1 #ifndef GLRGRAMMAR
3 #define GLRGRAMMAR
5 #include <iostream>
6 #include <set>
7 #include <map>
8 #include <deque>
9 #include <cstdio> // for EOF
11 using namespace std;
13 #include <glr/glrException.h>
14 #include <glr/glrSymbolTable.h>
15 #include <glr/glrGuard.h>
16 #include <glr/glrNode.h>
18 /** @name glrRuleType
19  *
20  * Enumeration type for identifying the type of the grammar rule. The <tt>glrEpsilonRule</tt>
21  * identifyies the epsilon rule. The <tt>glrNonterminalRule</tt> is used for rules that have
22  * a nonterminal at the end of the right side. The <tt>glrPreterminalRule</tt> is used for
23  * rules that have (pre)terminal at the right side of the rule.
24  *
25  * @see glrRule
26  */
27 typedef enum {
28   /**
29    *
30    * If the type of some rule is <tt>glrEpsilonRule</tt>, the rule has the right side empty.
31    */
32   glrEpsilonRule,
34   /**
35    *
36    * If the type of some rule is the <tt>glrNonterminalRule</tt>, the rule has nonterminal
37    * at the end of the right side.
38    */
39   glrNonterminalRule,
41   /**
42    *
43    * If the type os some grammar rule is <tt>glrPreterminalRule</tt>, the rule has preterminal
44    * at the end of the right side.
45    */
46   glrPreterminalRule
47 } glrRuleType;
50 /**
51  *
52  * Type for storing the right side of the grammar rule.
53  *
54  * @see glrRule
55  */
56 typedef vector<glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol> glrRuleRight;
58 /*
59 class glrReductionHint {
60   private:
61     set<class glrNode*> packedNodes;
62     class glrNode* ownParent;
63   public:
64     void setOwnParent(class glrNode* const& ownParentA){
66       if(ownParent){
67         throw glrLostOwnParentException("void glrReductionHint::setOwnParent(class glrNode* const& ownParentA): \
68 					 call of this function while ownParent not NULL");
69       }
70 //      if(ownParent)((glrGuard*)(ownParent))->release();
71       ownParent = ownParentA;
72       if(ownParent) packedNodes.insert(ownParent);
74     }
75     class glrNode* const& getOwnParent(){
76       return ownParent;
77     }
78     bool packedNodes_add(class glrNode* const& node){
79       pair<set<class glrNode*>::iterator,bool> p = packedNodes.insert(node);
80       return p.second;
81     }
82     glrReductionHint(){
83       ownParent = NULL;
84     }
85     ~glrReductionHint(){
86       if(ownParent)((glrGuard*)(ownParent))->release();
87     }
88     set<class glrNode*> &getPackedNodes(){
89       return packedNodes;
90     }
91 };
93 class glrParseTimeRuleState {
94   private:
95     int iToken;
96     map<deque<class glrNode*>,glrReductionHint> reductions;
97     class glrNode* epsilonNode;
98   public:
99     void reset(){
100       iToken = 0;
101       reductions.clear();
102       if(epsilonNode)((glrGuard*)epsilonNode)->release();
103       epsilonNode = NULL;
104     }
105     glrReductionHint& getReductionHint(const deque<class glrNode*> &subtree,int const& iTokenA) {
106 //    if(iToken!=iTokenA){
107 //      iToken = iTokenA;
108 //	reductions.clear();
109 //    }
110       return reductions[subtree];
111     }
113     class glrNode *getEpsilonHint(const int& iTokenA){
114 //    if(iToken!=iTokenA){
115 //      iToken = iTokenA;
116 //	((glrGuard*)epsilonNode)->release();
117 //	epsilonNode = NULL;
118 //    }
119       return epsilonNode;
120     }
122     void setEpsilonHint(class glrNode* const &epsilonNodeA){
123       epsilonNode = epsilonNodeA;
124     }
126     glrParseTimeRuleState(){
127       epsilonNode = NULL;
128     }
129 };*/
131 /**
132  *
133  * Class which used to represent the grammar rule. Note that you may want to derive this class
134  * to store any other values associated with the rule. Of course then you have to
135  * derive also the <tt>glrGrammar</tt> class and override its <tt>read</tt> function to store
136  * rules of your own type in the grammar.
