1## Do not edit this file manually.
2## It has been automatically generated from *.org sources.
4# TODO: krapka!
5.patch_latex <- function(txt){   # print(bibentry,"latex") inserts \bsl macros.
6    gsub("\\bsl{}", "", txt, fixed=TRUE)
9## maybe add to package `gbutils'?
11## if `wd' is a subdirectory of `string' return the path upto and including `string',
12##     otherwise return NULL.
13## If not NULL, it is guaranteed that basename(wd) == string
14## NOTE: currently doesn't expand `./', etc..
15in_subdirectory <- function(string, wd = getwd()){
16    if(grepl(string, wd)){
17        packpat <- paste0(string, "$")
18        while(!grepl(packpat, wd)){
19            wd <- dirname(wd)
20            if(!grepl(string, wd))
21                return(NULL)
22        }
23        if(basename(wd) == string)
24            wd
25        else
26            ## the found directory has `string' as a suffix, eg. xxxRdpack, not Rdpack
27            NULL
28    }else
29        NULL
32get_bibentries <- function(..., package = NULL, bibfile = "REFERENCES.bib",
33                           url_only = FALSE, stop_on_error = TRUE){
34    if(is.null(package)){
35        fn <- file.path(..., bibfile)
36        ## check for existence of fn (and length(fn) == 1)? (but see below)
37    }else{
38        ## first check for development mode in "devtools"
40        ## if the current directory is under `package', first look for the file there
41        devdir <- in_subdirectory(package)
42        if(is.null(devdir))
43            fn <- ""
44        else{
45            ## if in development dir of `package', get it from there
46            fn <- file.path(devdir, "inst", ..., bibfile)
47            if(length(fn) > 1){
48                warning("More than one file found, using the first one only.")
49                fn <- fn[1]
50            }
51            if(!file.exists(fn))
52                fn <- ""
53        }
55        if(fn == "")
56            ## if the above didn't succeed, try system.file(). In principle, this should work
57            ##     also in development mode under devtools, at least for REFERENCES.bib,
58            ##     but currently devtools' system.file() doesn't handle it.
59            fn <- system.file(..., bibfile, package = package)
61        if(fn == "")
62            ## if the above didn't succeed try system.file() with subdir "inst".
63            ##    This is really for the case when system.file() is the one from devtools,
64            ##    see the note above. TODO: check if this is the case?
65            fn <- system.file("inst", ..., bibfile, package = package)
67	    ## 2020-09-27 removing this functionality since package 'bibtex' ca no longer be
68            ##            relied upon and was dropped from the dependencies.
69            ##
70            ## if(length(fn) == 1  &&  fn == "")
71            ##     ## if system.file() didn't find the bib file, check if file package.bib is
72            ##     ## provided by package "bibtex" (it is for core R packages, such as "base")
73            ##     fn <- system.file("bib", sprintf("%s.bib", package), package = "bibtex")
74    }
76    if(length(fn) > 1){
77        warning("More than one file found, using the first one only.")
78        fn <- fn[1]
79    }else if(length(fn) == 1  &&  fn == ""){
80        msg <- paste0("Couldn't find file ", file.path(..., bibfile),
81                      if(!is.null(package)) paste0(" in package `", package, "'"))
82        if(stop_on_error)
83            stop(msg)
84        else{
85            warning(msg)
86            ## return an empty bibentryRd object
87            res <- bibentry()
88            class(res) <- c("bibentryRd", class(res))
89            return(res)
90        }
91    }
93    ## 2018-10-03
94    ##     use package's encoding if specified.
95    ##     TODO: maybe this function should have argument 'encoding'
96    ##     TODO: in principle the  Rd file may have its own encoding,
97    ##           but my current understanding is that parse_Rd() first converts it to UTF-8.
98    ##           BUT what is the encoding of the strings in the object returned by read.bib?
99    encoding <- if(!is.null(package) && !is.null(utils::packageDescription(package)$Encoding))
100                    utils::packageDescription(package)$Encoding
101                else
102                    "UTF-8"
104    ## 2020-09-22 switching to 'rbibutils
105    ##      res <- read.bib(file = fn, encoding = encoding)
106    ## current: res <- readBib(file = fn, encoding = encoding)
107    ## test:
108    res <- if(packageVersion("rbibutils") > '2.2.4')
109               ## issue #7 in rbibutils
110               readBib(file = fn, encoding = encoding, direct = TRUE, texChars = "Rdpack")
111           else if(packageVersion("rbibutils") >= '2.1.2')
112               readBib(file = fn, encoding = encoding, direct = TRUE)
113           else
114               readBib(file = fn, encoding = encoding)
116         # 2018-03-10 commenting out
117         #      since bibtex v. >= 0.4.0 has been required for a long time in DESCRIPTION
118         #
119         #    ## 2016-07-26 Now do this only for versions of  bibtex < '0.4.0'.
120         #    ##            From bibtex '0.4.0' read.bib() sets the names.
