:translate="no"><p><file>${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/libglabels/templates</file></p></td>
61        <td><p>User defined templates created with the <app>gLabels</app> <gui>Template Designer</gui>.
62            <em>Do not put manually created templates in this directory.</em></p>
63            <p>If <file>${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}</file> is not defined, it defaults to
64            <file>${HOME}/.config</file>.</p></td>
65      </tr>
66      <tr>
67        <td its:translate="no"><p><file>${HOME}/.glabels</file></p></td>
68        <td><p>User defined templates that have been created manually should be placed in this
69            directory.
70            Older versions of the <app>gLabels</app> <gui>Template Designer</gui> (prior to 3.0)
71            would also put templates in this directory.</p></td>
72      </tr>
73    </table>
74  </note>
76  <note><p>Completed template files can be sent to the
77        <app>gLabels</app> template
78        <link href="mailto:glabels-templates@lists.sourceforge.net">mailing list</link>
79        for possible inclusion in future versions of <app>gLabels</app>.</p>
80  </note>
81  <!-- ****************** -->
82  <!-- END Introduction   -->
83  <!-- ****************** -->
86  <!-- ***************** -->
87  <!-- BEGIN Assumptions -->
88  <!-- ***************** -->
89  <section id="template-assumptions">
90    <title>Assumptions/caveats</title>
91    <list>
92      <item>
93        <p>A sheet contains only one size of label or card (if a sheet
94          contains more than one size of item, it can be split into
95           multiple templates for multiple pass printing)</p>
96      </item>
97      <item>
98        <p>Distances can be expressed in units of <code>pt</code>, <code>in</code>,
99	  <code>mm</code>, <code>cm</code>, or <code>pc</code>.  For example:
100          "<code>1.0in</code>" or "<code>2.54cm</code>".  If no
101          units are specified, computer points (<code>pt</code>) will
102          be assumed (1 <em>pt</em> =
103          1/72 <em>in</em> = 0.352778 <em>mm</em>).
104          </p>
105      </item>
106    </list>
107  </section>
108  <!-- ***************** -->
109  <!-- END Assumptions   -->
110  <!-- ***************** -->
114  <!-- ******************** -->
115  <!-- BEGIN Template Files -->
116  <!-- ******************** -->
117  <section id="template-file">
118    <title>Template Files</title>
120    <p>A template file contains a single <code>Glabels-templates</code> top-level
121    node.</p>
123    <code mime="text/xml">
124&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
127   <var>...templates...</var>
131    <listing>
132      <title>Example Template</title>
133      <desc>Example <app>gLabels</app> template file containing a single
134            <code>Template</code> node.</desc>
135      <code mime="text/xml" its:translate="no">
136&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
139  &lt;Template brand="Avery" part="8160" size="US-Letter" description="Mailing Labels"&gt;
140    &lt;Meta category="label"/&gt;
141    &lt;Meta category="mail"/&gt;
142    &lt;Meta product_url="http://www.avery.com/avery/en_us/"/&gt;
143    &lt;Label-rectangle id="0" width="189pt" height="72pt" round="5pt"&gt;
144      &lt;Markup-margin size="5pt"/&gt;
145      &lt;Layout nx="3" ny="10" x0="11.25pt" y0="36pt" dx="200pt" dy="72pt"/&gt;
146    &lt;/Label-rectangle&gt;
147  &lt;/Template&gt;
150    </listing>
152  </section>
153  <!-- ******************** -->
154  <!-- END Template Files   -->
155  <!-- ******************** -->
159  <!-- ******************** -->
160  <!-- BEGIN Template Node  -->
161  <!-- ******************** -->
162  <section id="template-template-node">
163    <title><code>Template</code> Node</title>
165    <p>A <code>Template</code> node describes a single
166      stationery product.  It must contain one instance of any type of Label node
167      (<code>Label-rectangle</code>,
168      <code>Label-round</code>, or
169      <code>Label-cd</code>).</p>
171    <table frame="all" rules="rows">
172      <tr>
173        <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
174      </tr>
175      <tr>
176        <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
177      </tr>
178      <tr>
179        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>brand</code></p></td>
180        <td><p>Brand or manufacturer of stationery product. E.g. "Avery"</p></td>
181      </tr>
182      <tr>
183        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>part</code></p></td>
184        <td><p>Part number or name of stationery product. E.g. "8160"</p></td>
185      </tr>
186      <tr>
187        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>size</code></p></td>
188        <td><p>Size of sheet.
