1{- WebDAV remotes.
2 -
3 - Copyright 2012-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
4 -
5 - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
6 -}
8{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
12module Remote.WebDAV (remote, davCreds, configUrl) where
14import Network.Protocol.HTTP.DAV
15import qualified Data.Map as M
16import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
17import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B8
18import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L8
19import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException(..), RequestBody)
20import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
21import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpExceptionContent(..), responseStatus)
22import Network.HTTP.Types
23import System.IO.Error
24import Control.Monad.Catch
25import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
26import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (check)
28import Annex.Common
29import Types.Remote
30import Types.Export
31import qualified Git
32import qualified Annex
33import Config
34import Config.Cost
35import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config
36import Remote.Helper.Special
37import Remote.Helper.Http
38import Remote.Helper.ExportImport
39import qualified Remote.Helper.Chunked.Legacy as Legacy
40import Creds
41import Utility.Metered
42import Utility.Url (URLString, matchStatusCodeException, matchHttpExceptionContent)
43import Utility.Hash (IncrementalVerifier(..))
44import Annex.UUID
45import Remote.WebDAV.DavLocation
46import Types.ProposedAccepted
48remote :: RemoteType
49remote = specialRemoteType $ RemoteType
50	{ typename = "webdav"
51	, enumerate = const (findSpecialRemotes "webdav")
52	, generate = gen
53	, configParser = mkRemoteConfigParser
54		[ optionalStringParser urlField
55			(FieldDesc "(required) url to the WebDAV directory")
56		, optionalStringParser davcredsField HiddenField
57		]
58	, setup = webdavSetup
59	, exportSupported = exportIsSupported
60	, importSupported = importUnsupported
61	, thirdPartyPopulated = False
62	}
64urlField :: RemoteConfigField
65urlField = Accepted "url"
67davcredsField :: RemoteConfigField
68davcredsField = Accepted "davcreds"
70gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> RemoteStateHandle -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
71gen r u rc gc rs = do
72	c <- parsedRemoteConfig remote rc
73	new
74		<$> pure c
75		<*> remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
76		<*> mkDavHandleVar c gc u
77  where
78	new c cst hdl = Just $ specialRemote c
79		(store hdl chunkconfig)
80		(retrieve hdl chunkconfig)
81		(remove hdl)
82		(checkKey hdl chunkconfig)
83		this
84	  where
85		this = Remote
86			{ uuid = u
87			, cost = cst
88			, name = Git.repoDescribe r
89			, storeKey = storeKeyDummy
90			, retrieveKeyFile = retrieveKeyFileDummy
91			, retrieveKeyFileCheap = Nothing
92			-- HttpManagerRestricted is used here, so this is
93			-- secure.
94			, retrievalSecurityPolicy = RetrievalAllKeysSecure
95			, removeKey = removeKeyDummy
96			, lockContent = Nothing
97			, checkPresent = checkPresentDummy
98			, checkPresentCheap = False
99			, exportActions = ExportActions
100				{ storeExport = storeExportDav hdl
101				, retrieveExport = retrieveExportDav hdl
102				, checkPresentExport = checkPresentExportDav hdl this
103				, removeExport = removeExportDav hdl
104				, versionedExport = False
105				, removeExportDirectory = Just $
106					removeExportDirectoryDav hdl
107				, renameExport = renameExportDav hdl
108				}
109			, importActions = importUnsupported
110			, whereisKey = Nothing
111			, remoteFsck = Nothing
112			, repairRepo = Nothing
113			, config = c
114			, getRepo = return r
115			, gitconfig = gc
116			, localpath = Nothing
117			, readonly = False
118			, appendonly = False
119			, untrustworthy = False
120			, availability = GloballyAvailable
121			, remotetype = remote
122			, mkUnavailable = gen r u (M.insert urlField (Proposed "http://!dne!/") rc) gc rs
123			, getInfo = includeCredsInfo c (davCreds u) $
124				[("url", fromMaybe "unknown" $ getRemoteConfigValue urlField c)]
125			, claimUrl = Nothing
126			, checkUrl = Nothing
127			, remoteStateHandle = rs
128			}
129		chunkconfig = getChunkConfig c
131webdavSetup :: SetupStage -> Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
132webdavSetup ss mu mcreds c gc = do
133	u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
134	url <- maybe (giveup "Specify url=")
135		(return . fromProposedAccepted)
136		(M.lookup urlField c)
137	(c', encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c gc
