1# Copyright (C) 2005-2011, 2016, 2017 Canonical Ltd
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17"""Implementation of Transport over SFTP, using paramiko."""
19# TODO: Remove the transport-based lock_read and lock_write methods.  They'll
20# then raise TransportNotPossible, which will break remote access to any
21# formats which rely on OS-level locks.  That should be fine as those formats
22# are pretty old, but these combinations may have to be removed from the test
23# suite.  Those formats all date back to 0.7; so we should be able to remove
24# these methods when we officially drop support for those formats.
26import bisect
27import errno
28import itertools
29import os
30import random
31import stat
32import sys
33import time
34import warnings
36from .. import (
37    config,
38    debug,
39    errors,
40    urlutils,
41    )
42from ..errors import (FileExists,
43                      NoSuchFile,
44                      TransportError,
45                      LockError,
46                      PathError,
47                      ParamikoNotPresent,
48                      )
49from ..osutils import fancy_rename
50from ..trace import mutter, warning
51from ..transport import (
52    FileFileStream,
53    _file_streams,
54    ssh,
55    ConnectedTransport,
56    )
58# Disable one particular warning that comes from paramiko in Python2.5; if
59# this is emitted at the wrong time it tends to cause spurious test failures
60# or at least noise in the test case::
62# [1770/7639 in 86s, 1 known failures, 50 skipped, 2 missing features]
63# test_permissions.TestSftpPermissions.test_new_files
64# /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/paramiko/message.py:226: DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float
65#  self.packet.write(struct.pack('>I', n))
67                        'integer argument expected, got float',
68                        category=DeprecationWarning,
69                        module='paramiko.message')
72    import paramiko
73except ImportError as e:
74    raise ParamikoNotPresent(e)
76    from paramiko.sftp import (SFTP_FLAG_WRITE, SFTP_FLAG_CREATE,
77                               SFTP_FLAG_EXCL, SFTP_FLAG_TRUNC,
78                               CMD_HANDLE, CMD_OPEN)
79    from paramiko.sftp_attr import SFTPAttributes
80    from paramiko.sftp_file import SFTPFile
83# GZ 2017-05-25: Some dark hackery to monkeypatch out issues with paramiko's
84# Python 3 compatibility code. Replace broken b() and asbytes() code.
86    from paramiko.py3compat import b as _bad
87    from paramiko.common import asbytes as _bad_asbytes
88except ImportError:
89    pass
91    def _b_for_broken_paramiko(s, encoding='utf8'):
92        """Hacked b() that does not raise TypeError."""
93        # https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/967
94        if not isinstance(s, bytes):
95            encode = getattr(s, 'encode', None)
96            if encode is not None:
97                return encode(encoding)
98            # Would like to pass buffer objects along, but have to realise.
99            tobytes = getattr(s, 'tobytes', None)
100            if tobytes is not None:
101                return tobytes()
102        return s
104    def _asbytes_for_broken_paramiko(s):
105        """Hacked asbytes() that does not raise Exception."""
106        # https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/968
107        if not isinstance(s, bytes):
108            encode = getattr(s, 'encode', None)
109            if encode is not None:
110                return encode('utf8')
111            asbytes = getattr(s, 'asbytes', None)
112            if asbytes is not None:
113                return asbytes()
114        return s
116    _bad.__code__ = _b_for_broken_paramiko.__code__
117    _bad_asbytes.__code__ = _asbytes_for_broken_paramiko.__code__
120class SFTPLock(object):
121    """This fakes a lock in a remote location.
123    A present lock is indicated just by the existence of a file.  This
124    doesn't work well on all transports and they are only used in
125    deprecated storage formats.
126    """
128    __slots__ = ['path', 'lock_path', 'lock_file', 'transport']
130    def __init__(self, path, transport):
131        self.lock_file = None
132        self.path = path
133        self.lock_path = path + '.write-lock'
134        self.transport = transport
135        try:
136            # RBC 20060103 FIXME should we be using private methods here ?
137            abspath = transport._remote_path(self.lock_path)
138            self.lock_file = transport._sftp_open_exclusive(abspath)
139        except FileExists:
140            raise LockError('File %r already locked' % (self.path,))
142    def unlock(self):
143        if not self.lock_file:
144            return
145        self.lock_file.close()
146        self.lock_file = None
147        try:
148            self.transport.delete(self.lock_path)
149        except (NoSuchFile,):
150            # What specific errors should we catch here?
