1{- git-annex command
2 -
3 - Copyright 2011 Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de>
4 - Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
5 -
6 - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
7 -}
9{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
12module Command.Sync (
13	cmd,
14	CurrBranch,
15	mergeConfig,
16	merge,
17	prepMerge,
18	mergeLocal,
19	mergeRemote,
20	commitStaged,
21	commitMsg,
22	pushBranch,
23	updateBranch,
24	syncBranch,
25	updateBranches,
26	seekExportContent,
27	parseUnrelatedHistoriesOption,
28	SyncOptions(..),
29) where
31import Command
32import qualified Annex
33import qualified Annex.Branch
34import qualified Remote
35import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
36import Annex.Hook
37import qualified Git.Command
38import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
39import qualified Git.Branch
40import qualified Git.Merge
41import qualified Git.Types as Git
42import qualified Git.Ref
43import qualified Git
44import Git.FilePath
45import qualified Remote.Git
46import Config
47import Config.GitConfig
48import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
49import Config.DynamicConfig
50import Annex.Path
51import Annex.Wanted
52import Annex.Content
53import Command.Get (getKey')
54import qualified Command.Move
55import qualified Command.Export
56import qualified Command.Import
57import Annex.Drop
58import Annex.UUID
59import Logs.UUID
60import Logs.Export
61import Logs.PreferredContent
62import Annex.AutoMerge
63import Annex.AdjustedBranch
64import Annex.AdjustedBranch.Merge
65import Annex.Ssh
66import Annex.BloomFilter
67import Annex.UpdateInstead
68import Annex.Export
69import Annex.TaggedPush
70import Annex.CurrentBranch
71import Annex.Import
72import Annex.CheckIgnore
73import Types.FileMatcher
74import qualified Database.Export as Export
75import Utility.Bloom
76import Utility.OptParse
77import Utility.Process.Transcript
78import Utility.Tuple
80import Control.Concurrent.MVar
81import qualified Data.Map as M
82import qualified Data.ByteString as S
83import Data.Char
85cmd :: Command
86cmd = withGlobalOptions [jobsOption] $
87	command "sync" SectionCommon
88		"synchronize local repository with remotes"
89		(paramRepeating paramRemote) (seek <--< optParser)
91data SyncOptions = SyncOptions
92	{ syncWith :: CmdParams
93	, onlyAnnexOption :: Bool
94	, notOnlyAnnexOption :: Bool
95	, commitOption :: Bool
96	, noCommitOption :: Bool
97	, messageOption :: Maybe String
98	, pullOption :: Bool
99	, pushOption :: Bool
100	, contentOption :: Bool
101	, noContentOption :: Bool
102	, contentOfOption :: [FilePath]
103	, cleanupOption :: Bool
104	, keyOptions :: Maybe KeyOptions
105	, resolveMergeOverride :: Bool
106	, allowUnrelatedHistories :: Bool
107	}
109instance Default SyncOptions where
110	def = SyncOptions
111		{ syncWith = []
112		, onlyAnnexOption = False
113		, notOnlyAnnexOption = False
114		, commitOption = False
115		, noCommitOption = False
116		, messageOption = Nothing
117		, pullOption = False
118		, pushOption = False
119		, contentOption = False
120		, noContentOption = False
121		, contentOfOption = []
122		, cleanupOption = False
123		, keyOptions = Nothing
124		, resolveMergeOverride = False
125		, allowUnrelatedHistories = False
126		}
128optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser SyncOptions
129optParser desc = SyncOptions
130	<$> (many $ argument str
131		( metavar desc
132		<> completeRemotes
133		))
134	<*> switch
135		( long "only-annex"
136		<> short 'a'
137		<> help "only sync git-annex branch and annexed file contents"
138		)
139	<*> switch
140		( long "not-only-annex"
141		<> help "sync git branches as well as annex"
142		)
143	<*> switch
144		( long "commit"
145		<> help "commit changes to git"
146		)
147	<*> switch
148		( long "no-commit"
149		<> help "avoid git commit"
150		)
151	<*> optional (strOption
152		( long "message" <> short 'm' <> metavar "MSG"
153		<> help "commit message"
154		))
155	<*> invertableSwitch "pull" True
156		( help "avoid git pulls from remotes"
157		)
158	<*> invertableSwitch "push" True
159		( help "avoid git pushes to remotes"
160		)
161	<*> switch
162		( long "content"
163		<> help "transfer annexed file contents"
164		)
165	<*> switch
166		( long "no-content"
167		<> help "do not transfer annexed file contents"
168		)
169	<*> many (strOption
170		( long "content-of"
171		<> short 'C'
172		<> help "transfer contents of annexed files in a given location"
173		<> metavar paramPath
174		))
175	<*> switch
176		( long "cleanup"
177		<> help "remove synced/ branches from previous sync"
178		)
179	<*> optional parseAllOption
180	<*> invertableSwitch "resolvemerge" True
181		( help "do not automatically resolve merge conflicts"
182		)
183	<*> parseUnrelatedHistoriesOption
185parseUnrelatedHistoriesOption :: Parser Bool
186parseUnrelatedHistoriesOption =
187	invertableSwitch "allow-unrelated-histories" False
188		( help "allow merging unrelated histories"
189		)
191-- Since prepMerge changes the working directory, FilePath options
192-- have to be adjusted.
