1 //===========================================
2 //  Lumina-DE source code
3 //  Copyright (c) 2015, Ken Moore
4 //  Available under the 3-clause BSD license
5 //  See the LICENSE file for full details
6 //===========================================
7 #include "TerminalWidget.h"
9 #include <QProcessEnvironment>
10 #include <QDebug>
11 #include <QApplication>
12 #include <QScrollBar>
13 #include <QTextBlock>
15 #include <LuminaXDG.h>
17 #define DEBUG 0
19 //Special control code ending symbols (aside from letters)
TerminalWidget(QWidget * parent,QString dir)21 TerminalWidget::TerminalWidget(QWidget *parent, QString dir) : QTextEdit(parent){
22   //Setup the text widget
23   closing = false;
24   QPalette P = this->palette();
25     P.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::black);
26     P.setColor(QPalette::Text, Qt::white);
27   this->setPalette(P);
28   this->setLineWrapMode(QTextEdit::WidgetWidth);
29   this->setAcceptRichText(false);
30   this->setOverwriteMode(true);
31   this->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
32   this->setTabStopWidth( 8 * this->fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance(" ") ); //8 character spaces per tab (UNIX standard)
33   this->setTabChangesFocus(false);
34   //this->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap);
35   this->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
36   resizeTimer = new QTimer(this);
37     resizeTimer->setInterval(20);
38     resizeTimer->setSingleShot(true);
39     connect(resizeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateTermSize()) );
40   DEFFMT = this->textCursor().charFormat(); //save the default structure for later
41   DEFFMT.setForeground(Qt::white);
42   CFMT = DEFFMT; //current format
43   selCursor = this->textCursor(); //used for keeping track of selections
44   lastCursor = this->textCursor();
45   startrow = endrow = -1;
46   altkeypad = false;
47   QFontDatabase FDB;
48   QStringList fonts = FDB.families(QFontDatabase::Latin);
49   for(int i=0; i<fonts.length(); i++){
50     if(FDB.isFixedPitch(fonts[i]) && FDB.isSmoothlyScalable(fonts[i]) ){ this->setFont(QFont(fonts[i])); qDebug() << "Using Font:" << fonts[i]; break; }
51     //if(FDB.isSmoothlyScalable(fonts[i]) ){ this->setFont(QFont(fonts[i])); qDebug() << "Using Font:" << fonts[i]; break; }
52   }
53   //Create/open the TTY port
54   PROC = new TTYProcess(this);
55   //qDebug() << "Open new TTY";
56   //int fd;
57   bool ok = PROC->startTTY( QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("SHELL","/bin/sh"), QStringList(), dir);
58   //qDebug() << " - opened:" << ok;
59   this->setEnabled(false);
60   contextMenu = new QMenu(this);
61     copyA = contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-copy"), tr("Copy Selection"), this, SLOT(copySelection()) );
62     pasteA = contextMenu->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("edit-paste"), tr("Paste"), this, SLOT(pasteSelection()) );
63   //Connect the signals/slots
64   connect(PROC, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(UpdateText()) );
65   connect(PROC, SIGNAL(processClosed()), this, SLOT(ShellClosed()) );
67 }
~TerminalWidget()69 TerminalWidget::~TerminalWidget(){
70   aboutToClose();
71 }
setTerminalFont(QFont font)73 void TerminalWidget::setTerminalFont(QFont font){
75   this->setFont(font);
76 }
aboutToClose()78 void TerminalWidget::aboutToClose(){
79   closing = true;
80   if(PROC->isOpen()){ PROC->closeTTY(); } //TTY PORT
82 }
84 // ==================
85 //          PRIVATE
86 // ==================
InsertText(QString txt)87 void TerminalWidget::InsertText(QString txt){
88   if(txt.isEmpty()){ return; }
89   //qDebug() << "Insert Text:" << txt << "Cursor Pos:" << this->textCursor().position() << "Column:" << this->textCursor().columnNumber();
90  QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
91     cur.setCharFormat(CFMT);
92   this->setTextCursor(cur); //ensure the current cursor has the proper format
93   this->insertPlainText(txt);
94   /*cur.setPosition( this->textCursor().position(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
95   //cur.setCharFormat(CFMT);
96   //Now make sure the new characters are the right color
97   QList<QTextEdit::ExtraSelection> sels = this->extraSelections();
98   QTextEdit::ExtraSelection sel;
99   sel.format = CFMT;
100   sel.cursor = cur;
101   sels << sel;
102   this->setExtraSelections(sels);*/
103   if(DEBUG){
104     qDebug() << "Insert Text:"<< txt << "Font Color:" << CFMT.foreground() << "Background Color:" << CFMT.background() << "Font Weight:" << CFMT.fontWeight();
