1 /**
2  * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
4  */
6 #pragma once
7 #include <aws/rds/RDS_EXPORTS.h>
8 #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSString.h>
9 #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSVector.h>
10 #include <aws/rds/model/ResponseMetadata.h>
11 #include <utility>
13 namespace Aws
14 {
15 template<typename RESULT_TYPE>
16 class AmazonWebServiceResult;
18 namespace Utils
19 {
20 namespace Xml
21 {
22   class XmlDocument;
23 } // namespace Xml
24 } // namespace Utils
25 namespace RDS
26 {
27 namespace Model
28 {
29   /**
30    * <p>This data type represents the information you need to connect to an Amazon
31    * Aurora DB cluster. This data type is used as a response element in the following
32    * actions:</p> <ul> <li> <p> <code>CreateDBClusterEndpoint</code> </p> </li> <li>
33    * <p> <code>DescribeDBClusterEndpoints</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>
34    * <code>ModifyDBClusterEndpoint</code> </p> </li> <li> <p>
35    * <code>DeleteDBClusterEndpoint</code> </p> </li> </ul> <p>For the data structure
36    * that represents Amazon RDS DB instance endpoints, see
37    * <code>Endpoint</code>.</p><p><h3>See Also:</h3>   <a
38    * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/rds-2014-10-31/DBClusterEndpoint">AWS
39    * API Reference</a></p>
40    */
41   class AWS_RDS_API CreateDBClusterEndpointResult
42   {
43   public:
44     CreateDBClusterEndpointResult();
45     CreateDBClusterEndpointResult(const Aws::AmazonWebServiceResult<Aws::Utils::Xml::XmlDocument>& result);
46     CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& operator=(const Aws::AmazonWebServiceResult<Aws::Utils::Xml::XmlDocument>& result);
49     /**
50      * <p>The identifier associated with the endpoint. This parameter is stored as a
51      * lowercase string.</p>
52      */
GetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier()53     inline const Aws::String& GetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier() const{ return m_dBClusterEndpointIdentifier; }
55     /**
56      * <p>The identifier associated with the endpoint. This parameter is stored as a
57      * lowercase string.</p>
58      */
SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(const Aws::String & value)59     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(const Aws::String& value) { m_dBClusterEndpointIdentifier = value; }
61     /**
62      * <p>The identifier associated with the endpoint. This parameter is stored as a
63      * lowercase string.</p>
64      */
SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(Aws::String && value)65     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(Aws::String&& value) { m_dBClusterEndpointIdentifier = std::move(value); }
67     /**
68      * <p>The identifier associated with the endpoint. This parameter is stored as a
69      * lowercase string.</p>
70      */
SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(const char * value)71     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(const char* value) { m_dBClusterEndpointIdentifier.assign(value); }
73     /**
74      * <p>The identifier associated with the endpoint. This parameter is stored as a
75      * lowercase string.</p>
76      */
WithDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(const Aws::String & value)77     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(const Aws::String& value) { SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(value); return *this;}
79     /**
80      * <p>The identifier associated with the endpoint. This parameter is stored as a
81      * lowercase string.</p>
82      */
WithDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(Aws::String && value)83     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(Aws::String&& value) { SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(std::move(value)); return *this;}
85     /**
86      * <p>The identifier associated with the endpoint. This parameter is stored as a
87      * lowercase string.</p>
88      */
WithDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(const char * value)89     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(const char* value) { SetDBClusterEndpointIdentifier(value); return *this;}
92     /**
93      * <p>The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
94      * This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.</p>
95      */
GetDBClusterIdentifier()96     inline const Aws::String& GetDBClusterIdentifier() const{ return m_dBClusterIdentifier; }
98     /**
99      * <p>The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
100      * This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.</p>
101      */
SetDBClusterIdentifier(const Aws::String & value)102     inline void SetDBClusterIdentifier(const Aws::String& value) { m_dBClusterIdentifier = value; }
104     /**
105      * <p>The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
106      * This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.</p>
107      */
SetDBClusterIdentifier(Aws::String && value)108     inline void SetDBClusterIdentifier(Aws::String&& value) { m_dBClusterIdentifier = std::move(value); }
110     /**
111      * <p>The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
112      * This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.</p>
113      */
SetDBClusterIdentifier(const char * value)114     inline void SetDBClusterIdentifier(const char* value) { m_dBClusterIdentifier.assign(value); }
116     /**
117      * <p>The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
118      * This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.</p>
119      */
WithDBClusterIdentifier(const Aws::String & value)120     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterIdentifier(const Aws::String& value) { SetDBClusterIdentifier(value); return *this;}
122     /**
123      * <p>The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
124      * This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.</p>
125      */
WithDBClusterIdentifier(Aws::String && value)126     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterIdentifier(Aws::String&& value) { SetDBClusterIdentifier(std::move(value)); return *this;}
128     /**
129      * <p>The DB cluster identifier of the DB cluster associated with the endpoint.