193instance DeferredParseClass SyncOptions where
194	finishParse v = SyncOptions
195		<$> pure (syncWith v)
196		<*> pure (onlyAnnexOption v)
197		<*> pure (notOnlyAnnexOption v)
198		<*> pure (commitOption v)
199		<*> pure (noCommitOption v)
200		<*> pure (messageOption v)
201		<*> pure (pullOption v)
202		<*> pure (pushOption v)
203		<*> pure (contentOption v)
204		<*> pure (noContentOption v)
205		<*> liftIO (mapM (fromRawFilePath <$$> absPath . toRawFilePath) (contentOfOption v))
206		<*> pure (cleanupOption v)
207		<*> pure (keyOptions v)
208		<*> pure (resolveMergeOverride v)
209		<*> pure (allowUnrelatedHistories v)
211seek :: SyncOptions -> CommandSeek
212seek o = do
213	prepMerge
214	startConcurrency downloadStages (seek' o)
216seek' :: SyncOptions -> CommandSeek
217seek' o = do
218	let withbranch a = a =<< getCurrentBranch
220	remotes <- syncRemotes (syncWith o)
221	-- Remotes that are git repositories, not special remotes.
222	let gitremotes = filter (Remote.gitSyncableRemoteType . Remote.remotetype) remotes
223	-- Remotes that contain annex object content.
224	contentremotes <- filter (\r -> Remote.uuid r /= NoUUID)
225		<$> filterM (not <$$> liftIO . getDynamicConfig . remoteAnnexIgnore . Remote.gitconfig) remotes
227	if cleanupOption o
228		then do
229			commandAction (withbranch cleanupLocal)
230			mapM_ (commandAction . withbranch . cleanupRemote) gitremotes
231		else do
232			mc <- mergeConfig (allowUnrelatedHistories o)
234			-- Syncing involves many actions, any of which
235			-- can independently fail, without preventing
236			-- the others from running.
237			-- These actions cannot be run concurrently.
238			mapM_ includeCommandAction $ concat
239				[ [ commit o ]
240				, [ withbranch (mergeLocal mc o) ]
241				, map (withbranch . pullRemote o mc) gitremotes
242				,  [ mergeAnnex ]
243				]
245			content <- shouldSyncContent o
247			forM_ (filter isImport contentremotes) $
248				withbranch . importRemote content o
249			forM_ (filter isThirdPartyPopulated contentremotes) $
250				pullThirdPartyPopulated o
252			when content $ do
253				-- Send content to any exports before other
254				-- repositories, in case that lets content
255				-- be dropped from other repositories.
256				exportedcontent <- withbranch $
257					seekExportContent (Just o)
258						(filter isExport contentremotes)
260				-- Sync content with remotes, but not with
261				-- export or import remotes, which handle content
262				-- syncing as part of export and import.
263				syncedcontent <- withbranch $
264					seekSyncContent o $ filter
265						(\r -> not (isExport r || isImport r))
266						contentremotes
268				-- Transferring content can take a while,
269				-- and other changes can be pushed to the
270				-- git-annex branch on the remotes in the
271				-- meantime, so pull and merge again to
272				-- avoid our push overwriting those changes.
273				when (syncedcontent || exportedcontent) $ do
274					mapM_ includeCommandAction $ concat
275						[ map (withbranch . pullRemote o mc) gitremotes
276						, [ commitAnnex, mergeAnnex ]
277						]
279			void $ includeCommandAction $ withbranch $ pushLocal o
280			-- Pushes to remotes can run concurrently.
