1// Copyright 2012 Gary Burd
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
4// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
5// a copy of the License at
7//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13// under the License.
15package redis
17import (
18	"errors"
19	"fmt"
20	"strconv"
23// ErrNil indicates that a reply value is nil.
24var ErrNil = errors.New("redigo: nil returned")
26// Int is a helper that converts a command reply to an integer. If err is not
27// equal to nil, then Int returns 0, err. Otherwise, Int converts the
28// reply to an int as follows:
30//  Reply type    Result
31//  integer       int(reply), nil
32//  bulk string   parsed reply, nil
33//  nil           0, ErrNil
34//  other         0, error
35func Int(reply interface{}, err error) (int, error) {
36	if err != nil {
37		return 0, err
38	}
39	switch reply := reply.(type) {
40	case int64:
41		x := int(reply)
42		if int64(x) != reply {
43			return 0, strconv.ErrRange
44		}
45		return x, nil
46	case []byte:
47		n, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(reply), 10, 0)
48		return int(n), err
49	case nil:
50		return 0, ErrNil
51	case Error:
52		return 0, reply
53	}
54	return 0, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for Int, got type %T", reply)
57// Int64 is a helper that converts a command reply to 64 bit integer. If err is
58// not equal to nil, then Int returns 0, err. Otherwise, Int64 converts the
59// reply to an int64 as follows:
61//  Reply type    Result
62//  integer       reply, nil
63//  bulk string   parsed reply, nil
64//  nil           0, ErrNil
65//  other         0, error
66func Int64(reply interface{}, err error) (int64, error) {
67	if err != nil {
68		return 0, err
69	}
70	switch reply := reply.(type) {
71	case int64:
72		return reply, nil
73	case []byte:
74		n, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(reply), 10, 64)
75		return n, err
76	case nil:
77		return 0, ErrNil
78	case Error:
79		return 0, reply
80	}
81	return 0, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for Int64, got type %T", reply)
84var errNegativeInt = errors.New("redigo: unexpected value for Uint64")
86// Uint64 is a helper that converts a command reply to 64 bit integer. If err is
87// not equal to nil, then Int returns 0, err. Otherwise, Int64 converts the
88// reply to an int64 as follows:
90//  Reply type    Result
91//  integer       reply, nil
92//  bulk string   parsed reply, nil
93//  nil           0, ErrNil
94//  other         0, error
95func Uint64(reply interface{}, err error) (uint64, error) {
96	if err != nil {
97		return 0, err
98	}
99	switch reply := reply.(type) {
100	case int64:
101		if reply < 0 {
102			return 0, errNegativeInt
103		}
104		return uint64(reply), nil
105	case []byte:
106		n, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(reply), 10, 64)
107		return n, err
108	case nil:
109		return 0, ErrNil
110	case Error:
111		return 0, reply
112	}
113	return 0, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for Uint64, got type %T", reply)
116// Float64 is a helper that converts a command reply to 64 bit float. If err is
117// not equal to nil, then Float64 returns 0, err. Otherwise, Float64 converts
118// the reply to an int as follows:
120//  Reply type    Result
121//  bulk string   parsed reply, nil
122//  nil           0, ErrNil
123//  other         0, error
124func Float64(reply interface{}, err error) (float64, error) {
125	if err != nil {
126		return 0, err
127	}
128	switch reply := reply.(type) {
129	case []byte:
130		n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(reply), 64)
131		return n, err
132	case nil:
133		return 0, ErrNil
134	case Error:
135		return 0, reply
136	}
137	return 0, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for Float64, got type %T", reply)
140// String is a helper that converts a command reply to a string. If err is not
141// equal to nil, then String returns "", err. Otherwise String converts the
142// reply to a string as follows:
144//  Reply type      Result
145//  bulk string     string(reply), nil
146//  simple string   reply, nil
147//  nil             "",  ErrNil
148//  other           "",  error
149func String(reply interface{}, err error) (string, error) {
150	if err != nil {
151		return "", err
152	}
153	switch reply := reply.(type) {
154	case []byte:
155		return string(reply), nil
156	case string:
157		return reply, nil
158	case nil:
159		return "", ErrNil
160	case Error:
161		return "", reply
162	}
163	return "", fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for String, got type %T", reply)
166// Bytes is a helper that converts a command reply to a slice of bytes. If err
