1 //===========================================
2 //  Lumina Desktop Source Code
3 //  Copyright (c) 2016, Ken Moore
4 //  Available under the 3-clause BSD license
5 //  See the LICENSE file for full details
6 //===========================================
7 #include "page_interface_panels.h"
8 #include "ui_page_interface_panels.h"
9 #include <QInputDialog>
11 #include "../GetPluginDialog.h"
12 #include "../AppDialog.h"
14 //==========
15 //    PUBLIC
16 //==========
page_interface_panels(QWidget * parent)17 page_interface_panels::page_interface_panels(QWidget *parent) : PageWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::page_interface_panels()){
18   ui->setupUi(this);
19   loading = false;
20   PINFO = new LPlugins();
21   settings = new QSettings("lumina-desktop","desktopsettings");
22   connect(ui->tool_panels_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newPanel()) );
23   updateIcons();
25   //Create panels container
26   QHBoxLayout *panels_layout = new QHBoxLayout();
27   panels_layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
28   panels_layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
29   panels_layout->addStretch();
30   ui->scroll_panels->widget()->setLayout(panels_layout);
31 }
~page_interface_panels()33 page_interface_panels::~page_interface_panels(){
34   delete PINFO;
35 }
37 //================
39 //================
SaveSettings()40 void page_interface_panels::SaveSettings(){
41   QString screenID = QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->name();
42   QString DPrefix = "desktop-"+screenID+"/";
43   settings->setValue(DPrefix+"panels", PANELS.length());
44   for(int i=0; i<PANELS.length(); i++){
45     PANELS[i]->SaveSettings(settings);
46   }
47   //The plugin ID's will be changed to unique ID's by the desktop - reload in a moment
48   emit HasPendingChanges(false);
49   settings->sync(); //save to disk right now
50   QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(LoadSettings()) );
51 }
LoadSettings(int screennum)53 void page_interface_panels::LoadSettings(int screennum){
54   if(screennum>=0){
55     cscreen = screennum;
56   }
57   loading = true;
58   emit HasPendingChanges(false);
59   emit ChangePageTitle( tr("Desktop Settings") );
60   QString screenID = QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->name();
61   QString DPrefix = "desktop-"+screenID+"/";
62   int panelnumber = settings->value(DPrefix+"panels",-1).toInt();
63   if(panelnumber<0){ panelnumber = 0; }
64   QHBoxLayout *panels_layout = static_cast<QHBoxLayout*>(ui->scroll_panels->widget()->layout());
66   //Remove extra panels (if any)
67   for(int i=panelnumber; i<PANELS.length(); i++){
68     PanelWidget *tmp = PANELS.takeAt(i);
69     delete tmp;
70     i--;
71   }
73   int current_count = panels_layout->count()-1;
75   //Update current panels
76   for(int i=0; i<current_count; i++) {
77     PANELS[i]->LoadSettings(settings, cscreen, i);
78   }
79   //Create new panels
80   for(int i=current_count; i<panelnumber; i++){
81     PanelWidget *tmp = new PanelWidget(ui->scroll_panels->widget(), this, PINFO);
82     tmp->LoadSettings(settings, cscreen, i);
83     PANELS << tmp;
84     connect(tmp, SIGNAL(PanelChanged()), this, SLOT(panelValChanged()) );
85     connect(tmp, SIGNAL(PanelRemoved(int)), this, SLOT(removePanel(int)) );
86     panels_layout->insertWidget(panels_layout->count()-1, tmp);
87   }
89   QApplication::processEvents();
90   loading = false;
91   setupProfiles();
92 }
updateIcons()94 void page_interface_panels::updateIcons(){
95   ui->tool_panels_add->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("list-add","") );
96   ui->tool_profile->setIcon( LXDG::findIcon("document-import","") );
97 }
99 //=================
100 //         PRIVATE
101 //=================
setupProfiles()102 void page_interface_panels::setupProfiles(){
103   //qDebug() << "Start loading profiles";
104   if(ui->tool_profile->menu()==0){
105     ui->tool_profile->setMenu( new QMenu(this) );
106     connect(ui->tool_profile->menu(), SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(applyProfile(QAction*)) );
107   }
108   else{ ui->tool_profile->menu()->clear(); }
109   ui->tool_profile->menu()->addSection("Profiles");
110   QAction *act = ui->tool_profile->menu()->addAction(tr("No Panels"));
111     act->setWhatsThis("none");
112   act = ui->tool_profile->menu()->addAction("Windows");
113     act->setWhatsThis("windows");