105   }
106 }
applyData(QByteArray data)108 void TerminalWidget::applyData(QByteArray data){
109   this->setEnabled(true);
110   if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Got Data: " << data; }
111   //Make sure the current cursor is the right cursor
112   if(this->textCursor()==selCursor){ this->setTextCursor(lastCursor); }
113   //Iterate through the data and apply it when possible
114   QByteArray chars;
115   //qDebug() << "Data:" << data;
116   for(int i=0; i<data.size(); i++){
117     if( data.at(i)=='\b' ){
118       //Backspace
119       if(!chars.isEmpty()){ chars.chop(1); }
120       else{
121         QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
122 	  cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1);
123 	  cur.removeSelectedText();
124         this->setTextCursor(cur);
125       }
127     //}else if( data.at(i)=='\t' ){
128        //chars.append("  ");
129     }else if( data.at(i)=='\x1B' ){
130       //Flush current text buffer to widget
131       if(!chars.isEmpty()){ InsertText(chars); chars.clear(); }
132       //ANSI Control Code start
133       //Look for the end of the code
134       int end = -1;
135       for(int j=1; j<(data.size()-i) && end<0; j++){
136         if(QChar(data.at(i+j)).isLetter() || (QChar(data.at(i+j)).isSymbol() && data.at(i+j)!=';') ){ end = j; }
137 	else if(data.at(i+j)=='\x1B'){ end = j-1; } //start of the next control code
138       }
139       if(end<0){ return; } //skip everything else - no end to code found
140       applyANSI(data.mid(i+1, end));
141       //qDebug() << "Code:" << data.mid(i+1, end) << "Next Char:" << data[i+end+2];
142       i+=end; //move the final loop along - already handled these bytes
144     }else if( data.at(i) == '\r' ){
145 	//Move cursor to end of line
146       //qDebug() << "Got a return char";
147       QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
148 	cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfLine, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1);
149 	cur.removeSelectedText();
150       this->setTextCursor(cur);
151     }else{
152       chars.append(data.at(i)); //Add the character to the buffer
153     }
154   } //end loop over data
155   if(!chars.isEmpty()){ InsertText(chars); }
156 }
applyANSI(QByteArray code)158 void TerminalWidget::applyANSI(QByteArray code){
159   //Note: the first byte is often the "[" character
160   //qDebug() << "Handle ANSI:" << code;
161   if(code.length()==1){
162     //KEYPAD MODES
163     if(code.at(0)=='='){ altkeypad = true; }
164     else if(code.at(0)=='>'){ altkeypad = false; }
165     else if(code.at(0)=='H'){ InsertText("\t"); }
166     else{
167       qDebug() << "Unhandled ANSI Code:" << code;
168     }
170   }else if(code.startsWith("[") && code.contains("@")){
171     code = code.remove(0, code.indexOf("@")+1);
172     InsertText(code); //insert character (cursor position already accounted for with other systems)
173   }else if(code.startsWith("[")){
174     // VT100 ESCAPE CODES
176   if( code.endsWith("A") ){ //Move Up
177     int num = 1;
178     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
179     QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
180     qDebug() << "Move Cursor Up:" << num;
181     cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Up, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, num);
182     this->setTextCursor(cur);
183   }else if(code.endsWith("B")){ //Move Down
184     int num = 1;
185     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
186     QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
187     qDebug() << "Move Cursor Down:" << num;
188     for(int i=1; i<num; i++){
189         if(!cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1)){
190           //Need to add a new line(row) to the editor
191           this->document()->setPlainText(this->document()->toPlainText()+"\n");
192           cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); //now move the cursor down to the new line
193         }
194       }
195     //cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, num);
196     this->setTextCursor(cur);
197   }else if(code.endsWith("C")){ //Move Forward
198     int num = 1;
199     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
200     QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
201     qDebug() << "Move Cursor Forward:" << num;
202     for(int i=1; i<num; i++){
203         if(!cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1)){