189               E.g., "<code>US-Letter</code>", "<code>A4</code>", ...
190            </p></td>
191      </tr>
192      <tr>
193        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>description</code></p></td>
194        <td><p>Description of stationery product.  E.g, "Mailing Labels."</p></td>
195      </tr>
196      <tr>
197        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>_description</code></p></td>
198        <td><p>Translatable description of stationery product. E.g, "Mailing Labels."
199            (Only useful for predefined templates)</p></td>
200      </tr>
201      <tr>
202        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>width</code></p></td>
203        <td><p>Page width.  Only valid if size="Other"</p></td>
204      </tr>
205      <tr>
206        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>height</code></p></td>
207        <td><p>Page height.  Only valid if size="Other"</p></td>
208      </tr>
209      <tr>
210        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>equiv</code></p></td>
211        <td><p>Equivalent part number.  If this property is present, the template
212            is a clone of another template of the same brand.  The template will
213            inherit all properties, except brand and name from the other template.
214            This equiv property must refer to a previously defined template -
215            <app>gLabels</app> does not currently support forward references.</p></td>
216      </tr>
217    </table>
219  </section>
220  <!-- ******************** -->
221  <!-- END Template Node    -->
222  <!-- ******************** -->
225  <!-- ******************** -->
226  <!-- BEGIN Meta Node      -->
227  <!-- ******************** -->
228  <section id="meta-template-node">
229    <title><code>Meta</code> Node</title>
231    <p>A <code>Meta</code> node contains some additional
232         information about the template. A <code>Template</code>
233         node may contain zero or more <code>Meta</code> nodes.</p>
235    <table frame="all" rules="rows">
236      <tr>
237        <td><p>Subnode</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
238      </tr>
239      <tr>
240        <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
241      </tr>
242      <tr>
243        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>category</code></p></td>
244        <td><p>A category for the template.
245            A template can belong to multiple categories by simply adding multiple
246            <code>Meta</code> nodes to the parent
247            <code>Template</code> node.
248            Template categories are used by the <app>gLabels</app> <gui>New Label
249            Dialog</gui> to filter the results of template searches.</p>
251            <p>The value of this category must match a predefined category ID defined in
252            the file <file>${prefix}/libglabels-3.0/templates/categories.xml</file>.
253	      Currently defined category IDs include:</p>
254            <list>
255              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>label</code></p></item>
256              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>round-label</code></p></item>
257              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>elliptical-label</code></p></item>
258              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>square-label</code></p></item>
259              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>rectangle-label</code></p></item>
260              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>card</code></p></item>
261              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>business-card</code></p></item>
262              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>media</code></p></item>
263              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>mail</code></p></item>
264              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>foldable</code></p></item>
265              <item its:translate="no"><p><code>photo</code></p></item>
266            </list>
269        </td>
270      </tr>
271      <tr>
272        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>product_url</code></p></td>
273        <td><p>A URL pointing to the vendor's webpage for the specific product, if available.</p></td>
274      </tr>
275    </table>
277    <note><p>Suggestions for additional categories can be sent to the
278          <app>gLabels</app> developer's
279          <link href="mailto:glabels-devel@lists.sourceforge.net">mailing list</link>.</p>
280          <p>Product URLs may be of limited use, because they may not be permanent.</p>
281    </note>
283  </section>
284  <!-- ******************** -->
285  <!-- END Meta Node        -->
286  <!-- ******************** -->
289  <!-- ************************** -->
290  <!-- BEGIN Label-rectangle Node -->
291  <!-- ************************** -->
292  <section id="template-label-rectangle-node">
