1 /*
2 * This file is part of wxSmith plugin for Code::Blocks Studio
3 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007  Bartlomiej Swiecki
4 *
5 * wxSmith is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * wxSmith is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with wxSmith. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 *
18 * $Revision: 11434 $
19 * $Id: wxsstyle.h 11434 2018-08-07 07:12:59Z fuscated $
20 * $HeadURL: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/codeblocks/code/branches/release-20.xx/src/plugins/contrib/wxSmith/wxwidgets/wxsstyle.h $
21 */
23 #ifndef __WXSSTYLE_H
24 #define __WXSSTYLE_H
26 #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
27     #include <wx/arrstr.h>
28 #endif
30 #include "../wxscodinglang.h"
31 #include <wx/dynarray.h>
32 #include <wx/arrstr.h>
34 // TODO: Think about non-macro implementation
36 /* ************************************************************************** */
37 /*  Available style flags                                                     */
38 /* ************************************************************************** */
40 const long wxsSFXRC    = 0x00000001;    ///< This style can be used in XRC mode
41 const long wxsSFWin    = 0x00000002;    ///< This style can be used in Windows (any)
42 const long wxsSFWin95  = 0x00000004;    ///< This style can be used in Win95
43 const long wxsSFWinCE  = 0x00000008;    ///< This style can be used in WinCE
44 const long wxsSFGTK    = 0x00000010;    ///< This style can be used in GTK+ (any GTK)
45 const long wxsSFGTK12  = 0x00000020;    ///< This style can be used in GTK (1.2 only)
46 const long wxsSFGTK20  = 0x00000040;    ///< This style can be used in GTK (1.2 only)
47 const long wxsSFOSX    = 0x00000080;    ///< This style can be used in MAC (any OSX port Cocoa or Carbon)
48 const long wxsSFCOCOA  = 0x00000100;    ///< This style can be used in MAC (OSX port Cocoa API)
49 const long wxsSFCARBON = 0x00000200;    ///< This style can be used in MAC (MacOS for Carbon CFM)
50 const long wxsSFMotif  = 0x00000400;    ///< This style can be used in Motif
51 const long wxsSFMGL    = 0x00000800;    ///< This style can be used in MGL
52 const long wxsSFOS2    = 0x00001000;    ///< This style can be used in OS2
53 const long wxsSFX11    = 0x00002000;    ///< This style can be used in X11
54 const long wxsSFPALMOS = 0x00004000;    ///< This style can be used in PALMOS
55 const long wxsSFUNIV   = 0x00008000;    ///< This style can be used in wxUNIV
56 const long wxsSFAll    = 0x0000FFFF;    ///< This style can be used anywhere
57 const long wxsSFExt    = 0x80000000;    ///< This is extended style
59 /** Structure describing one widget's stule */
60 struct wxsStyle
61 {
62     wxString Name;  ///< Style name
63     long Value;     ///< Value of style
64     long Flags;     ///< Style flags
66     /** Checking if this is style category */
IsCategorywxsStyle67     inline bool IsCategory() const{ return Value == ((long)-1); }
69     /** Checking if this is extended style */
IsExtrawxsStyle70     inline bool IsExtra() const { return ( Flags & wxsSFExt ) != 0; }
71 };
73 /** \brief Class managing giving set of styles
74  *
75  * This class is managing style sets, one per one set, NOT per instance of
76  * item. It means that item must have extra long variables to remember style
77  * settings.
