1 /*
2  * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3
3  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
4  */
6 #ifndef MAIN_H
7 #define MAIN_H
9 #include <map>
11 #include <wx/aui/aui.h> // wxAuiManager
12 #include <wx/toolbar.h>
13 #include <wx/docview.h> // for wxFileHistory
14 #include <wx/notebook.h>
15 #include <wx/dynarray.h>
16 #include <cbeditor.h>
17 #include "manager.h"
18 #include "cbexception.h"
19 #include "cbplugin.h"
20 #include "find_replace.h"
21 #include "sdk_events.h"
22 #include "recentitemslist.h"
23 #include "scripting/bindings/sc_base_types.h"
24 #include "scrollingdialog.h"
26 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP(int, wxString, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, PluginIDsMap);
27 WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP(cbPlugin*, wxToolBar*, wxPointerHash, wxPointerEqual, PluginToolbarsMap);
28 WX_DECLARE_STRING_HASH_MAP(wxString, LayoutViewsMap);
30 extern int idStartHerePageLink;
31 extern int idStartHerePageVarSubst;
33 class cbAuiNotebook;
34 class DebuggerMenuHandler;
35 class DebuggerToolbarHandler;
36 class InfoPane;
37 class wxGauge;
38 class ProjectManagerUI;
40 struct ToolbarInfo
41 {
ToolbarInfoToolbarInfo42     ToolbarInfo() {}
ToolbarInfoToolbarInfo43     ToolbarInfo(wxToolBar *toolbar_in, const wxAuiPaneInfo &paneInfo_in, int priority_in) :
44         paneInfo(paneInfo_in),
45         toolbar(toolbar_in),
46         priority(priority_in)
47     {
48     }
50     bool operator<(const ToolbarInfo& b) const
51     {
52         return priority < b.priority;
53     }
55     wxAuiPaneInfo paneInfo;
56     wxToolBar *toolbar;
57     int priority;
58 };
60 class MainFrame : public wxFrame
61 {
62     public:
63         // needed for binding with SqPlus
64         MainFrame& operator=(cb_unused const MainFrame& rhs) // prevent assignment operator
65         {
66             cbThrow(_T("Can't use MainFrame's operator="));
67             return *this;
68         }
69     private:
70         MainFrame(cb_unused const MainFrame& rhs); // prevent copy construction
72         wxAuiManager m_LayoutManager;
73         LayoutViewsMap m_LayoutViews;
74         LayoutViewsMap m_LayoutMessagePane;
75         bool LayoutDifferent(const wxString& layout1,const wxString& layout2,const wxString& delimiter=_("|"));
76         bool LayoutMessagePaneDifferent(const wxString& layout1,const wxString& layout2, bool checkSelection=false);
77     public:
78         std::unique_ptr<wxAcceleratorTable> m_pAccel;
79         std::unique_ptr<wxAcceleratorEntry[]> m_pAccelEntries;
80         size_t              m_AccelCount;
82         MainFrame(wxWindow* parent = (wxWindow*)NULL);
83         ~MainFrame();
85         bool Open(const wxString& filename, bool addToHistory = true);
86         bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& filenames);
87         void ShowTips(bool forceShow = false);
GetBatchBuildDialog()89         wxScrollingDialog* GetBatchBuildDialog(){ return m_pBatchBuildDialog; }
91         // show a file-open dialog and return the selection
92         wxString ShowOpenFileDialog(const wxString& caption, const wxString& filter);
93         // open the filename (based on what it is)
94         bool OpenGeneric(const wxString& filename, bool addToHistory = true);
96         void StartupDone();
GetProjectManagerUI()98         cbProjectManagerUI* GetProjectManagerUI() { return m_pPrjManUI; }
99     private:
100         // event handlers
102         void OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& event);
103         void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
104         void OnApplicationClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
105         void OnStartHereLink(wxCommandEvent& event);
107         // the two functions below are used to show context menu to toggle toolbar view status
108         // OnMouseRightUp is handler for right click on MainFrame's free area which is not covered by
109         // any sub panels, OnToolBarRightClick is used to response the mouse right click command
110         // on the toolbar.
