1# Fossil Chat
3## Introduction
5As of version 2.14,
6Fossil supports a developer chatroom feature.  The chatroom provides an
7ephemeral discussion venue for insiders.  Design goals include:
9  *  **Simple but functional** →
10     Fossil chat is designed to provide a convenient real-time
11     communication mechanism for geographically dispersed developers.
12     Fossil chat is *not* intended as a replacement or competitor for
13     IRC, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Google Hangouts, etc.
15  *  **Low administration** →
16     You can activate the chatroom in seconds without having to
17     mess with configuration files or install new software.
18     In an existing [server setup](./server/),
19     simply enable the [C capability](/setup_ucap_list) for users
20     whom you want to give access to the chatroom.
22  *  **Ephemeral** →
23     Chat messages do not sync to peer repositories, and they are
24     automatically deleted after a configurable delay (default: 7 days).
25     Individual messages or the entire conversation
26     can be deleted at any time without impacting any other part
27     of the system.
29Fossil chat is designed for use by insiders - people with check-in
30privileges or higher.  It is not intended as a general-purpose gathering
31place for random passers-by on the internet.
32Fossil chat seeks to provide a communication venue for discussion
33that does *not* become part of the permanent record for the project.
34For persistent and durable discussion, use the [Forum](./forum.wiki).
35Because the conversation is intended to be ephemeral, the chat messages
36are local to a single repository.  Chat content does not sync.
39## Setup
41A Fossil repository must be functioning as a [server](./server/) in order
42for chat to work.
43To activate chat, simply add the [C capability](/setup_ucap_list)
44to every user who is authorized to participate.  Anyone who can read chat
45can also post to chat.
47Setup ("s") and Admin ("a") users always have access to chat, without needing
48the "C" capability.  A common configuration is to add the "C" capability
49to "Developer" so that any individual user who has the "v" capability will
50also have access to chat.
52There are also some settings under /Admin/Chat that control the
53behavior of chat, though the default settings are reasonable so in most
54cases those settings can be ignored.  The settings control things like
55the amount of time that chat messages are retained before being purged
56from the repository database.
58## <a id="usage"></a>Usage
60For users with appropriate permissions, simply browse to the
61[/chat](/help?cmd=/chat) to start up a chat session.  The default
62skin includes a "Chat" entry on the menu bar on wide screens for
63people with chat privilege.  There is also a "Chat" option on
64the [Sitemap page](/sitemap), which means that chat will appear
65as an option under the hamburger menu for many [skins](./customskin.md).
67As of version 2.17, chat messages are subject to [fossil's
68full range of markdown processing](/md_rules). Because chat messages are
69stored as-is when they arrive from a client, this change applies
70retroactively to messages stored by previous fossil versions.
72Files may be sent via chat using the file selection element at the
73bottom of the page. If the desktop environment system supports it,
74files may be dragged and dropped onto that element. Files are not
75automatically sent - selection of a file can be cancelled using the
76Cancel button which appears only when a file is selected. When the
77Send button is pressed, any pending text is submitted along with the
78selected file. Image files sent this way will, by default, appear
79inline in messages, but each user may toggle that via the settings
80popup menu, such that images instead appear as downloadable links.
81Non-image files always appear in messages as download links.
83### Deletion of Messages
85Any user may *locally* delete a given message by clicking on the "tab"
86at the top of the message and clicking the button which appears. Such
87deletions are local-only, and the messages will reappear if the page
88is reloaded. The user who posted a given message, or any Admin users,
89may additionally choose to globally delete a message from the chat
90record, which deletes it not only from their own browser but also
91propagates the removal to all connected clients the next time they
92poll for new messages.
94### <a id='notifications'></a>Customizing New-message Notification Sounds
96By default, the list of new-message notification sounds is limited to
97a few built in to the fossil binary. In addition, any
98[unversioned files](./unvers.wiki) named `alert-sounds/*.{mp3,wav,ogg}`
99will be included in that list. To switch sounds, tap the "settings"
102### <a id='connection'></a> Who's Online?