130      * This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.</p>
131      */
WithDBClusterIdentifier(const char * value)132     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterIdentifier(const char* value) { SetDBClusterIdentifier(value); return *this;}
135     /**
136      * <p>A unique system-generated identifier for an endpoint. It remains the same for
137      * the whole life of the endpoint.</p>
138      */
GetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier()139     inline const Aws::String& GetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier() const{ return m_dBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier; }
141     /**
142      * <p>A unique system-generated identifier for an endpoint. It remains the same for
143      * the whole life of the endpoint.</p>
144      */
SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(const Aws::String & value)145     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(const Aws::String& value) { m_dBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier = value; }
147     /**
148      * <p>A unique system-generated identifier for an endpoint. It remains the same for
149      * the whole life of the endpoint.</p>
150      */
SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(Aws::String && value)151     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(Aws::String&& value) { m_dBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier = std::move(value); }
153     /**
154      * <p>A unique system-generated identifier for an endpoint. It remains the same for
155      * the whole life of the endpoint.</p>
156      */
SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(const char * value)157     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(const char* value) { m_dBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier.assign(value); }
159     /**
160      * <p>A unique system-generated identifier for an endpoint. It remains the same for
161      * the whole life of the endpoint.</p>
162      */
WithDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(const Aws::String & value)163     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(const Aws::String& value) { SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(value); return *this;}
165     /**
166      * <p>A unique system-generated identifier for an endpoint. It remains the same for
167      * the whole life of the endpoint.</p>
168      */
WithDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(Aws::String && value)169     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(Aws::String&& value) { SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(std::move(value)); return *this;}
171     /**
172      * <p>A unique system-generated identifier for an endpoint. It remains the same for
173      * the whole life of the endpoint.</p>
174      */
WithDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(const char * value)175     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(const char* value) { SetDBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier(value); return *this;}
178     /**
179      * <p>The DNS address of the endpoint.</p>
180      */
GetEndpoint()181     inline const Aws::String& GetEndpoint() const{ return m_endpoint; }
183     /**
184      * <p>The DNS address of the endpoint.</p>
185      */
SetEndpoint(const Aws::String & value)186     inline void SetEndpoint(const Aws::String& value) { m_endpoint = value; }
188     /**
189      * <p>The DNS address of the endpoint.</p>
190      */
SetEndpoint(Aws::String && value)191     inline void SetEndpoint(Aws::String&& value) { m_endpoint = std::move(value); }
193     /**
194      * <p>The DNS address of the endpoint.</p>
195      */
SetEndpoint(const char * value)196     inline void SetEndpoint(const char* value) { m_endpoint.assign(value); }
198     /**
199      * <p>The DNS address of the endpoint.</p>
200      */
WithEndpoint(const Aws::String & value)201     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithEndpoint(const Aws::String& value) { SetEndpoint(value); return *this;}
203     /**
204      * <p>The DNS address of the endpoint.</p>
205      */
WithEndpoint(Aws::String && value)206     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithEndpoint(Aws::String&& value) { SetEndpoint(std::move(value)); return *this;}
208     /**
209      * <p>The DNS address of the endpoint.</p>
210      */
WithEndpoint(const char * value)211     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithEndpoint(const char* value) { SetEndpoint(value); return *this;}
214     /**
215      * <p>The current status of the endpoint. One of: <code>creating</code>,
216      * <code>available</code>, <code>deleting</code>, <code>inactive</code>,
217      * <code>modifying</code>. The <code>inactive</code> state applies to an endpoint
218      * that can't be used for a certain kind of cluster, such as a <code>writer</code>
219      * endpoint for a read-only secondary cluster in a global database.</p>
220      */
GetStatus()221     inline const Aws::String& GetStatus() const{ return m_status; }
223     /**
224      * <p>The current status of the endpoint. One of: <code>creating</code>,
225      * <code>available</code>, <code>deleting</code>, <code>inactive</code>,
226      * <code>modifying</code>. The <code>inactive</code> state applies to an endpoint
227      * that can't be used for a certain kind of cluster, such as a <code>writer</code>
228      * endpoint for a read-only secondary cluster in a global database.</p>
229      */
SetStatus(const Aws::String & value)230     inline void SetStatus(const Aws::String& value) { m_status = value; }