151            pass
154class _SFTPReadvHelper(object):
155    """A class to help with managing the state of a readv request."""
157    # See _get_requests for an explanation.
158    _max_request_size = 32768
160    def __init__(self, original_offsets, relpath, _report_activity):
161        """Create a new readv helper.
163        :param original_offsets: The original requests given by the caller of
164            readv()
165        :param relpath: The name of the file (if known)
166        :param _report_activity: A Transport._report_activity bound method,
167            to be called as data arrives.
168        """
169        self.original_offsets = list(original_offsets)
170        self.relpath = relpath
171        self._report_activity = _report_activity
173    def _get_requests(self):
174        """Break up the offsets into individual requests over sftp.
176        The SFTP spec only requires implementers to support 32kB requests. We
177        could try something larger (openssh supports 64kB), but then we have to
178        handle requests that fail.
179        So instead, we just break up our maximum chunks into 32kB chunks, and
180        asyncronously requests them.
181        Newer versions of paramiko would do the chunking for us, but we want to
182        start processing results right away, so we do it ourselves.
183        """
184        # TODO: Because we issue async requests, we don't 'fudge' any extra
185        #       data.  I'm not 100% sure that is the best choice.
187        # The first thing we do, is to collapse the individual requests as much
188        # as possible, so we don't issues requests <32kB
189        sorted_offsets = sorted(self.original_offsets)
190        coalesced = list(ConnectedTransport._coalesce_offsets(sorted_offsets,
191                                                              limit=0, fudge_factor=0))
192        requests = []
193        for c_offset in coalesced:
194            start = c_offset.start
195            size = c_offset.length
197            # Break this up into 32kB requests
198            while size > 0:
199                next_size = min(size, self._max_request_size)
200                requests.append((start, next_size))
201                size -= next_size
202                start += next_size
203        if 'sftp' in debug.debug_flags:
204            mutter('SFTP.readv(%s) %s offsets => %s coalesced => %s requests',
205                   self.relpath, len(sorted_offsets), len(coalesced),
206                   len(requests))
207        return requests
209    def request_and_yield_offsets(self, fp):
210        """Request the data from the remote machine, yielding the results.
212        :param fp: A Paramiko SFTPFile object that supports readv.
213        :return: Yield the data requested by the original readv caller, one by
214            one.
215        """
216        requests = self._get_requests()
217        offset_iter = iter(self.original_offsets)
218        cur_offset, cur_size = next(offset_iter)
219        # paramiko .readv() yields strings that are in the order of the requests
220        # So we track the current request to know where the next data is
221        # being returned from.
222        input_start = None
223        last_end = None
224        buffered_data = []
225        buffered_len = 0
227        # This is used to buffer chunks which we couldn't process yet
228        # It is (start, end, data) tuples.
229        data_chunks = []
230        # Create an 'unlimited' data stream, so we stop based on requests,
231        # rather than just because the data stream ended. This lets us detect
232        # short readv.
233        data_stream = itertools.chain(fp.readv(requests),
234                                      itertools.repeat(None))
235        for (start, length), data in zip(requests, data_stream):
236            if data is None:
237                if cur_coalesced is not None:
238                    raise errors.ShortReadvError(self.relpath,
239                                                 start, length, len(data))
240            if len(data) != length:
241                raise errors.ShortReadvError(self.relpath,
242                                             start, length, len(data))
243            self._report_activity(length, 'read')
244            if last_end is None:
245                # This is the first request, just buffer it
246                buffered_data = [data]
247                buffered_len = length
248                input_start = start
249            elif start == last_end:
250                # The data we are reading fits neatly on the previous
251                # buffer, so this is all part of a larger coalesced range.
252                buffered_data.append(data)
253                buffered_len += length
254            else:
255                # We have an 'interrupt' in the data stream. So we know we are
256                # at a request boundary.
257                if buffered_len > 0:
258                    # We haven't consumed the buffer so far, so put it into
259                    # data_chunks, and continue.
