1import re
2import os.path
3import glob
4import fnmatch
5import codecs
6import Prophet
8from Paths import ValidPathSet as PS
9from Keywords import Keyword as Kw, Set as KwS
10from Prophet import NotSet
11from Prophet.Categories import *
12from Prophet import msg, verbose
15class DebianSet(PS):
17    def adopt(self, path):
18        path = super(DebianSet, self).adopt(path)
19        if len(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*"))):
20            return path  # Directory should not be empty
21        raise ValueError
24dirs = DebianSet(("/etc/menu", "/usr/lib/menu",
25                  "/usr/share/menu", "/usr/share/menu/default", "~/.menu"))
27# If dirs isn't empty then assume we're running Debian and therefore it's reasonable
28# to use local menu entries instead of cached ones
29if not len(dirs):
30    dirs = DebianSet((os.path.join(__path__[0], "menu"),))
31    runDebian = False
34    runDebian = True
37def scan():
38    """Scan through all containers and return a list of found valid entries"""
39    result = []
40    msg("  debian...", newline=False)
41    for d in dirs:
42        for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(d, "*")):
43            if verbose > 1:
44                msg("\nparsing " + f)
45            try:
46                entries = _parse(f)
47            except NotSet as e:
48                if verbose > 1:
49                    msg("REJECTED : " + str(e))
50            else:
51                for e in entries:
52                    try:
53                        result.append(App(e))
54                    except Prophet.NotSet as e:
55                        if verbose > 1:
56                            msg("REJECTED : " + str(e))
58    msg(" %d apps found" % len(result))
59    return result
62def _parse(debmenu):
63    try:
64        # Latest Py3 versions in 64-bit mode sometimes have problems decoding Debian menus
65        # complaining about malformed utf-8 codes, therefore one has to enforce the 8-bit encoding.
66        # encoding= is not supported by Py2, so use codecs.open() as the least
67        # common denominator.
68        file = codecs.open(debmenu, "r", "latin1")  # Py 2.4+
69    except IOError:
70        raise NotSet("couldn't read the file " + debmenu)
71    entry = ""
72    entries = []
73    next = False
74    try:
75        for x in file:
76            x = x.strip()
77            if next:
78                if not len(x):
79                    next = False
80                    continue
81                if not x.startswith("#"):
82                    if x.endswith("\\"):
83                        entry += " " + x.rstrip("\\")
84                        next = True
85                    else:
86                        entry += " " + x
87                        next = False
89            else:
90                if not len(x):
91                    continue
92                if not x.startswith("#") and x.startswith("?"):
93                    if len(entry):
94                        entries += _parseEntry(entry)
95                    if x.endswith("\\"):
96                        entry = x.rstrip("\\")
97                        next = True
98                    else:
99                        entry = x
100                        next = False
102    except IOError:
103        raise NotSet("i/o error while reading the file " + debmenu)
104    except StopIteration:
105        pass
106    if len(entry):
107        entries += _parseEntry(entry)
108    return entries
110_package = re.compile('^\?\s*?package\s*?\((.*?)\)\s*?\:')
111_key = re.compile('(\w+)\s*=\s*(".*?"|\S+)')
114def _parseEntry(s):
115    entry = {}
116    x = _package.match(s)
117    if x:
118        entry["package"] = x.group(1)
119        for x in re.findall(_key, s):
120            entry[x[0]] = x[1].strip('"')
122    return [entry]
125class App(Prophet.App):
127    pref = 10
129    def __new__(cls, entry):
130        self = object.__new__(cls)
131        self.__setup__(entry)
132        return self
134    def __setup__(self, entry):
135        self.entry = entry
136        super(App, self).__setup__()
137        del self.entry
138        # TODO : filter out GNOME/KDE apps since they should be picked up by the .desktop scanner anyways
139        # To accomplish this scan title/longtitle/description/whatever for the
140        # clues (gnome-*, "Calculator for GNOME", etc.)
