1 #ifndef EVAS_GL_COMMON_H
2 #define EVAS_GL_COMMON_H
4 #include "evas_common_private.h"
5 #include "evas_private.h"
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <string.h>
10 #include <math.h>
11 #include <sys/time.h>
12 #include <unistd.h>
13 #include <Eet.h>
17 #if !defined(HAVE_ECORE_X_XLIB) && !defined(MESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS)
18 # define MESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS
19 #endif
24 # include <OpenGL/gl.h>
25 # include <OpenGL/glext.h>
26 #else
27 # ifdef _EVAS_ENGINE_SDL_H
28 #  ifdef GL_GLES
29 #   include <SDL2/SDL_opengles.h>
30 #  else
31 #   include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h>
32 #  endif
33 # else
34 #  ifdef GL_GLES
35 #   include <EGL/egl.h>
36 #   include <GLES2/gl2.h>
37 #   include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
38 #  else
39 #   include <GL/gl.h>
40 #   include <GL/glext.h>
41 #  endif
42 # endif
43 #endif
45 #endif
47 #include "evas_gl_define.h"
49 #define EVAS_GL_TILE_SIZE 16
51 #define SHAD_VERTEX 0
52 #define SHAD_COLOR  1
53 #define SHAD_TEXUV  2
54 #define SHAD_TEXUV2 3
55 #define SHAD_TEXUV3 4
56 #define SHAD_TEXA   5
57 #define SHAD_TEXSAM 6
58 #define SHAD_MASK   7
59 #define SHAD_MASKSAM 8
61 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Program               Evas_GL_Program;
62 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Shared                Evas_GL_Shared;
63 typedef struct _Evas_Engine_GL_Context        Evas_Engine_GL_Context;
64 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Texture_Pool          Evas_GL_Texture_Pool;
65 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Texture_Alloca        Evas_GL_Texture_Alloca;
66 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Texture               Evas_GL_Texture;
67 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Image                 Evas_GL_Image;
68 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Font_Texture          Evas_GL_Font_Texture;
69 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Polygon               Evas_GL_Polygon;
70 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Polygon_Point         Evas_GL_Polygon_Point;
71 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Texture_Async_Preload Evas_GL_Texture_Async_Preload;
72 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Image_Data_Map        Evas_GL_Image_Data_Map;
73 typedef struct _Evas_GL_Filter                Evas_GL_Filter;
75 typedef Eina_Bool (*evas_gl_make_current_cb)(void *engine_data, void *doit);
77 #ifdef EAPI
78 # undef EAPI
79 #endif
81 #ifdef _WIN32
82 # ifdef EFL_BUILD
83 #  ifdef DLL_EXPORT
84 #   define EAPI __declspec(dllexport)
85 #  else
86 #   define EAPI
87 #  endif
88 # else
89 #  define EAPI __declspec(dllimport)
90 # endif
91 #else
92 # ifdef __GNUC__
93 #  if __GNUC__ >= 4
94 #   define EAPI __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
95 #  else
96 #   define EAPI
97 #  endif
98 # else
99 #  define EAPI
100 # endif
101 #endif
103 #define PROGRAM_HITCOUNT_MAX 0x1000000
105 struct _Evas_GL_Filter
106 {
107    struct {
108       GLint loc[3];
109       Eina_Bool known_locations;
110    } attribute;
111    struct {
112       GLint blur_count_loc;
113       GLint blur_count_value;
114       GLint blur_texlen_loc;
115       GLfloat blur_texlen_value;
116       GLint blur_div_loc;
117       GLfloat blur_div_value;
118       Eina_Bool known_locations;
119    } uniform;
120    struct {
121       GLuint tex_ids[1];
122    } texture;
123    double blur_radius;
124 };
126 struct _Evas_GL_Program
127 {
128    unsigned int flags, hitcount, tex_count;
129    struct {
130       GLuint mvp, rotation_id;
131    } uniform;
132    Evas_GL_Filter *filter;
133    GLuint    prog;
135    Eina_Bool reset     : 1;
136    Eina_Bool bin_saved : 1;
137    Eina_Bool delete_me : 1;
138 };
140 struct _Evas_GL_Shared
141 {
142    Eina_List          *images;
144    int                 images_size;
146    struct {
147       GLint     max_texture_units;
148       GLint     max_texture_size;
149       GLint     max_vertex_elements;
150       GLfloat   anisotropic;
151       Eina_Bool rgb               : 1;
152       Eina_Bool bgra              : 1;
153       Eina_Bool tex_npo2          : 1;
154       Eina_Bool tex_rect          : 1;
155       Eina_Bool sec_image_map     : 1;
156       Eina_Bool sec_tbm_surface   : 1;
157       Eina_Bool egl_tbm_ext       : 1;
158       Eina_Bool bin_program       : 1;
159       Eina_Bool unpack_row_length : 1;
160       Eina_Bool etc1              : 1;
161       Eina_Bool etc2              : 1;
162       Eina_Bool etc1_subimage     : 1;
163       Eina_Bool s3tc              : 1;
164       // tuning params - per gpu/cpu combo?