111         void OnMouseRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event);
112         void OnToolBarRightClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
114         // common function to show context menu for toggle toolbars
115         void PopupToggleToolbarMenu();
116         void SetChecksForViewToolbarsMenu(wxMenu &menu);
118         // File->New submenu entries handler
119         void OnFileNewWhat(wxCommandEvent& event);
121         void OnFileNew(wxCommandEvent& event);
122         void OnFileOpen(wxCommandEvent& event);
123         void OnFileReopenProject(wxCommandEvent& event);
124         void OnFileOpenRecentProjectClearHistory(wxCommandEvent& event);
125         void OnFileReopen(wxCommandEvent& event);
126         void OnFileOpenRecentClearHistory(wxCommandEvent& event);
127         void OnFileImportProjectDevCpp(wxCommandEvent& event);
128         void OnFileImportProjectMSVC(wxCommandEvent& event);
129         void OnFileImportProjectMSVCWksp(wxCommandEvent& event);
130         void OnFileImportProjectMSVS(wxCommandEvent& event);
131         void OnFileImportProjectMSVSWksp(wxCommandEvent& event);
132         void OnFileSave(wxCommandEvent& event);
133         void OnFileSaveAs(wxCommandEvent& event);
134         void OnFileSaveProject(wxCommandEvent& event);
135         void OnFileSaveProjectAs(wxCommandEvent& event);
136         void OnFileSaveProjectTemplate(wxCommandEvent& event);
137         void OnFileOpenDefWorkspace(wxCommandEvent& event);
138         void OnFileSaveWorkspace(wxCommandEvent& event);
139         void OnFileSaveWorkspaceAs(wxCommandEvent& event);
140         void OnFileSaveAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
141         void OnFileCloseWorkspace(wxCommandEvent& event);
142         void OnFileClose(wxCommandEvent& event);
143         void OnFileCloseAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
144         void OnFileCloseProject(wxCommandEvent& event);
145         void OnFilePrintSetup(wxCommandEvent& event);
146         void OnFilePrint(wxCommandEvent& event);
147         void OnFileQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
148         void OnFileNext(wxCommandEvent& event);
149         void OnFilePrev(wxCommandEvent& event);
151         void OnEditUndo(wxCommandEvent& event);
152         void OnEditRedo(wxCommandEvent& event);
153         void OnEditClearHistory(wxCommandEvent& event);
154         void OnEditCopy(wxCommandEvent& event);
155         void OnEditCut(wxCommandEvent& event);
156         void OnEditPaste(wxCommandEvent& event);
157         void OnEditSwapHeaderSource(wxCommandEvent& event);
158         void OnEditGotoMatchingBrace(wxCommandEvent& event);
159         void OnEditHighlightMode(wxCommandEvent& event);
160         void OnEditFoldAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
161         void OnEditUnfoldAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
162         void OnEditToggleAllFolds(wxCommandEvent& event);
163         void OnEditFoldBlock(wxCommandEvent& event);
164         void OnEditUnfoldBlock(wxCommandEvent& event);
165         void OnEditToggleFoldBlock(wxCommandEvent& event);
166         void OnEditEOLMode(wxCommandEvent& event);
167         void OnEditEncoding(wxCommandEvent& event);
168         void OnEditParaUp(wxCommandEvent& event);
169         void OnEditParaUpExtend(wxCommandEvent& event);
170         void OnEditParaDown(wxCommandEvent& event);
171         void OnEditParaDownExtend(wxCommandEvent& event);
172         void OnEditWordPartLeft(wxCommandEvent& event);
173         void OnEditWordPartLeftExtend(wxCommandEvent& event);
174         void OnEditWordPartRight(wxCommandEvent& event);
175         void OnEditWordPartRightExtend(wxCommandEvent& event);
176         void OnEditZoomIn(wxCommandEvent& event);
177         void OnEditZoomOut(wxCommandEvent& event);
178         void OnEditZoomReset(wxCommandEvent& event);
179         void OnEditLineCut(wxCommandEvent& event);
180         void OnEditLineDelete(wxCommandEvent& event);
181         void OnEditLineDuplicate(wxCommandEvent& event);
182         void OnEditLineTranspose(wxCommandEvent& event);
183         void OnEditLineCopy(wxCommandEvent& event);
184         void OnEditLinePaste(wxCommandEvent& event);
185         void OnEditLineMove(wxCommandEvent& event);
186         void OnEditUpperCase(wxCommandEvent& event);
187         void OnEditLowerCase(wxCommandEvent& event);
188         void OnEditInsertNewLine(wxCommandEvent& event);
189         void OnEditGotoLineEnd(wxCommandEvent& event);
190         void OnEditInsertNewLineBelow(wxCommandEvent& event);
191         void OnEditInsertNewLineAbove(wxCommandEvent& event);
192         void OnEditSelectAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
193         void OnEditSelectNext(wxCommandEvent& event);
194         void OnEditSelectNextSkip(wxCommandEvent& event);
195         void OnEditCommentSelected(wxCommandEvent& event);
196         void OnEditUncommentSelected(wxCommandEvent& event);
197         void OnEditToggleCommentSelected(wxCommandEvent& event);
198         void OnEditStreamCommentSelected(wxCommandEvent& event);
199         void OnEditBoxCommentSelected(wxCommandEvent& event);
