1## -*- tcl -*-
2# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
3## Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Andreas Kupries.
5# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
6# you should have received as part of this distribution.
8# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
9# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
10# history and logs, available at http://fossil-scm.hwaci.com/fossil
11# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
13## Revisions per project, aka Changesets. These objects are first used
14## in pass 5, which creates the initial set covering the repository.
16# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
17## Requirements
19package require Tcl 8.4                               ; # Required runtime.
20package require snit                                  ; # OO system.
21package require struct::set                           ; # Set operations.
22package require vc::tools::misc                       ; # Text formatting
23package require vc::tools::trouble                    ; # Error reporting.
24package require vc::tools::log                        ; # User feedback.
25package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::state        ; # State storage.
26package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::integrity    ; # State integrity checks.
28# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
31snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev {
32    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
33    ## Public API
35    constructor {project cstype srcid items {theid {}}} {
36	if {$theid ne ""} {
37	    set myid $theid
38	} else {
39	    set myid [incr mycounter]
40	}
42	integrity assert {
43	    [info exists mycstype($cstype)]
44	} {Bad changeset type '$cstype'.}
46	set myproject   $project
47	set mytype      $cstype
48	set mytypeobj   ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev::${cstype}
49	set mysrcid	$srcid
50	set myitems     $items
51	set mypos       {} ; # Commit location is not known yet.
53	foreach iid $items { lappend mytitems [list $cstype $iid] }
55	# Keep track of the generated changesets and of the inverse
56	# mapping from items to them.
57	lappend mychangesets   $self
58	lappend mytchangesets($cstype) $self
59	set     myidmap($myid) $self
61	MapItems $cstype $items
62	return
63    }
65    destructor {
66	# We may be able to get rid of this entirely, at least for
67	# (de)construction and pass InitCSets.
69	UnmapItems $mytype $myitems
70	unset myidmap($myid)
72	set pos                    [lsearch -exact $mychangesets $self]
73	set mychangesets           [lreplace       $mychangesets $pos $pos]
74	set pos                    [lsearch -exact $mytchangesets($mytype) $self]
75	set mytchangesets($mytype) [lreplace       $mytchangesets($mytype) $pos $pos]
76	return
77    }
79    method str {} {
80	set str    "<"
81	set detail ""
82	if {[$mytypeobj bysymbol]} {
83	    set detail " '[state one {
84		SELECT S.name
85		FROM   symbol S
86		WHERE  S.sid = $mysrcid
87	    }]'"
88	}
89	append str "$mytype ${myid}${detail}>"
90	return $str
91    }
93    method lod {} {
94	return [$mytypeobj cs_lod $mysrcid $myitems]
95    }
97    method id    {} { return $myid }
98    method items {} { return $mytitems }
99    method data  {} { return [list $myproject $mytype $mysrcid] }
101    delegate method bysymbol   to mytypeobj
102    delegate method byrevision to mytypeobj
103    delegate method isbranch   to mytypeobj
104    delegate method istag      to mytypeobj
106    method setpos {p} { set mypos $p ; return }
107    method pos    {}  { return $mypos }
109    method determinesuccessors {} {
110	# Pass 6 operation. Compute project-level dependencies from
111	# the file-level data and save it back to the state. This may
112	# be called during the cycle breaker passes as well, to adjust
113	# the successor information of changesets which are the
114	# predecessors of dropped changesets. For them we have to
115	# remove their existing information first before inserting the
116	# new data.
117	state run {
118	    DELETE FROM cssuccessor WHERE cid = $myid;
119	}
120	set loop 0
121	# TODO: Check other uses of cs_sucessors.
122	# TODO: Consider merging cs_sucessor's SELECT with the INSERT here.
123	foreach nid [$mytypeobj cs_successors $myitems] {
124	    state run {
125		INSERT INTO cssuccessor (cid,  nid)
126		VALUES                  ($myid,$nid)
127	    }
128	    if {$nid == $myid} { set loop 1 }
129	}
130	# Report after the complete structure has been saved.
131	if {$loop} { $self reportloop }
132	return
133    }
135    # result = list (changeset)
136    method successors {} {
137	# Use the data saved by pass 6.
138	return [struct::list map [state run {
139	    SELECT S.nid
140	    FROM   cssuccessor S
141	    WHERE  S.cid = $myid
142	}] [mytypemethod of]]
143    }
145    # item -> list (item)
146    method nextmap {} {
147	$mytypeobj successors tmp $myitems
148	return [array get tmp]
149    }
151    method breakinternaldependencies {cv} {
152	upvar 1 $cv counter
153	log write 14 csets {[$self str] BID}
154	vc::tools::mem::mark
156	# This method inspects the changeset, looking for internal
157	# dependencies. Nothing is done if there are no such.
159	# Otherwise the changeset is split into a set of fragments
160	# which have no internal dependencies, transforming the
161	# internal dependencies into external ones. The new changesets
162	# generated from the fragment information are added to the
163	# list of all changesets (by the caller).
165	# The code checks only successor dependencies, as this auto-
166	# matically covers the predecessor dependencies as well (Any
167	# successor dependency a -> b is also a predecessor dependency
168	# b -> a).
170	array set breaks {}
172	set fragments [BreakDirectDependencies $myitems breaks]
174	if {![llength $fragments]} { return {} }
176	return [$self CreateFromFragments $fragments counter breaks]
177    }
179    method persist {} {
180	set tid $mycstype($mytype)
181	set pid [$myproject id]
182	set pos 0
184	state transaction {
185	    state run {
186		INSERT INTO changeset (cid,   pid,  type, src)
187		VALUES                ($myid, $pid, $tid, $mysrcid);
188	    }
190	    foreach iid $myitems {
191		state run {
192		    INSERT INTO csitem (cid,   pos,  iid)
193		    VALUES             ($myid, $pos, $iid);
194		}
195		incr pos
196	    }
197	}
198	return
199    }
201    method timerange {} { return [$mytypeobj timerange $myitems] }
203    method limits {} {
204	struct::list assign [$mytypeobj limits $myitems] maxp mins
205	return [list [TagItemDict $maxp $mytype] [TagItemDict $mins $mytype]]
206    }
208    method drop {} {
209	log write 8 csets {Dropping $self = [$self str]}
211	state transaction {
212	    state run {
213		DELETE FROM changeset   WHERE cid = $myid;
214		DELETE FROM csitem      WHERE cid = $myid;
215		DELETE FROM cssuccessor WHERE cid = $myid;
216	    }
217	}
219	# Return the list of predecessors so that they can be adjusted.
220	return [struct::list map [state run {
221	    SELECT cid
222	    FROM   cssuccessor
223	    WHERE  nid = $myid
224	}] [mytypemethod of]]
225    }
227    method reportloop {{kill 1}} {
228	# We print the items which are producing the loop, and how.
230	set hdr "Self-referential changeset [$self str] __________________"
231	set ftr [regsub -all {[^ 	]} $hdr {_}]
233	log write 0 csets $hdr
234	foreach {item nextitem} [$mytypeobj loops $myitems] {
235	    # Create tagged items from the id and our type.
236	    set item     [list $mytype  $item]
237	    set nextitem [list $mytype $nextitem]
238	    # Printable labels.
239	    set i  "<[$type itemstr $item]>"
240	    set n  "<[$type itemstr $nextitem]>"
241	    set ncs $myitemmap($nextitem)
242	    # Print
243	    log write 0 csets {* $i --> $n --> cs [$ncs str]}
244	}
245	log write 0 csets $ftr
247	if {!$kill} return
248	trouble internal "[$self str] depends on itself"
249	return
250    }
252    method pushto {repository date rstate} {
253	# Generate and import the manifest for this changeset.
254	#
255	# Data needed:
256	# - Commit message               (-- mysrcid -> repository meta)
257	# - User doing the commit        (s.a.)
258	#
259	# - Timestamp of when committed  (command argument)
260	#
261	# - The parent changeset, if any. If there is no parent fossil
262	#   will use the empty base revision as parent.