142    def setName(self):
143        try:
144            self.name = self.entry["title"]
145        except KeyError:
146            super(App, self).setName()
148    def setComment(self):
149        try:
150            self.comment = self.entry["longtitle"]
151        except KeyError:
152            try:
153                self.comment = self.entry["description"]
154            except KeyError:
155                super(App, self).setComment()
157    def setKeywords(self):
158        try:
159            sect = self.entry["section"]
160        except KeyError:
161            sect = ""
162        try:
163            hint = self.entry["hints"]
164        except KeyError:
165            hint = ""
166        kws = _deb2kws(sect, hint)
167        if not len(kws):
168            raise Prophet.NotSet("no keywords guessed")
169        self.keywords = kws
171    def setTerminal(self):
172        try:
173            needs = Kw(self.entry["needs"])
174            if needs == Kw("X11"):
175                self.terminal = False
176            elif needs == Kw("text"):
177                self.terminal = True
178            else:
179                raise Prophet.NotSet("unsupported needs entry (%s)" % needs)
181        except KeyError:
182            super(App, self).setTerminal()
184    def setExename(self):
185        try:
186            cmd = self.entry["command"]
187        except KeyError:
188            raise Prophet.NotSet("no command entry found")
189        self.testGoodness(cmd)
190        scmd = cmd.split(" ", 1)
191        if len(scmd) >= 2:
192            cmd = scmd[0].strip()
193            args = scmd[1].strip()
194            for x in args.split():
195                if fnmatch.fnmatch(x, "*/*/*") and not os.path.exists(x):
196                    # An argument specified in the command line looks like a path. If it
197                    # doesn't exist, the entire command is likely to be
198                    # worthless, so throw it off
199                    raise Prophet.NotSet(
200                        "nonexistent path %s as command argument")
202            self.exeargs = args
203        if not runDebian:
204            # If we're not running Debian specified command may be located
205            # elsewhere therefore we have to scan PATH for it
206            cmd = os.path.basename(cmd)
207            # List of globs of unwanted commands
208            if cmd in (
209                    "sh",
210                    "bash",
211                    "csh",
212                    "tcsh",
213                    "zsh",
214                    "ls",
215                    "killall",
216                    "echo",
217                    "nice",
218                    "xmessage",
219                    "xlock"):
220                # Debian seems to have lots of shell commands. While it would be nice
221                # to try to analyze them, this isn't a priority since they're often
222                # too Debian-specific.
223                raise Prophet.NotSet("%s blacklisted" % cmd)
