2--  files.tests -- Unit tests for files
3--  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Stephane Carrez
4--  Written by Stephane Carrez (Stephane.Carrez@gmail.com)
6--  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7--  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8--  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10--      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12--  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13--  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14--  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15--  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16--  limitations under the License.
19with Ada.Directories;
20with Util.Test_Caller;
21package body Util.Files.Tests is
23   use Util.Tests;
25   package Caller is new Util.Test_Caller (Test, "Files");
27   procedure Add_Tests (Suite : in Util.Tests.Access_Test_Suite) is
28   begin
29      Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test Util.Files.Read_File",
30                       Test_Read_File'Access);
31      Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test Util.Files.Read_File (missing)",
32                       Test_Read_File_Missing'Access);
33      Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test Util.Files.Read_File (truncate)",
34                       Test_Read_File'Access);
35      Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test Util.Files.Write_File",
36                       Test_Write_File'Access);
37      Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test Util.Files.Iterate_Path",
38                       Test_Iterate_Path'Access);
39      Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test Util.Files.Find_File_Path",
40                       Test_Find_File_Path'Access);
41      Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test Util.Files.Compose_Path",
42                       Test_Compose_Path'Access);
43      Caller.Add_Test (Suite, "Test Util.Files.Get_Relative_Path",
44                       Test_Get_Relative_Path'Access);
45   end Add_Tests;
47   --  ------------------------------
48   --  Test reading a file into a string
49   --  Reads this ada source file and checks we have read it correctly
50   --  ------------------------------
51   procedure Test_Read_File (T : in out Test) is
52      Result : Unbounded_String;
53   begin
54      Read_File (Path => "regtests/util-files-tests.adb", Into => Result);
55      T.Assert (Index (Result, "Util.Files.Tests") > 0,
56                "Content returned by Read_File is not correct");
57      T.Assert (Index (Result, "end Util.Files.Tests;") > 0,
58                "Content returned by Read_File is not correct");
59   end Test_Read_File;
61   procedure Test_Read_File_Missing (T : in out Test) is
62      Result : Unbounded_String;
64      pragma Unreferenced (Result);
65   begin
66      Read_File (Path => "regtests/files-test--util.adb", Into => Result);
67      T.Assert (False, "No exception raised");
68   exception
69      when others =>
70         null;
71   end Test_Read_File_Missing;
73   procedure Test_Read_File_Truncate (T : in out Test) is
74      Result : Unbounded_String;
75   begin
76      Read_File (Path => "regtests/util-files-tests.adb", Into => Result,
77                 Max_Size => 50);
78      Assert_Equals (T, Length (Result), 50,
79                     "Read_File did not truncate correctly");
80      T.Assert (Index (Result, "Apache License") > 0,
81                "Content returned by Read_File is not correct");
82   end Test_Read_File_Truncate;
84   --  ------------------------------
85   --  Check writing a file
86   --  ------------------------------
87   procedure Test_Write_File (T : in out Test) is
88      Path   : constant String := Util.Tests.Get_Test_Path ("test-write.txt");
89      Content : constant String := "Testing Util.Files.Write_File" & ASCII.LF;
90      Result : Unbounded_String;
91   begin
92      Write_File (Path => Path, Content => Content);
93      Read_File (Path => Path, Into => Result);
94      Assert_Equals (T, To_String (Result), Content,
95                     "Invalid content written or read");
96   end Test_Write_File;
98   --  ------------------------------
99   --  Check Find_File_Path
100   --  ------------------------------
101   procedure Test_Find_File_Path (T : in out Test) is
102      Dir   : constant String := Util.Tests.Get_Path ("regtests");
103      Paths : constant String := ".;" & Dir;
104   begin
105      declare
106         P : constant String := Util.Files.Find_File_Path ("test.properties", Paths);
107      begin
108         Assert_Equals (T, Dir & "/test.properties", P,
109                        "Invalid path returned");
110      end;
111      Assert_Equals (T, "blablabla.properties",
112                     Util.Files.Find_File_Path ("blablabla.properties", Paths));
113   end Test_Find_File_Path;
115   --  ------------------------------
116   --  Check Iterate_Path
117   --  ------------------------------
118   procedure Test_Iterate_Path (T : in out Test) is
119      procedure Check_Path (Dir : in String;
120                            Done : out Boolean);
122      Last : Unbounded_String;
124      procedure Check_Path (Dir : in String;
125                            Done : out Boolean) is
126      begin
127         if Dir = "a" or Dir = "bc" or Dir = "de" then
128            Done := False;
129         else
130            Done := True;
131         end if;
132         Last := To_Unbounded_String (Dir);
133      end Check_Path;
135   begin
136      Iterate_Path ("a;bc;de;f", Check_Path'Access);
137      Assert_Equals (T, "f", Last, "Invalid last path");
139      Iterate_Path ("de;bc;de;b", Check_Path'Access);
140      Assert_Equals (T, "b", Last, "Invalid last path");
142      Iterate_Path ("de;bc;de;a", Check_Path'Access, Ada.Strings.Backward);
143      Assert_Equals (T, "de", Last, "Invalid last path");
145   end Test_Iterate_Path;
147   --  ------------------------------
148   --  Test the Compose_Path operation
149   --  ------------------------------
150   procedure Test_Compose_Path (T : in out Test) is
151   begin
152      Assert_Equals (T, "src/os-none",
153                     Compose_Path ("src;regtests", "os-none"),
154                     "Invalid path composition");
155      Assert_Equals (T, "regtests/bundles",
156                     Compose_Path ("src;regtests", "bundles"),
157                     "Invalid path composition");
158      if Ada.Directories.Exists ("/usr/bin") then
159         Assert_Equals (T, "/usr/bin;/usr/local/bin;/usr/bin",
160                        Compose_Path ("/usr;/usr/local;/usr", "bin"),
161                        "Invalid path composition");
162      end if;
163   end Test_Compose_Path;
165   --  ------------------------------
166   --  Test the Get_Relative_Path operation.
167   --  ------------------------------
168   procedure Test_Get_Relative_Path (T : in out Test) is
169   begin
170      Assert_Equals (T, "../util",
171                     Get_Relative_Path ("/home/john/src/asf", "/home/john/src/util"),
172                     "Invalid relative path");
173      Assert_Equals (T, "../util",
174                     Get_Relative_Path ("/home/john/src/asf/", "/home/john/src/util"),
175                     "Invalid relative path");
176      Assert_Equals (T, "../util/b",
177                     Get_Relative_Path ("/home/john/src/asf", "/home/john/src/util/b"),
178                     "Invalid relative path");
179      Assert_Equals (T, "../as",
180                     Get_Relative_Path ("/home/john/src/asf", "/home/john/src/as"),
181                     "Invalid relative path");
182      Assert_Equals (T, "../../",
183                     Get_Relative_Path ("/home/john/src/asf", "/home/john"),
184                     "Invalid relative path");
185      Assert_Equals (T, "/usr/share/admin",
186                     Get_Relative_Path ("/home/john/src/asf", "/usr/share/admin"),
187                     "Invalid absolute path");
188      Assert_Equals (T, "/home/john",
189                     Get_Relative_Path ("home/john/src/asf", "/home/john"),
190                     "Invalid relative path");
191      Assert_Equals (T, "e",
192                     Get_Relative_Path ("/home/john/src/asf", "/home/john/src/asf/e"),
193                     "Invalid relative path");
194      Assert_Equals (T, ".",
195                     Get_Relative_Path ("/home/john/src/asf", "/home/john/src/asf/"),
196                     "Invalid relative path");
197   end Test_Get_Relative_Path;
199end Util.Files.Tests;