137  *
138  * @see glrGrammar
139  */
140 class glrRule {
141   private:
142     glrRuleType type;
143     int number;
144     glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol left;
145     glrRuleRight right;
146     // glrParseTimeRuleState *ruleState;
147     int nodeToken;
148     void *epsilonNode;
149   public:
getEpsilonNode(const int & nodeTokenA)151     void* getEpsilonNode(const int &nodeTokenA) const {
152       if (nodeToken==nodeTokenA) return epsilonNode;
153       else return NULL;
154     }
setEpsilonNode(int const & nodeTokenA,void * const & epsilonNodeA)156     void setEpsilonNode(int const& nodeTokenA, void* const& epsilonNodeA){
157       nodeToken = nodeTokenA;
158       epsilonNode = epsilonNodeA;
159     }
161     /*
162     glrReductionHint& getReductionHint(const deque<class glrNode*> &subtree,int const& iTokenA) const {
163       return ruleState->getReductionHint(subtree,iTokenA);
164     }
166     void resetRuleState() const {
167       ruleState->reset();
168     }
170     void setEpsilonHint(class glrNode* const &epsilonNodeA) const {
171       ruleState->setEpsilonHint(epsilonNodeA);
172     }
174     class glrNode *getEpsilonHint(const int& iTokenA) const {
175       return ruleState->getEpsilonHint(iTokenA);
176     }
177     */
179     /**
180      *
181      * The function <tt>getNumber()</tt> returns the number of the grammar rule.
182      * Note that the rule number 0 has special sense in the grammar.
183      * It is the only rule which can be at the top of all derivation trees found by the parser.
184      *
185      * @see glrGrammar
186      */
getNumber()187     const int &getNumber() const {
188       return number;
189     }
191     /**
192      *
193      * The function <tt>getType()</tt> returns the type of the grammar rule. It can be either <tt>glrEpsilonRule</tt> for epsilon
194      * rules, <tt>glrNonterminalRule</tt> for rules which has at the end of right side nonterminal
195      * and the <tt>glrPreterminalRule</tt> for rules which end with preterminal.
196      *
197      * @see glrRuleType
198      */
getType()199     const glrRuleType &getType() const {
200       return type;
201     }
203     /**
204      *
205      * The function pushes the symbol <tt>symbol</tt> to the right side of the rule.
206      * Argument <tt>symbols</tt> is parser's symbol table.
207      *
208      * @see glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol
209      * @see glrSymbolTable
210      * @see glrParser
211      */
pushRight(const glrSymbolTable & symbols,const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol & symbol)212     void pushRight(const glrSymbolTable &symbols,const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol &symbol){
213       right.push_back(symbol);
214       type=(symbols.getSymbolType(symbol)==glrSymbolTable::glrPreterminal)?glrPreterminalRule:glrNonterminalRule;
215     }
217     /**
218      *
219      * The function adds the symbol specified by the <tt>charSymbol</tt> argument to
220      * the <tt>symbols</tt> symbol table (if there is not already such) and pushes
221      * appropriate value of type <tt>glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol</tt> to the right side of the rule.
222      *
223      * @see glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol
224      * @see glrSymbolTable
225      * @see glrParser
226      */
pushRight(glrSymbolTable & symbols,const char * const & charSymbol)227     void pushRight(glrSymbolTable &symbols,const char* const &charSymbol){
228       const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol &symbol=symbols.addTextSymbol(charSymbol);
229       right.push_back(symbol);
230       type=(symbols.getSymbolType(symbol)==glrSymbolTable::glrPreterminal)?glrPreterminalRule:glrNonterminalRule;
231     }
233     /**
234      *
235      * The function adds the symbol specified by the <tt>stringSymbol</tt> argument to
236      * the <tt>symbols</tt> symbol table (if there is not already such) and pushes
237      * appropriate value of type <tt>glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol</tt> to the right side of the rule.
238      *
239      * @see glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol
240      * @see glrSymbolTable
241      * @see glrParser
242      */
pushRight(glrSymbolTable & symbols,const string & stringSymbol)243     void pushRight(glrSymbolTable &symbols,const string &stringSymbol){
244       const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol &symbol=symbols.addTextSymbol(stringSymbol);
245       right.push_back(symbol);
246       type=(symbols.getSymbolType(symbol)==glrSymbolTable::glrPreterminal)?glrPreterminalRule:glrNonterminalRule;
247     }
249     /**
250      *
251      * The function prints the rule in the the format <tt>LEFT -> RIGHT_1 RIGHT_2 ... RIGHT_N</tt>.