121         #    if(packageVersion("bibtex") < '0.4.0'){
122         #        names(res) <- sapply(1:length(res), function(x) bibentry_key(res[[x]][[1]]))
123         #    }
125        ## 2020-10-02 commenting out since taken care (hopefully) by readBib
126        ##
127        # for(nam in names(res)){
128        #     ## unconditionaly recode %'s in filed URL
129        #     if(!is.null(res[nam]$url)) {
130        #         res[nam]$url <- gsub("([^\\])%", "\\1\\\\%", res[nam]$url)
131        #     }
132        #
133        #     if(url_only){  # process also other fields
134        #         ## TODO: currently all unescaped %'s in all fields are recoded;
135        #         ##       Maybe do it more selectively, e.g. only for %'s inside \url{},
136        #         ##       or matching something like http(s)://
137        #         fields <- names(unclass(res[nam])[[1]])
138        #
139        #         unclassed <- unclass(res[nam])
140        #         flag <- FALSE
141        #         for(field in fields){
142        #             wrk <- unclass(res[nam])[[1]][[field]]
143        #             if(is.character(wrk) && any(grepl("([^\\])%", wrk))){
144        #                 flag <- TRUE
145        #                 unclassed[[1]][[field]] <- gsub("([^\\])%", "\\1\\\\%", wrk)
146        #             }
147        #         }
148        #         if(flag){
149        #             class(unclassed) <- class(res[nam])
150        #             res[nam] <- unclassed
151        #         }
152        #     }
153        # }
155    ## new 2020-10-02 - allow \% in url's and doi's in the bib file
156    for(nam in names(res)){                                    # print(res[nam], style = "R")
157        ## unconditionaly recode %'s in filed URL
158        if(!is.null(res[nam]$doi)) {
159            res[nam]$doi <- gsub("([^\\\\])[\\\\]%", "\\1%", res[nam]$doi)
160        }
162        if(!is.null(res[nam]$url)) {
163            res[nam]$url <- gsub("([^\\\\])[\\\\]%", "\\1%", res[nam]$url)
164        }
166            # if(url_only){  # process also other fields
167            #     ## TODO: currently all unescaped %'s in all fields are recoded;
168            #     ##       Maybe do it more selectively, e.g. only for %'s inside \url{},
169            #     ##       or matching something like http(s)://
170            #     fields <- names(unclass(res[nam])[[1]])
171            #
172            #     unclassed <- unclass(res[nam])
173            #     flag <- FALSE
174            #     for(field in fields){
175            #         wrk <- unclass(res[nam])[[1]][[field]]
176            #         if(is.character(wrk) && any(grepl("([^\\])%", wrk))){
177            #             flag <- TRUE
178            #             unclassed[[1]][[field]] <- gsub("([^\\])%", "\\1\\\\%", wrk)
179            #         }
180            #     }
181            #     if(flag){
182            #         class(unclassed) <- class(res[nam])
183            #         res[nam] <- unclassed
184            #     }
185            # }
186    }
188    ## 2018-03-03 new:
189    class(res) <- c("bibentryRd", class(res))
191    res
194print.bibentryRd <- function (x, style = "text", ...){
195    class(x) <- class(x)[-1]
196    ## TODO: It would be better to modify the entries and then call
197    ##       print(), rather than vice versa as now.
198    res <- capture.output(print(x, style = style, ...))
199    res <- switch(tolower(style),
200                  r        = gsub("\\\\\\\\%", "%", res),
201                  citation = ,
202                  bibtex   = gsub("\\\\%", "%", res),
204                  res
205                  )
206    cat(res, sep = "\n")
209rebib <- function(infile, outfile, ...){                     # 2013-03-29
210    rdo <- permissive_parse_Rd(infile)   ## 2017-11-25 TODO: argument for RdMacros!
212    if(missing(outfile))
213        outfile <- basename(infile)
214    else if(identical(outfile, ""))  # 2013-10-23 else clause is new
215        outfile <- infile
217    rdo <- inspect_Rdbib(rdo, ...)
219    Rdo2Rdf(rdo, file=outfile, srcfile=infile)
221    rdo
224inspect_Rdbib <- function(rdo, force = FALSE, ...){               # 2013-03-29
225                   # 2013-12-08 was: pos <- Rdo_locate_predefined_section(rdo, "\\references")
226    pos <- Rdo_which_tag_eq(rdo, "\\references")
228    if(length(pos) > 1)
229        stop(paste("Found", length(pos), "sections `references'.\n",
230                   "There should be only one."
231                   ))
232    else if(length(pos) == 0)  # no section "references".
233        return(rdo)
235    bibs <- get_bibentries(...)
237    fkey <- function(x){
238                 m <- gregexpr("[ ]+", x)
239                 rm <- regmatches(x, m, invert = TRUE)[[1]]
240                 if(length(rm) >= 2 && rm[2] != "bibentry:")
241                     rm[2]   # e.g. bibentry:all
242                 else if(length(rm) < 3)     # % bibentry: xxx_key_xxx
243                     ""   # NA_character_
244                 else
245                     rm[3]
246             }
248    fbib <- function(x) grepl("[ ]+bibentry:", x)
249    posbibs <-  Rdo_locate(rdo[[pos]], f = fbib, pos_only = fkey)
250    poskeys <- sapply(posbibs, function(x) x$value)
252    print(posbibs)
254    fendkey <- function(x){
255                 m <- gregexpr("[ ]+", x)
256                 rm <- regmatches(x, m, invert = TRUE)[[1]]
257                 if(length(rm) >= 2 && rm[2] != "end:bibentry:")
258                     rm[2]   # e.g. end:bibentry:all
259                 else if(length(rm) < 3)     # % end:bibentry: xxx_key_xxx
260                     ""   # NA_character_
261                 else
262                     rm[3]
263             }
265    fendbib <- function(x) grepl("end:bibentry:", x)
266    posendbibs <-  Rdo_locate(rdo[[pos]], f = fendbib, pos_only = fendkey)
267    posendkeys <- sapply(posendbibs, function(x) x$value)
269    toomit <- which(poskeys %in% posendkeys)  # note: en@bibkeys:all is different! todo:
270    if(length(toomit) > 0  && !force){
271        poskeys <- poskeys[-toomit]
272        posbibs <- posbibs[-toomit]
273    }
275    if(length(poskeys)==0)
276        "nothing to do."
277    else if(any(poskeys == "bibentry:all")){
278        poskey <- posbibs[[ which(poskeys == "bibentry:all") ]]$pos
280            ## 2021-04-29 TODO: the following line(s) needs to be replaced with
281            ##                      .toRd_styled(bibs[poskeys[i], ???)
282            ##   For testing use REFERENCES.bib in rbibutils
283            ##     (the doi's are currently rendered horribly)
284	    ## DONE! was:
285                # bibstxt <- capture.output(print(bibs, "latex"))
286	        #
287                # bibstxt <- .patch_latex(bibstxt)  # TODO: krapka!
288        ## TODO: the bibstyles used beloww should probably be arguments
289        bibs <- sort(bibs, .bibstyle = "JSSRd")
290        bibstxt <- .toRd_styled(bibs, "Rdpack")
291            # bibstxt <- paste0(bibstxt, collapse = "\\cr\\cr ")
292        bibstxt <- paste0(bibstxt, collapse = "\n\n ")
294        bibstxt <- paste(c("", bibstxt), "\n", sep="")
295        endbibline <- Rdo_comment("% end:bibentry:all")
297        keyflag <- "end:bibentry:all" %in% posendkeys
298        if(keyflag && force){              #todo: more careful!