232     /**
233      * <p>The current status of the endpoint. One of: <code>creating</code>,
234      * <code>available</code>, <code>deleting</code>, <code>inactive</code>,
235      * <code>modifying</code>. The <code>inactive</code> state applies to an endpoint
236      * that can't be used for a certain kind of cluster, such as a <code>writer</code>
237      * endpoint for a read-only secondary cluster in a global database.</p>
238      */
SetStatus(Aws::String && value)239     inline void SetStatus(Aws::String&& value) { m_status = std::move(value); }
241     /**
242      * <p>The current status of the endpoint. One of: <code>creating</code>,
243      * <code>available</code>, <code>deleting</code>, <code>inactive</code>,
244      * <code>modifying</code>. The <code>inactive</code> state applies to an endpoint
245      * that can't be used for a certain kind of cluster, such as a <code>writer</code>
246      * endpoint for a read-only secondary cluster in a global database.</p>
247      */
SetStatus(const char * value)248     inline void SetStatus(const char* value) { m_status.assign(value); }
250     /**
251      * <p>The current status of the endpoint. One of: <code>creating</code>,
252      * <code>available</code>, <code>deleting</code>, <code>inactive</code>,
253      * <code>modifying</code>. The <code>inactive</code> state applies to an endpoint
254      * that can't be used for a certain kind of cluster, such as a <code>writer</code>
255      * endpoint for a read-only secondary cluster in a global database.</p>
256      */
WithStatus(const Aws::String & value)257     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithStatus(const Aws::String& value) { SetStatus(value); return *this;}
259     /**
260      * <p>The current status of the endpoint. One of: <code>creating</code>,
261      * <code>available</code>, <code>deleting</code>, <code>inactive</code>,
262      * <code>modifying</code>. The <code>inactive</code> state applies to an endpoint
263      * that can't be used for a certain kind of cluster, such as a <code>writer</code>
264      * endpoint for a read-only secondary cluster in a global database.</p>
265      */
WithStatus(Aws::String && value)266     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithStatus(Aws::String&& value) { SetStatus(std::move(value)); return *this;}
268     /**
269      * <p>The current status of the endpoint. One of: <code>creating</code>,
270      * <code>available</code>, <code>deleting</code>, <code>inactive</code>,
271      * <code>modifying</code>. The <code>inactive</code> state applies to an endpoint
272      * that can't be used for a certain kind of cluster, such as a <code>writer</code>
273      * endpoint for a read-only secondary cluster in a global database.</p>
274      */
WithStatus(const char * value)275     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithStatus(const char* value) { SetStatus(value); return *this;}
278     /**
279      * <p>The type of the endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>, <code>WRITER</code>,
280      * <code>CUSTOM</code>.</p>
281      */
GetEndpointType()282     inline const Aws::String& GetEndpointType() const{ return m_endpointType; }
284     /**
285      * <p>The type of the endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>, <code>WRITER</code>,
286      * <code>CUSTOM</code>.</p>
287      */
SetEndpointType(const Aws::String & value)288     inline void SetEndpointType(const Aws::String& value) { m_endpointType = value; }
290     /**
291      * <p>The type of the endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>, <code>WRITER</code>,
292      * <code>CUSTOM</code>.</p>
293      */
SetEndpointType(Aws::String && value)294     inline void SetEndpointType(Aws::String&& value) { m_endpointType = std::move(value); }
296     /**
297      * <p>The type of the endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>, <code>WRITER</code>,
298      * <code>CUSTOM</code>.</p>
299      */
SetEndpointType(const char * value)300     inline void SetEndpointType(const char* value) { m_endpointType.assign(value); }
302     /**
303      * <p>The type of the endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>, <code>WRITER</code>,
304      * <code>CUSTOM</code>.</p>
305      */
WithEndpointType(const Aws::String & value)306     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithEndpointType(const Aws::String& value) { SetEndpointType(value); return *this;}
308     /**
309      * <p>The type of the endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>, <code>WRITER</code>,
310      * <code>CUSTOM</code>.</p>
311      */
WithEndpointType(Aws::String && value)312     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithEndpointType(Aws::String&& value) { SetEndpointType(std::move(value)); return *this;}
314     /**
315      * <p>The type of the endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>, <code>WRITER</code>,
316      * <code>CUSTOM</code>.</p>
317      */
WithEndpointType(const char * value)318     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithEndpointType(const char* value) { SetEndpointType(value); return *this;}
321     /**
322      * <p>The type associated with a custom endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>,
323      * <code>WRITER</code>, <code>ANY</code>.</p>
324      */
GetCustomEndpointType()325     inline const Aws::String& GetCustomEndpointType() const{ return m_customEndpointType; }
327     /**
328      * <p>The type associated with a custom endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>,
329      * <code>WRITER</code>, <code>ANY</code>.</p>
330      */