200         void OnEditShowCallTip(wxCommandEvent& event);
201         void OnEditCompleteCode(wxCommandEvent& event);
203         void OnEditBookmarksToggle(wxCommandEvent& event);
204         void OnEditBookmarksNext(wxCommandEvent& event);
205         void OnEditBookmarksPrevious(wxCommandEvent& event);
206         void OnEditBookmarksClearAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
208         void OnViewLayout(wxCommandEvent& event);
209         void OnViewLayoutSave(wxCommandEvent& event);
210         void OnViewLayoutDelete(wxCommandEvent& event);
211         void OnViewScriptConsole(wxCommandEvent& event);
212         void OnViewHideEditorTabs(wxCommandEvent& event);
214         void OnSearchFind(wxCommandEvent& event);
215         void OnSearchFindNext(wxCommandEvent& event);
216         void OnSearchFindNextSelected(wxCommandEvent& event);
217         void OnSearchReplace(wxCommandEvent& event);
218         void OnSearchGotoLine(wxCommandEvent& event);
219         void OnSearchGotoNextChanged(wxCommandEvent& event);
220         void OnSearchGotoPrevChanged(wxCommandEvent& event);
222         void OnPluginsExecuteMenu(wxCommandEvent& event);
224         void OnSettingsEnvironment(wxCommandEvent& event);
225         void OnSettingsKeyBindings(wxCommandEvent& event);
226         void OnGlobalUserVars(wxCommandEvent& event);
227         void OnSettingsEditor(wxCommandEvent& event);
228         void OnSettingsCompiler(wxCommandEvent& event);
229         void OnSettingsDebugger(wxCommandEvent& event);
230         void OnSettingsPlugins(wxCommandEvent& event);
231         void OnSettingsScripting(wxCommandEvent& event);
233         void OnHelpAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
234         void OnHelpTips(wxCommandEvent& event);
235         void OnHelpPluginMenu(wxCommandEvent& event);
237         void OnViewToolbarsFit(wxCommandEvent& event);
238         void OnViewToolbarsOptimize(wxCommandEvent& event);
239         void OnToggleBar(wxCommandEvent& event);
240         void OnToggleStatusBar(wxCommandEvent& event);
241         void OnFocusEditor(wxCommandEvent& event);
242         void OnFocusManagement(wxCommandEvent& event);
243         void OnFocusLogsAndOthers(wxCommandEvent& event);
244         void OnSwitchTabs(wxCommandEvent& event);
245         void OnToggleFullScreen(wxCommandEvent& event);
246         void OnToggleStartPage(wxCommandEvent& event);
248         // plugin events
249         void OnPluginLoaded(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
250         void OnPluginUnloaded(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
251         void OnPluginInstalled(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
252         void OnPluginUninstalled(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
254         // general UpdateUI events
255         void OnEditorUpdateUI(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
257         void OnFileMenuUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
258         void OnEditMenuUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
259         void OnViewMenuUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
260         void OnSearchMenuUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
261         void OnProjectMenuUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
263         // project events
264         void OnProjectActivated(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
265         void OnProjectOpened(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
266         void OnProjectClosed(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
268         // dock/undock window requests
269         void OnRequestDockWindow(CodeBlocksDockEvent& event);
270         void OnRequestUndockWindow(CodeBlocksDockEvent& event);
271         void OnRequestShowDockWindow(CodeBlocksDockEvent& event);
272         void OnRequestHideDockWindow(CodeBlocksDockEvent& event);
273         void OnDockWindowVisibility(CodeBlocksDockEvent& event);
275         // layout requests
276         void OnLayoutUpdate(CodeBlocksLayoutEvent& event);
277         void OnLayoutQuery(CodeBlocksLayoutEvent& event);
278         void OnLayoutSwitch(CodeBlocksLayoutEvent& event);
280         // log requests
281         void OnAddLogWindow(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
282         void OnRemoveLogWindow(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
283         void OnHideLogWindow(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
284         void OnSwitchToLogWindow(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
285         void OnGetActiveLogWindow(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
286         void OnShowLogManager(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
287         void OnHideLogManager(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
288         void OnLockLogManager(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
289         void OnUnlockLogManager(CodeBlocksLogEvent& event);
291         // editor changed events
292         void OnEditorOpened(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
293         void OnEditorActivated(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
