1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <exception>
21 #include <functional>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <type_traits>
24 #include <utility>
25 #include <vector>
27 #include <folly/Optional.h>
28 #include <folly/Portability.h>
29 #include <folly/ScopeGuard.h>
30 #include <folly/Try.h>
31 #include <folly/Unit.h>
32 #include <folly/Utility.h>
33 #include <folly/executors/DrivableExecutor.h>
34 #include <folly/executors/TimedDrivableExecutor.h>
35 #include <folly/experimental/coro/Traits.h>
37 #include <folly/fibers/Baton.h>
38 #endif
39 #include <folly/functional/Invoke.h>
40 #include <folly/futures/Portability.h>
41 #include <folly/futures/Promise.h>
42 #include <folly/futures/detail/Types.h>
43 #include <folly/lang/Exception.h>
45 // boring predeclarations and details
46 #include <folly/futures/Future-pre.h>
48 namespace folly {
50 class FOLLY_EXPORT FutureException : public std::logic_error {
51  public:
52   using std::logic_error::logic_error;
53 };
55 class FOLLY_EXPORT FutureInvalid : public FutureException {
56  public:
FutureInvalid()57   FutureInvalid() : FutureException("Future invalid") {}
58 };
60 /// At most one continuation may be attached to any given Future.
61 ///
62 /// If a continuation is attached to a future to which another continuation has
63 /// already been attached, then an instance of FutureAlreadyContinued will be
64 /// thrown instead.
65 class FOLLY_EXPORT FutureAlreadyContinued : public FutureException {
66  public:
FutureAlreadyContinued()67   FutureAlreadyContinued() : FutureException("Future already continued") {}
68 };
70 class FOLLY_EXPORT FutureNotReady : public FutureException {
71  public:
FutureNotReady()72   FutureNotReady() : FutureException("Future not ready") {}
73 };
75 class FOLLY_EXPORT FutureCancellation : public FutureException {
76  public:
FutureCancellation()77   FutureCancellation() : FutureException("Future was cancelled") {}
78 };
80 class FOLLY_EXPORT FutureTimeout : public FutureException {
81  public:
FutureTimeout()82   FutureTimeout() : FutureException("Timed out") {}
83 };
85 class FOLLY_EXPORT FuturePredicateDoesNotObtain : public FutureException {
86  public:
FuturePredicateDoesNotObtain()87   FuturePredicateDoesNotObtain()
88       : FutureException("Predicate does not obtain") {}
89 };
91 class FOLLY_EXPORT FutureNoTimekeeper : public FutureException {
92  public:
FutureNoTimekeeper()93   FutureNoTimekeeper() : FutureException("No timekeeper available") {}
94 };
96 class FOLLY_EXPORT FutureNoExecutor : public FutureException {
97  public:
FutureNoExecutor()98   FutureNoExecutor() : FutureException("No executor provided to via") {}
99 };
101 template <class T>
102 class Future;
104 template <class T>
105 class SemiFuture;
107 template <class T>
108 class FutureSplitter;
110 namespace futures {
111 namespace detail {
112 template <class T>
113 class FutureBase {
114  protected:
115   using Core = futures::detail::Core<T>;
117  public:
118   typedef T value_type;
120   /// Construct from a value (perfect forwarding)
121   ///
122   /// Postconditions:
123   ///
124   /// - `valid() == true`
125   /// - `isReady() == true`
126   /// - `hasValue() == true`
127   template <
128       class T2 = T,
129       typename = typename std::enable_if<
130           !isFuture<typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
131           !isSemiFuture<typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
132           std::is_constructible<Try<T>, T2>::value>::type>
133   /* implicit */ FutureBase(T2&& val);
135   /// Construct a (logical) FutureBase-of-void.
136   ///
137   /// Postconditions:
138   ///
139   /// - `valid() == true`
140   /// - `isReady() == true`
141   /// - `hasValue() == true`
142   template <class T2 = T>
143   /* implicit */ FutureBase(
144       typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Unit, T2>::value>::type*);
146   template <
147       class... Args,
148       typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T, Args&&...>::value, int>::
149           type = 0>
FutureBase(in_place_t,Args &&...args)150   explicit FutureBase(in_place_t, Args&&... args)
151       : core_(Core::make(in_place, static_cast<Args&&>(args)...)) {}
153   FutureBase(FutureBase<T> const&) = delete;
154   FutureBase(SemiFuture<T>&&) noexcept;
155   FutureBase(Future<T>&&) noexcept;
157   // not copyable
158   FutureBase(Future<T> const&) = delete;
159   FutureBase(SemiFuture<T> const&) = delete;
161   ~FutureBase();
163   /// true if this has a shared state;
164   /// false if this has been either moved-out or created without a shared state.
valid()165   bool valid() const noexcept { return core_ != nullptr; }
167   /// Returns a reference to the result value if it is ready, with a reference
168   /// category and const-qualification like those of the future.
169   ///
170   /// Does not `wait()`; see `get()` for that.
171   ///
172   /// Preconditions:
173   ///
174   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
175   /// - `isReady() == true` (else throws FutureNotReady)
176   ///
177   /// Postconditions:
178   ///
179   /// - If an exception has been captured (i.e., if `hasException() == true`),
180   ///   throws that exception.
181   /// - This call does not mutate the future's value.
182   /// - However calling code may mutate that value (including moving it out by
183   ///   move-constructing or move-assigning another value from it), for
184   ///   example, via the `&` or the `&&` overloads or via casts.
185   T& value() &;
186   T const& value() const&;
187   T&& value() &&;
188   T const&& value() const&&;
190   /// Returns a reference to the result's Try if it is ready, with a reference
191   /// category and const-qualification like those of the future.
192   ///
193   /// Does not `wait()`; see `get()` for that.
194   ///
195   /// Preconditions:
196   ///
197   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
198   /// - `isReady() == true` (else throws FutureNotReady)
199   ///
200   /// Postconditions:
201   ///
202   /// - This call does not mutate the future's result.
203   /// - However calling code may mutate that result (including moving it out by
204   ///   move-constructing or move-assigning another result from it), for
205   ///   example, via the `&` or the `&&` overloads or via casts.
206   Try<T>& result() &;
207   Try<T> const& result() const&;
208   Try<T>&& result() &&;
209   Try<T> const&& result() const&&;
211   /// True when the result (or exception) is ready; see value(), result(), etc.
212   ///
213   /// Preconditions:
214   ///
215   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
216   bool isReady() const;
218   /// True if the result is a value (not an exception) on a future for which
219   ///   isReady returns true.
220   ///
221   /// Equivalent to result().hasValue()
222   ///
223   /// Preconditions:
224   ///
225   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
226   /// - `isReady() == true` (else throws FutureNotReady)
227   bool hasValue() const;
229   /// True if the result is an exception (not a value) on a future for which
230   ///   isReady returns true.
231   ///
232   /// Equivalent to result().hasException()
233   ///
234   /// Preconditions:
235   ///
236   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
237   /// - `isReady() == true` (else throws FutureNotReady)
238   bool hasException() const;
240   /// Returns either an Optional holding the result or an empty Optional
241   ///   depending on whether or not (respectively) the promise has been
242   ///   fulfilled (i.e., `isReady() == true`).
243   ///
244   /// Preconditions:
245   ///
246   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
247   ///
248   /// Postconditions:
249   ///
250   /// - `valid() == true` (note however that this moves-out the result when
251   ///   it returns a populated `Try<T>`, which effects any subsequent use of
252   ///   that result, e.g., `poll()`, `result()`, `value()`, `get()`, etc.)
253   Optional<Try<T>> poll();
255   /// This is not the method you're looking for.
256   ///
257   /// This needs to be public because it's used by make* and when*, and it's
258   /// not worth listing all those and their fancy template signatures as
259   /// friends. But it's not for public consumption.
260   template <class F>
261   void setCallback_(F&& func, InlineContinuation = InlineContinuation::forbid);
263   /// Provides a threadsafe back-channel so the consumer's thread can send an
264   ///   interrupt-object to the producer's thread.
265   ///
266   /// If the promise-holder registers an interrupt-handler and consumer thread
267   ///   raises an interrupt early enough (details below), the promise-holder
268   ///   will typically halt its work, fulfilling the future with an exception
269   ///   or some special non-exception value.
270   ///
271   /// However this interrupt request is voluntary, asynchronous, & advisory:
272   ///
273   /// - Voluntary: the producer will see the interrupt only if the producer uses
274   ///   a `Promise` object and registers an interrupt-handler;
275   ///   see `Promise::setInterruptHandler()`.
276   /// - Asynchronous: the producer will see the interrupt only if `raise()` is
277   ///   called before (or possibly shortly after) the producer is done producing
278   ///   its result, which is asynchronous with respect to the call to `raise()`.
279   /// - Advisory: the producer's interrupt-handler can do whatever it wants,
280   ///   including ignore the interrupt or perform some action other than halting
281   ///   its producer-work.
282   ///
283   /// Guidelines:
284   ///
285   /// - It is ideal if the promise-holder can both halt its work and fulfill the
286   ///   promise early, typically with the same exception that was delivered to
287   ///   the promise-holder in the form of an interrupt.
288   /// - If the promise-holder does not do this, and if it holds the promise
289   ///   alive for a long time, then the whole continuation chain will not be
290   ///   invoked and the whole future chain will be kept alive for that long time
291   ///   as well.
292   /// - It is also ideal if the promise-holder can invalidate the promise.
293   /// - The promise-holder must also track whether it has set a result in the
294   ///   interrupt handler so that it does not attempt to do so outside the
295   ///   interrupt handler, and must track whether it has set a result in its
296   ///   normal flow so that it does not attempt to do so in the interrupt
297   ///   handler, since setting a result twice is an error. Because the interrupt
298   ///   handler can be invoked in some other thread, this tracking may have to
299   ///   be done with some form of concurrency control.
300   ///
301   /// Preconditions:
302   ///
303   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
304   ///
305   /// Postconditions:
306   ///
307   /// - has no visible effect if `raise()` was previously called on `this` or
308   ///   any other Future/SemiFuture that uses the same shared state as `this`.
309   /// - has no visible effect if the producer never (either in the past or in
310   ///   the future) registers an interrupt-handler.
311   /// - has no visible effect if the producer fulfills its promise (sets the
312   ///   result) before (or possibly also shortly after) receiving the interrupt.
313   /// - otherwise the promise-holder's interrupt-handler is called, passing the
314   ///   exception (within an `exception_wrapper`).
315   ///
316   /// The specific thread used to invoke the producer's interrupt-handler (if
317   ///   it is called at all) depends on timing:
318   ///
319   /// - if the interrupt-handler is registered prior to `raise()` (or possibly
320   ///   concurrently within the call to `raise()`), the interrupt-handler will
321   ///   be executed using this current thread within the call to `raise()`.
322   /// - if the interrupt-handler is registered after `raise()` (and possibly
323   ///   concurrently within the call to `raise()`), the interrupt-handler will
324   ///   be executed using the producer's thread within the call to
325   ///   `Promise::setInterruptHandler()`.
326   ///
327   /// Synchronizes between `raise()` (in the consumer's thread)
328   ///   and `Promise::setInterruptHandler()` (in the producer's thread).
329   void raise(exception_wrapper interrupt);
331   /// Raises the specified exception-interrupt.
332   /// See `raise(exception_wrapper)` for details.
333   template <class E>
raise(E && exception)334   void raise(E&& exception) {
335     raise(make_exception_wrapper<typename std::remove_reference<E>::type>(
336         static_cast<E&&>(exception)));
337   }
339   /// Raises a FutureCancellation interrupt.