114   act = ui->tool_profile->menu()->addAction("GNOME2/MATE");
115     act->setWhatsThis("gnome2");
116   act = ui->tool_profile->menu()->addAction("XFCE");
117     act->setWhatsThis("xfce");
118   act = ui->tool_profile->menu()->addAction("Mac OSX");
119     act->setWhatsThis("osx");
121   //Add in any custom profiles
122   //qDebug() << " - read settings";
123   QStringList profilesAll = settings->childGroups().filter("panel_");
124   //qDebug() << " - get current screen";
125   QString current = QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->name();
126   //qDebug() << " - filter list";
127   for(int i=0; i<profilesAll.length(); i++){
128     profilesAll[i] = profilesAll[i].section("_",1,-1).section(".",0,-2);
129   }
130   //qDebug() << "Found Profiles:" << profilesAll;
131   profilesAll.removeDuplicates();
132   profilesAll.removeAll(current);
133   QStringList profiles = profilesAll.filter("profile_");
134   for(int p=0; p<2; p++){
135     if(p==1){ profiles = profilesAll; } //use whats left of the total list
136     ui->tool_profile->menu()->addSection( p==0 ? tr("Custom Profiles") : tr("Copy Screen") );
137    for(int i=0; i<profiles.length(); i++){
138     if(p==0){ profilesAll.removeAll(profiles[i]); } //handling it now
139     QString title = profiles[i];
140       if(title.startsWith("profile_")){ title = title.section("profile_",-1); }
141     QMenu *tmp = new QMenu(ui->tool_profile->menu());
142       tmp->setTitle(title);
143       tmp->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("dialog-ok-apply",""), tr("Apply"))->setWhatsThis("profile_apply::::"+profiles[i]);
144       tmp->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("list-remove",""), tr("Delete"))->setWhatsThis("profile_remove::::"+profiles[i]);
145     ui->tool_profile->menu()->addMenu(tmp);
146    }
147    if(p==0){
148      //Now add the option to create a new profile
149      ui->tool_profile->menu()->addAction(LXDG::findIcon("list-add",""), tr("Create Profile"))->setWhatsThis("profile_new");
150    }
151   }
152 }
154 //=================
156 //=================
panelValChanged()157 void page_interface_panels::panelValChanged(){
158   ui->tool_panels_add->setEnabled(PANELS.length() < 12);
159   if(!loading){ settingChanged(); }
160 }
newPanel()162 void page_interface_panels::newPanel(){
163   //if(panelnumber<0){ panelnumber=0; } //just in case
164   //panelnumber++;
165   //Now create a new Panel widget with this number
166   PanelWidget *tmp = new PanelWidget(ui->scroll_panels->widget(), this, PINFO);
167     tmp->LoadSettings(settings, cscreen, PANELS.length());
168     PANELS << tmp;
169     connect(tmp, SIGNAL(PanelChanged()), this, SLOT(panelValChanged()) );
170     connect(tmp, SIGNAL(PanelRemoved(int)), this, SLOT(removePanel(int)) );
171     static_cast<QBoxLayout*>(ui->scroll_panels->widget()->layout())->insertWidget(PANELS.length()-1, tmp);
172      //update the widget first (2 necessary for scroll below to work)
173     ui->scroll_panels->update();
174     QApplication::processEvents();
175     QApplication::processEvents();
176     ui->scroll_panels->ensureWidgetVisible(tmp);
177     panelValChanged();
178 }
removePanel(int pan)180 void page_interface_panels::removePanel(int pan){
181   //connected to a signal from the panel widget
182   bool changed = false;
183   for(int i=0; i<PANELS.length(); i++){
184     int num = PANELS[i]->PanelNumber();
185     if(num==pan){
186       delete PANELS.takeAt(i);
187       i--;
188       changed = true;
189     }else if(num > pan){
190       PANELS[i]->ChangePanelNumber(num-1);
191       changed = true;
192     }
193   }
194   if(!changed){ return; } //nothing done
195   panelValChanged();
196 }
applyProfile(QAction * act)198 void page_interface_panels::applyProfile(QAction *act){
199   QString wt = act->whatsThis();
200   if(wt.startsWith("profile_")){
201     //qDebug() << "Got Profile Action:" << wt;
202     if(wt=="profile_new"){
203       bool ok = false;
204       QString pname = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Create Profile"), tr("Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal,  "", &ok,Qt::WindowFlags(), Qt::ImhUppercaseOnly | Qt::ImhLowercaseOnly );
205       if(!ok || pname.isEmpty()){ return; } //cancelled
206       pname = pname.replace(".","_").replace("/","_");
207       qDebug() << " - Make new profile:" << pname;
208       pname.prepend("profile_");
209       settings->setValue("desktop-"+pname+"/panels", PANELS.length());