260                    buffered = b''.join(buffered_data)
261                    data_chunks.append((input_start, buffered))
262                input_start = start
263                buffered_data = [data]
264                buffered_len = length
265            last_end = start + length
266            if input_start == cur_offset and cur_size <= buffered_len:
267                # Simplify the next steps a bit by transforming buffered_data
268                # into a single string. We also have the nice property that
269                # when there is only one string ''.join([x]) == x, so there is
270                # no data copying.
271                buffered = b''.join(buffered_data)
272                # Clean out buffered data so that we keep memory
273                # consumption low
274                del buffered_data[:]
275                buffered_offset = 0
276                # TODO: We *could* also consider the case where cur_offset is in
277                #       in the buffered range, even though it doesn't *start*
278                #       the buffered range. But for packs we pretty much always
279                #       read in order, so you won't get any extra data in the
280                #       middle.
281                while (input_start == cur_offset
282                       and (buffered_offset + cur_size) <= buffered_len):
283                    # We've buffered enough data to process this request, spit it
284                    # out
285                    cur_data = buffered[buffered_offset:buffered_offset + cur_size]
286                    # move the direct pointer into our buffered data
287                    buffered_offset += cur_size
288                    # Move the start-of-buffer pointer
289                    input_start += cur_size
290                    # Yield the requested data
291                    yield cur_offset, cur_data
292                    try:
293                        cur_offset, cur_size = next(offset_iter)
294                    except StopIteration:
295                        return
296                # at this point, we've consumed as much of buffered as we can,
297                # so break off the portion that we consumed
298                if buffered_offset == len(buffered_data):
299                    # No tail to leave behind
300                    buffered_data = []
301                    buffered_len = 0
302                else:
303                    buffered = buffered[buffered_offset:]
304                    buffered_data = [buffered]
305                    buffered_len = len(buffered)
306        # now that the data stream is done, close the handle
307        fp.close()
308        if buffered_len:
309            buffered = b''.join(buffered_data)
310            del buffered_data[:]
311            data_chunks.append((input_start, buffered))
312        if data_chunks:
313            if 'sftp' in debug.debug_flags:
314                mutter('SFTP readv left with %d out-of-order bytes',
315                       sum(len(x[1]) for x in data_chunks))
316            # We've processed all the readv data, at this point, anything we
317            # couldn't process is in data_chunks. This doesn't happen often, so
318            # this code path isn't optimized
319            # We use an interesting process for data_chunks
320            # Specifically if we have "bisect_left([(start, len, entries)],
321            #                                       (qstart,)])
322            # If start == qstart, then we get the specific node. Otherwise we
323            # get the previous node
324            while True:
325                idx = bisect.bisect_left(data_chunks, (cur_offset,))
326                if idx < len(data_chunks) and data_chunks[idx][0] == cur_offset:
327                    # The data starts here
328                    data = data_chunks[idx][1][:cur_size]
329                elif idx > 0:
330                    # The data is in a portion of a previous page
331                    idx -= 1
332                    sub_offset = cur_offset - data_chunks[idx][0]
333                    data = data_chunks[idx][1]
334                    data = data[sub_offset:sub_offset + cur_size]
335                else:
336                    # We are missing the page where the data should be found,
337                    # something is wrong
338                    data = ''
339                if len(data) != cur_size:
340                    raise AssertionError('We must have miscalulated.'
341                                         ' We expected %d bytes, but only found %d'
342                                         % (cur_size, len(data)))
343                yield cur_offset, data
344                try:
345                    cur_offset, cur_size = next(offset_iter)
346                except StopIteration:
347                    return
350class SFTPTransport(ConnectedTransport):
351    """Transport implementation for SFTP access."""
353    # TODO: jam 20060717 Conceivably these could be configurable, either
354    #       by auto-tuning at run-time, or by a configuration (per host??)
355    #       but the performance curve is pretty flat, so just going with
356    #       reasonable defaults.
357    _max_readv_combine = 200
358    # Having to round trip to the server means waiting for a response,
359    # so it is better to download extra bytes.