204           //Need to add a new line(row) to the editor
205           this->document()->setPlainText(this->document()->toPlainText()+" ");
206           cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); //now move the cursor down to the new line
207         }
208       }
209     //cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, num);
210     this->setTextCursor(cur);
211   }else if(code.endsWith("D")){ //Move Back
212     int num = 1;
213     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
214     QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
215     qDebug() << "Move Cursor Back:" << num;
216     cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, num);
217     this->setTextCursor(cur);
218   }else if(code.endsWith("E")){ //Move Next/down Lines (go toward end)
219     int num = 1;
220     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
221     QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
222     qDebug() << "Move Cursor NextRow:" << num;
223     cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextRow, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, num);
224     this->setTextCursor(cur);
225   }else if(code.endsWith("F")){ //Move Previous/up Lines (go to beginning)
226     int num = 1;
227     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
228     QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
229     qDebug() << "Move Cursor PrevRow:" << num;
230     cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousRow, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, num);
231     this->setTextCursor(cur);
232   }else if(code.endsWith("G")){ //Move to specific column
233     int num = 1;
234     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
235     QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
236     qDebug() << "Move Cursor To Column:" << num;
237     cur.setPosition(num);
238     this->setTextCursor(cur);
239   }else if(code.endsWith("H") || code.endsWith("f") ){ //Move to specific position (row/column)
240     int mid = code.indexOf(";");
241     if(mid>1){
242       int numR, numC; numR = numC = 1;
243       if(mid >=2){ numR = code.mid(1,mid-1).toInt(); }
244       if(mid < code.size()-1){ numC = code.mid(mid+1,code.size()-mid-2).toInt(); }
245       //qDebug() << "NumR:" << numR << startrow << endrow << this->document()->lineCount() -1;
246       //qDebug() << "NumC:" << numC;
247       if(startrow>=0 && endrow>=0){
248 	if(numR == startrow){ numR = 0;}
249 	else if(numR==endrow){ numR = this->document()->lineCount()-1; }
250       }
251       //qDebug() << "Set Text Position (absolute):" << "Code:" << code << "Row:" << numR << "Col:" << numC;
252       //qDebug() << " - Current Pos:" << this->textCursor().position() << "Line Count:" << this->document()->lineCount();
253       //if(!this->textCursor().movePosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor,1) ){ qDebug() << "Could not go to start"; }
254       QTextCursor cur(this->textCursor());
255       cur.setPosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); //go to start of document
256        //qDebug() << " - Pos After Start Move:" << cur.position();
257       for(int i=1; i<numR; i++){
258         if(!cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1)){
259           //Need to add a new line(row) to the editor
260           this->document()->setPlainText(this->document()->toPlainText()+"\n");
261           cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); //now move the cursor down to the new line
262         }
263       }
264       //if( !cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, numR) ){ qDebug() << "Could not go to row:" << numR; }
265        //qDebug() << " - Pos After Down Move:" << cur.position();
266       for(int i=1; i<numC; i++){
267         if(!cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1)){
268           //Need to add a new line(row) to the editor
269           this->document()->setPlainText(this->document()->toPlainText()+" ");
270           cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); //now move the cursor down to the new line
271         }
272       }
273       //if( !cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, numC) ){ qDebug() << "Could not go to col:" << numC; }
274       /*this->textCursor().setPosition( this->document()->findBlockByLineNumber(numR).position() );
275       qDebug() << " - Pos After Row Move:" << this->textCursor().position();
276       if( !this->textCursor().movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, numC) ){ qDebug() << "Could not go to col:" << numC; }*/