299            endposkey <- posendbibs[[ which(posendkeys == "end:bibentry:all") ]]$pos
300            rdo[[pos]] <- Rdo_flatremove(rdo[[pos]], poskey+1, endposkey)
301        }
303        if(!keyflag || force){
304            rdo[[pos]] <- Rdo_flatinsert(rdo[[pos]], list(endbibline), poskey,
305                                         before = FALSE)
306            rdo[[pos]] <- Rdo_flatinsert(rdo[[pos]], bibstxt, poskey,
307                                         before = FALSE)
308        }
309    }else{
310        for(i in length(poskeys):1){
311            bibkey <- posbibs[[i]]$value
312            poskey <- posbibs[[i]]$pos
314            ## 2021-04-29 TODO: the following line(s) needs to be replaced with
315            ##                        .toRd_styled(bibs[poskeys[i], ???)
316            ##   For testing use REFERENCES.bib in rbibutils
317            ##     (the doi's are currently rendered horribly)
318	    ## DONE! was:
319                # bibstxt <- capture.output(print(bibs[poskeys[i]],"latex"))
320	        #
321                # bibstxt <- .patch_latex(bibstxt)  # TODO: krapka!
322            bibstxt <- .toRd_styled(bibs[poskeys[i]], "Rdpack")
324            bibstxt <- list( paste( c("", bibstxt), "\n", sep="") )
325            endbibline <- Rdo_comment(paste("% end:bibentry: ", bibkey))
327            keyflag <- bibkey %in% posendkeys
328            if(keyflag && force){                                       #todo: more careful!
329                endposkey <- posendbibs[[ which(posendkeys == bibkey) ]]$pos
330                rdo[[pos]] <- Rdo_flatremove(rdo[[pos]], poskey+1, endposkey)
331            }
333            if(!keyflag || force){ # this is always TRUE here but is left for common look
334                                   # with "all". todo: needs consolidation
335                rdo[[pos]] <- Rdo_flatinsert(rdo[[pos]], list(endbibline), poskey,
336                                             before = FALSE)
337                rdo[[pos]] <- Rdo_flatinsert(rdo[[pos]], bibstxt, poskey,
338                                             before = FALSE)
339            }
340        }
341    }
343    rdo
346Rdo_flatremove <- function(rdo, from, to){  # 2013-03-30 todo: more careful!
347    res <- rdo[-(from:to)]
348    attributes(res) <- attributes(rdo)             # todo: more guarded copying of attributes?
349    res
352                                        # todo: move to another file later
353Rdo_flatinsert <- function(rdo, val, pos, before = TRUE){                        # 2013-03-29
354    depth <- length(pos)
355    if(depth > 1){
356        rdo[[pos]] <- Recall(rdo[[ pos[-depth] ]], val, pos[-depth])
357        # todo: dali zapazva attributite na rdo?
358        return(rdo)
359    }
361    n <- length(rdo)
362    if(!before)
363        pos <- pos + 1
365    res <- if(pos==1)        c(val, rdo)
366           else if(pos==n+1) c(rdo, val)
367           else              c( rdo[1:(pos-1)], val, rdo[pos:n])
368    attributes(res) <- attributes(rdo)             # todo: more guarded copying of attributes?
369    res
372## 2020-11-01: use local()
373.bibs_cache <- local({
374    ## initialise the cache
375    ##     TODO: remove refsmat, it is not needed here, maybe
376    refsmat <- matrix(character(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
377    allbibs <- list()
378    ## TODO: time stamp for auto clearing
380    .get_bibs0 <- function(package, ..., cached_env) {
381        if(is.null(package))
382            stop("argument 'package' must be provided")
384        bibs <- allbibs[[package]]
385        if(is.null(bibs)){
386            ## message("    bibs is NULL")
388            bibs <- get_bibentries(package = package, ..., stop_on_error = FALSE)
389            allbibs[[package]] <<- bibs
390        }   ## else
391            ##    message("    bibs is nonNULL")
393        bibs
394    }
396    .get_all_bibs <- function(){
397        allbibs
398    }
400    list(.get_bibs0 = .get_bibs0, .get_all_bibs = .get_all_bibs)
403## TODO: auto-deduce 'package'?
404## 2020-09-30: changing to cache bib as \insertCite does (new arg. cached_env, etc)
405insert_ref <- function(key, package = NULL, ..., cached_env = NULL) {
407        # 2020-09-30: replaced by a single call
408        # if(is.null(package))
409        #     stop("argument 'package' must be provided")
410        #
411        # bibs <- get_bibentries(package = package, ..., stop_on_error = FALSE)
412        #
414        #  TODO: this is for testing only!
415        #    message("\nkey is ", key)
417        # if(is.null(cached_env))
418        #     message("    cached_env is NULL")
419        # else
420        #     message("    cached_env is nonNULL")
422    bibs <- .bibs_cache$.get_bibs0(package, ..., cached_env = cached_env)
424    if(length(bibs) == 0){
425        note <- paste0("\"Failed to insert reference with key = ", key,
426                       " from package = '", package, "'.",
427                       " Possible cause --- missing REFERENCES.bib in package '",
428                       package, "' or '", package, "' not installed.\""
429                       )
430        note <- paste0("\\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=install]{{warning(", note, ");", note, "}} ")
431        item <- bibentry(
432            bibtype = "Misc",
433            title = "Not avalable",
434            author = person("A", "Adummy"),
435            year = format(Sys.time(), "%Y"),
436            note = note,
437            key = key
438        )
439        .toRd_styled(item, package)
440    }else if(length(key) == 1){
441        item <- tryCatch(bibs[[key]],
442                         warning = function(c) {
443                             if(grepl("subscript out of bounds", c$message)){
444                                 ## tell the user the offending key.
