1## 0.3.0
3- Rename `cata`, `ana` and `hylo` into `foldFix`, `unfoldFix` and `refold.
4  Old names are now deprecated, and will be eventually removed.
5  Similarly, rename monadic variants.
6- Add `hoistFix` and `hoistFix'` function.
7- Add `Hashable` and `NFData` instance.
8  Latter is available only with `deepseq >=`,
9  which provides `NFData1` type-class
10- Change `Eq`, `Ord`, `Show` and `Read` instances to use
11  `Eq1`, `Ord1`, `Show1` and `Read1` instances of a base functor.
12- Add least and greatest fixed point types, `Mu` and `Nu`.
13- Drop requirement for `Applicative m` in monadic combinators,
14  `Monad m` is enough.
15- Remove `~>` alias for `refold` (`hylo`).
16- Extend the GHC support window.
17  There is nothing magical in this package.
18- Mark `Data.Fix` as Trustworthy (Safe Haskell)
19- Make `refold` (and `refoldM`) more efficient.
20  This results in different effect ordering for `refoldM`.