340   /// See `raise(exception_wrapper)` for details.
cancel()341   void cancel() { raise(FutureCancellation()); }
343  protected:
344   friend class Promise<T>;
345   template <class>
346   friend class SemiFuture;
347   template <class>
348   friend class Future;
350   // Throws FutureInvalid if there is no shared state object; else returns it
351   // by ref.
352   //
353   // Implementation methods should usually use this instead of `this->core_`.
354   // The latter should be used only when you need the possibly-null pointer.
getCore()355   Core& getCore() { return getCoreImpl(*this); }
getCore()356   Core const& getCore() const { return getCoreImpl(*this); }
358   template <typename Self>
decltype(auto)359   static decltype(auto) getCoreImpl(Self& self) {
360     if (!self.core_) {
361       throw_exception<FutureInvalid>();
362     }
363     return *self.core_;
364   }
getCoreTryChecked()366   Try<T>& getCoreTryChecked() { return getCoreTryChecked(*this); }
getCoreTryChecked()367   Try<T> const& getCoreTryChecked() const { return getCoreTryChecked(*this); }
369   template <typename Self>
decltype(auto)370   static decltype(auto) getCoreTryChecked(Self& self) {
371     auto& core = self.getCore();
372     if (!core.hasResult()) {
373       throw_exception<FutureNotReady>();
374     }
375     return core.getTry();
376   }
378   // shared core state object
379   // usually you should use `getCore()` instead of directly accessing `core_`.
380   Core* core_;
FutureBase(Core * obj)382   explicit FutureBase(Core* obj) : core_(obj) {}
384   explicit FutureBase(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct) noexcept;
386   void detach();
388   void throwIfInvalid() const;
389   void throwIfContinued() const;
391   void assign(FutureBase<T>&& other) noexcept;
getExecutor()393   Executor* getExecutor() const { return getCore().getExecutor(); }
getDeferredExecutor()395   DeferredExecutor* getDeferredExecutor() const {
396     return getCore().getDeferredExecutor();
397   }
399   // Sets the Executor within the Core state object of `this`.
400   // Must be called either before attaching a callback or after the callback
401   // has already been invoked, but not concurrently with anything which might
402   // trigger invocation of the callback.
setExecutor(futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred x)403   void setExecutor(futures::detail::KeepAliveOrDeferred x) {
404     getCore().setExecutor(std::move(x));
405   }
407   // Variant: returns a value
408   // e.g. f.thenTry([](Try<T> t){ return t.value(); });
409   template <typename F, typename R>
410   typename std::enable_if<!R::ReturnsFuture::value, typename R::Return>::type
411   thenImplementation(F&& func, R, InlineContinuation);
413   // Variant: returns a Future
414   // e.g. f.thenTry([](Try<T> t){ return makeFuture<T>(t); });
415   template <typename F, typename R>
416   typename std::enable_if<R::ReturnsFuture::value, typename R::Return>::type
417   thenImplementation(F&& func, R, InlineContinuation);
418 };
419 template <class T>
420 Future<T> convertFuture(SemiFuture<T>&& sf, const Future<T>& f);
422 class DeferredExecutor;
424 template <typename T>
425 DeferredExecutor* getDeferredExecutor(SemiFuture<T>& future);
427 template <typename T>
428 futures::detail::DeferredWrapper stealDeferredExecutor(SemiFuture<T>& future);
429 } // namespace detail
431 // Detach the SemiFuture by scheduling work onto exec.
432 template <class T>
433 void detachOn(folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> exec, folly::SemiFuture<T>&& fut);
435 // Detach the SemiFuture by detaching work onto the global CPU executor.
436 template <class T>
437 void detachOnGlobalCPUExecutor(folly::SemiFuture<T>&& fut);
439 // Detach the SemiFuture onto the global CPU executor after dur.
440 // This will only hold a weak ref to the global executor and during
441 // shutdown will cleanly drop the work.
442 template <class T>
443 void maybeDetachOnGlobalExecutorAfter(
444     HighResDuration dur, folly::SemiFuture<T>&& fut);
446 // Detach the SemiFuture with no executor.
447 // NOTE: If there is deferred work of any sort on this SemiFuture
448 // will leak and not be run.
449 // Use at your own risk.
450 template <class T>
451 void detachWithoutExecutor(folly::SemiFuture<T>&& fut);
452 } // namespace futures
454 /// The interface (along with Future) for the consumer-side of a
455 ///   producer/consumer pair.
456 ///
457 /// Future vs. SemiFuture:
458 ///
459 /// - The consumer-side should generally start with a SemiFuture, not a Future.
460 /// - Example, when a library creates and returns a future, it should usually
461 ///   return a `SemiFuture`, not a Future.
462 /// - Reason: so the thread policy for continuations (`.thenValue`, etc.) can be
463 ///   specified by the library's caller (using `.via()`).
464 /// - A SemiFuture is converted to a Future using `.via()`.
465 /// - Use `makePromiseContract()` when creating both a Promise and an associated
466 ///   SemiFuture/Future.
467 ///
468 /// When practical, prefer SemiFuture/Future's nonblocking style/pattern:
469 ///
470 /// - the nonblocking style uses continuations, e.g., `.thenValue`, etc.; the
471 ///   continuations are deferred until the result is available.
472 /// - the blocking style blocks until complete, e.g., `.wait()`, `.get()`, etc.
473 /// - the two styles cannot be mixed within the same future; use one or the
474 ///   other.
475 ///
476 /// SemiFuture/Future also provide a back-channel so an interrupt can
477 ///   be sent from consumer to producer; see SemiFuture/Future's `raise()`
478 ///   and Promise's `setInterruptHandler()`.
479 ///
480 /// The consumer-side SemiFuture/Future objects should generally be accessed
481 ///   via a single thread. That thread is referred to as the 'consumer thread.'
482 template <class T>
483 class SemiFuture : private futures::detail::FutureBase<T> {
484  private:
485   using Base = futures::detail::FutureBase<T>;
486   using DeferredExecutor = futures::detail::DeferredExecutor;
487   using TimePoint = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point;
489  public:
490   ~SemiFuture();
492   /// Creates/returns an invalid SemiFuture, that is, one with no shared state.
493   ///
494   /// Postcondition:
495   ///
496   /// - `RESULT.valid() == false`
497   static SemiFuture<T> makeEmpty();
499   /// Type of the value that the producer, when successful, produces.
500   using typename Base::value_type;
502   /// Construct a SemiFuture from a value (perfect forwarding)
503   ///
504   /// Postconditions:
505   ///
506   /// - `valid() == true`
507   /// - `isReady() == true`
508   /// - `hasValue() == true`
509   /// - `hasException() == false`
510   /// - `value()`, `get()`, `result()` will return the forwarded `T`
511   template <
512       class T2 = T,
513       typename = typename std::enable_if<
514           !isFuture<typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
515           !isSemiFuture<typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
516           std::is_constructible<Try<T>, T2>::value>::type>
SemiFuture(T2 && val)517   /* implicit */ SemiFuture(T2&& val) : Base(static_cast<T2&&>(val)) {}
519   /// Construct a (logical) SemiFuture-of-void.
520   ///
521   /// Postconditions:
522   ///
523   /// - `valid() == true`
524   /// - `isReady() == true`
525   /// - `hasValue() == true`
526   template <class T2 = T>
527   /* implicit */ SemiFuture(
528       typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Unit, T2>::value>::type* p = nullptr)
Base(p)529       : Base(p) {}
531   /// Construct a SemiFuture from a `T` constructed from `args`
532   ///
533   /// Postconditions:
534   ///
535   /// - `valid() == true`
536   /// - `isReady() == true`
537   /// - `hasValue() == true`
538   /// - `hasException() == false`
539   /// - `value()`, `get()`, `result()` will return the newly constructed `T`
540   template <
541       class... Args,
542       typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T, Args&&...>::value, int>::
543           type = 0>
SemiFuture(in_place_t,Args &&...args)544   explicit SemiFuture(in_place_t, Args&&... args)
545       : Base(in_place, static_cast<Args&&>(args)...) {}
547   SemiFuture(SemiFuture<T> const&) = delete;
548   // movable
549   SemiFuture(SemiFuture<T>&&) noexcept;
550   // safe move-constructabilty from Future
551   /* implicit */ SemiFuture(Future<T>&&) noexcept;
553   using Base::cancel;
554   using Base::hasException;
555   using Base::hasValue;
556   using Base::isReady;
557   using Base::poll;
558   using Base::raise;
559   using Base::result;
560   using Base::setCallback_;
561   using Base::valid;
562   using Base::value;
564   SemiFuture& operator=(SemiFuture const&) = delete;
565   SemiFuture& operator=(SemiFuture&&) noexcept;
566   SemiFuture& operator=(Future<T>&&) noexcept;
568   /// Blocks until the promise is fulfilled, either by value (which is returned)
569   ///   or exception (which is thrown).
570   ///
571   /// Preconditions:
572   ///
573   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
574   /// - must not have a continuation, e.g., via `.thenValue()` or similar
575   ///
576   /// Postconditions:
577   ///
578   /// - `valid() == false`
579   T get() &&;
581   /// Blocks until the semifuture is fulfilled, or until `dur` elapses. Returns
582   /// the value (moved-out), or throws the exception (which might be a
583   /// FutureTimeout exception).
584   ///
585   /// Preconditions:
586   ///
587   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
588   ///
589   /// Postconditions:
590   ///
591   /// - `valid() == false`
592   T get(HighResDuration dur) &&;
594   /// Blocks until the future is fulfilled. Returns the Try of the result
595   ///   (moved-out).
596   ///
597   /// Preconditions:
598   ///
599   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
600   ///
601   /// Postconditions:
602   ///
603   /// - `valid() == false`
604   Try<T> getTry() &&;
606   /// Blocks until the future is fulfilled, or until `dur` elapses.
607   /// Returns the Try of the result (moved-out), or throws FutureTimeout
608   /// exception.
609   ///
610   /// Preconditions:
611   ///
612   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
613   ///
614   /// Postconditions:
615   ///
616   /// - `valid() == false`
617   Try<T> getTry(HighResDuration dur) &&;
619   /// Blocks the caller's thread until this Future `isReady()`, i.e., until the
620   ///   asynchronous producer has stored a result or exception.
621   ///
622   /// Preconditions:
623   ///
624   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
625   ///
626   /// Postconditions:
627   ///
628   /// - `valid() == true`
629   /// - `isReady() == true`
630   /// - `&RESULT == this`
631   SemiFuture<T>& wait() &;
633   /// Blocks the caller's thread until this Future `isReady()`, i.e., until the
634   ///   asynchronous producer has stored a result or exception.
635   ///
636   /// Preconditions:
637   ///
638   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
639   ///
640   /// Postconditions:
641   ///
642   /// - `valid() == true` (but the calling code can trivially move-out `*this`
643   ///   by assigning or constructing the result into a distinct object).
644   /// - `&RESULT == this`
645   /// - `isReady() == true`
646   SemiFuture<T>&& wait() &&;
648   /// Blocks until the future is fulfilled, or `dur` elapses.
649   /// Returns true if the future was fulfilled.
650   ///
651   /// Preconditions:
652   ///
653   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
654   ///
655   /// Postconditions:
656   ///
657   /// - `valid() == false`
658   bool wait(HighResDuration dur) &&;
660   /// Returns a Future which will call back on the other side of executor.
661   Future<T> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor) &&;
662   Future<T> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, int8_t priority) &&;
664   /// Defer work to run on the consumer of the future.
665   /// Function must take a Try as a parameter.
666   /// This work will be run either on an executor that the caller sets on the
667   /// SemiFuture, or inline with the call to .get().
668   ///
669   /// NB: This is a custom method because boost-blocking executors is a
670   /// special-case for work deferral in folly. With more general boost-blocking
671   /// support all executors would boost block and we would simply use some form
672   /// of driveable executor here.
