1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  */
19 #include <ruby/ruby.h>
21 #include "rb_call_credentials.h"
22 #include "rb_grpc_imports.generated.h"
24 #include <ruby/thread.h>
26 #include <grpc/grpc.h>
27 #include <grpc/grpc_security.h>
28 #include <grpc/support/alloc.h>
29 #include <grpc/support/log.h>
31 #include "rb_call.h"
32 #include "rb_event_thread.h"
33 #include "rb_grpc.h"
35 /* grpc_rb_cCallCredentials is the ruby class that proxies
36  * grpc_call_credentials */
37 static VALUE grpc_rb_cCallCredentials = Qnil;
39 /* grpc_rb_call_credentials wraps a grpc_call_credentials. It provides a mark
40  * object that is used to hold references to any objects used to create the
41  * credentials. */
42 typedef struct grpc_rb_call_credentials {
43   /* Holder of ruby objects involved in contructing the credentials */
44   VALUE mark;
46   /* The actual credentials */
47   grpc_call_credentials* wrapped;
48 } grpc_rb_call_credentials;
50 typedef struct callback_params {
51   VALUE get_metadata;
52   grpc_auth_metadata_context context;
53   void* user_data;
54   grpc_credentials_plugin_metadata_cb callback;
55 } callback_params;
grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback(VALUE args)57 static VALUE grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback(VALUE args) {
58   VALUE result = rb_hash_new();
59   VALUE callback_func = rb_ary_entry(args, 0);
60   VALUE callback_args = rb_ary_entry(args, 1);
61   VALUE md_ary_obj = rb_ary_entry(args, 2);
62   if (gpr_should_log(GPR_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG)) {
63     VALUE callback_func_str = rb_funcall(callback_func, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
64     VALUE callback_args_str = rb_funcall(callback_args, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
65     VALUE callback_source_info =
66         rb_funcall(callback_func, rb_intern("source_location"), 0);
67     if (callback_source_info != Qnil) {
68       VALUE source_filename = rb_ary_entry(callback_source_info, 0);
69       VALUE source_line_number = rb_funcall(
70           rb_ary_entry(callback_source_info, 1), rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
71       gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG,
72               "GRPC_RUBY: grpc_rb_call_credentials invoking user callback:|%s| "
73               "source_filename:%s line_number:%s with arguments:|%s|",
74               StringValueCStr(callback_func_str),
75               StringValueCStr(source_filename),
76               StringValueCStr(source_line_number),
77               StringValueCStr(callback_args_str));
78     } else {
79       gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG,
80               "GRPC_RUBY: grpc_rb_call_credentials invoking user callback:|%s| "
81               "(failed to get source filename and line) with arguments:|%s|",
82               StringValueCStr(callback_func_str),
83               StringValueCStr(callback_args_str));
84     }
85   }
86   VALUE metadata =
87       rb_funcall(callback_func, rb_intern("call"), 1, callback_args);
88   grpc_metadata_array* md_ary = NULL;
89   TypedData_Get_Struct(md_ary_obj, grpc_metadata_array,
90                        &grpc_rb_md_ary_data_type, md_ary);
91   grpc_rb_md_ary_convert(metadata, md_ary);
92   rb_hash_aset(result, rb_str_new2("metadata"), metadata);
93   rb_hash_aset(result, rb_str_new2("status"), INT2NUM(GRPC_STATUS_OK));
94   rb_hash_aset(result, rb_str_new2("details"), rb_str_new2(""));
95   return result;
96 }
grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback_rescue(VALUE args,VALUE exception_object)98 static VALUE grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback_rescue(VALUE args,
99                                                       VALUE exception_object) {
100   VALUE result = rb_hash_new();
101   VALUE backtrace = rb_funcall(exception_object, rb_intern("backtrace"), 0);
102   VALUE backtrace_str;
103   if (backtrace != Qnil) {
104     backtrace_str =
105         rb_funcall(backtrace, rb_intern("join"), 1, rb_str_new2("\n\tfrom "));
106   } else {
107     backtrace_str = rb_str_new2(
108         "failed to get backtrace, this exception was likely thrown from native "
109         "code");
110   }
111   VALUE rb_exception_info =
112       rb_funcall(exception_object, rb_intern("inspect"), 0);
113   (void)args;
114   gpr_log(GPR_INFO,
115           "GRPC_RUBY call credentials callback failed, exception inspect:|%s| "
116           "backtrace:|%s|",
117           StringValueCStr(rb_exception_info), StringValueCStr(backtrace_str));
118   rb_hash_aset(result, rb_str_new2("metadata"), Qnil);
119   rb_hash_aset(result, rb_str_new2("status"),
121   rb_hash_aset(result, rb_str_new2("details"), rb_exception_info);
122   return result;
123 }
grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback_with_gil(void * param)125 static void grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback_with_gil(void* param) {
126   callback_params* const params = (callback_params*)param;
127   VALUE auth_uri = rb_str_new_cstr(params->context.service_url);
128   /* Pass the arguments to the proc in a hash, which currently only has they key
129      'auth_uri' */
130   VALUE callback_args = rb_ary_new();
131   VALUE args = rb_hash_new();
132   VALUE result;
133   grpc_metadata_array md_ary;
134   grpc_status_code status;
135   VALUE details;
136   char* error_details;
137   grpc_metadata_array_init(&md_ary);
138   rb_hash_aset(args, ID2SYM(rb_intern("jwt_aud_uri")), auth_uri);
139   rb_ary_push(callback_args, params->get_metadata);
140   rb_ary_push(callback_args, args);
141   // Wrap up the grpc_metadata_array into a ruby object and do the conversion
142   // from hash to grpc_metadata_array within the rescue block, because the
143   // conversion can throw exceptions.