263	#
264	# - List of the file revisions in the changeset.
266	# We derive the lod information directly from the revisions of
267	# the changeset, as the branch part of the meta data (s.a.) is
268	# outdated since pass FilterSymbols. See the method 'run' in
269	# file "c2f_pfiltersym.tcl" for more commentary on this.
271	set lodname [$self lod]
273	log write 2 csets {Importing changeset [$self str] on $lodname}
275	if {[$mytypeobj istag]} {
276	    # Handle tags. They appear immediately after the revision
277	    # they are attached to (*). We can assume that the
278	    # workspace for the relevant line of development
279	    # exists. We retrieve it, then the uuid of the last
280	    # revision entered into it, then tag this revision.
282	    # (*) Immediately in terms of the relevant line of
283	    #     development. Revisions on other lines may come in
284	    #     between, but they do not matter to that.
286	    set lws  [Getworkspace $rstate $lodname $myproject 0]
287	    set uuid [lindex [$lws getid] 1]
289	    $repository tag $uuid [state one {
290		SELECT S.name
291		FROM   symbol S
292		WHERE  S.sid = $mysrcid
293	    }]
295	} elseif {[$mytypeobj isbranch]} {
297	    # Handle branches. They appear immediately after the
298	    # revision they are spawned from (*). We can assume that
299	    # the workspace for the relevant line of development
300	    # exists.
302	    # We retrieve it, then the uuid of the last revision
303	    # entered into it. That revision is tagged as the root of
304	    # the branch (**). A new workspace for the branch is
305	    # created as well, for the future revisions of the new
306	    # line of development.
308	    # An exception is made of the non-trunk default branch,
309	    # aka vendor branch. This lod has to have a workspace not
310	    # inherited from anything else. It has no root either, so
311	    # tagging is out as well.
313	    # (*) Immediately in terms of the relevant line of
314	    #     development. Revisions on other lines may come in
315	    #     between, but they do not matter to that.
317	    # (**) Tagging the parent revision of the branch as its
318	    #      root is done to let us know about the existence of
319	    #      the branch even if it has no revisions committed to
320	    #      it, and thus no regular branch tag anywhere else.
321	    #      The name of the tag is the name for the lod, with
322	    #      the suffix '-root' appended to it.
324	    # LOD is self symbol of branch, not parent
325	    set lodname [state one {
326		SELECT S.name
327		FROM   symbol S
328		WHERE  S.sid = $mysrcid
329	    }]
331	    if {![$rstate has :trunk:]} {
332		# No trunk implies default branch. Just create the
333		# proper workspace.
334		Getworkspace $rstate $lodname $myproject 1
335	    } else {
336		# Non-default branch. Need workspace, and tag parent
337		# revision.
339		set lws [Getworkspace $rstate $lodname $myproject 0]
340		set uuid [lindex [$lws getid] 1]
342		$repository tag $uuid ${lodname}-root
343	    }
344	} else {
345	    # Revision changeset.
347	    struct::list assign [$myproject getmeta $mysrcid] __ __ user message
349	    # Perform the import. As part of that we determine the
350	    # parent we need, and convert the list of items in the
351	    # changeset into uuids and printable data.
353	    struct::list assign [Getisdefault $myitems] \
354		isdefault lastdefaultontrunk
356	    log write 8 csets {LOD    '$lodname'}
357	    log write 8 csets { def?  $isdefault}
358	    log write 8 csets { last? $lastdefaultontrunk}
360	    set lws  [Getworkspace    $rstate $lodname $myproject $isdefault]
361	    $lws add [Getrevisioninfo $myitems]
363	    struct::list assign \
364		[$repository importrevision [$self str] \
365		     $user $message $date \
366		     [lindex [$lws getid] 0] [$lws get]] \
367		rid uuid
369	    if {[$lws ticks] == 1} {
370		# First commit on this line of development. Set our
371		# own name as a propagating tag. And if the LOD has a
372		# parent we have to prevent the propagation of that
373		# tag into this new line.
375		set plws [$lws parent]
376		if {$plws ne ""} {
377		    $repository branchcancel $uuid [$plws name]
378		}
379		$repository branchmark $uuid [$lws name]
380	    }
382	    # Remember the imported changeset in the state, under our
383	    # LOD. And if it is the last trunk changeset on the vendor
384	    # branch then the revision is also the actual root of the
385	    # :trunk:, so we remember it as such in the state. However
386	    # if the trunk already exists then the changeset cannot be
387	    # on it any more. This indicates weirdness in the setup of
388	    # the vendor branch, but one we can work around.
390	    $lws defid [list $rid $uuid]
391	    if {$lastdefaultontrunk} {
392		log write 2 csets {This cset is the last on the NTDB, set the trunk workspace up}
394		if {[$rstate has :trunk:]} {
395		    log write 2 csets {Multiple changesets declared to be the last trunk changeset on the vendor-branch}
396		} else {
397		    $rstate new :trunk: [$lws name]
398		}
399	    }
400	}
402	log write 2 csets { }
403	log write 2 csets { }
404	return
405    }
407    proc Getrevisioninfo {revisions} {
408	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
409	set revisions {}
410	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
411	    SELECT U.uuid    AS frid,
412	           F.visible AS path,
413	           F.name    AS fname,
414	           R.rev     AS revnr,
415	           R.op      AS rop
416	    FROM   revision R, revuuid U, file F
417	    WHERE  R.rid IN $theset  -- All specified revisions
418	    AND    U.rid = R.rid     -- get fossil uuid of revision
419	    AND    F.fid = R.fid     -- get file of revision
420	}] {
421	    lappend revisions $frid $path $fname/$revnr $rop
422	}
423	return $revisions
424    }
426    proc Getworkspace {rstate lodname project isdefault} {
428	# The state object holds the workspace state of each known
429	# line-of-development (LOD), up to the last committed
430	# changeset belonging to that LOD.
432	# (*) Standard handling if in-LOD changesets. If the LOD of
433	#     the current changeset exists in the state (= has been
434	#     committed to) then this it has the workspace we are
435	#     looking for.
437	if {[$rstate has $lodname]} {
438	    return [$rstate get $lodname]
439	}
441	# If the LOD is however not yet known, then the current
442	# changeset can be either of
443	# (a) root of a vendor branch,
444	# (b) root of the trunk LOD, or
445	# (c) the first changeset in a new LOD which was spawned from
446	#     an existing LOD.
448	# For both (a) and (b) we have to create a new workspace for
449	# the lod, and it doesn't inherit from anything.
451	# One exception for (a). If we already have a :vendor: branch
452	# then multiple symbols were used for the vendor branch by
453	# different files. In that case the 'new' branch is made an
454	# alias of the :vendor:, effectively merging the symbols
455	# together.
457	# Note that case (b) may never occur. See the variable
458	# 'lastdefaultontrunk' in the caller (method pushto). This
459	# flag can the generation of the workspace for the :trunk: LOD
460	# as well, making it inherit the state of the last
461	# trunk-changeset on the vendor-branch.
463	if {$isdefault} {
464	    if {![$rstate has ":vendor:"]} {
465		# Create the vendor branch if not present already. We
466		# use the actual name for the lod, and additional make
467		# it accessible under an internal name (:vendor:) so
468		# that we can merge to it later, should it become
469		# necessary. See the other branch below.
470		$rstate new $lodname
471		$rstate dup :vendor: <-- $lodname
472	    } else {
473		# Merge the new symbol to the vendor branch
474		$rstate dup $lodname <-- :vendor:
475	    }
476	    return [$rstate get $lodname]
477	}
479	if {$lodname eq ":trunk:"} {
480	    return [$rstate new $lodname]
481	}
483	# Case (c). We find the parent LOD of our LOD and let the new
484	# workspace inherit from the parent's workspace.
