2layout: "docs"
3page_title: "Upgrading to Vault 0.10.0 - Guides"
4sidebar_title: "Upgrade to 0.10.0"
5sidebar_current: "docs-upgrading-to-0.10.0"
6description: |-
7  This page contains the list of deprecations and important or breaking changes
8  for Vault 0.10.0. Please read it carefully.
11# Overview
13This page contains the list of deprecations and important or breaking changes
14for Vault 0.10.0 compared to 0.9.0. Please read it carefully.
16## Changes Since 0.9.6
18### Database Plugin Compatibility
20The database plugin interface was enhanced to support some additional
21functionality related to root credential rotation and supporting templated
22URL strings. The changes were made in a backwards-compatible way and all
23builtin plugins were updated with the new features. Custom plugins not built
24into Vault will need to be upgraded to support templated URL strings and
25root rotation. Additionally, the Initialize method was deprecated in favor
26of a new Init method that supports configuration modifications that occur in
27the plugin back to the primary data store.
29### Removal of Returned Secret Information
31For a long time Vault has returned configuration given to various secret
32engines and auth methods with secret values (such as secret API keys or
33passwords) still intact, and with a warning to the user on write that anyone
34with read access could see the secret. This was mostly done to make it easy for
35tools like Terraform to judge whether state had drifted. However, it also feels
36quite un-Vault-y to do this and we've never felt very comfortable doing so. In
370.10 we have gone through and removed this bevhavior from the various backends;
38fields which contained secret values are simply no longer returned on read. We
39are working with the Terraform team to make changes to their provider to
40accommodate this as best as possible, and users of other tools may have to make
41adjustments, but in the end we felt that the ends did not justify the means and
42we needed to prioritize security over operational convenience.
44### LDAP Auth Method Case Sensitivity
46We now treat usernames and groups configured locally for policy assignment in a
47case insensitive fashion by default. Existing configurations will continue to
48work as they do now; however, the next time a configuration is written
49`case_sensitive_names` will need to be explicitly set to `true`.
51### TTL Handling Moved to Core
53All lease TTL handling has been centralized within the core of Vault to ensure
54consistency across all backends. Since this was previously delegated to
55individual backends, there may be some slight differences in TTLs generated
56from some backends.
58### Default `secret/` Mount is Deprecated
60In 0.12 we will stop mounting `secret/` by default at initialization time (it
61will still be available in `dev` mode).
63## Full List Since 0.9.0
65### Change to AWS Role Output
67The AWS authentication backend now allows binds for inputs as either a
68comma-delimited string or a string array. However, to keep consistency with
69input and output, when reading a role the binds will now be returned as string
70arrays rather than strings.
72### Change to AWS IAM Auth ARN Prefix Matching
74In order to prefix-match IAM role and instance profile ARNs in AWS auth
75backend, you now must explicitly opt-in by adding a `*` to the end of the ARN.
76Existing configurations will be upgraded automatically, but when writing a new
77role configuration the updated behavior will be used.
78### Backwards Compatible CLI Changes
80This upgrade guide is typically reserved for breaking changes, however it
81is worth calling out that the CLI interface to Vault has been completely
82revamped while maintaining backwards compatibility. This could lead to
83potential confusion  while browsing the latest version of the Vault
84documentation on vaultproject.io.
86All previous CLI commands should continue to work and are backwards
87compatible in almost all cases.
89Documentation for previous versions of Vault can be accessed using
90the GitHub interface by browsing tags (eg [0.9.1 website tree](https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/tree/v0.9.1/website)) or by
91[building the Vault website locally](https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/tree/v0.9.1/website#running-the-site-locally).
93### `sys/health` DR Secondary Reporting
95The `replication_dr_secondary` bool returned by `sys/health` could be
96misleading since it would be `false` both when a cluster was not a DR secondary
97but also when the node is a standby in the cluster and has not yet fully
98received state from the active node. This could cause health checks on LBs to
99decide that the node was acceptable for traffic even though DR secondaries
100cannot handle normal Vault traffic. (In other words, the bool could only convey
101"yes" or "no" but not "not sure yet".) This has been replaced by
102`replication_dr_mode` and `replication_perf_mode` which are string values that
103convey the current state of the node; a value of `disabled` indicates that
104replication is disabled or the state is still being discovered. As a result, an
105LB check can positively verify that the node is both not `disabled` and is not
106a DR secondary, and avoid sending traffic to it if either is true.
109### PKI Secret Backend Roles Parameter Types
111For `ou` and `organization` in role definitions in the PKI secret backend,
112input can now be a comma-separated string or an array of strings. Reading a
113role will now return arrays for these parameters.
115### Plugin API Changes
117The plugin API has been updated to utilize golang's context.Context package.
118Many function signatures now accept a context object as the first parameter.
119Existing plugins will need to pull in the latest Vault code and update their
120function signatures to begin using context and the new gRPC transport.
122### AppRole Case Sensitivity
124In prior versions of Vault, `list` operations against AppRole roles would
125require preserving case in the role name, even though most other operations
126within AppRole are case-insensitive with respect to the role name. This has
127been fixed; existing roles will behave as they have in the past, but new roles
128will act case-insensitively in these cases.
130### Token Auth Backend Roles Parameter Types
132For `allowed_policies` and `disallowed_policies` in role definitions in the
133token auth backend, input can now be a comma-separated string or an array of
134strings. Reading a role will now return arrays for these parameters.
136### Transit Key Exporting
138You can now mark a key in the `transit` backend as `exportable` at any time,
139rather than just at creation time; however, once this value is set, it still
140cannot be unset.
142### PKI Secret Backend Roles Parameter Types
144For `allowed_domains` and `key_usage` in role definitions in the PKI secret
145backend, input can now be a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
146Reading a role will now return arrays for these parameters.
148### SSH Dynamic Keys Method Defaults to 2048-bit Keys
150When using the dynamic key method in the SSH backend, the default is now to use
1512048-bit keys if no specific key bit size is specified.
153### Consul Secret Backend Lease Handling
155The `consul` secret backend can now accept both strings and integer numbers of
156seconds for its lease value. The value returned on a role read will be an
157integer number of seconds instead of a human-friendly string.
159### Unprintable Characters Not Allowed in API Paths
161Unprintable characters are no longer allowed in names in the API (paths and
162path parameters), with an extra restriction on whitespace characters. Allowed
163characters are those that are considered printable by Unicode plus spaces.