360    # 8KiB had good performance for both local and remote network operations
361    _bytes_to_read_before_seek = 8192
363    # The sftp spec says that implementations SHOULD allow reads
364    # to be at least 32K. paramiko.readv() does an async request
365    # for the chunks. So we need to keep it within a single request
366    # size for paramiko <= 1.6.1. paramiko 1.6.2 will probably chop
367    # up the request itself, rather than us having to worry about it
368    _max_request_size = 32768
370    def _remote_path(self, relpath):
371        """Return the path to be passed along the sftp protocol for relpath.
373        :param relpath: is a urlencoded string.
374        """
375        remote_path = self._parsed_url.clone(relpath).path
376        # the initial slash should be removed from the path, and treated as a
377        # homedir relative path (the path begins with a double slash if it is
378        # absolute).  see draft-ietf-secsh-scp-sftp-ssh-uri-03.txt
379        # RBC 20060118 we are not using this as its too user hostile. instead
380        # we are following lftp and using /~/foo to mean '~/foo'
381        # vila--20070602 and leave absolute paths begin with a single slash.
382        if remote_path.startswith('/~/'):
383            remote_path = remote_path[3:]
384        elif remote_path == '/~':
385            remote_path = ''
386        return remote_path
388    def _create_connection(self, credentials=None):
389        """Create a new connection with the provided credentials.
391        :param credentials: The credentials needed to establish the connection.
393        :return: The created connection and its associated credentials.
395        The credentials are only the password as it may have been entered
396        interactively by the user and may be different from the one provided
397        in base url at transport creation time.
398        """
399        if credentials is None:
400            password = self._parsed_url.password
401        else:
402            password = credentials
404        vendor = ssh._get_ssh_vendor()
405        user = self._parsed_url.user
406        if user is None:
407            auth = config.AuthenticationConfig()
408            user = auth.get_user('ssh', self._parsed_url.host,
409                                 self._parsed_url.port)
410        connection = vendor.connect_sftp(self._parsed_url.user, password,
411                                         self._parsed_url.host, self._parsed_url.port)
412        return connection, (user, password)
414    def disconnect(self):
415        connection = self._get_connection()
416        if connection is not None:
417            connection.close()
419    def _get_sftp(self):
420        """Ensures that a connection is established"""
421        connection = self._get_connection()
422        if connection is None:
423            # First connection ever
424            connection, credentials = self._create_connection()
425            self._set_connection(connection, credentials)
426        return connection
428    def has(self, relpath):
429        """
430        Does the target location exist?
431        """
432        try:
433            self._get_sftp().stat(self._remote_path(relpath))
434            # stat result is about 20 bytes, let's say
435            self._report_activity(20, 'read')
436            return True
437        except IOError:
438            return False
440    def get(self, relpath):
441        """Get the file at the given relative path.
443        :param relpath: The relative path to the file
444        """
445        try:
446            path = self._remote_path(relpath)
447            f = self._get_sftp().file(path, mode='rb')
448            size = f.stat().st_size
449            if getattr(f, 'prefetch', None) is not None:
450                f.prefetch(size)
451            return f
452        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
453            self._translate_io_exception(e, path, ': error retrieving',
454                                         failure_exc=errors.ReadError)
456    def get_bytes(self, relpath):
457        # reimplement this here so that we can report how many bytes came back
458        with self.get(relpath) as f:
459            bytes = f.read()
460            self._report_activity(len(bytes), 'read')
461            return bytes
463    def _readv(self, relpath, offsets):
464        """See Transport.readv()"""
465        # We overload the default readv() because we want to use a file
466        # that does not have prefetch enabled.
467        # Also, if we have a new paramiko, it implements an async readv()
468        if not offsets:
469            return
471        try:
472            path = self._remote_path(relpath)
473            fp = self._get_sftp().file(path, mode='rb')
474            readv = getattr(fp, 'readv', None)
475            if readv:
476                return self._sftp_readv(fp, offsets, relpath)
477            if 'sftp' in debug.debug_flags:
478                mutter('seek and read %s offsets', len(offsets))
479            return self._seek_and_read(fp, offsets, relpath)
480        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
481            self._translate_io_exception(e, path, ': error retrieving')
483    def recommended_page_size(self):
484        """See Transport.recommended_page_size().
486        For SFTP we suggest a large page size to reduce the overhead
487        introduced by latency.
488        """
489        return 64 * 1024
491    def _sftp_readv(self, fp, offsets, relpath):
492        """Use the readv() member of fp to do async readv.