165 #define DEF_CUTOUT                 4096
167 #define MAX_PIPES                    32
168 #define DEF_PIPES                     8
169 #define DEF_PIPES_SGX_540            24
170 #define DEF_PIPES_TEGRA_2             8
171 #define DEF_PIPES_TEGRA_3            24
173 #define MIN_ATLAS_ALLOC              16
174 #define MAX_ATLAS_ALLOC            1024
175 #define DEF_ATLAS_ALLOC             256
177 #define MIN_ATLAS_ALLOC_ALPHA        16
178 #define MAX_ATLAS_ALLOC_ALPHA      4096
179 #define DEF_ATLAS_ALLOC_ALPHA       512
181 #define MAX_ATLAS_W                 512
182 #define DEF_ATLAS_W                 512
184 #define MAX_ATLAS_H                 512
185 #define DEF_ATLAS_H                 512
187 #define ATLAS_FORMATS_COUNT          12
189       Eina_List *cspaces; // depend on the values of etc1, etc2 and st3c
191       struct {
192          struct {
193             int        max;
194          } cutout;
195          struct {
196             int        max;
197          } pipes;
198          struct {
199             int        max_alloc_size;
200             int        max_alloc_alpha_size;
201             int        max_w;
202             int        max_h;
203          } atlas;
204       } tune;
205    } info;
207    struct {
208       Eina_List       *whole;
209       Eina_List       *atlas[ATLAS_FORMATS_COUNT];
210    } tex;
212    Eina_Hash          *native_pm_hash;
213    Eina_Hash          *native_tex_hash;
214    Eina_Hash          *native_wl_hash;
215    Eina_Hash          *native_tbm_hash;
216    Eina_Hash          *native_evasgl_hash;
218    Eet_File           *shaders_cache;
219    Eina_Hash          *shaders_hash;
220    Eina_Stringshare   *shaders_checksum;
222 #ifdef GL_GLES
223    // FIXME: hack.
224    void *eglctxt;
225 #endif
227    int references;
228    int w, h;
229    int rot;
230    int mflip;
231    // persp map
232    int foc, z0, px, py;
233    int ax, ay;
234    int offx, offy;
235    GLfloat proj[16];
236    Eina_Bool needs_shaders_flush : 1;
237 };
239 typedef enum _Shader_Sampling Shader_Sampling;
240 typedef enum _Shader_Type Shader_Type;
242 enum _Shader_Sampling {
243    SHD_SAM11,
244    SHD_SAM12,
245    SHD_SAM21,
246    SHD_SAM22,
248 };
250 enum _Shader_Type {
252    SHD_RECT,
253    SHD_LINE,
254    SHD_FONT,
255    SHD_IMAGE,
257    SHD_YUV,
258    SHD_YUY2,
259    SHD_NV12,
260    SHD_YUV_709,
261    SHD_YUY2_709,
262    SHD_NV12_709,
263    SHD_RGB_A_PAIR,
264    SHD_MAP,
271 };
273 #define ARRAY_BUFFER_USE 500
274 #define ARRAY_BUFFER_USE_SHIFT 100
276 struct _Evas_Engine_GL_Context
277 {
278    int                references;
279    int                w, h;
280    int                rot;
281    int                foc, z0, px, py;
282    RGBA_Draw_Context *dc;
284    Evas_GL_Shared     *shared;
286    int flushnum;
287    struct {
288       int                top_pipe;
289       struct {
290          Evas_GL_Program *prog;
291          GLuint          cur_tex, cur_texu, cur_texv, cur_texa, cur_texm;
292          int             tex_target;
293          int             cx, cy, cw, ch;
294          signed char     render_op;
295          Eina_Bool       smooth     : 2;
296          Eina_Bool       blend      : 2;
297          Eina_Bool       clip       : 2;
298          Eina_Bool       anti_alias : 2;
299          Eina_Bool       has_filter_data : 1;
300       } current;
301    } state;
303    struct {
304       int                x, y, w, h;
305       Eina_Bool          enabled    : 1;
306       Eina_Bool          used       : 1;
307    } master_clip;
309    struct {
310       Eina_Bool          size       : 1;
311    } change;
313    struct {
314       struct {
315          int              x, y, w, h;
316          Shader_Type      type;
317       } region;
318       struct {
319          Evas_GL_Program *prog;
320          Evas_GL_Image   *surface;
321          void            *cur_tex_dyn, *cur_texu_dyn, *cur_texv_dyn;
322          GLuint           cur_tex, cur_texu, cur_texv, cur_texa, cur_texm;
323          int              tex_target;
324          int              cx, cy, cw, ch;
325          signed char      render_op;
326          Eina_Bool        smooth      : 2;
327          Eina_Bool        blend       : 2;
328          Eina_Bool        mask_smooth : 2;
329          Eina_Bool        clip        : 2;
330          struct {
331             GLuint        map_tex;
332             Eina_Bool     map_nearest : 1;
333             Eina_Bool     map_delete  : 1;
334          } filter;
335       } shader;
336       struct {
337          int            num, alloc;
338          GLfloat       *vertex;
339          GLubyte       *color;
340          GLfloat       *texuv;
341          GLfloat       *texuv2;
342          GLfloat       *texuv3;
343          GLfloat       *texa;
344          GLfloat       *texsam;
345          GLfloat       *mask;
346          GLfloat       *masksam;
347          int            filter_data_count; // number of vec2
348          GLfloat       *filter_data;
349          Evas_GL_Image *im;
350          GLuint         buffer;
351          int            buffer_alloc;
352          int            buffer_use;
353          Eina_Bool      line        : 1;
354          Eina_Bool      use_vertex  : 1; // always true
355          Eina_Bool      use_color   : 1;
356          Eina_Bool      use_texuv   : 1;
357          Eina_Bool      use_texuv2  : 1;
358          Eina_Bool      use_texuv3  : 1;
359          Eina_Bool      use_texa    : 1;
360          Eina_Bool      use_texsam  : 1;
361          Eina_Bool      use_mask    : 1;
362          Eina_Bool      use_masksam : 1;
363          Eina_Bool      anti_alias  : 1;
364       } array;
365    } pipe[MAX_PIPES];
367    Eina_List     *font_glyph_textures;
368    Eina_List     *font_glyph_images;
369    Evas_GL_Image *def_surface;
370    RGBA_Image    *font_surface;
371    int            font_glyph_textures_size;
372    int            font_glyph_atlas_size;
373    Eina_Bool      font_glyph_gc_requested    :1;
375 #ifdef GL_GLES
376    // FIXME: hack. expose egl display to gl core for egl image sec extn.