167// is not equal to nil, then Bytes returns nil, err. Otherwise Bytes converts
168// the reply to a slice of bytes as follows:
170//  Reply type      Result
171//  bulk string     reply, nil
172//  simple string   []byte(reply), nil
173//  nil             nil, ErrNil
174//  other           nil, error
175func Bytes(reply interface{}, err error) ([]byte, error) {
176	if err != nil {
177		return nil, err
178	}
179	switch reply := reply.(type) {
180	case []byte:
181		return reply, nil
182	case string:
183		return []byte(reply), nil
184	case nil:
185		return nil, ErrNil
186	case Error:
187		return nil, reply
188	}
189	return nil, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for Bytes, got type %T", reply)
192// Bool is a helper that converts a command reply to a boolean. If err is not
193// equal to nil, then Bool returns false, err. Otherwise Bool converts the
194// reply to boolean as follows:
196//  Reply type      Result
197//  integer         value != 0, nil
198//  bulk string     strconv.ParseBool(reply)
199//  nil             false, ErrNil
200//  other           false, error
201func Bool(reply interface{}, err error) (bool, error) {
202	if err != nil {
203		return false, err
204	}
205	switch reply := reply.(type) {
206	case int64:
207		return reply != 0, nil
208	case []byte:
209		return strconv.ParseBool(string(reply))
210	case nil:
211		return false, ErrNil
212	case Error:
213		return false, reply
214	}
215	return false, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for Bool, got type %T", reply)
218// MultiBulk is deprecated. Use Values.
219func MultiBulk(reply interface{}, err error) ([]interface{}, error) { return Values(reply, err) }
221// Values is a helper that converts an array command reply to a []interface{}.
222// If err is not equal to nil, then Values returns nil, err. Otherwise, Values
223// converts the reply as follows:
225//  Reply type      Result
226//  array           reply, nil
227//  nil             nil, ErrNil
228//  other           nil, error
229func Values(reply interface{}, err error) ([]interface{}, error) {
230	if err != nil {
231		return nil, err
232	}
233	switch reply := reply.(type) {
234	case []interface{}:
235		return reply, nil
236	case nil:
237		return nil, ErrNil
238	case Error:
239		return nil, reply
240	}
241	return nil, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for Values, got type %T", reply)
244// Strings is a helper that converts an array command reply to a []string. If
245// err is not equal to nil, then Strings returns nil, err. Nil array items are
246// converted to "" in the output slice. Strings returns an error if an array
247// item is not a bulk string or nil.
248func Strings(reply interface{}, err error) ([]string, error) {
249	if err != nil {
250		return nil, err
251	}
252	switch reply := reply.(type) {
253	case []interface{}:
254		result := make([]string, len(reply))
255		for i := range reply {
256			if reply[i] == nil {
257				continue
258			}
259			p, ok := reply[i].([]byte)
260			if !ok {
261				return nil, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected element type for Strings, got type %T", reply[i])
262			}
263			result[i] = string(p)
264		}
265		return result, nil
266	case nil:
267		return nil, ErrNil
268	case Error:
269		return nil, reply
270	}
271	return nil, fmt.Errorf("redigo: unexpected type for Strings, got type %T", reply)
274// Ints is a helper that converts an array command reply to a []int. If
275// err is not equal to nil, then Ints returns nil, err.
276func Ints(reply interface{}, err error) ([]int, error) {
277	var ints []int
278	if reply == nil {
279		return ints, ErrNil
280	}
281	values, err := Values(reply, err)
282	if err != nil {
283		return ints, err
284	}
285	if err := ScanSlice(values, &ints); err != nil {
286		return ints, err
287	}
288	return ints, nil
291// StringMap is a helper that converts an array of strings (alternating key, value)
292// into a map[string]string. The HGETALL and CONFIG GET commands return replies in this format.
293// Requires an even number of values in result.
294func StringMap(result interface{}, err error) (map[string]string, error) {
295	values, err := Values(result, err)
296	if err != nil {
297		return nil, err
298	}
299	if len(values)%2 != 0 {
300		return nil, errors.New("redigo: StringMap expects even number of values result")
301	}
302	m := make(map[string]string, len(values)/2)
303	for i := 0; i < len(values); i += 2 {
304		key, okKey := values[i].([]byte)
305		value, okValue := values[i+1].([]byte)
306		if !okKey || !okValue {
307			return nil, errors.New("redigo: ScanMap key not a bulk string value")
308		}
309		m[string(key)] = string(value)
310	}
311	return m, nil