494        Then read them using paramiko.readv(). paramiko.readv()
495        does not support ranges > 64K, so it caps the request size, and
496        just reads until it gets all the stuff it wants.
497        """
498        helper = _SFTPReadvHelper(offsets, relpath, self._report_activity)
499        return helper.request_and_yield_offsets(fp)
501    def put_file(self, relpath, f, mode=None):
502        """
503        Copy the file-like object into the location.
505        :param relpath: Location to put the contents, relative to base.
506        :param f:       File-like object.
507        :param mode: The final mode for the file
508        """
509        final_path = self._remote_path(relpath)
510        return self._put(final_path, f, mode=mode)
512    def _put(self, abspath, f, mode=None):
513        """Helper function so both put() and copy_abspaths can reuse the code"""
514        tmp_abspath = '%s.tmp.%.9f.%d.%d' % (abspath, time.time(),
515                                             os.getpid(), random.randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF))
516        fout = self._sftp_open_exclusive(tmp_abspath, mode=mode)
517        closed = False
518        try:
519            try:
520                fout.set_pipelined(True)
521                length = self._pump(f, fout)
522            except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
523                self._translate_io_exception(e, tmp_abspath)
524            # XXX: This doesn't truly help like we would like it to.
525            #      The problem is that openssh strips sticky bits. So while we
526            #      can properly set group write permission, we lose the group
527            #      sticky bit. So it is probably best to stop chmodding, and
528            #      just tell users that they need to set the umask correctly.
529            #      The attr.st_mode = mode, in _sftp_open_exclusive
530            #      will handle when the user wants the final mode to be more
531            #      restrictive. And then we avoid a round trip. Unless
532            #      paramiko decides to expose an async chmod()
534            # This is designed to chmod() right before we close.
535            # Because we set_pipelined() earlier, theoretically we might
536            # avoid the round trip for fout.close()
537            if mode is not None:
538                self._get_sftp().chmod(tmp_abspath, mode)
539            fout.close()
540            closed = True
541            self._rename_and_overwrite(tmp_abspath, abspath)
542            return length
543        except Exception as e:
544            # If we fail, try to clean up the temporary file
545            # before we throw the exception
546            # but don't let another exception mess things up
547            # Write out the traceback, because otherwise
548            # the catch and throw destroys it
549            import traceback
550            mutter(traceback.format_exc())
551            try:
552                if not closed:
553                    fout.close()
554                self._get_sftp().remove(tmp_abspath)
555            except:
556                # raise the saved except
557                raise e
558            # raise the original with its traceback if we can.
559            raise
561    def _put_non_atomic_helper(self, relpath, writer, mode=None,
562                               create_parent_dir=False,
563                               dir_mode=None):
564        abspath = self._remote_path(relpath)
566        # TODO: jam 20060816 paramiko doesn't publicly expose a way to
567        #       set the file mode at create time. If it does, use it.
568        #       But for now, we just chmod later anyway.
570        def _open_and_write_file():
571            """Try to open the target file, raise error on failure"""
572            fout = None
573            try:
574                try:
575                    fout = self._get_sftp().file(abspath, mode='wb')
576                    fout.set_pipelined(True)
577                    writer(fout)
578                except (paramiko.SSHException, IOError) as e:
579                    self._translate_io_exception(e, abspath,
580                                                 ': unable to open')
582                # This is designed to chmod() right before we close.
583                # Because we set_pipelined() earlier, theoretically we might
584                # avoid the round trip for fout.close()
585                if mode is not None:
586                    self._get_sftp().chmod(abspath, mode)
587            finally:
588                if fout is not None:
589                    fout.close()
591        if not create_parent_dir:
592            _open_and_write_file()
593            return
595        # Try error handling to create the parent directory if we need to
596        try:
597            _open_and_write_file()
598        except NoSuchFile:
599            # Try to create the parent directory, and then go back to
600            # writing the file
601            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(abspath)
602            self._mkdir(parent_dir, dir_mode)
603            _open_and_write_file()
605    def put_file_non_atomic(self, relpath, f, mode=None,
606                            create_parent_dir=False,
607                            dir_mode=None):
608        """Copy the file-like object into the target location.
