1 //
2 //
3 // Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 //
9 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 //
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 // limitations under the License.
16 //
17 //
22 #include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
24 #include "src/core/lib/channel/call_tracer.h"
25 #include "src/cpp/ext/filters/census/context.h"
27 namespace grpc {
29 class OpenCensusCallTracer : public grpc_core::CallTracer {
30  public:
31   class OpenCensusCallAttemptTracer : public CallAttemptTracer {
32    public:
33     OpenCensusCallAttemptTracer(OpenCensusCallTracer* parent,
34                                 uint64_t attempt_num, bool is_transparent_retry,
35                                 bool arena_allocated);
36     void RecordSendInitialMetadata(
37         grpc_metadata_batch* /* send_initial_metadata */,
38         uint32_t /* flags */) override;
RecordOnDoneSendInitialMetadata(gpr_atm *)39     void RecordOnDoneSendInitialMetadata(gpr_atm* /* peer_string */) override {}
RecordSendTrailingMetadata(grpc_metadata_batch *)40     void RecordSendTrailingMetadata(
41         grpc_metadata_batch* /* send_trailing_metadata */) override {}
42     void RecordSendMessage(
43         const grpc_core::ByteStream& /* send_message */) override;
RecordReceivedInitialMetadata(grpc_metadata_batch *,uint32_t)44     void RecordReceivedInitialMetadata(
45         grpc_metadata_batch* /* recv_initial_metadata */,
46         uint32_t /* flags */) override {}
47     void RecordReceivedMessage(
48         const grpc_core::ByteStream& /* recv_message */) override;
49     void RecordReceivedTrailingMetadata(
50         absl::Status /* status */, grpc_metadata_batch* recv_trailing_metadata,
51         const grpc_transport_stream_stats& /* transport_stream_stats */)
52         override;
53     void RecordCancel(grpc_error_handle cancel_error) override;
54     void RecordEnd(const gpr_timespec& /* latency */) override;
context()56     CensusContext* context() { return &context_; }
58    private:
59     // Maximum size of trace context is sent on the wire.
60     static constexpr uint32_t kMaxTraceContextLen = 64;
61     // Maximum size of tags that are sent on the wire.
62     static constexpr uint32_t kMaxTagsLen = 2048;
63     OpenCensusCallTracer* parent_;
64     const bool arena_allocated_;
65     CensusContext context_;
66     // Metadata elements for tracing and census stats data.
67     grpc_linked_mdelem stats_bin_;
68     grpc_linked_mdelem tracing_bin_;
69     // Start time (for measuring latency).
70     absl::Time start_time_;
71     // Server elapsed time in nanoseconds.
72     uint64_t elapsed_time_ = 0;
73     // Number of messages in this RPC.
74     uint64_t recv_message_count_ = 0;
75     uint64_t sent_message_count_ = 0;
76     // End status code
77     absl::StatusCode status_code_;
78     // Buffer needed for grpc_slice to reference when adding trace context
79     // metatdata to outgoing message.
80     char tracing_buf_[kMaxTraceContextLen];
81   };
83   explicit OpenCensusCallTracer(const grpc_call_element_args* args);
84   ~OpenCensusCallTracer() override;
86   void GenerateContext();
87   OpenCensusCallAttemptTracer* StartNewAttempt(
88       bool is_transparent_retry) override;
90  private:
91   const grpc_call_context_element* call_context_;
92   // Client method.
93   grpc_slice path_;
94   absl::string_view method_;
95   CensusContext context_;
96   grpc_core::Arena* arena_;
97   grpc_core::Mutex mu_;
98   // Non-transparent attempts per call
99   uint64_t retries_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_) = 0;
100   // Transparent retries per call
101   uint64_t transparent_retries_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_) = 0;
102   // Retry delay
103   absl::Duration retry_delay_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_);
104   absl::Time time_at_last_attempt_end_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_);
105   uint64_t num_active_rpcs_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_) = 0;
106 };
108 };  // namespace grpc