1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart@owncloud.com>
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
11  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
12  * for more details.
13  */
14 #pragma once
16 #include "owncloudpropagator.h"
17 #include "networkjobs.h"
19 #include <QBuffer>
20 #include <QFile>
21 #include <QElapsedTimer>
24 namespace OCC {
31 class BandwidthManager;
33 /**
34  * @brief The UploadDevice class
35  * @ingroup libsync
36  */
37 class UploadDevice : public QIODevice
38 {
39     Q_OBJECT
40 public:
41     UploadDevice(const QString &fileName, qint64 start, qint64 size, BandwidthManager *bwm);
42     ~UploadDevice() override;
44     bool open(QIODevice::OpenMode mode) override;
45     void close() override;
47     qint64 writeData(const char *, qint64) override;
48     qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxlen) override;
49     bool atEnd() const override;
50     qint64 size() const override;
51     qint64 bytesAvailable() const override;
52     bool isSequential() const override;
53     bool seek(qint64 pos) override;
55     void setBandwidthLimited(bool);
isBandwidthLimited()56     bool isBandwidthLimited() { return _bandwidthLimited; }
57     void setChoked(bool);
isChoked()58     bool isChoked() { return _choked; }
59     void giveBandwidthQuota(qint64 bwq);
61 signals:
63 private:
64     /// The local file to read data from
65     QFile _file;
67     /// Start of the file data to use
68     qint64 _start = 0;
69     /// Amount of file data after _start to use
70     qint64 _size = 0;
71     /// Position between _start and _start+_size
72     qint64 _read = 0;
74     // Bandwidth manager related
75     QPointer<BandwidthManager> _bandwidthManager;
76     qint64 _bandwidthQuota = 0;
77     qint64 _readWithProgress = 0;
78     bool _bandwidthLimited = false; // if _bandwidthQuota will be used
79     bool _choked = false; // if upload is paused (readData() will return 0)
80     friend class BandwidthManager;
81 public slots:
82     void slotJobUploadProgress(qint64 sent, qint64 t);
83 };
85 /**
86  * @brief The PUTFileJob class
87  * @ingroup libsync
88  */
89 class PUTFileJob : public AbstractNetworkJob
90 {
91     Q_OBJECT
93 private:
94     QIODevice *_device;
95     QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> _headers;
96     QString _errorString;
97     QUrl _url;
98     QElapsedTimer _requestTimer;
100 public:
101     // Takes ownership of the device
102     explicit PUTFileJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, std::unique_ptr<QIODevice> device,
103         const QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &headers, int chunk, QObject *parent = nullptr)
AbstractNetworkJob(account,path,parent)104         : AbstractNetworkJob(account, path, parent)
105         , _device(device.release())
106         , _headers(headers)
107         , _chunk(chunk)
108     {
109         _device->setParent(this);
110     }
111     explicit PUTFileJob(AccountPtr account, const QUrl &url, std::unique_ptr<QIODevice> device,
112         const QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &headers, int chunk, QObject *parent = nullptr)
AbstractNetworkJob(account,QString (),parent)113         : AbstractNetworkJob(account, QString(), parent)
114         , _device(device.release())
115         , _headers(headers)
116         , _url(url)
117         , _chunk(chunk)
118     {
119         _device->setParent(this);
120     }
121     ~PUTFileJob() override;
123     int _chunk;
125     void start() override;
127     bool finished() override;
device()129     QIODevice *device()
130     {
131         return _device;
132     }
errorString()134     QString errorString() const override
135     {
136         return _errorString.isEmpty() ? AbstractNetworkJob::errorString() : _errorString;
137     }
msSinceStart()139     std::chrono::milliseconds msSinceStart() const
140     {
141         return std::chrono::milliseconds(_requestTimer.elapsed());
142     }
144 signals:
145     void finishedSignal();
146     void uploadProgress(qint64, qint64);
148 };
150 /**
151  * @brief This job implements the asynchronous PUT
152  *
153  * If the server replies to a PUT with a OC-JobStatus-Location path, we will query this url until the server
154  * replies with an etag.