377    void *egldisp;
378    void *eglctxt;
379 #else
380    int glxcfg_rgb;
381    int glxcfg_rgba;
382 #endif
384    GLuint preserve_bit;
385    int    gles_version;
387    Eina_Bool havestuff : 1;
388    Eina_Bool msaa : 1;
389 };
391 struct _Evas_GL_Texture_Pool
392 {
393    Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc;
394    GLuint           texture, fb, stencil;
395    GLuint           intformat, format, dataformat;
396    int              w, h;
397    int              references;
398    int              slot, fslot;
399    struct {
400       void         *img;
401       void         *buffer;
402       unsigned int *data;
403       int           w, h;
404       int           stride;
405       int           checked_out;
406       int           target;
407    } dyn;
408    Eina_List       *allocations;
409    Eina_Rectangle_Pool *eina_pool;
410    Eina_Bool        whole : 1;
411    Eina_Bool        render : 1;
412    Eina_Bool        native : 1;
413    Eina_Bool        dynamic : 1;
414 };
416 struct _Evas_GL_Texture_Alloca
417 {
418    Evas_GL_Texture *tex;
419    int              x, w;
420 };
422 struct _Evas_GL_Texture
423 {
424    Evas_Engine_GL_Context  *gc;
425    Evas_GL_Image           *im;
426    Evas_GL_Texture_Pool    *pt, *ptu, *ptv, *ptt;
427    Evas_GL_Texture_Pool    *pt2, *ptu2, *ptv2;
428    union {
429       Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *ptuv;
430       Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pta;
431    };
432    RGBA_Font_Glyph *fglyph;
433    int              references;
434    int              x, y, w, h;
435    int              tx, ty;
436    double           sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2;
438    struct {
439       Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt[2], *ptuv[2];
440       int                   source;
441    } double_buffer;
443    Eina_List       *targets;
444    Eina_Rectangle  *apt, *aptt;
446    Eina_Bool        alpha : 1;
447    Eina_Bool        dyn : 1;
448    Eina_Bool        uploaded : 1;
449    Eina_Bool        was_preloaded : 1;
450 };
452 struct _Evas_GL_Image
453 {
454    Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc;
455    RGBA_Image             *im;
456    Evas_GL_Texture        *tex;
457    Evas_Image_Load_Opts    load_opts;
458    RGBA_Font_Glyph        *fglyph;
459    int                     references;
460    // if im->im == NULL, it's a render-surface so these here are used
461    int                     w, h;
462    struct {
463       Evas_Colorspace      space;
464       void                *data;
465       unsigned char        no_free : 1;
466    } cs;
468    struct {
469       void           *data;
470       struct {
471          void       (*bind)    (void *image);
472          void       (*unbind)  (void *image);
473          void       (*free)    (void *image);
474          int        (*yinvert) (void *image);
475       } func;
476       void           *disp;
477       Evas_GL_Shared *shared;
478       int             target;
479       Eina_Bool       yinvert : 1;
480       Eina_Bool       mipmap  : 1;
481       Eina_Bool       loose   : 1;
482    } native;
484    struct {
485       Evas_GL_Image  *origin;
486       Eina_Bool       smooth : 1;
487    } scaled;
489    Eina_List         *filtered;
490    Eina_List         *targets;
491    Eina_Inlist       *maps; /* Evas_GL_Image_Data_Map */
493    Evas_Image_Orient  orient;
494    int                scale_hint, content_hint;
495    int                csize;
497    Eina_Bool          dirty         : 1;
498    Eina_Bool          cached        : 1;
499    Eina_Bool          alpha         : 1;
500    Eina_Bool          tex_only      : 1;
501    Eina_Bool          locked        : 1; // gl_surface_lock/unlock
502    Eina_Bool          direct        : 1; // evas gl direct renderable
503    /*Disable generate atlas for texture unit, EINA_FALSE by default*/
504    Eina_Bool          disable_atlas : 1;
505 };
507 struct _Evas_GL_Font_Texture
508 {
509    Evas_GL_Texture *tex;
510 };
512 struct _Evas_GL_Polygon
513 {
514    Eina_List *points;
515    Eina_Bool  changed : 1;
516 };
518 struct _Evas_GL_Polygon_Point
519 {
520    int x, y;
521 };
523 struct _Evas_GL_Texture_Async_Preload
524 {
525    Evas_GL_Texture *tex;
526    RGBA_Image      *im;
528    Eina_Bool        unpack_row_length;
529 };
531 struct _Evas_GL_Image_Data_Map
532 {
534    Evas_GL_Texture *tex; // one or the other
535    RGBA_Image      *im; // one or the other
536    Evas_GL_Image   *glim;
537    Eina_Rw_Slice    slice;
538    int              stride; // in bytes
539    int              rx, ry, rw, rh; // actual map region
540    Evas_Colorspace  cspace;
541    Efl_Gfx_Buffer_Access_Mode mode;
542 };
544 /* GL_Common function that are used by gl_generic inherited module */
545 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_image_all_unload(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
546 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_image_ref(Evas_GL_Image *im);
547 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_image_unref(Evas_GL_Image *im);
548 EAPI Evas_GL_Image *evas_gl_common_image_new_from_data(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
549 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_image_native_disable(Evas_GL_Image *im);
550 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_image_free(Evas_GL_Image *im);
551 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_image_native_enable(Evas_GL_Image *im);
553 EAPI int          evas_gl_preload_init(void);
554 EAPI int          evas_gl_preload_shutdown(void);
555 EAPI Eina_Bool    evas_gl_preload_enabled(void);
557 EAPI Evas_Engine_GL_Context  *evas_gl_common_context_new(void);
559 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_context_flush(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
560 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_context_free(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
561 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_context_use(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
562 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_context_newframe(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
563 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_context_done(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
565 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_context_resize(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int w, int h, int rot);
566 EAPI int          evas_gl_common_buffer_dump(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, const char* dname, const char* fname, int frame, const char* suffix);
568 EAPI void         evas_gl_preload_render_lock(evas_gl_make_current_cb make_current, void *engine_data);
569 EAPI void         evas_gl_preload_render_unlock(evas_gl_make_current_cb make_current, void *engine_data);
570 EAPI void         evas_gl_preload_render_relax(evas_gl_make_current_cb make_current, void *engine_data);
571 EAPI void         evas_gl_symbols(void *(*GetProcAddress)(const char *name), const char *extsn);
572 EAPI Eina_Bool    evas_gl_extension_string_check(const char *ext, const char *exts);
574 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_error_set(int error_enum);
575 EAPI int          evas_gl_common_error_get(void);
576 EAPI void        *evas_gl_common_current_context_get(void);
578 typedef int (*Evas_GL_Preload)(void);
579 typedef void (*Evas_GL_Common_Image_Call)(Evas_GL_Image *im);