252      * The delimiter is space. The <tt>symbols</tt> argument is the parser's symbol table and
253      * the <tt>output</tt> specifies where to print.
254      *
255      * @see glrSymbolTable
256      */
print(const glrSymbolTable & symbols,ostream & output)257     virtual void print(const glrSymbolTable &symbols,ostream &output) const {
258       if(!(output << symbols.getStringFromSymbol(left) << " ->")){
259         throw glrIOErrorException("void glrRule::print(const glrSymbolTable &symbols,ostream &output) const: can't write to output");
260       }
261       for(glrRuleRight::const_iterator i=right.begin();i!=right.end();++i){
262         if(!(output << " " << symbols.getStringFromSymbol(*i))){
263           throw glrIOErrorException("void glrRule::print(const glrSymbolTable &symbols,ostream &output) const: can't write to output");
264 	}
265       }
266     }
268     /**
269      *
270      * The function returns the constant reference to the symbol at the end of the right side of
271      * the rule.
272      *
273      * @see glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol
274      * @see glrSymbolTable
275      */
right_back()276     const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol &right_back() const {
277       #ifdef DEBUGEXCEPTIONS
278       if(right.empty()){
279         throw glrEmptyContainerException("const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol& glrRule::right_back() const: right side of the rule is empty");
280       }
281       #endif
282       return right.back();
283     }
285     /**
286      *
287      * The function returns the size of the right side of the rule.
288      *
289      */
right_size()290     int right_size() const {
291       return right.size();
292     }
294     /**
295      *
296      * The function returns constant reference to the symbol at the position <tt>pos</tt>
297      * at the right size of the rule.
298      *
299      * @see glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol
300      * @see glrSymbolTable
301      */
right_at(const int & pos)302     const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol &right_at(const int &pos) const {
303       #ifdef DEBUGEXCEPTIONS
304       if((pos<0)||(pos>=right.size())){
305         throw glrIndexOutOfBoundsException("const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol& glrRule::right_at(const int &pos) const: index out of bounds");
306       }
307       #endif
308       return right[pos];
309     }
311     /**
312      *
313      * The function returns the iterator to the begin of the right side of the rule.
314      * You can use it in the cooperation with the <tt>right_end()</tt> function
315      * to iterate over all symbols of the right side of the rule.
316      *
317      * @see glrRuleRight
318      * @see glrRule::right_end
319      */
right_begin()320     glrRuleRight::const_iterator right_begin() const {
321       return right.begin();
322     }
324     /**
325      *
326      * Function returns iterator to the end of the right side of the rule.
327      *
328      * @see glrRuleRight
329      * @see glrRule::right_begin
330      */
right_end()331     glrRuleRight::const_iterator right_end() const {
332       return right.end();
333     }
335     /**
336      *
337      * The function returns the iterator to the begin of the reversed right
338      * side of the rule.
339      *
340      */
right_rbegin()341     glrRuleRight::const_reverse_iterator right_rbegin() const {
342       return right.rbegin();
343     }
345     /**
346      *
347      * The function returns the iterator to the end of the reversed right side
348      * of the rule.
349      *
350      * @see glrRuleRight
351      * @see glrRule::right_rbegin
352      */
right_rend()353     glrRuleRight::const_reverse_iterator right_rend() const {
354       return right.rend();
355     }
357     /**
358      *
359      * Function returns constant reference to the symbol at the left side of the rule.
360      *
361      * @see glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol
362      * @see glrSymbolTable
363      */
getLeft()364     const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol &getLeft() const {
365       return left;
366     }
368     /**
369      *
370      * Constructor. <tt>numberA</tt> is the number of the rule and <tt>leftA</tt> is the symbol at the left side of the rule.
371      *
372      */
glrRule(const int & numberA,const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol & leftA)373     glrRule(const int &numberA,const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbol &leftA){
374       left=leftA;
375       number=numberA;
376       type=glrEpsilonRule;
377       //ruleState = new glrParseTimeRuleState();
378     }
~glrRule()380     virtual ~glrRule(){
381       //delete ruleState;
382     }
384 };
386 /**
387  *
388  * Class <tt>glrCompRule</tt> is used internally by the parser during the glr table computation.
