1 /**
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4  * distributed with this work for additional information
5  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
18 package org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input;
20 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
21 import java.io.IOException;
22 import java.util.Arrays;
23 import java.util.Collection;
24 import java.util.List;
25 import java.util.Set;
27 import javax.annotation.Nullable;
29 import org.junit.Assert;
31 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
32 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
33 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
34 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
35 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
36 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
37 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus;
38 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
39 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
40 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RawLocalFileSystem;
41 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator;
42 import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SplitLocationInfo;
43 import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit;
44 import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
45 import org.junit.After;
46 import org.junit.Before;
47 import org.junit.Test;
48 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
49 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
50 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
52 import com.google.common.base.Function;
53 import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
54 import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
55 import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
57 @RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
58 public class TestFileInputFormat {
60   private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestFileInputFormat.class);
62   private static String testTmpDir = System.getProperty("test.build.data", "/tmp");
63   private static final Path TEST_ROOT_DIR = new Path(testTmpDir, "TestFIF");
65   private static FileSystem localFs;
67   private int numThreads;
TestFileInputFormat(int numThreads)69   public TestFileInputFormat(int numThreads) {
70     this.numThreads = numThreads;
71     LOG.info("Running with numThreads: " + numThreads);
72   }
74   @Parameters
data()75   public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
76     Object[][] data = new Object[][] { { 1 }, { 5 }};
77     return Arrays.asList(data);
78   }
80   @Before
setup()81   public void setup() throws IOException {
82     LOG.info("Using Test Dir: " + TEST_ROOT_DIR);
83     localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration());
84     localFs.delete(TEST_ROOT_DIR, true);
85     localFs.mkdirs(TEST_ROOT_DIR);
86   }
88   @After
cleanup()89   public void cleanup() throws IOException {
90     localFs.delete(TEST_ROOT_DIR, true);
91   }
93   @Test
testNumInputFilesRecursively()94   public void testNumInputFilesRecursively() throws Exception {
95     Configuration conf = getConfiguration();
96     conf.set(FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR_RECURSIVE, "true");
97     conf.setInt(FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, numThreads);
98     Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
99     FileInputFormat<?, ?> fileInputFormat = new TextInputFormat();
100     List<InputSplit> splits = fileInputFormat.getSplits(job);
101     Assert.assertEquals("Input splits are not correct", 3, splits.size());
102     verifySplits(Lists.newArrayList("test:/a1/a2/file2", "test:/a1/a2/file3",
103         "test:/a1/file1"), splits);
105     // Using the deprecated configuration
106     conf = getConfiguration();
107     conf.set("mapred.input.dir.recursive", "true");
108     job = Job.getInstance(conf);
109     splits = fileInputFormat.getSplits(job);
110     verifySplits(Lists.newArrayList("test:/a1/a2/file2", "test:/a1/a2/file3",
111         "test:/a1/file1"), splits);
112   }
114   @Test
testNumInputFilesWithoutRecursively()115   public void testNumInputFilesWithoutRecursively() throws Exception {
116     Configuration conf = getConfiguration();
117     conf.setInt(FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, numThreads);
118     Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
119     FileInputFormat<?, ?> fileInputFormat = new TextInputFormat();
120     List<InputSplit> splits = fileInputFormat.getSplits(job);
121     Assert.assertEquals("Input splits are not correct", 2, splits.size());
122     verifySplits(Lists.newArrayList("test:/a1/a2", "test:/a1/file1"), splits);
123   }
125   @Test
testListLocatedStatus()126   public void testListLocatedStatus() throws Exception {
127     Configuration conf = getConfiguration();
128     conf.setInt(FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, numThreads);
129     conf.setBoolean("fs.test.impl.disable.cache", false);
130     conf.set(FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR, "test:///a1/a2");
131     MockFileSystem mockFs =
132         (MockFileSystem) new Path("test:///").getFileSystem(conf);
133     Assert.assertEquals("listLocatedStatus already called",
134         0, mockFs.numListLocatedStatusCalls);
135     Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
136     FileInputFormat<?, ?> fileInputFormat = new TextInputFormat();
137     List<InputSplit> splits = fileInputFormat.getSplits(job);
138     Assert.assertEquals("Input splits are not correct", 2, splits.size());
139     Assert.assertEquals("listLocatedStatuss calls",
140         1, mockFs.numListLocatedStatusCalls);
141     FileSystem.closeAll();
142   }
144   @Test
testSplitLocationInfo()145   public void testSplitLocationInfo() throws Exception {
146     Configuration conf = getConfiguration();
147     conf.set(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR,
148         "test:///a1/a2");
