1 /**
2  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
4  */
6 #pragma once
7 #include <aws/lexv2-models/LexModelsV2_EXPORTS.h>
8 #include <aws/lexv2-models/model/PromptSpecification.h>
9 #include <aws/lexv2-models/model/ResponseSpecification.h>
10 #include <utility>
12 namespace Aws
13 {
14 namespace Utils
15 {
16 namespace Json
17 {
18   class JsonValue;
19   class JsonView;
20 } // namespace Json
21 } // namespace Utils
22 namespace LexModelsV2
23 {
24 namespace Model
25 {
27   /**
28    * <p>Provides a prompt for making sure that the user is ready for the intent to be
29    * fulfilled.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
30    * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/models.lex.v2-2020-08-07/IntentConfirmationSetting">AWS
31    * API Reference</a></p>
32    */
33   class AWS_LEXMODELSV2_API IntentConfirmationSetting
34   {
35   public:
36     IntentConfirmationSetting();
37     IntentConfirmationSetting(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
38     IntentConfirmationSetting& operator=(Aws::Utils::Json::JsonView jsonValue);
39     Aws::Utils::Json::JsonValue Jsonize() const;
42     /**
43      * <p>Prompts the user to confirm the intent. This question should have a yes or no
44      * answer.</p> <p>Amazon Lex uses this prompt to ensure that the user acknowledges
45      * that the intent is ready for fulfillment. For example, with the
46      * <code>OrderPizza</code> intent, you might want to confirm that the order is
47      * correct before placing it. For other intents, such as intents that simply
48      * respond to user questions, you might not need to ask the user for confirmation
49      * before providing the information. </p>
50      */
GetPromptSpecification()51     inline const PromptSpecification& GetPromptSpecification() const{ return m_promptSpecification; }
53     /**
54      * <p>Prompts the user to confirm the intent. This question should have a yes or no
55      * answer.</p> <p>Amazon Lex uses this prompt to ensure that the user acknowledges
56      * that the intent is ready for fulfillment. For example, with the
57      * <code>OrderPizza</code> intent, you might want to confirm that the order is
58      * correct before placing it. For other intents, such as intents that simply
59      * respond to user questions, you might not need to ask the user for confirmation
60      * before providing the information. </p>
61      */
PromptSpecificationHasBeenSet()62     inline bool PromptSpecificationHasBeenSet() const { return m_promptSpecificationHasBeenSet; }
64     /**
65      * <p>Prompts the user to confirm the intent. This question should have a yes or no
66      * answer.</p> <p>Amazon Lex uses this prompt to ensure that the user acknowledges
67      * that the intent is ready for fulfillment. For example, with the
68      * <code>OrderPizza</code> intent, you might want to confirm that the order is
69      * correct before placing it. For other intents, such as intents that simply
70      * respond to user questions, you might not need to ask the user for confirmation
71      * before providing the information. </p>
72      */
SetPromptSpecification(const PromptSpecification & value)73     inline void SetPromptSpecification(const PromptSpecification& value) { m_promptSpecificationHasBeenSet = true; m_promptSpecification = value; }
75     /**
76      * <p>Prompts the user to confirm the intent. This question should have a yes or no
77      * answer.</p> <p>Amazon Lex uses this prompt to ensure that the user acknowledges
78      * that the intent is ready for fulfillment. For example, with the
79      * <code>OrderPizza</code> intent, you might want to confirm that the order is
80      * correct before placing it. For other intents, such as intents that simply
81      * respond to user questions, you might not need to ask the user for confirmation
82      * before providing the information. </p>
83      */
SetPromptSpecification(PromptSpecification && value)84     inline void SetPromptSpecification(PromptSpecification&& value) { m_promptSpecificationHasBeenSet = true; m_promptSpecification = std::move(value); }
86     /**
87      * <p>Prompts the user to confirm the intent. This question should have a yes or no
88      * answer.</p> <p>Amazon Lex uses this prompt to ensure that the user acknowledges
89      * that the intent is ready for fulfillment. For example, with the
90      * <code>OrderPizza</code> intent, you might want to confirm that the order is
91      * correct before placing it. For other intents, such as intents that simply
92      * respond to user questions, you might not need to ask the user for confirmation
93      * before providing the information. </p>
94      */
WithPromptSpecification(const PromptSpecification & value)95     inline IntentConfirmationSetting& WithPromptSpecification(const PromptSpecification& value) { SetPromptSpecification(value); return *this;}
97     /**
98      * <p>Prompts the user to confirm the intent. This question should have a yes or no