293    <title><code>Label-rectangle</code> Node</title>
295    <p>A <code>Label-rectangle</code> node describes the
296      dimensions of a single label or business card that is rectangular
297      in shape (may have rounded edges).</p>
299    <table frame="all" rules="rows">
300      <tr>
301        <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
302      </tr>
303      <tr>
304        <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
305      </tr>
306      <tr>
307        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>id</code></p></td>
308        <td><p>Reserved for future use.  Should always be 0.</p></td>
309      </tr>
310      <tr>
311        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>width</code></p></td>
312        <td><p>Width of label/card</p></td>
313      </tr>
314      <tr>
315        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>height</code></p></td>
316        <td><p>Height of label/card</p></td>
317      </tr>
318      <tr>
319        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>round</code></p></td>
320        <td><p>Radius of corners.  For items with square edges (business cards),
321               the radius should be 0.</p></td>
322      </tr>
323      <tr>
324        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>x_waste</code></p></td>
325        <td><p>Amount of horizontal waste (over-print) to allow.  This is useful
326                      for minimizing alignment problems when using non-white
327                      backgrounds (e.g. images).</p></td>
328      </tr>
329      <tr>
330        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>y_waste</code></p></td>
331        <td><p>Amount of vertical waste (over-print) to allow.  This is useful
332                      for minimizing alignment problems when using non-white
333                      backgrounds (e.g. images).</p></td>
334      </tr>
335    </table>
337    <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
338    <figure>
339      <desc><code>Label-rectangle</code> parameters</desc>
340      <media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/glabels-template-rect-label.png" mime="image/png" style="right">
341        <p><code>Label-rectangle</code> parameters</p>
342      </media>
343    </figure>
344    <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
346  </section>
347  <!-- ************************** -->
348  <!-- END Label-rectangle Node   -->
349  <!-- ************************** -->
352  <!-- ************************ -->
353  <!-- BEGIN Label-ellipse Node -->
354  <!-- ************************ -->
355  <section id="template-label-ellipse-node">
356    <title><code>Label-ellipse</code> Node</title>
358    <p>A <code>Label-ellipse</code> node describes the
359      dimensions of a single label or business card that is elliptic
360      in shape.</p>
362    <table frame="all" rules="rows">
363      <tr>
364        <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
365      </tr>
366      <tr>
367        <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
368      </tr>
369      <tr>
370        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>id</code></p></td>
371        <td><p>Reserved for future use.  Should always be 0.</p></td>
372      </tr>
373      <tr>
374        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>width</code></p></td>
375        <td><p>Width of the ellipse</p></td>
376      </tr>
377      <tr>
378        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>height</code></p></td>
379        <td><p>Height of the ellipse</p></td>
380      </tr>
381      <tr>
382        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>waste</code></p></td>
383        <td><p>Amount of waste (over-print) to allow.  This is useful
384            for minimizing alignment problems when using non-white
385            backgrounds (e.g. images).</p></td>
386      </tr>
387    </table>
389    <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
390    <figure>
391      <desc><span>Label-ellipse</span> parameters</desc>
392      <media type="image" src="figures/glabels-template-ellipse-label.png" mime="image/png" style="right">
393        <p><code>Label-ellipse</code> parameters</p>
394      </media>
395    </figure>
396    <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
398  </section>
399  <!-- ************************ -->
400  <!-- END Label-ellipse Node   -->
401  <!-- ************************ -->
404  <!-- ********************** -->
405  <!-- BEGIN Label-round Node -->
406  <!-- ********************** -->
407  <section id="template-label-round-node">
408    <title><code>Label-round</code> Node</title>
410    <p>A <code>Label-round</code> node describes the dimensions
411      of a simple round label (not a CD).</p>
413    <table frame="all" rules="rows">
414      <tr>
415        <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
416      </tr>
417      <tr>
418        <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
