2\title{News for Package \pkg{vcd}}
5\section{Changes in version 1.4-9}{
6  \itemize{
7      \item add \code{gp_axis} argument to \code{pairs_barplot()}.
8      \item fix URLs in JSS references.
9  }
13\section{Changes in version 1.4-8}{
14  \itemize{
15      \item New argument \code{pdigits=} in \code{legend_resbased()} to
16  specify the number of digits of p-values.
17  }
21\section{Changes in version 1.4-7}{
22  \itemize{
23      \item bugfix: highlighting was wrong since 1.4-5. It
24      now correctly recycles the fill parameter along \emph{last}
25      dimension (i.e., the
26  dependent variable), in contrast to standard behavior of \code{mosaic()}
27  }
30\section{Changes in version 1.4-6}{
31  \itemize{
32      \item bugfix: doubledecker plot had wrong shading since 1.4-5. It
33      now correctly recycles graphical parameters along \emph{last}
34      dimension (i.e., the
35  dependent variable), in contrast to standard behavior of mosaic().
36  }
40\section{Changes in version 1.4-5}{
41  \itemize{
42      \item small internal change in \code{tile()} to account for new grid
43      package.
44      \item graphical parameters are now recycled along \emph{first} dimension.
45  }
49\section{Changes in version 1.4-4}{
50  \itemize{
51    \item Bugfix: \code{labeling_cells()} could not handle structable objects
52    when called separately from \code{mosaic()}.
53    \item \code{ternaryplot()} now has additional \code{dimnames_rot=} and
54    \code{labels_rot=} arguments for changing the angle of the labels.
55    \item The loddratio plot now suppresses labels in the 2x2x(strata) case.
56  }
59\section{Changes in version 1.4-3}{
60  \itemize{
61    \item Remove outdated inst/doc directory.
62  }
65\section{Changes in version 1.4-2}{
66  \itemize{
67    \item add \code{lines()} method for \code{loddsratio} objects.
68    \item add \code{gpar()} argment to control confidence intervals in \code{distplot()}.
69  }
72\section{Changes in version 1.4-1}{
73  \itemize{
74    \item add imports for functions in recommended packages to NAMESPACE
75    \item \code{shading_hcl} now also uses solid line type for
76    \code{abs(residuals) < eps} like \code{shading_hsv()}.
77  }
80\section{Changes in version 1.4-0}{
81  \itemize{
82    \item Add \code{shading_Marimekko} and \code{shading_diagonal}.
83    \item Add residual-based shading to \code{rootogram()}.
84    \item Add \code{residuals()} method for \code{"goodfit"} objects.
85    \item Add \code{grid_abline()} for convenience.
86    \item Add P-values to the output print.Kappa() produces.
87    \item Fix legend of \code{distplot()} in case of leveled plots.
88    \item \code{cotab_agreementplot} panel function for plotting
89    conditional (stratified) agreement charts added.
90    \item \code{loddsratio} added as an extension of \code{oddsratio} for
91    conditioned generalized odds ratios. The plot method is greatly
92    enhanced, and structural zeros (missing values) are also
93    accepted. \code{oddsratio} is now just an alias for
94    \code{loddsratio}.
95    \item Bug fix in \code{pairs.table()}: for
96    \code{"conditional"} type, tables are now reordered so that the
97    conditioning variables come \emph{first}.
99    \item \code{cotab_loddsratio} panel function for plotting
100    conditional log-odds ratios plots added.
101    \item \code{assocstats} now handles strata (all but the first two
102    dimensions).
103    \item \code{sieve} now accepts a \code{scale=} argument.
104    \item \code{binreg_plot()} added for (conditioned) binary regression plots
105    \item Bug fix in \code{mosaic()}: using \code{highlighting=} and/or
106    \code{condvars=} now not only reorders the table, but also the split
107    information, so that both remain consistent.
108    \item All plot functions now have an option to return the produced
109    plot as a grid object for further use (e.g., in \code{mplot()}).
110    \item \code{mplot()} added for combining multiple grid plots in a
111    multi-panel-layout.
112    \item \code{legend_grid} now allows more options for positioning,
113    and an \code{inset} argument has been added for relative adjustments.
114  }
117\section{Changes in version 1.3-2}{
118  \itemize{
119    \item \code{Ord_plot()} gets \code{lwd}, \code{lty} and \code{col} arguments
120    to control plotting of the OLS and WLS lines.
121    \item \code{distplot()} gets an \code{lwd} argument.
122    \item Changed default line types for \code{sieve} so that positive residuals are
123    shown with solid lines, as per Friendly specifications.
124    \item fixed problems with \code{pairs_strucplot()} type argument, particularly for
125    \code{type="conditional"}
126    \item Fixed error in \code{CoalMiners} data (missing group, labels
127    switched)
128    \item Change default area type for sieve plots to "area"
129  }
132\section{Changes in version 1.3-1}{
133  \itemize{
134    \item several namespace issues fixed
135  }
138\section{Changes in version 1.3-0}{
139  \itemize{
140    \item Bug fixed in \code{assoc()}
141    \item \code{grid_legend()} extended for better finetuning of graphical parameters
142    \item \code{legend_resbased()} better handles spacing for labels.
143    \item \code{legend_resbased()} and \code{legend_fixed()}
144    now allow changing the font family.