225        self.exename = cmd
228_secs = {
229    Kw("Appearance"): (Settings, DesktopSettings),
230    Kw("AI"): (Science,),
231    Kw("Databases"): (Database, Office),
232    Kw("Editors"): (TextEditor, Utility),
233    Kw("Educational"): (Education,),
234    Kw("Emulators"): (Emulator,),
235    Kw("Games"): (Game,),
236    Kw("Adventure"): (AdventureGame, Game),
237    Kw("Arcade"): (ArcadeGame, Game),
238    Kw("Board"): (BoardGame, Game),
239    Kw("Card"): (CardGame, Game),
240    Kw("Puzzles"): (LogicGame, Game),
241    Kw("Simulation"): (Simulation, Game),
242    Kw("Sports"): (SportsGame, Game),
243    Kw("Strategy"): (StrategyGame, Game),
244    Kw("Tetris-like"): (BlocksGame, Game),
245    Kw("Graphics"): (Graphics,),
246    Kw("Hamradio"): (HamRadio, Network),
247    Kw("Math"): (Math, Science),
248    Kw("Misc"): (Utility,),  # ???
249    Kw("Net"): (Network,),
250    Kw("Analog"): (Engineering, Network),
251    Kw("Headlines"): (News, Network),
252    Kw("Programming"): (Development,),
253    Kw("Shells"): (Shell, ConsoleOnly),  # ???
254    Kw("Sound"): (Audio, AudioVideo),
255    Kw("System"): (System,),
256    Kw("Admin"): (Settings, System),
258    #    Kw("GNOME") : (GNOME, GTK),
259    Kw("Technical"): (Engineering,),
260    Kw("Text"): (TextEditor, Utility),
261    Kw("Tools"): (Utility,),
262    Kw("Viewers"): (Viewer, Graphics),
263    Kw("XawTV"): (TV, Viewer, Video, AudioVideo),
264    Kw("Toys"): (Amusement,),
265    Kw("Help"): (Utility, Kw("X-Help")),
266    Kw("Screen"): (Utility,),  # ???
268    #    Kw("Lock") : (Utility, Kw("X-Lock")),
269    Kw("Saver"): (Screensaver, Utility),
270    Kw("System"): (System,),
271    Kw("XShells"): (Shell,)
274_hints = {
275    Kw("3D"): (ActionGame, Game),  # ???
276    Kw("Bitmap"): (RasterGraphics, x2DGraphics, Graphics),
277    Kw("Boot"): (System, Utility),
278    Kw("Bug reporting"): (Development,),
279    Kw("Calculators"): (Calculator, Utility),
280    Kw("Clocks"): (Clock, Utility),
281    Kw("Config"): (Settings,),
282    Kw("Debuggers"): (Debugger, Development),
283    Kw("Documents"): (Office,),
284    Kw("Doom"): (ActionGame, Game),
285    Kw("Drawing"): (RasterGraphics, x2DGraphics, Graphics),
286    Kw("Vector"): (VectorGraphics, Graphics),
287    Kw("Equation"): (Math, Science),
288    Kw("Editor"): (WordProcessor, Office),
289    Kw("Formula"): (Presentation, Office),
290    Kw("Fonts"): (DesktopSettings, Settings),
291    Kw("Mail"): (Email, Office, Network),
292    Kw("Calendar"): (Calendar, Office),
293    Kw("Monitoring"): (Monitor, System),
294    Kw("IRC"): (IRCClient, Network),
295    Kw("ISDN"): (Telephony, Dialup, Network),  # ???
296    Kw("Images"): (x2DGraphics, Graphics),
297    Kw("Internet"): (Network,),
298    Kw("HTML"): (Network,),
299    Kw("Mahjongg"): (LogicGame, Game),
300    Kw("Mines"): (LogicGame, Game),
301    Kw("Mixers"): (Mixer, Audio),
302    Kw("Real-time"): (StrategyGame, Game),
303    Kw("Parallel"): (Math, Science, Network),
304    Kw("Distributed"): (Math, Science, Network),
305    Kw("PostScript"): (Presentation, Office),
306    Kw("Presentation"): (Presentation, Office),
307    Kw("SameGame"): (LogicGame, Game),
308    Kw("Screenshot"): (Graphics, Utility),
309    Kw("Setup"): (System,),
310    Kw("Install"): (System,),
311    Kw("Config"): (Settings,),
312    Kw("Spreadsheets"): (Spreadsheet, Office),
313    Kw("Terminal"): (TerminalEmulator),
314    Kw("Translation"): (Languages, Education),
315    Kw("Dictionary"): (Languages, Education),
316    Kw("Time"): (Clock, Utility),
317    Kw("Users"): (System, Settings),
318    Kw("VNC"): (Network,),
319    Kw("Video"): (Video, AudioVideo),
320    Kw("Web Browsers"): (WebBrowser, Network),
321    Kw("Word Processors"): (WordProcessor, Office)
324_rejs = (
325    Kw("Modules"), Kw("WindowManagers"), Kw(
326        "WorkSpace"), Kw("Lock"), Kw("GNOME")
330def _deb2kws(sec, hint):
331    """Convert Debian style section/hints entries to an equivalent keyword set"""
332    kws = []
333    for x in sec.split("/"):
334        x = Kw(x)
335        if x in _rejs:
336            raise Prophet.NotSet("section %s rejected" % x)
337        try:
338            kws += _secs[x]
339        except KeyError:
340            pass
342    for x in hint.split(","):
343        x = Kw(x)
344        try:
345            kws += _hints[x]
346        except KeyError:
347            pass
349    return KwS(*kws)