389  *
390  */
391 class glrCompRule {
392   private:
393     /**
394      *
395      * <tt>symbolTypes</tt> are types of symbols at the right side of rule <tt>rule</tt>.
396      *
397      */
398     vector<glrSymbolTable::glrSymbolType> symbolTypes;
399   public:
400     /**
401      *
402      * <tt>rule</tt> is constant pointer to associated rule.
403      *
404      */
405     const glrRule *rule;
symbolType_at(const int & pos)407     const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbolType& symbolType_at(const int &pos) const {
408       #ifdef DEBUGEXCEPTIONS
409       if((pos<0)||(pos>=symbolTypes.size())){
410         throw glrIndexOutOfBoundsException("const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbolType& glrCompRule::symbolType_at(const int &pos) const: index out of bounds");
411       }
412       #endif
413       return symbolTypes[pos];
414     }
symbolTypes_back()416     const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbolType& symbolTypes_back() const {
417       #ifdef DEBUGEXCEPTIONS
418       if(symbolTypes.empty()){
419         throw glrEmptyContainerException("const glrSymbolTable::glrSymbolType& glrCompRule::symbolTypes_back() const: symbol types container is empty");
420       }
421       #endif
422       return symbolTypes.back();
423     }
425     /**
426      *
427      * Constructor. <tt>symbols</tt> is the parser's symbol table and <tt>ruleA</tt> is the rule
428      * asociated with newly created object.
429      *
430      */
glrCompRule(const glrSymbolTable & symbols,const glrRule * ruleA)431     glrCompRule(const glrSymbolTable &symbols,const glrRule *ruleA){
432       rule=ruleA;
433       for(glrRuleRight::const_iterator sym=rule->right_begin();sym!=rule->right_end();++sym){
434         symbolTypes.push_back(symbols.getSymbolType(*sym));
435       }
436     }
438 };
440 /**
441  *
442  * Class <tt>glrGrammarMap</tt> is used internally by the parser during the glr table
443  * computation. It stores vector of pointers to objects of type <tt>glrCompRule</tt> at the position
444  * returned by the <tt>(int)</tt> cast operation applyed to the symbol at the left sides
445  * of stored rules.
446  *
447  * @see glrCompRule
448  */
449 class glrGrammarMap : public vector<vector<glrCompRule*> >{
450   public:
451     /**
452      *
453      * Function dealocates all objects of stored pointers and clears the map.
454      *
455      */
releaseCompRules()456     void releaseCompRules(){
457       for(glrGrammarMap::iterator i=begin();i!=end();++i)
458         for(vector<glrCompRule*>::iterator j=i->begin();j!=i->end();++j)
459           delete (*j);
460       clear();
461     }
462 };
464 /**
465  *
466  * Class <tt>glrGrammar</tt> is used by the parser to store grammar. You may want to derive it
467  * to override virtual function read and print to handle different format of grammar files.
468  * Other purpuse may be also to store rules in object of type of your own class derived from
469  * glrGrammarRule class.
470  *
471  * @see glrRule
472  */
473 class glrGrammar {
474   public:
476     /**
477      *
478      * <tt>glrRulesContainer</tt> is the container which is used by the <tt>glrGrammar</tt> class
479      * to store pointers to the grammar rules.
480      *
481      */
482     typedef vector<glrRule*> glrRulesContainer;
483   private:
484     glrRulesContainer rules;
485     unsigned int maxRuleLength;
486     vector<glrRule*> epsilonRules;
487   public:
489     /**
490      *
491      * Function <tt>prepareGrammar</tt> prepares the grammar for parsing. It is automaticaly
492      * called at the end of the <tt>read</tt> function. If you are initializing the grammar
493      * by your own way, you should call this function after last grammar modification before
494      * parsing.
495      */
prepareGrammar()496     void prepareGrammar() {
497       maxRuleLength = 0;
498       epsilonRules.clear();
499       for(glrRulesContainer::iterator i = rules.begin(); i!=rules.end(); ++i){
500         if(maxRuleLength<(*i)->right_size()){
501 	  maxRuleLength = (*i)->right_size();
502 	}
503 	if((*i)->getType()==glrEpsilonRule){
504 	  epsilonRules.push_back(*i);
505 	}
506       }
507     }
509     /**
510      *
511      * The <tt>resetEpsilonRules</tt> function is called by the parser to reset informations
512      * stored in epsilon rules temporarly during parsing.