149     Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
150     TextInputFormat fileInputFormat = new TextInputFormat();
151     List<InputSplit> splits = fileInputFormat.getSplits(job);
152     String[] locations = splits.get(0).getLocations();
153     Assert.assertEquals(2, locations.length);
154     SplitLocationInfo[] locationInfo = splits.get(0).getLocationInfo();
155     Assert.assertEquals(2, locationInfo.length);
156     SplitLocationInfo localhostInfo = locations[0].equals("localhost") ?
157         locationInfo[0] : locationInfo[1];
158     SplitLocationInfo otherhostInfo = locations[0].equals("otherhost") ?
159         locationInfo[0] : locationInfo[1];
160     Assert.assertTrue(localhostInfo.isOnDisk());
161     Assert.assertTrue(localhostInfo.isInMemory());
162     Assert.assertTrue(otherhostInfo.isOnDisk());
163     Assert.assertFalse(otherhostInfo.isInMemory());
164   }
166   @Test
testListStatusSimple()167   public void testListStatusSimple() throws IOException {
168     Configuration conf = new Configuration();
169     conf.setInt(FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, numThreads);
171     List<Path> expectedPaths = configureTestSimple(conf, localFs);
173     Job job  = Job.getInstance(conf);
174     FileInputFormat<?, ?> fif = new TextInputFormat();
175     List<FileStatus> statuses = fif.listStatus(job);
177     verifyFileStatuses(expectedPaths, statuses, localFs);
178   }
180   @Test
testListStatusNestedRecursive()181   public void testListStatusNestedRecursive() throws IOException {
182     Configuration conf = new Configuration();
183     conf.setInt(FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, numThreads);
185     List<Path> expectedPaths = configureTestNestedRecursive(conf, localFs);
186     Job job  = Job.getInstance(conf);
187     FileInputFormat<?, ?> fif = new TextInputFormat();
188     List<FileStatus> statuses = fif.listStatus(job);
190     verifyFileStatuses(expectedPaths, statuses, localFs);
191   }
194   @Test
testListStatusNestedNonRecursive()195   public void testListStatusNestedNonRecursive() throws IOException {
196     Configuration conf = new Configuration();
197     conf.setInt(FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, numThreads);
199     List<Path> expectedPaths = configureTestNestedNonRecursive(conf, localFs);
200     Job job  = Job.getInstance(conf);
201     FileInputFormat<?, ?> fif = new TextInputFormat();
202     List<FileStatus> statuses = fif.listStatus(job);
204     verifyFileStatuses(expectedPaths, statuses, localFs);
205   }
207   @Test
testListStatusErrorOnNonExistantDir()208   public void testListStatusErrorOnNonExistantDir() throws IOException {
209     Configuration conf = new Configuration();
210     conf.setInt(FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, numThreads);
212     configureTestErrorOnNonExistantDir(conf, localFs);
213     Job job  = Job.getInstance(conf);
214     FileInputFormat<?, ?> fif = new TextInputFormat();
215     try {
216       fif.listStatus(job);
217       Assert.fail("Expecting an IOException for a missing Input path");
218     } catch (IOException e) {
219       Path expectedExceptionPath = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "input2");
220       expectedExceptionPath = localFs.makeQualified(expectedExceptionPath);
221       Assert.assertTrue(e instanceof InvalidInputException);
222       Assert.assertEquals(
223           "Input path does not exist: " + expectedExceptionPath.toString(),
224           e.getMessage());
225     }
226   }
configureTestSimple(Configuration conf, FileSystem localFs)228   public static List<Path> configureTestSimple(Configuration conf, FileSystem localFs)
229       throws IOException {
230     Path base1 = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "input1");
231     Path base2 = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "input2");
232     conf.set(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR,
233         localFs.makeQualified(base1) + "," + localFs.makeQualified(base2));
234     localFs.mkdirs(base1);
235     localFs.mkdirs(base2);
237     Path in1File1 = new Path(base1, "file1");
238     Path in1File2 = new Path(base1, "file2");
239     localFs.createNewFile(in1File1);