138	pc <- either giveup return . parseRemoteConfig c' =<< configParser remote c'
139	creds <- maybe (getCreds pc gc u) (return . Just) mcreds
140	testDav url creds
141	gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' [("webdav", "true")]
142	c'' <- setRemoteCredPair ss encsetup pc gc (davCreds u) creds
143	return (c'', u)
145store :: DavHandleVar -> ChunkConfig -> Storer
146store hv (LegacyChunks chunksize) = fileStorer $ \k f p ->
147	withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> do
148		annexrunner <- Annex.makeRunner
149		liftIO $ withMeteredFile f p $ storeLegacyChunked annexrunner chunksize k dav
150store hv _ = httpStorer $ \k reqbody ->
151	withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> liftIO $ goDAV dav $ do
152		let tmp = keyTmpLocation k
153		let dest = keyLocation k
154		storeHelper dav tmp dest reqbody
156storeHelper :: DavHandle -> DavLocation -> DavLocation -> RequestBody -> DAVT IO ()
157storeHelper dav tmp dest reqbody = do
158	maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent tmp)
159	debugDav $ "putContent " ++ tmp
160	inLocation tmp $
161		putContentM' (contentType, reqbody)
162	finalizeStore dav tmp dest
164finalizeStore :: DavHandle -> DavLocation -> DavLocation -> DAVT IO ()
165finalizeStore dav tmp dest = do
166	debugDav $ "delContent " ++ dest
167	inLocation dest $ void $ safely $ delContentM
168	maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent dest)
169	moveDAV (baseURL dav) tmp dest
171retrieve :: DavHandleVar -> ChunkConfig -> Retriever
172retrieve hv cc = fileRetriever' $ \d k p iv ->
173	withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> case cc of
174		LegacyChunks _ -> do
175			-- Not doing incremental verification for chunks.
176			liftIO $ maybe noop unableIncremental iv
177			retrieveLegacyChunked (fromRawFilePath d) k p dav
178		_ -> liftIO $ goDAV dav $
179			retrieveHelper (keyLocation k) (fromRawFilePath d) p iv
181retrieveHelper :: DavLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Maybe IncrementalVerifier -> DAVT IO ()
182retrieveHelper loc d p iv = do
183	debugDav $ "retrieve " ++ loc
184	inLocation loc $
185		withContentM $ httpBodyRetriever d p iv
187remove :: DavHandleVar -> Remover
188remove hv k = withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> liftIO $ goDAV dav $
189	-- Delete the key's whole directory, including any
190	-- legacy chunked files, etc, in a single action.
191	removeHelper (keyDir k)
193removeHelper :: DavLocation -> DAVT IO ()
194removeHelper d = do
195	debugDav $ "delContent " ++ d
196	v <- safely $ inLocation d delContentM
197	case v of
198		Just _ -> return ()
199		Nothing -> do
200			v' <- existsDAV d
201			case v' of
202				Right False -> return ()
203				_ -> giveup "failed to remove content from remote"
205checkKey :: DavHandleVar -> ChunkConfig -> CheckPresent
206checkKey hv chunkconfig k = withDavHandle hv $ \dav ->
207	case chunkconfig of
208		LegacyChunks _ -> checkKeyLegacyChunked dav k
209		_ -> do
210			v <- liftIO $ goDAV dav $
211				existsDAV (keyLocation k)
212			either giveup return v
214storeExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
215storeExportDav hdl f k loc p = case exportLocation loc of
216	Right dest -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \dav -> do
217		reqbody <- liftIO $ httpBodyStorer f p
218		storeHelper dav (exportTmpLocation loc k) dest reqbody
219	Left err -> giveup err
221retrieveExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex ()
222retrieveExportDav hdl  _k loc d p = case exportLocation loc of
223	Right src -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \_dav ->
224		retrieveHelper src d p Nothing
225	Left err -> giveup err
227checkPresentExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> Remote -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool
228checkPresentExportDav hdl _ _k loc = case exportLocation loc of
229	Right p -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> liftIO $ do
230		v <- goDAV h $ existsDAV p
231		either giveup return v
232	Left err -> giveup err
234removeExportDav :: DavHandleVar-> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex ()
235removeExportDav hdl _k loc = case exportLocation loc of
236	Right p -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \_dav ->
237		removeHelper p
238	-- When the exportLocation is not legal for webdav,
239	-- the content is certianly not stored there, so it's ok for
240	-- removal to succeed. This allows recovery after failure to store
241	-- content there, as the user can rename the problem file and
242	-- this will be called to make sure it's gone.
