1<title>Deleting Content From Fossil</title>
3<h2>Good Reasons for Removing Content from a Fossil Repository</h2>
5Fossil is designed to keep all historical content forever. Fossil
6purposely makes it difficult for users to delete content.  Old content
7is part of the project's <i>*ahem*</i> fossil record and should be
8maintained indefinitely to maintain an accurate history of the project.
10Nevertheless, there may occasionally arise legitimate reasons for
11deleting content.  Such reasons include:
13  *  Spammers inserted inappropriate content into a wiki page, forum post,
14     or ticket. Fossil lets you easily hide or amend such content, but
15     since it is not a legitimate part of the project's history, there
16     is no value in keeping it, so it is best removed permanently.
18  *  A file that contains trade secrets or that is under someone else's
19     copyright was accidentally committed and needs to be backed out.
21  *  A malformed control artifact was inserted and is disrupting the
22     operation of Fossil.
24  *  A legitimate legal request was received requiring content to
25     be removed. This would most likely be related to the accidental
26     intellectual property error or spam cases listed above. Some countries
27     recognise software patents, and so allow legal claims targetting code
28     commits. Some countries can require publicly-available encryption
29     software to be taken down if it is committed to the DAG without
30     the correct government authorisation.
34All of these are rare cases: Fossil is [./antibot.wiki | designed to
35foil spammers up front], legally problematic check-ins should range from
36rare to nonexistent, and you have to go way out of your way to force
37Fossil to insert bad control artifacts. Therefore, before we get to
38methods of permanently deleting content from a Fossil repos, let's give
39some alternatives that usually suffice, which don't damage the project's
40fossil record:
43    <li><p>When a forum post or wiki article is "deleted," what actually
44    happens is that a new empty version is added to the Fossil repository.
45    The web interface interprets this
46    as "deleted," but the prior version remains available if you go
47    digging for it.</p></li>
49    <li><p>When you close a ticket, it's marked in a way that causes it
50    to not show up in the normal ticket reports. You usually want to
51    give it a Resolution such as "Rejected" when this happens, plus
52    possibly a comment explaining why you're closing it. This is all new
53    information added to the ticket, not deletion.</p></li>
55    <li><p>When you <tt>fossil rm</tt> a file, a new manifest is
56    checked into the repository with the same file list as for the prior
57    version minus the "removed" file. The file is still present in the
58    repository; it just isn't part of that version forward on that
59    branch.</p></li>
61    <li><p>If you make a bad check-in, you can shunt it off to the side
62    by amending it to put it on a different branch, then continuing
63    development on the prior branch:
64    <p>
65    <tt>$ fossil amend abcd1234 --branch BOGUS --hide<br>
66    $ fossil up trunk</tt>
67    <p>
68    The first command moves check-in ID <tt>abcd1234</tt> (and any
69    subsequent check-ins on that branch!) to a branch called
70    <tt>BOGUS</tt>, then hides it so it doesn't show up on the
71    timeline. You can call this branch anything you like, and you can
72    re-use the same name as many times as you like. No content is
73    actually deleted: it's just shunted off to the side and hidden away.
74    You might find it easier to do this from the Fossil web UI in
75    the "edit" function for a check-in.
76    <p>
77    The second command returns to the last good check-in on that branch
78    so you can continue work from that point.</p></li>
80    <li><p>When the check-in you want to remove is followed by good
81    check-ins on the same branch, you can't use the previous method,
82    because it will move the good check-ins, too. The solution is:
83    <p>
84    <tt>$ fossil merge --backout abcd1234</tt>
85    <p>That creates a diff in the check-out directory that backs out the
86    bad check-in <tt>abcd1234</tt>. You then fix up any merge conflicts,
87    build, test, etc., then check the reverting change into the
88    repository. Again, nothing is actually deleted; you're just adding
89    more information to the repository which corrects a prior
90    check-in.</p></li>
93<h2>Exception: Non-versioned Content</h2>
95It is normal and expected to delete data which is not versioned, such as
96usernames and passwords in the user table. The [/help/scrub|fossil scrub]
97command will remove all sensitive non-versioned data from a repository.
99The scrub command will remove user 'bertina', along with their password,
100any supplied IP address, any concealed email address etc. However, in the
101DAG, commits by 'bertina' will continue to be visible unchanged even though
102there is no longer any such user in Fossil.
106Fossil provides a mechanism called "shunning" for removing content from
107a repository.
109Every Fossil repository maintains a list of the hash names of
110"shunned" artifacts.
111Fossil will refuse to push or pull any shunned artifact.
112Furthermore, all shunned artifacts (but not the shunning list
113itself) are removed from the
114repository whenever the repository is reconstructed using the
115"rebuild" command.
117<h3>Shunning lists are local state</h3>
119The shunning list is part of the local state of a Fossil repository.
120In other words, shunning does not propagate to a remote repository
121using the normal "sync" mechanism.  An artifact can be
122shunned from one repository but be allowed to exist in another.  The fact that
123the shunning list does not propagate is a security feature.  If the
124shunning list propagated then a malicious user (or
125a bug in the fossil code) might introduce a shun record that would
126propagate through all repositories in a network and permanently
127destroy vital information.  By refusing to propagate the shunning list,
128Fossil ensures that no remote user will ever be able to remove
129information from your personal repositories without your permission.
131The shunning list does not propagate to a remote repository
132by the normal "sync" mechanism,
133but it is still possible to copy shuns from one repository to another
134using the "configuration" command:
136    <b>fossil configuration pull shun</b> <i>remote-url</i><br>
137    <b>fossil configuration push shun</b> <i>remote-url</i>
139The two command above will pull or push shunning lists from or to
140the <i>remote-url</i> indicated and merge the lists on the receiving
141end.  "Admin" privilege on the remote server is required in order to
142push a shun list.  In contrast, the shunning list will be automatically
143received by default as part of a normal client "pull" operation unless
144disabled by the "<tt>auto-shun</tt>" setting.
146Note that the shunning list remains in the repository even after the
147shunned artifact has been removed.  This is to prevent the artifact
148from being reintroduced into the repository the next time it syncs with
149another repository that has not shunned the artifact.
151<h3>Managing the shunning list</h3>
153The complete shunning list for a repository can be viewed by a user
154with "admin" privilege on the "/shun" URL of the web interface to Fossil.
155That URL is accessible under the "Admin" button on the default menu
156bar.  Items can be added to or removed from the shunning list.  "Sync"
157operations are inhibited as soon as the artifact is added to the
158shunning list, but the content of the artifact is not actually removed
159from the repository until the next time the repository is rebuilt.
161When viewing individual artifacts with the web interface, "admin"
162users will usually see a "Shun" option in the submenu that will take
163them directly to the shunning page and enable that artifact to be
164shunned with a single additional mouse click.