673   ///
674   /// All forms of defer will run the continuation inline with the execution of
675   /// the  previous callback in the chain if the callback attached to the
676   /// previous future that triggers execution of func runs on the same executor
677   /// that func would be executed on.
678   ///
679   /// Preconditions:
680   ///
681   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
682   ///
683   /// Postconditions:
684   ///
685   /// - `valid() == false`
686   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
687   template <typename F>
688   SemiFuture<typename futures::detail::tryCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
689   defer(F&& func) &&;
691   /// Defer work to run on the consumer of the future.
692   /// Function must take a const Executor::KeepAlive<>& and a Try as parameters.
693   ///
694   /// As for defer(F&& func) except as the first parameter to func a KeepAlive
695   /// representing the executor running the work will be provided.
696   template <typename F>
697   SemiFuture<
698       typename futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
699   deferExTry(F&& func) &&;
701   /// Defer work to run on the consumer of the future.
702   /// Function must take a Try as a parameter.
703   ///
704   /// As for defer(F&& func) but supporting function references.
705   template <typename R, typename... Args>
defer(R (& func)(Args...))706   auto defer(R (&func)(Args...)) && {
707     return std::move(*this).defer(&func);
708   }
710   /// Defer for functions taking a T rather than a Try<T>.
711   ///
712   /// All forms of defer will run the continuation inline with the execution of
713   /// the  previous callback in the chain if the callback attached to the
714   /// previous future that triggers execution of func runs on the same executor
715   /// that func would be executed on.
716   ///
717   /// Preconditions:
718   ///
719   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
720   ///
721   /// Postconditions:
722   ///
723   /// - `valid() == false`
724   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
725   template <typename F>
726   SemiFuture<typename futures::detail::valueCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
727   deferValue(F&& func) &&;
729   /// Defer for functions taking a T rather than a Try<T>.
730   /// Function must take a const Executor::KeepAlive<>& and a T as parameters.
731   ///
732   /// As for deferValue(F&& func) except as the first parameter to func a
733   /// KeepAlive representing the executor running the work will be provided.
734   template <typename F>
735   SemiFuture<
736       typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
737   deferExValue(F&& func) &&;
739   /// Defer work to run on the consumer of the future.
740   /// Function must take a T as a parameter.
741   ///
742   /// As for deferValue(F&& func) but supporting function references.
743   template <typename R, typename... Args>
deferValue(R (& func)(Args...))744   auto deferValue(R (&func)(Args...)) && {
745     return std::move(*this).deferValue(&func);
746   }
748   /// Set an error continuation for this SemiFuture where the continuation can
749   /// be called with a known exception type and returns a `T`, `Future<T>`, or
750   /// `SemiFuture<T>`.
751   ///
752   /// Example:
753   ///
754   /// ```
755   /// makeSemiFuture()
756   ///   .defer([] {
757   ///     throw std::runtime_error("oh no!");
758   ///     return 42;
759   ///   })
760   ///   .deferError(folly::tag_t<std::runtime_error>{}, [] (auto const& e) {
761   ///     LOG(INFO) << "std::runtime_error: " << e.what();
762   ///     return -1; // or makeFuture<int>(-1) or makeSemiFuture<int>(-1)
763   ///   });
764   /// ```
765   ///
766   /// Preconditions:
767   ///
768   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
769   ///
770   /// Postconditions:
771   ///
772   /// - `valid() == false`
773   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
774   template <class ExceptionType, class F>
775   SemiFuture<T> deferError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) &&;
777   /// As for deferError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) but supporting function
778   /// references.
779   template <class ExceptionType, class R, class... Args>
deferError(tag_t<ExceptionType> tag,R (& func)(Args...))780   SemiFuture<T> deferError(tag_t<ExceptionType> tag, R (&func)(Args...)) && {
781     return std::move(*this).deferError(tag, &func);
782   }
784   /// As for deferError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) but makes the exception
785   /// explicit as a template argument rather than using a tag type.
786   template <class ExceptionType, class F>
deferError(F && func)787   SemiFuture<T> deferError(F&& func) && {
788     return std::move(*this).deferError(
789         tag_t<ExceptionType>{}, static_cast<F&&>(func));
790   }
792   /// Set an error continuation for this SemiFuture where the continuation can
793   /// be called with `exception_wrapper&&` and returns a `T`, `Future<T>`, or
794   /// `SemiFuture<T>`.
795   ///
796   /// Example:
797   ///
798   ///   makeSemiFuture()
799   ///     .defer([] {
800   ///       throw std::runtime_error("oh no!");
801   ///       return 42;
802   ///     })
803   ///     .deferError([] (exception_wrapper&& e) {
804   ///       LOG(INFO) << e.what();
805   ///       return -1; // or makeFuture<int>(-1) or makeSemiFuture<int>(-1)
806   ///     });
807   ///
808   /// Preconditions:
809   ///
810   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
811   ///
812   /// Postconditions:
813   ///
814   /// - `valid() == false`
815   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
816   template <class F>
817   SemiFuture<T> deferError(F&& func) &&;
819   /// As for deferError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) but supporting function
820   /// references.
821   template <class R, class... Args>
deferError(R (& func)(Args...))822   SemiFuture<T> deferError(R (&func)(Args...)) && {
823     return std::move(*this).deferError(&func);
824   }
826   /// Convenience method for ignoring the value and creating a Future<Unit>.
827   /// Exceptions still propagate.
828   ///
829   /// Preconditions:
830   ///
831   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
832   ///
833   /// Postconditions:
834   ///
835   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
836   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
837   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
838   SemiFuture<Unit> unit() &&;
840   /// If this SemiFuture completes within duration dur from now, propagate its
841   /// value. Otherwise satisfy the returned SemiFuture with a FutureTimeout
842   /// exception.
843   ///
844   /// The optional Timekeeper is as with futures::sleep().
845   ///
846   /// Preconditions:
847   ///
848   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
849   ///
850   /// Postconditions:
851   ///
852   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
853   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
854   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
855   SemiFuture<T> within(HighResDuration dur, Timekeeper* tk = nullptr) && {
856     return std::move(*this).within(dur, FutureTimeout(), tk);
857   }
859   /// If this SemiFuture completes within duration dur from now, propagate its
860   /// value. Otherwise satisfy the returned SemiFuture with exception e.
861   ///
862   /// The optional Timekeeper is as with futures::sleep().
863   ///
864   /// Preconditions:
865   ///
866   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
867   ///
868   /// Postconditions:
869   ///
870   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
871   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
872   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
873   template <class E>
874   SemiFuture<T> within(HighResDuration dur, E e, Timekeeper* tk = nullptr) &&;
876   /// Delay the completion of this SemiFuture for at least this duration from
877   /// now. The optional Timekeeper is as with futures::sleep().
878   ///
879   /// Preconditions:
880   ///
881   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
882   ///
883   /// Postconditions:
884   ///
885   /// - `valid() == false`
886   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
887   SemiFuture<T> delayed(HighResDuration dur, Timekeeper* tk = nullptr) &&;
889   /// Returns a future that completes inline, as if the future had no executor.
890   /// Intended for porting legacy code without behavioral change, and for rare
891   /// cases where this is really the intended behavior.
892   /// Future is unsafe in the sense that the executor it completes on is
893   /// non-deterministic in the standard case.
894   /// For new code, or to update code that temporarily uses this, please
895   /// use via and pass a meaningful executor.
896   ///
897   /// Preconditions:
898   ///
899   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
900   ///
901   /// Postconditions:
902   ///
903   /// - `valid() == false`
904   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
905   Future<T> toUnsafeFuture() &&;
909   // Customise the co_viaIfAsync() operator so that SemiFuture<T> can be
910   // directly awaited within a folly::coro::Task coroutine.
co_viaIfAsync(folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> executor,SemiFuture<T> && future)911   friend Future<T> co_viaIfAsync(
912       folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, SemiFuture<T>&& future) noexcept {
913     return std::move(future).via(std::move(executor));
914   }
916 #endif
918  private:
919   friend class Promise<T>;
920   template <class>
921   friend class futures::detail::FutureBase;
922   template <class>
923   friend class SemiFuture;
924   template <class>
925   friend class Future;
926   friend futures::detail::DeferredWrapper
927   futures::detail::stealDeferredExecutor<T>(SemiFuture<T>&);
928   friend DeferredExecutor* futures::detail::getDeferredExecutor<T>(
929       SemiFuture<T>&);
931   using Base::setExecutor;
932   using Base::throwIfInvalid;
933   using typename Base::Core;
935   template <class T2>
936   friend SemiFuture<T2> makeSemiFuture(Try<T2>);
SemiFuture(Core * obj)938   explicit SemiFuture(Core* obj) : Base(obj) {}
SemiFuture(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct)940   explicit SemiFuture(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct) noexcept
941       : Base(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct{}) {}
943   // Throws FutureInvalid if !this->core_
944   futures::detail::DeferredWrapper stealDeferredExecutor();
946   /// Blocks until the future is fulfilled, or `dur` elapses.
947   ///
948   /// Preconditions:
949   ///
950   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
951   ///
952   /// Postconditions:
953   ///
954   /// - `valid() == true`
955   /// - `&RESULT == this`
956   /// - `isReady()` will be indeterminate - may or may not be true
957   SemiFuture<T>& wait(HighResDuration dur) &;
959   static void releaseDeferredExecutor(Core* core);
960 };
962 template <class T>
makePromiseContract()963 std::pair<Promise<T>, SemiFuture<T>> makePromiseContract() {
964   auto p = Promise<T>();
965   auto f = p.getSemiFuture();
966   return std::make_pair(std::move(p), std::move(f));
967 }
969 /// The interface (along with SemiFuture) for the consumer-side of a
970 ///   producer/consumer pair.
971 ///
972 /// Future vs. SemiFuture:
973 ///
974 /// - The consumer-side should generally start with a SemiFuture, not a Future.
975 /// - Example, when a library creates and returns a future, it should usually
976 ///   return a `SemiFuture`, not a Future.
977 /// - Reason: so the thread policy for continuations (`.thenValue`, etc.) can be
978 ///   specified by the library's caller (using `.via()`).
979 /// - A SemiFuture is converted to a Future using `.via()`.
980 /// - Use `makePromiseContract()` when creating both a Promise and an associated
981 ///   SemiFuture/Future.
982 ///
983 /// When practical, prefer SemiFuture/Future's nonblocking style/pattern:
984 ///
985 /// - the nonblocking style uses continuations, e.g., `.thenValue`, etc.; the
986 ///   continuations are deferred until the result is available.
987 /// - the blocking style blocks until complete, e.g., `.wait()`, `.get()`, etc.
988 /// - the two styles cannot be mixed within the same future; use one or the
989 ///   other.
990 ///
991 /// SemiFuture/Future also provide a back-channel so an interrupt can
992 ///   be sent from consumer to producer; see SemiFuture/Future's `raise()`
993 ///   and Promise's `setInterruptHandler()`.
994 ///
995 /// The consumer-side SemiFuture/Future objects should generally be accessed
996 ///   via a single thread. That thread is referred to as the 'consumer thread.'
997 template <class T>
998 class Future : private futures::detail::FutureBase<T> {
999  private:
1000   using Base = futures::detail::FutureBase<T>;
1002  public:
1003   /// Type of the value that the producer, when successful, produces.
