1 // Scintilla source code edit control
2 /** @file LexABAQUS.cxx
3  ** Lexer for ABAQUS. Based on the lexer for APDL by Hadar Raz.
4  ** By Sergio Lucato.
5  ** Sort of completely rewritten by Gertjan Kloosterman
6  **/
7 // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
9 // Code folding copyied and modified from LexBasic.cxx
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <string.h>
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <stdarg.h>
15 #include <assert.h>
16 #include <ctype.h>
18 #include "ILexer.h"
19 #include "Scintilla.h"
20 #include "SciLexer.h"
22 #include "WordList.h"
23 #include "LexAccessor.h"
24 #include "Accessor.h"
25 #include "StyleContext.h"
26 #include "CharacterSet.h"
27 #include "LexerModule.h"
30 using namespace Scintilla;
31 #endif
IsAKeywordChar(const int ch)33 static inline bool IsAKeywordChar(const int ch) {
34 	return (ch < 0x80 && (isalnum(ch) || (ch == '_') || (ch == ' ')));
35 }
IsASetChar(const int ch)37 static inline bool IsASetChar(const int ch) {
38 	return (ch < 0x80 && (isalnum(ch) || (ch == '_') || (ch == '.') || (ch == '-')));
39 }
ColouriseABAQUSDoc(Sci_PositionU startPos,Sci_Position length,int initStyle,WordList * [],Accessor & styler)41 static void ColouriseABAQUSDoc(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, WordList*[] /* *keywordlists[] */,
42                             Accessor &styler) {
45 					  COMMENT_LINE,\
46 					  ST_ERROR, LINE_END } state ;
48 	// Do not leak onto next line
49 	state = LINE_END ;
50 	initStyle = SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT;
51 	StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler);
53 	// Things are actually quite simple
54 	// we have commentlines
55 	// keywordlines and datalines
56 	// On a data line there will only be colouring of numbers
57 	// a keyword line is constructed as
58 	// *word,[ paramname[=paramvalue]]*
59 	// if the line ends with a , the keyword line continues onto the new line
61 	for (; sc.More(); sc.Forward()) {
62 		switch ( state ) {
63         case KW_LINE_KW :
64             if ( sc.atLineEnd ) {
65                 // finished the line in keyword state, switch to LINE_END
66                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
67                 state = LINE_END ;
68             } else if ( IsAKeywordChar(sc.ch) ) {
69                 // nothing changes
70                 state = KW_LINE_KW ;
71             } else if ( sc.ch == ',' ) {
72                 // Well well we say a comma, arguments *MUST* follow
73                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_OPERATOR) ;
74                 state = KW_LINE_COMMA ;
75             } else {
76                 // Flag an error
77                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR) ;
78                 state = ST_ERROR ;
79             }
80             // Done with processing
81             break ;
82         case KW_LINE_COMMA :
83             // acomma on a keywordline was seen
84             if ( IsAKeywordChar(sc.ch)) {
85                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_ARGUMENT) ;
86                 state = KW_LINE_PAR ;
87             } else if ( sc.atLineEnd || (sc.ch == ',') ) {
88                 // we remain in keyword mode
89                 state = KW_LINE_COMMA ;
90             } else if ( sc.ch == ' ' ) {
91                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
92                 state = KW_LINE_COMMA ;
93             } else {
94                 // Anything else constitutes an error
95                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR) ;
96                 state = ST_ERROR ;
97             }
98             break ;
99         case KW_LINE_PAR :
100             if ( sc.atLineEnd ) {
101                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
102                 state = LINE_END ;
103             } else if ( IsAKeywordChar(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '-') ) {
104                 // remain in this state
105                 state = KW_LINE_PAR ;
106             } else if ( sc.ch == ',' ) {
107                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_OPERATOR) ;
108                 state = KW_LINE_COMMA ;
109             } else if ( sc.ch == '=' ) {
110                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_OPERATOR) ;
111                 state = KW_LINE_EQ ;
112             } else {
113                 // Anything else constitutes an error
114                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR) ;
115                 state = ST_ERROR ;
116             }
117             break ;
118         case KW_LINE_EQ :
119             if ( sc.ch == ' ' ) {
120                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
121                 // remain in this state
122                 state = KW_LINE_EQ ;
123             } else if ( IsADigit(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '-') || (sc.ch == '.' && IsADigit(sc.chNext)) ) {
124                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_NUMBER) ;
125                 state = KW_LINE_VAL ;
126             } else if ( IsAKeywordChar(sc.ch) ) {
127                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
128                 state = KW_LINE_VAL ;