281			mapM_ (commandAction . withbranch . pushRemote o) gitremotes
283{- Merging may delete the current directory, so go to the top
284 - of the repo. This also means that sync always acts on all files in the
285 - repository, not just on a subdirectory. -}
286prepMerge :: Annex ()
287prepMerge = Annex.changeDirectory . fromRawFilePath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath
289mergeConfig :: Bool -> Annex [Git.Merge.MergeConfig]
290mergeConfig mergeunrelated = do
291	quiet <- commandProgressDisabled
292	return $ catMaybes
293		[ Just Git.Merge.MergeNonInteractive
294		, if mergeunrelated
295			then Just Git.Merge.MergeUnrelatedHistories
296			else Nothing
297		, if quiet
298			then Just Git.Merge.MergeQuiet
299			else Nothing
300		]
302merge :: CurrBranch -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> SyncOptions -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Git.Branch -> Annex Bool
303merge currbranch mergeconfig o commitmode tomerge = do
304	canresolvemerge <- if resolveMergeOverride o
305		then getGitConfigVal annexResolveMerge
306		else return False
307	case currbranch of
308		(Just b, Just adj) -> mergeToAdjustedBranch tomerge (b, adj) mergeconfig canresolvemerge commitmode
309		(b, _) -> autoMergeFrom tomerge b mergeconfig commitmode canresolvemerge
311syncBranch :: Git.Branch -> Git.Branch
312syncBranch = Git.Ref.underBase "refs/heads/synced" . fromAdjustedBranch
314remoteBranch :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Git.Ref
315remoteBranch remote = Git.Ref.underBase $ "refs/remotes/" ++ Remote.name remote
317-- Do automatic initialization of remotes when possible when getting remote
318-- list.
319syncRemotes :: [String] -> Annex [Remote]
320syncRemotes ps = do
321	remotelist <- Remote.remoteList' True
322	available <- filterM (liftIO . getDynamicConfig . remoteAnnexSync . Remote.gitconfig) remotelist
323	syncRemotes' ps available
325syncRemotes' :: [String] -> [Remote] -> Annex [Remote]
326syncRemotes' ps available =
327	ifM (Annex.getState Annex.fast) ( fastest <$> wanted , wanted )
328  where
329	wanted
330		| null ps = filterM good (concat $ Remote.byCost available)
331		| otherwise = listed
333	listed = concat <$> mapM Remote.byNameOrGroup ps
335	good r
336		| Remote.gitSyncableRemoteType (Remote.remotetype r) =
337			Remote.Git.repoAvail =<< Remote.getRepo r
338		| otherwise = return True
340	fastest = fromMaybe [] . headMaybe . Remote.byCost
342commit :: SyncOptions -> CommandStart
343commit o = stopUnless shouldcommit $ starting "commit" ai si $ do
344	commitmessage <- maybe commitMsg return (messageOption o)
345	Annex.Branch.commit =<< Annex.Branch.commitMessage
346	next $ do
347		showOutput
348		let cmode = Git.Branch.ManualCommit
349		cquiet <- Git.Branch.CommitQuiet <$> commandProgressDisabled
350		void $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitCommand cmode cquiet
351			[ Param "-a"
352			, Param "-m"
353			, Param commitmessage
354			]
355		return True
356  where
357	shouldcommit = notOnlyAnnex o <&&>
358		( pure (commitOption o)
359		<||> (pure (not (noCommitOption o)) <&&> getGitConfigVal annexAutoCommit)
360		)
361	ai = ActionItemOther Nothing
362	si = SeekInput []
364commitMsg :: Annex String
365commitMsg = do
366	u <- getUUID
367	m <- uuidDescMap
368	return $ "git-annex in " ++ maybe "unknown" fromUUIDDesc (M.lookup u m)
370commitStaged :: Git.Branch.CommitMode -> String -> Annex Bool
371commitStaged commitmode commitmessage = do
372	runAnnexHook preCommitAnnexHook
373	mb <- inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe
374	let (getparent, branch) = case mb of
375		Just b -> (Git.Ref.sha b, b)
376		Nothing -> (Git.Ref.headSha, Git.Ref.headRef)
377	parents <- maybeToList <$> inRepo getparent
378	void $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commit commitmode False commitmessage branch parents
379	return True
381mergeLocal :: [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> SyncOptions -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart
382mergeLocal mergeconfig o currbranch = stopUnless (notOnlyAnnex o) $
383	mergeLocal' mergeconfig o currbranch
385mergeLocal' :: [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> SyncOptions -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart
386mergeLocal' mergeconfig o currbranch@(Just branch, _) =
387	needMerge currbranch branch >>= \case
388		Nothing -> stop
389		Just syncbranch -> do
390			let ai = ActionItemOther (Just $ Git.Ref.describe syncbranch)
391			let si = SeekInput []
392			starting "merge" ai si $
393				next $ merge currbranch mergeconfig o Git.Branch.ManualCommit syncbranch
394mergeLocal' _ _ currbranch@(Nothing, _) = inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe >>= \case
395	Just branch -> needMerge currbranch branch >>= \case
396		Nothing -> stop
397		Just syncbranch -> do
398			let ai = ActionItemOther (Just $ Git.Ref.describe syncbranch)
399			let si = SeekInput []
400			starting "merge" ai si $ do
401				warning $ "There are no commits yet to branch " ++ Git.fromRef branch ++ ", so cannot merge " ++ Git.fromRef syncbranch ++ " into it."
402				next $ return False
403	Nothing -> stop
405-- Returns the branch that should be merged, if any.