580 typedef void (*Evas_GL_Common_Context_Call)(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
581 typedef Evas_GL_Image *(*Evas_GL_Common_Image_New_From_Data)(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
582 typedef void (*Evas_GL_Preload_Render_Call)(evas_gl_make_current_cb make_current, void *engine_data);
583 typedef Evas_Engine_GL_Context *(*Evas_GL_Common_Context_New)(void);
584 typedef void (*Evas_GL_Common_Context_Resize_Call)(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int w, int h, int rot);
585 typedef int (*Evas_GL_Common_Buffer_Dump_Call)(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,const char* dname, const char* fname, int frame, const char* suffix);
586 typedef void (*Evas_Gl_Symbols)(void *(*GetProcAddress)(const char *sym), const char *extsn);
587 typedef Eina_Bool (*Evas_Gl_Extension_String_Check)(const char *exts, const char *ext);
589 EAPI void __evas_gl_err(int err, const char *file, const char *func, int line, const char *op);
591 int               evas_gl_common_version_check(int *minor_version);
592 void              evas_gl_common_tiling_start(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
593                                               int rot, int gw, int gh,
594                                               int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch,
595                                               int bitmask);
596 void              evas_gl_common_tiling_done(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
597 void              evas_gl_common_context_target_surface_set(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Image *surface);
599 void              evas_gl_common_context_line_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
600                                                    int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
601                                                    int clip, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch,
602                                                    Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
603                                                    Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
604                                                    int r, int g, int b, int a);
605 void              evas_gl_common_context_rectangle_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
606                                                         int x, int y, int w, int h,
607                                                         int r, int g, int b, int a,
608                                                         Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
609                                                         Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color);
610 void              evas_gl_common_context_image_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
611                                                     Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
612                                                     double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh,
613                                                     int x, int y, int w, int h,
614                                                     Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
615                                                     Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
616                                                     int r, int g, int b, int a,
617                                                     Eina_Bool smooth, Eina_Bool tex_only, Eina_Bool alphaonly);
618 void              evas_gl_common_context_font_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
619                                                    Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
620                                                    double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh,
621                                                    int x, int y, int w, int h,
622                                                    Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
623                                                    Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
624                                                    int r, int g, int b, int a);
625 void             evas_gl_common_context_yuv_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
626                                                  Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
627                                                  double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh,
628                                                  int x, int y, int w, int h,
629                                                  Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
630                                                  Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
631                                                  int r, int g, int b, int a,
632                                                  Eina_Bool smooth);
633 void             evas_gl_common_context_yuv_709_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
634                                                      Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
635                                                      double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh,
636                                                      int x, int y, int w, int h,
637                                                      Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
638                                                      Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
639                                                      int r, int g, int b, int a,
640                                                      Eina_Bool smooth);
641 void             evas_gl_common_context_yuy2_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
642                                                   Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
643                                                   double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh,
644                                                   int x, int y, int w, int h,
645                                                   Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
646                                                   Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
647                                                   int r, int g, int b, int a,
648                                                   Eina_Bool smooth);
649 void             evas_gl_common_context_nv12_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
650                                                   Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
651                                                   double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh,
652                                                   int x, int y, int w, int h,
653                                                   Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
654                                                   Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
655                                                   int r, int g, int b, int a,
656                                                   Eina_Bool smooth);