277       //qDebug() << " - Ending Pos:" << cur.position();
278       this->setTextCursor(cur);
279     }else{
280       //Go to home position
281       this->moveCursor(QTextCursor::Start);
282     }
285   }else if(code.endsWith("r")){ //Tag top/bottom lines as perticular numbers
286     int mid = code.indexOf(";");
287     qDebug() << "New Row Codes:" << code << "midpoint:" << mid;
288     if(mid>1){
289       if(mid >=2){ startrow = code.mid(1,mid-1).toInt(); }
290       if(mid < code.size()-1){ endrow = code.mid(mid+1,code.size()-mid-2).toInt(); }
291     }
292     qDebug() << "New Row Codes:" << startrow << endrow;
294   }else if(code.endsWith("J")){ //ED - Erase Display
295     int num = 0;
296     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
297     //qDebug() << "Erase Display:" << num;
298     if(num==1){
299       //Clear from cursor to beginning of screen
300       QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
301 	cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1);
302 	cur.removeSelectedText();
303       this->setTextCursor(cur);
304     }else if(num==2){
305       //Clear the whole screen
306       qDebug() << "Clear Screen:" << this->document()->lineCount();
307       this->clear();
308     }else{
309       //Clear from cursor to end of screen
310       QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
311 	cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1);
312 	cur.removeSelectedText();
313       this->setTextCursor(cur);
314     }
315   }else if(code.endsWith("K")){ //EL - Erase in Line
316     int num = 0;
317     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
318     //qDebug() << "Erase Number" << num;
319     //Now determine what should be cleared based on code
320     if(num==1){
321       //Clear from current cursor to beginning of line
322       QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
323 	cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfLine, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1);
324 	cur.removeSelectedText();
325       this->setTextCursor(cur);
326     }else if(num==2){
327       //Clear the entire line
328       QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
329 	cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfLine, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1);
330 	cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfLine, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1);
331       cur.removeSelectedText();
332       this->setTextCursor(cur);
333     }else{
334       //Clear from current cursor to end of line
335       QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
336 	cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfLine, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1);
337 	cur.removeSelectedText();
338       this->setTextCursor(cur);
339     }
340   }else if(code.endsWith("g")){
341     //Tab Clear codes (0 or 3 only)
342     int num = 0;
343     if(code.size()>2){ num = code.mid(1, code.size()-2).toInt(); } //everything in the middle
344     if(num==0){ //clear current column (delete key analogue)
345       QTextCursor cur = this->textCursor();
346 	cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::Right, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1);
347 	cur.removeSelectedText();
348       this->setTextCursor(cur);
349     }else if(num==3){ //clear all
350       this->clear();
351     }
353   //}else if(code.endsWith("S")){ // SU - Scroll Up
354     //qDebug() << "Scroll Up:" << code;
355   //}else if(code.endsWith("T")){ // SD - Scroll Down
356     //qDebug() << "Scroll Down:" << code;
359   }else if(code.endsWith("m")){
360     //Format: "[<number>;<number>m" (no limit to sections separated by ";")
361     //qDebug() << "Got Graphics Code:" << code;
362     code.chop(1); //chop the "m" off the end
363     int start = 1;
364     int end = code.indexOf(";");
365     while(end>start){
366       //qDebug() << "Color Code:" << code << start << end << code.mid(start, end-start);
367       applyANSIColor(code.mid(start, end-start).toInt());
368       //Now update the iterators and try again
369       start = end;
370       end = code.indexOf(";",start); //go to the next one
371       //qDebug() << "Next end:" << end;
372     }
373     //Need the last section as well
374     end = code.size();
375     if(start>1){ start ++; }
376     //qDebug() << "Color Code:" << code << start << end << code.mid(start, end-start);
377     if(end>start){ applyANSIColor(code.mid(start, end-start).toInt());}
