1 /*
2  * libgit2 "pull" example - shows how to pull remote data into a local branch.
3  *
4  * Written by the libgit2 contributors
5  *
6  * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
7  * and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
8  * worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
9  *
10  * You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
11  * with this software. If not, see
12  * <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
13  */
15 use git2::Repository;
16 use std::io::{self, Write};
17 use std::str;
18 use structopt::StructOpt;
20 #[derive(StructOpt)]
21 struct Args {
22     arg_remote: Option<String>,
23     arg_branch: Option<String>,
24 }
do_fetch<'a>( repo: &'a git2::Repository, refs: &[&str], remote: &'a mut git2::Remote, ) -> Result<git2::AnnotatedCommit<'a>, git2::Error>26 fn do_fetch<'a>(
27     repo: &'a git2::Repository,
28     refs: &[&str],
29     remote: &'a mut git2::Remote,
30 ) -> Result<git2::AnnotatedCommit<'a>, git2::Error> {
31     let mut cb = git2::RemoteCallbacks::new();
33     // Print out our transfer progress.
34     cb.transfer_progress(|stats| {
35         if stats.received_objects() == stats.total_objects() {
36             print!(
37                 "Resolving deltas {}/{}\r",
38                 stats.indexed_deltas(),
39                 stats.total_deltas()
40             );
41         } else if stats.total_objects() > 0 {
42             print!(
43                 "Received {}/{} objects ({}) in {} bytes\r",
44                 stats.received_objects(),
45                 stats.total_objects(),
46                 stats.indexed_objects(),
47                 stats.received_bytes()
48             );
49         }
50         io::stdout().flush().unwrap();
51         true
52     });
54     let mut fo = git2::FetchOptions::new();
55     fo.remote_callbacks(cb);
56     // Always fetch all tags.
57     // Perform a download and also update tips
58     fo.download_tags(git2::AutotagOption::All);
59     println!("Fetching {} for repo", remote.name().unwrap());
60     remote.fetch(refs, Some(&mut fo), None)?;
62     // If there are local objects (we got a thin pack), then tell the user
63     // how many objects we saved from having to cross the network.
64     let stats = remote.stats();
65     if stats.local_objects() > 0 {
66         println!(
67             "\rReceived {}/{} objects in {} bytes (used {} local \
68              objects)",
69             stats.indexed_objects(),
70             stats.total_objects(),
71             stats.received_bytes(),
72             stats.local_objects()
73         );
74     } else {
75         println!(
76             "\rReceived {}/{} objects in {} bytes",
77             stats.indexed_objects(),
78             stats.total_objects(),
79             stats.received_bytes()
80         );
81     }
83     let fetch_head = repo.find_reference("FETCH_HEAD")?;
84     Ok(repo.reference_to_annotated_commit(&fetch_head)?)
85 }
fast_forward( repo: &Repository, lb: &mut git2::Reference, rc: &git2::AnnotatedCommit, ) -> Result<(), git2::Error>87 fn fast_forward(
88     repo: &Repository,
89     lb: &mut git2::Reference,
90     rc: &git2::AnnotatedCommit,
91 ) -> Result<(), git2::Error> {
92     let name = match lb.name() {
93         Some(s) => s.to_string(),
94         None => String::from_utf8_lossy(lb.name_bytes()).to_string(),
95     };
96     let msg = format!("Fast-Forward: Setting {} to id: {}", name, rc.id());
97     println!("{}", msg);
98     lb.set_target(rc.id(), &msg)?;
99     repo.set_head(&name)?;
100     repo.checkout_head(Some(
101         git2::build::CheckoutBuilder::default()
102             // For some reason the force is required to make the working directory actually get updated
103             // I suspect we should be adding some logic to handle dirty working directory states
104             // but this is just an example so maybe not.