1004   using typename Base::value_type;
1006   /// Construct a Future from a value (perfect forwarding)
1007   ///
1008   /// Postconditions:
1009   ///
1010   /// - `valid() == true`
1011   /// - `isReady() == true`
1012   /// - `hasValue() == true`
1013   /// - `value()`, `get()`, `result()` will return the forwarded `T`
1014   template <
1015       class T2 = T,
1016       typename = typename std::enable_if<
1017           !isFuture<typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
1018           !isSemiFuture<typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
1019           std::is_constructible<Try<T>, T2>::value>::type>
Future(T2 && val)1020   /* implicit */ Future(T2&& val) : Base(static_cast<T2&&>(val)) {}
1022   /// Construct a (logical) Future-of-void.
1023   ///
1024   /// Postconditions:
1025   ///
1026   /// - `valid() == true`
1027   /// - `isReady() == true`
1028   /// - `hasValue() == true`
1029   template <class T2 = T>
1030   /* implicit */ Future(
1031       typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Unit, T2>::value>::type* p = nullptr)
Base(p)1032       : Base(p) {}
1034   /// Construct a Future from a `T` constructed from `args`
1035   ///
1036   /// Postconditions:
1037   ///
1038   /// - `valid() == true`
1039   /// - `isReady() == true`
1040   /// - `hasValue() == true`
1041   /// - `hasException() == false`
1042   /// - `value()`, `get()`, `result()` will return the newly constructed `T`
1043   template <
1044       class... Args,
1045       typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<T, Args&&...>::value, int>::
1046           type = 0>
Future(in_place_t,Args &&...args)1047   explicit Future(in_place_t, Args&&... args)
1048       : Base(in_place, static_cast<Args&&>(args)...) {}
1050   Future(Future<T> const&) = delete;
1051   // movable
1052   Future(Future<T>&&) noexcept;
1054   // converting move
1055   template <
1056       class T2,
1057       typename std::enable_if<
1058           !std::is_same<T, typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
1059               std::is_constructible<T, T2&&>::value &&
1060               std::is_convertible<T2&&, T>::value,
1061           int>::type = 0>
Future(Future<T2> && other)1062   /* implicit */ Future(Future<T2>&& other)
1063       : Future(std::move(other).thenValue(
1064             [](T2&& v) { return T(std::move(v)); })) {}
1066   template <
1067       class T2,
1068       typename std::enable_if<
1069           !std::is_same<T, typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
1070               std::is_constructible<T, T2&&>::value &&
1071               !std::is_convertible<T2&&, T>::value,
1072           int>::type = 0>
Future(Future<T2> && other)1073   explicit Future(Future<T2>&& other)
1074       : Future(std::move(other).thenValue(
1075             [](T2&& v) { return T(std::move(v)); })) {}
1077   template <
1078       class T2,
1079       typename std::enable_if<
1080           !std::is_same<T, typename std::decay<T2>::type>::value &&
1081               std::is_constructible<T, T2&&>::value,
1082           int>::type = 0>
1083   Future& operator=(Future<T2>&& other) {
1084     return operator=(
1085         std::move(other).thenValue([](T2&& v) { return T(std::move(v)); }));
1086   }
1088   using Base::cancel;
1089   using Base::hasException;
1090   using Base::hasValue;
1091   using Base::isReady;
1092   using Base::poll;
1093   using Base::raise;
1094   using Base::result;
1095   using Base::setCallback_;
1096   using Base::valid;
1097   using Base::value;
1099   /// Creates/returns an invalid Future, that is, one with no shared state.
1100   ///
1101   /// Postcondition:
1102   ///
1103   /// - `RESULT.valid() == false`
1104   static Future<T> makeEmpty();
1106   // not copyable
1107   Future& operator=(Future const&) = delete;
1109   // movable
1110   Future& operator=(Future&&) noexcept;
1112   /// Call e->drive() repeatedly until the future is fulfilled.
1113   ///
1114   /// Examples of DrivableExecutor include EventBase and ManualExecutor.
1115   ///
1116   /// Returns the fulfilled value (moved-out) or throws the fulfilled exception.
1117   T getVia(DrivableExecutor* e) &&;
1119   /// Call e->drive() repeatedly until the future is fulfilled, or `dur`
1120   /// elapses.
1121   ///
1122   /// Returns the fulfilled value (moved-out), throws the fulfilled exception,
1123   /// or on timeout throws FutureTimeout.
1124   T getVia(TimedDrivableExecutor* e, HighResDuration dur) &&;
1126   /// Call e->drive() repeatedly until the future is fulfilled. Examples
1127   /// of DrivableExecutor include EventBase and ManualExecutor. Returns a
1128   /// reference to the Try of the value.
1129   Try<T> getTryVia(DrivableExecutor* e) &&;
1131   /// getTryVia but will wait only until `dur` elapses. Returns the
1132   /// Try of the value (moved-out) or may throw a FutureTimeout exception.
1133   Try<T> getTryVia(TimedDrivableExecutor* e, HighResDuration dur) &&;
1135   /// Unwraps the case of a Future<Future<T>> instance, and returns a simple
1136   /// Future<T> instance.
1137   ///
1138   /// Preconditions:
1139   ///
1140   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1141   ///
1142   /// Postconditions:
1143   ///
1144   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1145   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1146   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1147   template <class F = T>
1148   typename std::
1149       enable_if<isFuture<F>::value, Future<typename isFuture<T>::Inner>>::type
1150       unwrap() &&;
1152   /// Returns a Future which will call back on the other side of executor.
1153   ///
1154   /// Preconditions:
1155   ///
1156   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1157   ///
1158   /// Postconditions:
1159   ///
1160   /// - `valid() == false`
1161   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1162   Future<T> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor) &&;
1163   Future<T> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, int8_t priority) &&;
1165   /// Returns a Future which will call back on the other side of executor.
1166   ///
1167   /// When practical, use the rvalue-qualified overload instead - it's faster.
1168   ///
1169   /// Preconditions:
1170   ///
1171   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1172   ///
1173   /// Postconditions:
1174   ///
1175   /// - `valid() == true`
1176   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1177   /// - when `this` gets fulfilled, it automatically fulfills RESULT
1178   Future<T> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor) &;
1179   Future<T> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, int8_t priority) &;
1181   /// When this Future has completed, execute func which is a function that
1182   /// can be called with either `T&&` or `Try<T>&&`.
1183   ///
1184   /// Func shall return either another Future or a value.
1185   ///
1186   /// thenInline will run the continuation inline with the execution of the
1187   /// previous callback in the chain if the callback attached to the previous
1188   /// future that triggers execution of func runs on the same executor that func
1189   /// would be executed on.
1190   ///
1191   /// A Future for the return type of func is returned.
1192   ///
1193   /// Versions of these functions with Inline in the name will run the
1194   /// continuation inline if the executor the previous task completes on matches
1195   /// the executor the next is to be enqueued on to.
1196   ///
1197   ///   Future<string> f2 = f1.thenTry([](Try<T>&&) { return string("foo"); });
1198   ///
1199   /// Preconditions:
1200   ///
1201   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1202   ///
1203   /// Postconditions:
1204   ///
1205   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1206   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1207   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1208   template <typename F>
then(F && func)1209   Future<typename futures::detail::tryCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> then(
1210       F&& func) && {
1211     return std::move(*this).thenTry(static_cast<F&&>(func));
1212   }
1213   template <typename F>
1214   Future<typename futures::detail::tryCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
thenInline(F && func)1215   thenInline(F&& func) && {
1216     return std::move(*this).thenTryInline(static_cast<F&&>(func));
1217   }
1219   /// Variant where func is an member function
1220   ///
1221   ///   struct Worker { R doWork(Try<T>); }
1222   ///
1223   ///   Worker *w;
1224   ///   Future<R> f2 = f1.thenTry(&Worker::doWork, w);
1225   ///
1226   /// This is just sugar for
1227   ///
1228   ///   f1.thenTry(std::bind(&Worker::doWork, w));
1229   ///
1230   /// Preconditions:
1231   ///
1232   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1233   ///
1234   /// Postconditions:
1235   ///
1236   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1237   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1238   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1239   template <typename R, typename Caller, typename... Args>
1240   Future<typename isFuture<R>::Inner> then(
1241       R (Caller::*func)(Args...), Caller* instance) &&;
1243   /// Execute the callback via the given Executor. The executor doesn't stick.
1244   ///
1245   /// Contrast
1246   ///
1247   ///   f.via(x).then(b).then(c)
1248   ///
1249   /// with
1250   ///
1251   ///   f.then(x, b).then(c)
1252   ///
1253   /// In the former both b and c execute via x. In the latter, only b executes
1254   /// via x, and c executes via the same executor (if any) that f had.
1255   ///
1256   /// Preconditions:
1257   ///
1258   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1259   ///
1260   /// Postconditions:
1261   ///
1262   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1263   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1264   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1265   template <class Arg>
1266   auto then(Executor::KeepAlive<> x, Arg&& arg) && = delete;
1268   /// When this Future has completed, execute func which is a function that
1269   /// can be called with `Try<T>&&` (often a lambda with parameter type
1270   /// `auto&&` or `auto`).
1271   ///
1272   /// Func shall return either another Future or a value.
1273   ///
1274   /// Versions of these functions with Inline in the name will run the
1275   /// continuation inline with the execution of the previous callback in the
1276   /// chain if the callback attached to the previous future that triggers
1277   /// execution of func runs on the same executor that func would be executed
1278   /// on.
1279   ///
1280   /// A Future for the return type of func is returned.
1281   ///
1282   ///   Future<string> f2 = std::move(f1).thenTry([](auto&& t) {
1283   ///     ...
1284   ///     return string("foo");
1285   ///   });
1286   ///
1287   /// Preconditions:
1288   ///
1289   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1290   ///
1291   /// Postconditions:
1292   ///
1293   /// - `valid() == false`
1294   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1295   template <typename F>
1296   Future<typename futures::detail::tryCallableResult<T, F>::value_type> thenTry(
1297       F&& func) &&;
1299   template <typename F>
1300   Future<typename futures::detail::tryCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
1301   thenTryInline(F&& func) &&;
1303   template <typename F>
1304   Future<typename futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
1305   thenExTry(F&& func) &&;
1307   template <typename F>
1308   Future<typename futures::detail::tryExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
1309   thenExTryInline(F&& func) &&;
1311   template <typename R, typename... Args>
thenTry(R (& func)(Args...))1312   auto thenTry(R (&func)(Args...)) && {
1313     return std::move(*this).thenTry(&func);
1314   }
1316   template <typename R, typename... Args>
thenTryInline(R (& func)(Args...))1317   auto thenTryInline(R (&func)(Args...)) && {
1318     return std::move(*this).thenTryInline(&func);
1319   }
1321   /// When this Future has completed, execute func which is a function that
1322   /// can be called with `T&&` (often a lambda with parameter type
1323   /// `auto&&` or `auto`).
1324   ///
1325   /// Func shall return either another Future or a value.
1326   ///
1327   /// Versions of these functions with Inline in the name will run the
1328   /// continuation inline with the execution of the previous callback in the
1329   /// chain if the callback attached to the previous future that triggers
1330   /// execution of func runs on the same executor that func would be executed
1331   /// on.
1332   ///
1333   /// A Future for the return type of func is returned.
1334   ///
1335   ///   Future<string> f2 = f1.thenValue([](auto&& v) {
1336   ///     ...