406needMerge :: CurrBranch -> Git.Branch -> Annex (Maybe Git.Branch)
407needMerge currbranch headbranch = ifM (allM id checks)
408	( return (Just syncbranch)
409	, return Nothing
410	)
411  where
412	syncbranch = syncBranch headbranch
413	checks = case currbranch of
414		(Just _, madj) ->
415			let branch' = maybe headbranch (adjBranch . originalToAdjusted headbranch) madj
416			in
417				[ not <$> isBareRepo
418				, inRepo (Git.Ref.exists syncbranch)
419				, inRepo (Git.Branch.changed branch' syncbranch)
420				]
421		(Nothing, _) ->
422			[ not <$> isBareRepo
423			, inRepo (Git.Ref.exists syncbranch)
424			]
426pushLocal :: SyncOptions -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart
427pushLocal o b = stopUnless (notOnlyAnnex o) $ do
428	updateBranches b
429	stop
431updateBranches :: CurrBranch -> Annex ()
432updateBranches (Nothing, _) = noop
433updateBranches (Just branch, madj) = do
434	-- When in an adjusted branch, propigate any changes made to it
435	-- back to the original branch. The adjusted branch may also need
436	-- to be updated, if the adjustment is not stable, and the usual
437	-- configuration does not update it.
438	case madj of
439		Nothing -> noop
440		Just adj -> do
441			let origbranch = branch
442			propigateAdjustedCommits origbranch adj
443			unless (adjustmentIsStable adj) $
444				annexAdjustedBranchRefresh <$> Annex.getGitConfig >>= \case
445					0 -> adjustedBranchRefreshFull adj origbranch
446					_ -> return ()
448	-- Update the sync branch to match the new state of the branch
449	inRepo $ updateBranch (syncBranch branch) branch
451updateBranch :: Git.Branch -> Git.Branch -> Git.Repo -> IO ()
452updateBranch syncbranch updateto g =
453	unlessM go $ giveup $ "failed to update " ++ Git.fromRef syncbranch
454  where
455	go = Git.Command.runBool
456		[ Param "branch"
457		, Param "-f"
458		, Param $ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base syncbranch
459		, Param $ Git.fromRef $ updateto
460		] g
462pullRemote :: SyncOptions -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> Remote -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart
463pullRemote o mergeconfig remote branch = stopUnless (pure $ pullOption o && wantpull) $
464	starting "pull" ai si $ do
465		showOutput
466		ifM (onlyAnnex o)
467			( do
468				void $ fetch $ map Git.fromRef
469					[ Annex.Branch.name
470					, syncBranch $ Annex.Branch.name
471					]
472				next $ return True
473			, ifM (fetch [])
474				( next $ mergeRemote remote branch mergeconfig o
475				, next $ return True
476				)
477			)
478  where
479	fetch bs = do
480		repo <- Remote.getRepo remote
481		ms <- Annex.getState Annex.output
482		inRepoWithSshOptionsTo repo (Remote.gitconfig remote) $
483			Git.Command.runBool $ catMaybes
484				[ Just $ Param "fetch"
485				, if commandProgressDisabled' ms
486					then Just $ Param "--quiet"
487					else Nothing
488				, Just $ Param $ Remote.name remote
489				] ++ map Param bs
490	wantpull = remoteAnnexPull (Remote.gitconfig remote)
491	ai = ActionItemOther (Just (Remote.name remote))
492	si = SeekInput []
494importRemote :: Bool -> SyncOptions -> Remote -> CurrBranch -> CommandSeek
495importRemote importcontent o remote currbranch
496	| not (pullOption o) || not wantpull = noop
497	| otherwise = case remoteAnnexTrackingBranch (Remote.gitconfig remote) of
498		Nothing -> noop
499		Just tb -> do
500			let (b, p) = separate' (== (fromIntegral (ord ':'))) (Git.fromRef' tb)
501			let branch = Git.Ref b
502			let subdir = if S.null p
503				then Nothing
504				else Just (asTopFilePath p)
505			if canImportKeys remote importcontent
506				then do
507					Command.Import.seekRemote remote branch subdir importcontent (CheckGitIgnore True)
508					-- Importing generates a branch
509					-- that is not initially connected
510					-- to the current branch, so allow
511					-- merging unrelated histories when
512					-- mergeing it.
513					mc <- mergeConfig True
514					void $ mergeRemote remote currbranch mc o
515				else warning $ "Cannot import from " ++ Remote.name remote ++ " when not syncing content."