419      </tr>
420      <tr>
421        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>id</code></p></td>
422        <td><p>Reserved for future use.  Should always be 0.</p></td>
423      </tr>
424      <tr>
425        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>radius</code></p></td>
426        <td><p>Radius (1/2 diameter) of label</p></td>
427      </tr>
428      <tr>
429        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>waste</code></p></td>
430        <td><p>Amount of waste (over-print) to allow.  This is useful
431                for minimizing alignment problems when using non-white
432                backgrounds (e.g. images).</p></td>
433      </tr>
434    </table>
436    <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
437    <figure>
438      <desc><code>Label-ellipse</code> parameters</desc>
439      <media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/glabels-template-circle-label.png" mime="image/png" style="right">
440        <p><code>Label-ellipse</code> parameters</p>
441      </media>
442    </figure>
443    <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
445  </section>
446  <!-- ********************** -->
447  <!-- END Label-round Node   -->
448  <!-- ********************** -->
451  <!-- ******************* -->
452  <!-- BEGIN Label-cd Node -->
453  <!-- ******************* -->
454  <section id="template-label-cd-node">
455    <title><code>Label-cd</code> Node</title>
457    <p>A <code>Label-cd</code> node describes the dimensions
458      of a CD, DVD, or business card CD.</p>
460    <table frame="all" rules="rows">
461      <tr>
462        <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
463      </tr>
464      <tr>
465        <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
466      </tr>
467      <tr>
468        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>id</code></p></td>
469        <td><p>Reserved for future use.  Should always be 0.</p></td>
470      </tr>
471      <tr>
472        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>radius</code></p></td>
473        <td><p>Outer radius of label</p></td>
474      </tr>
475      <tr>
476        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>hole</code></p></td>
477        <td><p>Radius of concentric hole</p></td>
478      </tr>
479      <tr>
480        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>width</code></p></td>
481        <td><p>If present, the label is clipped to the given width.
482                      (Useful for "business card CDs").</p></td>
483      </tr>
484      <tr>
485        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>height</code></p></td>
486        <td><p>If present, the label is clipped to the given height.
487                      (Useful for "business card CDs").</p></td>
488      </tr>
489      <tr>
490        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>waste</code></p></td>
491        <td><p>Amount of waste (over-print) to allow.  This is useful
492                      for minimizing alignment problems when using non-white
493                      backgrounds (e.g. images).</p></td>
494      </tr>
495    </table>
497    <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
498    <figure>
499      <desc><code>Label-cd</code> parameters</desc>
500      <media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/glabels-template-cd-label.png" mime="image/png" style="right">
501        <p>CD label parameters</p>
502      </media>
503    </figure>
504    <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
506  </section>
507  <!-- ******************* -->
508  <!-- END Label-cd Node   -->
509  <!-- ******************* -->
512  <!-- ***************** -->
513  <!-- BEGIN Markup Node -->
514  <!-- ***************** -->
515  <section id="template-markup">
516    <title><code>Markup</code> Nodes</title>
518    <p>Templates may contain optional markup nodes.  These nodes are used to describe
519    a simple set of markup lines that are visible in the <app>glabels</app> drawing canvas, but
520    not visible when printed.  These lines can represent margins, fold lines, center lines,
521    special areas, or other helpful hints to the user of a template.</p>
524    <!-- ======================== -->
525    <!-- BEGIN Markup-margin Node -->
526    <!-- ======================== -->
527    <section id="template-markup-margin-node">
528      <title><code>Markup-margin</code> Node</title>
530      <p>A <code>Markup-margin</code> describes a margin along
531      all edges of a label.</p>
533      <table frame="all" rules="rows">
534        <tr>
535          <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
536        </tr>
537        <tr>
538          <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
539        </tr>
540        <tr>
541          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>size</code></p></td>
542          <td><p>Size of the margin.  I.e. the distance of the margin