129             } else if ( (sc.ch == '\'') || (sc.ch == '\"') ) {
130                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_STRING) ;
131                 state = KW_LINE_VAL ;
132             } else {
133                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR) ;
134                 state = ST_ERROR ;
135             }
136             break ;
137         case KW_LINE_VAL :
138             if ( sc.atLineEnd ) {
139                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
140                 state = LINE_END ;
141             } else if ( IsASetChar(sc.ch) && (sc.state == SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ) {
142                 // nothing changes
143                 state = KW_LINE_VAL ;
144             } else if (( (IsADigit(sc.ch) || sc.ch == '.' || (sc.ch == 'e' || sc.ch == 'E') ||
145                     ((sc.ch == '+' || sc.ch == '-') && (sc.chPrev == 'e' || sc.chPrev == 'E')))) &&
146                     (sc.state == SCE_ABAQUS_NUMBER)) {
147                 // remain in number mode
148                 state = KW_LINE_VAL ;
149             } else if (sc.state == SCE_ABAQUS_STRING) {
150                 // accept everything until a closing quote
151                 if ( sc.ch == '\'' || sc.ch == '\"' ) {
152                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
153                     state = KW_LINE_VAL ;
154                 }
155             } else if ( sc.ch == ',' ) {
156                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_OPERATOR) ;
157                 state = KW_LINE_COMMA ;
158             } else {
159                 // anything else is an error
160                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR) ;
161                 state = ST_ERROR ;
162             }
163             break ;
164         case DAT_LINE_VAL :
165             if ( sc.atLineEnd ) {
166                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
167                 state = LINE_END ;
168             } else if ( IsASetChar(sc.ch) && (sc.state == SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ) {
169                 // nothing changes
170                 state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
171             } else if (( (IsADigit(sc.ch) || sc.ch == '.' || (sc.ch == 'e' || sc.ch == 'E') ||
172                     ((sc.ch == '+' || sc.ch == '-') && (sc.chPrev == 'e' || sc.chPrev == 'E')))) &&
173                     (sc.state == SCE_ABAQUS_NUMBER)) {
174                 // remain in number mode
175                 state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
176             } else if (sc.state == SCE_ABAQUS_STRING) {
177                 // accept everything until a closing quote
178                 if ( sc.ch == '\'' || sc.ch == '\"' ) {
179                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
180                     state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
181                 }
182             } else if ( sc.ch == ',' ) {
183                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_OPERATOR) ;
184                 state = DAT_LINE_COMMA ;
185             } else {
186                 // anything else is an error
187                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR) ;
188                 state = ST_ERROR ;
189             }
190             break ;
191         case DAT_LINE_COMMA :
192             // a comma on a data line was seen
193             if ( sc.atLineEnd ) {
194                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
195                 state = LINE_END ;
196             } else if ( sc.ch == ' ' ) {
197                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
198                 state = DAT_LINE_COMMA ;
199             } else if (sc.ch == ',')  {
200                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_OPERATOR) ;
201                 state = DAT_LINE_COMMA ;
202             } else if ( IsADigit(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '-')|| (sc.ch == '.' && IsADigit(sc.chNext)) ) {
203                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_NUMBER) ;
204                 state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
205             } else if ( IsAKeywordChar(sc.ch) ) {
206                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
207                 state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
208             } else if ( (sc.ch == '\'') || (sc.ch == '\"') ) {
209                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_STRING) ;
210                 state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
211             } else {
212                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR) ;
213                 state = ST_ERROR ;
214             }
215             break ;
216         case COMMENT_LINE :
217             if ( sc.atLineEnd ) {
218                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
219                 state = LINE_END ;
220             }
221             break ;
222         case ST_ERROR :
223             if ( sc.atLineEnd ) {
224                 sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
225                 state = LINE_END ;
226             }
227             break ;
228         case LINE_END :