1337   ///     return string("foo");
1338   ///   });
1339   ///
1340   /// Preconditions:
1341   ///
1342   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1343   ///
1344   /// Postconditions:
1345   ///
1346   /// - `valid() == false`
1347   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1348   template <typename F>
1349   Future<typename futures::detail::valueCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
1350   thenValue(F&& func) &&;
1352   template <typename F>
1353   Future<typename futures::detail::valueCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
1354   thenValueInline(F&& func) &&;
1356   template <typename F>
1357   Future<
1358       typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
1359   thenExValue(F&& func) &&;
1361   template <typename F>
1362   Future<
1363       typename futures::detail::valueExecutorCallableResult<T, F>::value_type>
1364   thenExValueInline(F&& func) &&;
1366   template <typename R, typename... Args>
thenValue(R (& func)(Args...))1367   auto thenValue(R (&func)(Args...)) && {
1368     return std::move(*this).thenValue(&func);
1369   }
1371   template <typename R, typename... Args>
thenValueInline(R (& func)(Args...))1372   auto thenValueInline(R (&func)(Args...)) && {
1373     return std::move(*this).thenValueInline(&func);
1374   }
1376   /// Set an error continuation for this Future where the continuation can
1377   /// be called with a known exception type and returns a `T`, `Future<T>`, or
1378   /// `SemiFuture<T>`.
1379   ///
1380   /// Example:
1381   ///
1382   ///   makeFuture()
1383   ///     .thenTry([] {
1384   ///       throw std::runtime_error("oh no!");
1385   ///       return 42;
1386   ///     })
1387   ///     .thenError(folly::tag_t<std::runtime_error>{}, [] (auto const& e) {
1388   ///       LOG(INFO) << "std::runtime_error: " << e.what();
1389   ///       return -1; // or makeFuture<int>(-1) or makeSemiFuture<int>(-1)
1390   ///     });
1391   ///
1392   /// Preconditions:
1393   ///
1394   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1395   ///
1396   /// Postconditions:
1397   ///
1398   /// - `valid() == false`
1399   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1400   template <class ExceptionType, class F>
1401   typename std::enable_if<
1402       isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F, ExceptionType>>::value,
1403       Future<T>>::type
1404   thenError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) &&;
1406   template <class ExceptionType, class F>
1407   typename std::enable_if<
1408       !isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F, ExceptionType>>::value,
1409       Future<T>>::type
1410   thenError(tag_t<ExceptionType>, F&& func) &&;
1412   template <class ExceptionType, class R, class... Args>
thenError(tag_t<ExceptionType> tag,R (& func)(Args...))1413   Future<T> thenError(tag_t<ExceptionType> tag, R (&func)(Args...)) && {
1414     return std::move(*this).thenError(tag, &func);
1415   }
1417   template <class ExceptionType, class F>
thenError(F && func)1418   Future<T> thenError(F&& func) && {
1419     return std::move(*this).thenError(
1420         tag_t<ExceptionType>{}, static_cast<F&&>(func));
1421   }
1423   /// Set an error continuation for this Future where the continuation can
1424   /// be called with `exception_wrapper&&` and returns a `T`, `Future<T>`, or
1425   /// `SemiFuture<T>`.
1426   ///
1427   /// Example:
1428   ///
1429   ///   makeFuture()
1430   ///     .thenTry([] {
1431   ///       throw std::runtime_error("oh no!");
1432   ///       return 42;
1433   ///     })
1434   ///     .thenError([] (exception_wrapper&& e) {
1435   ///       LOG(INFO) << e.what();
1436   ///       return -1; // or makeFuture<int>(-1) or makeSemiFuture<int>(-1)
1437   ///     });
1438   ///
1439   /// Preconditions:
1440   ///
1441   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1442   ///
1443   /// Postconditions:
1444   ///
1445   /// - `valid() == false`
1446   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1447   template <class F>
1448   typename std::enable_if<
1449       isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F, exception_wrapper>>::value,
1450       Future<T>>::type
1451   thenError(F&& func) &&;
1453   template <class F>
1454   typename std::enable_if<
1455       !isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F, exception_wrapper>>::value,
1456       Future<T>>::type
1457   thenError(F&& func) &&;
1459   template <class R, class... Args>
thenError(R (& func)(Args...))1460   Future<T> thenError(R (&func)(Args...)) && {
1461     return std::move(*this).thenError(&func);
1462   }
1464   /// Convenience method for ignoring the value and creating a Future<Unit>.
1465   /// Exceptions still propagate.
1466   /// This function is identical to .unit().
1467   ///
1468   /// Preconditions:
1469   ///
1470   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1471   ///
1472   /// Postconditions:
1473   ///
1474   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1475   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1476   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1477   Future<Unit> then() &&;
1479   /// Convenience method for ignoring the value and creating a Future<Unit>.
1480   /// Exceptions still propagate.
1481   /// This function is identical to parameterless .then().
1482   ///
1483   /// Preconditions:
1484   ///
1485   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1486   ///
1487   /// Postconditions:
1488   ///
1489   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1490   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1491   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
unit()1492   Future<Unit> unit() && { return std::move(*this).then(); }
1494   /// Set an error continuation for this Future. The continuation should take an
1495   /// argument of the type that you want to catch, and should return a value of
1496   /// the same type as this Future, or a Future of that type (see overload
1497   /// below).
1498   ///
1499   /// Example:
1500   ///
1501   ///   makeFuture()
1502   ///     .thenValue([](folly::Unit&&) {
1503   ///       throw std::runtime_error("oh no!");
1504   ///       return 42;
1505   ///     })
1506   ///     .thenError([](folly::exception_wrapper&& e) {
1507   ///       LOG(INFO) << "std::runtime_error: " << e.get_exception()->what();
1508   ///       return -1; // or makeFuture<int>(-1)
1509   ///     });
1510   ///
1511   /// Preconditions:
1512   ///
1513   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1514   ///
1515   /// Postconditions:
1516   ///
1517   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1518   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1519   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1520   template <class F>
1521   [[deprecated(
1522       "onError loses the attached executor and is weakly typed. Please move to thenError instead.")]]
1523   typename std::enable_if<
1524       !is_invocable_v<F, exception_wrapper> &&
1525           !futures::detail::Extract<F>::ReturnsFuture::value,
1526       Future<T>>::type
1527   onError(F&& func) && = delete;
1529   /// Overload of onError where the error continuation returns a Future<T>
1530   ///
1531   /// Preconditions:
1532   ///
1533   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1534   ///
1535   /// Postconditions:
1536   ///
1537   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1538   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1539   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1540   template <class F>
1541   [[deprecated(
1542       "onError loses the attached executor and is weakly typed. Please move to thenError instead.")]]
1543   typename std::enable_if<
1544       !is_invocable_v<F, exception_wrapper> &&
1545           futures::detail::Extract<F>::ReturnsFuture::value,
1546       Future<T>>::type
1547   onError(F&& func) && = delete;
1549   /// Overload of onError that takes exception_wrapper and returns Future<T>
1550   ///
1551   /// Preconditions:
1552   ///
1553   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1554   ///
1555   /// Postconditions:
1556   ///
1557   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1558   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1559   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1560   template <class F>
1561   [[deprecated(
1562       "onError loses the attached executor and is weakly typed. Please move to thenError instead.")]]
1563   typename std::enable_if<
1564       is_invocable_v<F, exception_wrapper> &&
1565           futures::detail::Extract<F>::ReturnsFuture::value,
1566       Future<T>>::type
1567   onError(F&& func) && = delete;
1569   /// Overload of onError that takes exception_wrapper and returns T
1570   ///
1571   /// Preconditions:
1572   ///
1573   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1574   ///
1575   /// Postconditions:
1576   ///
1577   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1578   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1579   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1580   template <class F>
1581   [[deprecated(
1582       "onError loses the attached executor and is weakly typed. Please move to thenError instead.")]]
1583   typename std::enable_if<
1584       is_invocable_v<F, exception_wrapper> &&
1585           !futures::detail::Extract<F>::ReturnsFuture::value,
1586       Future<T>>::type
1587   onError(F&& func) && = delete;
1589   template <class R, class... Args>
1590   Future<T> onError(R (&func)(Args...)) && = delete;
1592   // clang-format off
1593   template <class F>
1594   [[deprecated(
1595       "onError loses the attached executor and is weakly typed. Please move to thenError instead.")]]
1596   Future<T> onError(F&& func) & = delete;
1598   /// func is like std::function<void()> and is executed unconditionally, and
1599   /// the value/exception is passed through to the resulting Future.
1600   /// func shouldn't throw, but if it does it will be captured and propagated,
1601   /// and discard any value/exception that this Future has obtained.
1602   ///
1603   /// Preconditions:
1604   ///
1605   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1606   ///
1607   /// Postconditions:
1608   ///
1609   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1610   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1611   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1612   template <class F>
1613   Future<T> ensure(F&& func) &&;
1614   // clang-format on
1616   /// Like thenError, but for timeouts. example:
1617   ///
1618   ///   Future<int> f = makeFuture<int>(42)
1619   ///     .delayed(long_time)
1620   ///     .onTimeout(short_time,
1621   ///       [] { return -1; });
1622   ///
1623   /// or perhaps
1624   ///
1625   ///   Future<int> f = makeFuture<int>(42)
1626   ///     .delayed(long_time)
1627   ///     .onTimeout(short_time,
1628   ///       [] { return makeFuture<int>(some_exception); });
1629   ///
1630   /// Preconditions:
1631   ///
1632   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1633   ///
1634   /// Postconditions:
1635   ///
1636   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1637   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1638   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1639   template <class F>
1640   Future<T> onTimeout(HighResDuration, F&& func, Timekeeper* = nullptr) &&;
1642   /// If this Future completes within duration dur from now, propagate its
1643   /// value. Otherwise satisfy the returned SemiFuture with a FutureTimeout
1644   /// exception.
1645   ///
1646   /// The optional Timekeeper is as with futures::sleep().
1647   ///
1648   /// Preconditions:
1649   ///
1650   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1651   ///
1652   /// Postconditions:
1653   ///
1654   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1655   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1656   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1657   Future<T> within(HighResDuration dur, Timekeeper* tk = nullptr) &&;
1659   /// If this SemiFuture completes within duration dur from now, propagate its
1660   /// value. Otherwise satisfy the returned SemiFuture with exception e.
1661   ///
1662   /// The optional Timekeeper is as with futures::sleep().
1663   ///
1664   /// Preconditions:
1665   ///
1666   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1667   ///
1668   /// Postconditions:
1669   ///
1670   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1671   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1672   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1673   template <class E>
1674   Future<T> within(
1675       HighResDuration dur, E exception, Timekeeper* tk = nullptr) &&;
1677   /// Delay the completion of this Future for at least this duration from
1678   /// now. The optional Timekeeper is as with futures::sleep().
1679   ///
1680   /// Preconditions:
1681   ///
1682   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1683   ///
1684   /// Postconditions:
1685   ///
1686   /// - `valid() == false`
1687   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1688   Future<T> delayed(HighResDuration, Timekeeper* = nullptr) &&;
1690   /// Blocks until the future is fulfilled. Returns the value (moved-out), or
1691   /// throws the exception. The future must not already have a continuation.
1692   ///
1693   /// Preconditions:
1694   ///
1695   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1696   ///
1697   /// Postconditions:
1698   ///
1699   /// - `valid() == false`
1700   T get() &&;
1702   /// Blocks until the future is fulfilled, or until `dur` elapses. Returns the
1703   /// value (moved-out), or throws the exception (which might be a FutureTimeout
1704   /// exception).
1705   ///
1706   /// Preconditions:
1707   ///
1708   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1709   ///
1710   /// Postconditions:
1711   ///
1712   /// - `valid() == false`
1713   T get(HighResDuration dur) &&;
1715   /// Blocks until the future is fulfilled. Returns the Try of the result
1716   ///   (moved-out).
1717   ///
1718   /// Preconditions:
1719   ///
1720   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1721   ///
1722   /// Postconditions:
1723   ///
1724   /// - `valid() == false`
1725   Try<T> getTry() &&;
1727   /// Blocks until the future is fulfilled, or until `dur` elapses.
1728   /// Returns the Try of the result (moved-out), or throws FutureTimeout
1729   /// exception.