445                                 s <- paste0("possibly non-existing key '", key, "'")
446                                 c$message <- paste0(c$message, " (", s, ")")
447                             }
448                             warning(c)
449                                 # res <- paste0("\nWARNING: failed to insert reference '", key,
450                                 #               "' from package '", package, "' - ",
451                                 #               s, ".\n")
452                                 # return(res)
453                             ## setup a dummy entry
454                             bibentry(
455                                 bibtype = "Misc",
456                                 title = "Not avalable",
457                                 author = person("A", "Adummy"),
458                                 year = format(Sys.time(), "%Y"),
459                                 note = paste0("Failed to insert reference with key = ", key,
460                                               " from package = '", package, "'.",
461                                               " Possible cause --- missing or misspelled key."
462                                               ),
463                                 key = key
464                             )
465                         })
467            #     # 2018-03-01 Bug: Unexpected END_OF_INPUT error (URL parsing?) #3
468            #     #     I don't know why toRd() doesn't do this...
469            #     #
470            #     # escape percents that are not preceded by backslash
471            #     #  (`if' is because in case of error above, item will be simply a string)
472            #
473            # Commenting out since get_bibentries() does it.
474            #     if(inherits(item, "bibentry")  &&  !is.null(item$url))
475            #         item$url <- gsub("([^\\])%", "\\1\\\\%", item$url)
477            # if(interactive()) browser()
479            # wrk <- .toRd_styled(item, package) # TODO: add styles? (doesn't seem feasible here)
480            # fn <- tempfile()
481            # cat(wrk, file = fn)
482            # res <- permissive_parse_Rd(fn) ## tools::parse_Rd(fn)
483            # tools::toRd(res)
484            #
485            # wrk <- .toRd_styled(item, package)
486            # Encoding(wrk) <- "bytes"
487            # wrk
488            #
489        .toRd_styled(item, package)
490    }else{
491        ## key is documented to be of length one, nevertheless handle it too
492        kiki <- FALSE
493        items <- withCallingHandlers(bibs[[key]], warning = function(w) {kiki <<- TRUE})
494        ## TODO: deal with URL's as above
495        txt <- .toRd_styled(items, package)
497        if(kiki){ # warning(s) in bibs[[key]]
498            s <- paste0("WARNING: failed to insert ",
499                        "one or more of the following keys in REFERENCES.bib:\n",
500                        paste(key, collapse = ", \n"), ".")
501            warning(s)
502            txt <- c(txt, s)
503        }
504        paste0(paste(txt, collapse = "\n\n"), "\n")
505    }
508## 2017-11-25 new
509## see utils:::print.help_files_with_topic()
510viewRd <- function(infile, type = getOption("help_type"), stages = NULL){
511    infile <- normalizePath(infile)
513    if(is.null(type))
514       type <- "text"
515    else if(!is.character(type) || length(type) != 1)
516        stop("'type' should be 'html' or 'text'")
518    if(is.null(stages))
519        # stages <- c("install", "render")
520        stages <- c("build", "install", "render")
521        # stages <- c("build", "render")
522    else if(!is.character(stages) || !all(stages %in% c("build", "install", "render")))
523        stop('stages must be a character vector containing one or more of the strings "build", "install", and "render"')
525    pkgname <- basename(dirname(dirname(infile)))
526    outfile <- tempfile(fileext = paste0(".", type))
527    ## 2020-05-19: added pkgdir to read also current package macros, see below
528    pkgdir <- dirname(dirname(infile))
530    ## here we need to expand the Rd macros, so don't use permissive_parse_Rd()
531    ## 2020-05-19: read also the macros from pkgdir,
532    ##             load those from Rdpack anyway, in case Rdpack is not in 'DESCRIPTION' yet
533    ##             TODO: could issue warning here but this could be intrusive here since
534    ##                   the user may not need Rdpack for the current package.
535    e <- tools::loadPkgRdMacros(system.file(package = "Rdpack"))
536    e <- tools::loadPkgRdMacros(pkgdir, macros = e)
537    ## finally load the Rd system macros (though I haven't noticed errors without this step).
538    e <- tools::loadRdMacros(file.path(R.home("share"), "Rd", "macros", "system.Rd"),
539                             macros = e)
541    ## check if mathjaxr is needed
542    descpath <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION")
543    need_mathjaxr <-
544        if(file.exists(descpath)){
545            ## rdmac is NA if there is no RDMacros field in DESCRIPTION
546            rdmac <- as.character(read.dcf(descpath, fields = "RdMacros"))
547            grepl("mathjaxr", as.character(rdmac))
548        }else{
549            ## try installed package
550            pkgdesc <- packageDescription(pkgname)
551            !is.null(pkgdesc$RdMacros)  && grepl("mathjaxr",pkgdesc$RdMacros)
552        }
553    ## this loads mathjax from CDN, so internet connection needed
554    if(need_mathjaxr){
555        ## code borrowed from package "mathjaxr"
556        mjcdn <- Sys.getenv("MATHJAXR_USECDN")
557        on.exit(Sys.setenv(MATHJAXR_USECDN = mjcdn))
558        Sys.setenv(MATHJAXR_USECDN = "TRUE")
559    }
561    ## Rdo <- parse_Rd(infile, macros = e)
563    ## can't do this (the file may be deleted before the browser opens it):
564    ##        on.exit(unlink(outfile))
565    switch(type,
566           text = {
567               temp <- tools::Rd2txt(infile, # was: Rdo,
568                                     out = outfile, package = pkgname, stages = stages
569                                     , macros = e)
570               file.show(temp, delete.file = TRUE) # text file is deleted
571           },
572           html = {
573               temp <- tools::Rd2HTML(infile, # was: Rdo,
574                                      out = outfile, package = pkgname,
575                                      stages = stages
576                                      , macros = e)
577               browseURL(temp)
578               ## html file is not deleted
579           },
580           stop("'type' should be one of 'text' or 'html'")
581           )
584## temporary; not exported
585vigbib <- function(package, verbose = TRUE, ..., vig = NULL){
586    if(!is.null(vig))
587        return(makeVignetteReference(package, vig, ...))
589    vigs <- vignette(package = package)
590    if(nrow(vigs$results) == 0){
591        if(verbose)
592            cat("No vignettes found in package ", package, "\n")
593        return(bibentry())
594    }
595    wrk <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(vigs$results)),
596                  function(x) makeVignetteReference(package = package, vig = x,
597                                                    verbose = FALSE, ...)