513      */
resetEpsilonRules()514     void resetEpsilonRules(){
515       for(vector<glrRule*>::iterator i = epsilonRules.begin(); i!=epsilonRules.end(); ++i){
516         (*i)->setEpsilonNode(-1, NULL);
517       }
518     }
getMaxRuleLength()520     virtual unsigned int const& getMaxRuleLength() const {
521       return maxRuleLength;
522     }
524     /*
525     void resetParseTimeRuleStates(){
526       for(glrRulesContainer::iterator i = rules.begin(); i!=rules.end(); ++i){
527         (*i)->resetRuleState();
528       }
529     }
530     */
532     /**
533      *
534      * Function <tt>addRule</tt> adds the rule <tt>newRule</tt> to the grammar.
535      *
536      */
addRule(glrRule * const & newRule)537     void addRule(glrRule* const &newRule){
538       if(maxRuleLength<newRule->right_size()){
539         maxRuleLength = newRule->right_size();
540       }
541       if(newRule->getNumber()>=rules.size()){
542         rules.resize(newRule->getNumber()+1);
543       }
544       rules[newRule->getNumber()]=newRule;
545     }
547     /**
548      *
549      * Function <tt>getRule</tt> returns the pointer to rule which number is <tt>ruleNo</tt>.
550      *
551      */
getRule(const int & ruleNo)552     const glrRule* getRule(const int &ruleNo) const {
553       #ifdef DEBUGEXCEPTIONS
554       if((ruleNo<0)||(ruleNo>=rules.size())){
555         throw glrIndexOutOfBoundsException("const glrRule* glrGrammar::getRule(const int &ruleNo) const: index ruleNo out of bounds");
556       }
557       #endif
558       return rules[ruleNo];
559     }
561     /**
562      *
563      * Function <tt>print</tt> simply prints all rules to <tt>output</tt> by calling
564      * function <tt>print</tt> for each rule. <tt>symbols</tt> is the parser's symbol table.
565      *
566      */
print(const glrSymbolTable & symbols,ostream & output)567     virtual void print(const glrSymbolTable &symbols,ostream &output) const {
568       for(glrRulesContainer::const_iterator i=rules.begin();i!=rules.end();++i){
569         (*i)->print(symbols,output);
570         if(!(output << endl)){
571 	  throw glrIOErrorException("void glrGrammar:: print(const glrSymbolTable &symbols,ostream &output) const: can't write to output stream");
572 	}
573       }
574     }
576     /**
577      *
578      * Function <tt>size</tt> returns the number of rules in the grammar.
579      *
580      */
size()581     int size() const {
582       return rules.size();
583     }
585     /**
586      *
587      * Function <tt>initGrammarMap</tt> initializes the object <tt>grammarMap</tt> from the grammar.
588      * <tt>symbols</tt> is the parser's symbol table.
589      *
590      */
initGrammarMap(const glrSymbolTable & symbols,glrGrammarMap & grammarMap)591     glrCompRule *initGrammarMap(const glrSymbolTable &symbols,glrGrammarMap &grammarMap) const {
592       grammarMap.resize(symbols.size());
593       glrCompRule *ret = NULL;
594       for(glrRulesContainer::const_iterator iRule=rules.begin();iRule!=rules.end();++iRule){
595         if(*iRule){
596           glrCompRule *newCompRule=new glrCompRule(symbols,*iRule);
597           if((*iRule)->getNumber()==0)ret=newCompRule;
598           grammarMap[(*iRule)->getLeft()].push_back(newCompRule);
599 	}
600       }
601       return ret;
602     }
glrGrammar()604     glrGrammar(){
605       maxRuleLength = 0;
606     }
608     /**
609      *
610      * Destructor dealocates all stored rules.
611      *
612      */
~glrGrammar()613     virtual ~glrGrammar(){
614       for(glrRulesContainer::iterator i=rules.begin();i!=rules.end();++i){
615         if(*i)delete (*i);
616       }
617     }
619     /**
620      *
621      * Function reads grammar from file. Each rule in the file have to be on
622      * its own line. Format of the line is same as output of <tt>glrRule::print</tt> function.