486	set plodname [[[$project getsymbol $lodname] parent] name]
488	log write 8 csets {pLOD   '$plodname'}
490	if {[$rstate has $plodname]} {
491	    return [$rstate new $lodname $plodname]
492	}
494	foreach k [lsort [$rstate names]] {
495	    log write 8 csets {    $k = [[$rstate get $k] getid]}
496	}
498	trouble internal {Unable to determine changeset parent}
499	return
500    }
502    proc Getisdefault {revisions} {
503	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
505	struct::list assign [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
506	    SELECT R.isdefault, R.dbchild
507	    FROM   revision R
508	    WHERE  R.rid IN $theset  -- All specified revisions
509	    LIMIT 1
510	}]] def last
512	# TODO/CHECK: look for changesets where isdefault/dbchild is
513	# ambigous.
515	return [list $def [expr {$last ne ""}]]
516    }
518    typemethod split {cset args} {
519	# As part of the creation of the new changesets specified in
520	# ARGS as sets of items, all subsets of CSET's item set, CSET
521	# will be dropped from all databases, in and out of memory,
522	# and then destroyed.
523	#
524	# Note: The item lists found in args are tagged items. They
525	# have to have the same type as the changeset, being subsets
526	# of its items. This is checked in Untag1.
528	log write 8 csets {OLD: [lsort [$cset items]]}
529	ValidateFragments $cset $args
531	# All checks pass, actually perform the split.
533	struct::list assign [$cset data] project cstype cssrc
535	set predecessors [$cset drop]
536	$cset destroy
538	set newcsets {}
539	foreach fragmentitems $args {
540	    log write 8 csets {MAKE: [lsort $fragmentitems]}
542	    set fragment [$type %AUTO% $project $cstype $cssrc \
543			      [Untag $fragmentitems $cstype]]
544	    lappend newcsets $fragment
546	    $fragment persist
547	    $fragment determinesuccessors
548	}
550	# The predecessors have to recompute their successors, i.e.
551	# remove the dropped changeset and put one of the fragments
552	# into its place.
553	foreach p $predecessors {
554	    $p determinesuccessors
555	}
557	return $newcsets
558    }
560    typemethod itemstr {item} {
561	struct::list assign $item itype iid
562	return [$itype str $iid]
563    }
565    typemethod strlist {changesets} {
566	return [join [struct::list map $changesets [myproc ID]]]
567    }
569    proc ID {cset} { $cset str }
571    proc Untag {taggeditems cstype} {
572	return [struct::list map $taggeditems [myproc Untag1 $cstype]]
573    }
575    proc Untag1 {cstype theitem} {
576	struct::list assign $theitem t i
577	integrity assert {$cstype eq $t} {Item $i's type is '$t', expected '$cstype'}
578	return $i
579    }
581    proc TagItemDict {itemdict cstype} {
582	set res {}
583	foreach {i v} $itemdict { lappend res [list $cstype $i] $v }
584	return $res
585    }
587    proc ValidateFragments {cset fragments} {
588	# Check the various integrity constraints for the fragments
589	# specifying how to split the changeset:
590	#
591	# * We must have two or more fragments, as splitting a
592	#   changeset into one makes no sense.
593	# * No fragment may be empty.
594	# * All fragments have to be true subsets of the items in the
595	#   changeset to split. The 'true' is implied because none are
596	#   allowed to be empty, so each has to be smaller than the
597	#   total.
598	# * The union of the fragments has to be the item set of the
599	#   changeset.
600	# * The fragment must not overlap, i.e. their pairwise
601	#   intersections have to be empty.
603	set cover {}
604	foreach fragmentitems $fragments {
605	    log write 8 csets {NEW: [lsort $fragmentitems]}
607	    integrity assert {
608		![struct::set empty $fragmentitems]
609	    } {changeset fragment is empty}
611	    integrity assert {
612		[struct::set subsetof $fragmentitems [$cset items]]
613	    } {changeset fragment is not a subset}
614	    struct::set add cover $fragmentitems
615	}
617	integrity assert {
618	    [struct::set equal $cover [$cset items]]
619	 } {The fragments do not cover the original changeset}
621	set i 1
622	foreach fia $fragments {
623	    foreach fib [lrange $fragments $i end] {
624		integrity assert {
625		    [struct::set empty [struct::set intersect $fia $fib]]
626		} {The fragments <$fia> and <$fib> overlap}
627	    }
628	    incr i
629	}
631	return
632    }
634    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
635    ## State
637    variable myid        {} ; # Id of the cset for the persistent
638			      # state.
639    variable myproject   {} ; # Reference of the project object the
640			      # changeset belongs to.
641    variable mytype      {} ; # What the changeset is based on
642			      # (revisions, tags, or branches).
643			      # Values: See mycstype. Note that we
644			      # have to keep the names of the helper
645			      # singletons in sync with the contents
646			      # of state table 'cstype', and various
647			      # other places using them hardwired.
648    variable mytypeobj   {} ; # Reference to the container for the
649			      # type dependent code. Derived from
650			      # mytype.
651    variable mysrcid     {} ; # Id of the metadata or symbol the cset
652			      # is based on.
653    variable myitems     {} ; # List of the file level revisions,
654			      # tags, or branches in the cset, as
655			      # ids. Not tagged.
656    variable mytitems    {} ; # As myitems, the tagged form.
657    variable mypos       {} ; # Commit position of the changeset, if
658			      # known.
660    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
661    ## Internal methods
663    typevariable mycounter        0 ; # Id counter for csets. Last id
664				      # used.
665    typevariable mycstype -array {} ; # Map cstypes (names) to persistent
666				      # ids. Note that we have to keep
667				      # the names in the table 'cstype'
668				      # in sync with the names of the
669				      # helper singletons.
671    typemethod inorder {projectid} {
672	# Return all changesets (object references) for the specified
673	# project, in the order given to them by the sort passes. Both
674	# the filtering by project and the sorting by time make the
675	# use of 'project::rev rev' impossible.
677	set res {}
678	state foreachrow {
679	    SELECT C.cid  AS xcid,
680	           T.date AS cdate
681	    FROM   changeset C, cstimestamp T
682	    WHERE  C.pid  = $projectid -- limit to changesets in project
683	    AND    T.cid  = C.cid      -- get ordering information
684	    ORDER BY T.date            -- sort into commit order
685	} {
686	    lappend res $myidmap($xcid) $cdate
687	}
688	return $res
689    }
691    typemethod getcstypes {} {
692	state foreachrow {
693	    SELECT tid, name FROM cstype;
694	} { set mycstype($name) $tid }
695	return
696    }
698    typemethod load {repository} {
699	set n 0
700	log write 2 csets {Loading the changesets}
701	state foreachrow {
702	    SELECT C.cid   AS id,
703	           C.pid   AS xpid,
704                   CS.name AS cstype,
705	           C.src   AS srcid
706	    FROM   changeset C, cstype CS
707	    WHERE  C.type = CS.tid
708	    ORDER BY C.cid
709	} {
710	    log progress 2 csets $n {}
711	    set r [$type %AUTO% [$repository projectof $xpid] $cstype $srcid [state run {
712		SELECT C.iid
713		FROM   csitem C
714		WHERE  C.cid = $id
715		ORDER BY C.pos
716	    }] $id]
717	    incr n
718	}
719	return
720    }
722    typemethod loadcounter {} {
723	# Initialize the counter from the state
724	log write 2 csets {Loading changeset counter}
725	set mycounter [state one { SELECT MAX(cid) FROM changeset }]
726	return
727    }
729    typemethod num {} { return $mycounter }
731    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
733    method CreateFromFragments {fragments cv bv} {
734	upvar 1 $cv counter $bv breaks
735	UnmapItems $mytype $myitems
737	# Create changesets for the fragments, reusing the current one
738	# for the first fragment. We sort them in order to allow
739	# checking for gaps and nice messages.
741	set newcsets  {}
742	set fragments [lsort -index 0 -integer $fragments]
744	#puts \t.[join [PRs $fragments] .\n\t.].