105             .force(),
106     ))?;
107     Ok(())
108 }
normal_merge( repo: &Repository, local: &git2::AnnotatedCommit, remote: &git2::AnnotatedCommit, ) -> Result<(), git2::Error>110 fn normal_merge(
111     repo: &Repository,
112     local: &git2::AnnotatedCommit,
113     remote: &git2::AnnotatedCommit,
114 ) -> Result<(), git2::Error> {
115     let local_tree = repo.find_commit(local.id())?.tree()?;
116     let remote_tree = repo.find_commit(remote.id())?.tree()?;
117     let ancestor = repo
118         .find_commit(repo.merge_base(local.id(), remote.id())?)?
119         .tree()?;
120     let mut idx = repo.merge_trees(&ancestor, &local_tree, &remote_tree, None)?;
122     if idx.has_conflicts() {
123         println!("Merge conficts detected...");
124         repo.checkout_index(Some(&mut idx), None)?;
125         return Ok(());
126     }
127     let result_tree = repo.find_tree(idx.write_tree_to(repo)?)?;
128     // now create the merge commit
129     let msg = format!("Merge: {} into {}", remote.id(), local.id());
130     let sig = repo.signature()?;
131     let local_commit = repo.find_commit(local.id())?;
132     let remote_commit = repo.find_commit(remote.id())?;
133     // Do our merge commit and set current branch head to that commit.
134     let _merge_commit = repo.commit(
135         Some("HEAD"),
136         &sig,
137         &sig,
138         &msg,
139         &result_tree,
140         &[&local_commit, &remote_commit],
141     )?;
142     // Set working tree to match head.
143     repo.checkout_head(None)?;
144     Ok(())
145 }
do_merge<'a>( repo: &'a Repository, remote_branch: &str, fetch_commit: git2::AnnotatedCommit<'a>, ) -> Result<(), git2::Error>147 fn do_merge<'a>(
148     repo: &'a Repository,
149     remote_branch: &str,
150     fetch_commit: git2::AnnotatedCommit<'a>,
151 ) -> Result<(), git2::Error> {
152     // 1. do a merge analysis
153     let analysis = repo.merge_analysis(&[&fetch_commit])?;
155     // 2. Do the appopriate merge
156     if analysis.0.is_fast_forward() {
157         println!("Doing a fast forward");
158         // do a fast forward
159         let refname = format!("refs/heads/{}", remote_branch);
160         match repo.find_reference(&refname) {
161             Ok(mut r) => {
162                 fast_forward(repo, &mut r, &fetch_commit)?;
163             }
164             Err(_) => {
165                 // The branch doesn't exist so just set the reference to the
166                 // commit directly. Usually this is because you are pulling
167                 // into an empty repository.
168                 repo.reference(
169                     &refname,
170                     fetch_commit.id(),
171                     true,
172                     &format!("Setting {} to {}", remote_branch, fetch_commit.id()),
173                 )?;
174                 repo.set_head(&refname)?;
175                 repo.checkout_head(Some(
176                     git2::build::CheckoutBuilder::default()
177                         .allow_conflicts(true)
178                         .conflict_style_merge(true)
179                         .force(),
180                 ))?;
181             }
182         };
183     } else if analysis.0.is_normal() {
184         // do a normal merge
185         let head_commit = repo.reference_to_annotated_commit(&repo.head()?)?;
186         normal_merge(&repo, &head_commit, &fetch_commit)?;
187     } else {
188         println!("Nothing to do...");
189     }
190     Ok(())
191 }
run(args: &Args) -> Result<(), git2::Error>193 fn run(args: &Args) -> Result<(), git2::Error> {
194     let remote_name = args.arg_remote.as_ref().map(|s| &s[..]).unwrap_or("origin");
195     let remote_branch = args.arg_branch.as_ref().map(|s| &s[..]).unwrap_or("master");
196     let repo = Repository::open(".")?;
197     let mut remote = repo.find_remote(remote_name)?;
198     let fetch_commit = do_fetch(&repo, &[remote_branch], &mut remote)?;
199     do_merge(&repo, &remote_branch, fetch_commit)
200 }
main()202 fn main() {
203     let args = Args::from_args();
204     match run(&args) {
205         Ok(()) => {}
206         Err(e) => println!("error: {}", e),
207     }
208 }