229             if ( sc.atLineEnd || sc.ch == ' ' ) {
230                 // nothing changes
231                 state = LINE_END ;
232             } else if ( sc.ch == '*' ) {
233                 if ( sc.chNext == '*' ) {
234                     state = COMMENT_LINE ;
235                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_COMMENT) ;
236                 } else {
237                     state = KW_LINE_KW ;
238                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_STARCOMMAND) ;
239                 }
240             } else {
241                 // it must be a data line, things are as if we are in DAT_LINE_COMMA
242                 if ( sc.ch == ',' ) {
243                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_OPERATOR) ;
244                     state = DAT_LINE_COMMA ;
245                 } else if ( IsADigit(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '-')|| (sc.ch == '.' && IsADigit(sc.chNext)) ) {
246                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_NUMBER) ;
247                     state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
248                 } else if ( IsAKeywordChar(sc.ch) ) {
249                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_DEFAULT) ;
250                     state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
251                 } else if ( (sc.ch == '\'') || (sc.ch == '\"') ) {
252                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_STRING) ;
253                     state = DAT_LINE_VAL ;
254                 } else {
255                     sc.SetState(SCE_ABAQUS_PROCESSOR) ;
256                     state = ST_ERROR ;
257                 }
258             }
259             break ;
260 		  }
261    }
262    sc.Complete();
263 }
265 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
266 // This copyied and modified from LexBasic.cxx
267 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
269 /* Bits:
270  * 1  - whitespace
271  * 2  - operator
272  * 4  - identifier
273  * 8  - decimal digit
274  * 16 - hex digit
275  * 32 - bin digit
276  */
277 static int character_classification[128] =
278 {
279     0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,
280     0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
281     1,  2,  0,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  6,  2,  2,  2,  10, 6,
282     60, 60, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,
283     2,  20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,
284     4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  2,  2,  2,  2,  4,
285     2,  20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,
286     4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  4,  2,  2,  2,  2,  0
287 };
IsSpace(int c)289 static bool IsSpace(int c) {
290 	return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 1);
291 }
IsIdentifier(int c)293 static bool IsIdentifier(int c) {
294 	return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 4);
295 }
LowerCase(int c)297 static int LowerCase(int c)
298 {
299 	if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
300 		return 'a' + c - 'A';
301 	return c;
302 }
LineEnd(Sci_Position line,Accessor & styler)304 static Sci_Position LineEnd(Sci_Position line, Accessor &styler)
305 {
306     const Sci_Position docLines = styler.GetLine(styler.Length() - 1);  // Available last line
307     Sci_Position eol_pos ;
308     // if the line is the last line, the eol_pos is styler.Length()
309     // eol will contain a new line, or a virtual new line
310     if ( docLines == line )
311         eol_pos = styler.Length() ;
312     else
313         eol_pos = styler.LineStart(line + 1) - 1;
314     return eol_pos ;
315 }
LineStart(Sci_Position line,Accessor & styler)317 static Sci_Position LineStart(Sci_Position line, Accessor &styler)
318 {
319     return styler.LineStart(line) ;
320 }
322 // LineType
323 //
324 // bits determines the line type
325 // 1  : data line
326 // 2  : only whitespace
327 // 3  : data line with only whitespace
328 // 4  : keyword line
329 // 5  : block open keyword line
330 // 6  : block close keyword line
331 // 7  : keyword line in error
332 // 8  : comment line
LineType(Sci_Position line,Accessor & styler)333 static int LineType(Sci_Position line, Accessor &styler) {
334     Sci_Position pos = LineStart(line, styler) ;
335     Sci_Position eol_pos = LineEnd(line, styler) ;
337     int c ;
338     char ch = ' ';
340     Sci_Position i = pos ;
341     while ( i < eol_pos ) {
342         c = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i);
343         ch = static_cast<char>(LowerCase(c));
344         // We can say something as soon as no whitespace
345         // was encountered
346         if ( !IsSpace(c) )
347             break ;
348         i++ ;
349     }
351     if ( i >= eol_pos ) {
352         // This is a whitespace line, currently
353         // classifies as data line
354         return 3 ;
355     }
357     if ( ch != '*' ) {
358         // This is a data line
359         return 1 ;
360     }
362     if ( i == eol_pos - 1 ) {
363         // Only a single *, error but make keyword line
364         return 4+3 ;
365     }
367     // This means we can have a second character
368     // if that is also a * this means a comment
369     // otherwise it is a keyword.