657 void             evas_gl_common_context_rgb_a_pair_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
658                                                         Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
659                                                         double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh,
660                                                         int x, int y, int w, int h,
661                                                         Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
662                                                         Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
663                                                         int r, int g, int b, int a,
664                                                         Eina_Bool smooth);
665 void             evas_gl_common_context_image_map_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
666                                                        Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
667                                                        int npoints,
668                                                        RGBA_Map_Point *p,
669                                                        int clip, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch,
670                                                        Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh,
671                                                        Eina_Bool mask_smooth, Eina_Bool mask_color,
672                                                        int r, int g, int b, int a,
673                                                        Eina_Bool smooth,
674                                                        Eina_Bool tex_only,
675                                                        Evas_Colorspace cspace);
677 // Gfx Filters
678 void              evas_gl_common_filter_blend_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
679                                                    double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh, double dx,
680                                                    double dy, double dw, double dh, Eina_Bool alphaonly);
681 void              evas_gl_common_filter_displace_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Texture *tex, Evas_GL_Texture *map_tex,
682                                                       int x, int y, int w, int h, double dx, double dy, Eina_Bool nearest);
683 void              evas_gl_common_filter_curve_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Texture *tex,
684                                                    int x, int y, int w, int h, const uint8_t *points, int channel);
685 void              evas_gl_common_filter_blur_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Texture *tex, double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh,
686                                                   double dx, double dy, double dw, double dh, const double * const values, const double * const offsets, int count, double radius,
687                                                   Eina_Bool horiz, Eina_Bool alphaonly);
688 void              evas_gl_common_filter_grayscale_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Texture *tex, int x, int y, int w, int h);
689 void              evas_gl_common_filter_inverse_color_push(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Texture *tex, int x, int y, int w, int h);
691 int               evas_gl_common_shader_program_init(Evas_GL_Shared *shared);
692 void              evas_gl_common_shader_program_shutdown(Evas_GL_Shared *shared);
693 EAPI void         evas_gl_common_shaders_flush(Evas_GL_Shared *shared);
695 Evas_GL_Program  *evas_gl_common_shader_program_get(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc,
696                                                     Shader_Type type,
697                                                     RGBA_Map_Point *p, int npoints,
698                                                     int r, int g, int b, int a,
699                                                     int sw, int sh, int w, int h, Eina_Bool smooth,
700                                                     Evas_GL_Texture *tex, Eina_Bool tex_only,
701                                                     Evas_GL_Texture *mtex, Eina_Bool mask_smooth,
702                                                     Eina_Bool mask_color, int mw, int mh,
703                                                     Eina_Bool alphaonly,
704                                                     Shader_Sampling *psam, int *pnomul,
705                                                     Shader_Sampling *pmasksam);
706 void              evas_gl_common_shader_textures_bind(Evas_GL_Program *p, Eina_Bool recover_prog);
708 Eina_Bool         evas_gl_common_file_cache_is_dir(const char *file);
709 Eina_Bool         evas_gl_common_file_cache_mkdir(const char *dir);
710 Eina_Bool         evas_gl_common_file_cache_file_exists(const char *file);
711 Eina_Bool         evas_gl_common_file_cache_mkpath_if_not_exists(const char *path);
712 Eina_Bool         evas_gl_common_file_cache_mkpath(const char *path);
713 int               evas_gl_common_file_cache_dir_check(char *cache_dir, int num);
714 int               evas_gl_common_file_cache_file_check(const char *cache_dir, const char *cache_name, char *cache_file, int dir_num);
716 void              evas_gl_common_rect_draw(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int x, int y, int w, int h);
718 void              evas_gl_texture_pool_empty(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt);
719 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, RGBA_Image *im, Eina_Bool disable_atlas);
720 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_native_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, Evas_GL_Image *im);
721 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_render_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, int stencil);
722 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_render_noscale_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha);
723 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_dynamic_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Image *im);
724 void              evas_gl_common_texture_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, RGBA_Image *im);
725 void              evas_gl_common_texture_upload(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, RGBA_Image *im, unsigned int bytes_count);
726 void              evas_gl_common_texture_free(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, Eina_Bool force);
727 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_alpha_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 *pixels, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int fh);
728 void              evas_gl_common_texture_alpha_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 *pixels, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int fh);
729 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_yuv_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
730 void              evas_gl_common_texture_yuv_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
731 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_yuy2_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
732 void              evas_gl_common_texture_yuy2_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
