2  "schema": "1.0",
3  "comment": "This file maps proto services/RPCs to the corresponding library clients/methods.",
4  "language": "go",
5  "protoPackage": "google.cloud.recommender.v1beta1",
6  "libraryPackage": "cloud.google.com/go/recommender/apiv1beta1",
7  "services": {
8    "Recommender": {
9      "clients": {
10        "grpc": {
11          "libraryClient": "Client",
12          "rpcs": {
13            "GetInsight": {
14              "methods": [
15                "GetInsight"
16              ]
17            },
18            "GetRecommendation": {
19              "methods": [
20                "GetRecommendation"
21              ]
22            },
23            "ListInsights": {
24              "methods": [
25                "ListInsights"
26              ]
27            },
28            "ListRecommendations": {
29              "methods": [
30                "ListRecommendations"
31              ]
32            },
33            "MarkInsightAccepted": {
34              "methods": [
35                "MarkInsightAccepted"
36              ]
37            },
38            "MarkRecommendationClaimed": {
39              "methods": [
40                "MarkRecommendationClaimed"
41              ]
42            },
43            "MarkRecommendationFailed": {
44              "methods": [
45                "MarkRecommendationFailed"
46              ]
47            },
48            "MarkRecommendationSucceeded": {
49              "methods": [
50                "MarkRecommendationSucceeded"
51              ]
52            }
53          }
54        }
55      }
56    }
57  }