1730   ///
1731   /// Preconditions:
1732   ///
1733   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1734   ///
1735   /// Postconditions:
1736   ///
1737   /// - `valid() == false`
1738   Try<T> getTry(HighResDuration dur) &&;
1740   /// Blocks until this Future is complete.
1741   ///
1742   /// Preconditions:
1743   ///
1744   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1745   ///
1746   /// Postconditions:
1747   ///
1748   /// - `valid() == true`
1749   /// - `&RESULT == this`
1750   /// - `isReady() == true`
1751   Future<T>& wait() &;
1753   /// Blocks until this Future is complete.
1754   ///
1755   /// Preconditions:
1756   ///
1757   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1758   ///
1759   /// Postconditions:
1760   ///
1761   /// - `valid() == true` (but the calling code can trivially move-out `*this`
1762   ///   by assigning or constructing the result into a distinct object).
1763   /// - `&RESULT == this`
1764   /// - `isReady() == true`
1765   Future<T>&& wait() &&;
1767   /// Blocks until this Future is complete, or `dur` elapses.
1768   ///
1769   /// Preconditions:
1770   ///
1771   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1772   ///
1773   /// Postconditions:
1774   ///
1775   /// - `valid() == true` (so you may call `wait(...)` repeatedly)
1776   /// - `&RESULT == this`
1777   /// - `isReady()` will be indeterminate - may or may not be true
1778   Future<T>& wait(HighResDuration dur) &;
1780   /// Blocks until this Future is complete or until `dur` passes.
1781   ///
1782   /// Preconditions:
1783   ///
1784   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1785   ///
1786   /// Postconditions:
1787   ///
1788   /// - `valid() == true` (but the calling code can trivially move-out `*this`
1789   ///   by assigning or constructing the result into a distinct object).
1790   /// - `&RESULT == this`
1791   /// - `isReady()` will be indeterminate - may or may not be true
1792   Future<T>&& wait(HighResDuration dur) &&;
1794   /// Call e->drive() repeatedly until the future is fulfilled. Examples
1795   /// of DrivableExecutor include EventBase and ManualExecutor. Returns a
1796   /// reference to this Future so that you can chain calls if desired.
1797   /// value (moved-out), or throws the exception.
1798   ///
1799   /// Preconditions:
1800   ///
1801   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1802   ///
1803   /// Postconditions:
1804   ///
1805   /// - `valid() == true` (does not move-out `*this`)
1806   /// - `&RESULT == this`
1807   Future<T>& waitVia(DrivableExecutor* e) &;
1809   /// Overload of waitVia() for rvalue Futures
1810   ///
1811   /// Preconditions:
1812   ///
1813   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1814   ///
1815   /// Postconditions:
1816   ///
1817   /// - `valid() == true` (but the calling code can trivially move-out `*this`
1818   ///   by assigning or constructing the result into a distinct object).
1819   /// - `&RESULT == this`
1820   Future<T>&& waitVia(DrivableExecutor* e) &&;
1822   /// As waitVia but may return early after dur passes.
1823   ///
1824   /// Preconditions:
1825   ///
1826   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1827   ///
1828   /// Postconditions:
1829   ///
1830   /// - `valid() == true` (does not move-out `*this`)
1831   /// - `&RESULT == this`
1832   Future<T>& waitVia(TimedDrivableExecutor* e, HighResDuration dur) &;
1834   /// Overload of waitVia() for rvalue Futures
1835   /// As waitVia but may return early after dur passes.
1836   ///
1837   /// Preconditions:
1838   ///
1839   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1840   ///
1841   /// Postconditions:
1842   ///
1843   /// - `valid() == true` (but the calling code can trivially move-out `*this`
1844   ///   by assigning or constructing the result into a distinct object).
1845   /// - `&RESULT == this`
1846   Future<T>&& waitVia(TimedDrivableExecutor* e, HighResDuration dur) &&;
1848   /// If the value in this Future is equal to the given Future, when they have
1849   /// both completed, the value of the resulting Future<bool> will be true. It
1850   /// will be false otherwise (including when one or both Futures have an
1851   /// exception)
1852   Future<bool> willEqual(Future<T>&);
1854   /// predicate behaves like std::function<bool(T const&)>
1855   /// If the predicate does not obtain with the value, the result
1856   /// is a folly::FuturePredicateDoesNotObtain exception
1857   ///
1858   /// Preconditions:
1859   ///
1860   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1861   ///
1862   /// Postconditions:
1863   ///
1864   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1865   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1866   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1867   template <class F>
1868   Future<T> filter(F&& predicate) &&;
1870   /// Like reduce, but works on a Future<std::vector<T / Try<T>>>, for example
1871   /// the result of collect or collectAll
1872   ///
1873   /// Preconditions:
1874   ///
1875   /// - `valid() == true` (else throws FutureInvalid)
1876   ///
1877   /// Postconditions:
1878   ///
1879   /// - Calling code should act as if `valid() == false`,
1880   ///   i.e., as if `*this` was moved into RESULT.
1881   /// - `RESULT.valid() == true`
1882   template <class I, class F>
1883   Future<I> reduce(I&& initial, F&& func) &&;
1885   /// Moves-out `*this`, creating/returning a corresponding SemiFuture.
1886   /// Result will behave like `*this` except result won't have an Executor.
1887   ///
1888   /// Postconditions:
1889   ///
1890   /// - `RESULT.valid() ==` the original value of `this->valid()`
1891   /// - RESULT will not have an Executor regardless of whether `*this` had one
semi()1892   SemiFuture<T> semi() && { return SemiFuture<T>{std::move(*this)}; }
1896   // Overload needed to customise behaviour of awaiting a Future<T>
1897   // inside a folly::coro::Task coroutine.
co_viaIfAsync(folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> executor,Future<T> && future)1898   friend Future<T> co_viaIfAsync(
1899       folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, Future<T>&& future) noexcept {
1900     return std::move(future).via(std::move(executor));
1901   }
1903 #endif
1905  protected:
1906   friend class Promise<T>;
1907   template <class>
1908   friend class futures::detail::FutureBase;
1909   template <class>
1910   friend class Future;
1911   template <class>
1912   friend class SemiFuture;
1913   template <class>
1914   friend class FutureSplitter;
1916   using Base::setExecutor;
1917   using Base::throwIfContinued;
1918   using Base::throwIfInvalid;
1919   using typename Base::Core;
Future(Core * obj)1921   explicit Future(Core* obj) : Base(obj) {}
Future(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct)1923   explicit Future(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct) noexcept
1924       : Base(futures::detail::EmptyConstruct{}) {}
1926   template <class T2>
1927   friend Future<T2> makeFuture(Try<T2>);
1929   template <class FT>
1930   friend Future<FT> futures::detail::convertFuture(
1931       SemiFuture<FT>&& sf, const Future<FT>& f);
1933   using Base::detach;
1934   template <class T2>
1935   friend void futures::detachOn(
1936       folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> exec, folly::SemiFuture<T2>&& fut);
1937 };
1939 /// A Timekeeper handles the details of keeping time and fulfilling delay
1940 /// promises. The returned Future<Unit> will either complete after the
1941 /// elapsed time, or in the event of some kind of exceptional error may hold
1942 /// an exception. These Futures respond to cancellation. If you use a lot of
1943 /// Delays and many of them ultimately are unneeded (as would be the case for
1944 /// Delays that are used to trigger timeouts of async operations), then you
1945 /// can and should cancel them to reclaim resources.
1946 ///
1947 /// Users will typically get one of these via Future::sleep(HighResDuration dur)
1948 /// or use them implicitly behind the scenes by passing a timeout to some Future
1949 /// operation.
1950 ///
1951 /// Although we don't formally alias Delay = Future<Unit>,
1952 /// that's an appropriate term for it. People will probably also call these
1953 /// Timeouts, and that's ok I guess, but that term is so overloaded I thought
1954 /// it made sense to introduce a cleaner term.
1955 ///
1956 /// Remember that HighResDuration is a std::chrono duration (millisecond
1957 /// resolution at the time of writing). When writing code that uses specific
1958 /// durations, prefer using the explicit std::chrono type, e.g.
1959 /// std::chrono::milliseconds over HighResDuration. This makes the code more
1960 /// legible and means you won't be unpleasantly surprised if we redefine
1961 /// HighResDuration to microseconds, or something.
1962 ///
1963 ///   timekeeper.after(std::chrono::duration_cast<HighResDuration>(someNanoseconds))
1964 class Timekeeper {
1965  public:
1966   virtual ~Timekeeper() = default;
1968   /// Returns a future that will complete after the given duration with the
1969   /// elapsed time. Exceptional errors can happen but they must be
1970   /// exceptional. Use the steady (monotonic) clock.
1971   ///
1972   /// The consumer thread may cancel this Future to reclaim resources.
1973   virtual SemiFuture<Unit> after(HighResDuration dur) = 0;
1975   /// Unsafe version of after that returns an inline Future.
1976   /// Any work added to this future will run inline on the Timekeeper's thread.
1977   /// This can potentially cause problems with timing.
1978   ///
1979   /// Please migrate to use after + a call to via with a valid, non-inline
1980   /// executor.
afterUnsafe(HighResDuration dur)1981   Future<Unit> afterUnsafe(HighResDuration dur) {
1982     return after(dur).toUnsafeFuture();
1983   }
1985   /// Returns a future that will complete at the requested time.
1986   ///
1987   /// You may cancel this SemiFuture to reclaim resources.
1988   ///
1989   /// NB This is sugar for `after(when - now)`, so while you are welcome to
1990   /// use a std::chrono::system_clock::time_point it will not track changes to
1991   /// the system clock but rather execute that many milliseconds in the future
1992   /// according to the steady clock.
1993   template <class Clock>
1994   SemiFuture<Unit> at(std::chrono::time_point<Clock> when);
1996   /// Unsafe version of at that returns an inline Future.
1997   /// Any work added to this future will run inline on the Timekeeper's thread.
1998   /// This can potentially cause problems with timing.
1999   ///
2000   /// Please migrate to use at + a call to via with a valid, non-inline
2001   /// executor.
2002   template <class Clock>
atUnsafe(std::chrono::time_point<Clock> when)2003   Future<Unit> atUnsafe(std::chrono::time_point<Clock> when) {
2004     return at(when).toUnsafeFuture();
2005   }
2006 };
2008 template <class T>
makePromiseContract(Executor::KeepAlive<> e)2009 std::pair<Promise<T>, Future<T>> makePromiseContract(Executor::KeepAlive<> e) {
2010   auto p = Promise<T>();
2011   auto f = p.getSemiFuture().via(std::move(e));
2012   return std::make_pair(std::move(p), std::move(f));
2013 }
2015 template <class F>
makeAsyncTask(folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> ka,F && func)2016 auto makeAsyncTask(folly::Executor::KeepAlive<> ka, F&& func) {
2017   return [func = static_cast<F&&>(func),
2018           ka = std::move(ka)](auto&& param) mutable {
2019     return via(
2020         ka,
2021         [func = std::move(func),
2022          param = static_cast<decltype(param)>(param)]() mutable {
2023           return static_cast<F&&>(func)(static_cast<decltype(param)&&>(param));
2024         });
2025   };
2026 }
2028 /// This namespace is for utility functions that would usually be static
2029 /// members of Future, except they don't make sense there because they don't
2030 /// depend on the template type (rather, on the type of their arguments in
2031 /// some cases). This is the least-bad naming scheme we could think of. Some
2032 /// of the functions herein have really-likely-to-collide names, like "map"
2033 /// and "sleep".