104Because the chat app has to be able to work over transient CGI-based
105connections, as opposed to a stable socket connection to the server,
106real-time tracking of "who's online" is not feasible. As of version
1072.17, chat offers an optional feature, toggleable in the settings,
108which can list users who have posted messages in the client's current
109list of loaded messages. This is not the same thing as tracking who's
110online, but it gives an overview of which users have been active most
111recently, noting that "lurkers" (people who post no messages) will not
112show up in that list, nor does the chat infrastructure have a way to
113track and present those. That list can be used to filter messages on a
114specific user by tapping on that user's name, tapping a second time to
115remove the filter.
117Sidebar: message deletion is a type of message and deletions count
118towards updates in the recent activity list (counted for the person
119who performed the deletion, not the author of the deleted
120comment). That can potentially lead to odd corner cases where a user
121shows up in the list but has no messages which are currently visible
122because they were deleted, or an admin user who has not posted
123anything but deleted a message. That is a known minor cosmetic-only
124bug with a resolution of "will not fix."
127## Implementation Details
129*You do not need to understand how Fossil chat works in order to use it.
130But many developers prefer to know how their tools work.
131This section is provided for the benefit of those curious developers.*
133The [/chat](/help?cmd=/chat) webpage downloads a small amount of HTML
134and a small amount of javascript to run the chat session.  The
135javascript uses XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to download chat content, post
136new content, or delete historical messages.  The following web
137interfaces are used by the XHR:
139  *  **/chat-poll** &rarr;
140     Downloads chat content as JSON.
141     Chat messages are numbered sequentially.
142     The client tells the server the largest chat message it currently
143     holds, and the server sends back subsequent messages.  If there
144     are no subsequent messages, the /chat-poll page blocks until new
145     messages are available.
147  *  **/chat-send** &rarr;
148     Sends a new chat message to the server.
150  *  **/chat-delete** &rarr;
151     Deletes a chat message.
153Fossil chat uses the venerable "hanging GET" or
154"[long polling](wikipedia:/wiki/Push_technology#Long_polling)"
155technique to recieve asynchronous notification of new messages.
156This is done because long polling works well with CGI and SCGI,
157which are the usual mechanisms for setting up a Fossil server.
158More advanced notification techniques such as
159[Server-sent events](wikipedia:/wiki/Server-sent_events) and especially
160[WebSockets](wikipedia:/wiki/WebSocket) might seem more appropriate for
161a chat system, but those technologies are not compatible with CGI.
163Downloading of posted files and images uses a separate, non-XHR interface:
165  * **/chat-download** &rarr;
166    Fetches the file content associated with a post (one file per
167    post, maximum). In the UI, this is accessed via links to uploaded
168    files and via inlined image tags.
170Chat messages are stored on the server-side in the CHAT table of
171the repository.
174   CREATE TABLE repository.chat(
176      mtime JULIANDAY,
177      ltime TEXT,
178      xfrom TEXT,
179      xmsg  TEXT,
180      fname TEXT,
181      fmime TEXT,
182      mdel  INT,
183      file  BLOB)
184    );
187The CHAT table is not cross-linked with any other tables in the repository
188schema.  An administrator can "DROP TABLE chat;" at any time, without
189harm (apart from deleting all chat history, of course).  The CHAT table
190is dropped when running [fossil scrub --verily](/help?cmd=scrub).
192On the server-side, message text is stored exactly as entered by the
193users.  The /chat-poll page queries the CHAT table and constructs a
194JSON reply described in the [/chat-poll
195documentation](/help?cmd=/chat-poll).  The message text is translated
196into HTML before being converted to JSON so that the text can be
197safely added to the display using assignment to `innerHTML`. Though
198`innerHTML` assignment is generally considered unsafe, it is only so
199with untrusted content from untrusted sources. The chat content goes
200through sanitization steps which eliminate any potential security
201vulnerabilities of assigning that content to `innerHTML`.