598                  )
599    res <- do.call("c", wrk)
600    if(verbose)
601        print(res, style = "Bibtex")
602    invisible(res)
605makeVignetteReference <- function(package, vig = 1, verbose = TRUE,
606                                  title, author, type = "pdf",
607                                  bibtype = "Article", key = NULL
608                                  ){
609    publisher <- NULL # todo: turn this into an argument some day ...
611    if(missing(package))
612        stop("argument 'package' is missing with no default")
614    cranname <- "CRAN"
615    cran <- "https://CRAN.R-Project.org"
616    cranpack <- paste0(cran, "/package=", package)
618    ## todo: for now only cran
619    if(is.null(publisher)){
620        publisher <- cran
621        publishername <- cranname
622        publisherpack <- cranpack
623    }
625    desc <- packageDescription(package)
626    vigs <- vignette(package = package)
628    if(is.character(vig)){
629        vig <- pmatch(vig, vigs$results[ , "Item"])
630        if(length(vig) == 1  &&  !is.na(vig)){
631            wrk <- vigs$results[vig, "Title"]
632        }else
633            stop(paste0(
634                "'vig' must (partially) match one of:\n",
635                paste0("\t", 1:nrow(vigs$results), " ", vigs$results[ , "Item"], "\n",
636                       collapse = "\n"),
637                "Alternatively, 'vig' can be the index printed in front of the name above."))
638    }else if(1 <= vig  && vig <= nrow(vigs$results)){
639        wrk <- vigs$results[vig, "Title"]
640    }else{
641        stop("not ready yet, should return all vigs in the package.")
642    }
644    if(missing(author))
645        author <- desc$Author
647    title <- gsub(" \\([^)]*\\)$", "", wrk)  # drop ' (source, pdf)'
648    item <- vigs$results[vig, "Item"]
649    vigfile <- paste0(item, ".", type)
651    journal <- paste0("URL ", publisherpack, ".",
652                      " Vignette included in R package ", package,
653                      ", version ", desc$Version
654                      )
656    if(is.null(desc$Date)){ # built-in packages do not have field "year"
657        if(grepl("^Part of R", desc$License[1])){
658            ## title <- paste0(title, "(", desc$License, ")")
659            publisherpack <- cran ## do not add package=... to https in this case
660            journal <- paste0("URL ", publisherpack, ".",
661                              " Vignette included in R package ", package,
662                              " (", desc$License, ")"
663                              )
664        }
665        year <- R.version$year
666    }else
667        year <- substring(desc$Date, 1, 4)
669                 # stop(paste0("argument 'vig' must be a charater string or an integer\n",
670                 #            "between 1 and the number of vignettes in the package"))
672    if(is.null(key))
673        key <- paste0("vig", package, ":", vigs$results[vig, "Item"])
675    res <- bibentry(
676        key = key,
677        bibtype = bibtype,
678        title = title,
679        author = author,
680        journal = journal,
681        year = year,
682        ## note = "R package version 1.3-4",
683        publisher = publishername,
684        url = publisherpack
685    )
687    if(verbose){
688        print(res, style = "Bibtex")
689        cat("\n")
690    }
691    res
694## 2018-03-13 new
695insert_citeOnly <- function(keys, package = NULL, before = NULL, after = NULL,
696                            bibpunct = NULL, ...,
697                            cached_env = NULL, cite_only = FALSE, dont_cite = FALSE) {
698    if(!is.null(cached_env)){
699        if(is.null(cached_env$refsmat))
700            cached_env$refsmat <- matrix(character(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
701        ## if(is.null(cached_env$allbibs))
702        ##     cached_env$allbibs <- list()
703    }
705    if(is.null(package))
706        stop("argument 'package' must be provided")
708    if(length(keys) > 1)
709        stop("`keys' must be a character string")
711    if(!cite_only)
712        cached_env$refsmat <- rbind(cached_env$refsmat, c(keys, package))
714    if(dont_cite)
715        return(character(0))
718    textual <- grepl(";textual$", keys)
719    if(textual)
720        keys <- gsub(";textual$", "", keys)
722    if(grepl("[^a-zA-Z.0-9]", package)){
723        delims <- gsub("[a-zA-Z.0-9]", "", package)
724        ch <- substr(delims, 1, 1)
725        wrk <- strsplit(package, ch, fixed = TRUE)[[1]] # note: [[1]]
726        package <- wrk[1]
727        if(length(wrk) > 1){
728            if(nchar(wrk[2]) > 1 || nchar(wrk[2]) == 1  && wrk[2] != " ")
729                before <- wrk[2]
730            if(length(wrk) > 2 && (nchar(wrk[3]) > 1 || nchar(wrk[3]) == 1  && wrk[3] != " "))
731                after <- wrk[3]
732        }
733    }
735        # 2020-11-05 was:
736        #
737        # if(is.null(cached_env)){
738        #     bibs <- get_bibentries(package = package, ..., stop_on_error = FALSE)
739        # }else{
740        #     bibs <- cached_env$allbibs[[package]]
741        #     if(is.null(bibs)){
742        #         bibs <- get_bibentries(package = package, ..., stop_on_error = FALSE)
743        #         cached_env$allbibs[[package]] <- bibs
744        #     }
745        # }
746        #
747    bibs <- .bibs_cache$.get_bibs0(package, ..., cached_env = cached_env)
749        # This wouldn't work since roxygen2 will change it to citation
750        #    TODO: check
751        # if(substr(keys, 1, 1) == "["){ # rmarkdown syntax (actually roxygen2?)
752        #     keys <- substr(keys, 2, nchar(keys) - 1) # drop "[" and the closing "]"
753        #     splitkeys <- strsplit(keys, ";", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] # note: [[1]]
754        #
755        #
756        #
757        # }
759    refch <-  "@"
760    refchpat <- paste0("^[", refch, "]")
761    if(grepl(refchpat, keys)){
762        ch <- substr(keys, 1, 1) # 'ch' is not used currently
763        keys <- substr(keys, 2, nchar(keys)) # drop refch
764        ## TODO: check if there are still @'s at this point
766        refpat <- paste0("(", refch, "[^;,()[:space:]]+)")  #  "(@[^;,[:space:]]+)"
767        if(textual){
768            wrkkeys <- strsplit(keys, "@")[[1]] # note [[1]] !!!