2034 namespace futures {
2035 /// Returns a Future that will complete after the specified duration. The
2036 /// HighResDuration typedef of a `std::chrono` duration type indicates the
2037 /// resolution you can expect to be meaningful (milliseconds at the time of
2038 /// writing). Normally you wouldn't need to specify a Timekeeper, we will
2039 /// use the global futures timekeeper (we run a thread whose job it is to
2040 /// keep time for futures timeouts) but we provide the option for power
2041 /// users.
2042 ///
2043 /// The Timekeeper thread will be lazily created the first time it is
2044 /// needed. If your program never uses any timeouts or other time-based
2045 /// Futures you will pay no Timekeeper thread overhead.
2046 SemiFuture<Unit> sleep(HighResDuration, Timekeeper* = nullptr);
2047 [[deprecated(
2048     "futures::sleep now returns a SemiFuture<Unit>. "
2049     "sleepUnsafe is deprecated. "
2050     "Please call futures::sleep and apply an executor with .via")]] Future<Unit>
2051 sleepUnsafe(HighResDuration, Timekeeper* = nullptr);
2053 /**
2054  * Set func as the callback for each input Future and return a vector of
2055  * Futures containing the results in the input order.
2056  */
2057 template <
2058     class It,
2059     class F,
2060     class ItT = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type,
2061     class Tag = std::enable_if_t<is_invocable_v<F, typename ItT::value_type&&>>,
2062     class Result = typename decltype(std::declval<ItT>().thenValue(
2063         std::declval<F>()))::value_type>
2064 std::vector<Future<Result>> mapValue(It first, It last, F func);
2066 /**
2067  * Set func as the callback for each input Future and return a vector of
2068  * Futures containing the results in the input order.
2069  */
2070 template <
2071     class It,
2072     class F,
2073     class ItT = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type,
2074     class Tag =
2075         std::enable_if_t<!is_invocable_v<F, typename ItT::value_type&&>>,
2076     class Result = typename decltype(std::declval<ItT>().thenTry(
2077         std::declval<F>()))::value_type>
2078 std::vector<Future<Result>> mapTry(It first, It last, F func, int = 0);
2080 /**
2081  * Set func as the callback for each input Future and return a vector of
2082  * Futures containing the results in the input order and completing on
2083  * exec.
2084  */
2085 template <
2086     class It,
2087     class F,
2088     class ItT = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type,
2089     class Tag = std::enable_if_t<is_invocable_v<F, typename ItT::value_type&&>>,
2090     class Result =
2091         typename decltype(std::move(std::declval<ItT>())
2092                               .via(std::declval<Executor*>())
2093                               .thenValue(std::declval<F>()))::value_type>
2094 std::vector<Future<Result>> mapValue(Executor& exec, It first, It last, F func);
2096 /**
2097  * Set func as the callback for each input Future and return a vector of
2098  * Futures containing the results in the input order and completing on
2099  * exec.
2100  */
2101 template <
2102     class It,
2103     class F,
2104     class ItT = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type,
2105     class Tag =
2106         std::enable_if_t<!is_invocable_v<F, typename ItT::value_type&&>>,
2107     class Result =
2108         typename decltype(std::move(std::declval<ItT>())
2109                               .via(std::declval<Executor*>())
2110                               .thenTry(std::declval<F>()))::value_type>
2111 std::vector<Future<Result>> mapTry(
2112     Executor& exec, It first, It last, F func, int = 0);
2114 // Sugar for the most common case
2115 template <class Collection, class F>
2116 auto mapValue(Collection&& c, F&& func)
2117     -> decltype(mapValue(c.begin(), c.end(), func)) {
2118   return mapValue(c.begin(), c.end(), static_cast<F&&>(func));
2119 }
2121 template <class Collection, class F>
2122 auto mapTry(Collection&& c, F&& func)
2123     -> decltype(mapTry(c.begin(), c.end(), func)) {
2124   return mapTry(c.begin(), c.end(), static_cast<F&&>(func));
2125 }
2127 // Sugar for the most common case
2128 template <class Collection, class F>
2129 auto mapValue(Executor& exec, Collection&& c, F&& func)
2130     -> decltype(mapValue(exec, c.begin(), c.end(), func)) {
2131   return mapValue(exec, c.begin(), c.end(), static_cast<F&&>(func));
2132 }
2134 template <class Collection, class F>
2135 auto mapTry(Executor& exec, Collection&& c, F&& func)
2136     -> decltype(mapTry(exec, c.begin(), c.end(), func)) {
2137   return mapTry(exec, c.begin(), c.end(), static_cast<F&&>(func));
2138 }
2140 /// Carry out the computation contained in the given future if
2141 /// the predicate holds.
2142 ///
2143 /// thunk behaves like std::function<Future<T2>(void)> or
2144 /// std::function<SemiFuture<T2>(void)>
2145 template <class F>
2146 auto when(bool p, F&& thunk)
2147     -> decltype(std::declval<invoke_result_t<F>>().unit());
2150 SemiFuture<Unit> wait(std::unique_ptr<fibers::Baton> baton);
2151 SemiFuture<Unit> wait(std::shared_ptr<fibers::Baton> baton);
2152 #endif
2154 /**
2155  * Returns a lazy SemiFuture constructed by f, which also ensures that ensure is
2156  * called before completion.
2157  * f doesn't get called until the SemiFuture is activated (e.g. through a .get()
2158  * or .via() call). If f gets called, ensure is guaranteed to be called as well.
2159  */
2160 template <typename F, class Ensure>
2161 auto ensure(F&& f, Ensure&& ensure);
2163 } // namespace futures
2165 /**
2166   Make a completed SemiFuture by moving in a value. e.g.
2168     string foo = "foo";
2169     auto f = makeSemiFuture(std::move(foo));
2171   or
2173     auto f = makeSemiFuture<string>("foo");
2174 */
2175 template <class T>
2176 SemiFuture<typename std::decay<T>::type> makeSemiFuture(T&& t);
2178 /** Make a completed void SemiFuture. */
2179 SemiFuture<Unit> makeSemiFuture();
2181 /**
2182   Make a SemiFuture by executing a function.
2184   If the function returns a value of type T, makeSemiFutureWith
2185   returns a completed SemiFuture<T>, capturing the value returned
2186   by the function.
2188   If the function returns a SemiFuture<T> already, makeSemiFutureWith
2189   returns just that.
2191   Either way, if the function throws, a failed Future is
2192   returned that captures the exception.
2193 */
2195 // makeSemiFutureWith(SemiFuture<T>()) -> SemiFuture<T>
2196 template <class F>
2197 typename std::enable_if<
2198     isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value,
2199     SemiFuture<typename invoke_result_t<F>::value_type>>::type
2200 makeSemiFutureWith(F&& func);
2202 // makeSemiFutureWith(T()) -> SemiFuture<T>
2203 // makeSemiFutureWith(void()) -> SemiFuture<Unit>
2204 template <class F>
2205 typename std::enable_if<
2206     !(isFutureOrSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value),
2207     SemiFuture<lift_unit_t<invoke_result_t<F>>>>::type
2208 makeSemiFutureWith(F&& func);
2210 /// Make a failed Future from an exception_ptr.
2211 /// Because the Future's type cannot be inferred you have to specify it, e.g.
2212 ///
2213 ///   auto f = makeSemiFuture<string>(std::current_exception());
2214 template <class T>
2215 [[deprecated("use makeSemiFuture(exception_wrapper)")]] SemiFuture<T>
2216 makeSemiFuture(std::exception_ptr const& e);
2218 /// Make a failed SemiFuture from an exception_wrapper.
2219 template <class T>
2220 SemiFuture<T> makeSemiFuture(exception_wrapper ew);
2222 /** Make a SemiFuture from an exception type E that can be passed to
2223   std::make_exception_ptr(). */
2224 template <class T, class E>
2225 typename std::
2226     enable_if<std::is_base_of<std::exception, E>::value, SemiFuture<T>>::type
2227     makeSemiFuture(E const& e);
2229 /** Make a Future out of a Try */
2230 template <class T>
2231 SemiFuture<T> makeSemiFuture(Try<T> t);
2233 /**
2234   Make a completed Future by moving in a value. e.g.
2236     string foo = "foo";
2237     auto f = makeFuture(std::move(foo));
2239   or
2241     auto f = makeFuture<string>("foo");
2243   NOTE: This function is deprecated. Please use makeSemiFuture and pass the
2244        appropriate executor to .via on the returned SemiFuture to get a
2245        valid Future where necessary.
2246 */
2247 template <class T>
2248 Future<typename std::decay<T>::type> makeFuture(T&& t);
2250 /**
2251   Make a completed void Future.
2253   NOTE: This function is deprecated. Please use makeSemiFuture and pass the
2254        appropriate executor to .via on the returned SemiFuture to get a
2255        valid Future where necessary.
2256  */
2257 Future<Unit> makeFuture();
2259 /**
2260   Make a Future by executing a function.
2262   If the function returns a value of type T, makeFutureWith
2263   returns a completed Future<T>, capturing the value returned
2264   by the function.
2266   If the function returns a Future<T> already, makeFutureWith
2267   returns just that.
2269   Either way, if the function throws, a failed Future is
2270   returned that captures the exception.
2272   Calling makeFutureWith(func) is equivalent to calling
2273   makeFuture().then(func).
2275   NOTE: This function is deprecated. Please use makeSemiFutureWith and pass the
2276        appropriate executor to .via on the returned SemiFuture to get a
2277        valid Future where necessary.
2278 */
2280 // makeFutureWith(Future<T>()) -> Future<T>
2281 template <class F>
2282 typename std::
2283     enable_if<isFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value, invoke_result_t<F>>::type
2284     makeFutureWith(F&& func);
2286 // makeFutureWith(T()) -> Future<T>
2287 // makeFutureWith(void()) -> Future<Unit>
2288 template <class F>
2289 typename std::enable_if<
2290     !(isFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value),
2291     Future<lift_unit_t<invoke_result_t<F>>>>::type
2292 makeFutureWith(F&& func);
2294 /// Make a failed Future from an exception_ptr.
2295 /// Because the Future's type cannot be inferred you have to specify it, e.g.
2296 ///
2297 ///   auto f = makeFuture<string>(std::current_exception());
2298 template <class T>
2299 [[deprecated("use makeSemiFuture(exception_wrapper)")]] Future<T> makeFuture(
2300     std::exception_ptr const& e);
2302 /// Make a failed Future from an exception_wrapper.
2303 /// NOTE: This function is deprecated. Please use makeSemiFuture and pass the
2304 ///     appropriate executor to .via on the returned SemiFuture to get a
2305 ///     valid Future where necessary.
2306 template <class T>
2307 Future<T> makeFuture(exception_wrapper ew);
2309 /** Make a Future from an exception type E that can be passed to
2310   std::make_exception_ptr().
2312   NOTE: This function is deprecated. Please use makeSemiFuture and pass the
2313        appropriate executor to .via on the returned SemiFuture to get a
2314        valid Future where necessary.
2315  */
2316 template <class T, class E>
2317 typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<std::exception, E>::value, Future<T>>::
2318     type
2319     makeFuture(E const& e);
2321 /**
2322   Make a Future out of a Try
2324   NOTE: This function is deprecated. Please use makeSemiFuture and pass the
2325        appropriate executor to .via on the returned SemiFuture to get a
2326        valid Future where necessary.
2327  */
2328 template <class T>
2329 Future<T> makeFuture(Try<T> t);
2331 /*
2332  * Return a new Future that will call back on the given Executor.
2333  * This is just syntactic sugar for makeFuture().via(executor)
2334  *
2335  * @param executor the Executor to call back on
2336  * @param priority optionally, the priority to add with. Defaults to 0 which
2337  * represents medium priority.