746	Border [lindex $fragments 0] firsts firste
748	integrity assert {
749	    $firsts == 0
750	} {Bad fragment start @ $firsts, gap, or before beginning of the range}
752	set laste $firste
753	foreach fragment [lrange $fragments 1 end] {
754	    Border $fragment s e
755	    integrity assert {
756		$laste == ($s - 1)
757	    } {Bad fragment border <$laste | $s>, gap or overlap}
759	    set new [$type %AUTO% $myproject $mytype $mysrcid [lrange $myitems $s $e]]
760	    lappend newcsets $new
761	    incr counter
763            log write 4 csets {Breaking [$self str ] @ $laste, new [$new str], cutting $breaks($laste)}
765	    set laste $e
766	}
768	integrity assert {
769	    $laste == ([llength $myitems]-1)
770	} {Bad fragment end @ $laste, gap, or beyond end of the range}
772	# Put the first fragment into the current changeset, and
773	# update the in-memory index. We can simply (re)add the items
774	# because we cleared the previously existing information, see
775	# 'UnmapItems' above. Persistence does not matter here, none
776	# of the changesets has been saved to the persistent state
777	# yet.
779	set myitems  [lrange $myitems  0 $firste]
780	set mytitems [lrange $mytitems 0 $firste]
781	MapItems $mytype $myitems
782	return $newcsets
783    }
785    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
787    proc BreakDirectDependencies {theitems bv} {
788	upvar 1 mytypeobj mytypeobj self self $bv breaks
790	# Array of dependencies (parent -> child). This is pulled from
791	# the state, and limited to successors within the changeset.
793	array set dependencies {}
795	$mytypeobj internalsuccessors dependencies $theitems
796	if {![array size dependencies]} {
797	    return {}
798	} ; # Nothing to break.
800	log write 5 csets ...[$self str].......................................................
801	vc::tools::mem::mark
803	return [BreakerCore $theitems dependencies breaks]
804    }
806    proc BreakerCore {theitems dv bv} {
807	# Break a set of revisions into fragments which have no
808	# internal dependencies.
810	# We perform all necessary splits in one go, instead of only
811	# one. The previous algorithm, adapted from cvs2svn, computed
812	# a lot of state which was thrown away and then computed again
813	# for each of the fragments. It should be easier to update and
814	# reuse that state.
816	upvar 1 $dv dependencies $bv breaks
818	# We have internal dependencies to break. We now iterate over
819	# all positions in the list (which is chronological, at least
820	# as far as the timestamps are correct and unique) and
821	# determine the best position for the break, by trying to
822	# break as many dependencies as possible in one go. When a
823	# break was found this is redone for the fragments coming and
824	# after, after upding the crossing information.
826	# Data structures:
827	# Map:  POS   revision id      -> position in list.
828	#       CROSS position in list -> number of dependencies crossing it
829	#       DEPC  dependency       -> positions it crosses
830	# List: RANGE Of the positions itself.
831	# Map:  DELTA position in list -> time delta between its revision
832	#                                 and the next, if any.
833	# A dependency is a single-element map parent -> child
835	# InitializeBreakState initializes their contents after
836	# upvar'ing them from this scope. It uses the information in
837	# DEPENDENCIES to do so.
839	InitializeBreakState $theitems
841	set fragments {}
842	set new       [list $range]
844	# Instead of one list holding both processed and pending
845	# fragments we use two, one for the framents to process, one
846	# to hold the new fragments, and the latter is copied to the
847	# former when they run out. This keeps the list of pending
848	# fragments short without sacrificing speed by shifting stuff
849	# down. We especially drop the memory of fragments broken
850	# during processing after a short time, instead of letting it
851	# consume memory.
853	while {[llength $new]} {
855	    set pending $new
856	    set new     {}
857	    set at      0
859	    while {$at < [llength $pending]} {
860		set current [lindex $pending $at]
862		log write 6 csets {. . .. ... ..... ........ .............}
863		log write 6 csets {Scheduled   [join [PRs [lrange $pending $at end]] { }]}
864		log write 6 csets {Considering [PR $current] \[$at/[llength $pending]\]}
866		set best [FindBestBreak $current]
868		if {$best < 0} {
869		    # The inspected range has no internal
870		    # dependencies. This is a complete fragment.
871		    lappend fragments $current
873		    log write 6 csets "No breaks, final"
874		} else {
875		    # Split the range and schedule the resulting
876		    # fragments for further inspection. Remember the
877		    # number of dependencies cut before we remove them
878		    # from consideration, for documentation later.
880		    set breaks($best) $cross($best)
882		    log write 6 csets "Best break @ $best, cutting [nsp $cross($best) dependency dependencies]"
884		    # Note: The value of best is an abolute location
885		    # in myitems. Use the start of current to make it
886		    # an index absolute to current.
888		    set brel [expr {$best - [lindex $current 0]}]
889		    set bnext $brel ; incr bnext
890		    set fragbefore [lrange $current 0 $brel]
891		    set fragafter  [lrange $current $bnext end]
893		    log write 6 csets "New pieces  [PR $fragbefore] [PR $fragafter]"
895		    integrity assert {[llength $fragbefore]} {Found zero-length fragment at the beginning}
896		    integrity assert {[llength $fragafter]}  {Found zero-length fragment at the end}
898		    lappend new $fragbefore $fragafter
899		    CutAt $best
900		}
902		incr at
903	    }
904	}
906	log write 6 csets ". . .. ... ..... ........ ............."
908	return $fragments
909    }
911    proc InitializeBreakState {revisions} {
912	upvar 1 pos pos cross cross range range depc depc delta delta \
913	    dependencies dependencies
915	# First we create a map of positions to make it easier to
916	# determine whether a dependency crosses a particular index.
918	log write 14 csets {IBS: #rev [llength $revisions]}
919	log write 14 csets {IBS: pos map, cross counter}
921	array set pos   {}
922	array set cross {}
923	array set depc  {}
924	set range       {}
925	set n 0
926	foreach rev $revisions {
927	    lappend range $n
928	    set pos($rev) $n
929	    set cross($n) 0
930	    incr n
931	}
933	log write 14 csets {IBS: pos/[array size pos], cross/[array size cross]}
935	# Secondly we count the crossings per position, by iterating
936	# over the recorded internal dependencies.
938	# Note: If the timestamps are badly out of order it is
939	#       possible to have a backward successor dependency,
940	#       i.e. with start > end. We may have to swap the indices
941	#       to ensure that the following loop runs correctly.
942	#
943	# Note 2: start == end is not possible. It indicates a
944	#         self-dependency due to the uniqueness of positions,
945	#         and that is something we have ruled out already, see
946	#         'rev internalsuccessors'.
948	log write 14 csets {IBS: cross counter filling, pos/cross map}
950	foreach {rid children} [array get dependencies] {
951	    foreach child $children {
952		set dkey    [list $rid $child]
953		set start   $pos($rid)
954		set end     $pos($child)
956		if {$start > $end} {
957		    set crosses [list $end [expr {$start-1}]]
958		    while {$end < $start} {
959			incr cross($end)
960			incr end
961		    }
962		} else {
963		    set crosses [list $start [expr {$end-1}]]
964		    while {$start < $end} {
965			incr cross($start)
966			incr start
967		    }
968		}
969		set depc($dkey) $crosses
970	    }
971	}
973	log write 14 csets {IBS: pos/[array size pos], cross/[array size cross], depc/[array size depc] (for [llength $revisions])}
974	log write 14 csets {IBS: timestamps, deltas}
976	InitializeDeltas $revisions
978	log write 14 csets {IBS: delta [array size delta]}
979	return
980    }
982    proc InitializeDeltas {revisions} {
983	upvar 1 delta delta
985	# Pull the timestamps for all revisions in the changesets and
986	# compute their deltas for use by the break finder.