370     c = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i+1);
371     ch = static_cast<char>(LowerCase(c));
372     if ( ch == '*' ) {
373         return 8 ;
374     }
376     // At this point we know this is a keyword line
377     // the character at position i is a *
378     // it is not a comment line
379     char word[256] ;
380     int  wlen = 0;
382     word[wlen] = '*' ;
383 	wlen++ ;
385     i++ ;
386     while ( (i < eol_pos) && (wlen < 255) ) {
387         c = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i);
388         ch = static_cast<char>(LowerCase(c));
390         if ( (!IsSpace(c)) && (!IsIdentifier(c)) )
391             break ;
393         if ( IsIdentifier(c) ) {
394             word[wlen] = ch ;
395 			wlen++ ;
396 		}
398         i++ ;
399     }
401     word[wlen] = 0 ;
403     // Make a comparison
404 	if ( !strcmp(word, "*step") ||
405          !strcmp(word, "*part") ||
406          !strcmp(word, "*instance") ||
407          !strcmp(word, "*assembly")) {
408        return 4+1 ;
409     }
411 	if ( !strcmp(word, "*endstep") ||
412          !strcmp(word, "*endpart") ||
413          !strcmp(word, "*endinstance") ||
414          !strcmp(word, "*endassembly")) {
415        return 4+2 ;
416     }
418     return 4 ;
419 }
SafeSetLevel(Sci_Position line,int level,Accessor & styler)421 static void SafeSetLevel(Sci_Position line, int level, Accessor &styler)
422 {
423     if ( line < 0 )
424         return ;
428     if ( (level & mask) < 0 )
429         return ;
431     if ( styler.LevelAt(line) != level )
432         styler.SetLevel(line, level) ;
433 }
FoldABAQUSDoc(Sci_PositionU startPos,Sci_Position length,int,WordList * [],Accessor & styler)435 static void FoldABAQUSDoc(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int,
436 WordList *[], Accessor &styler) {
437     Sci_Position startLine = styler.GetLine(startPos) ;
438     Sci_Position endLine   = styler.GetLine(startPos+length-1) ;
440     // bool foldCompact = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.compact", 1) != 0;
441     // We want to deal with all the cases
442     // To know the correct indentlevel, we need to look back to the
443     // previous command line indentation level
444 	// order of formatting keyline datalines commentlines
445     Sci_Position beginData    = -1 ;
446     Sci_Position beginComment = -1 ;
447     Sci_Position prvKeyLine   = startLine ;
448     Sci_Position prvKeyLineTp =  0 ;
450     // Scan until we find the previous keyword line
451     // this will give us the level reference that we need
452     while ( prvKeyLine > 0 ) {
453         prvKeyLine-- ;
454         prvKeyLineTp = LineType(prvKeyLine, styler) ;
455         if ( prvKeyLineTp & 4 )
456             break ;
457     }
459     // Determine the base line level of all lines following
460     // the previous keyword
461     // new keyword lines are placed on this level
462     //if ( prvKeyLineTp & 4 ) {
463     int level = styler.LevelAt(prvKeyLine) & ~SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG ;
464     //}
466     // uncomment line below if weird behaviour continues
467     prvKeyLine = -1 ;
469     // Now start scanning over the lines.
