1 /* gnu/regexp/RETokenNamedProperty.java
2    Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 This file is part of GNU Classpath.
6 GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9 any later version.
11 GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
18 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
19 02110-1301 USA.
21 Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
22 making a combined work based on this library.  Thus, the terms and
23 conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
24 combination.
26 As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27 permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28 executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
29 modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
30 terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
31 independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
32 module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
33 or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
34 this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
35 obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
36 exception statement from your version. */
39 package gnu.java.util.regex;
41 import gnu.java.lang.CPStringBuilder;
43 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
44 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
46 final class RETokenNamedProperty extends REToken
47 {
48   String name;
49   boolean insens;
50   boolean negate;
51   Handler handler;
53   // Grouped properties
54   static final byte[] LETTER = new byte[]{ Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER,
55     Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER,
56     Character.TITLECASE_LETTER,
57     Character.MODIFIER_LETTER,
58     Character.OTHER_LETTER
59   };
61   static final byte[] MARK = new byte[]{ Character.NON_SPACING_MARK,
63     Character.ENCLOSING_MARK
64   };
66   static final byte[] SEPARATOR = new byte[]{ Character.SPACE_SEPARATOR,
67     Character.LINE_SEPARATOR,
69   };
71   static final byte[] SYMBOL = new byte[]{ Character.MATH_SYMBOL,
72     Character.CURRENCY_SYMBOL,
73     Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL,
74     Character.OTHER_SYMBOL
75   };
77   static final byte[] NUMBER = new byte[]{ Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER,
78     Character.LETTER_NUMBER,
79     Character.OTHER_NUMBER
80   };
82   static final byte[] PUNCTUATION = new byte[]{ Character.DASH_PUNCTUATION,
83     Character.START_PUNCTUATION,
84     Character.END_PUNCTUATION,
86     Character.OTHER_PUNCTUATION,
89   };
91   static final byte[] OTHER = new byte[]{ Character.CONTROL,
92     Character.FORMAT,
93     Character.PRIVATE_USE,
94     Character.SURROGATE,
95     Character.UNASSIGNED
96   };
RETokenNamedProperty(int subIndex, String name, boolean insens, boolean negate)98   RETokenNamedProperty (int subIndex, String name, boolean insens,
99                         boolean negate) throws REException
100   {
101     super (subIndex);
102     this.name = name;
103     this.insens = insens;
104     this.negate = negate;
105     handler = getHandler (name);
106   }
getMinimumLength()108   int getMinimumLength ()
109   {
110     return 1;
111   }
getMaximumLength()113   int getMaximumLength ()
114   {
115     return 1;
116   }
matchThis(CharIndexed input, REMatch mymatch)118   REMatch matchThis (CharIndexed input, REMatch mymatch)
119   {
120     char ch = input.charAt (mymatch.index);
121     boolean retval = matchOneChar (ch);
122     if (retval)
123       {
124         ++mymatch.index;
125         return mymatch;
126       }
127     return null;
128   }
matchOneChar(char ch)130   private boolean matchOneChar (char ch)
131   {
132     if (ch == CharIndexed.OUT_OF_BOUNDS)
133       return false;
135     boolean retval = handler.includes (ch);
136     if (insens)
137       {
138         retval = retval ||
139           handler.includes (toUpperCase (ch, unicodeAware)) ||
140           handler.includes (toLowerCase (ch, unicodeAware));
141       }
143     if (negate)
144       retval = !retval;
145     return retval;
146   }
returnsFixedLengthMatches()148   boolean returnsFixedLengthMatches ()
149   {
150     return true;
151   }
findFixedLengthMatches(CharIndexed input, REMatch mymatch, int max)153   int findFixedLengthMatches (CharIndexed input, REMatch mymatch, int max)
154   {
155     int index = mymatch.index;
156     int numRepeats = 0;
157     while (true)
158       {
159         if (numRepeats >= max)
160           break;
161         char ch = input.charAt (index++);
162         if (!matchOneChar (ch))
163           break;
164         numRepeats++;
165       }
166     return numRepeats;
167   }
dump(CPStringBuilder os)169   void dump (CPStringBuilder os)
170   {
171     os.append ("\\").append (negate ? "P" : "p").append ("{" + name + "}");
172   }
174   private abstract static class Handler
175   {
includes(char c)176     public abstract boolean includes (char c);
177   }
getHandler(String name)179   private Handler getHandler (String name) throws REException
180   {
181     if (name.equals ("Lower") || name.equals ("Upper") ||
182         // name.equals("ASCII") ||
183         name.equals ("Alpha") ||
184         name.equals ("Digit") ||
185         name.equals ("Alnum") ||
186         name.equals ("Punct") ||
187         name.equals ("Graph") ||
188         name.equals ("Print") ||
189         name.equals ("Blank") ||
190         name.equals ("Cntrl") ||
191         name.equals ("XDigit") || name.equals ("Space"))
192       {
193         return new POSIXHandler (name);
194       }
195     if (name.startsWith ("In"))
196       {
197         try
198         {
199           name = name.substring (2);
200           Character.UnicodeBlock block =
201             Character.UnicodeBlock.forName (name);
202           return new UnicodeBlockHandler (block);
203         }
204         catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
205         {
206           throw new REException ("Invalid Unicode block name: " + name,
207                                  REException.REG_ESCAPE, 0);
208         }
209       }
210     if (name.startsWith ("Is"))
211       {
212         name = name.substring (2);
213       }
215     // "grouped properties"
216     if (name.equals ("L"))
217       return new UnicodeCategoriesHandler (LETTER);
218     if (name.equals ("M"))
219       return new UnicodeCategoriesHandler (MARK);
220     if (name.equals ("Z"))
221       return new UnicodeCategoriesHandler (SEPARATOR);
222     if (name.equals ("S"))
223       return new UnicodeCategoriesHandler (SYMBOL);
224     if (name.equals ("N"))
225       return new UnicodeCategoriesHandler (NUMBER);
226     if (name.equals ("P"))
227       return new UnicodeCategoriesHandler (PUNCTUATION);
228     if (name.equals ("C"))
229       return new UnicodeCategoriesHandler (OTHER);