988	array set delta {}
989	array set stamp {}
991	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
992	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
993	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, R.date AS time
994	    FROM revision R
995	    WHERE R.rid IN $theset
996	}] {
997	    set stamp($xrid) $time
998	}
1000	log write 14 csets {IBS: stamp [array size stamp]}
1002	set n 0
1003	foreach rid [lrange $revisions 0 end-1] rnext [lrange $revisions 1 end] {
1004	    set delta($n) [expr {$stamp($rnext) - $stamp($rid)}]
1005	    incr n
1006	}
1007	return
1008    }
1010    proc FindBestBreak {range} {
1011	upvar 1 cross cross delta delta
1013	# Determine the best break location in the given range of
1014	# positions. First we look for the locations with the maximal
1015	# number of crossings. If there are several we look for the
1016	# shortest time interval among them. If we still have multiple
1017	# possibilities after that we select the earliest location
1018	# among these.
1020	# Note: If the maximal number of crossings is 0 then the range
1021	#       has no internal dependencies, and no break location at
1022	#       all. This possibility is signaled via result -1.
1024	# Note: A range of length 1 or less cannot have internal
1025	#       dependencies, as that needs at least two revisions in
1026	#       the range.
1028	if {[llength $range] < 2} { return -1 }
1030	set max -1
1031	set best {}
1033	foreach location $range {
1034	    set crossings $cross($location)
1035	    if {$crossings > $max} {
1036		set max  $crossings
1037		set best [list $location]
1038		continue
1039	    } elseif {$crossings == $max} {
1040		lappend best $location
1041	    }
1042	}
1044	if {$max == 0}            { return -1 }
1045	if {[llength $best] == 1} { return [lindex $best 0] }
1047	set locations $best
1048	set best {}
1049	set min -1
1051	foreach location $locations {
1052	    set interval $delta($location)
1053	    if {($min < 0) || ($interval < $min)} {
1054		set min  $interval
1055		set best [list $location]
1056	    } elseif {$interval == $min} {
1057		lappend best $location
1058	    }
1059	}
1061	if {[llength $best] == 1} { return [lindex $best 0] }
1063	return [lindex [lsort -integer -increasing $best] 0]
1064    }
1066    proc CutAt {location} {
1067	upvar 1 cross cross depc depc
1069	# It was decided to split the changeset at the given
1070	# location. This cuts a number of dependencies. Here we update
1071	# the cross information so that the break finder has accurate
1072	# data when we look at the generated fragments.
1074	set six [log visible? 6]
1076	# Note: The loop below could be made faster by keeping a map
1077	# from positions to the dependencies crossing. An extension of
1078	# CROSS, i.e. list of dependencies, counter is implied. Takes
1079	# a lot more memory however, and takes time to update here
1080	# (The inner loop is not incr -1, but ldelete).
1082	foreach dep [array names depc] {
1083	    set range $depc($dep)
1084	    # Check all dependencies still known, take their range and
1085	    # see if the break location falls within.
1087	    Border $range s e
1088	    if {$location < $s} continue ; # break before range, ignore
1089	    if {$location > $e} continue ; # break after range, ignore.
1091	    # This dependency crosses the break location. We remove it
1092	    # from the crossings counters, and then also from the set
1093	    # of known dependencies, as we are done with it.
1095	    Border $depc($dep) ds de
1096	    for {set loc $ds} {$loc <= $de} {incr loc} {
1097		incr cross($loc) -1
1098	    }
1099	    unset depc($dep)
1101	    if {!$six} continue
1103	    struct::list assign $dep parent child
1104	    log write 5 csets "Broke dependency [PD $parent] --> [PD $child]"
1105	}
1107	return
1108    }
1110    # Print identifying data for a revision (project, file, dotted rev
1111    # number), for high verbosity log output.
1112    # TODO: Replace with call to itemstr (list rev $id)
1114    proc PD {id} {
1115	foreach {p f r} [state run {
1116		SELECT P.name , F.name, R.rev
1117		FROM revision R, file F, project P
1118		WHERE R.rid = $id    -- Find specified file revision
1119		AND   F.fid = R.fid  -- Get file of the revision
1120		AND   P.pid = F.pid  -- Get project of the file.
1121	}] break
1122	return "'$p : $f/$r'"
1123    }
1125    # Printing one or more ranges, formatted, and only their border to
1126    # keep the strings short.
1128    proc PRs {ranges} {
1129	return [struct::list map $ranges [myproc PR]]
1130    }
1132    proc PR {range} {
1133	Border $range s e
1134	return <${s}...${e}>
1135    }
1137    proc Border {range sv ev} {
1138	upvar 1 $sv s $ev e
1139	set s [lindex $range 0]
1140	set e [lindex $range end]
1141	return
1142    }
1144    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
1146    proc UnmapItems {thetype theitems} {
1147	# (*) We clear out the associated part of the myitemmap
1148	# in-memory index in preparation for new data, or as part of
1149	# object destruction. A simple unset is enough, we have no
1150	# symbol changesets at this time, and thus never more than one
1151	# reference in the list.
1153	upvar 1 myitemmap myitemmap self self
1154	foreach iid $theitems {
1155	    set key [list $thetype $iid]
1156	    unset myitemmap($key)
1157	    log write 8 csets {MAP- item <$key> $self = [$self str]}
1158	}
1159	return
1160    }
1162    proc MapItems {thetype theitems} {
1163	upvar 1 myitemmap myitemmap self self
1165	foreach iid $theitems {
1166	    set key [list $thetype $iid]
1167	    set myitemmap($key) $self
1168	    log write 8 csets {MAP+ item <$key> $self = [$self str]}
1169	}
1170	return
1171    }
1173    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
1175    typevariable mychangesets         {} ; # List of all known
1176					   # changesets.
1178    # List of all known changesets of a type.
1179    typevariable mytchangesets -array {
1180	sym::branch {}
1181	sym::tag    {}
1182	rev         {}
1183    }
1185    typevariable myitemmap     -array {} ; # Map from items (tagged)
1186					   # to the list of changesets
1187					   # containing it. Each item
1188					   # can be used by only one
1189					   # changeset.
1190    typevariable myidmap   -array {} ; # Map from changeset id to
1191				       # changeset.
1193    typemethod all    {}    { return $mychangesets }
1194    typemethod of     {cid} { return $myidmap($cid) }
1195    typemethod ofitem {iid} { return $myitemmap($iid) }
1197    typemethod rev    {}    { return $mytchangesets(rev) }
1198    typemethod sym    {}    { return [concat \
1199					  ${mytchangesets(sym::branch)} \
1200					  ${mytchangesets(sym::tag)}] }
1202    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
1203    ## Configuration
1205    pragma -hastypeinfo    no  ; # no type introspection
1206    pragma -hasinfo        no  ; # no object introspection
1208    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
1212## NOTE: The successor and predecessor methods defined by the classes
1213##       below are -- bottle necks --. Look for ways to make the SQL
1214##       faster.
1217# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
1218## Helper singleton. Commands for revision changesets.
1220snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev::rev {
1221    typemethod byrevision {} { return 1 }
1222    typemethod bysymbol   {} { return 0 }
1223    typemethod istag      {} { return 0 }
1224    typemethod isbranch   {} { return 0 }
1226    typemethod str {revision} {
1227	struct::list assign [state run {
1228	    SELECT R.rev, F.name, P.name
1229	    FROM   revision R, file F, project P
1230	    WHERE  R.rid = $revision -- Find specified file revision
1231	    AND    F.fid = R.fid     -- Get file of the revision
1232	    AND    P.pid = F.pid     -- Get project of the file.
1233	}] revnr fname pname
1234	return "$pname/${revnr}::$fname"
1235    }
1237    # result = list (mintime, maxtime)
1238    typemethod timerange {items} {
1239	set theset ('[join $items {','}]')
1240	return [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1241	    SELECT MIN(R.date), MAX(R.date)
1242	    FROM revision R
1243	    WHERE R.rid IN $theset -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1244	}]]
1245    }
1247    # var(dv) = dict (revision -> list (revision))
1248    typemethod internalsuccessors {dv revisions} {
1249	upvar 1 $dv dependencies
1250	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
1252	log write 14 csets internalsuccessors
1254	# See 'successors' below for the main explanation of
1255	# the various cases. This piece is special in that it
1256	# restricts the successors we look for to the same set of
1257	# revisions we start from. Sensible as we are looking for
1258	# changeset internal dependencies.