623      * <tt>istream</tt> is input. <tt>symbols</tt> is the parsers table of symbols.
624      *
625      * @see glrRule::print
626      */
read(glrSymbolTable & symbols,istream & input)627     virtual void read(glrSymbolTable &symbols, istream &input){
628       int lineNo = 1;
629       int state = 1;
630       int ruleCount = 0;
631       string leftSymbol;
632       string token;
633       glrRule *newRule = NULL;
634       while(state){
635         int c = input.get();
636 	switch(state){
637 	  case 1:
638 	    if(((c>='a')&&(c<='z'))||((c>='A')&&(c<='Z'))){
639 	      leftSymbol = c;
640 	      state = 2;
641 	    }else if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')||(c=='\n')){
642 	      if(c=='\n')lineNo++;
643 	    }else if(c==EOF){
644 	      state = 0;
645 	    }else if(c=='#'){
646 	      state = 3;
647 	    }else if(c=='\''){
648 	      state = 20;
649 	    }else{
650 	      state = -1;
651 	    }
652 	    break;
653 	  case 20:
654 	    if((c>=32)&&(c!='\'')){
655 	      leftSymbol = c;
656 	      state = 21;
657 	    }else{
658 	      state = -1;
659 	    }
660 	    break;
661 	  case 21:
662 	    if((c>=32)&&(c!='\'')){
663 	      leftSymbol += c;
664 	    }else if(c=='\''){
665 	      state = 22;
666 	    }else{
667 	      state = -1;
668 	    }
669 	    break;
670 	  case 22:
671 	    if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
672 	      state = 23;
673 	    }else{
674 	      state = -1;
675 	    }
676 	    break;
677 	  case 23:
678 	    if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
679 	    }else if(c=='-'){
680 	      state = 5;
681 	    }else{
682 	      state = -1;
683 	    }
684 	    break;
685 	  case 2:
686 	    if(((c>='a')&&(c<='z'))||((c>='A')&&(c<='Z'))||(c=='-')||(c=='_')||((c>='0')&&(c<='9'))){
687 	      leftSymbol += c;
688 	    }else if((c==':')||(c=='(')){
689 	      state = 3;
690 	    }else if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
691 	      state = 4;
692 	    }else{
693 	      state = -1;
694 	    }
695 	    break;
696 	  case 3:
697 	    if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
698 	      state = 1;
699 	      lineNo++;
700 	    }
701 	    break;
702 	  case 4:
703 	    if(c=='('){
704 	      state = 3;
705 	    }else if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
706 	    }else if(c=='-'){
707 	      state = 5;
708 	    }else{
709 	      state = -1;
710 	    }
711 	    break;
712 	  case 5:
713 	    if(c=='>'){
714 	      addRule(newRule = new glrRule(ruleCount++,symbols.addTextSymbol(leftSymbol)));
715 	      state = 6;
716 	    }else{
717 	      state = -1;
718 	    }
719 	    break;
720 	  case 6:
721 	    if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
722 	      state = 7;
723 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
724 	      lineNo++;
725 	      newRule = NULL;
726 	      state = 1;
727 	    }else{
728 	      state = -1;
729 	    }
730 	    break;
731 	  case 7:
732 	    if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
733 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
734 	      ++lineNo;
735 	      newRule = NULL;
736 	      state = 1;
737 	    }else if(c=='+'){
738 	      state = 8;
739 	    }else if(((c>='a')&&(c<='z'))||((c>='A')&&(c<='Z'))){
740 	      token = c;
741 	      state = 9;
742 	    }else if(c=='\''){
743 	      state = 24;
744 	    }else{
745 	      state = -1;
746 	    }
747 	    break;
748 	  case 24:
749 	    if((c>=32)&&(c!='\'')){
750 	      state = 25;
751 	      token = c;
752 	    }else{
753 	      state = -1;
754 	    }
755 	    break;
756 	  case 25:
757 	    if((c>=32)&&(c!='\'')){
758 	      token += c;
759 	    }else if(c=='\''){
760 	      newRule->pushRight(symbols,token);
761 	      state = 26;
762 	    }else{
763 	      state = -1;
764 	    }
765 	    break;
766 	  case 26:
767 	    if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
768 	      state = 11;
769 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c=EOF)){