243	Left _err -> return ()
245removeExportDirectoryDav :: DavHandleVar -> ExportDirectory -> Annex ()
246removeExportDirectoryDav hdl dir = withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \_dav -> do
247	let d = fromRawFilePath $ fromExportDirectory dir
248	debugDav $ "delContent " ++ d
249	inLocation d delContentM
251renameExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex (Maybe ())
252renameExportDav hdl _k src dest = case (exportLocation src, exportLocation dest) of
253	(Right srcl, Right destl) -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> do
254		-- Several webdav servers have buggy handing of renames,
255		-- and fail to rename in some circumstances.
256		-- Since after a failure it's not clear where the file ended
257		-- up, recover by deleting both the source and destination.
258		-- The file will later be re-uploaded to the destination,
259		-- so this deletion is ok.
260		let go = runExport h $ \dav -> do
261			maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent destl)
262			moveDAV (baseURL dav) srcl destl
263			return (Just ())
264		let recover = do
265			void $ runExport h $ \_dav -> safely $
266				inLocation srcl delContentM
267			void $ runExport h $ \_dav -> safely $
268				inLocation destl delContentM
269			return Nothing
270		catchNonAsync go (const recover)
271	(Left err, _) -> giveup err
272	(_, Left err) -> giveup err
274runExport :: DavHandle -> (DavHandle -> DAVT IO a) -> Annex a
275runExport h a = liftIO (goDAV h (a h))
277configUrl :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> Maybe URLString
278configUrl c = fixup <$> getRemoteConfigValue urlField c
279  where
280	-- box.com DAV url changed
281	fixup = replace "https://www.box.com/dav/" boxComUrl
283boxComUrl :: URLString
284boxComUrl = "https://dav.box.com/dav/"
286type DavUser = B8.ByteString
287type DavPass = B8.ByteString
289baseURL :: DavHandle -> URLString
290baseURL (DavHandle _ _ _ u) = u
293toDavUser :: String -> DavUser
294toDavUser = B8.fromString
296toDavPass :: String -> DavPass
297toDavPass = B8.fromString
299{- Test if a WebDAV store is usable, by writing to a test file, and then
300 - deleting the file.
301 -
302 - Also ensures that the path of the url exists, trying to create it if not.
303 -
304 - Throws an error if store is not usable.
305 -}
306testDav :: URLString -> Maybe CredPair -> Annex ()
307testDav url (Just (u, p)) = do
308	showAction "testing WebDAV server"
309	test $ liftIO $ evalDAVT url $ do
310		prepDAV user pass
311		makeParentDirs
312		inLocation (tmpLocation "test") $ do
313			putContentM (Nothing, L8.fromString "test")
314			delContentM
315  where
316	test a = liftIO $
317		either (\e -> throwIO $ "WebDAV test failed: " ++ show e)
318			(const noop)
319			=<< tryNonAsync a
321	user = toDavUser u
322	pass = toDavPass p
323testDav _ Nothing = error "Need to configure webdav username and password."
325{- Tries to make all the parent directories in the WebDAV urls's path,
326 - right down to the root.