516  where
517	wantpull = remoteAnnexPull (Remote.gitconfig remote)
519{- Handle a remote that is populated by a third party, by listing
520 - the contents of the remote, and then adding only the files on it that
521 - importKey identifies to a tree. The tree is only used to keep track
522 - of where keys are located on the remote, no remote tracking branch is
523 - updated, because the filenames are the names of annex object files,
524 - not suitable for a tracking branch. Does not transfer any content. -}
525pullThirdPartyPopulated :: SyncOptions -> Remote -> CommandSeek
526pullThirdPartyPopulated o remote
527	| not (pullOption o) || not wantpull = noop
528	| not (canImportKeys remote False) = noop
529	| otherwise = void $ includeCommandAction $ starting "list" ai si $
530		Command.Import.listContents' remote ImportTree (CheckGitIgnore False) go
531  where
532	go (Just importable) = importKeys remote ImportTree False True importable >>= \case
533		Just importablekeys -> do
534			(_imported, updatestate) <- recordImportTree remote ImportTree importablekeys
535			next $ do
536				updatestate
537				return True
538		Nothing -> next $ return False
539	go Nothing = next $ return True -- unchanged from before
541	ai = ActionItemOther (Just (Remote.name remote))
542	si = SeekInput []
544	wantpull = remoteAnnexPull (Remote.gitconfig remote)
546{- The remote probably has both a master and a synced/master branch.
547 - Which to merge from? Well, the master has whatever latest changes
548 - were committed (or pushed changes, if this is a bare remote),
549 - while the synced/master may have changes that some
550 - other remote synced to this remote. So, merge them both. -}
551mergeRemote :: Remote -> CurrBranch -> [Git.Merge.MergeConfig] -> SyncOptions -> CommandCleanup
552mergeRemote remote currbranch mergeconfig o = ifM isBareRepo
553	( return True
554	, case currbranch of
555		(Nothing, _) -> do
556			branch <- inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe
557			mergelisted (pure (branchlist branch))
558		(Just branch, _) -> do
559			inRepo $ updateBranch (syncBranch branch) branch
560			mergelisted (tomerge (branchlist (Just branch)))
561	)
562  where
563	mergelisted getlist = and <$>
564		(mapM (merge currbranch mergeconfig o Git.Branch.ManualCommit . remoteBranch remote) =<< getlist)
565	tomerge = filterM (changed remote)
566	branchlist Nothing = []
567	branchlist (Just branch) = [fromAdjustedBranch branch, syncBranch branch]
569pushRemote :: SyncOptions -> Remote -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart
570pushRemote _o _remote (Nothing, _) = stop
571pushRemote o remote (Just branch, _) = do
572	onlyannex <- onlyAnnex o
573	let mainbranch = if onlyannex then Nothing else Just branch
574	stopUnless (pure (pushOption o) <&&> needpush mainbranch) $
575		starting "push" ai si $ next $ do
576			repo <- Remote.getRepo remote
577			showOutput
578			ms <- Annex.getState Annex.output
579			ok <- inRepoWithSshOptionsTo repo gc $
580				pushBranch remote mainbranch ms
581			if ok
582				then postpushupdate repo
583				else do
584					warning $ unwords [ "Pushing to " ++ Remote.name remote ++ " failed." ]
585					return ok
586  where
587	ai = ActionItemOther (Just (Remote.name remote))
588	si = SeekInput []
589	gc = Remote.gitconfig remote
590	needpush mainbranch
591		| remoteAnnexReadOnly gc = return False
592		| not (remoteAnnexPush gc) = return False
593		| otherwise = anyM (newer remote) $ catMaybes
594			[ syncBranch <$> mainbranch
595			, Just (Annex.Branch.name)
596			]
597	-- Older remotes on crippled filesystems may not have a
598	-- post-receive hook set up, so when updateInstead emulation
599	-- is needed, run post-receive manually.
600	postpushupdate repo = case Git.repoWorkTree repo of
601		Nothing -> return True
602		Just wt -> ifM needemulation
603			( gitAnnexChildProcess "post-receive" []
604				(\cp -> cp { cwd = Just (fromRawFilePath wt) })
605				(\_ _ _ pid -> waitForProcess pid >>= return . \case
606					ExitSuccess -> True
607					_ -> False
608				)
609			, return True
610			)
611	  where
612		needemulation = Remote.Git.onLocalRepo repo $
613			(annexCrippledFileSystem <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
614				<&&>
615			needUpdateInsteadEmulation
617{- Pushes a regular branch like master to a remote. Also pushes the git-annex
618 - branch.
619 -
620 - If the remote is a bare git repository, it's best to push the regular
621 - branch directly to it, so that cloning/pulling will get it.
622 - On the other hand, if it's not bare, pushing to the checked out branch
623 - will generally fail (except with receive.denyCurrentBranch=updateInstead),
624 - and this is why we push to its syncBranch.
625 -
626 - Git offers no way to tell if a remote is bare or not, so both methods
627 - are tried.
628 -
629 - The direct push is likely to spew an ugly error message, so its stderr is
630 - often elided. Since git progress display goes to stderr too, the
631 - sync push is done first, and actually sends the data. Then the
632 - direct push is tried, with stderr discarded, to update the branch ref
633 - on the remote.