99      * answer.</p> <p>Amazon Lex uses this prompt to ensure that the user acknowledges
100      * that the intent is ready for fulfillment. For example, with the
101      * <code>OrderPizza</code> intent, you might want to confirm that the order is
102      * correct before placing it. For other intents, such as intents that simply
103      * respond to user questions, you might not need to ask the user for confirmation
104      * before providing the information. </p>
105      */
WithPromptSpecification(PromptSpecification && value)106     inline IntentConfirmationSetting& WithPromptSpecification(PromptSpecification&& value) { SetPromptSpecification(std::move(value)); return *this;}
109     /**
110      * <p>When the user answers "no" to the question defined in
111      * <code>promptSpecification</code>, Amazon Lex responds with this response to
112      * acknowledge that the intent was canceled. </p>
113      */
GetDeclinationResponse()114     inline const ResponseSpecification& GetDeclinationResponse() const{ return m_declinationResponse; }
116     /**
117      * <p>When the user answers "no" to the question defined in
118      * <code>promptSpecification</code>, Amazon Lex responds with this response to
119      * acknowledge that the intent was canceled. </p>
120      */
DeclinationResponseHasBeenSet()121     inline bool DeclinationResponseHasBeenSet() const { return m_declinationResponseHasBeenSet; }
123     /**
124      * <p>When the user answers "no" to the question defined in
125      * <code>promptSpecification</code>, Amazon Lex responds with this response to
126      * acknowledge that the intent was canceled. </p>
127      */
SetDeclinationResponse(const ResponseSpecification & value)128     inline void SetDeclinationResponse(const ResponseSpecification& value) { m_declinationResponseHasBeenSet = true; m_declinationResponse = value; }
130     /**
131      * <p>When the user answers "no" to the question defined in
132      * <code>promptSpecification</code>, Amazon Lex responds with this response to
133      * acknowledge that the intent was canceled. </p>
134      */
SetDeclinationResponse(ResponseSpecification && value)135     inline void SetDeclinationResponse(ResponseSpecification&& value) { m_declinationResponseHasBeenSet = true; m_declinationResponse = std::move(value); }
137     /**
138      * <p>When the user answers "no" to the question defined in
139      * <code>promptSpecification</code>, Amazon Lex responds with this response to
140      * acknowledge that the intent was canceled. </p>
141      */
WithDeclinationResponse(const ResponseSpecification & value)142     inline IntentConfirmationSetting& WithDeclinationResponse(const ResponseSpecification& value) { SetDeclinationResponse(value); return *this;}
144     /**
145      * <p>When the user answers "no" to the question defined in
146      * <code>promptSpecification</code>, Amazon Lex responds with this response to
147      * acknowledge that the intent was canceled. </p>
148      */
WithDeclinationResponse(ResponseSpecification && value)149     inline IntentConfirmationSetting& WithDeclinationResponse(ResponseSpecification&& value) { SetDeclinationResponse(std::move(value)); return *this;}
152     /**
153      * <p>Specifies whether the intent's confirmation is sent to the user. When this
154      * field is false, confirmation and declination responses aren't sent. If the
155      * <code>active</code> field isn't specified, the default is true.</p>
156      */
GetActive()157     inline bool GetActive() const{ return m_active; }
159     /**
160      * <p>Specifies whether the intent's confirmation is sent to the user. When this
161      * field is false, confirmation and declination responses aren't sent. If the
162      * <code>active</code> field isn't specified, the default is true.</p>
163      */
ActiveHasBeenSet()164     inline bool ActiveHasBeenSet() const { return m_activeHasBeenSet; }
166     /**
167      * <p>Specifies whether the intent's confirmation is sent to the user. When this
168      * field is false, confirmation and declination responses aren't sent. If the
169      * <code>active</code> field isn't specified, the default is true.</p>
170      */
SetActive(bool value)171     inline void SetActive(bool value) { m_activeHasBeenSet = true; m_active = value; }
173     /**
174      * <p>Specifies whether the intent's confirmation is sent to the user. When this
175      * field is false, confirmation and declination responses aren't sent. If the
176      * <code>active</code> field isn't specified, the default is true.</p>
177      */
WithActive(bool value)178     inline IntentConfirmationSetting& WithActive(bool value) { SetActive(value); return *this;}
180   private:
182     PromptSpecification m_promptSpecification;
183     bool m_promptSpecificationHasBeenSet;
185     ResponseSpecification m_declinationResponse;
186     bool m_declinationResponseHasBeenSet;
188     bool m_active;
189     bool m_activeHasBeenSet;
190   };
192 } // namespace Model
193 } // namespace LexModelsV2
194 } // namespace Aws