378     else{ applyANSIColor(0); }
382   //}else if(code.endsWith("h")){
384   //}else if(code.endsWith("l")){
386   }else{
387     qDebug() << "Unhandled Control Code:" << code;
388   }
390   } //End VT100 control codes
391   else{
392     qDebug() << "Unhandled Control Code:" << code;
393   }
394 }
applyANSIColor(int code)396 void TerminalWidget::applyANSIColor(int code){
397   //qDebug() << "Apply Color code:" << code;
398   if(code <=0){ CFMT = DEFFMT; } //Reset back to default
399   else if(code==1){  CFMT.setFontWeight(75); } //BOLD font
400   else if(code==2){ CFMT.setFontWeight(25); } //Faint font (smaller than normal by a bit)
401   else if(code==3){ CFMT.setFontWeight(75); } //Italic font
402   else if(code==4){ CFMT.setFontUnderline(true); } //Underline
403   //5-6: Blink text (unsupported)
404   //7: Reverse foreground/background (unsupported)
405   //8: Conceal (unsupported)
406   else if(code==9){ CFMT.setFontStrikeOut(true); } //Crossed out
407   //10-19: Change font family (unsupported)
408   //20: Fraktur Font (unsupported)
409   //21: Bold:off or Underline:Double (unsupported)
410   else if(code==22){ CFMT.setFontWeight(50); } //Normal weight
411   //23: Reset font (unsupported)
412   else if(code==24){ CFMT.setFontUnderline(false); } //disable underline
413   //25: Disable blinking (unsupported)
414   //26: Reserved
415   //27: Reset reversal (7) (unsupported)
416   //28: Reveal (cancel 8) (unsupported)
417   else if(code==29){ CFMT.setFontStrikeOut(false); } //Not Crossed out
418   else if(code>=30 && code<=39){
419     //Set the font color
420    QColor color;
421     if(code==30){color=QColor(Qt::black); }
422     else if(code==31){ color=QColor(Qt::red); }
423     else if(code==32){ color=QColor(Qt::green); }
424     else if(code==33){ color=QColor(Qt::yellow); }
425     else if(code==34){ color=QColor(Qt::blue); }
426     else if(code==35){ color=QColor(Qt::magenta); }
427     else if(code==36){ color=QColor(Qt::cyan); }
428     else if(code==37){ color=QColor(Qt::white); }
429     //48: Special extended color setting (unsupported)
430     else if(code==39){ color= DEFFMT.foreground().color(); } //reset to default color
431     QBrush brush = CFMT.foreground();
432     color.setAlpha(255); //fully opaque
433     brush.setColor(color);
434     CFMT.setForeground( brush );
435     //this->setTextColor(color); //just in case the format is not used
436   }
437   else if(code>=40 && code<=49){
438     //Set the font color
439    QColor color;
440     if(code==40){color=QColor(Qt::black); }
441     else if(code==41){ color=QColor(Qt::red); }
442     else if(code==42){ color=QColor(Qt::green); }
443     else if(code==43){ color=QColor(Qt::yellow); }
444     else if(code==44){ color=QColor(Qt::blue); }
445     else if(code==45){ color=QColor(Qt::magenta); }
446     else if(code==46){ color=QColor(Qt::cyan); }
447     else if(code==47){ color=QColor(Qt::white); }
448     //48: Special extended color setting (unsupported)
449     else if(code==49){ color= DEFFMT.background().color(); } //reset to default color
450     QBrush brush = CFMT.background();
451     color.setAlpha(255); //fully opaque
452     brush.setColor(color);
453     CFMT.setBackground( brush );
454   }
455   //50: Reserved
456   //51: Framed
457   //52: Encircled
458   else if(code==53){ CFMT.setFontOverline(true); } //enable overline
459   //54: Not framed/circled (51/52)
460   else if(code==55){ CFMT.setFontOverline(false); } //disable overline
461   //56-59: Reserved
462   //60+: Not generally supported (special code for particular terminals such as aixterm)
463   else{ qDebug() << "Unknown Color Code:" << code; }
464 }
466 //Outgoing Data parsing
sendKeyPress(int key)467 void TerminalWidget::sendKeyPress(int key){
468   QByteArray ba;
469   //if(this->textCursor()==selCursor){ this->setTextCursor(lastCursor); }
470   //int fromEnd = this->document()->characterCount() - this->textCursor().position();
471   //Check for special keys
472   switch(key){
473     case Qt::Key_Delete:
474 	ba.append("\e[3~");
475         break;
476     case Qt::Key_Backspace:
477 	ba.append("\x08");
478         break;
479     case Qt::Key_Left:
480 	if(altkeypad){ ba.append("^[D"); }
481 	else{ ba.append("\x1b[D"); }
482         break;
483     case Qt::Key_Right:
484 	if(altkeypad){ ba.append("^[C"); }
485 	else{ ba.append("\x1b[C"); }
486         break;
487     case Qt::Key_Up:
488         if(altkeypad){ ba.append("^[A"); }
489 	else{ ba.append("\x1b[A"); }
490         break;
491     case Qt::Key_Down:
492         if(altkeypad){ ba.append("^[B"); }
493 	else{ ba.append("\x1b[B"); }
494         break;
495     case Qt::Key_Home:
496         ba.append("\x1b[H");
497         break;
498     case Qt::Key_End:
499 	ba.append("\x1b[F");
500         break;
501   }
502    //qDebug() << "Forward Input:" << ba;
503   if(!ba.isEmpty()){ PROC->writeTTY(ba); }
504 }
506 // ==================
508 // ==================
UpdateText()509 void TerminalWidget::UpdateText(){
510   //read the data from the process
511   //qDebug() << "UpdateText";
512   if(!PROC->isOpen()){ return; }
513   applyData(PROC->readTTY());
514   //adjust the scrollbar as needed
515   this->ensureCursorVisible();
516 }
ShellClosed()518 void TerminalWidget::ShellClosed(){
519   if(!closing){
520     emit ProcessClosed(this->whatsThis());
521   }
522 }
copySelection()524 void TerminalWidget::copySelection(){
525   QApplication::clipboard()->setText( selCursor.selectedText() );
526 }
pasteSelection()528 void TerminalWidget::pasteSelection(){
529   QString text = QApplication::clipboard()->text();
530   if(!text.isEmpty()){
531     QByteArray ba; ba.append(text); //avoid any byte conversions
532     PROC->writeTTY(ba);
533   }
534 }
updateTermSize()536 void TerminalWidget::updateTermSize(){
537  if(!PROC->isOpen()){ return; }
538   QSize pix = this->size(); //pixels
539   QSize chars;
540     chars.setWidth( pix.width()/this->fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance("W") );
541     chars.setHeight( pix.height()/this->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() );
542   //qDebug() << "Set Terminal Size:" << chars << pix;
543   if(chars.width() <2 || chars.height() <2){ return; } //skip this - cannot go less than 2 characters wide/high
544   PROC->setTerminalSize(chars,pix);
545 }
547 // ==================
548 //       PROTECTED
549 // ==================
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * ev)550 void TerminalWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ev){
552   if(ev->text().isEmpty() || ev->text()=="\b" ){
553     sendKeyPress(ev->key());
554   }else{
555     QByteArray ba; ba.append(ev->text()); //avoid any byte conversions
556     //qDebug() << "Forward Input:" << ba;
557     PROC->writeTTY(ba);
558   }
560   ev->ignore();
561 }
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * ev)563 void TerminalWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev){
564   this->setFocus();
565   this->activateWindow();
566   if(ev->button()==Qt::RightButton){
567     QTextEdit::mousePressEvent(ev);
568   }else if(ev->button()==Qt::MiddleButton){
569     pasteSelection();
570   }else if(ev->button()==Qt::LeftButton){
571     if(this->textCursor()!=selCursor){ lastCursor = this->textCursor(); }
572     selCursor = this->cursorForPosition(ev->pos());
573   }
574   Q_UNUSED(ev);
575 }
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * ev)577 void TerminalWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev){
578   //qDebug() << "MouseMove Event" << ev->button() << ev->buttons() << Qt::LeftButton;
579   if(ev->buttons().testFlag(Qt::LeftButton) ){
580     selCursor.setPosition(this->cursorForPosition(ev->pos()).position(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
581     if(selCursor.hasSelection()){ this->setTextCursor(selCursor); }
582     //qDebug() << "Mouse Movement:" << selCursor.hasSelection();
583   }else{
584     QTextEdit::mouseMoveEvent(ev);
585   }
586 }
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * ev)588 void TerminalWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev){
589   if(ev->button()==Qt::LeftButton){
590     selCursor.setPosition(this->cursorForPosition(ev->pos()).position(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
591     if(selCursor.hasSelection()){ this->setTextCursor(selCursor); }
592     else{ this->setTextCursor(lastCursor); }
593   }else if(ev->button()==Qt::RightButton){
594     copyA->setEnabled( selCursor.hasSelection() );
595     pasteA->setEnabled( !QApplication::clipboard()->text().isEmpty() );
596     contextMenu->popup( this->mapToGlobal(ev->pos()) );
597   }
598   Q_UNUSED(ev);
599 }
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * ev)601 void TerminalWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *ev){
602   Q_UNUSED(ev);
603 }
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * ev)605 void TerminalWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *ev){
606   if(resizeTimer->isActive()){ resizeTimer->stop(); }
607   resizeTimer->start();
608   QTextEdit::resizeEvent(ev);
609 }