634 -
635 - The sync push first sends the synced/master branch,
636 - and then forces the update of the remote synced/git-annex branch.
637 -
638 - Since some providers like github may treat the first branch sent
639 - as the default branch, it's better to make that be synced/master than
640 - synced/git-annex. (Although neither is ideal, it's the best that
641 - can be managed given the constraints on order.)
642 -
643 - The forcing is necessary if a transition has rewritten the git-annex branch.
644 - Normally any changes to the git-annex branch get pulled and merged before
645 - this push, so this forcing is unlikely to overwrite new data pushed
646 - in from another repository that is also syncing.
647 -
648 - But overwriting of data on synced/git-annex can happen, in a race.
649 - The only difference caused by using a forced push in that case is that
650 - the last repository to push wins the race, rather than the first to push.
651 -}
652pushBranch :: Remote -> Maybe Git.Branch -> MessageState -> Git.Repo -> IO Bool
653pushBranch remote mbranch ms g = directpush `after` annexpush `after` syncpush
654  where
655	syncpush = flip Git.Command.runBool g $ pushparams $ catMaybes
656		[ (refspec . fromAdjustedBranch) <$> mbranch
657		, Just $ Git.Branch.forcePush $ refspec Annex.Branch.name
658		]
659	annexpush = void $ tryIO $ flip Git.Command.runQuiet g $ pushparams
660		[ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ Annex.Branch.name ]
661	directpush = case mbranch of
662		Nothing -> noop
663		-- Git prints out an error message when this fails.
664		-- In the default configuration of receive.denyCurrentBranch,
665		-- the error message mentions that config setting
666		-- (and should even if it is localized), and is quite long,
667		-- and the user was not intending to update the checked out
668		-- branch, so in that case, avoid displaying the error
669		-- message. Do display other error messages though,
670		-- including the error displayed when
671		-- receive.denyCurrentBranch=updateInstead -- the user
672		-- will want to see that one.
673		Just branch -> do
674			let p = flip Git.Command.gitCreateProcess g $ pushparams
675				[ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ fromAdjustedBranch branch ]
676			(transcript, ok) <- processTranscript' p Nothing
677			when (not ok && not ("denyCurrentBranch" `isInfixOf` transcript)) $
678				hPutStr stderr transcript
679	pushparams branches = catMaybes
680		[ Just $ Param "push"
681		, if commandProgressDisabled' ms
682			then Just $ Param "--quiet"
683			else Nothing
684		, Just $ Param $ Remote.name remote
685		] ++ map Param branches
686	refspec b = concat
687		[ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base b
688		,  ":"
689		, Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ syncBranch b
690		]
692commitAnnex :: CommandStart
693commitAnnex = do
694	Annex.Branch.commit =<< Annex.Branch.commitMessage
695	stop
697mergeAnnex :: CommandStart
698mergeAnnex = do
699	void Annex.Branch.forceUpdate
700	stop
702changed :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex Bool
703changed remote b = do
704	let r = remoteBranch remote b
705	ifM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists r)
706		( inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed b r
707		, return False
708		)
710newer :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex Bool
711newer remote b = do
712	let r = remoteBranch remote b
713	ifM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists r)
714		( inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed r b
715		, return True
716		)
718{- Without --all, only looks at files in the work tree.
719 - (Or, when in an ajusted branch where some files are hidden, at files in
720 - the original branch.)
721 -
722 - With --all, when preferred content expressions look at filenames,
723 - makes a first pass over the files in the work tree so those preferred
724 - content expressions will match. The second pass is over all keys,
725 - and only preferred content expressions that don't look at filenames
726 - will match.
727 -
728 - Returns true if any file transfers were made.
729 -
730 - When concurrency is enabled, files are processed concurrently.