733 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_nv12_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
734 void              evas_gl_common_texture_nv12_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 **row, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
735 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_nv12tiled_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, DATA8 **rows, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
736 void              evas_gl_common_texture_nv12tiled_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, DATA8 **row, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
737 Evas_GL_Texture  *evas_gl_common_texture_rgb_a_pair_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, RGBA_Image *im);
738 void              evas_gl_common_texture_rgb_a_pair_update(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, RGBA_Image *im);
739 Evas_Colorspace   evas_gl_common_gl_format_to_colorspace(GLuint f);
741 void              evas_gl_common_image_alloc_ensure(Evas_GL_Image *im);
742 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_load(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, const char *file, const char *key, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo, int *error);
743 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_mmap(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Eina_File *f, const char *key, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo, int *error);
744 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_new_from_copied_data(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, DATA32 *data, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
745 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
746 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_new_from_rgbaimage(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, RGBA_Image *im, Evas_Image_Load_Opts *lo, int *error);
747 void              evas_gl_common_image_preload_done(void *data /*Evas_GL_Image *im*/);
748 void              evas_gl_common_image_preload_unwatch(Evas_GL_Image *im);
749 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_alpha_set(Evas_GL_Image *im, int alpha);
750 void              evas_gl_common_image_scale_hint_set(Evas_GL_Image *im, int hint);
751 void              evas_gl_common_image_content_hint_set(Evas_GL_Image *im, int hint);
752 void              evas_gl_common_image_cache_flush(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc);
753 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_surface_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha, int stencil);
754 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_surface_noscale_new(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, int alpha);
755 void              evas_gl_common_image_dirty(Evas_GL_Image *im, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
756 void              evas_gl_common_image_update(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Image *im);
757 void              evas_gl_common_image_map_draw(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Image *im, int npoints, RGBA_Map_Point *p, int smooth, int level);
758 void              evas_gl_common_image_draw(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Image *im, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int smooth);
759 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_surface_update(Evas_GL_Image *im);
760 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_surface_detach(Evas_GL_Image *im);
761 Evas_GL_Image    *evas_gl_common_image_virtual_scaled_get(Evas_GL_Image *scaled, Evas_GL_Image *image, int dst_w, int dst_h, Eina_Bool smooth);
763 void             *evas_gl_font_texture_new(void *gc, RGBA_Font_Glyph *fg);
764 void              evas_gl_font_texture_free(void *);
765 void              evas_gl_font_texture_draw(void *gc, void *surface, void *dc, RGBA_Font_Glyph *fg, int x, int y, int w, int h);
766 void             *evas_gl_font_image_new(void *gc, RGBA_Font_Glyph *fg, int alpha, Evas_Colorspace cspace);
767 void              evas_gl_font_image_free(void *im);
768 void              evas_gl_font_image_draw(void *gc, void *im, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int smooth);
770 Evas_GL_Polygon  *evas_gl_common_poly_point_add(Evas_GL_Polygon *poly, int x, int y);
771 Evas_GL_Polygon  *evas_gl_common_poly_points_clear(Evas_GL_Polygon *poly);
772 void              evas_gl_common_poly_draw(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, Evas_GL_Polygon *poly, int x, int y);
774 void              evas_gl_common_line_draw(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
776 extern void       (*glsym_glGenFramebuffers)      (GLsizei a, GLuint *b);
777 extern void       (*glsym_glBindFramebuffer)      (GLenum a, GLuint b);
778 extern void       (*glsym_glFramebufferTexture2D) (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLenum c, GLuint d, GLint e);
779 extern void       (*glsym_glDeleteFramebuffers)   (GLsizei a, const GLuint *b);
780 extern void       (*glsym_glGetProgramBinary)     (GLuint a, GLsizei b, GLsizei *c, GLenum *d, void *e);
781 extern void       (*glsym_glProgramBinary)        (GLuint a, GLenum b, const void *c, GLint d);
782 extern void       (*glsym_glProgramParameteri)    (GLuint a, GLuint b, GLint d);
783 extern void       (*glsym_glReleaseShaderCompiler)(void);
784 extern void      *(*glsym_glMapBuffer)            (GLenum a, GLenum b);
785 extern GLboolean  (*glsym_glUnmapBuffer)          (GLenum a);
786 extern void       (*glsym_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
788 #ifdef GL_GLES
789 EAPI void *           evas_gl_common_eglCreateImage          (EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, EGLenum target, EGLClientBuffer buffer, const EGLAttrib *attrib_list);
790 EAPI int              evas_gl_common_eglDestroyImage         (EGLDisplay dpy, void *im);
791 extern unsigned int   (*eglsym_eglDestroyImage)              (void *a, void *b);
792 extern void           (*secsym_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) (int a, void *b);
793 extern void          *(*secsym_eglMapImageSEC)               (void *a, void *b, int c, int d);
794 extern unsigned int   (*secsym_eglUnmapImageSEC)             (void *a, void *b, int c);
795 extern unsigned int   (*secsym_eglGetImageAttribSEC)         (void *a, void *b, int c, int *d);
797 // TBM Surface stuff
798 #define TBM_SURF_PLANE_MAX 4 /**< maximum number of planes  */
800 /* option to map the tbm_surface */
801 #define TBM_SURF_OPTION_READ      (1 << 0) /**< access option to read  */
802 #define TBM_SURF_OPTION_WRITE     (1 << 1) /**< access option to write */
804 #define __tbm_fourcc_code(a,b,c,d) ((uint32_t)(a) | ((uint32_t)(b) << 8) | \
805 			      ((uint32_t)(c) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(d) << 24))
807 #define TBM_FORMAT_C8       __tbm_fourcc_code('C', '8', ' ', ' ')
808 #define TBM_FORMAT_RGBA8888 __tbm_fourcc_code('R', 'A', '2', '4')
809 #define TBM_FORMAT_BGRA8888 __tbm_fourcc_code('B', 'A', '2', '4')
810 #define TBM_FORMAT_RGB888   __tbm_fourcc_code('R', 'G', '2', '4')
812 typedef struct _tbm_surface * tbm_surface_h;
813 typedef uint32_t tbm_format;
814 typedef struct _tbm_surface_plane
815 {
816    unsigned char *ptr;   /**< Plane pointer */
817    uint32_t size;        /**< Plane size */
818    uint32_t offset;      /**< Plane offset */
819    uint32_t stride;      /**< Plane stride */
821    void *reserved1;      /**< Reserved pointer1 */