543                        line from the edge of the card/label.</p></td>
544        </tr>
545      </table>
546    </section>
547    <!-- ======================== -->
548    <!-- END Markup-margin Node   -->
549    <!-- ======================== -->
552    <!-- ====================== -->
553    <!-- BEGIN Markup-line Node -->
554    <!-- ====================== -->
555    <section id="template-markup-line-node">
556      <title><code>Markup-line</code> Node</title>
558      <p>A <code>Markup-line</code> node describes a markup line.</p>
560      <table frame="all" rules="rows">
561        <tr>
562          <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
563        </tr>
564        <tr>
565          <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
566        </tr>
567        <tr>
568          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>x1</code></p></td>
569          <td><p>x coordinate of 1st endpoint of the line segment.</p></td>
570        </tr>
571        <tr>
572          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>y1</code></p></td>
573          <td><p>y coordinate of 1st endpoint of the line segment.</p></td>
574        </tr>
575        <tr>
576          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>x2</code></p></td>
577          <td><p>x coordinate of 2nd endpoint of the line segment.</p></td>
578        </tr>
579        <tr>
580          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>y2</code></p></td>
581          <td><p>y coordinate of 2nd endpoint of the line segment.</p></td>
582        </tr>
583      </table>
584    </section>
585    <!-- ====================== -->
586    <!-- END Markup-line Node   -->
587    <!-- ====================== -->
590    <!-- ======================== -->
591    <!-- BEGIN Markup-circle Node -->
592    <!-- ======================== -->
593    <section id="template-markup-circle-node">
594      <title><code>Markup-circle</code> Node</title>
596      <p>A <code>Markup-circle</code> describes a markup circle.</p>
598      <table frame="all" rules="rows">
599        <tr>
600          <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
601        </tr>
602        <tr>
603          <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
604        </tr>
605        <tr>
606          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>x0</code></p></td>
607          <td><p>x coordinate of circle origin (center).</p></td>
608        </tr>
609        <tr>
610          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>y0</code></p></td>
611          <td><p>y coordinate of circle origin (center).</p></td>
612        </tr>
613        <tr>
614          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>radius</code></p></td>
615          <td><p>Radius of circle.</p></td>
616        </tr>
617      </table>
618    </section>
619    <!-- ======================== -->
620    <!-- END Markup-circle Node   -->
621    <!-- ======================== -->
624    <!-- ====================== -->
625    <!-- BEGIN Markup-rect Node -->
626    <!-- ====================== -->
627    <section id="template-markup-rect-node">
628      <title><code>Markup-rect</code> Node</title>
630      <p>A <code>Markup-rect</code> describes a markup rectangle.</p>
632      <table frame="all" rules="rows">
633        <tr>
634          <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
635        </tr>
636        <tr>
637          <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
638        </tr>
639        <tr>
640          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>x1</code></p></td>
641          <td><p>x coordinate of upper left corner of rectangle.</p></td>
642        </tr>
643        <tr>
644          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>y1</code></p></td>
645          <td><p>y coordinate of upper left corner of rectangle.</p></td>
646        </tr>
647        <tr>
648          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>w</code></p></td>
649          <td><p>Width of rectangle.</p></td>
650        </tr>
651        <tr>
652          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>h</code></p></td>
653          <td><p>Height of rectangle.</p></td>
654        </tr>
655        <tr>
656          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>r</code></p></td>
657          <td><p>Radius of rounded corners of rectangle.</p></td>
658        </tr>
659      </table>
660    </section>
661    <!-- ====================== -->
662    <!-- END Markup-rect Node   -->
663    <!-- ====================== -->
666    <!-- ========================= -->
667    <!-- BEGIN Markup-ellipse Node -->
668    <!-- ========================= -->
669    <section id="template-markup-ellipse-node">
670      <title><code>Markup-ellipse</code> Node</title>
672      <p>A <code>Markup-ellipse</code> describes a markup ellipse.</p>
674      <table frame="all" rules="rows">
675        <tr>
676          <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