731 -}
732seekSyncContent :: SyncOptions -> [Remote] -> CurrBranch -> Annex Bool
733seekSyncContent _ [] _ = return False
734seekSyncContent o rs currbranch = do
735	mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
736	bloom <- case keyOptions o of
737		Just WantAllKeys -> ifM preferredcontentmatchesfilenames
738			( Just <$> genBloomFilter (seekworktree mvar (WorkTreeItems []))
739			, pure Nothing
740			)
741		_ -> case currbranch of
742                	(Just origbranch, Just adj) | adjustmentHidesFiles adj -> do
743				l <- workTreeItems' (AllowHidden True) ww (contentOfOption o)
744				seekincludinghidden origbranch mvar l (const noop)
745				pure Nothing
746			_ -> do
747				l <- workTreeItems ww (contentOfOption o)
748				seekworktree mvar l (const noop)
749				pure Nothing
750	waitForAllRunningCommandActions
751	withKeyOptions' (keyOptions o) False
752		(return (const (commandAction . gokey mvar bloom)))
753		(const noop)
754		(WorkTreeItems [])
755	waitForAllRunningCommandActions
756	liftIO $ not <$> isEmptyMVar mvar
757  where
758	seekworktree mvar l bloomfeeder = do
759		let seeker = AnnexedFileSeeker
760			{ startAction = gofile bloomfeeder mvar
761			, checkContentPresent = Nothing
762			, usesLocationLog = True
763			}
764		seekFilteredKeys seeker $
765			seekHelper fst3 ww LsFiles.inRepoDetails l
767	seekincludinghidden origbranch mvar l bloomfeeder =
768		seekFiltered (const (pure True)) (\(si, f) -> ifAnnexed f (commandAction . gofile bloomfeeder mvar si f) noop) $
769			seekHelper id ww (LsFiles.inRepoOrBranch origbranch) l
771	ww = WarnUnmatchLsFiles
773	gofile bloom mvar _ f k =
774		go (Right bloom) mvar (AssociatedFile (Just f)) k
776	gokey mvar bloom (_, k, _) =
777		go (Left bloom) mvar (AssociatedFile Nothing) k
779	go ebloom mvar af k = do
780		let ai = OnlyActionOn k (ActionItemKey k)
781		startingNoMessage ai $ do
782			whenM (syncFile ebloom rs af k) $
783				void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar mvar ()
784			next $ return True
786	preferredcontentmatchesfilenames =
787		preferredcontentmatchesfilenames' Nothing
788		<||> anyM (preferredcontentmatchesfilenames' . Just . Remote.uuid) rs
789	preferredcontentmatchesfilenames' =
790		introspectPreferredRequiredContent matchNeedsFileName
792{- If it's preferred content, and we don't have it, get it from one of the
793 - listed remotes (preferring the cheaper earlier ones).
794 -
795 - Send it to each remote that doesn't have it, and for which it's
796 - preferred content.
797 -
798 - Drop it locally if it's not preferred content (honoring numcopies).
799 -
800 - Drop it from each remote that has it, where it's not preferred content
801 - (honoring numcopies).
802 -
803 - Returns True if any file transfers were made.
804 -}
805syncFile :: Either (Maybe (Bloom Key)) (Key -> Annex ()) -> [Remote] -> AssociatedFile -> Key -> Annex Bool
806syncFile ebloom rs af k = do
807	inhere <- inAnnex k
808	locs <- map Remote.uuid <$> Remote.keyPossibilities k
809	let (have, lack) = partition (\r -> Remote.uuid r `elem` locs) rs
811	got <- anyM id =<< handleget have inhere
812	putrs <- handleput lack
814	u <- getUUID
815	let locs' = concat [if inhere || got then [u] else [], putrs, locs]
817	-- To handle --all, a bloom filter is populated with all the keys
818	-- of files in the working tree in the first pass. On the second
819	-- pass, avoid dropping keys that were seen in the first pass, which
820	-- would happen otherwise when preferred content matches on the
821	-- filename, which is not available in the second pass.
822	-- (When the preferred content expressions do not match on
823	-- filenames, the first pass is skipped for speed.)
824	--
825	-- When there's a false positive in the bloom filter, the result
826	-- is keeping a key that preferred content doesn't really want.
827	seenbloom <- case ebloom of
828		Left Nothing -> pure False
829		Left (Just bloom) -> pure (elemB k bloom)
830		Right bloomfeeder -> bloomfeeder k >> return False
831	unless seenbloom $
832		-- Using callCommandAction rather than
833		-- includeCommandAction for drops,
834		-- because a failure to drop does not mean
835		-- the sync failed.
836		handleDropsFrom locs' rs "unwanted" True k af si []
837			callCommandAction
839	return (got || not (null putrs))
840  where
841	wantget have inhere = allM id
842		[ pure (not $ null have)
843		, pure (not inhere)
844		, wantGet True (Just k) af
845		]
846	handleget have inhere = ifM (wantget have inhere)
847		( return [ get have ]
848		, return []
849		)
850	get have = includeCommandAction $ starting "get" ai si $
851		stopUnless (getKey' k af have) $
852			next $ return True
854	wantput r
855		| Remote.readonly r || remoteAnnexReadOnly (Remote.gitconfig r) = return False
856		| isThirdPartyPopulated r = return False
857		| otherwise = wantSend True (Just k) af (Remote.uuid r)
858	handleput lack = catMaybes <$> ifM (inAnnex k)
859		( forM lack $ \r ->
860			ifM (wantput r <&&> put r)
861				( return (Just (Remote.uuid r))
862				, return Nothing
863				)
864		, return []
865		)
866	put dest = includeCommandAction $
867		Command.Move.toStart' dest Command.Move.RemoveNever af k ai si
869	ai = mkActionItem (k, af)
870	si = SeekInput []
872{- When a remote has an annex-tracking-branch configuration, change the export
873 - to contain the current content of the branch. Otherwise, transfer any files
874 - that were part of an export but are not in the remote yet.