210       for(int i=0; i<PANELS.length(); i++){
211         PANELS[i]->SaveSettings(settings, pname);
212       }
213       settings->sync(); //save to disk right now
214       setupProfiles();
215     }else if(wt.startsWith("profile_apply::::") ){
216      applyImport(wt.section("::::",-1) );
217     }else if(wt.startsWith("profile_remove::::") ){
218       QString pname = wt.section("::::",-1);
219       QStringList keys = settings->allKeys().filter(pname);
220       for(int i=0; i<keys.length(); i++){
221         if(keys[i].section("/",0,0).contains(pname)){ settings->remove(keys[i]); }
222       }
223       setupProfiles();
224     }
225     return;
226   }
227   //Manually saving settings based on built-in profile
228   QString screenID = QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->name();
229   QString DPrefix = "desktop-"+screenID+"/";
230   QString PPrefix = "panel_"+screenID+"."; //NEED TO APPEND PANEL NUMBER (0+)
231   qDebug() << "Apply Profile:" << act->whatsThis() << "To Monitor:" << screenID;
232   if(act->whatsThis()=="none"){
233     settings->setValue(DPrefix+"panels", 0); //number of panels
234   }else if(act->whatsThis()=="windows"){
235     settings->setValue(DPrefix+"panels", 1); //number of panels
236     //Panel 1 settings (index 0)
237     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/customColor", false);
238     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/height", qRound(QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->virtualSize().height()*0.04)); //4% of screen height
239     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/hidepanel", false);
240     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/lengthPercent", 100);
241     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/location", "bottom");
242     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/pinLocation", "center");
243     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/pluginlist", QStringList() << "systemstart" << "taskmanager" << "spacer" << "systemtray" << "clock");
244   }else if(act->whatsThis()=="gnome2"){
245     settings->setValue(DPrefix+"panels", 2); //number of panels
246     //Panel 1 settings (index 0)
247     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/customColor", false);
248     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/height", qRound(QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->virtualSize().height()*0.02)); //2% of screen height
249     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/hidepanel", false);
250     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/lengthPercent", 100);
251     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/location", "top");
252     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/pinLocation", "center");
253     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/pluginlist", QStringList() << "appmenu" << "desktopbar" << "spacer" << "systemtray" << "clock" << "systemdashboard");
254     //Panel 2 settings (index 1)
255     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/customColor", false);
256     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/height", qRound(QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->virtualSize().height()*0.02)); //2% of screen height
257     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/hidepanel", false);
258     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/lengthPercent", 100);
259     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/location", "bottom");
260     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/pinLocation", "center");
261     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/pluginlist", QStringList() << "homebutton" << "taskmanager-nogroups" << "spacer" << "desktopswitcher");
262 }else if(act->whatsThis()=="xfce"){
263     settings->setValue(DPrefix+"panels", 2); //number of panels
264     //Panel 1 settings (index 0)
265     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/customColor", false);
266     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/height", qRound(QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->virtualSize().height()*0.02)); //2% of screen height
267     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/hidepanel", false);
268     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/lengthPercent", 100);
269     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/location", "top");