144   rb_ary_push(callback_args,
145               TypedData_Wrap_Struct(grpc_rb_cMdAry, &grpc_rb_md_ary_data_type,
146                                     &md_ary));
147   result = rb_rescue(grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback, callback_args,
148                      grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback_rescue, Qnil);
149   // Both callbacks return a hash, so result should be a hash
150   status = NUM2INT(rb_hash_aref(result, rb_str_new2("status")));
151   details = rb_hash_aref(result, rb_str_new2("details"));
152   error_details = StringValueCStr(details);
153   params->callback(params->user_data, md_ary.metadata, md_ary.count, status,
154                    error_details);
155   grpc_rb_metadata_array_destroy_including_entries(&md_ary);
156   grpc_auth_metadata_context_reset(&params->context);
157   gpr_free(params);
158 }
grpc_rb_call_credentials_plugin_get_metadata(void * state,grpc_auth_metadata_context context,grpc_credentials_plugin_metadata_cb cb,void * user_data,grpc_metadata creds_md[GRPC_METADATA_CREDENTIALS_PLUGIN_SYNC_MAX],size_t * num_creds_md,grpc_status_code * status,const char ** error_details)160 static int grpc_rb_call_credentials_plugin_get_metadata(
161     void* state, grpc_auth_metadata_context context,
162     grpc_credentials_plugin_metadata_cb cb, void* user_data,
163     grpc_metadata creds_md[GRPC_METADATA_CREDENTIALS_PLUGIN_SYNC_MAX],
164     size_t* num_creds_md, grpc_status_code* status,
165     const char** error_details) {
166   callback_params* params = gpr_zalloc(sizeof(callback_params));
167   params->get_metadata = (VALUE)state;
168   grpc_auth_metadata_context_copy(&context, &params->context);
169   params->user_data = user_data;
170   params->callback = cb;
172   grpc_rb_event_queue_enqueue(grpc_rb_call_credentials_callback_with_gil,
173                               (void*)(params));
174   return 0;  // Async return.
175 }
grpc_rb_call_credentials_plugin_destroy(void * state)177 static void grpc_rb_call_credentials_plugin_destroy(void* state) {
178   (void)state;
179   // Not sure what needs to be done here
180 }
grpc_rb_call_credentials_free_internal(void * p)182 static void grpc_rb_call_credentials_free_internal(void* p) {
183   grpc_rb_call_credentials* wrapper;
184   if (p == NULL) {
185     return;
186   }
187   wrapper = (grpc_rb_call_credentials*)p;
188   grpc_call_credentials_release(wrapper->wrapped);
189   wrapper->wrapped = NULL;
190   xfree(p);
191 }
193 /* Destroys the credentials instances. */
grpc_rb_call_credentials_free(void * p)194 static void grpc_rb_call_credentials_free(void* p) {
195   grpc_rb_call_credentials_free_internal(p);
196   grpc_ruby_shutdown();
197 }
199 /* Protects the mark object from GC */
grpc_rb_call_credentials_mark(void * p)200 static void grpc_rb_call_credentials_mark(void* p) {
201   grpc_rb_call_credentials* wrapper = NULL;
202   if (p == NULL) {
203     return;
204   }
205   wrapper = (grpc_rb_call_credentials*)p;
206   if (wrapper->mark != Qnil) {
207     rb_gc_mark(wrapper->mark);
208   }
209 }
211 static rb_data_type_t grpc_rb_call_credentials_data_type = {
212     "grpc_call_credentials",
213     {grpc_rb_call_credentials_mark,
214      grpc_rb_call_credentials_free,
216      {NULL, NULL}},
217     NULL,
218     NULL,
221 #endif
222 };
224 /* Allocates CallCredentials instances.