875 -
876 - Returns True if any file transfers were made.
877 -}
878seekExportContent :: Maybe SyncOptions -> [Remote] -> CurrBranch -> Annex Bool
879seekExportContent o rs (currbranch, _) = or <$> forM rs go
880  where
881	go r
882		| not (maybe True pullOption o) = return False
883		| not (remoteAnnexPush (Remote.gitconfig r)) = return False
884		| otherwise = bracket
885			(Export.openDb (Remote.uuid r))
886			Export.closeDb
887			(\db -> Export.writeLockDbWhile db (go' r db))
888	go' r db = case remoteAnnexTrackingBranch (Remote.gitconfig r) of
889		Nothing -> nontracking r db
890		Just b -> do
891			mtree <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.tree b
892			mtbcommitsha <- Command.Export.getExportCommit r b
893			case (mtree, mtbcommitsha) of
894				(Just tree, Just _) -> do
895					filteredtree <- Command.Export.filterExport r tree
896					Command.Export.changeExport r db filteredtree
897					Command.Export.fillExport r db filteredtree mtbcommitsha
898				_ -> nontracking r db
900	nontracking r db = do
901		exported <- getExport (Remote.uuid r)
902		maybe noop (warnnontracking r exported) currbranch
903		nontrackingfillexport r db (exportedTreeishes exported) Nothing
905	warnnontracking r exported currb = inRepo (Git.Ref.tree currb) >>= \case
906		Just currt | not (any (== currt) (exportedTreeishes exported)) ->
907			showLongNote $ unwords
908				[ "Not updating export to " ++ Remote.name r
909				, "to reflect changes to the tree, because export"
910				, "tracking is not enabled. "
911				, "(Set " ++ gitconfig ++ " to enable it.)"
912				]
913		_ -> noop
914	  where
915		gitconfig = show (remoteAnnexConfig r "tracking-branch")
917	nontrackingfillexport _ _ [] _ = return False
918	nontrackingfillexport r db (tree:[]) mtbcommitsha = do
919		-- The tree was already filtered when it was exported, so
920		-- does not need be be filtered again now, when we're only
921		-- filling in any files that did not get transferred.
922		let filteredtree = Command.Export.ExportFiltered tree
923		Command.Export.fillExport r db filteredtree mtbcommitsha
924	nontrackingfillexport r _ _ _ = do
925		warnExportImportConflict r
926		return False
928cleanupLocal :: CurrBranch -> CommandStart
929cleanupLocal (Nothing, _) = stop
930cleanupLocal (Just currb, _) = starting "cleanup" ai si $ next $ do
931	delbranch $ syncBranch currb
932	delbranch $ syncBranch $ Git.Ref.base $ Annex.Branch.name
933	mapM_ (\(s,r) -> inRepo $ Git.Ref.delete s r) =<< listTaggedBranches
934	return True
935  where
936	delbranch b = whenM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists $ Git.Ref.branchRef b) $
937		inRepo $ Git.Branch.delete b
938	ai = ActionItemOther (Just "local")
939	si = SeekInput []
941cleanupRemote :: Remote -> CurrBranch -> CommandStart
942cleanupRemote _ (Nothing, _) = stop
943cleanupRemote remote (Just b, _) =
944	starting "cleanup" ai si $
945		next $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool
946			[ Param "push"
947			, Param "--quiet"
948			, Param "--delete"
949			, Param $ Remote.name remote
950			, Param $ Git.fromRef $ syncBranch b
951			, Param $ Git.fromRef $ syncBranch $
952				Git.Ref.base $ Annex.Branch.name
953			]
954  where
955	ai = ActionItemOther (Just (Remote.name remote))
956	si = SeekInput []
958shouldSyncContent :: SyncOptions -> Annex Bool
959shouldSyncContent o
960	| noContentOption o = pure False
961	| contentOption o || not (null (contentOfOption o)) = pure True
962	| otherwise = getGitConfigVal annexSyncContent <||> onlyAnnex o
964notOnlyAnnex :: SyncOptions -> Annex Bool
965notOnlyAnnex o = not <$> onlyAnnex o
967onlyAnnex :: SyncOptions -> Annex Bool
968onlyAnnex o
969	| notOnlyAnnexOption o = pure False
970	| onlyAnnexOption o = pure True
971	| otherwise = getGitConfigVal annexSyncOnlyAnnex
973isExport :: Remote -> Bool
974isExport = exportTree . Remote.config
976isImport :: Remote -> Bool
977isImport = importTree . Remote.config
979isThirdPartyPopulated :: Remote -> Bool
980isThirdPartyPopulated = Remote.thirdPartyPopulated . Remote.remotetype