770 	      state = 1;
771 	      newRule = NULL;
772 	      lineNo++;
773 	    }else{
774 	      state = -1;
775 	    }
776 	    break;
777 	  case 8:
778 	    if((c>='0')||(c<='9')){
779 	      state = 10;
780 	    }else{
781 	      state = -1;
782 	    }
783 	    break;
784 	  case 9:
785 	    if(((c>='a')&&(c<='z'))||((c>='A')&&(c<='Z'))||((c>='0')&&(c<='9'))||(c=='-')||(c=='_')){
786 	      token += c;
787 	    }else if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
788 	      newRule->pushRight(symbols,token);
789 	      state = 11;
790 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
791 	      newRule->pushRight(symbols,token);
792 	      newRule = NULL;
793 	      lineNo++;
794 	      state = 1;
795 	    }else{
796 	      state = -1;
797 	    }
798 	    break;
799 	  case 10:
800 	    if((c>='0')&&(c<='9')){
801 	    }else if(c=='.'){
802 	      state = 12;
803 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
804 	      state = 1;
805 	      newRule = NULL;
806 	      lineNo++;
807 	    }else if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
808 	      state = 16;
809 	    }else{
810 	      state = -1;
811 	    }
812 	    break;
813 	  case 11:
814 	    if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
815 	    }else if(((c>='a')&&(c<='z'))||((c>='A')&&(c<='Z'))){
816 	      token = c;
817 	      state = 9;
818 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
819 	      newRule = NULL;
820 	      lineNo++;
821 	      state = 1;
822 	    }else if(c=='+'){
823 	      state = 13;
824 	    }else if(c=='\''){
825 	      state = 24;
826 	    }else{
827 	      state = -1;
828 	    }
829 	    break;
830 	  case 12:
831 	    if((c>='0')&&(c<='9')){
832 	      state = 14;
833 	    }else{
834 	      state = -1;
835 	    }
836 	    break;
837 	  case 13:
838 	    if((c>='0')&&(c<='9')){
839 	      state = 15;
840 	    }else{
841 	      state = -1;
842 	    }
843 	    break;
844 	  case 14:
845 	    if((c>='0')&&(c<='9')){
846 	    }else if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
847 	      state = 16;
848 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
849 	      state = 1;
850 	      newRule = NULL;
851 	      lineNo++;
852 	    }else{
853 	      state = -1;
854 	    }
855 	    break;
856 	  case 15:
857 	    if((c>='0')&&(c<='9')){
858 	    }else if(c=='.'){
859 	      state = 17;
860 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
861 	      state = 1;
862 	      newRule = NULL;
863 	      lineNo++;
864 	    }else if((c=' ')||(c='\t')){
865 	      state = 19;
866 	    }else{
867 	      state = -1;
868 	    }
869 	    break;
870 	  case 16:
871 	    if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
872 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
873 	      newRule = NULL;
874 	      lineNo++;
875 	      state = 1;
876 	    }else{
877 	      state = -1;
878 	    }
879 	    break;
880 	  case 17:
881 	    if((c>='0')&&(c<='9')){
882 	      state = 18;
883 	    }else{
884 	      state = -1;
885 	    }
886 	    break;
887 	  case 18:
888 	    if((c>='0')&&(c<='9')){
889 	    }else if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
890 	      state = 19;
891 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
892 	      state = 1;
893 	      newRule = NULL;
894 	      lineNo++;
895 	    }else{
896 	      state = -1;
897 	    }
898 	    break;
899 	  case 19:
900 	    if((c==' ')||(c=='\t')){
901 	    }else if((c=='\n')||(c==EOF)){
902 	      state = 1;
903 	      lineNo++;
904 	      newRule = NULL;
905 	    }else{
906 	      state = -1;
907 	    }
908 	    break;
909 	  case -1:
910 	    throw glrSyntaxErrorException("void glrGrammar::read(glrSymbolTable &symbols, istream &input): syntax error in grammar at line ",lineNo);
911 	  default:
912 	    throw glrIOErrorException("void glrGrammar::read(glrSymbolTable &symbols, istream &input): grammar reader came to undefined state");
913 	}
914       }
915       prepareGrammar();
916     }
917 };
919 #endif