1260	array set dep {}
1262	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1263    -- (1) Primary child
1264	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, R.child AS xchild
1265	    FROM   revision R
1266	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1267	    AND    R.child IS NOT NULL    -- Has primary child
1268	    AND    R.child IN $theset     -- Which is also of interest
1269    UNION
1270    -- (2) Secondary (branch) children
1271	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, B.brid AS xchild
1272	    FROM   revision R, revisionbranchchildren B
1273	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1274	    AND    R.rid = B.rid          -- Select subset of branch children
1275	    AND    B.brid IN $theset      -- Which is also of interest
1276    UNION
1277    -- (4) Child of trunk root successor of last NTDB on trunk.
1278	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, RA.child AS xchild
1279	    FROM revision R, revision RA
1280	    WHERE R.rid   IN $theset      -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1281	    AND   R.isdefault             -- Restrict to NTDB
1282	    AND   R.dbchild IS NOT NULL   -- and last NTDB belonging to trunk
1283	    AND   RA.rid = R.dbchild      -- Go directly to trunk root
1284	    AND   RA.child IS NOT NULL    -- Has primary child.
1285            AND   RA.child IN $theset     -- Which is also of interest
1286	}] {
1287	    # Consider moving this to the integrity module.
1288	    integrity assert {$xrid != $xchild} {Revision $xrid depends on itself.}
1289	    lappend dependencies($xrid) $xchild
1290	    set dep($xrid,$xchild) .
1291	}
1293	# The sql statements above looks only for direct dependencies
1294	# between revision in the changeset. However due to the
1295	# vagaries of meta data it is possible for two revisions of
1296	# the same file to end up in the same changeset, without a
1297	# direct dependency between them. However we know that there
1298	# has to be a an indirect dependency, be it through primary
1299	# children, branch children, or a combination thereof.
1301	# We now fill in these pseudo-dependencies, if no such
1302	# dependency exists already. The direction of the dependency
1303	# is actually irrelevant for this.
1305	# NOTE: This is different from cvs2svn. Our spiritual ancestor
1306	# does not use such pseudo-dependencies, however it uses a
1307	# COMMIT_THRESHOLD, a time interval commits should fall. This
1308	# will greatly reduces the risk of getting far separated
1309	# revisions of the same file into one changeset.
1311	# We allow revisions to be far apart in time in the same
1312	# changeset, but in turn need the pseudo-dependencies to
1313	# handle this.
1315	log write 14 csets {internal  [array size dep]}
1316	log write 14 csets {collected [array size dependencies]}
1317	log write 14 csets pseudo-internalsuccessors
1319	array set fids {}
1320	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1321	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, R.fid AS xfid
1322            FROM   revision R
1323            WHERE  R.rid IN $theset
1324	}] { lappend fids($xfid) $xrid }
1326	set groups {}
1327	foreach {fid rids} [array get fids] {
1328	    if {[llength $rids] < 2} continue
1329	    foreach a $rids {
1330		foreach b $rids {
1331		    if {$a == $b} continue
1332		    if {[info exists dep($a,$b)]} continue
1333		    if {[info exists dep($b,$a)]} continue
1334		    lappend dependencies($a) $b
1335		    set dep($a,$b) .
1336		    set dep($b,$a) .
1337		}
1338	    }
1339	    set n [llength $rids]
1340	    lappend groups [list $n [expr {($n*$n-$n)/2}]]
1341	}
1343	log write 14 csets {pseudo    [array size fids] ([lsort -index 0 -decreasing -integer $groups])}
1344	log write 14 csets {internal  [array size dep]}
1345	log write 14 csets {collected [array size dependencies]}
1346	log write 14 csets complete
1347	return
1348    }
1350    # result = 4-list (itemtype itemid nextitemtype nextitemid ...)
1351    typemethod loops {revisions} {
1352	# Note: Tags and branches cannot cause the loop. Their id's,
1353	# being of a fundamentally different type than the revisions
1354	# coming in cannot be in the set.
1356	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
1357	return [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1358	    -- (1) Primary child
1359	    SELECT R.rid, R.child
1360	    FROM   revision R
1361	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1362	    AND    R.child IS NOT NULL    -- Has primary child
1363	    AND    R.child IN $theset     -- Loop
1364	    --
1365	    UNION
1366	    -- (2) Secondary (branch) children
1367	    SELECT R.rid, B.brid
1368	    FROM   revision R, revisionbranchchildren B
1369	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1370	    AND    R.rid = B.rid          -- Select subset of branch children
1371	    AND    B.rid   IN $theset     -- Loop
1372	    --
1373	    UNION
1374	    -- (4) Child of trunk root successor of last NTDB on trunk.
1375	    SELECT R.rid, RA.child
1376	    FROM   revision R, revision RA
1377	    WHERE  R.rid    IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1378	    AND    R.isdefault             -- Restrict to NTDB
1379	    AND    R.dbchild IS NOT NULL   -- and last NTDB belonging to trunk
1380	    AND    RA.rid = R.dbchild      -- Go directly to trunk root
1381	    AND    RA.child IS NOT NULL    -- Has primary child.
1382	    AND    RA.child IN $theset     -- Loop
1383	}]]
1384    }
1386    # var(dv) = dict (item -> list (item)), item  = list (type id)
1387    typemethod successors {dv revisions} {
1388	upvar 1 $dv dependencies
1389	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
1391	# The following cases specify when a revision S is a successor
1392	# of a revision R. Each of the cases translates into one of
1393	# the branches of the SQL UNION coming below.
1394	#
1395	# (1) S can be a primary child of R, i.e. in the same LOD. R
1396	#     references S directly. R.child = S(.rid), if it exists.
1397	#
1398	# (2) S can be a secondary, i.e. branch, child of R. Here the
1399	#     link is made through the helper table
1400	#     REVISIONBRANCHCHILDREN. R.rid -> RBC.rid, RBC.brid =
1401	#     S(.rid)
1402	#
1403	# (3) Originally this use case defined the root of a detached
1404	#     NTDB as the successor of the trunk root. This leads to a
1405	#     bad tangle later on. With a detached NTDB the original
1406	#     trunk root revision was removed as irrelevant, allowing
1407	#     the nominal root to be later in time than the NTDB
1408	#     root. Now setting this dependency will be backward in
1409	#     time. REMOVED.
1410	#
1411	# (4) If R is the last of the NTDB revisions which belong to
1412	#     the trunk, then the primary child of the trunk root (the
1413	#     '1.2' revision) is a successor, if it exists.
1415	# Note that the branches spawned from the revisions, and the
1416	# tags associated with them are successors as well.
1418	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1419    -- (1) Primary child
1420	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, R.child AS xchild
1421	    FROM   revision R
1422	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1423	    AND    R.child IS NOT NULL    -- Has primary child
1424    UNION
1425    -- (2) Secondary (branch) children
1426	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, B.brid AS xchild
1427	    FROM   revision R, revisionbranchchildren B
1428	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1429	    AND    R.rid = B.rid          -- Select subset of branch children
1430    UNION
1431    -- (4) Child of trunk root successor of last NTDB on trunk.
1432	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, RA.child AS xchild
1433	    FROM revision R, revision RA
1434	    WHERE R.rid   IN $theset      -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1435	    AND   R.isdefault             -- Restrict to NTDB
1436	    AND   R.dbchild IS NOT NULL   -- and last NTDB belonging to trunk
1437	    AND   RA.rid = R.dbchild      -- Go directly to trunk root
1438	    AND   RA.child IS NOT NULL    -- Has primary child.
1439	}] {
1440	    # Consider moving this to the integrity module.