231     if (name.equals ("Mc"))
232       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK);
233     if (name.equals ("Pc"))
234       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION);
235     if (name.equals ("Cc"))
236       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.CONTROL);
237     if (name.equals ("Sc"))
238       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.CURRENCY_SYMBOL);
239     if (name.equals ("Pd"))
240       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.DASH_PUNCTUATION);
241     if (name.equals ("Nd"))
242       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER);
243     if (name.equals ("Me"))
244       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.ENCLOSING_MARK);
245     if (name.equals ("Pe"))
246       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.END_PUNCTUATION);
247     if (name.equals ("Pf"))
248       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.FINAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION);
249     if (name.equals ("Cf"))
250       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.FORMAT);
251     if (name.equals ("Pi"))
252       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.INITIAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION);
253     if (name.equals ("Nl"))
254       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.LETTER_NUMBER);
255     if (name.equals ("Zl"))
256       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.LINE_SEPARATOR);
257     if (name.equals ("Ll"))
258       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER);
259     if (name.equals ("Sm"))
260       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.MATH_SYMBOL);
261     if (name.equals ("Lm"))
262       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.MODIFIER_LETTER);
263     if (name.equals ("Sk"))
264       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL);
265     if (name.equals ("Mn"))
266       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.NON_SPACING_MARK);
267     if (name.equals ("Lo"))
268       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.OTHER_LETTER);
269     if (name.equals ("No"))
270       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.OTHER_NUMBER);
271     if (name.equals ("Po"))
272       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.OTHER_PUNCTUATION);
273     if (name.equals ("So"))
274       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.OTHER_SYMBOL);
275     if (name.equals ("Zp"))
276       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR);
277     if (name.equals ("Co"))
278       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.PRIVATE_USE);
279     if (name.equals ("Zs"))
280       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.SPACE_SEPARATOR);
281     if (name.equals ("Ps"))
282       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.START_PUNCTUATION);
283     if (name.equals ("Cs"))
284       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.SURROGATE);
285     if (name.equals ("Lt"))
286       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.TITLECASE_LETTER);
287     if (name.equals ("Cn"))
288       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.UNASSIGNED);
289     if (name.equals ("Lu"))
290       return new UnicodeCategoryHandler (Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER);
291     if (name.equals ("all"))
292       return new Handler ()
293       {
294         public boolean includes (char c)
295         {
296           return true;
297         }
298       };
299     if (name.startsWith ("java"))
300       {
301         try
302         {
303           Method m = Character.class.getMethod ("is" + name.substring (4),
304                                                 Character.TYPE);
305           return new JavaCategoryHandler (m);
306         }
307         catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
308         {
309           throw new REException ("Unsupported Java handler: " + name, e,
310                                  REException.REG_ESCAPE, 0);
311         }
312       }
313     throw new REException ("unsupported name " + name, REException.REG_ESCAPE,
314                            0);
315   }
317   private static class POSIXHandler extends Handler
318   {
319     private RETokenPOSIX retoken;
320     public POSIXHandler (String name)
321     {
322       int posixId = RETokenPOSIX.intValue (name.toLowerCase ());
323       if (posixId != -1)
324           retoken = new RETokenPOSIX (0, posixId, false, false);
325       else
326           throw new RuntimeException ("Unknown posix ID: " + name);
327     }
328     public boolean includes (char c)
329     {
330       return retoken.matchOneChar (c);
331     }
332   }
334   private static class UnicodeCategoryHandler extends Handler
335   {
336     public UnicodeCategoryHandler (byte category)
337     {
338       this.category = (int) category;
339     }
340     private int category;
341     public boolean includes (char c)
342     {
343       return Character.getType (c) == category;
344     }
345   }
347   private static class UnicodeCategoriesHandler extends Handler
348   {
349     public UnicodeCategoriesHandler (byte[]categories)
350     {
351       this.categories = categories;
352     }
353     private byte[] categories;
354     public boolean includes (char c)
355     {
356       int category = Character.getType (c);
357       for (int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++)
358         if (category == categories[i])
359           return true;
360       return false;
361     }
362   }
364   private static class UnicodeBlockHandler extends Handler
365   {
366     public UnicodeBlockHandler (Character.UnicodeBlock block)
367     {
368       this.block = block;
369     }
370     private Character.UnicodeBlock block;
371     public boolean includes (char c)
372     {
373       Character.UnicodeBlock cblock = Character.UnicodeBlock.of (c);
374       return (cblock != null && cblock.equals (block));
375     }
376   }
378   /**
379    * Handle the Java-specific extensions \p{javaX} where X
380    * is a method from Character of the form isX
381    *
382    * @author Andrew John Hughes (gnu_andrew@member.fsf.org)
383    */
384   private static class JavaCategoryHandler extends Handler
385   {
386     private Method method;
388     public JavaCategoryHandler (Method m)
389     {
390       this.method = m;
391     }
393     public boolean includes (char c)
394     {
395       try
396       {
397         return (Boolean) method.invoke (null, c);
398       }
399       catch (IllegalAccessException e)
400       {
401         throw new InternalError ("Unable to access method " + method);
402       }
403       catch (InvocationTargetException e)
404       {
405         throw new InternalError ("Error invoking " + method);
406       }
407     }
408   }
410 }