770            ## the last key is special, since there is none after it
771            nk <- length(wrkkeys)
772            wrkkeys[nk] <- if(grepl("[;,]$", wrkkeys[nk]))
773                               sub("([;,])$", ")\\1", wrkkeys[nk])
774                           else
775                               paste0(wrkkeys[nk], ")")
777            ## the 2nd element contains the first key even if the string starts with '@'
778            ##    (if that is the case the first string is "")
779            if(nk > 2){
780                for(i in 2:(nk - 1)){
781                    wrkkeys[i] <- if(grepl("([;,][^;,]*)$", wrkkeys[i]))
782                                      sub("([;,][^;,]*)$", ")\\1" , wrkkeys[i])
783                                  else
784                                      sub("^([^;,()[:space:]]+)", "\\1)" , wrkkeys[i])
785                }
786            }
787            keys <- paste0(wrkkeys, collapse = refch)
788        }
790        m <- gregexpr(refpat, keys)
791        allkeys <- regmatches(keys, m)[[1]] # note: [[1]]
792        allkeys <- gsub(refch, "", allkeys)
794        if(textual){
795            bibpunct0 = c("(", ")", ";", "a", "", ",")
796            if(!is.null(bibpunct)){
797                if(length(bibpunct) < length(bibpunct0))
798                    bibpunct <- c(bibpunct, bibpunct0[-seq_len(length(bibpunct))])
799                ind <- which(is.na(bibpunct))
800                if(length(ind) > 0)
801                    bibpunct[ind] <- bibpunct0[ind]
802            }else
803                bibpunct <- bibpunct0
804        }else{
805            ## for now ignore bibpunct in this case
806            bibpunct <- c("", "", ";", "a", "", ",")
807        }
809        refs <- sapply(allkeys,
810                       function(key)
811                           safe_cite(key, bibs, textual = textual, bibpunct = bibpunct,
812                                     from.package = package)
813                       )
814        if(textual){
815            ## drop ")" - strong assumption that that is the last char
816            refs <- sapply(refs, function(s) substr(s, 1, nchar(s) - 1))
817        }
819        ## replace keys with citations
820        text <- keys
821        regmatches(text, m) <- list(refs)
823        if(!textual) # 2018-03-28 don't put patentheses in textual mode
824            text <- paste0("(", text, ")")
825    }else{
826        if(is.null(bibpunct))
827            text <- safe_cite(keys, bibs, textual = textual, before = before, after = after
828                            , from.package = package)
829        else{
830            bibpunct0 = c("(", ")", ";", "a", "", ",")
831            if(length(bibpunct) < length(bibpunct0))
832                bibpunct <- c(bibpunct, bibpunct0[-seq_len(length(bibpunct))])
833            ind <- which(is.na(bibpunct))
834            if(length(ind) > 0)
835                bibpunct[ind] <- bibpunct0[ind]
837            text <- safe_cite(keys, bibs, textual = textual, before = before, after = after,
838                              bibpunct = bibpunct, from.package = package)
839        }
840    }
842    toRd(text)
845safe_cite <- function(keys, bib, ..., from.package = NULL){
846    wrk.keys <- unlist(strsplit(keys, ","))
847    if(!all(wrk.keys %in% names(bib))){
848        ok <- wrk.keys %in% names(bib)
849        miss.keys <- wrk.keys[!ok]
850        warning("possibly non-existing or duplicated key(s)",
851                if(!is.null(from.package))
852                    paste0(" in bib file from package '", from.package, "'"),
853                ":\n    ", paste(miss.keys, sep = ", "), "\n")
855        keys <- wrk.keys[ok]
856    }
858        # 2018-06-02 was: cite(keys = keys, bib = bib, ...)
859    cite(keys = keys, bib = bib, longnamesfirst = FALSE, ...)
862insert_all_ref <- function(refs, style = ""){
863    if(is.environment(refs)){
864        refsmat <- refs$refsmat
865        allbibs <- .bibs_cache$.get_all_bibs()  # 2020-11-05 was: refs$allbibs
866        if(is.null(allbibs))  ## TODO: this can be removed, since .get_all_bibs()
867            allbibs <- list() ##       returns an initialised list()
868    }else{
869        refsmat <- refs
870        allbibs <- list()
871    }
873    if(is.null(refs) || is.null(refsmat) || nrow(refsmat) == 0)
874        ## Returning the empty string is probably preferable but 'R CMD check' does not see
875        ## that the references are empty in this case (although the help system see this and
876        ## drops the section "references". To avoid confusing the user, print some
877        ## informative text.
878        return("There are no references for Rd macro \\verb{\\insertAllCites} on this help page.")
880    all.keys <- list()
881    for(i in 1:nrow(refsmat)){
882        keys <- refsmat[i, 1]
884        textual <- grepl(";textual$", keys)
885        if(any(textual))
886            keys <- gsub(";textual", "", keys)
888        refch <-  "@"
889        refchpat <- paste0("^[", refch, "]")
890        if(grepl(refchpat, keys)){
891            ch <- substr(keys, 1, 1)
892            keys <- substr(keys, 2, nchar(keys)) # drop refch
894            refpat <- paste0("(", refch, "[^;,[:space:]]+)")  #  "(@[^;,[:space:]]+)"
895            m <- gregexpr(refpat, keys)
896            keys <- regmatches(keys, m)[[1]] # note: [[1]]
897            keys <- gsub("@", "", keys)
898        }else{
899             keys <- unlist(strsplit(keys, ","))
900        }
902        package <- refsmat[i, 2]
904        if(is.null(all.keys[[package]]))
905            all.keys[[package]] <- keys
906        else
907            all.keys[[package]] <- c(all.keys[[package]], keys)
908    }
909    bibs <- NULL
910    for(package in names(all.keys)){
911        cur <- unique(all.keys[[package]])
913        be <- allbibs[[package]]
914        if(is.null(be))
915            be <- get_bibentries(package = package, stop_on_error = FALSE)
917        if(length(be) == 0){
918            be <- bibentry(
919                bibtype = "Misc",
920                title = "Not avalable",
921                author = person("A", "Adummy"),
922                year = format(Sys.time(), "%Y"),
923                note = paste0("Failed to insert reference with keys = \n    ",
924                              paste0(cur, collapse = " "), "\n",
925                              "from package = '", package, "'.",
926                              " Possible cause --- missing REFERENCES.bib in package '",
927                              package, "' or '", package, "' not installed."