610        This function is not strictly safe to use. It is only meant to
611        be used when you already know that the target does not exist.
612        It is not safe, because it will open and truncate the remote
613        file. So there may be a time when the file has invalid contents.
615        :param relpath: The remote location to put the contents.
616        :param f:       File-like object.
617        :param mode:    Possible access permissions for new file.
618                        None means do not set remote permissions.
619        :param create_parent_dir: If we cannot create the target file because
620                        the parent directory does not exist, go ahead and
621                        create it, and then try again.
622        """
623        def writer(fout):
624            self._pump(f, fout)
625        self._put_non_atomic_helper(relpath, writer, mode=mode,
626                                    create_parent_dir=create_parent_dir,
627                                    dir_mode=dir_mode)
629    def put_bytes_non_atomic(self, relpath, raw_bytes, mode=None,
630                             create_parent_dir=False,
631                             dir_mode=None):
632        if not isinstance(raw_bytes, bytes):
633            raise TypeError(
634                'raw_bytes must be a plain string, not %s' % type(raw_bytes))
636        def writer(fout):
637            fout.write(raw_bytes)
638        self._put_non_atomic_helper(relpath, writer, mode=mode,
639                                    create_parent_dir=create_parent_dir,
640                                    dir_mode=dir_mode)
642    def iter_files_recursive(self):
643        """Walk the relative paths of all files in this transport."""
644        # progress is handled by list_dir
645        queue = list(self.list_dir('.'))
646        while queue:
647            relpath = queue.pop(0)
648            st = self.stat(relpath)
649            if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
650                for i, basename in enumerate(self.list_dir(relpath)):
651                    queue.insert(i, relpath + '/' + basename)
652            else:
653                yield relpath
655    def _mkdir(self, abspath, mode=None):
656        if mode is None:
657            local_mode = 0o777
658        else:
659            local_mode = mode
660        try:
661            self._report_activity(len(abspath), 'write')
662            self._get_sftp().mkdir(abspath, local_mode)
663            self._report_activity(1, 'read')
664            if mode is not None:
665                # chmod a dir through sftp will erase any sgid bit set
666                # on the server side.  So, if the bit mode are already
667                # set, avoid the chmod.  If the mode is not fine but
668                # the sgid bit is set, report a warning to the user
669                # with the umask fix.
670                stat = self._get_sftp().lstat(abspath)
671                mode = mode & 0o777  # can't set special bits anyway
672                if mode != stat.st_mode & 0o777:
673                    if stat.st_mode & 0o6000:
674                        warning('About to chmod %s over sftp, which will result'
675                                ' in its suid or sgid bits being cleared.  If'
676                                ' you want to preserve those bits, change your '
677                                ' environment on the server to use umask 0%03o.'
678                                % (abspath, 0o777 - mode))
679                    self._get_sftp().chmod(abspath, mode=mode)
680        except (paramiko.SSHException, IOError) as e:
681            self._translate_io_exception(e, abspath, ': unable to mkdir',
682                                         failure_exc=FileExists)
684    def mkdir(self, relpath, mode=None):
685        """Create a directory at the given path."""
686        self._mkdir(self._remote_path(relpath), mode=mode)
688    def open_write_stream(self, relpath, mode=None):
689        """See Transport.open_write_stream."""
690        # initialise the file to zero-length
691        # this is three round trips, but we don't use this
692        # api more than once per write_group at the moment so
693        # it is a tolerable overhead. Better would be to truncate
694        # the file after opening. RBC 20070805
695        self.put_bytes_non_atomic(relpath, b"", mode)
696        abspath = self._remote_path(relpath)
697        # TODO: jam 20060816 paramiko doesn't publicly expose a way to
698        #       set the file mode at create time. If it does, use it.
699        #       But for now, we just chmod later anyway.
700        handle = None
701        try:
702            handle = self._get_sftp().file(abspath, mode='wb')
703            handle.set_pipelined(True)
704        except (paramiko.SSHException, IOError) as e:
705            self._translate_io_exception(e, abspath,
706                                         ': unable to open')
707        _file_streams[self.abspath(relpath)] = handle
708        return FileFileStream(self, relpath, handle)
710    def _translate_io_exception(self, e, path, more_info='',
711                                failure_exc=PathError):
712        """Translate a paramiko or IOError into a friendlier exception.