240     localFs.createNewFile(in1File2);
242     Path in2File1 = new Path(base2, "file1");
243     Path in2File2 = new Path(base2, "file2");
244     localFs.createNewFile(in2File1);
245     localFs.createNewFile(in2File2);
246     List<Path> expectedPaths = Lists.newArrayList(in1File1, in1File2, in2File1,
247         in2File2);
248     return expectedPaths;
249   }
configureTestNestedRecursive(Configuration conf, FileSystem localFs)251   public static List<Path> configureTestNestedRecursive(Configuration conf,
252       FileSystem localFs) throws IOException {
253     Path base1 = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "input1");
254     conf.set(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR,
255         localFs.makeQualified(base1).toString());
256     conf.setBoolean(
257         org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR_RECURSIVE,
258         true);
259     localFs.mkdirs(base1);
261     Path inDir1 = new Path(base1, "dir1");
262     Path inDir2 = new Path(base1, "dir2");
263     Path inFile1 = new Path(base1, "file1");
265     Path dir1File1 = new Path(inDir1, "file1");
266     Path dir1File2 = new Path(inDir1, "file2");
268     Path dir2File1 = new Path(inDir2, "file1");
269     Path dir2File2 = new Path(inDir2, "file2");
271     localFs.mkdirs(inDir1);
272     localFs.mkdirs(inDir2);
274     localFs.createNewFile(inFile1);
275     localFs.createNewFile(dir1File1);
276     localFs.createNewFile(dir1File2);
277     localFs.createNewFile(dir2File1);
278     localFs.createNewFile(dir2File2);
280     List<Path> expectedPaths = Lists.newArrayList(inFile1, dir1File1,
281         dir1File2, dir2File1, dir2File2);
282     return expectedPaths;
283   }
configureTestNestedNonRecursive(Configuration conf, FileSystem localFs)285   public static List<Path> configureTestNestedNonRecursive(Configuration conf,
286       FileSystem localFs) throws IOException {
287     Path base1 = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "input1");
288     conf.set(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR,
289         localFs.makeQualified(base1).toString());
290     conf.setBoolean(
291         org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR_RECURSIVE,
292         false);
293     localFs.mkdirs(base1);
295     Path inDir1 = new Path(base1, "dir1");
296     Path inDir2 = new Path(base1, "dir2");
297     Path inFile1 = new Path(base1, "file1");
299     Path dir1File1 = new Path(inDir1, "file1");
300     Path dir1File2 = new Path(inDir1, "file2");
302     Path dir2File1 = new Path(inDir2, "file1");
303     Path dir2File2 = new Path(inDir2, "file2");
305     localFs.mkdirs(inDir1);
306     localFs.mkdirs(inDir2);
308     localFs.createNewFile(inFile1);
309     localFs.createNewFile(dir1File1);
310     localFs.createNewFile(dir1File2);
311     localFs.createNewFile(dir2File1);
312     localFs.createNewFile(dir2File2);
314     List<Path> expectedPaths = Lists.newArrayList(inFile1, inDir1, inDir2);
315     return expectedPaths;
316   }
configureTestErrorOnNonExistantDir(Configuration conf, FileSystem localFs)318   public static List<Path> configureTestErrorOnNonExistantDir(Configuration conf,
319       FileSystem localFs) throws IOException {
320     Path base1 = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "input1");
321     Path base2 = new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR, "input2");
322     conf.set(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR,
323         localFs.makeQualified(base1) + "," + localFs.makeQualified(base2));
324     conf.setBoolean(
325         org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR_RECURSIVE,
326         true);
327     localFs.mkdirs(base1);
329     Path inFile1 = new Path(base1, "file1");
330     Path inFile2 = new Path(base1, "file2");
332     localFs.createNewFile(inFile1);
333     localFs.createNewFile(inFile2);
335     List<Path> expectedPaths = Lists.newArrayList();
336     return expectedPaths;
337   }
verifyFileStatuses(List<Path> expectedPaths, List<FileStatus> fetchedStatuses, final FileSystem localFs)339   public static void verifyFileStatuses(List<Path> expectedPaths,
340       List<FileStatus> fetchedStatuses, final FileSystem localFs) {