677        </tr>
678        <tr>
679          <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
680        </tr>
681        <tr>
682          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>x1</code></p></td>
683          <td><p>x coordinate of upper left corner of ellipse.</p></td>
684        </tr>
685        <tr>
686          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>y1</code></p></td>
687          <td><p>y coordinate of upper left corner of ellipse.</p></td>
688        </tr>
689        <tr>
690          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>w</code></p></td>
691          <td><p>Width of ellipse.</p></td>
692        </tr>
693        <tr>
694          <td its:translate="no"><p><code>h</code></p></td>
695          <td><p>Height of ellipse.</p></td>
696        </tr>
697      </table>
698    </section>
699    <!-- ========================= -->
700    <!-- END Markup-ellipse Node   -->
701    <!-- ========================= -->
703  </section>
704  <!-- ***************** -->
705  <!-- END Markup Node   -->
706  <!-- ***************** -->
709  <!-- ***************** -->
710  <!-- BEGIN Layout Node -->
711  <!-- ***************** -->
712  <section id="template-layout-node">
713    <title><code>Layout</code> Node</title>
715    <p>A label node may contain multiple <code>Layout</code>
716      children.  If labels are arranged in a simple grid pattern, only
717      one layout is needed.  However, if labels are arranged in multiple
718      grids, such as a running bond pattern, multiple
719      <code>Layout</code> tags can be used.</p>
720    <p>A common example for multiple layouts is a sheet with three
721       CD labels:</p>
723    <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
724    <figure>
725      <desc>CD label sheet</desc>
726      <media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/layouts-cdlabel.png" mime="image/png" style="right">
727        <p>CD label sheet</p>
728      </media>
729    </figure>
730    <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
732    <p>The two labels on the left edge can be assigned to a grid, assuming we
733       can define the coordinates for the top left label and the distance to
734       the second label properly. The distance to the left edge is common to
735       these labels. The third one on the right edge has no common distance
736       values with the other ones, that's why we have to define a second layout,
737       with unique coordinates for the top left corner of that label.</p>
739	<note style="tip">
740	<p>You can define multiple layouts only if the labels on the sheet
741        have the same shape. If your sheet contains different shapes, you have
742        to define each shape in another template separately. Future versions
743        of <app>gLabels</app> will probably be able to concatenate such sheets
744        with different shapes within a single template.</p>
745      </note>
747	<note style="tip">
748	<p>A single label can always be treated as a grid of one.</p>
749      </note>
751    <table frame="all" rules="rows">
752      <tr>
753        <td><p>Property</p></td>  <td><p>Description</p></td>
754      </tr>
755      <tr>
756        <td><p></p></td>  <td><p></p></td>
757      </tr>
758      <tr>
759        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>nx</code></p></td>
760        <td><p>Number of labels/cards across in the grid (horizontal)</p></td>
761      </tr>
762      <tr>
763        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>ny</code></p></td>
764        <td><p>Number of labels/cards across in the grid (vertical)</p></td>
765      </tr>
766      <tr>
767        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>x0</code></p></td>
768        <td><p>Distance from left edge of sheet to the left edge of
769            the left column of cards/labels in the layout.</p></td>
770      </tr>
771      <tr>
772        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>y0</code></p></td>
773        <td><p>Distance from the top edge of sheet to the top edge of
774             the top row of labels/cards in the layout.</p></td>
775      </tr>
776      <tr>
777        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>dx</code></p></td>
778        <td><p>Horizontal pitch of grid.</p></td>
779      </tr>
780      <tr>
781        <td its:translate="no"><p><code>dy</code></p></td>
782        <td><p>Vertical pitch of grid.</p></td>
783      </tr>
784    </table>
786    <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
787    <figure>
788      <desc><code>Layout</code> parameters</desc>
789      <media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/glabels-template-layout.png" mime="image/png" style="right">
790        <p><span>Layout</span> Parameters</p>
791      </media>
792    </figure>
793    <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
795  </section>
796  <!-- ***************** -->
797  <!-- END Layout Node   -->
798  <!-- ***************** -->