SetCustomEndpointType(const Aws::String & value)331     inline void SetCustomEndpointType(const Aws::String& value) { m_customEndpointType = value; }
333     /**
334      * <p>The type associated with a custom endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>,
335      * <code>WRITER</code>, <code>ANY</code>.</p>
336      */
SetCustomEndpointType(Aws::String && value)337     inline void SetCustomEndpointType(Aws::String&& value) { m_customEndpointType = std::move(value); }
339     /**
340      * <p>The type associated with a custom endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>,
341      * <code>WRITER</code>, <code>ANY</code>.</p>
342      */
SetCustomEndpointType(const char * value)343     inline void SetCustomEndpointType(const char* value) { m_customEndpointType.assign(value); }
345     /**
346      * <p>The type associated with a custom endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>,
347      * <code>WRITER</code>, <code>ANY</code>.</p>
348      */
WithCustomEndpointType(const Aws::String & value)349     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithCustomEndpointType(const Aws::String& value) { SetCustomEndpointType(value); return *this;}
351     /**
352      * <p>The type associated with a custom endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>,
353      * <code>WRITER</code>, <code>ANY</code>.</p>
354      */
WithCustomEndpointType(Aws::String && value)355     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithCustomEndpointType(Aws::String&& value) { SetCustomEndpointType(std::move(value)); return *this;}
357     /**
358      * <p>The type associated with a custom endpoint. One of: <code>READER</code>,
359      * <code>WRITER</code>, <code>ANY</code>.</p>
360      */
WithCustomEndpointType(const char * value)361     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithCustomEndpointType(const char* value) { SetCustomEndpointType(value); return *this;}
364     /**
365      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint
366      * group.</p>
367      */
GetStaticMembers()368     inline const Aws::Vector<Aws::String>& GetStaticMembers() const{ return m_staticMembers; }
370     /**
371      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint
372      * group.</p>
373      */
SetStaticMembers(const Aws::Vector<Aws::String> & value)374     inline void SetStaticMembers(const Aws::Vector<Aws::String>& value) { m_staticMembers = value; }
376     /**
377      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint
378      * group.</p>
379      */
SetStaticMembers(Aws::Vector<Aws::String> && value)380     inline void SetStaticMembers(Aws::Vector<Aws::String>&& value) { m_staticMembers = std::move(value); }
382     /**
383      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint
384      * group.</p>
385      */
WithStaticMembers(const Aws::Vector<Aws::String> & value)386     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithStaticMembers(const Aws::Vector<Aws::String>& value) { SetStaticMembers(value); return *this;}
388     /**
389      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint
390      * group.</p>
391      */
WithStaticMembers(Aws::Vector<Aws::String> && value)392     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithStaticMembers(Aws::Vector<Aws::String>&& value) { SetStaticMembers(std::move(value)); return *this;}
394     /**
395      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint
396      * group.</p>
397      */
AddStaticMembers(const Aws::String & value)398     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& AddStaticMembers(const Aws::String& value) { m_staticMembers.push_back(value); return *this; }
400     /**
401      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint
402      * group.</p>
403      */
AddStaticMembers(Aws::String && value)404     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& AddStaticMembers(Aws::String&& value) { m_staticMembers.push_back(std::move(value)); return *this; }
406     /**
407      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that are part of the custom endpoint
408      * group.</p>
409      */
AddStaticMembers(const char * value)410     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& AddStaticMembers(const char* value) { m_staticMembers.push_back(value); return *this; }
413     /**
414      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint
415      * group. All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint.
416      * Only relevant if the list of static members is empty.</p>
417      */
GetExcludedMembers()418     inline const Aws::Vector<Aws::String>& GetExcludedMembers() const{ return m_excludedMembers; }
420     /**
421      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint
422      * group. All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint.
423      * Only relevant if the list of static members is empty.</p>
424      */
SetExcludedMembers(const Aws::Vector<Aws::String> & value)425     inline void SetExcludedMembers(const Aws::Vector<Aws::String>& value) { m_excludedMembers = value; }
427     /**
428      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint
429      * group. All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint.
430      * Only relevant if the list of static members is empty.</p>
431      */
SetExcludedMembers(Aws::Vector<Aws::String> && value)432     inline void SetExcludedMembers(Aws::Vector<Aws::String>&& value) { m_excludedMembers = std::move(value); }
434     /**
435      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint
436      * group. All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint.