1441	    integrity assert {$xrid != $xchild} {Revision $xrid depends on itself.}
1442	    lappend dependencies([list rev $xrid]) [list rev $xchild]
1443	}
1444	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1445	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, T.tid AS xchild
1446	    FROM   revision R, tag T
1447	    WHERE  R.rid IN $theset       -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1448	    AND    T.rev = R.rid          -- Select tags attached to them
1449	}] {
1450	    lappend dependencies([list rev $xrid]) [list sym::tag $xchild]
1451	}
1452	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1453	    SELECT R.rid AS xrid, B.bid AS xchild
1454	    FROM   revision R, branch B
1455	    WHERE  R.rid IN $theset       -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1456	    AND    B.root = R.rid         -- Select branches attached to them
1457	}] {
1458	    lappend dependencies([list rev $xrid]) [list sym::branch $xchild]
1459	}
1460	return
1461    }
1463    # result = list (changeset-id)
1464    typemethod cs_successors {revisions} {
1465        # This is a variant of 'successors' which maps the low-level
1466        # data directly to the associated changesets. I.e. instead
1467        # millions of dependency pairs (in extreme cases (Example: Tcl
1468        # CVS)) we return a very short and much more manageable list
1469        # of changesets.
1471	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
1472	return [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1473    -- (1) Primary child
1474	    SELECT C.cid
1475	    FROM   revision R, csitem CI, changeset C
1476	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1477	    AND    R.child IS NOT NULL    -- Has primary child
1478            AND    CI.iid = R.child       -- Select all changesets
1479            AND    C.cid = CI.cid         -- containing the primary child
1480            AND    C.type = 0             -- which are revision changesets
1481    UNION
1482    -- (2) Secondary (branch) children
1483	    SELECT C.cid
1484	    FROM   revision R, revisionbranchchildren B, csitem CI, changeset C
1485	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset     -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1486	    AND    R.rid = B.rid          -- Select subset of branch children
1487            AND    CI.iid = B.brid        -- Select all changesets
1488            AND    C.cid = CI.cid	  -- containing the branch
1489            AND    C.type = 0		  -- which are revision changesets
1490    UNION
1491    -- (4) Child of trunk root successor of last NTDB on trunk.
1492	    SELECT C.cid
1493	    FROM   revision R, revision RA, csitem CI, changeset C
1494	    WHERE  R.rid   IN $theset      -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1495	    AND    R.isdefault             -- Restrict to NTDB
1496	    AND    R.dbchild IS NOT NULL   -- and last NTDB belonging to trunk
1497	    AND    RA.rid = R.dbchild      -- Go directly to trunk root
1498	    AND    RA.child IS NOT NULL    -- Has primary child.
1499            AND    CI.iid = RA.child       -- Select all changesets
1500            AND    C.cid = CI.cid	   -- containing the primary child
1501            AND    C.type = 0		   -- which are revision changesets
1502    UNION
1503	    SELECT C.cid
1504	    FROM   revision R, tag T, csitem CI, changeset C
1505	    WHERE  R.rid in $theset        -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1506	    AND    T.rev = R.rid	   -- Select tags attached to them
1507            AND    CI.iid = T.tid          -- Select all changesets
1508            AND    C.cid = CI.cid	   -- containing the tags
1509            AND    C.type = 1		   -- which are tag changesets
1510    UNION
1511	    SELECT C.cid
1512	    FROM   revision R, branch B, csitem CI, changeset C
1513	    WHERE  R.rid in $theset        -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1514	    AND    B.root = R.rid	   -- Select branches attached to them
1515            AND    CI.iid = B.bid          -- Select all changesets
1516            AND    C.cid = CI.cid	   -- containing the branches
1517            AND    C.type = 2		   -- which are branch changesets
1518	}]]
1520	# Regarding rev -> branch|tag, we could consider looking at
1521	# the symbol of the branch|tag, its lod-symbol, and the
1522	# revisions on that lod, but don't. Because it is not exact
1523	# enough, the branch|tag would depend on revisions coming
1524	# after its creation on the parental lod.
1525    }
1527    # result = symbol name
1528    typemethod cs_lod {metaid revisions} {
1529	# Determines the name of the symbol which is the line of
1530	# development for the revisions in a changeset. The
1531	# information in the meta data referenced by the source metaid
1532	# is out of date by the time we come here (since pass
1533	# FilterSymbols), so it cannot be used. See the method 'run'
1534	# in file "c2f_pfiltersym.tcl" for more commentary on this.
1536	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
1537	return [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1538	    SELECT
1539	    DISTINCT L.name
1540	    FROM   revision R, symbol L
1541	    WHERE  R.rid in $theset        -- Restrict to revisions of interest
1542	    AND    L.sid = R.lod           -- Get lod symbol of revision
1543	}]]
1544    }
1547# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
1548## Helper singleton. Commands for tag symbol changesets.
1550snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev::sym::tag {
1551    typemethod byrevision {} { return 0 }
1552    typemethod bysymbol   {} { return 1 }
1553    typemethod istag      {} { return 1 }
1554    typemethod isbranch   {} { return 0 }
1556    typemethod str {tag} {
1557	struct::list assign [state run {
1558	    SELECT S.name, F.name, P.name
1559	    FROM   tag T, symbol S, file F, project P
1560	    WHERE  T.tid = $tag   -- Find specified tag
1561	    AND    F.fid = T.fid  -- Get file of tag
1562	    AND    P.pid = F.pid  -- Get project of file
1563	    AND    S.sid = T.sid  -- Get symbol of tag
1564	}] sname fname pname
1565	return "$pname/T'${sname}'::$fname"
1566    }
1568    # result = list (mintime, maxtime)
1569    typemethod timerange {tags} {
1570	# The range is defined as the range of the revisions the tags
1571	# are attached to.
1573	set theset ('[join $tags {','}]')
1574	return [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1575	    SELECT MIN(R.date), MAX(R.date)
1576	    FROM   tag T, revision R
1577	    WHERE  T.tid IN $theset  -- Restrict to tags of interest
1578            AND    R.rid = T.rev     -- Select tag parent revisions
1579	}]]
1580    }
1582    # var(dv) = dict (item -> list (item)), item  = list (type id)
1583    typemethod successors {dv tags} {
1584	# Tags have no successors.
1585	return
1586    }
1588    # result = 4-list (itemtype itemid nextitemtype nextitemid ...)
1589    typemethod loops {tags} {
1590	# Tags have no successors, therefore cannot cause loops
1591	return {}
1592    }
1594    # result = list (changeset-id)
1595    typemethod cs_successors {tags} {
1596	# Tags have no successors.
1597	return
1598    }
1600    # result = symbol name
1601    typemethod cs_lod {sid tags} {
1602	# Determines the name of the symbol which is the line of
1603	# development for the tags in a changeset. Comes directly from
1604	# the symbol which is the changeset's source and its prefered
1605	# parent.
1607        return [state run {
1608 	    SELECT P.name
1609	    FROM preferedparent SP, symbol P
1610	    WHERE SP.sid = $sid
1611	    AND   P.sid = SP.pid
1612	}]
1613    }
1616# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
1617## Helper singleton. Commands for branch symbol changesets.
1619snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev::sym::branch {
1620    typemethod byrevision {} { return 0 }
1621    typemethod bysymbol   {} { return 1 }
1622    typemethod istag      {} { return 0 }
1623    typemethod isbranch   {} { return 1 }
1625    typemethod str {branch} {
1626	struct::list assign [state run {
1627	    SELECT S.name, F.name, P.name
1628	    FROM   branch B, symbol S, file F, project P
1629	    WHERE  B.bid = $branch  -- Find specified branch
1630	    AND    F.fid = B.fid    -- Get file of branch
1631	    AND    P.pid = F.pid    -- Get project of file
1632	    AND    S.sid = B.sid    -- Get symbol of branch
1633	}] sname fname pname
1634	return "$pname/B'${sname}'::$fname"
1635    }
1637    # result = list (mintime, maxtime)
1638    typemethod timerange {branches} {
1639	# The range of a branch is defined as the range of the
1640	# revisions the branches are spawned by. NOTE however that the
1641	# branches associated with a detached NTDB will have no root
1642	# spawning them, hence they have no real timerange any
1643	# longer. By using 0 we put them in front of everything else,
1644	# as they logically are.