822    void *reserved2;      /**< Reserved pointer2 */
823    void *reserved3;      /**< Reserved pointer3 */
824 } tbm_surface_plane_s;
826 typedef struct _tbm_surface_info
827 {
828    uint32_t width;      /**< TBM surface width */
829    uint32_t height;     /**< TBM surface height */
830    tbm_format format;   /**< TBM surface format*/
831    uint32_t bpp;        /**< TBM surface bbp */
832    uint32_t size;       /**< TBM surface size */
834    uint32_t num_planes;                            /**< The number of planes */
835    tbm_surface_plane_s planes[TBM_SURF_PLANE_MAX]; /**< Array of planes */
837    void *reserved4;   /**< Reserved pointer4 */
838    void *reserved5;   /**< Reserved pointer5 */
839    void *reserved6;   /**< Reserved pointer6 */
840 } tbm_surface_info_s;
843 extern void *(*secsym_tbm_surface_create) (int width, int height, unsigned int format);
844 extern int   (*secsym_tbm_surface_destroy) (void *surface);
845 extern int   (*secsym_tbm_surface_map) (void *surface, int opt, void *info);
846 extern int   (*secsym_tbm_surface_unmap) (void *surface);
847 extern int   (*secsym_tbm_surface_get_info) (void *surface, void *info);
848 #endif
850 Eina_Bool evas_gl_preload_push(Evas_GL_Texture_Async_Preload *async);
851 void evas_gl_preload_pop(Evas_GL_Texture *tex);
852 void evas_gl_preload_target_register(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, Eo *target);
853 void evas_gl_preload_target_unregister(Evas_GL_Texture *tex, Eo *target);
855 void pt_unref(Evas_GL_Texture_Pool *pt);
857 // Enable GL errors logging
858 //#define GL_ERRORS 1
859 // Enable very basic GL calls logging (requires GL_ERRORS)
860 //#define GL_ERRORS_TRACE 1
862 #ifdef GL_ERRORS
864 # ifndef _WIN32
865 #  include <dlfcn.h>
866 # endif
868 static inline void
__evas_gl_errdyn(int err,const char * file,const char * func,int line,const char * op)869 __evas_gl_errdyn(int err, const char *file, const char *func, int line, const char *op)
870 {
871    static void (*sym)(int,const char*,const char*,int,const char*) = NULL;
872    if (!sym) sym = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "__evas_gl_err");
873    sym(err, file, func, line, op);
874 }
875 # define GLERRV(op) do { \
876       int __gl_err = glGetError(); \
877       if (__gl_err != GL_NO_ERROR) \
878         __evas_gl_errdyn(__gl_err, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, op); \
879    } while (0)
880 /* Redefine common gl funcs */
881 # ifndef GL_ERRORS_NODEF
882 #  ifndef GL_ERRORS_TRACE
883 #   define GL_ERROR_TRACE(f, _args, ...) do { GLERRV("Uncaught error before this point:"); f(__VA_ARGS__); GLERRV(#f); } while(0)
884 #   define GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(t, f, _args, ...) ({ t _r = f(__VA_ARGS__); GLERRV(#f); _r; })
885 #  else
886 #   define GL_ERROR_TRACE(f, _args, ...) do { DBG("%s(%s);", #f, _args); f(__VA_ARGS__); GLERRV(#f); } while(0)
887 #   define GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(t, f, _args, ...) ({ t _r; DBG("%s(%s);", #f, _args); _r = f(__VA_ARGS__); GLERRV(#f); _r; })
888 #  endif
889 #  define glActiveTexture(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glActiveTexture, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
890 #  define glBindAttribLocation(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glBindAttribLocation, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
891 #  define glBindBuffer(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glBindBuffer, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
892 #  define glBindTexture(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glBindTexture, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
893 #  define glBlendFunc(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glBlendFunc, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
894 #  define glBufferData(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glBufferData, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
895 #  define glCompressedTexSubImage2D(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glCompressedTexSubImage2D, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
896 #  define glDeleteBuffers(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glDeleteBuffers, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
897 #  define glDepthMask(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glDepthMask, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
898 #  define glDisable(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glDisable, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
899 #  define glDisableVertexAttribArray(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glDisableVertexAttribArray, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
900 #  define glDrawArrays(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glDrawArrays, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
901 #  define glEnable(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glEnable, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
902 #  define glEnableVertexAttribArray(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glEnableVertexAttribArray, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
903 #  define glGenBuffers(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glGenBuffers, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
904 #  define glGetFloatv(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glGetFloatv, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
905 #  define glGetIntegerv(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glGetIntegerv, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
906 #  define glGetUniformLocation(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(GLuint, glGetUniformLocation, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
907 #  define glHint(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glHint, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
908 #  define glReadPixels(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glReadPixels, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
909 #  define glScissor(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glScissor, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
910 #  define glGenFramebuffers(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glGenFramebuffers, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
911 #  define glBindFramebuffer(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glBindFramebuffer, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
912 #  define glEndTiling(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glEndTiling, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
913 #  define glGetProgramBinary(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glGetProgramBinary, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
914 #  define glMapBuffer(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(void *, glMapBuffer, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
915 #  define glStartTiling(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glStartTiling, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
916 #  define glUnmapBuffer(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glUnmapBuffer, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
917 #  define glTexParameterf(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glTexParameterf, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