928                              ),
929                key = paste0(cur, collapse = ":")
930            )
931        }else if(all(cur != "*")){
932            be <- tryCatch(
933                be[cur],
934                warning = function(c) {
935                    if(grepl("subscript out of bounds", c$message)){
936                        ## tell the user the offending keys.
937                        c$message <- paste0(c$message, " (",
938                                            paste(cur, collapse = " "),
939                                            "' from package '", package, "'", ")"
940                                            )
941                    }
942                    warning(c)
943                    ## setup a dummy entry
944                    dummy <- bibentry(
945                        bibtype = "Misc",
946                        title = paste0("Some keys from package ", package,
947                                       " are not avalable"),
948                        author = person("A", "Adummy"),
949                        year = format(Sys.time(), "%Y"),
950                        note = paste0("Failed to insert reference with keys:\n    ",
951                                      paste0(cur, collapse = ", "), "\n",
952                                      "from package = '", package, "'.",
953                                      " Possible cause - missing REFERENCES.bib in package '",
954                                      package, "' or '", package, "' not installed."
955                                      ),
956                        key = paste0(cur, collapse = ":")
957                    )
959                    c(be[cur], dummy)
960                })
961        }
963        if(is.null(bibs))
964            bibs <- be
965        else
966            bibs <- c(bibs, be) # TODO: duplicate keys in different packages?
967    }
969    bibs <- sort(bibs, .bibstyle = "JSSRd") # 2021-04-24 was: sort(bibs)
971    pkgs <- names(all.keys)
972        # \Sexpr[stage=build,results=hide]{requireNamespace("cvar")}
974        # 2016-06-02 was:
975        #     if(length(pkgs) > 0){
976        #         pkg <- pkgs[1] ## TODO: for now should do
977        #         if(!isNamespaceLoaded(pkg) && !requireNamespace(pkg) )
978        #             sty <- NULL
979        #         else{
980        #             sty <- Rdpack_bibstyles(pkg)
981        #         }
982        #     }else
983        #         sty <- NULL
984        #
985        #     if(!is.null(sty))
986        #         res <- sapply(bibs, function(x) tools::toRd(x, style = "JSSLongNames"))
987        #     else {
988        #         if(style == "")
989        #             res <- sapply(bibs, function(x) tools::toRd(x))
990        #         else{
991        #             res <- sapply(bibs, function(x) tools::toRd(x, style = "JSSLongNames"))
992        #         }
993        #     }
994    pkg <- if(length(pkgs) > 0)  ## TODO: for now should do
995               pkgs[1]
996           else character(0)
998    res <- .toRd_styled(bibs, pkg)
999        # 2018-10-01 use \par since pkgdown ignores the empty lines
1000        #     TODO: needs further thought
1001        # was:
1002        #  (for now restoring the old one, to check if pkgdown would consider this as a bug)
1004        # paste0(res, collapse = "\n\n")
1005    paste0(res, collapse = "\\cr\\cr ")
1008deparseLatexToRd <- function(x, dropBraces = FALSE)
1010    result <- character()
1011    lastTag <- "TEXT"
1012    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
1013        a <- x[[i]]
1014        tag <- attr(a, "latex_tag")
1015        if (is.null(tag)) tag <- "NULL"
1016        switch(tag,
1017        VERB = ,
1018        TEXT = ,
1019        MACRO = ,
1020        COMMENT = result <- c(result, a),
1021        BLOCK = result <- c(result, if (dropBraces && lastTag == "TEXT") Recall(a) else c("{", Recall(a), "}")),
1022        ENVIRONMENT = result <- c(result,
1023        	"\\begin{", a[[1L]], "}",
1024        	Recall(a[[2L]]),
1025        	"\\end{", a[[1L]], "}"),
1026        ## MATH = result <- c(result, "$", Recall(a), "$"),
1027        MATH = result <- c(result, "\\eqn{", Recall(a), "}"),
1028        NULL = stop("Internal error, no tag", domain = NA)
1029        )
1030        lastTag <- tag
1031    }
1032    paste(result, collapse="")
1035Rdpack_bibstyles <- local({
1036    styles <- list()
1037    function(package, authors){
1038        if((n <- nargs()) > 1){
1039            styles[[package]] <<- authors
1041        }else if(n == 1)
1042            styles[[package]]
1043        else
1044            styles
1045    }
1048.toRd_styled <- function(bibs, package, style = ""){
1049    sty <- if(length(package) == 0)
1050               NULL
1051           else if(!isNamespaceLoaded(package) && !requireNamespace(package) )
1052               NULL
1053           else
1054               Rdpack_bibstyles(package)
1056        # if(!is.null(sty))
1057        #     res <- sapply(bibs, function(x) tools::toRd(x, style = "JSSLongNames"))
1058        # else { # check style
1059        #     if(style == ""){
1060        #         if(!("JSSRd" %in% tools::getBibstyle(all = TRUE)))
1061        #             ## bibstyle_JSSRd()
1062        #             set_Rdpack_bibstyle("JSSRd")
1063        #         res <- sapply(bibs, function(x) tools::toRd(x, style = "JSSRd"))
1064        #     }else{
1065        #         res <- sapply(bibs, function(x) tools::toRd(x, style = "JSSLongNames"))
1066        #     }
1067        # }
1069    sty <- if(is.null(sty) && style == ""){
1070               if(!("JSSRd" %in% tools::getBibstyle(all = TRUE)))
1071                   set_Rdpack_bibstyle("JSSRd")
1072               "JSSRd"
1073           }else
1074               "JSSLongNames"
1076    f <- function(x){
1077        if(!is.null(x$doi) && !is.null(x$url) &&
1078                              grepl(paste0("https?://doi.org/", x$doi), x$url))
1079            x$url <- NULL
1081        ## (2021-10-13) TODO: regarding issue #7 in rbibutils
1082        ##     to fix temporarilly, add here processing of author and editor fields
1083        ##     to change  \'i to \'\i, if any, see
1084        ##     https://github.com/GeoBosh/rbibutils/issues/7#issuecomment-939852743
1085        ##
1086        ## But 'author' fields are of class "person", so the following will not work:
1087        ##
1088        ##   if(!is.null(x$author) && grepl("\\\\'i", x$author))
1089        ##       x$author <- gsub("\\\\'i", "\\\\'\\\\i", x$author),
1090        ##
1091        ## Processing the person field in each reference is not appealing.