437      * Only relevant if the list of static members is empty.</p>
438      */
WithExcludedMembers(const Aws::Vector<Aws::String> & value)439     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithExcludedMembers(const Aws::Vector<Aws::String>& value) { SetExcludedMembers(value); return *this;}
441     /**
442      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint
443      * group. All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint.
444      * Only relevant if the list of static members is empty.</p>
445      */
WithExcludedMembers(Aws::Vector<Aws::String> && value)446     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithExcludedMembers(Aws::Vector<Aws::String>&& value) { SetExcludedMembers(std::move(value)); return *this;}
448     /**
449      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint
450      * group. All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint.
451      * Only relevant if the list of static members is empty.</p>
452      */
AddExcludedMembers(const Aws::String & value)453     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& AddExcludedMembers(const Aws::String& value) { m_excludedMembers.push_back(value); return *this; }
455     /**
456      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint
457      * group. All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint.
458      * Only relevant if the list of static members is empty.</p>
459      */
AddExcludedMembers(Aws::String && value)460     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& AddExcludedMembers(Aws::String&& value) { m_excludedMembers.push_back(std::move(value)); return *this; }
462     /**
463      * <p>List of DB instance identifiers that aren't part of the custom endpoint
464      * group. All other eligible instances are reachable through the custom endpoint.
465      * Only relevant if the list of static members is empty.</p>
466      */
AddExcludedMembers(const char * value)467     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& AddExcludedMembers(const char* value) { m_excludedMembers.push_back(value); return *this; }
470     /**
471      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the endpoint.</p>
472      */
GetDBClusterEndpointArn()473     inline const Aws::String& GetDBClusterEndpointArn() const{ return m_dBClusterEndpointArn; }
475     /**
476      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the endpoint.</p>
477      */
SetDBClusterEndpointArn(const Aws::String & value)478     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointArn(const Aws::String& value) { m_dBClusterEndpointArn = value; }
480     /**
481      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the endpoint.</p>
482      */
SetDBClusterEndpointArn(Aws::String && value)483     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointArn(Aws::String&& value) { m_dBClusterEndpointArn = std::move(value); }
485     /**
486      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the endpoint.</p>
487      */
SetDBClusterEndpointArn(const char * value)488     inline void SetDBClusterEndpointArn(const char* value) { m_dBClusterEndpointArn.assign(value); }
490     /**
491      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the endpoint.</p>
492      */
WithDBClusterEndpointArn(const Aws::String & value)493     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointArn(const Aws::String& value) { SetDBClusterEndpointArn(value); return *this;}
495     /**
496      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the endpoint.</p>
497      */
WithDBClusterEndpointArn(Aws::String && value)498     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointArn(Aws::String&& value) { SetDBClusterEndpointArn(std::move(value)); return *this;}
500     /**
501      * <p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the endpoint.</p>
502      */
WithDBClusterEndpointArn(const char * value)503     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithDBClusterEndpointArn(const char* value) { SetDBClusterEndpointArn(value); return *this;}
GetResponseMetadata()507     inline const ResponseMetadata& GetResponseMetadata() const{ return m_responseMetadata; }
SetResponseMetadata(const ResponseMetadata & value)510     inline void SetResponseMetadata(const ResponseMetadata& value) { m_responseMetadata = value; }
SetResponseMetadata(ResponseMetadata && value)513     inline void SetResponseMetadata(ResponseMetadata&& value) { m_responseMetadata = std::move(value); }
WithResponseMetadata(const ResponseMetadata & value)516     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithResponseMetadata(const ResponseMetadata& value) { SetResponseMetadata(value); return *this;}
WithResponseMetadata(ResponseMetadata && value)519     inline CreateDBClusterEndpointResult& WithResponseMetadata(ResponseMetadata&& value) { SetResponseMetadata(std::move(value)); return *this;}
521   private:
523     Aws::String m_dBClusterEndpointIdentifier;
525     Aws::String m_dBClusterIdentifier;
527     Aws::String m_dBClusterEndpointResourceIdentifier;
529     Aws::String m_endpoint;
531     Aws::String m_status;
533     Aws::String m_endpointType;
535     Aws::String m_customEndpointType;
537     Aws::Vector<Aws::String> m_staticMembers;
539     Aws::Vector<Aws::String> m_excludedMembers;
541     Aws::String m_dBClusterEndpointArn;
543     ResponseMetadata m_responseMetadata;
544   };
546 } // namespace Model
547 } // namespace RDS
548 } // namespace Aws