327 -
328 - Ignores any failures, which can occur for reasons including the WebDAV
329 - server only serving up WebDAV in a subdirectory. -}
330makeParentDirs :: DAVT IO ()
331makeParentDirs = go
332  where
333	go = do
334		l <- getDAVLocation
335		case locationParent l of
336			Nothing -> noop
337			Just p -> void $ safely $ inDAVLocation (const p) go
338		void $ safely mkCol
340{- Checks if the directory exists. If not, tries to create its
341 - parent directories, all the way down to the root, and finally creates
342 - it. -}
343mkColRecursive :: DavLocation -> DAVT IO Bool
344mkColRecursive d = go =<< existsDAV d
345  where
346	go (Right True) = return True
347	go _ = do
348		debugDav $ "mkCol " ++ d
349		ifM (inLocation d mkCol)
350			( return True
351			, do
352				case locationParent d of
353					Nothing -> makeParentDirs
354					Just parent -> void (mkColRecursive parent)
355				inLocation d mkCol
356			)
358getCreds :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> UUID -> Annex (Maybe CredPair)
359getCreds c gc u = getRemoteCredPairFor "webdav" c gc (davCreds u)
361davCreds :: UUID -> CredPairStorage
362davCreds u = CredPairStorage
363	{ credPairFile = fromUUID u
364	, credPairEnvironment = ("WEBDAV_USERNAME", "WEBDAV_PASSWORD")
365	, credPairRemoteField = davcredsField
366	}
368{- Content-Type to use for files uploaded to WebDAV. -}
369contentType :: Maybe B8.ByteString
370contentType = Just $ B8.fromString "application/octet-stream"
372throwIO :: String -> IO a
373throwIO msg = ioError $ mkIOError userErrorType msg Nothing Nothing
375moveDAV :: URLString -> DavLocation -> DavLocation -> DAVT IO ()
376moveDAV baseurl src dest = do
377	debugDav $ "moveContent " ++ src ++ " " ++ newurl
378	inLocation src $ moveContentM (B8.fromString newurl)
379  where
380	newurl = locationUrl baseurl dest
382existsDAV :: DavLocation -> DAVT IO (Either String Bool)
383existsDAV l = do
384	debugDav $ "getProps " ++ l
385	inLocation l check `catchNonAsync` (\e -> return (Left $ show e))
386  where
387	check = do
388		-- Some DAV services only support depth of 1, and
389		-- more depth is certainly not needed to check if a
390		-- location exists.
391		setDepth (Just Depth1)
392		catchJust missinghttpstatus
393			(getPropsM >> ispresent True)
394			(const $ ispresent False)
395	ispresent = return . Right
396	missinghttpstatus e =
397		matchStatusCodeException (== notFound404) e
398		<|> matchHttpExceptionContent toomanyredirects e
399	toomanyredirects (TooManyRedirects _) = True
400	toomanyredirects _ = False
402safely :: DAVT IO a -> DAVT IO (Maybe a)
403safely = eitherToMaybe <$$> tryNonAsync
405choke :: IO (Either String a) -> IO a
406choke f = do
407	x <- f
408	case x of
409		Left e -> error e
410		Right r -> return r
412data DavHandle = DavHandle DAVContext DavUser DavPass URLString
414type DavHandleVar = TVar (Either (Annex (Either String DavHandle)) (Either String DavHandle))
416{- Prepares a DavHandle for later use. Does not connect to the server or do
417 - anything else expensive. -}
418mkDavHandleVar :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> UUID -> Annex DavHandleVar
419mkDavHandleVar c gc u = liftIO $ newTVarIO $ Left $ do
420	mcreds <- getCreds c gc u
421	case (mcreds, configUrl c) of
422		(Just (user, pass), Just baseurl) -> do
423			ctx <- mkDAVContext baseurl
424			let h = DavHandle ctx (toDavUser user) (toDavPass pass) baseurl
425			return (Right h)
426		_ -> return $ Left "webdav credentials not available"
428withDavHandle :: DavHandleVar -> (DavHandle -> Annex a) -> Annex a
429withDavHandle hv a = liftIO (readTVarIO hv) >>= \case
430	Right hdl -> either giveup a hdl
431	Left mkhdl -> do
432		hdl <- mkhdl