78  */
79 class wxsStyleSet
80 {
81     public:
83         /** \brief Ctor, takes array of styles
84          * \param Default default style
85          */
86         wxsStyleSet(const wxChar* DefaultStyle=_T(""));
88         /** \brief Adding new style to array */
89         void AddStyle(const wxChar* Name,long Value,long Flags);
91         /** \brief Notifying the end of style declaration */
92         void EndStyle();
94         /** \brief Dctor */
95         ~wxsStyleSet();
97         /** \brief Getting names array */
GetNames(bool IsExtra)98         inline const wxArrayString& GetNames(bool IsExtra) const { return IsExtra?ExStyleNames:StyleNames; }
100         /** \brief Getting style bits array (each style has unique bit) */
GetBits(bool IsExtra)101         inline const wxArrayLong& GetBits(bool IsExtra) const { return IsExtra?ExStyleBits:StyleBits; }
103         /** \brief Getting values array (real values used inside wxWidgets) */
GetValues(bool IsExtra)104         inline const wxArrayLong& GetValues(bool IsExtra) const { return IsExtra?ExStyleValues:StyleValues; }
106         /** \brief Getting style flags array */
GetFlags(bool IsExtra)107         inline const wxArrayLong& GetFlags(bool IsExtra) const { return IsExtra?ExStyleFlags:StyleFlags; }
109         /** \brief Getting default style bits */
GetDefaultBits(bool IsExtra)110         inline long GetDefaultBits(bool IsExtra) const { return IsExtra?0:Default; }
112         /** \brief Generating Bitfield from given string (where styles are separated through '|') */
113         long GetBits(const wxString& Style,bool IsExtra) const;
115         /** \brief Converting given style set bitfield to wxString using given language (note that CPP is same format like the one used in XRC files) */
116         wxString GetString(long Bits,bool IsExtra,wxsCodingLang Language) const;
118         /** \brief Converting style bits to value which can be used in wxWidgets */
119         long GetWxStyle(long StyleBits,bool IsExtra=false) const;
121     private:
123         const wxChar* DefaultStr;
124         long Default;
125         wxArrayString StyleNames;
126         wxArrayLong StyleBits;
127         wxArrayLong StyleValues;
128         wxArrayLong StyleFlags;
130         wxArrayString ExStyleNames;
131         wxArrayLong ExStyleBits;
132         wxArrayLong ExStyleValues;
133         wxArrayLong ExStyleFlags;
134 };
136 /* ************************************************************************** */
137 /*  Useful defines used while creating set of widget's styles                */
138 /* ************************************************************************** */
140 /** Beginning definition of array (source file) */
141 #define WXS_ST_BEGIN(name,DefaultStyle)                             \
142     const wxsStyleSet* Get##name##StyleSet();                       \
143     static const wxsStyleSet* name = Get##name##StyleSet();         \
144     const wxsStyleSet* Get##name##StyleSet()                        \
145     {                                                               \
146         static wxsStyleSet Set(DefaultStyle);                       \
148 /** Adding new style into list
149  *
150  * This style will be set as available on all platforms
151  */
152 #define WXS_ST(name)                                                \
153         Set.AddStyle(_T(#name), name, wxsSFAll & ~wxsSFExt);
155 /** Adding new extended style into list
156  *
157  * This style will be set as available on all platforms
158  */
159 #define WXS_EXST(name)                                              \
160         Set.AddStyle(_T(#name), name, wxsSFAll | wxsSFExt);
162 /** Adding new style with platform masks
163  *
164  * \param name - style's name
165  * \param Include - flags with included platforms (use wxsSFAll if excluding only)
166  * \param Exclude - flags with excluded platforms (use 0 when including only)
167  * \param InXRC - true if this style can be used when resource uses XRC files
168  */
169 #define WXS_ST_MASK(name,Include,Exclude,InXRC)                     \
170         Set.AddStyle(_T(#name), name,                               \
171             ((Include) & (~(Exclude)) & (~(wxsSFExt|wxsSFXRC))) |   \
172             ((InXRC) ? wxsSFXRC : 0 ) );
174 /** Adding new extended style with platform masks
175  *
176  * \param name - style's name
177  * \param Include - flags with included platforms (use wxsSFAll if excluding only)
178  * \param Exclude - flags with excluded platforms (use 0 when including only)
179  * \param InXRC - true if this style can be used when resource uses XRC files
180  */
181 #define WXS_EXST_MASK(name,Include,Exclude,InXRC)                   \
182         Set.AddStyle(_T(#name), name,                               \
183             ((Include) & (~(Exclude)) & (~wxsSFXRC)) |              \
184             ((InXRC) ? wxsSFXRC : 0 ) | wxsSFExt );
186 /** Beginning new  category */
187 #define WXS_ST_CATEGORY(name)                                       \
188         Set.AddStyle(_T(#name),-1, 0);
190 /** Ending creation of list */
191 #define WXS_ST_END()                                                \
192         Set.EndStyle();                                             \
193         return &Set;                                                \
194     }
196 /** adding all default window's style */
197 #define WXS_ST_DEFAULTS()                       \
198     WXS_ST_CATEGORY("wxWindow")                 \
199     WXS_ST(wxBORDER_SIMPLE)                     \
200     WXS_ST(wxBORDER_DOUBLE)                     \
201     WXS_ST(wxBORDER_SUNKEN)                     \
202     WXS_ST(wxBORDER_RAISED)                     \
203     WXS_ST(wxBORDER_STATIC)                     \
204     WXS_ST(wxBORDER_NONE)                       \
205     WXS_ST(wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW)                \
206     WXS_ST(wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)                     \
207     WXS_ST(wxWANTS_CHARS)                       \
208     WXS_ST(wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)         \
209     WXS_ST(wxVSCROLL)                           \
210     WXS_ST(wxHSCROLL)                           \
211     WXS_ST(wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB)                    \
212     WXS_ST(wxCLIP_CHILDREN)                     \
213     WXS_ST(wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)            \
214     WXS_EXST(wxWS_EX_BLOCK_EVENTS)              \
217 #endif