1646	set theset ('[join $branches {','}]')
1647	return [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1648	    SELECT IFNULL(MIN(R.date),0), IFNULL(MAX(R.date),0)
1649	    FROM  branch B, revision R
1650	    WHERE B.bid IN $theset   -- Restrict to branches of interest
1651            AND   R.rid = B.root     -- Select branch parent revisions
1652	}]]
1653    }
1655    # result = 4-list (itemtype itemid nextitemtype nextitemid ...)
1656    typemethod loops {branches} {
1657	# Note: Revisions and tags cannot cause the loop. Being of a
1658	# fundamentally different type they cannot be in the incoming
1659	# set of ids.
1661	set theset ('[join $branches {','}]')
1662	return [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1663	    SELECT B.bid, BX.bid
1664	    FROM   branch B, preferedparent P, branch BX
1665	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset   -- Restrict to branches of interest
1666	    AND    B.sid = P.pid      -- Get the prefered branches via
1667	    AND    BX.sid = P.sid     -- the branch symbols
1668	    AND    BX.bid IN $theset  -- Loop
1669	}]]
1670    }
1672    # var(dv) = dict (item -> list (item)), item  = list (type id)
1673    typemethod successors {dv branches} {
1674	upvar 1 $dv dependencies
1675	# The first revision committed on a branch, and all branches
1676	# and tags which have it as their prefered parent are the
1677	# successors of a branch.
1679	set theset ('[join $branches {','}]')
1680	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1681	    SELECT B.bid AS xbid, R.rid AS xchild
1682	    FROM   branch B, revision R
1683	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset     -- Restrict to branches of interest
1684	    AND    B.first = R.rid      -- Get first revision on the branch
1685	}] {
1686	    lappend dependencies([list sym::branch $xbid]) [list rev $xchild]
1687	}
1688	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1689	    SELECT B.bid AS xbid, BX.bid AS xchild
1690	    FROM   branch B, preferedparent P, branch BX
1691	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset     -- Restrict to branches of interest
1692	    AND    B.sid = P.pid        -- Get subordinate branches via the
1693	    AND    BX.sid = P.sid       -- prefered parents of their symbols
1694	}] {
1695	    lappend dependencies([list sym::branch $xbid]) [list sym::branch $xchild]
1696	}
1697	state foreachrow [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1698	    SELECT B.bid AS xbid, T.tid AS xchild
1699	    FROM   branch B, preferedparent P, tag T
1700	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset     -- Restrict to branches of interest
1701	    AND    B.sid = P.pid        -- Get subordinate tags via the
1702	    AND    T.sid = P.sid        -- prefered parents of their symbols
1703	}] {
1704	    lappend dependencies([list sym::branch $xbid]) [list sym::tag $xchild]
1705	}
1706	return
1707    }
1709    # result = list (changeset-id)
1710    typemethod cs_successors {branches} {
1711        # This is a variant of 'successors' which maps the low-level
1712        # data directly to the associated changesets. I.e. instead
1713        # millions of dependency pairs (in extreme cases (Example: Tcl
1714        # CVS)) we return a very short and much more manageable list
1715        # of changesets.
1717	set theset ('[join $branches {','}]')
1718        return [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1719	    SELECT C.cid
1720	    FROM   branch B, revision R, csitem CI, changeset C
1721	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset     -- Restrict to branches of interest
1722	    AND    B.first = R.rid	-- Get first revision on the branch
1723            AND    CI.iid = R.rid       -- Select all changesets
1724            AND    C.cid = CI.cid	-- containing this revision
1725            AND    C.type = 0		-- which are revision changesets
1726    UNION
1727	    SELECT C.cid
1728	    FROM   branch B, preferedparent P, branch BX, csitem CI, changeset C
1729	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset     -- Restrict to branches of interest
1730	    AND    B.sid = P.pid	-- Get subordinate branches via the
1731	    AND    BX.sid = P.sid	-- prefered parents of their symbols
1732            AND    CI.iid = BX.bid      -- Select all changesets
1733            AND    C.cid = CI.cid	-- containing the subordinate branches
1734            AND    C.type = 2		-- which are branch changesets
1735    UNION
1736	    SELECT C.cid
1737	    FROM   branch B, preferedparent P, tag T, csitem CI, changeset C
1738	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset     -- Restrict to branches of interest
1739	    AND    B.sid = P.pid	-- Get subordinate tags via the
1740	    AND    T.sid = P.sid	-- prefered parents of their symbols
1741            AND    CI.iid = T.tid       -- Select all changesets
1742            AND    C.cid = CI.cid	-- containing the subordinate tags
1743            AND    C.type = 1		-- which are tag changesets
1744	}]]
1745	return
1746    }
1748    # result = symbol name
1749    typemethod cs_lod {sid branches} {
1750	# Determines the name of the symbol which is the line of
1751	# development for the branches in a changeset. Comes directly
1752	# from the symbol which is the changeset's source and its
1753	# prefered parent.
1755        return [state run {
1756 	    SELECT P.name
1757	    FROM preferedparent SP, symbol P
1758	    WHERE SP.sid = $sid
1759	    AND   P.sid = SP.pid
1760	}]
1761    }
1763    typemethod limits {branches} {
1764	# Notes. This method exists only for branches. It is needed to
1765	# get detailed information about a backward branch. It does
1766	# not apply to tags, nor revisions. The queries can also
1767	# restrict themselves to the revision sucessors/predecessors
1768	# of branches, as only they have ordering data and thus can
1769	# cause the backwardness.
1771	set theset ('[join $branches {','}]')
1773	set maxp [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1774	    -- maximal predecessor position per branch
1775	    SELECT B.bid, MAX (CO.pos)
1776	    FROM   branch B, revision R, csitem CI, changeset C, csorder CO
1777	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset     -- Restrict to branches of interest
1778	    AND    B.root = R.rid       -- Get branch root revisions
1779	    AND    CI.iid = R.rid       -- Get changesets containing the
1780	    AND    C.cid = CI.cid       -- root revisions, which are
1781	    AND    C.type = 0           -- revision changesets
1782	    AND    CO.cid = C.cid       -- Get their topological ordering
1783	    GROUP BY B.bid
1784	}]]
1786	set mins [state run [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes {
1787	    -- minimal successor position per branch
1788	    SELECT B.bid, MIN (CO.pos)
1789	    FROM   branch B, revision R, csitem CI, changeset C, csorder CO
1790	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset     -- Restrict to branches of interest
1791	    AND    B.first = R.rid      -- Get the first revisions on the branches
1792	    AND    CI.iid = R.rid       -- Get changesets containing the
1793	    AND    C.cid = CI.cid	-- first revisions, which are
1794	    AND    C.type = 0		-- revision changesets
1795	    AND    CO.cid = C.cid	-- Get their topological ordering
1796	    GROUP BY B.bid
1797	}]]
1799        return [list $maxp $mins]
1800    }
1802    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
1803    ## Configuration
1805    pragma -hasinstances   no ; # singleton
1806    pragma -hastypeinfo    no ; # no introspection
1807    pragma -hastypedestroy no ; # immortal
1810# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
1813namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project {
1814    namespace export rev
1815    namespace eval rev {
1816	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
1817	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::integrity
1818	namespace import ::vc::tools::misc::*
1819	namespace import ::vc::tools::trouble
1820	namespace import ::vc::tools::log
1821	log register csets
1823	# Set up the helper singletons
1824	namespace eval rev {
1825	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
1826	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::integrity
1827	    namespace import ::vc::tools::log
1828	}
1829	namespace eval sym::tag {
1830	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
1831	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::integrity
1832	    namespace import ::vc::tools::log
1833	}
1834	namespace eval sym::branch {
1835	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
1836	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::integrity
1837	    namespace import ::vc::tools::log
1838	}
1839    }
1842# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
1843## Ready
1845package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::rev 1.0