714        :param e: The original exception
715        :param path: The path in question when the error is raised
716        :param more_info: Extra information that can be included,
717                          such as what was going on
718        :param failure_exc: Paramiko has the super fun ability to raise completely
719                           opaque errors that just set "e.args = ('Failure',)" with
720                           no more information.
721                           If this parameter is set, it defines the exception
722                           to raise in these cases.
723        """
724        # paramiko seems to generate detailless errors.
725        self._translate_error(e, path, raise_generic=False)
726        if getattr(e, 'args', None) is not None:
727            if (e.args == ('No such file or directory',) or
728                    e.args == ('No such file',)):
729                raise NoSuchFile(path, str(e) + more_info)
730            if (e.args == ('mkdir failed',) or
731                    e.args[0].startswith('syserr: File exists')):
732                raise FileExists(path, str(e) + more_info)
733            # strange but true, for the paramiko server.
734            if (e.args == ('Failure',)):
735                raise failure_exc(path, str(e) + more_info)
736            # Can be something like args = ('Directory not empty:
737            # '/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/blah...: '
738            # [Errno 39] Directory not empty',)
739            if (e.args[0].startswith('Directory not empty: ')
740                    or getattr(e, 'errno', None) == errno.ENOTEMPTY):
741                raise errors.DirectoryNotEmpty(path, str(e))
742            if e.args == ('Operation unsupported',):
743                raise errors.TransportNotPossible()
744            mutter('Raising exception with args %s', e.args)
745        if getattr(e, 'errno', None) is not None:
746            mutter('Raising exception with errno %s', e.errno)
747        raise e
749    def append_file(self, relpath, f, mode=None):
750        """
751        Append the text in the file-like object into the final
752        location.
753        """
754        try:
755            path = self._remote_path(relpath)
756            fout = self._get_sftp().file(path, 'ab')
757            if mode is not None:
758                self._get_sftp().chmod(path, mode)
759            result = fout.tell()
760            self._pump(f, fout)
761            return result
762        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
763            self._translate_io_exception(e, relpath, ': unable to append')
765    def rename(self, rel_from, rel_to):
766        """Rename without special overwriting"""
767        try:
768            self._get_sftp().rename(self._remote_path(rel_from),
769                                    self._remote_path(rel_to))
770        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
771            self._translate_io_exception(e, rel_from,
772                                         ': unable to rename to %r' % (rel_to))
774    def _rename_and_overwrite(self, abs_from, abs_to):
775        """Do a fancy rename on the remote server.
777        Using the implementation provided by osutils.
778        """
779        try:
780            sftp = self._get_sftp()
781            fancy_rename(abs_from, abs_to,
782                         rename_func=sftp.rename,
783                         unlink_func=sftp.remove)
784        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
785            self._translate_io_exception(e, abs_from,
786                                         ': unable to rename to %r' % (abs_to))
788    def move(self, rel_from, rel_to):
789        """Move the item at rel_from to the location at rel_to"""
790        path_from = self._remote_path(rel_from)
791        path_to = self._remote_path(rel_to)
792        self._rename_and_overwrite(path_from, path_to)
794    def delete(self, relpath):
795        """Delete the item at relpath"""
796        path = self._remote_path(relpath)
797        try:
798            self._get_sftp().remove(path)
799        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
800            self._translate_io_exception(e, path, ': unable to delete')
802    def external_url(self):
803        """See breezy.transport.Transport.external_url."""
804        # the external path for SFTP is the base
805        return self.base
807    def listable(self):
808        """Return True if this store supports listing."""
809        return True
811    def list_dir(self, relpath):
812        """
813        Return a list of all files at the given location.
814        """
815        # does anything actually use this?
816        # -- Unknown
817        # This is at least used by copy_tree for remote upgrades.
818        # -- David Allouche 2006-08-11
819        path = self._remote_path(relpath)
820        try:
821            entries = self._get_sftp().listdir(path)
822            self._report_activity(sum(map(len, entries)), 'read')
823        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
824            self._translate_io_exception(e, path, ': failed to list_dir')
825        return [urlutils.escape(entry) for entry in entries]
827    def rmdir(self, relpath):
828        """See Transport.rmdir."""