918 #  define glTexParameteri(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glTexParameteri, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
919 #  define glTexSubImage2D(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glTexSubImage2D, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
920 #  define glTexImage2D(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glTexImage2D, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
921 #  define glUniform1f(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glUniform1f, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
922 #  define glUniform1i(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glUniform1i, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
923 #  define glUniform2fv(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glUniform2fv, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
924 #  define glUniform4fv(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glUniform4fv, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
925 #  define glUniformMatrix4fv(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glUniformMatrix4fv, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
926 #  define glUseProgram(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glUseProgram, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
927 #  define glVertexAttribPointer(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glVertexAttribPointer, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
928 #  define glViewport(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glViewport, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
929 #  define glPixelStorei(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glPixelStorei, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
930 #  define glCompressedTexImage2D(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glCompressedTexImage2D, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
931 #  define glCreateShader(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(GLuint, glCreateShader, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
932 #  define glCreateProgram(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(GLuint, glCreateProgram, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
933 #  define glAttachShader(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glAttachShader, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
934 #  define glLinkProgram(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glLinkProgram, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
935 #  define glGetProgramiv(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glGetProgramiv, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
936 #  define glGetProgramInfoLog(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glGetProgramInfoLog, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
937 #  define glGetShaderiv(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glGetShaderiv, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
938 #  define glShaderSource(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glShaderSource, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
939 #  define glCompileShader(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glCompileShader, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
940 #  define glsym_glGenFramebuffers(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glsym_glGenFramebuffers, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
941 #  define glsym_glBindFramebuffer(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glsym_glBindFramebuffer, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
942 #  define glsym_glFramebufferTexture2D(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glsym_glFramebufferTexture2D, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
943 #  define glsym_glDeleteFramebuffers(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glsym_glDeleteFramebuffers, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
944 #  define glsym_glGetProgramBinary(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glsym_glGetProgramBinary, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
945 #  define glsym_glProgramBinary(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glsym_glProgramBinary, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
946 #  define glsym_glProgramParameteri(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glsym_glProgramParameteri, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
947 #  define glsym_glReleaseShaderCompiler(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(glsym_glReleaseShaderCompiler, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
948 #  define glsym_glMapBuffer(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(void *, glsym_glMapBuffer, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
949 #  define glsym_glUnmapBuffer(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(unsigned int, glsym_glUnmapBuffer, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
950 #  define eglsym_eglCreateImage(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(void *, eglsym_eglCreateImage, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
951 #  define eglsym_eglCreateImageKHR(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(void *, eglsym_eglCreateImageKHR, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
952 #  define eglsym_eglDestroyImage(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(unsigned int, eglsym_eglDestroyImage, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
953 #  define secsym_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE(secsym_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
954 #  define secsym_eglMapImageSEC(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(void *, secsym_eglMapImageSEC, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
955 #  define secsym_eglUnmapImageSEC(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(unsigned int, secsym_eglUnmapImageSEC, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
956 #  define secsym_eglGetImageAttribSEC(...) GL_ERROR_TRACE_RET(unsigned int, secsym_eglGetImageAttribSEC, #__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
957 # endif
958 #else
959 # define GLERRV(op)
960 #endif
962 Eina_Bool evas_gl_common_module_open(void);
963 void      evas_gl_common_module_close(void);
965 #ifndef EVAS_GL_NO_HEADERS
967 static inline void
_tex_sub_2d(Evas_Engine_GL_Context * gc,int x,int y,int w,int h,int fmt,int type,const void * pix)968 _tex_sub_2d(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int fmt, int type, const void *pix)
969 {
970    if ((w > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size) ||
971        (h > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size)) return;
972    glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, x, y, w, h, fmt, type, pix);
973 }
975 static inline void
_comp_tex_sub_2d(Evas_Engine_GL_Context * gc,int x,int y,int w,int h,int fmt,int imgsize,const void * pix)976 _comp_tex_sub_2d(Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int fmt, int imgsize, const void *pix)
977 {
978    if ((w > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size) ||
979        (h > gc->shared->info.max_texture_size)) return;
980    glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, x, y, w, h, fmt, imgsize, pix);
981 }
983 #endif
985 #undef EAPI
986 #define EAPI
988 extern Eina_Bool _need_context_restore;
989 extern void _context_restore(void);
991 #endif