145    \item default diagonal panel in \code{pairs()} is now set to
146    \code{pairs_diagonal_mosaic()}, with alternating labels and
147    frequencies shown on the bars.
148    \item labeling is more customizable in \code{fourfold()}
149  }
152\section{Changes in version 1.2-13}{
153  \itemize{
154    \item \code{agreementplot()} now allows to add marginals to the plot
155    \item \code{abbreviate} argument of \code{labeling_border()} renamed to
156    \code{abbreviate_labs} to prevent name clash with
157    \code{abbreviate_foo} args in \code{labeling_cells()}
158    \item Several partial matches fixed in code
159  }
161\section{Changes in version 1.2-12}{
162  \itemize{
163    \item Bug fix: \code{assoc()} would not plot tables with 0 residuals
164    \item Bug fix: \code{structable()} adds dimnames and dimname names if none are specified
165    \item Bug fix: print error message when subsetting/selecting of
166    structable objects using more than 2 indices
167    \item \file{NEWS} file changed to .Rd format
168  }
170\section{Changes in version 1.2-11}{
171  \itemize{
172    \item Bug fix: \code{gamma} argument removed from \code{hcl2hex()}
173  }
175\section{Changes in version 1.2-10}{
176  \itemize{
177    \item Add aperm method for structable objects
178    \item For use with \code{shading_Friendly()}, \code{shading_hsv()}
179  now sets the line type of borders corresponding to \code{abs(residual)
180    < eps} to \code{lty[1]} in addition to setting \code{color}
181  to \code{line_color}.
183    \item In \code{fourfold()}, modified default \code{colors[3:4]} for
184    non-significant log odds ratios to be more visually distinct from
185    the fully saturated \code{colors[5:6]} for significant ones.
187    \item In \code{fourfold()}, allow the function to work with
188    tables with more than 3 dimensions,
189    by restructuring all strata dimensions into
190    a single combined 3rd dimension.
192    \item In \code{fourfold()}, modified defaults for \code{mfrow}/\code{mfcol} to give landscape display, \eqn{nr <= nc},
193      rather than \eqn{nr >= nc}. If \code{length(dim(x)) > 3}, set \code{nr=dim(x)[3]}.
194  }
196\section{Changes in version 1.2-9}{
197  \itemize{
198    \item Fixed \code{Ord_plot()} for devices where the default filling is
199      \code{"white"} and not \code{"transparent"} by explicitly setting it to
200      the latter.
201    \item Bug fix in \code{as.table.structable()}, returning the table in a different order
202      than defined in the structable object, confusing in particular
203      \code{plot.structable()}.
204    \item add parameter to \code{ternaryplot()} to control the positioning of the
205      plot labels.
206  }
208\section{Changes in version 1.2-8}{
209  \itemize{
210    \item Small bug fixes in handling of some graphical parameters.
211  }
213\section{Changes in version 1.2-7}{
214  \itemize{
215    \item Corrected df handling in \code{goodfit()} with ML estimation:
216      only non-zero cells are used. This is backward compatible
217      with versions \eqn{<=} 1.2-4.
218    \item Fixed bug in \code{goodfit()} for binomial distribution with
219      specified \code{"size"} parameter (introduced in 1.2-5).
220  }
222\section{Changes in version 1.2-6}{
223  \itemize{
224    \item Small typo in doc of \code{co_table()}.
225  }
227\section{Changes in version 1.2-5}{
228  \itemize{
229    \item Bundesliga data set has been augmented with the results of the
230      seasons 2006/7, 2007/8, 2008/9 (thanks to Torsten Hothorn).
231      \item \code{goodfit()} was modified to treat zero cells better:
232      \sQuote{Internal}
233      zero cells (i.e., counts below the maximal observed count that
234      did not occur in the sample) are retained (and not dropped as
235      before). \sQuote{Trailing} zero cells (i.e., counts above the maximal
236      observed count) are still not considered. The documentation now
237      points out the problems with the minimum-chi-squared method in
238      the latter situation.
239    \item \code{sieve()} now accepts a \code{gp_tile} argument to control the appearance of
240      the cells (apart from the sieve color)
241  }
243\section{Changes in version 1.2-4}{
244  \itemize{
245    \item Bug fix: labeling arguments were incorrectly handled when the options
246      were not provided as named vector
247    \item \code{ternaryplot()} now makes use of the \code{cex} argument also for
248      the rendering of optional labels, if any
249  }
251\section{Changes in version 1.2-3}{
252  \itemize{
253    \item \file{hcl-colors.pdf} removed from source ball (vignette now in
254      \cpkg{colorspace})
255  }
257\section{Changes in version 1.2-2}{
258  \itemize{
259    \item \code{strucplot()} now accepts a \code{df} argument that is
260      passed to the shading functions. Also, expected values are no
261      longer computed if residuals are given.
262  }
264\section{Changes in version 1.2-1}{
265  \itemize{
266    \item Fixed a bug in labeling (incorrect handling of some parameters)
267  }
269\section{Changes in version 1.2-0}{
270  \itemize{
271    \item Moved color palettes from \cpkg{vcd} to \cpkg{colorspace}, including
272    \code{vignette("hcl-colors")}.
273    Package \cpkg{colorspace} is (as before) loaded
274      automatically with \cpkg{vcd}.
275  }