829        path = self._remote_path(relpath)
830        try:
831            return self._get_sftp().rmdir(path)
832        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
833            self._translate_io_exception(e, path, ': failed to rmdir')
835    def stat(self, relpath):
836        """Return the stat information for a file."""
837        path = self._remote_path(relpath)
838        try:
839            return self._get_sftp().lstat(path)
840        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
841            self._translate_io_exception(e, path, ': unable to stat')
843    def readlink(self, relpath):
844        """See Transport.readlink."""
845        path = self._remote_path(relpath)
846        try:
847            return self._get_sftp().readlink(self._remote_path(path))
848        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
849            self._translate_io_exception(e, path, ': unable to readlink')
851    def symlink(self, source, link_name):
852        """See Transport.symlink."""
853        try:
854            conn = self._get_sftp()
855            sftp_retval = conn.symlink(source, self._remote_path(link_name))
856        except (IOError, paramiko.SSHException) as e:
857            self._translate_io_exception(e, link_name,
858                                         ': unable to create symlink to %r' % (source))
860    def lock_read(self, relpath):
861        """
862        Lock the given file for shared (read) access.
863        :return: A lock object, which has an unlock() member function
864        """
865        # FIXME: there should be something clever i can do here...
866        class BogusLock(object):
867            def __init__(self, path):
868                self.path = path
870            def unlock(self):
871                pass
873            def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
874                return False
876            def __enter__(self):
877                pass
878        return BogusLock(relpath)
880    def lock_write(self, relpath):
881        """
882        Lock the given file for exclusive (write) access.
883        WARNING: many transports do not support this, so trying avoid using it
885        :return: A lock object, which has an unlock() member function
886        """
887        # This is a little bit bogus, but basically, we create a file
888        # which should not already exist, and if it does, we assume
889        # that there is a lock, and if it doesn't, the we assume
890        # that we have taken the lock.
891        return SFTPLock(relpath, self)
893    def _sftp_open_exclusive(self, abspath, mode=None):
894        """Open a remote path exclusively.
896        SFTP supports O_EXCL (SFTP_FLAG_EXCL), which fails if
897        the file already exists. However it does not expose this
898        at the higher level of SFTPClient.open(), so we have to
899        sneak away with it.
901        WARNING: This breaks the SFTPClient abstraction, so it
902        could easily break against an updated version of paramiko.
904        :param abspath: The remote absolute path where the file should be opened
905        :param mode: The mode permissions bits for the new file
906        """
907        # TODO: jam 20060816 Paramiko >= 1.6.2 (probably earlier) supports
908        #       using the 'x' flag to indicate SFTP_FLAG_EXCL.
909        #       However, there is no way to set the permission mode at open
910        #       time using the sftp_client.file() functionality.
911        path = self._get_sftp()._adjust_cwd(abspath)
912        # mutter('sftp abspath %s => %s', abspath, path)
913        attr = SFTPAttributes()
914        if mode is not None:
915            attr.st_mode = mode
916        omode = (SFTP_FLAG_WRITE | SFTP_FLAG_CREATE
917                 | SFTP_FLAG_TRUNC | SFTP_FLAG_EXCL)
918        try:
919            t, msg = self._get_sftp()._request(CMD_OPEN, path, omode, attr)
920            if t != CMD_HANDLE:
921                raise TransportError('Expected an SFTP handle')
922            handle = msg.get_string()
923            return SFTPFile(self._get_sftp(), handle, 'wb', -1)
924        except (paramiko.SSHException, IOError) as e:
925            self._translate_io_exception(e, abspath, ': unable to open',
926                                         failure_exc=FileExists)
928    def _can_roundtrip_unix_modebits(self):
929        if sys.platform == 'win32':
930            # anyone else?
931            return False
932        else:
933            return True
936def get_test_permutations():
937    """Return the permutations to be used in testing."""
938    from ..tests import stub_sftp
939    return [(SFTPTransport, stub_sftp.SFTPAbsoluteServer),
940            (SFTPTransport, stub_sftp.SFTPHomeDirServer),
941            (SFTPTransport, stub_sftp.SFTPSiblingAbsoluteServer),
942            ]