155  * @ingroup libsync
156  */
157 class PollJob : public AbstractNetworkJob
158 {
159     Q_OBJECT
160     SyncJournalDb *_journal;
161     QString _localPath;
163 public:
164     SyncFileItemPtr _item;
165     // Takes ownership of the device
PollJob(AccountPtr account,const QString & path,const SyncFileItemPtr & item,SyncJournalDb * journal,const QString & localPath,QObject * parent)166     explicit PollJob(AccountPtr account, const QString &path, const SyncFileItemPtr &item,
167         SyncJournalDb *journal, const QString &localPath, QObject *parent)
168         : AbstractNetworkJob(account, path, parent)
169         , _journal(journal)
170         , _localPath(localPath)
171         , _item(item)
172     {
173     }
175     void start() override;
176     bool finished() override;
178 signals:
179     void finishedSignal();
180 };
182 class PropagateUploadEncrypted;
184 /**
185  * @brief The PropagateUploadFileCommon class is the code common between all chunking algorithms
186  * @ingroup libsync
187  *
188  * State Machine:
189  *
190  *   +---> start()  --> (delete job) -------+
191  *   |                                      |
192  *   +--> slotComputeContentChecksum()  <---+
193  *                   |
194  *                   v
195  *    slotComputeTransmissionChecksum()
196  *         |
197  *         v
198  *    slotStartUpload()  -> doStartUpload()
199  *                                  .
200  *                                  .
201  *                                  v
202  *        finalize() or abortWithError()  or startPollJob()
203  */
204 class PropagateUploadFileCommon : public PropagateItemJob
205 {
206     Q_OBJECT
208     struct UploadStatus {
209         SyncFileItem::Status status = SyncFileItem::NoStatus;
210         QString message;
211     };
213 protected:
214     QVector<AbstractNetworkJob *> _jobs; /// network jobs that are currently in transit
215     bool _finished BITFIELD(1); /// Tells that all the jobs have been finished
216     bool _deleteExisting BITFIELD(1);
218     /** Whether an abort is currently ongoing.
219      *
220      * Important to avoid duplicate aborts since each finishing PUTFileJob might
221      * trigger an abort on error.
222      */
223     bool _aborting BITFIELD(1);
225     /* This is a minified version of the SyncFileItem,
226      * that holds only the specifics about the file that's
227      * being uploaded.
228      *
229      * This is needed if we wanna apply changes on the file
230      * that's being uploaded while keeping the original on disk.
231      */
232     struct UploadFileInfo {
233       QString _file; /// I'm still unsure if I should use a SyncFilePtr here.
234       QString _path; /// the full path on disk.
235       qint64 _size;
236     };
237     UploadFileInfo _fileToUpload;
238     QByteArray _transmissionChecksumHeader;
240 public:
241     PropagateUploadFileCommon(OwncloudPropagator *propagator, const SyncFileItemPtr &item);
243     /**
244      * Whether an existing entity with the same name may be deleted before
245      * the upload.
246      *
247      * Default: false.
248      */
249     void setDeleteExisting(bool enabled);
251     /* start should setup the file, path and size that will be send to the server */
252     void start() override;
253     void setupEncryptedFile(const QString& path, const QString& filename, quint64 size);
254     void setupUnencryptedFile();
255     void startUploadFile();
256     void callUnlockFolder();
isLikelyFinishedQuickly()257     bool isLikelyFinishedQuickly() override { return _item->_size < propagator()->smallFileSize(); }
259 private slots:
260     void slotComputeContentChecksum();
261     // Content checksum computed, compute the transmission checksum
262     void slotComputeTransmissionChecksum(const QByteArray &contentChecksumType, const QByteArray &contentChecksum);
263     // transmission checksum computed, prepare the upload
264     void slotStartUpload(const QByteArray &transmissionChecksumType, const QByteArray &transmissionChecksum);
265     // invoked when encrypted folder lock has been released
266     void slotFolderUnlocked(const QByteArray &folderId, int httpReturnCode);
267     // invoked on internal error to unlock a folder and faile
268     void slotOnErrorStartFolderUnlock(SyncFileItem::Status status, const QString &errorString);
270 public:
271     virtual void doStartUpload() = 0;
273     void startPollJob(const QString &path);
274     void finalize();
275     void abortWithError(SyncFileItem::Status status, const QString &error);
277 public slots:
278     void slotJobDestroyed(QObject *job);
280 private slots:
281     void slotPollFinished();
283 protected:
284     void done(SyncFileItem::Status status, const QString &errorString = QString()) override;
286     /**
287      * Aborts all running network jobs, except for the ones that mayAbortJob
288      * returns false on and, for async aborts, emits abortFinished when done.
289      */
290     void abortNetworkJobs(
291         AbortType abortType,
292         const std::function<bool(AbstractNetworkJob *job)> &mayAbortJob);
294     /**
295      * Checks whether the current error is one that should reset the whole
296      * transfer if it happens too often. If so: Bump UploadInfo::errorCount
297      * and maybe perform the reset.