341     Assert.assertEquals(expectedPaths.size(), fetchedStatuses.size());
343     Iterable<Path> fqExpectedPaths = Iterables.transform(expectedPaths,
344         new Function<Path, Path>() {
345           @Override
346           public Path apply(Path input) {
347             return localFs.makeQualified(input);
348           }
349         });
351     Set<Path> expectedPathSet = Sets.newHashSet(fqExpectedPaths);
352     for (FileStatus fileStatus : fetchedStatuses) {
353       if (!expectedPathSet.remove(localFs.makeQualified(fileStatus.getPath()))) {
354         Assert.fail("Found extra fetched status: " + fileStatus.getPath());
355       }
356     }
357     Assert.assertEquals(
358         "Not all expectedPaths matched: " + expectedPathSet.toString(), 0,
359         expectedPathSet.size());
360   }
verifySplits(List<String> expected, List<InputSplit> splits)363   private void verifySplits(List<String> expected, List<InputSplit> splits) {
364     Iterable<String> pathsFromSplits = Iterables.transform(splits,
365         new Function<InputSplit, String>() {
366           @Override
367           public String apply(@Nullable InputSplit input) {
368             return ((FileSplit) input).getPath().toString();
369           }
370         });
372     Set<String> expectedSet = Sets.newHashSet(expected);
373     for (String splitPathString : pathsFromSplits) {
374       if (!expectedSet.remove(splitPathString)) {
375         Assert.fail("Found extra split: " + splitPathString);
376       }
377     }
378     Assert.assertEquals(
379         "Not all expectedPaths matched: " + expectedSet.toString(), 0,
380         expectedSet.size());
381   }
getConfiguration()383   private Configuration getConfiguration() {
384     Configuration conf = new Configuration();
385     conf.set("fs.test.impl.disable.cache", "true");
386     conf.setClass("fs.test.impl", MockFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
387     conf.set(FileInputFormat.INPUT_DIR, "test:///a1");
388     return conf;
389   }
391   static class MockFileSystem extends RawLocalFileSystem {
392     int numListLocatedStatusCalls = 0;
394     @Override
listStatus(Path f)395     public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws FileNotFoundException,
396         IOException {
397       if (f.toString().equals("test:/a1")) {
398         return new FileStatus[] {
399             new FileStatus(0, true, 1, 150, 150, new Path("test:/a1/a2")),
400             new FileStatus(10, false, 1, 150, 150, new Path("test:/a1/file1")) };
401       } else if (f.toString().equals("test:/a1/a2")) {
402         return new FileStatus[] {
403             new FileStatus(10, false, 1, 150, 150,
404                 new Path("test:/a1/a2/file2")),
405             new FileStatus(10, false, 1, 151, 150,
406                 new Path("test:/a1/a2/file3")) };
407       }
408       return new FileStatus[0];
409     }
411     @Override
globStatus(Path pathPattern, PathFilter filter)412     public FileStatus[] globStatus(Path pathPattern, PathFilter filter)
413         throws IOException {
414       return new FileStatus[] { new FileStatus(10, true, 1, 150, 150,
415           pathPattern) };
416     }
418     @Override
listStatus(Path f, PathFilter filter)419     public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f, PathFilter filter)
420         throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
421       return this.listStatus(f);
422     }
424     @Override
getFileBlockLocations(Path p, long start, long len)425     public BlockLocation[] getFileBlockLocations(Path p, long start, long len)
426         throws IOException {
427       return new BlockLocation[] {
428           new BlockLocation(new String[] { "localhost:50010", "otherhost:50010" },
429               new String[] { "localhost", "otherhost" }, new String[] { "localhost" },
430               new String[0], 0, len, false) };    }
432     @Override
listLocatedStatus(Path f, PathFilter filter)433     protected RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> listLocatedStatus(Path f,
434         PathFilter filter) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
435       ++numListLocatedStatusCalls;
436       return super.listLocatedStatus(f, filter);
437     }
438   }
439 }