1092        ##     Maybe rbibutils should get texChars = "Rdpack" option and do whatever specific
1093        ##     for Rdpack is needed.
1095        tools::toRd(x, style = sty)
1096    }
1098    ## TODO: check if these 'sapply()' preserves encodings, if set.
1099    res <- sapply(bibs, f)
1101    ## 2018-10-08
1103    ## TODO: this is risky but read.bib, bibentry, toRd and similar seem to work
1104    ##       internally with UTF-8
1105    ##
1106    ##     if(!all(Encoding(res) == "UTF-8")){
1107    ##         # warning(paste("encoding is: ", paste0(Encoding(res), collapse = ", "), "\n"))
1108    ##         Encoding(res) <- "UTF-8"
1109    ##     }
1111    res
1114set_Rdpack_bibstyle <- local({
1115    ## from /tools/R/bibstyle.R makeJSS()
1116    collapse <- function(strings)
1117        paste(strings, collapse="\n")
1118    emph <- function(s)
1119        if (length(s)) paste0("\\emph{", collapse(s), "}")
1120    authorList <- function (paper) {
1121        names <- sapply(paper$author, shortName)
1122        if (length(names) > 1L)
1123            result <- paste(names, collapse = ", ")
1124        else result <- names
1125        result
1126    }
1127    editorList <- function (paper) {
1128        names <- sapply(paper$editor, shortName)
1129        if (length(names) > 1L)
1130            result <- paste(paste(names, collapse = ", "), "(eds.)")
1131        else if (length(names))
1132            result <- paste(names, "(ed.)")
1133        else result <- NULL
1134        result
1135    }
1136    shortName <- function (person) {
1137        if (length(person$family)) {
1138            result <- cleanupLatex(person$family)
1139            if (length(person$given))
1140                paste(result, paste(substr(sapply(person$given, cleanupLatex),
1141                                           1, 1), collapse = ""))
1142            else result
1143        }
1144        else paste(cleanupLatex(person$given), collapse = " ")
1145    }
1146    ## Clean up LaTeX accents and braces
1147    ## this is a copy of unexported  tools:::cleanupLatex by Duncan Murdoch.
1148    cleanupLatex <- function(x) {
1149        if (!length(x))
1150            return(x)
1151        latex <- tryCatch(tools::parseLatex(x), error = function(e)e)
1152        if (inherits(latex, "error")) {
1153            x
1154        } else {
1155            deparseLatexToRd(latexToUtf8(latex), dropBraces=TRUE)
1156        }
1157    }
1159    ## modified from tools::makeJSS()
1160    ## TODO: report on R-devel?.
1161    bookVolume <- function(book) {
1162        result <- ""
1163        if (length(book$volume)){
1164            result <- paste("volume", collapse(book$volume))
1165            if (length(book$number))
1166                result <- paste0(result, "(", collapse(book$number), ")")
1167            if (length(book$series))
1168                result <- paste(result, "of", emph(collapse(book$series)))
1169        }else if (length(book$number)){
1170            ## todo: in JSS style and others the title end with '.' and
1171            ##       'number' is 'Number', but don't want to fiddle with this now.
1172            result <- paste(result, "number", collapse(book$number))
1173            if (length(book$series))
1174                result <- paste(result, "in", collapse(book$series))
1175        }else if (length(book$series))
1176            result <- paste(result, collapse(book$series))
1177        if (nzchar(result)) result
1178    }
1180    ## new 2021-04-23
1181    sortKeys <- function (bib) {
1182        result <- character(length(bib))
1183        for (i in seq_along(bib)) {
1184            authors <- authorList(bib[[i]])
1185            if (!length(authors))
1186                authors <- editorList(bib[[i]])
1187            if (!length(authors))
1188                authors <- ""
1189            year <- collapse(bib[[i]]$year)
1190            authyear <- if(authors != "" )
1191                            paste0(authors, ", ", year)
1192                        else
1193                            year
1194            result[i] <- authyear
1195        }
1196        result
1197    }
1199    function(bibstyle = "JSSRd"){
1200        switch(bibstyle,
1201               "JSSRd" =
1202                   tools::bibstyle("JSSRd", .init = TRUE, .default = FALSE,
1203                                   cleanupLatex = cleanupLatex,
1204                                   bookVolume = bookVolume,
1205                                   sortKeys = sortKeys
1206                                   ),
1208               "JSSLongNames" =
1209                   tools::bibstyle("JSSLongNames", .init = TRUE, .default = FALSE,
1210                                   cleanupLatex = cleanupLatex,
1211                                   bookVolume = bookVolume,
1212                                   sortKeys = sortKeys,
1214                                   shortName = function(person) {
1215                                       paste(paste(cleanupLatex(person$given), collapse=" "),
1216                                             cleanupLatex(person$family), sep = " ")
1217                                   }
1218                                   ),
1219               ## default
1220               stop("Unknown bibstyle ", bibstyle)
1221               )
1222    }
1225.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
1226    ## define the styles but not set any of them as default
1227    set_Rdpack_bibstyle("JSSRd")
1228    set_Rdpack_bibstyle("JSSLongNames")
1230    ## set "LongNames" style for this package (Rdpack)
1231    Rdpack_bibstyles(package = pkg, authors = "LongNames")
1232    invisible(NULL)