2338  *
2339  * @returns a void Future that will call back on the given executor
2340  */
2341 inline Future<Unit> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor);
2342 inline Future<Unit> via(Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, int8_t priority);
2344 /// Execute a function via the given executor and return a future.
2345 /// This is semantically equivalent to via(executor).then(func), but
2346 /// easier to read and slightly more efficient.
2347 template <class Func>
2348 auto via(Executor::KeepAlive<>, Func&& func) -> Future<
2349     typename isFutureOrSemiFuture<decltype(std::declval<Func>()())>::Inner>;
2351 /** When all the input Futures complete, the returned Future will complete.
2352   Errors do not cause early termination; this Future will always succeed
2353   after all its Futures have finished (whether successfully or with an
2354   error).
2356   The Futures are moved in, so your copies are invalid. If you need to
2357   chain further from these Futures, use the variant with an output iterator.
2359   This function is thread-safe for Futures running on different threads. But
2360   if you are doing anything non-trivial after, you will probably want to
2361   follow with `via(executor)` because it will complete in whichever thread the
2362   last Future completes in.
2364   The return type for Future<T> input is a SemiFuture<std::vector<Try<T>>>
2365   for collectX.
2367   collectXUnsafe returns an inline Future that erases the executor from the
2368   incoming Futures/SemiFutures. collectXUnsafe should be phased out and
2369   replaced with collectX(...).via(e) where e is a valid non-inline executor.
2370   */
2371 // Unsafe variant, see above comment for details
2372 template <class InputIterator>
2373 Future<std::vector<
2374     Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>>
2375 collectAllUnsafe(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2377 // Unsafe variant sugar, see above comment for details
2378 template <class Collection>
2379 auto collectAllUnsafe(Collection&& c)
2380     -> decltype(collectAllUnsafe(c.begin(), c.end())) {
2381   return collectAllUnsafe(c.begin(), c.end());
2382 }
2384 template <class InputIterator>
2385 SemiFuture<std::vector<
2386     Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>>
2387 collectAll(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2389 template <class Collection>
2390 auto collectAll(Collection&& c) -> decltype(collectAll(c.begin(), c.end())) {
2391   return collectAll(c.begin(), c.end());
2392 }
2394 // Unsafe variant of collectAll, see comment above for details. Returns
2395 // a Future<std::tuple<Try<T1>, Try<T2>, ...>> on the Inline executor.
2396 template <typename... Fs>
2397 Future<std::tuple<Try<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type>...>>
2398 collectAllUnsafe(Fs&&... fs);
2400 /// This version takes a varying number of Futures instead of an iterator.
2401 /// The return type for (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, ...) input
2402 /// is a SemiFuture<std::tuple<Try<T1>, Try<T2>, ...>>.
2403 /// The Futures are moved in, so your copies are invalid.
2404 template <typename... Fs>
2405 SemiFuture<std::tuple<Try<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type>...>>
2406 collectAll(Fs&&... fs);
2408 /// Like collectAll, but will short circuit on the first exception. Thus, the
2409 /// type of the returned SemiFuture is std::vector<T> instead of
2410 /// std::vector<Try<T>>
2411 template <class InputIterator>
2412 SemiFuture<std::vector<
2413     typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>
2414 collect(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2416 /// Sugar for the most common case
2417 template <class Collection>
2418 auto collect(Collection&& c) -> decltype(collect(c.begin(), c.end())) {
2419   return collect(c.begin(), c.end());
2420 }
2422 // Unsafe variant of collect. Returns a Future<std::vector<T>> that
2423 // completes inline.
2424 template <class InputIterator>
2425 Future<std::vector<
2426     typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>
2427 collectUnsafe(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2429 /// Sugar for the most common unsafe case. Returns a Future<std::vector<T>>
2430 // that completes inline.
2431 template <class Collection>
2432 auto collectUnsafe(Collection&& c)
2433     -> decltype(collectUnsafe(c.begin(), c.end())) {
2434   return collectUnsafe(c.begin(), c.end());
2435 }
2437 /// Like collectAll, but will short circuit on the first exception. Thus, the
2438 /// type of the returned SemiFuture is std::tuple<T1, T2, ...> instead of
2439 /// std::tuple<Try<T1>, Try<T2>, ...>
2440 template <typename... Fs>
2441 SemiFuture<std::tuple<typename remove_cvref_t<Fs>::value_type...>> collect(
2442     Fs&&... fs);
2444 /** The result is a pair of the index of the first Future to complete and
2445   the Try. If multiple Futures complete at the same time (or are already
2446   complete when passed in), the "winner" is chosen non-deterministically.
2448   This function is thread-safe for Futures running on different threads.
2449   */
2450 template <class InputIterator>
2451 SemiFuture<std::pair<
2452     size_t,
2453     Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>>
2454 collectAny(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2456 /// Sugar for the most common case
2457 template <class Collection>
2458 auto collectAny(Collection&& c) -> decltype(collectAny(c.begin(), c.end())) {
2459   return collectAny(c.begin(), c.end());
2460 }
2462 /** Similar to collectAny, collectAnyWithoutException return the first Future to
2463  * complete without exceptions. If none of the future complete without
2464  * exceptions, the last exception will be returned as a result.
2465  */
2466 template <class InputIterator>
2467 SemiFuture<std::pair<
2468     size_t,
2469     typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>
2470 collectAnyWithoutException(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
2472 /// Sugar for the most common case
2473 template <class Collection>
2474 auto collectAnyWithoutException(Collection&& c)
2475     -> decltype(collectAnyWithoutException(c.begin(), c.end())) {
2476   return collectAnyWithoutException(c.begin(), c.end());
2477 }
2479 /** when n Futures have completed, the Future completes with a vector of
2480   the index and Try of those n Futures (the indices refer to the original
2481   order, but the result vector will be in an arbitrary order)
2483   Not thread safe.
2484   */
2485 template <class InputIterator>
2486 SemiFuture<std::vector<std::pair<
2487     size_t,
2488     Try<typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>>>
2489 collectN(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, size_t n);
2491 /// Sugar for the most common case
2492 template <class Collection>
2493 auto collectN(Collection&& c, size_t n)
2494     -> decltype(collectN(c.begin(), c.end(), n)) {
2495   return collectN(c.begin(), c.end(), n);
2496 }
2498 /** window creates up to n Futures using the values
2499     in the collection, and then another Future for each Future
2500     that completes
2502     this is basically a sliding window of Futures of size n
2504     func must return a Future for each value in input
2505   */
2506 template <
2507     class Collection,
2508     class F,
2509     class ItT = typename std::iterator_traits<
2510         typename Collection::iterator>::value_type,
2511     class Result = typename invoke_result_t<F, ItT&&>::value_type>
2512 std::vector<Future<Result>> window(Collection input, F func, size_t n);
2514 template <
2515     class Collection,
2516     class F,
2517     class ItT = typename std::iterator_traits<
2518         typename Collection::iterator>::value_type,
2519     class Result = typename invoke_result_t<F, ItT&&>::value_type>
2520 std::vector<Future<Result>> window(
2521     Executor::KeepAlive<> executor, Collection input, F func, size_t n);
2523 template <typename F, typename T, typename ItT>
2524 using MaybeTryArg = typename std::
2525     conditional<is_invocable_v<F, T&&, Try<ItT>&&>, Try<ItT>, ItT>::type;
2527 /** repeatedly calls func on every result, e.g.
2528     reduce(reduce(reduce(T initial, result of first), result of second), ...)
2530     The type of the final result is a Future of the type of the initial value.
2532     Func can either return a T, or a Future<T>
2534     func is called in order of the input, see unorderedReduce if that is not
2535     a requirement
2536   */
2537 template <class It, class T, class F>
2538 Future<T> reduce(It first, It last, T&& initial, F&& func);
2540 /// Sugar for the most common case
2541 template <class Collection, class T, class F>
2542 auto reduce(Collection&& c, T&& initial, F&& func) -> decltype(folly::reduce(
2543     c.begin(), c.end(), static_cast<T&&>(initial), static_cast<F&&>(func))) {
2544   return folly::reduce(
2545       c.begin(), c.end(), static_cast<T&&>(initial), static_cast<F&&>(func));
2546 }
2548 /** like reduce, but calls func on finished futures as they complete
2549     does NOT keep the order of the input
2550   */
2551 template <class It, class T, class F>
2552 Future<T> unorderedReduce(It first, It last, T initial, F func);
2554 /// Sugar for the most common case
2555 template <class Collection, class T, class F>
2556 auto unorderedReduce(Collection&& c, T&& initial, F&& func)
2557     -> decltype(folly::unorderedReduce(
2558         c.begin(),
2559         c.end(),
2560         static_cast<T&&>(initial),
2561         static_cast<F&&>(func))) {
2562   return folly::unorderedReduce(
2563       c.begin(), c.end(), static_cast<T&&>(initial), static_cast<F&&>(func));
2564 }
2566 /// Carry out the computation contained in the given future if
2567 /// while the predicate continues to hold.
2568 ///
2569 /// if thunk behaves like std::function<Future<T2>(void)>
2570 ///    returns Future<Unit>
2571 /// if thunk behaves like std::function<SemiFuture<T2>(void)>
2572 ///    returns SemiFuture<Unit>
2573 /// predicate behaves like std::function<bool(void)>
2574 template <class P, class F>
2575 typename std::enable_if<isFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value, Future<Unit>>::type
2576 whileDo(P&& predicate, F&& thunk);
2577 template <class P, class F>
2578 typename std::
2579     enable_if<isSemiFuture<invoke_result_t<F>>::value, SemiFuture<Unit>>::type
2580     whileDo(P&& predicate, F&& thunk);
2582 /// Repeat the given future (i.e., the computation it contains) n times.
2583 ///
2584 /// thunk behaves like
2585 ///   std::function<Future<T2>(void)>
2586 /// or
2587 ///   std::function<SemiFuture<T2>(void)>
2588 template <class F>
2589 auto times(int n, F&& thunk);
2590 } // namespace folly
2594 namespace folly {
2595 namespace detail {
2597 template <typename T>
2598 class FutureAwaiter {
2599  public:
FutureAwaiter(folly::Future<T> && future)2600   explicit FutureAwaiter(folly::Future<T>&& future) noexcept
2601       : future_(std::move(future)) {}
await_ready()2603   bool await_ready() {
2604     if (future_.isReady()) {
2605       result_ = std::move(future_.result());
2606       return true;
2607     }
2608     return false;
2609   }
await_resume()2611   T await_resume() { return std::move(result_).value(); }
await_resume_try()2613   Try<drop_unit_t<T>> await_resume_try() {
2614     return static_cast<Try<drop_unit_t<T>>>(std::move(result_));
2615   }
await_suspend(coro::coroutine_handle<> h)2617   FOLLY_CORO_AWAIT_SUSPEND_NONTRIVIAL_ATTRIBUTES void await_suspend(
2618       coro::coroutine_handle<> h) {
2619     // FutureAwaiter may get destroyed as soon as the callback is executed.
2620     // Make sure the future object doesn't get destroyed until setCallback_
2621     // returns.
2622     auto future = std::move(future_);
2623     future.setCallback_(
2624         [this, h](Executor::KeepAlive<>&&, Try<T>&& result) mutable {
2625           result_ = std::move(result);
2626           h.resume();
2627         });
2628   }
2630  private:
2631   folly::Future<T> future_;
2632   folly::Try<T> result_;
2633 };
2635 } // namespace detail
2637 template <typename T>
2638 inline detail::FutureAwaiter<T>
co_await(Future<T> && future)2639 /* implicit */ operator co_await(Future<T>&& future) noexcept {
2640   return detail::FutureAwaiter<T>(std::move(future));
2641 }
2643 } // namespace folly
2644 #endif
2646 #include <folly/futures/Future-inl.h>