225    Provides safe initial defaults for the instance fields. */
grpc_rb_call_credentials_alloc(VALUE cls)226 static VALUE grpc_rb_call_credentials_alloc(VALUE cls) {
227   grpc_ruby_init();
228   grpc_rb_call_credentials* wrapper = ALLOC(grpc_rb_call_credentials);
229   wrapper->wrapped = NULL;
230   wrapper->mark = Qnil;
231   return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(cls, &grpc_rb_call_credentials_data_type,
232                                wrapper);
233 }
235 /* Creates a wrapping object for a given call credentials. This should only be
236  * called with grpc_call_credentials objects that are not already associated
237  * with any Ruby object */
grpc_rb_wrap_call_credentials(grpc_call_credentials * c,VALUE mark)238 VALUE grpc_rb_wrap_call_credentials(grpc_call_credentials* c, VALUE mark) {
239   VALUE rb_wrapper;
240   grpc_rb_call_credentials* wrapper;
241   if (c == NULL) {
242     return Qnil;
243   }
244   rb_wrapper = grpc_rb_call_credentials_alloc(grpc_rb_cCallCredentials);
245   TypedData_Get_Struct(rb_wrapper, grpc_rb_call_credentials,
246                        &grpc_rb_call_credentials_data_type, wrapper);
247   wrapper->wrapped = c;
248   wrapper->mark = mark;
249   return rb_wrapper;
250 }
252 /* The attribute used on the mark object to hold the callback */
253 static ID id_callback;
255 /*
256   call-seq:
257     creds = Credentials.new auth_proc
258   proc: (required) Proc that generates auth metadata
259   Initializes CallCredential instances. */
grpc_rb_call_credentials_init(VALUE self,VALUE proc)260 static VALUE grpc_rb_call_credentials_init(VALUE self, VALUE proc) {
261   grpc_rb_call_credentials* wrapper = NULL;
262   grpc_call_credentials* creds = NULL;
263   grpc_metadata_credentials_plugin plugin;
265   TypedData_Get_Struct(self, grpc_rb_call_credentials,
266                        &grpc_rb_call_credentials_data_type, wrapper);
268   plugin.get_metadata = grpc_rb_call_credentials_plugin_get_metadata;
269   plugin.destroy = grpc_rb_call_credentials_plugin_destroy;
270   if (!rb_obj_is_proc(proc)) {
271     rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Argument to CallCredentials#new must be a proc");
272     return Qnil;
273   }
274   plugin.state = (void*)proc;
275   plugin.type = "";
277   // TODO(yihuazhang): Expose min_security_level via the Ruby API so that
278   // applications can decide what minimum security level their plugins require.
279   creds = grpc_metadata_credentials_create_from_plugin(
281   if (creds == NULL) {
282     rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "could not create a credentials, not sure why");
283     return Qnil;
284   }
286   wrapper->mark = proc;
287   wrapper->wrapped = creds;
288   rb_ivar_set(self, id_callback, proc);
290   return self;
291 }
grpc_rb_call_credentials_compose(int argc,VALUE * argv,VALUE self)293 static VALUE grpc_rb_call_credentials_compose(int argc, VALUE* argv,
294                                               VALUE self) {
295   grpc_call_credentials* creds;
296   grpc_call_credentials* other;
297   grpc_call_credentials* prev = NULL;
298   VALUE mark;
299   if (argc == 0) {
300     return self;
301   }
302   mark = rb_ary_new();
303   creds = grpc_rb_get_wrapped_call_credentials(self);
304   for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
305     rb_ary_push(mark, argv[i]);
306     other = grpc_rb_get_wrapped_call_credentials(argv[i]);
307     creds = grpc_composite_call_credentials_create(creds, other, NULL);
308     if (prev != NULL) {
309       grpc_call_credentials_release(prev);
310     }
311     prev = creds;
312   }
313   return grpc_rb_wrap_call_credentials(creds, mark);
314 }
Init_grpc_call_credentials()316 void Init_grpc_call_credentials() {
317   grpc_rb_cCallCredentials =
318       rb_define_class_under(grpc_rb_mGrpcCore, "CallCredentials", rb_cObject);
320   /* Allocates an object managed by the ruby runtime */
321   rb_define_alloc_func(grpc_rb_cCallCredentials,
322                        grpc_rb_call_credentials_alloc);
324   /* Provides a ruby constructor and support for dup/clone. */
325   rb_define_method(grpc_rb_cCallCredentials, "initialize",
326                    grpc_rb_call_credentials_init, 1);
327   rb_define_method(grpc_rb_cCallCredentials, "initialize_copy",
328                    grpc_rb_cannot_init_copy, 1);
329   rb_define_method(grpc_rb_cCallCredentials, "compose",
330                    grpc_rb_call_credentials_compose, -1);
332   id_callback = rb_intern("__callback");
333 }
335 /* Gets the wrapped grpc_call_credentials from the ruby wrapper */
grpc_rb_get_wrapped_call_credentials(VALUE v)336 grpc_call_credentials* grpc_rb_get_wrapped_call_credentials(VALUE v) {
337   grpc_rb_call_credentials* wrapper = NULL;
338   TypedData_Get_Struct(v, grpc_rb_call_credentials,
339                        &grpc_rb_call_credentials_data_type, wrapper);
340   return wrapper->wrapped;
341 }