298      */
299     void checkResettingErrors();
301     /**
302      * Error handling functionality that is shared between jobs.
303      */
304     void commonErrorHandling(AbstractNetworkJob *job);
306     /**
307      * Increases the timeout for the final MOVE/PUT for large files.
308      *
309      * This is an unfortunate workaround since the drawback is not being able to
310      * detect real disconnects in a timely manner. Shall go away when the server
311      * response starts coming quicker, or there is some sort of async api.
312      *
313      * See #6527, enterprise#2480
314      */
315     static void adjustLastJobTimeout(AbstractNetworkJob *job, qint64 fileSize);
317     /** Bases headers that need to be sent on the PUT, or in the MOVE for chunking-ng */
318     QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> headers();
319 private:
320   PropagateUploadEncrypted *_uploadEncryptedHelper;
321   bool _uploadingEncrypted;
322   UploadStatus _uploadStatus;
323 };
325 /**
326  * @ingroup libsync
327  *
328  * Propagation job, impementing the old chunking agorithm
329  *
330  */
331 class PropagateUploadFileV1 : public PropagateUploadFileCommon
332 {
333     Q_OBJECT
335 private:
336     /**
337      * That's the start chunk that was stored in the database for resuming.
338      * In the non-resuming case it is 0.
339      * If we are resuming, this is the first chunk we need to send
340      */
341     int _startChunk = 0;
342     /**
343      * This is the next chunk that we need to send. Starting from 0 even if _startChunk != 0
344      * (In other words,  _startChunk + _currentChunk is really the number of the chunk we need to send next)
345      * (In other words, _currentChunk is the number of the chunk that we already sent or started sending)
346      */
347     int _currentChunk = 0;
348     int _chunkCount = 0; /// Total number of chunks for this file
349     uint _transferId = 0; /// transfer id (part of the url)
chunkSize()351     qint64 chunkSize() const {
352         // Old chunking does not use dynamic chunking algorithm, and does not adjusts the chunk size respectively,
353         // thus this value should be used as the one classifing item to be chunked
354         return propagator()->syncOptions()._initialChunkSize;
355     }
357 public:
PropagateUploadFileV1(OwncloudPropagator * propagator,const SyncFileItemPtr & item)358     PropagateUploadFileV1(OwncloudPropagator *propagator, const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
359         : PropagateUploadFileCommon(propagator, item)
360     {
361     }
363     void doStartUpload() override;
364 public slots:
365     void abort(PropagatorJob::AbortType abortType) override;
366 private slots:
367     void startNextChunk();
368     void slotPutFinished();
369     void slotUploadProgress(qint64, qint64);
370 };
372 /**
373  * @ingroup libsync
374  *
375  * Propagation job, impementing the new chunking agorithm
376  *
377  */
378 class PropagateUploadFileNG : public PropagateUploadFileCommon
379 {
380     Q_OBJECT
381 private:
382     qint64 _sent = 0; /// amount of data (bytes) that was already sent
383     uint _transferId = 0; /// transfer id (part of the url)
384     int _currentChunk = 0; /// Id of the next chunk that will be sent
385     qint64 _currentChunkSize = 0; /// current chunk size
386     bool _removeJobError = false; /// If not null, there was an error removing the job
388     // Map chunk number with its size  from the PROPFIND on resume.
389     // (Only used from slotPropfindIterate/slotPropfindFinished because the LsColJob use signals to report data.)
390     struct ServerChunkInfo
391     {
392         qint64 size;
393         QString originalName;
394     };
395     QMap<qint64, ServerChunkInfo> _serverChunks;
397     /**
398      * Return the URL of a chunk.
399      * If chunk == -1, returns the URL of the parent folder containing the chunks
400      */
401     QUrl chunkUrl(int chunk = -1);
403 public:
PropagateUploadFileNG(OwncloudPropagator * propagator,const SyncFileItemPtr & item)404     PropagateUploadFileNG(OwncloudPropagator *propagator, const SyncFileItemPtr &item)
405         : PropagateUploadFileCommon(propagator, item)
406     {
407     }
409     void doStartUpload() override;
411 private:
412     void startNewUpload();
413     void startNextChunk();
414 public slots:
415     void abort(AbortType abortType) override;
416 private slots:
417     void slotPropfindFinished();
418     void slotPropfindFinishedWithError();
419     void slotPropfindIterate(const QString &name, const QMap<QString, QString> &properties);
420     void slotDeleteJobFinished();
421     void slotMkColFinished();
422     void slotPutFinished();
423     void slotMoveJobFinished();
424     void slotUploadProgress(qint64, qint64);
425 };
426 }