294         void OnEditorClosed(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
295         void OnEditorSaved(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
296         void OnEditorModified(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
297         void OnPageChanged(wxNotebookEvent& event);
298         void OnShiftTab(wxCommandEvent& event);
299         void OnCtrlAltTab(wxCommandEvent& event);
300         void OnNotebookDoubleClick(CodeBlocksEvent& event);
301         // Statusbar highlighting menu
302         void OnHighlightMenu(wxCommandEvent& event);
304         // Allow plugins to obtain copy of global accelerators
305         void OnGetGlobalAccels(wxCommandEvent& event);
307     protected:
308         void CreateIDE();
309         void CreateMenubar();
310         void CreateToolbars();
311         void ScanForPlugins();
312         void AddToolbarItem(int id, const wxString& title, const wxString& shortHelp, const wxString& longHelp, const wxString& image);
313         void RecreateMenuBar();
314         void RegisterEvents();
315         void SetupGUILogging(int uiSize16);
316         void SetupDebuggerUI();
318         void RegisterScriptFunctions();
319         void RunStartupScripts();
321         enum { Installed, Uninstalled, Unloaded };
322         void PluginsUpdated(cbPlugin* plugin, int status);
324         void DoAddPlugin(cbPlugin* plugin);
325         ToolbarInfo DoAddPluginToolbar(cbPlugin* plugin);
326         void DoAddPluginStatusField(cbPlugin* plugin);
327         void AddPluginInPluginsMenu(cbPlugin* plugin);
328         void AddPluginInHelpPluginsMenu(cbPlugin* plugin);
329         wxMenuItem* AddPluginInMenus(wxMenu* menu, cbPlugin* plugin, wxObjectEventFunction callback, int pos = -1, bool checkable = false);
331         void LoadViewLayout(const wxString& name, bool isTemp = false);
332         void SaveViewLayout(const wxString& name, const wxString& layout, const wxString& layoutMP, bool select = false);
333         void DoSelectLayout(const wxString& name);
334         void DoFixToolbarsLayout();
335         bool DoCheckCurrentLayoutForChanges(bool canCancel = true);
337         void AddEditorInWindowMenu(const wxString& filename, const wxString& title);
338         void RemoveEditorFromWindowMenu(const wxString& filename);
339         int IsEditorInWindowMenu(const wxString& filename);
340         wxString GetEditorDescription(EditorBase* eb);
342         bool DoCloseCurrentWorkspace();
343         bool DoOpenProject(const wxString& filename, bool addToHistory = true);
344         bool DoOpenFile(const wxString& filename, bool addToHistory = true);
345         void DoOnFileOpen(bool bProject = false);
347         void DoCreateStatusBar();
348         void DoUpdateStatusBar();
349         void DoUpdateAppTitle();
350         void DoUpdateLayout();
351         void DoUpdateLayoutColours();
352         void DoUpdateEditorStyle();
353         void DoUpdateEditorStyle(cbAuiNotebook* target, const wxString& prefix, long defaultStyle);
355         void ShowHideStartPage(bool forceHasProject = false, int forceState = 0);
356         void ShowHideScriptConsole();
358         void LoadWindowState();
359         void SaveWindowState();
360         void LoadWindowSize();
362         void InitializeRecentFilesHistory();
363         void TerminateRecentFilesHistory();
364         #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR
365         wxStatusBar *OnCreateStatusBar(int number, long style, wxWindowID id, const wxString& name) override;
366         #endif
367     protected:
368         RecentItemsList m_filesHistory, m_projectsHistory;
370         /// "Close FullScreen" button. Only shown when in FullScreen view
371         wxButton* m_pCloseFullScreenBtn;
373         EditorManager*      m_pEdMan;
374         ProjectManager*     m_pPrjMan;
375         cbProjectManagerUI* m_pPrjManUI;
376         LogManager*         m_pLogMan;
377         InfoPane*           m_pInfoPane;
379         wxToolBar* m_pToolbar; // main toolbar
380         PluginToolbarsMap m_PluginsTools; // plugin -> toolbar map
382         PluginIDsMap m_PluginIDsMap;
383         wxMenu* m_ToolsMenu;
384         wxMenu* m_PluginsMenu;
385         wxMenu* m_HelpPluginsMenu;
386         bool    m_ScanningForPlugins; // this variable is used to delay the UI construction
388         bool m_StartupDone;
389         bool m_InitiatedShutdown;
391         int m_AutoHideLockCounter;
392         int m_LastCtrlAltTabWindow; //!< Last window focussed in the cycle 1 = Mgmt. panel, 2 = Editor, 3 = Logs & others
394         wxString m_PreviousLayoutName;
395         wxString m_LastLayoutName;
396         wxString m_LastLayoutData;
397         wxString m_LastMessagePaneLayoutData;
398         bool m_LastLayoutIsTemp;
400         wxWindow* m_pScriptConsole;
402         typedef std::map<int, const wxString> MenuIDToScript; // script menuitem ID -> script function name
403         MenuIDToScript m_MenuIDToScript;
405         wxScrollingDialog* m_pBatchBuildDialog;
406         wxButton*          m_pHighlightButton;
408         DebuggerMenuHandler*    m_debuggerMenuHandler;
409         DebuggerToolbarHandler* m_debuggerToolbarHandler;
411         FindReplace m_findReplace;
414 };
416 #endif // MAIN_H