270     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/pinLocation", "center");
271     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/pluginlist", QStringList() << "appmenu" << "taskmanager-nogroups" << "spacer" << "desktopswitcher" << "clock" << "systemtray" << "systemdashboard");
272     //Panel 2 settings (index 1)
273     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/customColor", false);
274     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/height", qRound(QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->virtualSize().height()*0.04)); //4% of screen height
275     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/hidepanel", false);
276     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/lengthPercent", 20);
277     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/location", "bottom");
278     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/pinLocation", "center");
279     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/pluginlist", QStringList() << "applauncher::lumina-fm.desktop" << "line"<<"spacer" << "desktopbar" << "spacer" << "line" << "applauncher::lumina-search.desktop");
280 }else if(act->whatsThis()=="osx"){
281     settings->setValue(DPrefix+"panels", 2); //number of panels
282     //Panel 1 settings (index 0)
283     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/customColor", false);
284     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/height", qRound(QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->virtualSize().height()*0.02)); //2% of screen height
285     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/hidepanel", false);
286     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/lengthPercent", 100);
287     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/location", "top");
288     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/pinLocation", "center");
289     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"0/pluginlist", QStringList() << "systemdashboard" <<  "spacer" << "systemtray" << "clock" << "applauncher::lumina-search.desktop");
290     //Panel 2 settings (index 1)
291     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/customColor", false);
292     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/height", qRound(QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->virtualSize().height()*0.04)); //4% of screen height
293     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/hidepanel", false);
294     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/lengthPercent", 80);
295     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/location", "bottom");
296     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/pinLocation", "center");
297     settings->setValue(PPrefix+"1/pluginlist", QStringList() << "systemstart" << "applauncher::lumina-fm.desktop" << "desktopbar"<<"spacer" << "line"<< "taskmanager");
299   }else{
300     qDebug() << " - unknown profile! ("+act->whatsThis()+")";
301     return;
302   }
303   //Now flush the settings to disk and reload the interface
304   settings->sync(); //save to disk right now
305   QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(LoadSettings()) );
306 }
applyImport(QAction * act)308 void page_interface_panels::applyImport(QAction *act){
309   applyImport(act->whatsThis());
310 }
applyImport(QString fromID)312 void page_interface_panels::applyImport(QString fromID){
313   QString cID = QApplication::screens().at(cscreen)->name();
314   //QString DPrefix = "desktop-"+screenID+"/";
315   qDebug() << "Import Panels from " << fromID << " to " << cID;
316   //First find all the values associated with this ID
317     int pannum = settings->value("desktop-"+fromID+"/panels").toInt();
318     QStringList pans = settings->allKeys().filter("panel_"+fromID);
319     fromID.prepend("panel_");
321   //save the number of panels which is active
322   settings->setValue("desktop-"+cID+"/panels", pannum);
323  //Now move over all the panel settings associated with the fromID
324   cID.prepend("panel_");
325   for(int i=0; i<pans.length(); i++){
326     QString newvar = pans[i];
327       newvar.replace(fromID, cID);
328     settings->setValue(newvar, settings->value(pans[i]) );
329   }
330   //Now flush the settings to disk and reload the interface
331   settings->sync(); //save to disk right now
332   QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(LoadSettings()) );
333 }