470     for ( Sci_Position line = startLine; line <= endLine; line++ ) {
471         int lineType = LineType(line, styler) ;
473         // Check for comment line
474         if ( lineType == 8 ) {
475             if ( beginComment < 0 ) {
476                 beginComment = line ;
477 			}
478         }
480         // Check for data line
481         if ( (lineType == 1) || (lineType == 3) ) {
482             if ( beginData < 0 ) {
483                 if ( beginComment >= 0 ) {
484                     beginData = beginComment ;
485                 } else {
486                     beginData = line ;
487                 }
488             }
489 			beginComment = -1 ;
490 		}
492         // Check for keywordline.
493         // As soon as a keyword line is encountered, we can set the
494         // levels of everything from the previous keyword line to this one
495         if ( lineType & 4 ) {
496             // this is a keyword, we can now place the previous keyword
497             // all its data lines and the remainder
499             // Write comments and data line
500             if ( beginComment < 0 ) {
501                 beginComment = line ;
502 			}
504             if ( beginData < 0 ) {
505                 beginData = beginComment ;
506 				if ( prvKeyLineTp != 5 )
507 					SafeSetLevel(prvKeyLine, level, styler) ;
508 				else
509 					SafeSetLevel(prvKeyLine, level | SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG, styler) ;
510             } else {
511                 SafeSetLevel(prvKeyLine, level | SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG, styler) ;
512             }
514             int datLevel = level + 1 ;
515 			if ( !(prvKeyLineTp & 4) ) {
516 				datLevel = level ;
517 			}
519             for ( Sci_Position ll = beginData; ll < beginComment; ll++ )
520                 SafeSetLevel(ll, datLevel, styler) ;
522             // The keyword we just found is going to be written at another level
523             // if we have a type 5 and type 6
524             if ( prvKeyLineTp == 5 ) {
525                 level += 1 ;
526 			}
528             if ( prvKeyLineTp == 6 ) {
529                 level -= 1 ;
530 				if ( level < 0 ) {
531 					level = 0 ;
532 				}
533             }
535             for ( Sci_Position lll = beginComment; lll < line; lll++ )
536                 SafeSetLevel(lll, level, styler) ;
538             // wrap and reset
539             beginComment = -1 ;
540             beginData    = -1 ;
541             prvKeyLine   = line ;
542             prvKeyLineTp = lineType ;
543         }
545     }
547     if ( beginComment < 0 ) {
548         beginComment = endLine + 1 ;
549     } else {
550         // We need to find out whether this comment block is followed by
551         // a data line or a keyword line
552         const Sci_Position docLines = styler.GetLine(styler.Length() - 1);
554         for ( Sci_Position line = endLine + 1; line <= docLines; line++ ) {
555             Sci_Position lineType = LineType(line, styler) ;
557             if ( lineType != 8 ) {
558 				if ( !(lineType & 4) )  {
559 					beginComment = endLine + 1 ;
560 				}
561                 break ;
562 			}
563         }
564     }
566     if ( beginData < 0 ) {
567         beginData = beginComment ;
568 		if ( prvKeyLineTp != 5 )
569 			SafeSetLevel(prvKeyLine, level, styler) ;
570 		else
571 			SafeSetLevel(prvKeyLine, level | SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG, styler) ;
572     } else {
573         SafeSetLevel(prvKeyLine, level | SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG, styler) ;
574     }
576     int datLevel = level + 1 ;
577 	if ( !(prvKeyLineTp & 4) ) {
578 		datLevel = level ;
579 	}
581     for ( Sci_Position ll = beginData; ll < beginComment; ll++ )
582         SafeSetLevel(ll, datLevel, styler) ;
584     if ( prvKeyLineTp == 5 ) {
585         level += 1 ;
586     }
588     if ( prvKeyLineTp == 6 ) {
589         level -= 1 ;
590     }
591     for ( Sci_Position m = beginComment; m <= endLine; m++ )
592         SafeSetLevel(m, level, styler) ;
593 }
595 static const char * const abaqusWordListDesc[] = {
596     "processors",
597     "commands",
598     "slashommands",
599     "starcommands",
600     "arguments",
601     "functions",
602     0
603 };
605 LexerModule lmAbaqus(SCLEX_ABAQUS, ColouriseABAQUSDoc, "abaqus", FoldABAQUSDoc, abaqusWordListDesc);