433		liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar hv (Right hdl)
434		either giveup a hdl
436goDAV :: DavHandle -> DAVT IO a -> IO a
437goDAV (DavHandle ctx user pass _) a = choke $ run $ prettifyExceptions $ do
438	prepDAV user pass
439	a
440  where
441	run = fst <$$> runDAVContext ctx
443{- Catch StatusCodeException and trim it to only the statusMessage part,
444 - eliminating a lot of noise, which can include the whole request that
445 - failed. The rethrown exception is no longer a StatusCodeException. -}
446prettifyExceptions :: DAVT IO a -> DAVT IO a
447prettifyExceptions a = catchJust (matchStatusCodeException (const True)) a go
448  where
449	go (HttpExceptionRequest req (StatusCodeException response message)) = giveup $ unwords
450		[ "DAV failure:"
451		, show (responseStatus response)
452		, show (message)
453		, "HTTP request:"
454		, show (HTTP.method req)
455		, show (HTTP.path req)
456		]
457	go e = throwM e
459prepDAV :: DavUser -> DavPass -> DAVT IO ()
460prepDAV user pass = do
461	setResponseTimeout Nothing -- disable default (5 second!) timeout
462	setCreds user pass
465-- Legacy chunking code, to be removed eventually.
468storeLegacyChunked :: (Annex () -> IO ()) -> ChunkSize -> Key -> DavHandle -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
469storeLegacyChunked annexrunner chunksize k dav b =
470	Legacy.storeChunks k tmp dest storer recorder finalizer
471  where
472	storehttp l b' = void $ goDAV dav $ do
473		maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent l)
474		debugDav $ "putContent " ++ l
475		inLocation l $ putContentM (contentType, b')
476	storer locs = Legacy.storeChunked annexrunner chunksize locs storehttp b
477	recorder l s = storehttp l (L8.fromString s)
478	finalizer tmp' dest' = goDAV dav $
479		finalizeStore dav tmp' (fromJust $ locationParent dest')
481	tmp = addTrailingPathSeparator $ keyTmpLocation k
482	dest = keyLocation k
484retrieveLegacyChunked :: FilePath -> Key -> MeterUpdate -> DavHandle -> Annex ()
485retrieveLegacyChunked d k p dav = liftIO $
486	withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr $ \locs ->
487		Legacy.meteredWriteFileChunks p d locs $ \l ->
488			goDAV dav $ do
489				debugDav $ "getContent " ++ l
490				inLocation l $
491					snd <$> getContentM
492  where
493	onerr = error "download failed"
495checkKeyLegacyChunked :: DavHandle -> CheckPresent
496checkKeyLegacyChunked dav k = liftIO $
497	either error id <$> withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr check
498  where
499	check [] = return $ Right True
500	check (l:ls) = do
501		v <- goDAV dav $ existsDAV l
502		if v == Right True
503			then check ls
504			else return v
506	{- Failed to read the chunkcount file; see if it's missing,
507	 - or if there's a problem accessing it,
508	- or perhaps this was an intermittent error. -}
509	onerr f = do
510		v <- goDAV dav $ existsDAV f
511		return $ if v == Right True
512			then Left $ "failed to read " ++ f
513			else v
516	:: Key
517	-> DavHandle
518	-> (DavLocation -> IO a)
519	-> ([DavLocation] -> IO a)
520	-> IO a
521withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr a = do
522	let chunkcount = keyloc ++ Legacy.chunkCount
523	v <- goDAV dav $ safely $ do
524		debugDav $ "getContent " ++ chunkcount
525		inLocation chunkcount $
526			snd <$> getContentM
527	case v of
528		Just s -> a $ Legacy.listChunks keyloc $ L8.toString s
529		Nothing -> do
530			chunks <- Legacy.probeChunks keyloc $ \f ->
531				(== Right True) <$> goDAV dav (existsDAV f)
532			if null chunks
533				then onerr chunkcount
534				else a chunks
535  where
536	keyloc = keyLocation k
538debugDav :: MonadIO m => String -> DAVT m ()
539debugDav msg = liftIO $ debug "Remote.WebDAV" msg